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vk.semicon |
Simulation Files description:
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1. RS_dec_tb.v:
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Verilog test bench to test the Reed Solomon Decoder core,
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by feeding input test cases to the core and compare outputs of
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the core with true outputs, (using input and output files), the test
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bench is configured to make a functional simulation to the core, in case
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of post place and route simulation you should uncomment the timescale
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on the first line of the test bench and set the required clock value by
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configuring the value of the parameter pclk.
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the inputs file, the test bench uses this file to feed inputs to the core, the file
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should contain the input bytes in binary format, every line should contain
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a single byte.
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the outputs file, the test bench uses this file to verify the outputs from the core, the file
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should contain the true output bytes in binary format, every line should contain
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a single byte.
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MATLAB script to generate test vectors for the core, it will generate random data and
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encode it using MATLAB rs_enc then put errors on the code from 0:8 byte errors
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on every codeword, then it will generate inputs and outputs test files to be used
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by the Verilog test bench.
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Modelsim wave file contain inputs and outputs port of the design.
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Modelsim macro to compile the verilog files, load the wave file, and start functional simulation.
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and the file depends on directory structure of simulation and rtl directories.(must use
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the same directory structure to work in a proper way).