1 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
--! @file raytrac.vhd
2 |
--! @brief Descripción del sistema aritmetico usado por raytrac.
3 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! @author Juli´n Andrés Guarín Reyes.
4 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
5 |
-- Author Julian Andres Guarin
6 |
-- uf.vhd
7 |
-- This file is part of raytrac.
8 |
9 |
-- raytrac is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 |
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 |
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 |
-- (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 |
-- raytrac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 |
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 |
17 |
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 |
-- along with raytrac. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 |
22 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! Libreria de definicion de senales y tipos estandares, comportamiento de operadores aritmeticos y logicos.
23 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
library ieee;
24 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! Paquete de definicion estandard de logica.
25 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
26 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
27 |
--! Paquete para el manejo de aritmŽtica con signo sobre el tipo std_logic_vector
28 |
use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
29 |
30 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
--! Paquete estandar de texto
31 |
use std.textio.all;
32 |
33 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! Se usaran en esta descripcion los componentes del package arithpack.vhd.
34 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
use work.arithpack.all;
35 |
36 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
37 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! uf es la descripción del circuito que realiza la aritmética del Rt Engine.
38 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
39 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! La entrada opcode indica la operación que se est´ realizando, en los sumadores, es la misma señal que se encuentra en la entidad opcoder, que selecciona si se est´ realizando un producto punto o un producto cruz. Dentro de la arquitectura de uf, la señal opcode selecciona en la primera etapa de sumadores, si la operación a realizar ser´ una resta o una suma.
40 |
--! Los resultados estar´n en distintas salidas dependiendo de la operación, lo cual es apenas natural: El producto cruz tiene por resultado un vector, mientras que el producto punto tiene por resultado un escalar.
41 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
--! Esta entidad utiliza las señales de control clk y rst.}
42 |
--! \n\n
43 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! La característica fundamental de uf, es que puede realizar 2 operaciones de producto punto al mimso tiempo ó una operación de producto cruz al mismo tiempo. La otra característica importante es que el pipe de producto punto es mas largo que el pipe de producto cruz: el producto punto tomar´ 3 clocks para realizarse, mientras que el procto punto tomara 4 clocks para realizarse.
44 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
45 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
entity uf is
46 |
generic (
47 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
use_std_logic_signed : string := "NO";
48 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
testbench_generation : string := "NO";
49 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
carry_logic : string := "CLA"
50 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
51 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
port (
52 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
opcode : in std_logic; --! Entrada que dentro de la arquitectura funciona como selector de la operación que se lleva a cabo en la primera etapa de sumadores/restadores.
53 |
m0f0,m0f1,m1f0,m1f1,m2f0,m2f1,m3f0,m3f1,m4f0,m4f1,m5f0,m5f1 : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); --! Entradas que van conectadas a los multiplicadores en la primera etapa de la descripción.
54 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
cpx,cpy,cpz,dp0,dp1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --! Salidas donde se registran los resultados de las operaciones aritméticas: cpx,cpy,cpz ser´n los componentes del vector que da por resultado el producto cruz entre los vectores AxB ó CxD.
55 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
clk,rst : in std_logic --! Las entradas de control usuales.
56 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
57 |
end uf;
58 |
59 |
architecture uf_arch of uf is
60 |
61 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
-- Stage 0 signals
62 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
63 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
signal stage0mf00,stage0mf01,stage0mf10,stage0mf11,stage0mf20,stage0mf21,stage0mf30,stage0mf31,stage0mf40,stage0mf41,stage0mf50,stage0mf51 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); --! Señales que conectan los operandos seleccionados en opcode a las entradas de los multiplicadores.
64 |
signal stage0p0,stage0p1, stage0p2, stage0p3, stage0p4, stage0p5 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --! Señales / buses, con los productos de los multiplicadores.
65 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
signal stageMopcode : std_logic; --! Señal de atraso del opcode. Revisar el diagrama de bloques para mayor claridad.
66 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
67 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
--Stage 1 signals
68 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
69 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
signal stage1p0, stage1p1, stage1p2, stage1p3, stage1p4, stage1p5 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Señales provenientes de los productos de la etapa previa de multiplicadores.
70 |
signal stage1a0, stage1a1, stage1a2 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Señales / buses, con los resultados de los sumadores.
71 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
signal stageSRopcode : std_logic; --! Señal proveniente del opcode que selecciona si los sumadores deben ejecutar una resta o una suma dependiendo de la operación que se ejecute en ese momento del pipe.
72 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
73 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
-- Some support signals
74 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
signal stage1_internalCarry : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --! Cada uno de los 3 sumadores de la etapa de sumadores est´ compuesto de una cascada de 2 sumadores Carry Look Ahead: aXhigh y aXlow. El carry out del componente low y el carry in del componente high, se conectar´ a través de las señales internal carry.
75 |
signal stage2_internalCarry : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --! Cada uno de los 2 sumadores de la última etapa de sumadores est´ compuesto de una cascada de 2 sumadores Carry Look AheadÑ: aXhigh y aXlow. El carry out del componente low y el carry in del componente high, se conectar´ a través de las señales internal carry.
76 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
77 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
--Stage 2 signals
78 |
signal stage2a0, stage2a2, stage2a3, stage2a4, stage2p2, stage2p3 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Estas señales corresponden a los sumandos derivados de la primera etapa de multiplicadores (stage2p2, stage2p3) y a los sumandos derivados del resultado de las sumas en la primera etapa de sumadores.
79 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
83 |
84 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
-- Multiplicator Instantiation (StAgE 0)
85 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
--! Multiplicador 0
86 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m0 : lpm_mult
87 |
generic map (
88 |
89 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
90 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
91 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
92 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
93 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
94 |
lpm_widthp => 32
95 |
96 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
97 |
aclr => rst,
98 |
clock => clk,
99 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf00,
100 |
datab => stage0mf01,
101 |
result => stage0p0
102 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
103 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
104 |
--! Multiplicador 1
105 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m1 : lpm_mult
106 |
generic map (
107 |
108 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
109 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
110 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
111 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
112 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
113 |
lpm_widthp => 32
114 |
115 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
116 |
aclr => rst,
117 |
clock => clk,
118 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf10,
119 |
datab => stage0mf11,
120 |
result => stage0p1
121 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
122 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
123 |
--! Multiplicador 2
124 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m2 : lpm_mult
125 |
generic map (
126 |
127 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
128 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
129 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
130 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
131 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
132 |
lpm_widthp => 32
133 |
134 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
135 |
aclr => rst,
136 |
clock => clk,
137 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf20,
138 |
datab => stage0mf21,
139 |
result => stage0p2
140 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
141 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
142 |
--! Multiplicador 3
143 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m3 : lpm_mult
144 |
generic map (
145 |
146 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
147 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
148 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
149 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
150 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
151 |
lpm_widthp => 32
152 |
153 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
154 |
aclr => rst,
155 |
clock => clk,
156 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf30,
157 |
datab => stage0mf31,
158 |
result => stage0p3
159 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
160 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
161 |
--! Multiplicador 4
162 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m4 : lpm_mult
163 |
generic map (
164 |
165 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
166 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
167 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
168 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
169 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
170 |
lpm_widthp => 32
171 |
172 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
173 |
aclr => rst,
174 |
clock => clk,
175 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf40,
176 |
datab => stage0mf41,
177 |
result => stage0p4
178 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
179 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
180 |
--! Multiplicador 5
181 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
m5 : lpm_mult
182 |
generic map (
183 |
184 |
lpm_pipeline => 2,
185 |
lpm_representation => "SIGNED",
186 |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT",
187 |
lpm_widtha => 18,
188 |
lpm_widthb => 18,
189 |
lpm_widthp => 32
190 |
191 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
port map (
192 |
aclr => rst,
193 |
clock => clk,
194 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
dataa => stage0mf50,
195 |
datab => stage0mf51,
196 |
result => stage0p5
197 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
202 |
if use_std_logic_signed="YES" generate
203 |
-- Adder Instantiation (sTaGe 1)
204 |
205 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
process (stage1p0,stage1p1,stage1p2,stage1p3,stage1p4,stage1p5,stageSRopcode)
206 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
207 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
case (stageSRopcode) is
208 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
when '1' => -- Cross Product
209 |
stage1a0 <= stage1p0-stage1p1;
210 |
stage1a2 <= stage1p4-stage1p5;
211 |
when others => -- Dot Product
212 |
stage1a0 <= stage1p0+stage1p1;
213 |
stage1a2 <= stage1p4+stage1p5;
214 |
end case;
215 |
end process stage1adderProc;
216 |
stage1a1 <= stage1p2-stage1p3; -- This is always going to be a substraction
217 |
218 |
-- Adder Instantiation (Stage 2)
219 |
stage2a3 <= stage2a0+stage2p2;
220 |
stage2a4 <= stage2p3+stage2a2;
221 |
end generate useIeee;
222 |
223 |
if use_std_logic_signed="NO" generate
224 |
--! Adder 0, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder.
225 |
a0low : adder
226 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
227 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
228 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
port map (stage1p0(15 downto 0),stage1p1(15 downto 0),stageSRopcode,'0',stage1a0(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(0));
229 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
--Adder 0, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder.
230 |
a0high : adder
231 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
232 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
233 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
port map (stage1p0(31 downto 16),stage1p1(31 downto 16),stageSRopcode,stage1_internalCarry(0),stage1a0(31 downto 16),open);
234 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
--! Adder 1, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder.
235 |
a1low : adder
236 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
237 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
238 |
port map (stage1p2(15 downto 0),stage1p3(15 downto 0),'1','0',stage1a1(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(1));
239 |
--! Adder 1, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder.
240 |
a1high : adder
241 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
242 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
243 |
port map (stage1p2(31 downto 16),stage1p3(31 downto 16),'1',stage1_internalCarry(1),stage1a1(31 downto 16),open);
244 |
--! Adder 2, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder.
245 |
a2low : adder
246 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
247 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
248 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
port map (stage1p4(15 downto 0),stage1p5(15 downto 0),stageSRopcode,'0',stage1a2(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(2));
249 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
--! Adder 2, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder.
250 |
a2high : adder
251 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
252 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command.
253 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
port map (stage1p4(31 downto 16),stage1p5(31 downto 16),stageSRopcode,stage1_internalCarry(2),stage1a2(31 downto 16),open);
254 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Adder Instantiation (Stage 2)
255 |
--! Adder 3, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder.
256 |
a3low : adder
257 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
258 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder.
259 |
port map (stage2a0(15 downto 0),stage2p2(15 downto 0),'0','0',stage2a3(15 downto 0),stage2_internalCarry(0));
260 |
--Adder 3, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder.
261 |
a3high : adder
262 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
263 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder.
264 |
port map (stage2a0(31 downto 16),stage2p2(31 downto 16),'0',stage2_internalCarry(0),stage2a3(31 downto 16),open);
265 |
--! Adder 4, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder.
266 |
a4low : adder
267 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
268 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder.
269 |
port map (stage2p3(15 downto 0),stage2a2(15 downto 0),'0','0',stage2a4(15 downto 0),stage2_internalCarry(1));
270 |
--! Adder 4, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder.
271 |
a4high : adder
272 |
32 |
jguarin200 |
generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time)
273 |
27 |
jguarin200 |
-- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder.
274 |
port map (stage2p3(31 downto 16),stage2a2(31 downto 16),'0',stage2_internalCarry(1),stage2a4(31 downto 16),open);
275 |
276 |
end generate dontUseIeee;
277 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
-- Incoming from opcoder.vhd signals into pipeline's stage 0.
278 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
stage0mf00 <= m0f0;
279 |
stage0mf01 <= m0f1;
280 |
stage0mf10 <= m1f0;
281 |
stage0mf11 <= m1f1;
282 |
stage0mf20 <= m2f0;
283 |
stage0mf21 <= m2f1;
284 |
stage0mf30 <= m3f0;
285 |
stage0mf31 <= m3f1;
286 |
stage0mf40 <= m4f0;
287 |
stage0mf41 <= m4f1;
288 |
stage0mf50 <= m5f0;
289 |
stage0mf51 <= m5f1;
290 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
291 |
-- Signal sequencing: as the multipliers use registered output and registered input is not necessary to write the sequence of stage 0 signals to stage 1 signals.
292 |
-- so the simplistic path is taken: simply connect stage 0 to stage 1 lines. However this would not apply for the opcode signal
293 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
stage1p0 <= stage0p0;
294 |
stage1p1 <= stage0p1;
295 |
stage1p2 <= stage0p2;
296 |
stage1p3 <= stage0p3;
297 |
stage1p4 <= stage0p4;
298 |
stage1p5 <= stage0p5;
299 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
300 |
301 |
--Outcoming to the rest of the system (by the time i wrote this i dont know where this leads to... jeje)
302 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
cpx <= stage1a0;
303 |
cpy <= stage1a1;
304 |
cpz <= stage1a2;
305 |
dp0 <= stage2a3;
306 |
dp1 <= stage2a4;
307 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
308 |
-- Looking into the design the stage 1 to stage 2 are the sequences pipe stages that must be controlled in this particular HDL.
309 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
--! Este proceso describe la manera en que se organizan las etapas de pipe.
310 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
--! Todas las señales internas en las etapas de pipe, en el momento en que la entrada rst alcanza el nivel rstMasterValue, se colocan en '0'. Nótese que, salvo stageMopcode<=stageSRopcode, las señales que vienen desde la entrada hacia los multiplicadores en la etapa 0 y desde la salida de los multiplicadores desde la etapa0 hacia la etapa 1, no est´n siendo descritas en este proceso, la explicación de es simple: Los multiplicadores que se est´n instanciado tienen registros a la entrada y la salida, permitiendo así, registrar las entradas y registrar los productos o salidas de los multiplicadores, hacia la etapa 1 o etapa de sumadores/restadores.
311 |
22 |
jguarin200 |
312 |
uf_seq: process (clk,rst)
313 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
314 |
315 |
if rst=rstMasterValue then
316 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
stageMopcode <= '0';
317 |
stageSRopcode <= '0';
318 |
3 |
jguarin200 |
319 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
stage2a2 <= (others => '0');
320 |
stage2p3 <= (others => '0');
321 |
stage2p2 <= (others => '0');
322 |
stage2a0 <= (others => '0');
323 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
324 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
325 |
326 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
stage2a2 <= stage1a2;
327 |
stage2p3 <= stage1p3;
328 |
stage2p2 <= stage1p2;
329 |
stage2a0 <= stage1a0;
330 |
3 |
jguarin200 |
331 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
-- Opcode control sequence
332 |
28 |
jguarin200 |
stageMopcode <= opcode;
333 |
stageSRopcode <= stageMopcode;
334 |
8 |
jguarin200 |
335 |
end if;
336 |
end process uf_seq;
337 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
338 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
--! Codigo generado para realizar test bench
339 |
340 |
if testbench_generation="YES" generate
341 |
342 |
343 |
variable buff : line;
344 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
variable theend : time :=30835 ns;
345 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
file mbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_multiplier_content.csv";
346 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
347 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#UF multipliers test benching"));
348 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
writeline(mbuff, buff);
349 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#{Time} {m0result} {m1result} {m2result} {m3result} {m4result} {m5result}"));
350 |
writeline(mbuff, buff);
351 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
wait for 5 ns;
352 |
wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue);
353 |
wait until clk='1';
354 |
wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida.
355 |
356 |
357 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("{"));
358 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,now,unit =>ns);
359 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
360 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p0(31 downto 0));
361 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
362 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p1(31 downto 0));
363 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
364 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p2(31 downto 0));
365 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
366 |
58 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p3(31 downto 0));
367 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
368 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p4(31 downto 0));
369 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
370 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p5(31 downto 0));
371 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}"));
372 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
373 |
wait for tclk;
374 |
56 |
jguarin200 |
if now>theend then
375 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
376 |
end if;
377 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
end loop displayRom;
378 |
end process tbproc0;
379 |
380 |
381 |
variable buff : line;
382 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
variable theend : time :=30795 ns;
383 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
file fbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_decoded_factors_content.csv";
384 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
385 |
386 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#UF factors decoded test benching"));
387 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
writeline(fbuff, buff);
388 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#{Time} {m0f0,m0f1}{m1f0,m1f1}{m2f0,m2f1}{m3f0,m3f1}{m4f0,m4f1}{m5f0,m5f1}"));
389 |
writeline(fbuff, buff);
390 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
wait for 5 ns;
391 |
wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue);
392 |
wait until clk='1';
393 |
wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida.
394 |
395 |
396 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" { "));
397 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,now,unit =>ns);
398 |
write (buff,string'(" } "));
399 |
write (buff,string'(" { "));
400 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m0f0(17 downto 0));
401 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
402 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m0f1(17 downto 0));
403 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" } { "));
404 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m1f0(17 downto 0));
405 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
406 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m1f1(17 downto 0));
407 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" } { "));
408 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m2f0(17 downto 0));
409 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
410 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m2f1(17 downto 0));
411 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" } { "));
412 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m3f0(17 downto 0));
413 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
414 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m3f1(17 downto 0));
415 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" } { "));
416 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m4f0(17 downto 0));
417 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
418 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m4f1(17 downto 0));
419 |
write (buff,string'(" } { "));
420 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m5f0(17 downto 0));
421 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
422 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,m5f1(17 downto 0));
423 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" }"));
424 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
425 |
wait for tclk;
426 |
56 |
jguarin200 |
if now>theend then
427 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
428 |
end if;
429 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
end loop displayRom;
430 |
end process tbproc1;
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
variable buff : line;
435 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
variable theend : time :=30855 ns;
436 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
file rbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_results_content.csv";
437 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
438 |
439 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#UF results test benching"));
440 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
writeline(rbuff, buff);
441 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write(buff,string'("#{Time} {CPX,CPY,CPZ}{DP0,DP1}"));
442 |
writeline(rbuff, buff);
443 |
444 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
wait for 5 ns;
445 |
wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue);
446 |
wait until clk='1';
447 |
wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida.
448 |
449 |
450 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" { "));
451 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,now,unit =>ns);
452 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" }{ "));
453 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a0(31 downto 0));
454 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
455 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a1(31 downto 0));
456 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(","));
457 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a2(31 downto 0));
458 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" }{ "));
459 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage2a3(31 downto 0));
460 |
54 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'("}{"));
461 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
hexwrite_0 (buff,stage2a4(31 downto 0));
462 |
52 |
jguarin200 |
write (buff,string'(" }"));
463 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
464 |
wait for tclk;
465 |
56 |
jguarin200 |
if now>theend then
466 |
55 |
jguarin200 |
467 |
end if;
468 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
end loop displayRom;
469 |
end process tbproc2;
470 |
471 |
end generate tbgen;
472 |
15 |
jguarin200 |
473 |
474 |
50 |
jguarin200 |
475 |
476 |
2 |
jguarin200 |
end uf_arch;