1 |
578 |
markom |
# This file is a Tcl script to test out [incr Widgets] Combobox class.
2 |
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests with the following
3 |
# notation for test case labels:
4 |
5 |
# 1.x - Construction/Destruction tests
6 |
# 2.x - Configuration option tests
7 |
# 3.x - Method tests
8 |
9 |
# Copyright (c) 1995 John S. Sigler
10 |
11 |
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
12 |
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13 |
14 |
package require Iwidgets 3.0
15 |
16 |
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} {
17 |
source defs
18 |
19 |
20 |
wm geometry . {}
21 |
raise .
22 |
23 |
set c 1
24 |
set o 1
25 |
set m 1
26 |
27 |
28 |
# Initial construction test
29 |
30 |
test Combobox-1.$c {Combobox construction} {
31 |
iwidgets::Combobox .cb
32 |
pack .cb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x -expand yes
33 |
image create bitmap flagup -file $tk_library/demos/images/flagup.bmp
34 |
35 |
} {}
36 |
37 |
incr c
38 |
39 |
40 |
# Option tests which are successful.
41 |
42 |
test Combobox-2.$o {configuration option} {
43 |
llength [.cb configure]
44 |
} {50}
45 |
46 |
incr o
47 |
48 |
foreach test {
49 |
{-listheight 150 150}
50 |
{-width 20 20}
51 |
{-textvariable option option}
52 |
{-labeltext Combobox: Combobox:}
53 |
{-labelpos nw nw}
54 |
{-labelpos n n}
55 |
{-labelpos ne ne}
56 |
{-labelpos w w}
57 |
{-labelimage flagup flagup}
58 |
{-labelpos nw nw}
59 |
{-labelpos n n}
60 |
{-labelpos ne ne}
61 |
{-labelpos w w}
62 |
{-labelimage {} {}}
63 |
{-borderwidth 10 10}
64 |
{-borderwidth 2 2}
65 |
{-background steelblue steelblue}
66 |
{-foreground white white}
67 |
{-background grey85 grey85}
68 |
{-foreground Black Black}
69 |
{-textvariable {} {}}
70 |
{-state disabled disabled}
71 |
{-state normal normal}
72 |
{-textvariable option option}
73 |
{-arrowrelief groove groove}
74 |
{-arrowrelief flat flat}
75 |
{-arrowrelief raised raised}
76 |
{-selectioncommand {doit} {@scope :: doit}}
77 |
{-selectioncommand {} {}}
78 |
{-cursor {} {}}
79 |
{-grab global global}
80 |
{-grab local local}
81 |
{-textvariable {} {} }
82 |
{-dropdown false false}
83 |
{-dropdown true true}
84 |
{-textvariable option option}
85 |
{-editable true true}
86 |
{-editable false false}
87 |
{-relief raised raised}
88 |
{-relief groove groove}
89 |
{-relief flat flat}
90 |
{-relief sunken sunken}
91 |
{-exportselection 1 1}
92 |
{-exportselection 0 0}
93 |
{-invalid {catch {blt_bell}} {catch {blt_bell}} }
94 |
{-labelmargin 2 2}
95 |
{-labelfont -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-* \
96 |
97 |
{-margin 5 5}
98 |
{-popupcursor hand1 hand1}
99 |
{-popupcursor hand2 hand2}
100 |
{-selectbackground \#b2dfee \#b2dfee}
101 |
{-selectbackground steelblue steelblue}
102 |
{-selectborderwidth 1 1}
103 |
{-selectforeground Black Black}
104 |
{-textbackground white white}
105 |
{-textfont 10x20 10x20}
106 |
{-textfont -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-* \
107 |
108 |
{-textvariable {} {} }
109 |
{-unique true true}
110 |
{-validate alpha alpha}
111 |
{-validate {} {}}
112 |
{-dropdown false false}
113 |
{-hscrollmode dynamic static}
114 |
{-hscrollmode dynamic dynamic}
115 |
{-vscrollmode dynamic static}
116 |
{-grab global global}
117 |
{-vscrollmode dynamic dynamic}
118 |
{-dropdown true true}} {
119 |
set option [lindex $test 0]
120 |
test Combobox-2.$o "configuration options, $option" {
121 |
.cb configure $option [lindex $test 2]
122 |
lindex [.cb configure $option] 4
123 |
} [lindex $test 2]
124 |
125 |
incr o
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
# Option tests which fail and produce errors.
130 |
131 |
foreach test {
132 |
{-borderwidth bogus {bad screen distance "bogus"}}
133 |
{-completion bogus {bad completion option "bogus": should be boolean}}
134 |
{-cursor bogus {bad cursor spec "bogus"}}
135 |
{-dropdown bogus {bad dropdown option "bogus": should be boolean}}
136 |
{-editable bogus {bad editable option "bogus": should be boolean}}
137 |
{-exportselection bogus {expected boolean value but got "bogus"}}
138 |
{-grab bogus {bad grab value "bogus": must be global or local}}
139 |
{-listheight bogus {bad screen distance "bogus"}}
140 |
{-hscrollmode bogus {bad hscrollmode option "bogus": should be static, dynamic, or none}}
141 |
{-margin bogus {bad screen distance "bogus"}}
142 |
{-popupcursor bogus {bad cursor spec "bogus"}}
143 |
{-selectborderwidth bogus {bad screen distance "bogus"}}
144 |
{-state bogus {bad state value "bogus": must be normal or disabled}}
145 |
{-unique bogus {bad unique value "bogus": should be boolean}}
146 |
{-vscrollmode bogus {bad vscrollmode option "bogus": should be static, dynamic, or none}}
147 |
{-width bogus {expected integer but got "bogus"}} } {
148 |
set option [lindex $test 0]
149 |
test Combobox-2.$o "configuration options, $option" {
150 |
list [catch {.cb configure $option [lindex $test 1]} msg] $msg
151 |
} [list 1 [lindex $test 2]]
152 |
incr o
153 |
154 |
155 |
# Method tests which are successful.
156 |
157 |
foreach test {
158 |
{{.cb configure -editable 1} {}}
159 |
{{.cb clear all} {}}
160 |
{{.cb insert list 0 Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4} {}}
161 |
{{.cb insert list end {More Test}} {}}
162 |
{{.cb size} {5}}
163 |
{{.cb delete list 1} {}}
164 |
{{.cb delete list 0 2} {}}
165 |
{{.cb size} {1}}
166 |
{{.cb get 0} {More Test}}
167 |
{{.cb selection set end end} {}}
168 |
{{.cb getcurselection} {More Test}}
169 |
{{.cb get} {More Test}}
170 |
{{.cb clear entry} {}}
171 |
{{.cb get} {}}
172 |
{{.cb insert entry end "this is a test"} {} }
173 |
{{.cb get} {this is a test}}
174 |
{{.cb curselection} {}}
175 |
{{.cb clear} {}}
176 |
{{.cb size} {0}}
177 |
{{.cb getcurselection} {}}
178 |
{{.cb insert list end {Test1} {Test2} {Really Long String Test}} {}}
179 |
{{.cb size} {3}}
180 |
{{.cb get 0} {Test1}}
181 |
{{.cb insert entry end R} {}}
182 |
{{.cb getcurselection} {Really Long String Test}}
183 |
{{.cb get} {Really Long String Test}}
184 |
{{.cb config -completion off} {}}
185 |
{{.cb selection clear 0 end} {}}
186 |
{{.cb insert entry end R} {}}
187 |
{{.cb get} {R}}
188 |
{{.cb getcurselection} {}}
189 |
{{.cb config -completion on} {}}
190 |
{{.cb get [expr [.cb size]-1]} {Really Long String Test}}
191 |
{{.cb insert list 0 {Test3} {Test4} {Really Long String Test}} {}}
192 |
{{.cb size} {6}}
193 |
{{.cb insert list 1 {Test5} {Test6} {Really Long String Test}} {}}
194 |
{{.cb size} {9}}
195 |
{{.cb insert list 5 {Test7} {Test8} {Really Long String Test}} {}}
196 |
{{.cb size} {12}}
197 |
{{.cb config -state disabled} {}}
198 |
{{.cb insert list end {not gonna make it in}} {}}
199 |
{{.cb size} {12}}
200 |
{{.cb insert entry end {eally!}} {}}
201 |
{{.cb get} {R}}
202 |
{{.cb config -state normal} {}}
203 |
{{.cb config -dropdown 0} {}}
204 |
{{.cb size} {12}}
205 |
{{.cb config -dropdown 1} {}}
206 |
{{.cb size} {12}}
207 |
{{.cb see 0} {}}
208 |
{{.cb see 11} {}}
209 |
{{.cb get end} {Really Long String Test}}
210 |
{{.cb selection clear 0 end} {}}
211 |
{{.cb selection set 5 5} {}}
212 |
{{.cb curselection} {5}}
213 |
{{.cb justify left} {}}
214 |
{{.cb justify right} {}}
215 |
{{.cb justify top} {}}
216 |
{{.cb justify bottom} {}}
217 |
{{.cb sort ascending} {}}
218 |
{{.cb sort descending} {}}
219 |
{{.cb sort increasing} {}}
220 |
{{.cb sort decreasing} {}}} {
221 |
set method [lindex [lindex $test 0] 1]
222 |
test Combobox-3.$m "object methods, $method" {
223 |
list [catch {eval [lindex $test 0]} msg] $msg
224 |
} [list 0 [lindex $test 1]]
225 |
226 |
incr m
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
# Method tests which fail and produce errors
231 |
232 |
foreach test {
233 |
{{.cb clear bogus} {bad Combobox component "bogus": must be entry, list, or all.}}
234 |
{{.cb delete} {wrong # args: should be ".cb delete component first ?last?"}}
235 |
{{.cb delete bogus 0} {bad Combobox component "bogus": must be entry or list.}}
236 |
{{.cb delete list} {wrong # args: should be ".cb delete component first ?last?"}}
237 |
{{.cb delete entry} {wrong # args: should be ".cb delete component first ?last?"}}
238 |
{{.cb get bogus1 bogus2} {wrong # args: should be ".cb get ?index?"}}
239 |
{{.cb insert} {wrong # args: should be ".cb insert component index ?arg arg ...?"}}
240 |
{{.cb insert bogus 0 bogus0} {bad Combobox component "bogus": must be entry or list.}}
241 |
{{.cb insert list} {wrong # args: should be ".cb insert component index ?arg arg ...?"}}
242 |
{{.cb insert list 1} {no value given for parameter "string" in function "Combobox::insert"}}
243 |
{{.cb insert entry a b c} {called function "Combobox::insert entry" with too many arguments}}
244 |
{{.cb selection} {wrong # args: should be ".cb selection option first ?last?"}}
245 |
{{.cb selection bogus1 bogus2 bogus3 bogus4} {wrong # args: should be ".cb selection option first ?last?"}}
246 |
{{.cb selection bogus bogus} {bad Scrolledlistbox index "bogus": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, number, or a pattern}}
247 |
{{.cb sort bogus} {bad sort argument "bogus": should be ascending, descending, increasing, or decreasing}}} {
248 |
set method [lindex [lindex $test 0] 1]
249 |
test Combobox-3.$m "object methods, $method" {
250 |
list [catch {eval [lindex $test 0]} msg] $msg
251 |
} [list 1 [lindex $test 1]]
252 |
incr m
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
# Conclusion of constrcution/destruction tests
257 |
258 |
test Combobox-4.1 {Combobox destruction} {
259 |
destroy .cb
260 |
261 |
} {}
262 |
263 |
incr c
264 |
265 |
test Combobox-4.2 {Combobox construction} {
266 |
iwidgets::Combobox .cb3 -selectioncommand {puts "choice: [.cb get]" } \
267 |
-dropdown false -listheight 50 \
268 |
-labeltext "Numeric Simple:" -labelpos w \
269 |
-validate numeric -unique false
270 |
.cb3 insert list end 123 456 789 101112
271 |
pack .cb3 -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes
272 |
273 |
} {}
274 |
275 |
incr c
276 |
277 |
test Combobox-4.3 {Combobox destruction} {
278 |
destroy .cb3
279 |
280 |
} {}
281 |
282 |
test Combobox-4.4 {Combobox construction} {
283 |
iwidgets::Combobox .cb4 -arrowrelief flat -selectioncommand {puts "choice: [.cb get]" } \
284 |
-editable false \
285 |
-listheight 200 -labeltext "DropDown:" -labelpos w \
286 |
-popupcursor hand1 -unique true
287 |
.cb4 insert list end Hello {Out There} World
288 |
pack .cb4 -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes
289 |
290 |
} {}
291 |
292 |
incr c
293 |
294 |
test Combobox-4.5 {Combobox destruction} {
295 |
destroy .cb4
296 |
297 |
} {}