1 |
578 |
markom |
# This file is a Tcl script to test the tk command.
2 |
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
3 |
4 |
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
5 |
6 |
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
7 |
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
8 |
9 |
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tk.test,v 2002-01-16 10:26:00 markom Exp $
10 |
11 |
if {[info commands test] == ""} {
12 |
source defs
13 |
14 |
15 |
test tk-1.1 {tk command: general} {
16 |
list [catch {tk} msg] $msg
17 |
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "tk option ?arg?"}}
18 |
test tk-1.2 {tk command: general} {
19 |
list [catch {tk xyz} msg] $msg
20 |
} {1 {bad option "xyz": must be appname, or scaling}}
21 |
22 |
set appname [tk appname]
23 |
test tk-2.1 {tk command: appname} {
24 |
list [catch {tk appname xyz abc} msg] $msg
25 |
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "tk appname ?newName?"}}
26 |
test tk-2.2 {tk command: appname} {
27 |
tk appname foobazgarply
28 |
} {foobazgarply}
29 |
test tk-2.3 {tk command: appname} {unixOnly} {
30 |
tk appname bazfoogarply
31 |
expr {[lsearch -exact [winfo interps] [tk appname]] >= 0}
32 |
} {1}
33 |
test tk-2.4 {tk command: appname} {
34 |
tk appname $appname
35 |
} $appname
36 |
tk appname $appname
37 |
38 |
set scaling [tk scaling]
39 |
test tk-3.1 {tk command: scaling} {
40 |
list [catch {tk scaling -displayof} msg] $msg
41 |
} {1 {value for "-displayof" missing}}
42 |
test tk-3.2 {tk command: scaling: get current} {
43 |
tk scaling 1
44 |
format %.2g [tk scaling]
45 |
} 1
46 |
test tk-3.3 {tk command: scaling: get current} {
47 |
tk scaling -displayof . 1.25
48 |
format %.3g [tk scaling]
49 |
} 1.25
50 |
test tk-3.4 {tk command: scaling: set new} {
51 |
list [catch {tk scaling xyz} msg] $msg
52 |
} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "xyz"}}
53 |
test tk-3.5 {tk command: scaling: set new} {
54 |
list [catch {tk scaling -displayof . xyz} msg] $msg
55 |
} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "xyz"}}
56 |
test tk-3.6 {tk command: scaling: set new} {
57 |
tk scaling 1
58 |
format %.2g [tk scaling]
59 |
} 1
60 |
test tk-3.7 {tk command: scaling: set new} {
61 |
tk scaling -displayof . 1.25
62 |
format %.3g [tk scaling]
63 |
} 1.25
64 |
test tk-3.8 {tk command: scaling: negative} {
65 |
tk scaling -1
66 |
expr {[tk scaling] > 0}
67 |
} {1}
68 |
test tk-3.9 {tk command: scaling: too big} {
69 |
tk scaling 1000000
70 |
expr {[tk scaling] < 10000}
71 |
} {1}
72 |
test tk-3.10 {tk command: scaling: widthmm} {
73 |
tk scaling 1.25
74 |
expr {int((25.4*[winfo screenwidth .])/(72*1.25)+0.5)-[winfo screenmmwidth .]}
75 |
} {0}
76 |
test tk-3.11 {tk command: scaling: heightmm} {
77 |
tk scaling 1.25
78 |
expr {int((25.4*[winfo screenheight .])/(72*1.25)+0.5)-[winfo screenmmheight .]}
79 |
} {0}
80 |
tk scaling $scaling