1 |
138 |
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2 |
* TITLE: Plasma Real Time Operating System
3 |
* AUTHOR: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com)
4 |
* DATE CREATED: 12/17/05
5 |
* FILENAME: rtos.h
6 |
* PROJECT: Plasma CPU core
7 |
* COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author.
8 |
* Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing.
9 |
10 |
* Plasma Real Time Operating System
11 |
12 |
#ifndef __RTOS_H__
13 |
#define __RTOS_H__
14 |
15 |
150 |
rhoads |
#define printf UartPrintf
16 |
//#define printf UartPrintfPoll
17 |
138 |
rhoads |
#define scanf UartScanf
18 |
150 |
rhoads |
#ifndef WIN32
19 |
#define malloc(S) OS_HeapMalloc(NULL, S)
20 |
#define free(S) OS_HeapFree(S)
21 |
22 |
166 |
rhoads |
#define OS_CPU_COUNT 1 //Symmetric Multi-Processing
23 |
138 |
rhoads |
24 |
// Typedefs
25 |
typedef unsigned int uint32;
26 |
typedef unsigned short uint16;
27 |
typedef unsigned char uint8;
28 |
29 |
// Memory Access
30 |
#ifdef WIN32
31 |
uint32 MemoryRead(uint32 Address);
32 |
void MemoryWrite(uint32 Address, uint32 Value);
33 |
150 |
rhoads |
#define atoi atoi2
34 |
138 |
rhoads |
35 |
#define MemoryRead(A) (*(volatile uint32*)(A))
36 |
#define MemoryWrite(A,V) *(volatile uint32*)(A)=(V)
37 |
38 |
39 |
/***************** LibC ******************/
40 |
150 |
rhoads |
#ifndef _LIBC
41 |
138 |
rhoads |
#ifndef NULL
42 |
#define NULL (void*)0
43 |
44 |
45 |
#define assert(A) if((A)==0){OS_Assert();UartPrintfCritical("\r\nAssert %s:%d\r\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);}
46 |
47 |
#define isprint(c) (' '<=(c)&&(c)<='~')
48 |
#define isspace(c) ((c)==' '||(c)=='\t'||(c)=='\n'||(c)=='\r')
49 |
#define isdigit(c) ('0'<=(c)&&(c)<='9')
50 |
#define islower(c) ('a'<=(c)&&(c)<='z')
51 |
#define isupper(c) ('A'<=(c)&&(c)<='Z')
52 |
#define isalpha(c) (islower(c)||isupper(c))
53 |
#define isalnum(c) (isalpha(c)||isdigit(c))
54 |
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
55 |
150 |
rhoads |
#define memcpy memcpy2 //don't use built in version
56 |
138 |
rhoads |
57 |
char *strcpy(char *dst, const char *src);
58 |
char *strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, int count);
59 |
char *strcat(char *dst, const char *src);
60 |
char *strncat(char *dst, const char *src, int count);
61 |
int strcmp(const char *string1, const char *string2);
62 |
int strncmp(const char *string1, const char *string2, int count);
63 |
150 |
rhoads |
char *strstr(const char *string, const char *find);
64 |
138 |
rhoads |
int strlen(const char *string);
65 |
void *memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned long bytes);
66 |
144 |
rhoads |
void *memmove(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned long bytes);
67 |
138 |
rhoads |
int memcmp(const void *cs, const void *ct, unsigned long bytes);
68 |
void *memset(void *dst, int c, unsigned long bytes);
69 |
int abs(int n);
70 |
150 |
rhoads |
int rand(void);
71 |
138 |
rhoads |
void srand(unsigned int seed);
72 |
long strtol(const char *s, const char **end, int base);
73 |
int atoi(const char *s);
74 |
150 |
rhoads |
char *itoa(int num, char *dst, int base);
75 |
void dump(const unsigned char *data, int length);
76 |
138 |
rhoads |
77 |
int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);
78 |
int sscanf(char *s, const char *format, ...);
79 |
80 |
150 |
rhoads |
#define _LIBC
81 |
82 |
138 |
rhoads |
83 |
/***************** Assembly **************/
84 |
typedef uint32 jmp_buf[20];
85 |
extern uint32 OS_AsmInterruptEnable(uint32 state);
86 |
extern void OS_AsmInterruptInit(void);
87 |
extern int setjmp(jmp_buf env);
88 |
extern void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);
89 |
extern uint32 OS_AsmMult(uint32 a, uint32 b, unsigned long *hi);
90 |
91 |
/***************** Heap ******************/
92 |
#define HEAP_SYSTEM (void*)0
93 |
#define HEAP_GENERAL (void*)1
94 |
#define HEAP_SMALL (void*)2
95 |
#define HEAP_UI (void*)3
96 |
typedef struct OS_Heap_s OS_Heap_t;
97 |
OS_Heap_t *OS_HeapCreate(const char *Name, void *Memory, uint32 Size);
98 |
void OS_HeapDestroy(OS_Heap_t *Heap);
99 |
void *OS_HeapMalloc(OS_Heap_t *Heap, int Bytes);
100 |
void OS_HeapFree(void *Block);
101 |
void OS_HeapAlternate(OS_Heap_t *Heap, OS_Heap_t *Alternate);
102 |
void OS_HeapRegister(void *Index, OS_Heap_t *Heap);
103 |
104 |
/***************** Thread *****************/
105 |
166 |
rhoads |
#if OS_CPU_COUNT <= 1
106 |
#define OS_CpuIndex() 0
107 |
#define OS_CriticalBegin() OS_AsmInterruptEnable(0)
108 |
#define OS_CriticalEnd(S) OS_AsmInterruptEnable(S)
109 |
#define OS_SpinLock() 0
110 |
#define OS_SpinUnlock(S)
111 |
#define OS_SpinLockGet() 0
112 |
#define OS_SpinLockSet(S)
113 |
114 |
uint32 OS_CpuIndex(void);
115 |
#define OS_CriticalBegin() OS_SpinLock()
116 |
#define OS_CriticalEnd(S) OS_SpinUnlock(S)
117 |
uint32 OS_SpinLock(void);
118 |
void OS_SpinUnlock(uint32 state);
119 |
uint32 OS_SpinLockGet(void);
120 |
void OS_SpinLockSet(uint32 count);
121 |
122 |
123 |
138 |
rhoads |
#ifdef WIN32
124 |
#define STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM (1024*4)
125 |
126 |
#define STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM (1024*1)
127 |
128 |
#define STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT 1024*2
129 |
130 |
131 |
166 |
rhoads |
132 |
138 |
rhoads |
typedef void (*OS_FuncPtr_t)(void *Arg);
133 |
typedef struct OS_Thread_s OS_Thread_t;
134 |
OS_Thread_t *OS_ThreadCreate(const char *Name,
135 |
OS_FuncPtr_t FuncPtr,
136 |
void *Arg,
137 |
uint32 Priority,
138 |
uint32 StackSize);
139 |
void OS_ThreadExit(void);
140 |
OS_Thread_t *OS_ThreadSelf(void);
141 |
void OS_ThreadSleep(int Ticks);
142 |
uint32 OS_ThreadTime(void);
143 |
void OS_ThreadInfoSet(OS_Thread_t *Thread, void *Info);
144 |
void *OS_ThreadInfoGet(OS_Thread_t *Thread);
145 |
uint32 OS_ThreadPriorityGet(OS_Thread_t *Thread);
146 |
void OS_ThreadPrioritySet(OS_Thread_t *Thread, uint32 Priority);
147 |
void OS_ThreadTick(void *Arg);
148 |
149 |
/***************** Semaphore **************/
150 |
#define OS_SUCCESS 0
151 |
#define OS_ERROR -1
152 |
#define OS_WAIT_FOREVER -1
153 |
#define OS_NO_WAIT 0
154 |
typedef struct OS_Semaphore_s OS_Semaphore_t;
155 |
OS_Semaphore_t *OS_SemaphoreCreate(const char *Name, uint32 Count);
156 |
void OS_SemaphoreDelete(OS_Semaphore_t *Semaphore);
157 |
int OS_SemaphorePend(OS_Semaphore_t *Semaphore, int Ticks); //tick ~= 10ms
158 |
void OS_SemaphorePost(OS_Semaphore_t *Semaphore);
159 |
160 |
/***************** Mutex ******************/
161 |
typedef struct OS_Mutex_s OS_Mutex_t;
162 |
OS_Mutex_t *OS_MutexCreate(const char *Name);
163 |
void OS_MutexDelete(OS_Mutex_t *Semaphore);
164 |
void OS_MutexPend(OS_Mutex_t *Semaphore);
165 |
void OS_MutexPost(OS_Mutex_t *Semaphore);
166 |
167 |
/***************** MQueue *****************/
168 |
enum {
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
typedef struct OS_MQueue_s OS_MQueue_t;
173 |
OS_MQueue_t *OS_MQueueCreate(const char *Name,
174 |
int MessageCount,
175 |
int MessageBytes);
176 |
void OS_MQueueDelete(OS_MQueue_t *MQueue);
177 |
int OS_MQueueSend(OS_MQueue_t *MQueue, void *Message);
178 |
int OS_MQueueGet(OS_MQueue_t *MQueue, void *Message, int Ticks);
179 |
180 |
/***************** Timer ******************/
181 |
typedef struct OS_Timer_s OS_Timer_t;
182 |
OS_Timer_t *OS_TimerCreate(const char *Name, OS_MQueue_t *MQueue, uint32 Info);
183 |
void OS_TimerDelete(OS_Timer_t *Timer);
184 |
void OS_TimerStart(OS_Timer_t *Timer, uint32 Ticks, uint32 TicksRestart);
185 |
void OS_TimerStop(OS_Timer_t *Timer);
186 |
187 |
/***************** ISR ********************/
188 |
void OS_InterruptServiceRoutine(uint32 Status);
189 |
void OS_InterruptRegister(uint32 Mask, OS_FuncPtr_t FuncPtr);
190 |
uint32 OS_InterruptStatus(void);
191 |
uint32 OS_InterruptMaskSet(uint32 Mask);
192 |
uint32 OS_InterruptMaskClear(uint32 Mask);
193 |
194 |
/***************** Init ******************/
195 |
void OS_Init(uint32 *HeapStorage, uint32 Bytes);
196 |
void OS_Start(void);
197 |
void OS_Assert(void);
198 |
void MainThread(void *Arg);
199 |
200 |
/***************** UART ******************/
201 |
150 |
rhoads |
typedef uint8* (*PacketGetFunc_t)(void);
202 |
138 |
rhoads |
void UartInit(void);
203 |
void UartWrite(int C);
204 |
uint8 UartRead(void);
205 |
void UartWriteData(uint8 *Data, int Length);
206 |
void UartReadData(uint8 *Data, int Length);
207 |
#ifndef NO_ELLIPSIS2
208 |
void UartPrintf(const char *format, ...);
209 |
void UartPrintfPoll(const char *format, ...);
210 |
void UartPrintfCritical(const char *format, ...);
211 |
166 |
rhoads |
void UartPrintfNull(const char *format, ...);
212 |
138 |
rhoads |
void UartScanf(const char *format, ...);
213 |
214 |
150 |
rhoads |
void UartPacketConfig(PacketGetFunc_t PacketGetFunc,
215 |
int PacketSize,
216 |
OS_MQueue_t *mQueue);
217 |
void UartPacketSend(uint8 *Data, int Bytes);
218 |
138 |
rhoads |
int puts(const char *string);
219 |
int getch(void);
220 |
int kbhit(void);
221 |
void LogWrite(int a);
222 |
void LogDump(void);
223 |
150 |
rhoads |
void Led(int value);
224 |
138 |
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225 |
166 |
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/***************** Keyboard **************/
226 |
#define KEYBOARD_RAW 0x100
227 |
#define KEYBOARD_E0 0x200
228 |
#define KEYBOARD_RELEASE 0x400
229 |
void KeyboardInit(void);
230 |
int KeyboardGetch(void);
231 |
150 |
rhoads |
232 |
138 |
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/***************** Math ******************/
233 |
//IEEE single precision floating point math
234 |
#ifndef WIN32
235 |
#define FP_Neg __negsf2
236 |
#define FP_Add __addsf3
237 |
#define FP_Sub __subsf3
238 |
#define FP_Mult __mulsf3
239 |
#define FP_Div __divsf3
240 |
#define FP_ToLong __fixsfsi
241 |
#define FP_ToFloat __floatsisf
242 |
#define sqrt FP_Sqrt
243 |
#define cos FP_Cos
244 |
#define sin FP_Sin
245 |
#define atan FP_Atan
246 |
#define log FP_Log
247 |
#define exp FP_Exp
248 |
249 |
float FP_Neg(float a_fp);
250 |
float FP_Add(float a_fp, float b_fp);
251 |
float FP_Sub(float a_fp, float b_fp);
252 |
float FP_Mult(float a_fp, float b_fp);
253 |
float FP_Div(float a_fp, float b_fp);
254 |
long FP_ToLong(float a_fp);
255 |
float FP_ToFloat(long af);
256 |
int FP_Cmp(float a_fp, float b_fp);
257 |
float FP_Sqrt(float a);
258 |
float FP_Cos(float rad);
259 |
float FP_Sin(float rad);
260 |
float FP_Atan(float x);
261 |
float FP_Atan2(float y, float x);
262 |
float FP_Exp(float x);
263 |
float FP_Log(float x);
264 |
float FP_Pow(float x, float y);
265 |
266 |
#endif //__PLASMA_H__
267 |