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gajos |
%partly based on ruschidoc.cls file from Avalon AES ECB-Core project
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\RequirePackage[bookmarks, plainpages={false}]{hyperref}
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% ************************ Page layout ************************
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% Section and subsection are de-idented (text body is idented)
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35 |
% how wide is the header
36 |
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38 |
%% Change the font
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40 |
%% Make Registered Trademark symbol raised
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45 |
\renewcommand{\paragraph}[1]{\newpar{#1}\ \vspace{0.3cm}\\}
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48 |
{section}% % the name
49 |
{1}% % the level
50 |
{-\@secindent}% % the indent
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52 |
{6pt}% % the after skip
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{\huge\bf}} % the style
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56 |
{subsection}% % the name
57 |
{1}% % the level
58 |
{-\@secindent}% % the indent
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60 |
{6pt}% % the after skip
61 |
{\large\bf}} % the style
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64 |
{subsubsection}% % the name
65 |
{1}% % the level
66 |
{-\@secindent}% % the indent
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68 |
{6pt}% % the after skip
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{\bf}} % the style
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% ************************ Date format ************************
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73 |
Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or
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Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi~\number\day, \number\year}
75 |
76 |
77 |
Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or
78 |
Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi-\number\year}
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\newcommand{\paddedday}{\ifnum\number\day<10 0\number\day\else \number\day\fi}
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\newcommand{\paddedmonth}{\ifnum\number\month<10 0\number\month\else \number\month\fi}
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% ************************ Document Variables ************************
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% main author
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% Additional Authors
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% When was the document written/submitted (not compiled)
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% unique identifier
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% type of document
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\docType{Technical Note}
105 |
% Title of the document
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108 |
% Title of the document
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111 |
% current revision
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% Status Draft/revision/ final
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117 |
% Who will receive the doc -- differnece to customers???
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% list of keywords
120 |
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% list of revisions
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% ************************ Header/footer ************************
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\begin{tabularx}{185mm}{p{98mm} p{45mm} p{25mm}}
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\hskip2mm \sc{ \@docTitle } & & \hskip2mm \thepage / \pageref{LastPage}
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\tiny{All rights reserved - \copyright \number\year \ \@authorName}
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\tiny{\@docID \ (v. \@docRevision) - \@\shorttoday}
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% ************************ Revision table *********************
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\newcommand{ \revisionTable } {
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\section*{Change History}
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth} {| p{11mm} | p{14mm} | p{23mm} | X | p{32mm} |}
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Rev. & Chapter & Date & Description & Reviewer \\
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% ************************ Cover table ************************
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%% Title
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\Huge{\textbf{\sc{\@docTitle}}} \\
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%% fancy line
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%% addes5mm
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{55mm} X p{65mm}}
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187 |
\end{minipage} & &
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189 |
\Large{\@authorName} \\
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191 |
\end{minipage} \\
192 |
& & \\
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\large{\@authorURL} & & \large{\@authorEmail} \\
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} %% End of maketitle