1 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
--! @file dpc.vhd
2 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
--! @brief Decodificador de operacion.
3 |
128 |
jguarin200 |
--! @author Julián Andrés Guarín Reyes
4 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
5 |
6 |
-- Author Julian Andres Guarin
7 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
-- dpc.vhd
8 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
-- This file is part of raytrac.
9 |
10 |
-- raytrac is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 |
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 |
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 |
-- (at your option) any later version.
14 |
15 |
-- raytrac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 |
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 |
18 |
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
19 |
20 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 |
-- along with raytrac. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 |
23 |
library ieee;
24 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
25 |
134 |
jguarin200 |
26 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
entity dpc is
27 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
generic (
28 |
132 |
jguarin200 |
width : integer := 32
29 |
--!external_readable_widthad : integer := integer(ceil(log(real(external_readable_blocks),2.0))))
30 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
31 |
port (
32 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
clk,rst : in std_logic;
33 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
paraminput : in std_logic_vector ((12*width)-1 downto 0); --! Vectores A,B,C,D
34 |
prd32blko : in std_logic_vector ((06*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 6 multiplicadores.
35 |
add32blko : in std_logic_vector ((04*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 4 sumadores.
36 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
sqr32blko,inv32blko : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de la raiz cuadradas y el inversor.
37 |
138 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x23_q : in std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de la cola intermedia.
38 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x09_q : in std_logic_vector (02*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de las colas de producto punto.
39 |
unary,crossprod,addsub : in std_logic; --! Bit con el identificador del bloque AB vs CD e identificador del sub bloque (A/B) o (C/D).
40 |
145 |
jguarin200 |
sync_chain_0 : in std_logic; --! Señal de dato valido que se va por toda la cadena de sincronizacion.
41 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
eoi_int : in std_logic; --! Sennal de interrupción de final de instrucción.
42 |
eoi_demuxed_int : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); --! Señal de interrupción de final de instrucción pero esta vez va asociada a la instruccón UCA.
43 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
sqr32blki,inv32blki : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de las 2 raices cuadradas y los 2 inversores.
44 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x26_d : out std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Entrada a la cola intermedia para la normalización.
45 |
fifo32x09_d : out std_logic_vector (02*width-1 downto 0); --! Entrada a las colas intermedias del producto punto.
46 |
prd32blki : out std_logic_vector ((12*width)-1 downto 0); --! Entrada de los 12 factores en el bloque de multiplicación respectivamente.
47 |
add32blki : out std_logic_vector ((08*width)-1 downto 0); --! Entrada de los 8 sumandos del bloque de 4 sumadores.
48 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res567w,res13w,res2w : out std_logic; --! Salidas de escritura y lectura en las colas de resultados.
49 |
res0w,res4w,fifo32x09_w : out std_logic;
50 |
fifo32x23_w,fifo32x09_r : out std_logic;
51 |
fifo32x23_r : out std_logic;
52 |
res567f,res13f : in std_logic; --! Entradas de la señal de full de las colas de resultados.
53 |
res2f,res0f : in std_logic;
54 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
resf : out std_logic; --! Salida decodificada que indica que la cola de resultados de la operación que está en curso.
55 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
resultoutput : out std_logic_vector ((08*width)-1 downto 0) --! 8 salidas de resultados, pues lo máximo que podrá calcularse por cada clock son 2 vectores.
56 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
57 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
end dpc;
58 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
59 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
architecture dpc_arch of dpc is
60 |
125 |
jguarin200 |
61 |
constant qz : integer := 00;constant qy : integer := 01;constant qx : integer := 02;
62 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
constant az : integer := 00;constant ay : integer := 01;constant ax : integer := 02;constant bz : integer := 03;constant by : integer := 04;constant bx : integer := 05;
63 |
constant cz : integer := 06;constant cy : integer := 07;constant cx : integer := 08;constant dz : integer := 09;constant dy : integer := 10;constant dx : integer := 11;
64 |
constant f0 : integer := 00;constant f1 : integer := 01;constant f2 : integer := 02;constant f3 : integer := 03;constant f4 : integer := 04;constant f5 : integer := 05;
65 |
constant f6 : integer := 06;constant f7 : integer := 07;constant f8 : integer := 08;constant f9 : integer := 09;constant f10: integer := 10;constant f11: integer := 11;
66 |
constant s0 : integer := 00;constant s1 : integer := 01;constant s2 : integer := 02;constant s3 : integer := 03;constant s4 : integer := 04;constant s5 : integer := 05;
67 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
constant s6 : integer := 06;constant s7 : integer := 07;
68 |
constant a0 : integer := 00;constant a1 : integer := 01;constant a2 : integer := 02;constant aa : integer := 03;
69 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
constant p0 : integer := 00;constant p1 : integer := 01;constant p2 : integer := 02;constant p3 : integer := 03;constant p4 : integer := 04;constant p5 : integer := 05;
70 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
71 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
constant dpfifoab : integer := 00;
72 |
constant dpfifocd : integer := 01;
73 |
74 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
75 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock12 is array (11 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
76 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock08 is array (07 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
77 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock06 is array (05 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
78 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock04 is array (03 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
79 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock03 is array (02 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
80 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
type vectorblock02 is array (01 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
81 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
82 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
83 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
84 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
signal sparaminput,sfactor : vectorblock12;
85 |
signal ssumando,sresult : vectorblock08;
86 |
signal sprd32blk : vectorblock06;
87 |
signal sadd32blk : vectorblock04;
88 |
125 |
jguarin200 |
signal snormfifo_q,snormfifo_d : vectorblock03;
89 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
signal sdpfifo_q : vectorblock02;
90 |
signal ssqr32blk,sinv32blk : std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
91 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
signal ssync_chain : std_logic_vector(28 downto 0);
92 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
signal ssync_chain_d : std_logic;
93 |
94 |
95 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
constant rstMasterValue : std_logic := '0';
96 |
97 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
98 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
99 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
--! Cadena de sincronización: 29 posiciones.
100 |
145 |
jguarin200 |
ssync_chain(0) <= sync_chain_0;
101 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
if rst=rstMasterValue then
105 |
145 |
jguarin200 |
ssync_chain(28 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
106 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
107 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
for i in 28 downto 1 loop
108 |
ssync_chain(i) <= ssync_chain(i-1);
109 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
end loop;
110 |
end if;
111 |
end process sync_chain_proc;
112 |
144 |
jguarin200 |
113 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
--! Escritura en las colas de resultados y escritura/lectura en las colas intermedias mediante cadena de resultados.
114 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x09_w <= ssync_chain(5);
115 |
fifo32x23_w <= ssync_chain(1);
116 |
fifo32x09_r <= ssync_chain(13);
117 |
fifo32x23_r <= ssync_chain(24);
118 |
res0w <= ssync_chain(23);
119 |
res4w <= ssync_chain(21);
120 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
121 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
process (ssync_chain,addsub,crossprod,unary)
122 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
123 |
if unary='1' then
124 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res567w <= ssync_chain(28);
125 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
126 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res567w <= ssync_chain(4);
127 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
end if;
128 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
129 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
if addsub='1' then
130 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res13w <= ssync_chain(9);
131 |
res2w <= ssync_chain(9);
132 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
133 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res13w <= ssync_chain(13);
134 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
if crossprod='1' then
135 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res2w <= ssync_chain(13);
136 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
137 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
res2w <= ssync_chain(22);
138 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
end if;
139 |
end if;
140 |
end process sync_chain_comb;
141 |
142 |
143 |
--! El siguiente código sirve para conectar arreglos a señales std_logic_1164, simplemente son abstracciones a nivel de código y no representará cambios en la síntesis.
144 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
145 |
for i in 11 downto 0 generate
146 |
sparaminput(i) <= paraminput(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
147 |
prd32blki(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= sfactor(i);
148 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
end generate stuff12;
149 |
150 |
for i in 07 downto 0 generate
151 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
add32blki(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= ssumando(i);
152 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
resultoutput(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= sresult(i);
153 |
end generate stuff08;
154 |
138 |
jguarin200 |
155 |
for i in 03 downto 1 generate
156 |
sadd32blk(i) <= add32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
157 |
end generate stuff04;
158 |
159 |
160 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
161 |
for i in 02 downto 0 generate
162 |
138 |
jguarin200 |
snormfifo_q(i) <= fifo32x23_q(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
163 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x26_d(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= snormfifo_d(i);
164 |
end generate stuff03;
165 |
166 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
167 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
for i in 01 downto 0 generate
168 |
sdpfifo_q(i) <= fifo32x09_q(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
169 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
end generate stuff02;
170 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
171 |
--! El siguiente código sirve para conectar arreglos a señales std_logic_1164, son abstracciones de código también, sin embargo se realizan a través de registros.
172 |
173 |
process (clk)
174 |
175 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
176 |
for i in 05 downto 0 loop
177 |
sprd32blk(i) <= prd32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
178 |
end loop;
179 |
end if;
180 |
end process;
181 |
--! Los productos del multiplicador 2 y 3, ya registrados dentro de dpc van a la cola intermedia del producto punto (fifo32x09_d)
182 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
fifo32x09_d <= sprd32blk(p3)&sprd32blk(p2);
183 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
184 |
process (clk)
185 |
186 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
187 |
sadd32blk(a0) <= add32blko(a0*width+width-1 downto a0*width);
188 |
sinv32blk <= inv32blko;
189 |
end if;
190 |
end process;
191 |
122 |
jguarin200 |
192 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
193 |
194 |
140 |
jguarin200 |
195 |
144 |
jguarin200 |
--! Raiz Cuadrada.
196 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
ssqr32blk <= sqr32blko;
197 |
198 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
--! Colas de salida de los distintos resultados;
199 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
sresult(0) <= ssqr32blk;
200 |
sresult(1) <= sadd32blk(a0);
201 |
sresult(2) <= sadd32blk(a1);
202 |
sresult(3) <= sadd32blk(a2);
203 |
sresult(4) <= sadd32blk(aa);
204 |
sresult(5) <= sprd32blk(p3);
205 |
sresult(6) <= sprd32blk(p4);
206 |
sresult(7) <= sprd32blk(p5);
207 |
208 |
--! Cola de normalizacion
209 |
snormfifo_d(qx) <= sparaminput(ax);
210 |
snormfifo_d(qy) <= sparaminput(ay);
211 |
snormfifo_d(qz) <= sparaminput(az);
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
--! La entrada al inversor SIEMPRE viene con la salida de la raiz cuadrada
216 |
inv32blki <= sqr32blko;
217 |
139 |
jguarin200 |
--! La entrada de la ra�z cuadrada SIEMPRE viene con la salida del sumador 1.
218 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
sqr32blki <= sadd32blk(a1);
219 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
220 |
221 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
222 |
--! Conectar las entradas del sumador a, a la salida
223 |
ssumando(s6) <= sadd32blk(a2);
224 |
ssumando(s7) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifocd);
225 |
226 |
144 |
jguarin200 |
--!El siguiente proceso conecta la señal de cola "casi llena", de la cola que corresponde al resultado de la operación indicada por los bit UCA (Unary, Crossprod, Addsub).
227 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
228 |
229 |
if unary='0' then
230 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
if crossprod='1' or addsub='1' then
231 |
eoi_demuxed_int <= "00"&eoi_int&'0';
232 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
resf <= res13f;
233 |
234 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
eoi_demuxed_int <= '0'&eoi_int&"00";
235 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
resf <= res2f;
236 |
end if;
237 |
elsif crossprod='1' or addsub='1' then
238 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
eoi_demuxed_int <= eoi_int&"000";
239 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
resf <= res567f;
240 |
241 |
147 |
jguarin200 |
eoi_demuxed_int <= "000"&eoi_int;
242 |
143 |
jguarin200 |
resf <= res0f;
243 |
end if;
244 |
end process;
245 |
246 |
144 |
jguarin200 |
--! Decodificación del Datapath.
247 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
248 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
249 |
124 |
jguarin200 |
250 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(az);
251 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
if unary='1' then
252 |
--! Magnitud y normalizacion
253 |
sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ax);
254 |
sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(ax);
255 |
sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(ay);
256 |
sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(ay);
257 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
258 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(az);
259 |
142 |
jguarin200 |
if crossprod='1' and addsub='1' then
260 |
sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(cx);
261 |
sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(dx);
262 |
sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(cy);
263 |
sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(dx);
264 |
sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(cz);
265 |
sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(dx);
266 |
267 |
sfactor(f6) <= snormfifo_q(ax);
268 |
sfactor(f7) <= sinv32blk;
269 |
sfactor(f8) <= snormfifo_q(ay);
270 |
sfactor(f9) <= sinv32blk;
271 |
sfactor(f10) <= snormfifo_q(az);
272 |
sfactor(f11) <= sinv32blk;
273 |
end if;
274 |
275 |
276 |
elsif addsub='0' then
277 |
--! Solo productos punto o cruz
278 |
if crossprod='1' then
279 |
280 |
sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ay);
281 |
sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(bz);
282 |
sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(az);
283 |
sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(by);
284 |
285 |
sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(bx);
286 |
sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(ax);
287 |
sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(bz);
288 |
sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(ax);
289 |
sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(by);
290 |
sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(ay);
291 |
sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(bx);
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ax) ;
296 |
sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(bx) ;
297 |
sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(ay) ;
298 |
sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(by) ;
299 |
sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(bz) ;
300 |
sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(cx) ;
301 |
sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(dx) ;
302 |
sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(cy) ;
303 |
sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(dy) ;
304 |
sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(cz) ;
305 |
sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(dz) ;
306 |
end if;
307 |
308 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
309 |
sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ax) ;
310 |
sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(bx) ;
311 |
sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(ay) ;
312 |
sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(by) ;
313 |
sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(bz) ;
314 |
sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(cx) ;
315 |
sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(dx) ;
316 |
sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(cy) ;
317 |
sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(dx) ;
318 |
sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(cz) ;
319 |
sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(dx) ;
320 |
125 |
jguarin200 |
end if;
321 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
322 |
136 |
jguarin200 |
323 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
if addsub='1' then
324 |
ssumando(s0) <= sparaminput(ax);
325 |
ssumando(s1) <= sparaminput(bx);
326 |
ssumando(s2) <= sparaminput(ay);
327 |
ssumando(s3) <= sparaminput(by);
328 |
ssumando(s4) <= sparaminput(az);
329 |
ssumando(s5) <= sparaminput(bz);
330 |
331 |
ssumando(s0) <= sprd32blk(p0);
332 |
ssumando(s1) <= sprd32blk(p1);
333 |
132 |
jguarin200 |
if crossprod='0' then
334 |
ssumando(s2) <= sadd32blk(a0);
335 |
ssumando(s3) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifoab);
336 |
337 |
ssumando(s2) <= sprd32blk(p2);
338 |
ssumando(s3) <= sprd32blk(p3);
339 |
end if;
340 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
ssumando(s4) <= sprd32blk(p4);
341 |
ssumando(s5) <= sprd32blk(p5);
342 |
end if;
343 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
end process;
344 |
345 |
346 |
127 |
jguarin200 |
347 |
123 |
jguarin200 |
end dpc_arch;