1 |
578 |
markom |
# This file tests the tclUnixFCmd.c file.
2 |
3 |
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
4 |
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
5 |
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
6 |
7 |
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8 |
9 |
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
10 |
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11 |
12 |
# RCS: @(#) $Id: unixFCmd.test,v 2002-01-16 10:25:36 markom Exp $
13 |
14 |
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source defs}
15 |
16 |
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
if {$user == "root"} {
21 |
puts "Skipping unixFCmd tests. They depend on not being able to write to"
22 |
puts "certain directories. It would be too dangerous to run them as root."
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
proc openup {path} {
27 |
testchmod 777 $path
28 |
if {[file isdirectory $path]} {
29 |
catch {
30 |
foreach p [glob [file join $path *]] {
31 |
openup $p
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
proc cleanup {args} {
38 |
foreach p ". $args" {
39 |
set x ""
40 |
catch {
41 |
set x [glob [file join $p tf*] [file join $p td*]]
42 |
43 |
foreach file $x {
44 |
if {[catch {file delete -force -- $file}]} {
45 |
openup $file
46 |
file delete -force -- $file
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
test unixFCmd-1.1 {TclpRenameFile: EACCES} {
53 |
54 |
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
55 |
exec chmod 000 td1/td2
56 |
set msg [list [catch {file rename td1/td2/td3 td2} msg] $msg]
57 |
exec chmod 755 td1/td2
58 |
set msg
59 |
} {1 {error renaming "td1/td2/td3": permission denied}}
60 |
test unixFCmd-1.2 {TclpRenameFile: EEXIST} {
61 |
62 |
file mkdir td1/td2
63 |
file mkdir td2
64 |
list [catch {file rename td2 td1} msg] $msg
65 |
} {1 {error renaming "td2" to "td1/td2": file already exists}}
66 |
test unixFCmd-1.3 {TclpRenameFile: EINVAL} {
67 |
68 |
file mkdir td1
69 |
list [catch {file rename td1 td1} msg] $msg
70 |
} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "td1/td1": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itself}}
71 |
test unixFCmd-1.4 {TclpRenameFile: EISDIR} {
72 |
# can't make it happen
73 |
} {}
74 |
test unixFCmd-1.5 {TclpRenameFile: ENOENT} {
75 |
76 |
file mkdir td1
77 |
list [catch {file rename td2 td1} msg] $msg
78 |
} {1 {error renaming "td2": no such file or directory}}
79 |
test unixFCmd-1.6 {TclpRenameFile: ENOTDIR} {
80 |
# can't make it happen
81 |
} {}
82 |
test unixFCmd-1.7 {TclpRenameFile: EXDEV} {
83 |
84 |
file mkdir foo/bar
85 |
file attr foo -perm 040555
86 |
set msg [list [catch {file rename foo/bar /tmp} msg] $msg]
87 |
set a1 {1 {can't unlink "foo/bar": permission denied}}
88 |
set result [expr {$msg == $a1}]
89 |
catch {file delete /tmp/bar}
90 |
catch {file attr foo -perm 040777}
91 |
catch {file delete -force foo}
92 |
set result
93 |
} {1}
94 |
test unixFCmd-1.8 {Checking EINTR Bug} nonPortable {
95 |
96 |
after 2000
97 |
list [testgotsig] [testgotsig]
98 |
} {1 0}
99 |
test unixFCmd-1.9 {Checking EINTR Bug} nonPortable {
100 |
101 |
set f [open tfalarm w]
102 |
puts $f {
103 |
after 2000
104 |
puts "hello world"
105 |
exit 0
106 |
107 |
close $f
108 |
109 |
set pipe [open "|[info nameofexecutable] tfalarm" r+]
110 |
set line [read $pipe 1]
111 |
catch {close $pipe}
112 |
list $line [testgotsig]
113 |
} {h 1}
114 |
test unixFCmd-2.1 {TclpCopyFile: target exists: lstat(dst) == 0} {
115 |
116 |
exec touch tf1
117 |
exec touch tf2
118 |
file copy -force tf1 tf2
119 |
} {}
120 |
test unixFCmd-2.2 {TclpCopyFile: src is symlink} {
121 |
122 |
exec ln -s tf1 tf2
123 |
file copy tf2 tf3
124 |
file type tf3
125 |
} {link}
126 |
test unixFCmd-2.3 {TclpCopyFile: src is block} {
127 |
128 |
set null "/dev/null"
129 |
while {[file type $null] != "characterSpecial"} {
130 |
set null [file join [file dirname $null] [file readlink $null]]
131 |
132 |
# file copy $null tf1
133 |
} {}
134 |
test unixFCmd-2.4 {TclpCopyFile: src is fifo} {
135 |
136 |
if [catch {exec mknod tf1 p}] {
137 |
list 1
138 |
} else {
139 |
file copy tf1 tf2
140 |
expr {"[file type tf1]" == "[file type tf2]"}
141 |
142 |
} {1}
143 |
test unixFCmd-2.5 {TclpCopyFile: copy attributes} {
144 |
145 |
exec touch tf1
146 |
exec chmod 472 tf1
147 |
file copy tf1 tf2
148 |
string range [exec ls -l tf2] 0 9
149 |
} {-r--rwx-w-}
150 |
151 |
test unixFCmd-3.1 {CopyFile not done} {
152 |
} {}
153 |
154 |
test unixFCmd-4.1 {TclpDeleteFile not done} {
155 |
} {}
156 |
157 |
test unixFCmd-5.1 {TclpCreateDirectory not done} {
158 |
} {}
159 |
160 |
test unixFCmd-6.1 {TclpCopyDirectory not done} {
161 |
} {}
162 |
163 |
test unixFCmd-7.1 {TclpRemoveDirectory not done} {
164 |
} {}
165 |
166 |
test unixFCmd-8.1 {TraverseUnixTree not done} {
167 |
} {}
168 |
169 |
test unixFCmd-9.1 {TraversalCopy not done} {
170 |
} {}
171 |
172 |
test unixFCmd-10.1 {TraversalDelete not done} {
173 |
} {}
174 |
175 |
test unixFCmd-11.1 {CopyFileAttrs not done} {
176 |
} {}
177 |
178 |
set testConfig(tclGroup) 0
179 |
if {[catch {exec {groups}} groupList] == 0} {
180 |
if {[lsearch $groupList tcl] != -1} {
181 |
set testConfig(tclGroup) 1
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
test unixFCmd-12.1 {GetGroupAttribute - file not found} {
186 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
187 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -group} msg] $msg
188 |
} {1 {could not stat file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
189 |
test unixFCmd-12.2 {GetGroupAttribute - file found} {
190 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
191 |
close [open foo.test w]
192 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -group}] [file delete -force -- foo.test]
193 |
} {0 {}}
194 |
195 |
test unixFCmd-13.1 {GetOwnerAttribute - file not found} {
196 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
197 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -group} msg] $msg
198 |
} {1 {could not stat file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
199 |
test unixFCmd-13.2 {GetOwnerAttribute} {
200 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
201 |
close [open foo.test w]
202 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -owner} msg] [string compare $msg $user] [file delete -force -- foo.test]
203 |
} {0 0 {}}
204 |
205 |
test unixFCmd-14.1 {GetPermissionsAttribute - file not found} {
206 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
207 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -permissions} msg] $msg
208 |
} {1 {could not stat file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
209 |
test unixFCmd-14.2 {GetPermissionsAttribute} {
210 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
211 |
close [open foo.test w]
212 |
list [catch {file attribute foo.test -permissions}] [file delete -force -- foo.test]
213 |
} {0 {}}
214 |
215 |
#groups hard to test
216 |
test unixFCmd-15.1 {SetGroupAttribute - invalid group} {
217 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
218 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -group foozzz} msg] $msg [file delete -force -- foo.test]
219 |
} {1 {could not set group for file "foo.test": group "foozzz" does not exist} {}}
220 |
test unixFCmd-15.2 {SetGroupAttribute - invalid file} {tclGroup} {
221 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
222 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -group tcl} msg] $msg
223 |
} {1 {could not set group for file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
224 |
225 |
#changing owners hard to do
226 |
test unixFCmd-16.1 {SetOwnerAttribute - current owner} {
227 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
228 |
close [open foo.test w]
229 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -owner $user} msg] $msg [string compare [file attributes foo.test -owner] $user] [file delete -force -- foo.test]
230 |
} {0 {} 0 {}}
231 |
test unixFCmd-16.2 {SetOwnerAttribute - invalid file} {
232 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
233 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -owner $user} msg] $msg
234 |
} {1 {could not set owner for file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
235 |
test unixFCmd-16.3 {SetOwnerAttribute - invalid owner} {
236 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
237 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -owner foozzz} msg] $msg
238 |
} {1 {could not set owner for file "foo.test": user "foozzz" does not exist}}
239 |
240 |
241 |
test unixFCmd-17.1 {SetPermissionsAttribute} {
242 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
243 |
close [open foo.test w]
244 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -permissions 0000} msg] $msg [file attributes foo.test -permissions] [file delete -force -- foo.test]
245 |
} {0 {} 00000 {}}
246 |
test unixFCmd-17.2 {SetPermissionsAttribute} {
247 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
248 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -permissions 0000} msg] $msg
249 |
} {1 {could not set permissions for file "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
250 |
test unixFCmd-17.3 {SetPermissionsAttribute} {
251 |
catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
252 |
close [open foo.test w]
253 |
list [catch {file attributes foo.test -permissions foo} msg] $msg [file delete -force -- foo.test]
254 |
} {1 {expected integer but got "foo"} {}}
255 |
test unixFCmd-18.1 {Unix pwd} {nonPortable} {
256 |
# This test is nonportable because SunOS generates a weird error
257 |
# message when the current directory isn't readable.
258 |
set cd [pwd]
259 |
set nd $cd/tstdir
260 |
file mkdir $nd
261 |
cd $nd
262 |
exec chmod 000 $nd
263 |
set r [list [catch {pwd} res] [string range $res 0 36]];
264 |
cd $cd;
265 |
exec chmod 755 $nd
266 |
file delete $nd
267 |
set r
268 |
} {1 {error getting working directory name:}}
269 |
270 |