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25 |
skordal |
-- The Potato Processor - A simple processor for FPGAs
2 |
-- (c) Kristian Klomsten Skordal 2014 - 2015 <kristian.skordal@wafflemail.net>
3 |
-- Report bugs and issues on <http://opencores.org/project,potato,bugtracker>
4 |
5 |
library ieee;
6 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
7 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
8 |
9 |
use work.pp_types.all;
10 |
use work.pp_utilities.all;
11 |
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--! @brief Simple read-only direct-mapped instruction cache.
13 |
entity pp_icache is
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LINE_SIZE : natural := 4; --! Number of words per cache line
16 |
NUM_LINES : natural := 128 --! Number of lines in the cache
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18 |
19 |
clk : in std_logic;
20 |
reset : in std_logic;
21 |
22 |
-- Control interface:
23 |
cache_enable : in std_logic;
24 |
cache_flush : in std_logic;
25 |
cached_areas : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
26 |
27 |
-- Memory interface:
28 |
mem_address_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
29 |
mem_data_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
30 |
mem_data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
31 |
mem_data_size : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
32 |
mem_read_req : in std_logic;
33 |
mem_read_ack : out std_logic;
34 |
mem_write_req : in std_logic;
35 |
mem_write_ack : out std_logic;
36 |
37 |
-- Wishbone interface:
38 |
wb_inputs : in wishbone_master_inputs;
39 |
wb_outputs : out wishbone_master_outputs
40 |
41 |
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end entity pp_icache;
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skordal |
architecture behaviour of pp_icache is
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45 |
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skordal |
-- Counter types:
46 |
subtype line_counter_type is natural range 0 to NUM_LINES;
47 |
subtype word_counter_type is natural range 0 to LINE_SIZE;
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-- Cache line types:
50 |
subtype cache_line_type is std_logic_vector((LINE_SIZE * 32) - 1 downto 0);
51 |
type cache_line_word_array is array(0 to LINE_SIZE - 1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
52 |
type cache_line_array is array(0 to NUM_LINES - 1) of cache_line_type;
53 |
54 |
-- Cache tag type:
55 |
subtype cache_tag_type is std_logic_vector(31 - log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) - log2(NUM_LINES) downto 0);
56 |
type cache_tag_array is array(0 to NUM_LINES - 1) of cache_tag_type;
57 |
58 |
-- Cache memories:
59 |
signal cache_memory : cache_line_array;
60 |
signal tag_memory : cache_tag_array;
61 |
signal valid : std_logic_vector(NUM_LINES - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
62 |
63 |
attribute ram_style : string;
64 |
attribute ram_style of cache_memory: signal is "block";
65 |
--attribute ram_style of tag_memory: signal is "block";
66 |
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-- Cache controller signals:
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signal state : state_type := IDLE;
71 |
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-- Is the current input address in the cache?
73 |
signal input_address_cached : boolean;
74 |
75 |
-- Input address components:
76 |
signal input_address_line : std_logic_vector(log2(NUM_LINES) - 1 downto 0);
77 |
signal input_address_word : std_logic_vector(log2(LINE_SIZE) - 1 downto 0);
78 |
signal input_address_tag : std_logic_vector(31 - log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) - log2(NUM_LINES) downto 0);
79 |
80 |
-- Cacheline matching the current input address:
81 |
signal current_cache_line, cache_lookup : cache_line_type;
82 |
signal current_cache_line_words : cache_line_word_array;
83 |
signal current_tag : cache_tag_type;
84 |
85 |
-- Base address to store a cacheline to:
86 |
signal cl_store_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4));
87 |
-- Base address to load a cacheline from:
88 |
signal cl_load_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4));
89 |
-- Cache line to load:
90 |
signal cl_current_line : line_counter_type;
91 |
-- Current word being loaded/stored:
92 |
signal cl_current_word : word_counter_type;
93 |
94 |
-- Buffer for holding a cache line while loading:
95 |
signal load_buffer : cache_line_type;
96 |
signal load_buffer_tag : cache_tag_type;
97 |
98 |
-- Causes a cache line to be stored in the cache memory:
99 |
signal store_cache_line : std_logic;
100 |
101 |
-- Set when the current input address matches a cache line:
102 |
signal cache_hit : std_logic;
103 |
104 |
-- For regular reads:
105 |
signal read_ack : std_logic;
106 |
signal read_data_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
107 |
108 |
-- For regular writes:
109 |
signal write_ack : std_logic;
110 |
111 |
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skordal |
-- Gets the amount to shift output data to the processor with for requests of size != 32 bits:
112 |
function get_data_shift(size : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); address : in std_logic_vector)
113 |
return natural is
114 |
115 |
case size is
116 |
when b"01" =>
117 |
case address(1 downto 0) is
118 |
when b"00" =>
119 |
return 0;
120 |
when b"01" =>
121 |
return 8;
122 |
when b"10" =>
123 |
return 16;
124 |
when b"11" =>
125 |
return 24;
126 |
when others =>
127 |
return 0;
128 |
end case;
129 |
when b"10" =>
130 |
if address(1) = '0' then
131 |
return 0;
132 |
133 |
return 16;
134 |
end if;
135 |
when others =>
136 |
return 0;
137 |
end case;
138 |
end function get_data_shift;
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
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skordal |
--assert is_pow2(LINE_SIZE) report "Cache line size must be a power of 2!" severity FAILURE;
143 |
--assert is_pow2(NUM_LINES) report "Number of cache lines must be a power of 2!" severity FAILURE;
144 |
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145 |
-- Check if the current input address should be/is in the cache:
146 |
44 |
skordal |
input_address_cached <= cached_areas(to_integer(unsigned(mem_address_in(31 downto 27)))) = '1';
147 |
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148 |
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skordal |
mem_data_out <= current_cache_line_words(to_integer(unsigned(input_address_word))) when
149 |
input_address_cached and cache_enable = '1' and cache_flush = '0'
150 |
else read_data_out;
151 |
mem_read_ack <= (cache_hit and mem_read_req)
152 |
when state = IDLE and input_address_cached and cache_enable = '1' and cache_flush = '0'
153 |
else read_ack;
154 |
write_ack <= wb_inputs.ack when state = SINGLE_WRITE else '0';
155 |
mem_write_ack <= write_ack;
156 |
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skordal |
input_address_line <= mem_address_in(log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) + log2(NUM_LINES) - 1 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4));
158 |
input_address_tag <= mem_address_in(31 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) + log2(NUM_LINES));
159 |
160 |
find_word: process(clk)
161 |
162 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
163 |
input_address_word <= mem_address_in(log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) - 1 downto 2);
164 |
end if;
165 |
end process find_word;
166 |
167 |
cacheline_lookup: process(clk)
168 |
169 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
170 |
if store_cache_line = '1' then
171 |
cache_memory(cl_current_line) <= load_buffer;
172 |
end if;
173 |
174 |
current_cache_line <= cache_memory(to_integer(unsigned(input_address_line)));
175 |
end if;
176 |
end process cacheline_lookup;
177 |
178 |
decompose_cache_line: for i in 0 to LINE_SIZE - 1 generate
179 |
current_cache_line_words(i) <= current_cache_line(32 * i + 31 downto 32 * i);
180 |
end generate decompose_cache_line;
181 |
182 |
tag_lookup: process(clk)
183 |
184 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
185 |
if reset = '1' then
186 |
cache_hit <= '0';
187 |
188 |
if store_cache_line = '1' then
189 |
tag_memory(cl_current_line) <= load_buffer_tag;
190 |
end if;
191 |
192 |
current_tag <= tag_memory(to_integer(unsigned(input_address_line)));
193 |
cache_hit <= valid(to_integer(unsigned(input_address_line))) and to_std_logic(tag_memory(to_integer(unsigned(input_address_line))) = input_address_tag);
194 |
end if;
195 |
end if;
196 |
end process tag_lookup;
197 |
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controller: process(clk)
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skordal |
variable current_word : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
200 |
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201 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
202 |
if reset = '1' then
203 |
state <= IDLE;
204 |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '0';
205 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '0';
206 |
44 |
skordal |
store_cache_line <= '0';
207 |
read_ack <= '0';
208 |
valid <= (others => '0');
209 |
read_data_out <= (others => '0');
210 |
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skordal |
211 |
case state is
212 |
when IDLE =>
213 |
44 |
skordal |
read_ack <= '0';
214 |
if cache_flush = '1' then
215 |
valid <= (others => '0');
216 |
elsif input_address_cached and cache_enable = '1' then
217 |
if (mem_read_req = '1' or mem_write_req = '1') and cache_hit = '0' then
218 |
wb_outputs.adr <= mem_address_in(31 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4)) & (log2(LINE_SIZE * 4) - 1 downto 0 => '0');
219 |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '1';
220 |
wb_outputs.we <= '0';
221 |
wb_outputs.sel <= (others => '1');
222 |
load_buffer_tag <= input_address_tag;
223 |
cl_load_address <= mem_address_in(31 downto log2(LINE_SIZE * 4));
224 |
cl_store_address <= input_address_tag & input_address_line;
225 |
cl_current_line <= to_integer(unsigned(input_address_line));
226 |
cl_current_word <= 0;
227 |
228 |
end if;
229 |
230 |
if mem_read_req = '1' and read_ack = '0' then -- Do an uncached read
231 |
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wb_outputs.adr <= mem_address_in;
232 |
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wb_outputs.sel <= wb_get_data_sel(mem_data_size, mem_address_in);
233 |
25 |
skordal |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '1';
234 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '1';
235 |
wb_outputs.we <= '0';
236 |
state <= SINGLE_READ;
237 |
elsif mem_write_req = '1' then -- Do an uncached write
238 |
wb_outputs.adr <= mem_address_in;
239 |
wb_outputs.dat <= std_logic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(mem_data_in),
240 |
get_data_shift(mem_data_size, mem_address_in)));
241 |
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wb_outputs.sel <= wb_get_data_sel(mem_data_size, mem_address_in);
242 |
25 |
skordal |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '1';
243 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '1';
244 |
wb_outputs.we <= '1';
245 |
state <= SINGLE_WRITE;
246 |
end if;
247 |
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skordal |
end if;
248 |
249 |
state <= IDLE;
250 |
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skordal |
251 |
if wb_inputs.ack = '1' then
252 |
44 |
skordal |
read_data_out <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(wb_inputs.dat),
253 |
25 |
skordal |
get_data_shift(mem_data_size, mem_address_in)));
254 |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '0';
255 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '0';
256 |
44 |
skordal |
read_ack <= '1';
257 |
25 |
skordal |
state <= IDLE;
258 |
end if;
259 |
260 |
if wb_inputs.ack = '1' then
261 |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '0';
262 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '0';
263 |
wb_outputs.we <= '0';
264 |
state <= IDLE;
265 |
end if;
266 |
44 |
skordal |
267 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '1';
268 |
wb_outputs.we <= '0';
269 |
wb_outputs.adr <= cl_load_address & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cl_current_word, log2(LINE_SIZE))) & b"00";
270 |
271 |
272 |
if wb_inputs.ack = '1' then
273 |
wb_outputs.stb <= '0';
274 |
load_buffer(cl_current_word * 32 + 31 downto cl_current_word * 32) <= wb_inputs.dat;
275 |
if natural(cl_current_word) = LINE_SIZE - 1 then
276 |
wb_outputs.cyc <= '0';
277 |
store_cache_line <= '1';
278 |
279 |
280 |
cl_current_word <= cl_current_word + 1;
281 |
282 |
end if;
283 |
end if;
284 |
285 |
store_cache_line <= '0';
286 |
valid(cl_current_line) <= '1';
287 |
288 |
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end case;
289 |
end if;
290 |
end if;
291 |
end process controller;
292 |
293 |
end architecture behaviour;