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guanucolui |
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%% bare_conf.tex
3 |
%% V1.3
4 |
%% 2007/01/11
5 |
%% by Michael Shell
6 |
%% See:
7 |
%% http://www.michaelshell.org/
8 |
%% for current contact information.
9 |
10 |
%% This is a skeleton file demonstrating the use of IEEEtran.cls
11 |
%% (requires IEEEtran.cls version 1.7 or later) with an IEEE conference paper.
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%% Support sites:
14 |
%% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
15 |
%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
16 |
%% and
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%% http://www.ieee.org/
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%% Legal Notice:
21 |
%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
22 |
%% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
23 |
24 |
%% User assumes all risk.
25 |
%% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
26 |
%% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
27 |
%% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
28 |
%% of any information contained here.
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30 |
%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
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%% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
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%% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
34 |
%% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
35 |
%% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
36 |
%% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
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%% 2003/12/01 or later.
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%% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
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%% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
40 |
%% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
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%% File list of work: IEEEtran.cls, IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf, bare_adv.tex,
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%% bare_conf.tex, bare_jrnl.tex, bare_jrnl_compsoc.tex
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% *** Authors should verify (and, if needed, correct) their LaTeX system ***
47 |
% *** with the testflow diagnostic prior to trusting their LaTeX platform ***
48 |
% *** with production work. IEEE's font choices can trigger bugs that do ***
49 |
% *** not appear when using other class files. ***
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% The testflow support page is at:
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% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/testflow/
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% Note that the a4paper option is mainly intended so that authors in
56 |
% countries using A4 can easily print to A4 and see how their papers will
57 |
% look in print - the typesetting of the document will not typically be
58 |
% affected with changes in paper size (but the bottom and side margins will).
59 |
% Use the testflow package mentioned above to verify correct handling of
60 |
% both paper sizes by the user's LaTeX system.
61 |
62 |
% Also note that the "draftcls" or "draftclsnofoot", not "draft", option
63 |
% should be used if it is desired that the figures are to be displayed in
64 |
% draft mode.
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% Add the compsoc option for Computer Society conferences.
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% If IEEEtran.cls has not been installed into the LaTeX system files,
70 |
% manually specify the path to it like:
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% \documentclass[conference]{../sty/IEEEtran}
72 |
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74 |
% Some very useful LaTeX packages include:
75 |
% (uncomment the ones you want to load)
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80 |
81 |
% Heiko Oberdiek's ifpdf.sty is very useful if you need conditional
82 |
% compilation based on whether the output is pdf or dvi.
83 |
% usage:
84 |
% \ifpdf
85 |
% % pdf code
86 |
% \else
87 |
% % dvi code
88 |
% \fi
89 |
% The latest version of ifpdf.sty can be obtained from:
90 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/
91 |
% Also, note that IEEEtran.cls V1.7 and later provides a builtin
92 |
% \ifCLASSINFOpdf conditional that works the same way.
93 |
% When switching from latex to pdflatex and vice-versa, the compiler may
94 |
% have to be run twice to clear warning/error messages.
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% cite.sty was written by Donald Arseneau
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% V1.6 and later of IEEEtran pre-defines the format of the cite.sty package
103 |
% \cite{} output to follow that of IEEE. Loading the cite package will
104 |
% result in citation numbers being automatically sorted and properly
105 |
% "compressed/ranged". e.g., [1], [9], [2], [7], [5], [6] without using
106 |
% cite.sty will become [1], [2], [5]--[7], [9] using cite.sty. cite.sty's
107 |
% \cite will automatically add leading space, if needed. Use cite.sty's
108 |
% noadjust option (cite.sty V3.8 and later) if you want to turn this off.
109 |
% cite.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. Be sure and use
110 |
% version 4.0 (2003-05-27) and later if using hyperref.sty. cite.sty does
111 |
% not currently provide for hyperlinked citations.
112 |
% The latest version can be obtained at:
113 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/cite/
114 |
% The documentation is contained in the cite.sty file itself.
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% declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
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% \graphicspath{{../pdf/}{../jpeg/}}
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% and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
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% every instance of \includegraphics
125 |
% \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.png}
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% or other class option (dvipsone, dvipdf, if not using dvips). graphicx
128 |
% will default to the driver specified in the system graphics.cfg if no
129 |
% driver is specified.
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% \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
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% declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
132 |
% \graphicspath{{../eps/}}
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% and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
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% every instance of \includegraphics
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% \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps}
136 |
137 |
% graphicx was written by David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz. It is
138 |
% required if you want graphics, photos, etc. graphicx.sty is already
139 |
% installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
140 |
% be obtained at:
141 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics/
142 |
% Another good source of documentation is "Using Imported Graphics in
143 |
% LaTeX2e" by Keith Reckdahl which can be found as epslatex.ps or
144 |
% epslatex.pdf at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/
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146 |
% latex, and pdflatex in dvi mode, support graphics in encapsulated
147 |
% postscript (.eps) format. pdflatex in pdf mode supports graphics
148 |
% in .pdf, .jpeg, .png and .mps (metapost) formats. Users should ensure
149 |
% that all non-photo figures use a vector format (.eps, .pdf, .mps) and
150 |
% not a bitmapped formats (.jpeg, .png). IEEE frowns on bitmapped formats
151 |
% which can result in "jaggedy"/blurry rendering of lines and letters as
152 |
% well as large increases in file sizes.
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% You can find documentation about the pdfTeX application at:
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% http://www.tug.org/applications/pdftex
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% A popular package from the American Mathematical Society that provides
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% many useful and powerful commands for dealing with mathematics. If using
163 |
% it, be sure to load this package with the cmex10 option to ensure that
164 |
% only type 1 fonts will utilized at all point sizes. Without this option,
165 |
% it is possible that some math symbols, particularly those within
166 |
% footnotes, will be rendered in bitmap form which will result in a
167 |
% document that can not be IEEE Xplore compliant!
168 |
169 |
% Also, note that the amsmath package sets \interdisplaylinepenalty to 10000
170 |
% thus preventing page breaks from occurring within multiline equations. Use:
171 |
172 |
% after loading amsmath to restore such page breaks as IEEEtran.cls normally
173 |
% does. amsmath.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest
174 |
% version and documentation can be obtained at:
175 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/
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% algorithmic.sty was written by Peter Williams and Rogerio Brito.
182 |
% This package provides an algorithmic environment fo describing algorithms.
183 |
% You can use the algorithmic environment in-text or within a figure
184 |
% environment to provide for a floating algorithm. Do NOT use the algorithm
185 |
% floating environment provided by algorithm.sty (by the same authors) or
186 |
% algorithm2e.sty (by Christophe Fiorio) as IEEE does not use dedicated
187 |
% algorithm float types and packages that provide these will not provide
188 |
% correct IEEE style captions. The latest version and documentation of
189 |
% algorithmic.sty can be obtained at:
190 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithms/
191 |
% There is also a support site at:
192 |
% http://algorithms.berlios.de/index.html
193 |
% Also of interest may be the (relatively newer and more customizable)
194 |
% algorithmicx.sty package by Szasz Janos:
195 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithmicx/
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% Frank Mittelbach's and David Carlisle's array.sty patches and improves
202 |
% the standard LaTeX2e array and tabular environments to provide better
203 |
% appearance and additional user controls. As the default LaTeX2e table
204 |
% generation code is lacking to the point of almost being broken with
205 |
% respect to the quality of the end results, all users are strongly
206 |
% advised to use an enhanced (at the very least that provided by array.sty)
207 |
% set of table tools. array.sty is already installed on most systems. The
208 |
% latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
209 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/
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211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
% Also highly recommended is Mark Wooding's extremely powerful MDW tools,
215 |
% especially mdwmath.sty and mdwtab.sty which are used to format equations
216 |
% and tables, respectively. The MDWtools set is already installed on most
217 |
% LaTeX systems. The lastest version and documentation is available at:
218 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mdwtools/
219 |
220 |
221 |
% IEEEtran contains the IEEEeqnarray family of commands that can be used to
222 |
% generate multiline equations as well as matrices, tables, etc., of high
223 |
% quality.
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
% Also of notable interest is Scott Pakin's eqparbox package for creating
228 |
% (automatically sized) equal width boxes - aka "natural width parboxes".
229 |
% Available at:
230 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/eqparbox/
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236 |
% subfigure.sty was written by Steven Douglas Cochran. This package makes it
237 |
% easy to put subfigures in your figures. e.g., "Figure 1a and 1b". For IEEE
238 |
% work, it is a good idea to load it with the tight package option to reduce
239 |
% the amount of white space around the subfigures. subfigure.sty is already
240 |
% installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
241 |
% be obtained at:
242 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/subfigure/
243 |
% subfigure.sty has been superceeded by subfig.sty.
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% subfig.sty, also written by Steven Douglas Cochran, is the modern
250 |
% replacement for subfigure.sty. However, subfig.sty requires and
251 |
% automatically loads Axel Sommerfeldt's caption.sty which will override
252 |
% IEEEtran.cls handling of captions and this will result in nonIEEE style
253 |
% figure/table captions. To prevent this problem, be sure and preload
254 |
% caption.sty with its "caption=false" package option. This is will preserve
255 |
% IEEEtran.cls handing of captions. Version 1.3 (2005/06/28) and later
256 |
% (recommended due to many improvements over 1.2) of subfig.sty supports
257 |
% the caption=false option directly:
258 |
259 |
260 |
% The latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
261 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/subfig/
262 |
% The latest version and documentation of caption.sty can be obtained at:
263 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/caption/
264 |
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268 |
269 |
% fixltx2e, the successor to the earlier fix2col.sty, was written by
270 |
% Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. This package corrects a few problems
271 |
% in the LaTeX2e kernel, the most notable of which is that in current
272 |
% LaTeX2e releases, the ordering of single and double column floats is not
273 |
% guaranteed to be preserved. Thus, an unpatched LaTeX2e can allow a
274 |
% single column figure to be placed prior to an earlier double column
275 |
% figure. The latest version and documentation can be found at:
276 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
% stfloats.sty was written by Sigitas Tolusis. This package gives LaTeX2e
282 |
% the ability to do double column floats at the bottom of the page as well
283 |
% as the top. (e.g., "\begin{figure*}[!b]" is not normally possible in
284 |
% LaTeX2e). It also provides a command:
285 |
286 |
% to enable the placement of footnotes below bottom floats (the standard
287 |
% LaTeX2e kernel puts them above bottom floats). This is an invasive package
288 |
% which rewrites many portions of the LaTeX2e float routines. It may not work
289 |
% with other packages that modify the LaTeX2e float routines. The latest
290 |
% version and documentation can be obtained at:
291 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/sttools/
292 |
% Documentation is contained in the stfloats.sty comments as well as in the
293 |
% presfull.pdf file. Do not use the stfloats baselinefloat ability as IEEE
294 |
% does not allow \baselineskip to stretch. Authors submitting work to the
295 |
% IEEE should note that IEEE rarely uses double column equations and
296 |
% that authors should try to avoid such use. Do not be tempted to use the
297 |
% cuted.sty or midfloat.sty packages (also by Sigitas Tolusis) as IEEE does
298 |
% not format its papers in such ways.
299 |
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% --------------- USEPACKAGE agregados por guanucoluis ----------------
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% ------------------------- Agregados por maxi ------------------------
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311 |
%lista de posibles "Fixed names" de latex que pueden hacer falta
312 |
%\abstractname Abstract
313 |
%\alsoname see also (makeidx package)
314 |
%\appendixname Appendix
315 |
%\bibname Bibliography (report,book)
316 |
%\ccname cc (letter)
317 |
%\chaptername Chapter (report,book)
318 |
%\contentsname Contents
319 |
%\enclname encl (letter)
320 |
%\figurename Figure (for captions)
321 |
%\headtoname To (letter)
322 |
%\indexname Index
323 |
%\listfigurename List of Figures
324 |
%\listtablename List of Tables
325 |
%\pagename Page (letter)
326 |
%\partname Part
327 |
%\refname References (article)
328 |
%\seename see (makeidx package)
329 |
%\tablename Table (for caption)
330 |
331 |
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335 |
% url.sty was written by Donald Arseneau. It provides better support for
336 |
% handling and breaking URLs. url.sty is already installed on most LaTeX
337 |
% systems. The latest version can be obtained at:
338 |
% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/misc/
339 |
% Read the url.sty source comments for usage information. Basically,
340 |
% \url{my_url_here}.
341 |
342 |
343 |
% *** Do not adjust lengths that control margins, column widths, etc. ***
344 |
% *** Do not use packages that alter fonts (such as pslatex). ***
345 |
% There should be no need to do such things with IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later.
346 |
% (Unless specifically asked to do so by the journal or conference you plan
347 |
% to submit to, of course. )
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349 |
350 |
% correct bad hyphenation here
351 |
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
% paper title
357 |
% can use linebreaks \\ within to get better formatting as desired
358 |
\title{Plataforma de Hardware Reconfigurable para el Diseño de Sistemas Digitales}
359 |
360 |
361 |
% author names and affiliations
362 |
% use a multiple column layout for up to three different
363 |
% affiliations
364 |
169 |
guanucolui |
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Alexis Maximiliano Quiteros, Luis Alberto Guanuco, Sergio Daniel Olmedo}
365 |
\IEEEauthorblockA{Centro Universitario de Desarrollo en Automoción y Robótica\\
366 |
153 |
guanucolui |
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional\\
367 |
Facultad Regional Córdoba\\
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guanucolui |
Email: maximiliano.quinteros@gmail.com, lguanuco@electronica.frc.utn.edu.ar, solmedo@scdt.frc.utn.edu.ar}
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guanucolui |
% \and
370 |
169 |
guanucolui |
% \IEEEauthorblockN{Luis Alberto Guanuco}
371 |
% \IEEEauthorblockA{Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica\\
372 |
% Universidad Tecnológica Nacional\\
373 |
% Facultad Regional Córdoba\\
374 |
% Email: lguanuco@electronica.frc.utn.edu.ar}
375 |
% \and
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165 |
guanucolui |
% \IEEEauthorblockN{Sergio Daniel Olmedo}
377 |
% \IEEEauthorblockA{CUDAR\\%Centro Universitario de Desarrollo en Automoción y Robótica\\
378 |
% Universidad Tecnológica Nacional\\
379 |
% Facultad Regional Córdoba\\
380 |
% Email: solmedo@scdt.frc.utn.edu.ar}
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384 |
% conference papers do not typically use \thanks and this command
385 |
% is locked out in conference mode. If really needed, such as for
386 |
% the acknowledgment of grants, issue a \IEEEoverridecommandlockouts
387 |
% after \documentclass
388 |
389 |
% for over three affiliations, or if they all won't fit within the width
390 |
% of the page, use this alternative format:
391 |
392 |
%\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Michael Shell\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
393 |
%Homer Simpson\IEEEauthorrefmark{2},
394 |
%James Kirk\IEEEauthorrefmark{3},
395 |
%Montgomery Scott\IEEEauthorrefmark{3} and
396 |
%Eldon Tyrell\IEEEauthorrefmark{4}}
397 |
%\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}School of Electrical and Computer Engineering\\
398 |
%Georgia Institute of Technology,
399 |
%Atlanta, Georgia 30332--0250\\ Email: see http://www.michaelshell.org/contact.html}
400 |
%\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}Twentieth Century Fox, Springfield, USA\\
401 |
%Email: homer@thesimpsons.com}
402 |
%\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, California 96678-2391\\
403 |
%Telephone: (800) 555--1212, Fax: (888) 555--1212}
404 |
%\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{4}Tyrell Inc., 123 Replicant Street, Los Angeles, California 90210--4321}}
405 |
406 |
407 |
% use for special paper notices
408 |
%\IEEEspecialpapernotice{(Invited Paper)}
409 |
410 |
411 |
% make the title area
412 |
413 |
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La contaste evolución de los sistemas electrónicos (digitales y analógicos) exige la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas para la formación académica. En el caso del diseños de sistemas digitales una excelente alternativa es el uso placas de evaluación basadas en dispositivos lógicos programables (PLDs). En función de los requerimientos y necesidades académicas que demandan recursos de hardware, y las oportunidades concretas de desarrollar una plataforma personalizada a las necesidades plateadas es que se presenta una plataforma reconfigurable con especificaciones abiertas. Este diseño cuenta con periféricos básicos con que se pueda interactuar en la implementación de sistemas digitales, pero además cuenta con una FPGA que dispone de una gran cantidad de recursos internos para el uso en sistemas digitales avanzados que requieren gran capacidad de procesamiento. El proyecto se publica en forma libre (licencia GPL) buscando incentivar a otras grupos académicos en la modificación y adaptación de este trabajo a sus necesidades como así también proponer mejoras en versiones futuras de la plataforma.
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% IEEEtran.cls defaults to using nonbold math in the Abstract.
422 |
% This preserves the distinction between vectors and scalars. However,
423 |
% if the conference you are submitting to favors bold math in the abstract,
424 |
% then you can use LaTeX's standard command \boldmath at the very start
425 |
% of the abstract to achieve this. Many IEEE journals/conferences frown on
426 |
% math in the abstract anyway.
427 |
428 |
% no keywords
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
% For peer review papers, you can put extra information on the cover
434 |
% page as needed:
435 |
% \ifCLASSOPTIONpeerreview
436 |
% \begin{center} \bfseries EDICS Category: 3-BBND \end{center}
437 |
% \fi
438 |
439 |
% For peerreview papers, this IEEEtran command inserts a page break and
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% creates the second title. It will be ignored for other modes.
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Las áreas académicas vinculadas a la electrónica y la computación se encuentran en constante demanda de recursos educativos de hardware y software en virtud de potenciar los conocimientos de los estudiantes. En el caso de las tecnologías con poca difusión o implementación en la industria regional, la principal opción en la importación de plataformas educativas adquiridas a empresas destinadas a la manufacturación de sistemas embebidos. Estas plataformas comerciales se clasifican según su implementación por lo que no siempre cubren los requerimientos académicos, por ejemplo, los requerimientos de hardware para las cátedras iniciales difieren de las cátedras avanzadas. Esta situación presenta la oportunidad de desarrollar una plataforma a la medida de las necesidades de las instituciones académicas. Si se dispone de las especificaciones por parte de los docentes, con la articulación de otras unidades académicas como laboratorios y grupos de investigación, es posible obtener un desarrollo que cubra las expectativas y aliente a la producción regional mediante la transferencias de tecnología.
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En el proceso de aprendizaje de las denominadas Técnicas Digitales necesariamente se debe implementar los diseños digitales. El Álgebra de Bool con operaciones digitales simples, hasta la implementación de un microprocesador son prácticas comunes de los sistemas digitales lógicos y resulta fundamental su ejercitación para concluir el ciclo de enseñanza.
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Existen varios trabajos ya en la década de los 90s donde se plantaba \cite{ASArev.1} la necesidad de contar con una plataforma educativa que permitiera el estudio e implementación del diseño digital, sobre todo nuevas arquitecturas de microprocesadores. Si bien no se contaba con la capacidad de integración en la fabricación de circuitos integrados que se alcanzó en esta época, se apuntaba en aquel entonces al uso de nuevos dispositivos denominados FPGA\cite{PLD-hist}. Esta tendencia continuo al punto tal que se avanzaban con desarrollos de placas más avanzadas que ofrecían mucho más recursos debido al constante avance en el proceso de integración de los semiconductores. Se generaron proyectos académicos \cite{FPGA-platform-CPU-design}, abiertos [REF] y comerciales [REF].
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En estas últimas décadas los sistemas embebidos han cobrado una gran importancia, en particular se hace referencia a los Dispositivos Lógicos Programables (PLDs, siglas en inglés). Estos dispositivos lógicos actualmente ofrecen grandes recursos de hardware debido a los avances en los procesos de integración en su fabricación, obviamente que ha beneficiado a todos los circuitos integrados (ICs, siglas en inglés) en general.
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Los Dispositivos Lógicos Programables fueron introducidos a medidos de 1970s. Se basaba en la idea de construir circuitos lógicos combinacionales que fueran programables. Contrariamente a los microprocesadores, los cuales pueden correr un programa sobre un hardware fijo, la programabilidad de los PLDs hace referencia a niveles de hardware. En otras palabras, un PLD es un chip de propósitos generales cuyo hardware puede ser reconfigurado dependiendo de especificaciones particulares del desarrollador.
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Si bien las diferentes industrias (militar[REF], automotriz[REF], comunicaciones[REF], de consumo[REF], etc.) son quienes demandan constantemente avances tecnológicos, muchas veces el sector académico resulta ser el gestor de grandes desarrollos e investigaciones que beneficia a estas industrias. En nuestra región la tecnología PLDs se encuentra en su auge hace unos años. Instituciones gubernamentales de defensa[REF], aeroespaciales[REF], comunicaciones[REF] están implementando dispositivos como FPGAs y CPLDs en sus diseños. Además existe una constante actualización por parte de las instituciones académicas en los programas analíticos de las carreras relacionadas a los sistemas embebidos[REF].
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En el estudio de nuevos sistemas digitales las herramientas de software son eficientes, pues permiten realizar simulaciones que se asemejan a la implementación física. Pero muchas veces son necesarias las implementaciones en hardware y es ahí donde se hacen necesarias las plataformas evaluadoras. Estas placas disponen de un diseño que cubre un gran espectro de aplicación según la tecnología y la complejidad del desarrollo. Este concepto no solo se aplica a los sistemas embebidos, pues varias áreas científicas requieren de un gran porcentaje de laboratorio[REF].
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La mayoría de las plataformas de evaluación comerciales son fabricadas en el exterior del país. Se han encontrado desarrollos nacionales pero no son comercializados sino usados en laboratorios universitarios. Entre las empresas fabricantes de sistemas embebidos basados en dispositivos PLDs, se destacan: Xilix, Altera y Digilent. Los principales perfiles de sus desarrollos se encuentran orientados a,
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\item Sistemas de comunicaciones
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\item Procesamiento de Señales Digitales (DSP)
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\item Automovilismo
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En la Figura [REF] se pueden ver tres diferentes plataformas orientadas al diseño de sistemas digitales \footnote{Alguna de estas plataformas disponen de módulos conversores ADC y DAC, por lo que se podría decir que también permiten la implementación de sistemas analógicos en dominio discreto.}. Los recursos de hardware que ofrecen estos desarrollos son:
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\item Puerto USB
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\item Four 6-pin Pmod connectors
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\item VGA
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\item PS/2
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Atmel AT90USB2 Full-speed USB2 port providing board power and programming/data transfer interface
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Xilinx Platform Flash ROM to store FPGA configurations
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8 LEDs, 4-digit 7-segment display, 4 buttons, 8 slide switches
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PS/2 port and 8-bit VGA port
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User-settable clock (25/50/100MHz), plus socket for 2 clock
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Four 6-pin header expansion connectors
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ESD and short-circuit protection on all I/O signals.
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\subfloat[Avnet Spartan-6 LX150T (Xilinx/Avnet)]{\includegraphics[width=2in]{img/Avnet-Spartan-6-lx9-MicroBoard}%
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\subfloat[DE0-Nano (Altera)]{\includegraphics[width=2in]{img/de0-nano}%
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\subfloat[BASYS2 (Digilent)]{\includegraphics[width=2in]{img/BASYS2-top-400}%
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\caption{Plataformas de desarrollo educativas basadas en FPGAs}
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\section{Elección del PLD}
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\section{Interfaz JTAG}
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\section{Código abierto}
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Existen dos formas de solventar esta demanda, la primera opción es la adquisición de estos recursos a empresas que ofrecen plataformas educativas que cumplan con las especificaciones, pero aquí se presenta una segunda opción que es generar estas plataformas personalizadas a las necesidades de la región. Actualmente se dispone de los conocimientos necesarios para emprender un ciclo de trabajo donde las mismas unidades académicas cubren sus demandas a través de diferentes espacios como son los grupos de investigación y laboratorios
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% use section* for acknowledgement
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The authors would like to thank...
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% An example of a floating figure using the graphicx package.
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% Note that \label must occur AFTER (or within) \caption.
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% For figures, \caption should occur after the \includegraphics.
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% Note that IEEEtran v1.7 and later has special internal code that
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% is designed to preserve the operation of \label within \caption
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% even when the captionsoff option is in effect. However, because
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% of issues like this, it may be the safest practice to put all your
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% \label just after \caption rather than within \caption{}.
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% Reminder: the "draftcls" or "draftclsnofoot", not "draft", class
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% option should be used if it is desired that the figures are to be
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% displayed while in draft mode.
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% where an .eps filename suffix will be assumed under latex,
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% and a .pdf suffix will be assumed for pdflatex; or what has been declared
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% via \DeclareGraphicsExtensions.
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%\caption{Simulation Results}
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% Note that IEEE typically puts floats only at the top, even when this
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% results in a large percentage of a column being occupied by floats.
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% An example of a double column floating figure using two subfigures.
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% (The subfig.sty package must be loaded for this to work.)
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% The subfigure \label commands are set within each subfloat command, the
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% \label for the overall figure must come after \caption.
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% \hfil must be used as a separator to get equal spacing.
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% The subfigure.sty package works much the same way, except \subfigure is
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% used instead of \subfloat.
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%\centerline{\subfloat[Case I]\includegraphics[width=2.5in]{subfigcase1}%
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%\subfloat[Case II]{\includegraphics[width=2.5in]{subfigcase2}%
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%\caption{Simulation results}
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% Note that often IEEE papers with subfigures do not employ subfigure
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% captions (using the optional argument to \subfloat), but instead will
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% reference/describe all of them (a), (b), etc., within the main caption.
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% An example of a floating table. Note that, for IEEE style tables, the
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% \caption command should come BEFORE the table. Table text will default to
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% \footnotesize as IEEE normally uses this smaller font for tables.
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% The \label must come after \caption as always.
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%% increase table row spacing, adjust to taste
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% if using array.sty, it might be a good idea to tweak the value of
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% \extrarowheight as needed to properly center the text within the cells
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%\caption{An Example of a Table}
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%% Some packages, such as MDW tools, offer better commands for making tables
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%% than the plain LaTeX2e tabular which is used here.
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%One & Two\\
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%Three & Four\\
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% Note that IEEE does not put floats in the very first column - or typically
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% anywhere on the first page for that matter. Also, in-text middle ("here")
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% positioning is not used. Most IEEE journals/conferences use top floats
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% exclusively. Note that, LaTeX2e, unlike IEEE journals/conferences, places
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% footnotes above bottom floats. This can be corrected via the \fnbelowfloat
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% command of the stfloats package.
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% trigger a \newpage just before the given reference
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% number - used to balance the columns on the last page
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% adjust value as needed - may need to be readjusted if
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% the document is modified later
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% The "triggered" command can be changed if desired:
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% references section
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% can use a bibliography generated by BibTeX as a .bbl file
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% BibTeX documentation can be easily obtained at:
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% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/doc/
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% The IEEEtran BibTeX style support page is at:
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% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/bibtex/
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% argument is your BibTeX string definitions and bibliography database(s)
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% <OR> manually copy in the resultant .bbl file
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% set second argument of \begin to the number of references
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% (used to reserve space for the reference number labels box)
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% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:kopka}
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% H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
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% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.
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Hiroyuki~Ochi, \emph{ASAver.1: An FPGA-Based Education Board for Computer Architecture/system Design}, Design Automation Conference 1997. Proceeding of the ASP-DAC'97. Asia and South Pacific. January 1997.
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C.~Chang, C.~Huang, Y.~Lin, Z.~Huang and T.~Hu, \emph{FPGA Platform for CPU Design and Applications}, 5th. IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology. Nagoya, Japan. July 2005.
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, \emph{FPGA Platform for CPU Design and Applications}, 5th. IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology. Nagoya, Japan. July 2005.
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K.~Parnell and N.~Mehta, \emph{Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Handbook}, Rev.~4. Xilinx Inc. 2004.
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% that's all folks
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