1 |
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markom |
# colors.tcl --
2 |
3 |
# This demonstration script creates a listbox widget that displays
4 |
# many of the colors from the X color database. You can click on
5 |
# a color to change the application's palette.
6 |
7 |
# SCCS: @(#) colors.tcl 1.4 97/03/02 16:20:29
8 |
9 |
if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
10 |
error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
11 |
12 |
13 |
set w .colors
14 |
catch {destroy $w}
15 |
toplevel $w
16 |
wm title $w "Listbox Demonstration (colors)"
17 |
wm iconname $w "Listbox"
18 |
positionWindow $w
19 |
20 |
label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "A listbox containing several color names is displayed below, along with a scrollbar. You can scan the list either using the scrollbar or by dragging in the listbox window with button 2 pressed. If you double-click button 1 on a color, then the application's color palette will be set to match that color"
21 |
pack $w.msg -side top
22 |
23 |
frame $w.buttons
24 |
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
25 |
button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
26 |
button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
27 |
pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
28 |
29 |
frame $w.frame -borderwidth 10
30 |
pack $w.frame -side top -expand yes -fill y
31 |
32 |
scrollbar $w.frame.scroll -command "$w.frame.list yview"
33 |
listbox $w.frame.list -yscroll "$w.frame.scroll set" \
34 |
-width 20 -height 16 -setgrid 1
35 |
pack $w.frame.list $w.frame.scroll -side left -fill y -expand 1
36 |
37 |
bind $w.frame.list <Double-1> {
38 |
tk_setPalette [selection get]
39 |
40 |
$w.frame.list insert 0 gray60 gray70 gray80 gray85 gray90 gray95 \
41 |
snow1 snow2 snow3 snow4 seashell1 seashell2 \
42 |
seashell3 seashell4 AntiqueWhite1 AntiqueWhite2 AntiqueWhite3 \
43 |
AntiqueWhite4 bisque1 bisque2 bisque3 bisque4 PeachPuff1 \
44 |
PeachPuff2 PeachPuff3 PeachPuff4 NavajoWhite1 NavajoWhite2 \
45 |
NavajoWhite3 NavajoWhite4 LemonChiffon1 LemonChiffon2 \
46 |
LemonChiffon3 LemonChiffon4 cornsilk1 cornsilk2 cornsilk3 \
47 |
cornsilk4 ivory1 ivory2 ivory3 ivory4 honeydew1 honeydew2 \
48 |
honeydew3 honeydew4 LavenderBlush1 LavenderBlush2 \
49 |
LavenderBlush3 LavenderBlush4 MistyRose1 MistyRose2 \
50 |
MistyRose3 MistyRose4 azure1 azure2 azure3 azure4 \
51 |
SlateBlue1 SlateBlue2 SlateBlue3 SlateBlue4 RoyalBlue1 \
52 |
RoyalBlue2 RoyalBlue3 RoyalBlue4 blue1 blue2 blue3 blue4 \
53 |
DodgerBlue1 DodgerBlue2 DodgerBlue3 DodgerBlue4 SteelBlue1 \
54 |
SteelBlue2 SteelBlue3 SteelBlue4 DeepSkyBlue1 DeepSkyBlue2 \
55 |
DeepSkyBlue3 DeepSkyBlue4 SkyBlue1 SkyBlue2 SkyBlue3 \
56 |
SkyBlue4 LightSkyBlue1 LightSkyBlue2 LightSkyBlue3 \
57 |
LightSkyBlue4 SlateGray1 SlateGray2 SlateGray3 SlateGray4 \
58 |
LightSteelBlue1 LightSteelBlue2 LightSteelBlue3 \
59 |
LightSteelBlue4 LightBlue1 LightBlue2 LightBlue3 \
60 |
LightBlue4 LightCyan1 LightCyan2 LightCyan3 LightCyan4 \
61 |
PaleTurquoise1 PaleTurquoise2 PaleTurquoise3 PaleTurquoise4 \
62 |
CadetBlue1 CadetBlue2 CadetBlue3 CadetBlue4 turquoise1 \
63 |
turquoise2 turquoise3 turquoise4 cyan1 cyan2 cyan3 cyan4 \
64 |
DarkSlateGray1 DarkSlateGray2 DarkSlateGray3 \
65 |
DarkSlateGray4 aquamarine1 aquamarine2 aquamarine3 \
66 |
aquamarine4 DarkSeaGreen1 DarkSeaGreen2 DarkSeaGreen3 \
67 |
DarkSeaGreen4 SeaGreen1 SeaGreen2 SeaGreen3 SeaGreen4 \
68 |
PaleGreen1 PaleGreen2 PaleGreen3 PaleGreen4 SpringGreen1 \
69 |
SpringGreen2 SpringGreen3 SpringGreen4 green1 green2 \
70 |
green3 green4 chartreuse1 chartreuse2 chartreuse3 \
71 |
chartreuse4 OliveDrab1 OliveDrab2 OliveDrab3 OliveDrab4 \
72 |
DarkOliveGreen1 DarkOliveGreen2 DarkOliveGreen3 \
73 |
DarkOliveGreen4 khaki1 khaki2 khaki3 khaki4 \
74 |
LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 \
75 |
LightGoldenrod4 LightYellow1 LightYellow2 LightYellow3 \
76 |
LightYellow4 yellow1 yellow2 yellow3 yellow4 gold1 gold2 \
77 |
gold3 gold4 goldenrod1 goldenrod2 goldenrod3 goldenrod4 \
78 |
DarkGoldenrod1 DarkGoldenrod2 DarkGoldenrod3 DarkGoldenrod4 \
79 |
RosyBrown1 RosyBrown2 RosyBrown3 RosyBrown4 IndianRed1 \
80 |
IndianRed2 IndianRed3 IndianRed4 sienna1 sienna2 sienna3 \
81 |
sienna4 burlywood1 burlywood2 burlywood3 burlywood4 wheat1 \
82 |
wheat2 wheat3 wheat4 tan1 tan2 tan3 tan4 chocolate1 \
83 |
chocolate2 chocolate3 chocolate4 firebrick1 firebrick2 \
84 |
firebrick3 firebrick4 brown1 brown2 brown3 brown4 salmon1 \
85 |
salmon2 salmon3 salmon4 LightSalmon1 LightSalmon2 \
86 |
LightSalmon3 LightSalmon4 orange1 orange2 orange3 orange4 \
87 |
DarkOrange1 DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4 coral1 \
88 |
coral2 coral3 coral4 tomato1 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4 \
89 |
OrangeRed1 OrangeRed2 OrangeRed3 OrangeRed4 red1 red2 red3 \
90 |
red4 DeepPink1 DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4 HotPink1 \
91 |
HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4 pink1 pink2 pink3 pink4 \
92 |
LightPink1 LightPink2 LightPink3 LightPink4 PaleVioletRed1 \
93 |
PaleVioletRed2 PaleVioletRed3 PaleVioletRed4 maroon1 \
94 |
maroon2 maroon3 maroon4 VioletRed1 VioletRed2 VioletRed3 \
95 |
VioletRed4 magenta1 magenta2 magenta3 magenta4 orchid1 \
96 |
orchid2 orchid3 orchid4 plum1 plum2 plum3 plum4 \
97 |
MediumOrchid1 MediumOrchid2 MediumOrchid3 MediumOrchid4 \
98 |
DarkOrchid1 DarkOrchid2 DarkOrchid3 DarkOrchid4 purple1 \
99 |
purple2 purple3 purple4 MediumPurple1 MediumPurple2 \
100 |
MediumPurple3 MediumPurple4 thistle1 thistle2 thistle3 \
101 |