1 |
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jclaytons |
2 |
// RISC 16F84 "clk2x" core
3 |
4 |
// This file is part of the "risc_16F84" project.
5 |
// http://www.opencores.org/cores/risc_16F84
6 |
7 |
8 |
// Description: See description below (which suffices for IP core
9 |
// specification document.)
10 |
11 |
// Copyright (C) 1999 Sumio Morioka (original VHDL design version)
12 |
// Copyright (C) 2001 John Clayton and OPENCORES.ORG (this Verilog version)
13 |
14 |
// NOTE: This source code is free for educational/hobby use only. It cannot
15 |
// be used for commercial purposes without the consent of Microchip
16 |
// Technology incorporated.
17 |
18 |
// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
19 |
// that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
20 |
// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
21 |
// disclaimer.
22 |
23 |
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
24 |
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
25 |
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
26 |
// (at your option) any later version.
27 |
28 |
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
29 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
30 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
31 |
// License for more details.
32 |
33 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
34 |
// along with this source.
35 |
// If not, download it from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
// Author: John Clayton
40 |
// Date : January 29, 2002
41 |
42 |
// (NOTE: Date formatted as day/month/year.)
43 |
// Update: 29/01/02 copied this file from memory_sizer.v (pared down).
44 |
// Translated the module and signal declarations.
45 |
// Transformed the instruction wires to lowercase.
46 |
// Transformed the addressing wires to lowercase.
47 |
// Update: 31/01/02 Translated the instruction decoder.
48 |
// Update: 5/02/02 Determined that stack is simply a circular buffer of
49 |
// 8 locations, 13 bits per location. Started translating
50 |
// "main_efsm" process. Added all code from piccore.vhd
51 |
// into this file for eventual translation. Concluded that
52 |
// "stack_full_node" is not needed.
53 |
// Update: 6/02/02 Translated the "ram_i_node" if/else precedural assignment.
54 |
// Update: 7/02/02 Changed all := to <=, changed all '0' to 0 and '1' to 1.
55 |
// Replaced all " downto " with ":".
56 |
// Finished translating QRESET state.
57 |
// Update: 20/02/02 Replaced all instances of Qreset with QRESET_PP. Also
58 |
// replaced other state designations with their new names.
59 |
// Finished translating Q1, Q2 states.
60 |
// Update: 22/02/02 Translated section 2-4-1-1 (aluout register)
61 |
// Update: 27/02/02 Replaced all "or" with "||" in if statements
62 |
// Replaced all "and" with "&&" in if statements.
63 |
// Replaced all "not" with "~" in if statements.
64 |
// Finished translating Q3,Q4 states.
65 |
// Translated output signal assignments at end of code.
66 |
// Translated interrupt trigger processes.
67 |
// Update: 28/02/02 Finished translation of WDT and TMR0 prescaler.
68 |
// Trimmed line length to 80 characters throughout.
69 |
// Prepared to attempt initial syntax checking.
70 |
// Cleaned up some naming conventions, and verified that
71 |
// all I/O pins have _i or _o appended in the body of the
72 |
// code.
73 |
// Update: 03/04/02 Changed "progdata_i" to "prog_dat_i" Also changed
74 |
// "progadr_o" to "prog_adr_o"
75 |
// Update: 04/04/02 Created new file "risc16f84_lite.v" This file is reduced
76 |
// and simplified from the original "risc16f84.v" file.
77 |
// Specifically, I am removing EEPROM support, and
78 |
// consolidating porta and portb I/O pins so that they
79 |
// are bidirectional.
80 |
// Update: 04/04/02 Created a new file "risc16f84_small.v" This file is
81 |
// further reduced and simplified from "risc16f84_lite.v"
82 |
// Specifically, I am removing the prescaler, TMR0 and WDT.
83 |
// Also, I am removing support for portb interrupts, leaving
84 |
// only rb0/int as an interrupt source. This pin will be
85 |
// the only way to wake up from the SLEEP instruction...
86 |
// Obviously, the CLEARWDT instruction will no longer do
87 |
// anything.
88 |
// Update: 05/04/02 Removed the "powerdown_o", "startclk_o" and "clk_o" pins
89 |
// from the small design. Also removed "rbpu_o", so if you
90 |
// want pullups, you have to add them explicitly in the
91 |
// constraints file, and option_reg[7] doesn't control them.
92 |
// Update: 08/04/02 Decided to modify "risc16f84_small.v" in order to try for
93 |
// more performance (only 2 states per instruction!)
94 |
// The new file is called "risc16f84_clk2x.v" The resulting
95 |
// code was synthesized, but not tested yet.
96 |
// Update: 11/04/02 Decided to remove porta and portb from this unit, and add
97 |
// instead an auxiliary bus, which is intended to allow I/O
98 |
// using an indirect approach, similar to using the FSR.
99 |
// However, the aux_adr_o is 16 bits wide, so that larger
100 |
// RAM may be accessed indirectly by the processor... The use
101 |
// of FSR for this purpose proved undesirable, since any new
102 |
// page of RAM contains "holes" to accomodate the registers
103 |
// in the first 12 locations (including FSR!) so that large
104 |
// contiguous blocks of memory could not be accessed in an
105 |
// effective way. This auxiliary bus solves that problem.
106 |
// Since this processor is implemented inside of an FPGA,
107 |
// and it is not a goal to maintain compatibility with
108 |
// existing libraries of code, there is no need to maintain
109 |
// porta and portb in the hardware.
110 |
// The aux_adr_lo and aux_adr_hi registers are located at
111 |
// 88h and 89h, and the aux_dat_io location is decoded at
112 |
// 08h.
113 |
// Also, changed to using "ram_we_o" instead of "readram_o"
114 |
// and "writeram_o"
115 |
// Update: 16/04/02 Added clock enable signal, for processor single stepping.
116 |
// "aux_dat_io" is only driven when "clk_en_i" is high...
117 |
// Update: 17/04/02 Removed "reset_condition" and moved "inc_pc_node" out of
118 |
// the clocking area, making it non-registered. In fact, I
119 |
// moved everything other than the state machine out of the
120 |
// clocked logic section. Changed "aluout_reg" to "aluout"
121 |
// since it is no longer registered.
122 |
// Update: 26/04/02 Fixed bug in aluout logic. The AND and OR functions were
123 |
// coded with logical AND/OR instead of bitwise AND/OR!
124 |
// Update: 26/04/02 Changed location of aux_adr_lo and aux_adr_hi registers
125 |
// to 05h and 06h, respectively. This was done to save
126 |
// code space because when using the aux data bus, no bank
127 |
// switching is necessary since they will now reside in the
128 |
// same bank.
129 |
// Update: 01/05/02 Fixed another bug -- the rrf and rlf instructions were
130 |
// coded incorrectly.
131 |
// Update: 03/05/02 Fixed another bug -- the carry bit was incorrect (the
132 |
// problem was discovered while performing SUBWF X,W where
133 |
// W contained 0 and X contained 1. (1-0). The logic for
134 |
// the carry bit appears to have been incorrect even in
135 |
// the original VHDL code by Sumio Morioka.
136 |
// Update: 11/18/02 Fixed bug in PCL addressing mode (near line 791)
137 |
// Removed parameters associated with WDT.
138 |
// Update: 11/25/02 Re-wrote much of the main FSM. Attempted to generate logic
139 |
// to recognize the falling edge of an interrupt, and was
140 |
// unsuccessful (not simulation, actual hardware tests.)
141 |
// Realized that falling edge interrupt can be equivalent to
142 |
// rising edge interrupt with a NOT gate on the signal. Since
143 |
// NOTs are practically free inside of an FPGA, decided to
144 |
// abandon the negative edge aspect of recognizing interrupts.
145 |
// Therefore, removed the "option_reg" since it is no longer
146 |
// needed in this design.
147 |
// Update: 08/08/03 Fixed a mathematical error, which was introduced by the bug
148 |
// fix of 03/05/02. The fix of 03/05/02 correctly generated the
149 |
// C bit for subtraction of zero, but unfortunately it introduced
150 |
// an error such that all subtraction results were off by 1.
151 |
// Obviously, this was unacceptable, and I think it has been fixed
152 |
// by the new signals "c_subtract_zero" and "c_dig_subtract_zero"
153 |
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jclaytons |
// Update: 10/24/05 Added code patches to fix interrupt bug and status flag updates
154 |
// when using literal value of 0x03. These bugs were reported by
155 |
// an opencores.org user. Added three "disable_status_x" signals.
156 |
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jclaytons |
// Modified file still needs to be tested.
157 |
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jclaytons |
// Update: 06/29/13 This project is now CC-BY licensed. See risc16f84_license.txt
158 |
// for details.
159 |
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jclaytons |
160 |
// Description
161 |
162 |
// This logic module implements a small RISC microcontroller, with functions
163 |
// and instruction set very similar to those of the Microchip 16F84 chip.
164 |
// This work is a translation (from VHDL to Verilog) of the "CQPIC" design
165 |
// published in 1999 by Sumio Morioka of Japan, and published in the December
166 |
// 1999 issue of "Transistor Gijutsu Magazine." The translation was performed
167 |
// by John Clayton, without the use of any translation tools.
168 |
169 |
// Original version used as basis for translation: CQPIC version 1.00b
170 |
// (December 10, 2000)
171 |
172 |
// Further revisions and re-writing have been completed on this code by John
173 |
// Clayton. The interrupt mechanism has been completely re-done, and the
174 |
// way in which the program counter is generated is expressed in a new way.
175 |
176 |
// In the comments, a "cycle" is defined as a processor cycle of 2 states.
177 |
// Thus, passing through states Q2_PP and Q4_PP completes one cycle.
178 |
// The numbers "1-3" and so forth are left from the comments in the original
179 |
// source code used as the basis of the translation.
180 |
181 |
182 |
`define STATEBIT_SIZE 2 // Size of state machine register (bits)
183 |
184 |
185 |
module risc16f84_clk2x (
186 |
prog_dat_i, // [13:0] ROM read data
187 |
prog_adr_o, // [12:0] ROM address
188 |
ram_dat_i, // [7:0] RAM read data
189 |
ram_dat_o, // [7:0] RAM write data
190 |
ram_adr_o, // [8:0] RAM address; ram_adr[8:7] indicates RAM-BANK
191 |
ram_we_o, // RAM write strobe (H active)
192 |
aux_adr_o, // [15:0] Auxiliary address bus
193 |
aux_dat_io, // [7:0] Auxiliary data bus (tri-state bidirectional)
194 |
aux_we_o, // Auxiliary write strobe (H active)
195 |
int0_i, // PORT-B(0) INT
196 |
reset_i, // Power-on reset (H active)
197 |
clk_en_i, // Clock enable for all clocked logic
198 |
clk_i // Clock input
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
// You can change the following parameters as you would like
203 |
parameter STACK_SIZE_PP = 8; // Size of PC stack
204 |
parameter LOG2_STACK_SIZE_PP = 3; // Log_2(stack_size)
205 |
206 |
// State definitions for state machine, provided as parameters to allow
207 |
// for redefinition of state values by the instantiator if desired.
208 |
parameter Q2_PP = 2'b00; // state Q2
209 |
parameter Q4_PP = 2'b01; // state Q4
210 |
parameter QINT_PP = 2'b10; // interrupt state (substitute for Q4)
211 |
parameter QSLEEP_PP = 2'b11; // sleep state
212 |
213 |
214 |
// I/O declarations
215 |
216 |
// program ROM data bus/address bus
217 |
input [13:0] prog_dat_i; // ROM read data
218 |
output [12:0] prog_adr_o; // ROM address
219 |
220 |
// data RAM data bus/address bus/control signals
221 |
input [7:0] ram_dat_i; // RAM read data
222 |
output [7:0] ram_dat_o; // RAM write data
223 |
output [8:0] ram_adr_o; // RAM address; ram_adr[8:7] indicates RAM-BANK
224 |
output ram_we_o; // RAM write strobe (H active)
225 |
226 |
// auxiliary data bus/address bus/control signals
227 |
output [15:0] aux_adr_o; // AUX address bus
228 |
inout [7:0] aux_dat_io; // AUX data bus
229 |
output aux_we_o; // AUX write strobe (H active)
230 |
231 |
// interrupt input
232 |
input int0_i; // INT
233 |
234 |
// CPU reset
235 |
input reset_i; // Power-on reset (H active)
236 |
237 |
// CPU clock
238 |
input clk_en_i; // Clock enable input
239 |
input clk_i; // Clock input
240 |
241 |
242 |
// Internal signal declarations
243 |
244 |
// User registers
245 |
reg [7:0] w_reg; // W
246 |
reg [12:0] pc_reg; // PCH/PCL -- Address currently being fetched
247 |
reg [12:0] old_pc_reg; // Address fetched previous to this one.
248 |
reg [7:0] status_reg; // STATUS
249 |
reg [7:0] fsr_reg; // FSR
250 |
reg [4:0] pclath_reg; // PCLATH
251 |
reg [7:0] intcon_reg; // INTCON
252 |
reg [7:0] aux_adr_hi_reg; // AUX address high byte
253 |
reg [7:0] aux_adr_lo_reg; // AUX address low byte
254 |
255 |
// Internal registers for controlling instruction execution
256 |
reg [13:0] inst_reg; // Holds fetched op-code/operand
257 |
reg [7:0] aluinp1_reg; // data source (1 of 2)
258 |
reg [7:0] aluinp2_reg; // data source (2 of 2)
259 |
reg exec_stall_reg; // if H (i.e. after GOTO etc), stall execution.
260 |
261 |
// Stack
262 |
// stack (array of data-registers)
263 |
reg [12:0] stack_reg [STACK_SIZE_PP-1:0];
264 |
// stack pointer
265 |
reg [LOG2_STACK_SIZE_PP-1:0] stack_pnt_reg;
266 |
wire [12:0] stack_top; // More compatible with sensitivity list than
267 |
// "stack_reg[stack_pnt_reg]"
268 |
269 |
// Interrupt registers/nodes
270 |
wire int_condition; // Indicates that an interrupt should be recognized
271 |
wire intrise; // High indicates edge was detected
272 |
reg intrise_reg; // detect positive edge of PORT-B inputs
273 |
// Synchronizer for interrupt
274 |
reg inte_sync_reg;
275 |
276 |
// State register
277 |
reg [`STATEBIT_SIZE-1:0] state_reg;
278 |
reg [`STATEBIT_SIZE-1:0] next_state_node;
279 |
280 |
// Result of decoding instruction -- only 1 is active at a time
281 |
wire inst_addlw;
282 |
wire inst_addwf;
283 |
wire inst_andlw;
284 |
wire inst_andwf;
285 |
wire inst_bcf;
286 |
wire inst_bsf;
287 |
wire inst_btfsc;
288 |
wire inst_btfss;
289 |
wire inst_call;
290 |
wire inst_clrf;
291 |
wire inst_clrw;
292 |
wire inst_comf;
293 |
wire inst_decf;
294 |
wire inst_decfsz;
295 |
wire inst_goto;
296 |
wire inst_incf;
297 |
wire inst_incfsz;
298 |
wire inst_iorlw;
299 |
wire inst_iorwf;
300 |
wire inst_movlw;
301 |
wire inst_movf;
302 |
wire inst_movwf;
303 |
wire inst_retfie;
304 |
wire inst_retlw;
305 |
wire inst_ret;
306 |
wire inst_rlf;
307 |
wire inst_rrf;
308 |
wire inst_sleep;
309 |
wire inst_sublw;
310 |
wire inst_subwf;
311 |
wire inst_swapf;
312 |
wire inst_xorlw;
313 |
wire inst_xorwf;
314 |
315 |
// Result of calculating RAM access address
316 |
wire [8:0] ram_adr_node; // RAM access address
317 |
318 |
// These wires indicate accesses to special registers...
319 |
// Only 1 is active at a time.
320 |
wire addr_pcl;
321 |
wire addr_stat;
322 |
wire addr_fsr;
323 |
wire addr_pclath;
324 |
wire addr_intcon;
325 |
wire addr_aux_adr_lo;
326 |
wire addr_aux_adr_hi;
327 |
wire addr_aux_dat;
328 |
wire addr_sram;
329 |
330 |
// Other output registers (for removing hazards)
331 |
reg ram_we_reg; // data-sram write strobe
332 |
reg aux_we_reg; // AUX write strobe
333 |
334 |
335 |
// Signals used in "main_efsm" procedure
336 |
// (Intermediate nodes used for resource sharing.)
337 |
wire [7:0] ram_i_node; // result of reading RAM/Special registers
338 |
wire [7:0] mask_node; // bit mask for logical operations
339 |
wire [8:0] add_node; // result of 8bit addition
340 |
wire [4:0] addlow_node; // result of low-4bit addition
341 |
wire aluout_zero_node; // H if ALUOUT = 0
342 |
343 |
reg [12:0] next_pc_node; // value of next PC
344 |
reg [7:0] aluout; // result of calculation
345 |
reg writew_node; // H if destination is W register
346 |
reg writeram_node; // H if destination is RAM/Special registers
347 |
reg c_subtract_zero; // High for special case of C bit, when subtracting zero
348 |
reg c_dig_subtract_zero; // High for special case of C bit, when subtracting zero
349 |
350 |
wire next_exec_stall;
351 |
4 |
jclaytons |
// Three signals used to disable status flag updates. Fixes bug when literal 0x03 is used.
352 |
wire disable_status_z;
353 |
wire disable_status_c;
354 |
wire disable_status_dc;
355 |
2 |
jclaytons |
356 |
357 |
// Instantiations
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
// Functions & Tasks
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
// Module code
367 |
368 |
369 |
// This represents the instruction fetch from program memory.
370 |
// inst_reg[13:0] stores the instruction. This happens at the end of Q4.
371 |
// So the memory access time is one processor cycle (2 clocks!) minus
372 |
// the setup-time of this register, and minus the delay to drive the
373 |
// address out onto the prog_adr_o bus.
374 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
375 |
376 |
if (reset_i) inst_reg <= 0;
377 |
else if (clk_en_i && (state_reg == Q4_PP)) inst_reg <= prog_dat_i;
378 |
379 |
380 |
// NOTE: There is an extra "15th" bit of inst_reg, which represents an
381 |
// interrupt execution cycle. This is included in inst_reg so that when
382 |
// an interrupt instruction is executing, it effectively "pre-empts" the
383 |
// other instructions.
384 |
// The fifteenth bit, inst_reg[14], is set by the interrupt logic.
385 |
386 |
// Decode OPcode (see pp.54 of PIC16F84 data sheet)
387 |
// only 1 signal of the following signals will be '1'
388 |
assign inst_call = (inst_reg[13:11] == 3'b100 );
389 |
assign inst_goto = (inst_reg[13:11] == 3'b101 );
390 |
assign inst_bcf = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b0100 );
391 |
assign inst_bsf = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b0101 );
392 |
assign inst_btfsc = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b0110 );
393 |
assign inst_btfss = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b0111 );
394 |
assign inst_movlw = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b1100 );
395 |
assign inst_retlw = (inst_reg[13:10] == 4'b1101 );
396 |
assign inst_sublw = (inst_reg[13:9] == 5'b11110 );
397 |
assign inst_addlw = (inst_reg[13:9] == 5'b11111 );
398 |
assign inst_iorlw = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b111000 );
399 |
assign inst_andlw = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b111001 );
400 |
assign inst_xorlw = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b111010 );
401 |
assign inst_subwf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000010 );
402 |
assign inst_decf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000011 );
403 |
assign inst_iorwf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000100 );
404 |
assign inst_andwf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000101 );
405 |
assign inst_xorwf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000110 );
406 |
assign inst_addwf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b000111 );
407 |
assign inst_movf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001000 );
408 |
assign inst_comf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001001 );
409 |
assign inst_incf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001010 );
410 |
assign inst_decfsz = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001011 );
411 |
assign inst_rrf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001100 );
412 |
assign inst_rlf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001101 );
413 |
assign inst_swapf = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001110 );
414 |
assign inst_incfsz = (inst_reg[13:8] == 6'b001111 );
415 |
assign inst_movwf = (inst_reg[13:7] == 7'b0000001 );
416 |
assign inst_clrw = (inst_reg[13:7] == 7'b0000010 );
417 |
assign inst_clrf = (inst_reg[13:7] == 7'b0000011 );
418 |
assign inst_ret = (inst_reg[13:0] == 14'b00000000001000);
419 |
assign inst_retfie = (inst_reg[13:0] == 14'b00000000001001);
420 |
assign inst_sleep = (inst_reg[13:0] == 14'b00000001100011);
421 |
422 |
423 |
// Calculate RAM access address (see pp.19 of PIC16F84 data sheet)
424 |
425 |
// if "d"=0, indirect addressing is used, so RAM address is BANK+FSR
426 |
// otherwise, RAM address is BANK+"d"
427 |
// (see pp.19 of PIC16F84 data sheet)
428 |
assign ram_adr_node = (inst_reg[6:0]==0)?{status_reg[7],fsr_reg[7:0]}:
429 |
430 |
431 |
// check if this is an access to external RAM or not
432 |
assign addr_sram = (ram_adr_node[6:0] > 7'b0001011); //0CH-7FH,8CH-FFH
433 |
434 |
// check if this is an access to special register or not
435 |
// only 1 signal of the following signals will be '1'
436 |
assign addr_pcl = (ram_adr_node[6:0] == 7'b0000010); // 02H, 82H
437 |
assign addr_stat = (ram_adr_node[6:0] == 7'b0000011); // 03H, 83H
438 |
assign addr_fsr = (ram_adr_node[6:0] == 7'b0000100); // 04H, 84H
439 |
assign addr_aux_dat = (ram_adr_node[7:0] == 8'b00001000); // 08H
440 |
assign addr_pclath = (ram_adr_node[6:0] == 7'b0001010); // 0AH, 8AH
441 |
assign addr_intcon = (ram_adr_node[6:0] == 7'b0001011); // 0BH, 8BH
442 |
assign addr_aux_adr_lo = (ram_adr_node[7:0] == 8'b00000101); // 05H
443 |
assign addr_aux_adr_hi = (ram_adr_node[7:0] == 8'b00000110); // 06H
444 |
445 |
// construct bit-mask for logical operations and bit tests
446 |
assign mask_node = 1 << inst_reg[9:7];
447 |
448 |
4 |
jclaytons |
// disable write access for status flags
449 |
assign disable_status_z = (inst_addwf || inst_andwf || inst_clrf ||
450 |
inst_clrw || inst_comf || inst_decf ||
451 |
inst_incf || inst_iorwf || inst_movf ||
452 |
inst_subwf || inst_xorwf || inst_addlw ||
453 |
inst_andlw || inst_iorlw || inst_iorlw ||
454 |
inst_sublw || inst_xorlw) ? 1:0;
455 |
assign disable_status_c = (inst_addwf || inst_subwf || inst_rlf ||
456 |
inst_rrf || inst_addlw || inst_sublw ) ? 1:0;
457 |
assign disable_status_dc = (inst_addwf || inst_subwf || inst_addlw ||
458 |
inst_sublw ) ? 1:0;
459 |
460 |
461 |
2 |
jclaytons |
// Create the exec_stall signal, based on the contents of the currently
462 |
// executing instruction (inst_reg). next_exec_stall reflects the state
463 |
// to assign to exec_stall following the conclusion of the next Q4 state.
464 |
// All of these instructions cause an execution stall in the next cycle
465 |
// because they modify the program counter, and a new value is presented
466 |
// for fetching during the stall cycle, during which time no instruction
467 |
// should be executed.
468 |
469 |
// The conditional instructions are given along with their conditions for
470 |
// execution. If the conditions are not met, there is no stall and nothing
471 |
// to execute.
472 |
assign next_exec_stall = (
473 |
474 |
|| inst_call
475 |
|| inst_ret
476 |
|| inst_retlw
477 |
|| inst_retfie
478 |
|| (
479 |
(inst_btfsc || inst_decfsz || inst_incfsz)
480 |
&& aluout_zero_node
481 |
482 |
|| (inst_btfss && ~aluout_zero_node)
483 |
|| (addr_pcl && writeram_node)
484 |
485 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
486 |
487 |
if (reset_i) exec_stall_reg <= 0;
488 |
else if (clk_en_i && (state_reg == QINT_PP)) exec_stall_reg <= 1;
489 |
else if (clk_en_i && (state_reg == Q4_PP))
490 |
exec_stall_reg <= (next_exec_stall && ~exec_stall_reg);
491 |
// exec stall should never be generated during a stall cycle, because
492 |
// a stall cycle doesn't execute anything...
493 |
494 |
495 |
assign stack_top = stack_reg[stack_pnt_reg];
496 |
// Formulate the next pc_reg value (the program counter.)
497 |
// During stall cycles, the pc is simply incremented...
498 |
always @(
499 |
500 |
or pclath_reg
501 |
or aluout
502 |
or stack_pnt_reg
503 |
or stack_top
504 |
or inst_ret
505 |
or inst_retlw
506 |
or inst_retfie
507 |
or inst_goto
508 |
or inst_call
509 |
or inst_reg
510 |
or writeram_node
511 |
or addr_pcl
512 |
or exec_stall_reg
513 |
514 |
515 |
if (~exec_stall_reg &&(inst_ret || inst_retlw || inst_retfie))
516 |
next_pc_node <= stack_top;
517 |
else if (~exec_stall_reg &&(inst_goto || inst_call))
518 |
next_pc_node <= {pclath_reg[4:3],inst_reg[10:0]};
519 |
else if (~exec_stall_reg && (writeram_node && addr_pcl))
520 |
// PCL is data-destination, but update the entire PC.
521 |
next_pc_node <= {pclath_reg[4:0],aluout};
522 |
523 |
next_pc_node <= pc_reg + 1;
524 |
525 |
526 |
// Set the program counter
527 |
// If the sleep instruction is executing, then the PC is not allowed to be
528 |
// updated, since the processor will "freeze" and the instruction being fetched
529 |
// during the sleep instruction must be executed upon wakeup interrupt.
530 |
// Obviously, if the PC were to change at the end of the sleep instruction, then
531 |
// a different (incorrect) address would be fetched during the sleep time.
532 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
533 |
534 |
if (reset_i) begin
535 |
pc_reg <= 0;
536 |
old_pc_reg <= 0;
537 |
538 |
else if (clk_en_i && (state_reg == QINT_PP))
539 |
540 |
old_pc_reg <= pc_reg;
541 |
pc_reg <= 4;
542 |
543 |
else if (clk_en_i && ~inst_sleep && (state_reg == Q4_PP))
544 |
545 |
old_pc_reg <= pc_reg;
546 |
pc_reg <= next_pc_node;
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
// 1. Intermediate nodes for resource sharing
551 |
552 |
// Tri-state drivers instead of a huge selector... It produces smaller
553 |
// results, and runs faster.
554 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_sram) ?ram_dat_i:8'bZ;
555 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_pcl) ?pc_reg[7:0]:8'bZ;
556 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_stat) ?status_reg:8'bZ;
557 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_fsr) ?fsr_reg:8'bZ;
558 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_aux_dat) ?aux_dat_io:8'bZ;
559 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_pclath) ?{3'b0,pclath_reg}:8'bZ;
560 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_intcon) ?intcon_reg:8'bZ;
561 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_aux_adr_lo) ?aux_adr_lo_reg:8'bZ;
562 |
assign ram_i_node = (addr_aux_adr_hi) ?aux_adr_hi_reg:8'bZ;
563 |
564 |
// 1-3. Adder (ALU)
565 |
// full 8bit-addition, with carry in/out.
566 |
// Note that "temp" and "dtemp" are intended to be thrown away.
567 |
// Also, addlow_node[3:0] are thrown away.
568 |
// Even though they are assigned, they should never be used.
569 |
assign add_node = {1'b0,aluinp1_reg}
570 |
+ {1'b0,aluinp2_reg};
571 |
// lower 4bit-addition
572 |
assign addlow_node = {1'b0,aluinp1_reg[3:0]}
573 |
+ {1'b0,aluinp2_reg[3:0]};
574 |
575 |
// 1-4. Test if aluout = 0
576 |
assign aluout_zero_node = (aluout == 0)?1:0;
577 |
578 |
// 1-5. Determine destination
579 |
always @(
580 |
581 |
or inst_movwf
582 |
or inst_bcf
583 |
or inst_bsf
584 |
or inst_clrf
585 |
or inst_movlw
586 |
or inst_addlw
587 |
or inst_sublw
588 |
or inst_andlw
589 |
or inst_iorlw
590 |
or inst_xorlw
591 |
or inst_retlw
592 |
or inst_clrw
593 |
or inst_movf
594 |
or inst_swapf
595 |
or inst_addwf
596 |
or inst_subwf
597 |
or inst_andwf
598 |
or inst_iorwf
599 |
or inst_xorwf
600 |
or inst_decf
601 |
or inst_incf
602 |
or inst_rlf
603 |
or inst_rrf
604 |
or inst_decfsz
605 |
or inst_incfsz
606 |
or inst_comf
607 |
608 |
609 |
if (inst_movwf || inst_bcf || inst_bsf || inst_clrf)
610 |
611 |
writew_node <= 0;
612 |
writeram_node <= 1;
613 |
614 |
else if ( inst_movlw || inst_addlw || inst_sublw || inst_andlw
615 |
|| inst_iorlw || inst_xorlw || inst_retlw || inst_clrw)
616 |
617 |
writew_node <= 1;
618 |
writeram_node <= 0;
619 |
620 |
else if ( inst_movf || inst_swapf || inst_addwf || inst_subwf
621 |
|| inst_andwf || inst_iorwf || inst_xorwf || inst_decf
622 |
|| inst_incf || inst_rlf || inst_rrf || inst_decfsz
623 |
|| inst_incfsz || inst_comf)
624 |
625 |
writew_node <= ~inst_reg[7]; // ("d" field of fetched instruction)
626 |
writeram_node <= inst_reg[7]; // ("d" field of fetched instruction)
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
writew_node <= 0;
631 |
writeram_node <= 0;
632 |
633 |
end // End of determine destination logic
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
// 2-4-1. Calculation and store result into alu-output register
639 |
640 |
always @(
641 |
642 |
or aluinp1_reg
643 |
or aluinp2_reg
644 |
or status_reg
645 |
or inst_reg
646 |
or inst_movwf
647 |
or inst_bcf
648 |
or inst_bsf
649 |
or inst_btfsc
650 |
or inst_btfss
651 |
or inst_clrf
652 |
or inst_addlw
653 |
or inst_sublw
654 |
or inst_andlw
655 |
or inst_iorlw
656 |
or inst_xorlw
657 |
or inst_retlw
658 |
or inst_clrw
659 |
or inst_swapf
660 |
or inst_addwf
661 |
or inst_subwf
662 |
or inst_andwf
663 |
or inst_iorwf
664 |
or inst_xorwf
665 |
or inst_decf
666 |
or inst_incf
667 |
or inst_rlf
668 |
or inst_rrf
669 |
or inst_decfsz
670 |
or inst_incfsz
671 |
or inst_comf
672 |
673 |
674 |
// 2-4-1-1. Set aluout register
675 |
// Rotate left
676 |
if (inst_rlf)
677 |
aluout <= {aluinp1_reg[6:0],status_reg[0]};
678 |
// Rotate right
679 |
else if (inst_rrf)
680 |
aluout <= {status_reg[0],aluinp1_reg[7:1]};
681 |
// Swap nibbles
682 |
else if (inst_swapf)
683 |
aluout <= {aluinp1_reg[3:0],aluinp1_reg[7:4]};
684 |
// Logical inversion
685 |
else if (inst_comf)
686 |
aluout <= ~aluinp1_reg;
687 |
// Logical AND, bit clear/bit test
688 |
else if ( inst_andlw || inst_andwf || inst_bcf || inst_btfsc
689 |
|| inst_btfss)
690 |
aluout <= (aluinp1_reg & aluinp2_reg);
691 |
// Logical OR, bit set
692 |
else if (inst_bsf || inst_iorlw || inst_iorwf)
693 |
aluout <= (aluinp1_reg | aluinp2_reg);
694 |
// Logical XOR
695 |
else if (inst_xorlw || inst_xorwf)
696 |
aluout <= (aluinp1_reg ^ aluinp2_reg);
697 |
// Addition, Subtraction, Increment, Decrement
698 |
else if ( inst_addlw || inst_addwf || inst_sublw || inst_subwf
699 |
|| inst_decf || inst_decfsz || inst_incf || inst_incfsz)
700 |
aluout <= add_node[7:0];
701 |
// Pass through
702 |
else aluout <= aluinp1_reg;
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
// MAIN EFSM: description of register value changes in each clock cycle
707 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
708 |
709 |
// Assign reset (default) values of registers
710 |
if (reset_i)
711 |
712 |
status_reg[7:5] <= 3'b0;
713 |
pclath_reg <= 0; // 0
714 |
intcon_reg[7:1] <= 7'b0;
715 |
aux_adr_lo_reg <= 0;
716 |
aux_adr_hi_reg <= 0;
717 |
ram_we_reg <= 0;
718 |
status_reg[4] <= 1; // /T0 = 1
719 |
status_reg[3] <= 1; // /PD = 1
720 |
stack_pnt_reg <= 0; // Reset stack pointer
721 |
end // End of reset assignments
722 |
else if (~exec_stall_reg && clk_en_i)
723 |
begin // Execution ceases during a stall cycle.
724 |
if (state_reg == Q2_PP) // 2-3. Q2 cycle
725 |
726 |
// 2-3-1. Read data-RAM and store values to alu-input regs
727 |
// 2-3-1-1. Set aluinp1 register (source #1)
728 |
if ( inst_movf || inst_swapf || inst_addwf || inst_subwf
729 |
|| inst_andwf || inst_iorwf || inst_xorwf || inst_decf
730 |
|| inst_incf || inst_rlf || inst_rrf || inst_bcf
731 |
|| inst_bsf || inst_btfsc || inst_btfss || inst_decfsz
732 |
|| inst_incfsz || inst_comf)
733 |
734 |
aluinp1_reg <= ram_i_node; // RAM/Special registers
735 |
736 |
if ( inst_movlw || inst_addlw || inst_sublw || inst_andlw
737 |
|| inst_iorlw || inst_xorlw || inst_retlw)
738 |
aluinp1_reg <= inst_reg[7:0]; // Immediate value ("k")
739 |
740 |
if ( inst_clrf || inst_clrw) aluinp1_reg <= 0; // 0
741 |
else aluinp1_reg <= w_reg; // W register
742 |
743 |
// 2-3-1-2. Set aluinp2 register (source #2)
744 |
c_subtract_zero <= 0; // default to non-special case
745 |
c_dig_subtract_zero <= 0; // default to non-special case
746 |
if (inst_decf || inst_decfsz) aluinp2_reg <= -1; // for decr.
747 |
else if (inst_incf || inst_incfsz) aluinp2_reg <= 1; // for incr.
748 |
// -1 * W register (for subtract)
749 |
else if (inst_sublw || inst_subwf)
750 |
751 |
aluinp2_reg <= ~w_reg + 1;
752 |
c_subtract_zero <= (w_reg == 0); // Indicate special case
753 |
c_dig_subtract_zero <= (w_reg[3:0] == 0); // Indicate special case
754 |
755 |
// operation of BCF: AND with inverted mask ("1..101..1")
756 |
// mask for BCF: value of only one position is 0
757 |
else if (inst_bcf) aluinp2_reg <= ~mask_node;
758 |
// operation of BSF: OR with mask_node ("0..010..0")
759 |
// operation of FSC and FSS: AND with mask_node, compare to 0
760 |
else if (inst_btfsc || inst_btfss || inst_bsf)
761 |
aluinp2_reg <= mask_node;
762 |
else aluinp2_reg <= w_reg; // W register
763 |
764 |
// 2-3-1-3. Set stack pointer register (pop stack)
765 |
if (inst_ret || inst_retlw || inst_retfie)
766 |
stack_pnt_reg <= stack_pnt_reg - 1; // cycles 3,2,1,0,7,6...
767 |
768 |
// 2-4-1-3. Set data-SRAM write enable (hazard-free)
769 |
// Set the write enables depending on the destination.
770 |
// (These have been implemented as registers to avoid glitches?
771 |
// It is not known to me (John Clayton) whether any glitches would
772 |
// really occur. It might be possible to generate these signals
773 |
// using combinational logic only, without using registers!
774 |
ram_we_reg <= (writeram_node && addr_sram);
775 |
aux_we_reg <= (writeram_node && addr_aux_dat);
776 |
end // End of Q2 state
777 |
778 |
779 |
780 |
else if (state_reg == QINT_PP) // Interrupt execution (instead of Q4_PP)
781 |
782 |
783 |
intcon_reg[1] <= 1; // set INTF
784 |
intcon_reg[7] <= 0; // clear GIE
785 |
stack_reg[stack_pnt_reg] <= old_pc_reg; // Push old PC
786 |
stack_pnt_reg <= stack_pnt_reg + 1; // increment stack pointer
787 |
// The old PC is pushed, so that the pre-empted instruction can be
788 |
// restarted later, when the retfie is executed.
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
else if (state_reg == Q4_PP) // Execution & writing of results.
794 |
795 |
796 |
if (inst_call)
797 |
798 |
stack_reg[stack_pnt_reg] <= pc_reg; // Push current PC
799 |
stack_pnt_reg <= stack_pnt_reg + 1; // increment stack pointer
800 |
801 |
802 |
if (inst_retfie) // "return from interrupt" instruction
803 |
804 |
intcon_reg[7] <= 1; // Set GIE
805 |
806 |
807 |
// 2-4-1-2. Set C flag and DC flag
808 |
if (inst_addlw || inst_addwf || inst_sublw || inst_subwf)
809 |
810 |
// c_dig_subtract_zero and c_subtract_zero are used to take care of the
811 |
// special case when subtracting zero, where the carry bit should be 1
812 |
// (meaning no borrow). It is explicitly set by these signals during
813 |
// that condition. See 16F84 datasheet, page 8 for further information
814 |
// about the C bit.
815 |
status_reg[1] <= addlow_node[4] || c_dig_subtract_zero; // DC flag
816 |
status_reg[0] <= add_node[8] || c_subtract_zero; // C flag
817 |
818 |
else if (inst_rlf) status_reg[0] <= aluinp1_reg[7]; // C flag
819 |
else if (inst_rrf) status_reg[0] <= aluinp1_reg[0]; // C flag
820 |
821 |
// 2-5-2. Store calculation result into destination,
822 |
// 2-5-2-1. Set W register
823 |
824 |
if (writew_node) w_reg <= aluout; // write W reg
825 |
826 |
4 |
jclaytons |
827 |
2 |
jclaytons |
// 2-5-2-2. Set data RAM/special registers,
828 |
if (writeram_node)
829 |
830 |
if (addr_stat)
831 |
832 |
status_reg[7:5] <= aluout[7:5]; // write IRP,RP1,RP0
833 |
// status(4),status(3)...unwritable, see below (/PD,/T0 part)
834 |
4 |
jclaytons |
if( ~disable_status_c ) status_reg[0] <= aluout[0]; // write C
835 |
if( ~disable_status_dc ) status_reg[1] <= aluout[1]; // write DC
836 |
2 |
jclaytons |
837 |
if (addr_fsr) fsr_reg <= aluout; // write FSR
838 |
if (addr_pclath) pclath_reg <= aluout[4:0]; // write PCLATH
839 |
if (addr_intcon) intcon_reg <= aluout; // write INTCON
840 |
if (addr_aux_adr_lo) aux_adr_lo_reg <= aluout; // write AUX low
841 |
if (addr_aux_adr_hi) aux_adr_hi_reg <= aluout; // write AUX high
842 |
843 |
844 |
// 2-5-2-3. Set/clear Z flag.
845 |
4 |
jclaytons |
if (addr_stat && ~disable_status_z) status_reg[2] <= aluout[2];
846 |
2 |
jclaytons |
else if ( inst_addlw || inst_addwf || inst_andlw || inst_andwf
847 |
|| inst_clrf || inst_clrw || inst_comf || inst_decf
848 |
|| inst_incf || inst_movf || inst_sublw || inst_subwf
849 |
|| inst_xorlw || inst_xorwf || inst_iorlw || inst_iorwf )
850 |
status_reg[2] <= aluout_zero_node; // Z=1 if result == 0
851 |
852 |
// 2-5-3. Clear RAM write enables (hazard-free)
853 |
ram_we_reg <= 0;
854 |
aux_we_reg <= 0;
855 |
856 |
end // End of Q4 state
857 |
end // End of "if (~exec_stall_reg)"
858 |
end // End of process
859 |
860 |
861 |
// Calculation of next processor state.
862 |
// (Not including reset conditions, which are covered by the clocked logic,
863 |
// which also includes a "global clock enable."
864 |
always @(
865 |
866 |
or inst_sleep
867 |
or inte_sync_reg
868 |
or exec_stall_reg
869 |
or int_condition
870 |
871 |
872 |
case (state_reg)
873 |
Q2_PP : if (int_condition) next_state_node <= QINT_PP;
874 |
else next_state_node <= Q4_PP;
875 |
Q4_PP : if (~exec_stall_reg && inst_sleep) next_state_node <= QSLEEP_PP;
876 |
else next_state_node <= Q2_PP;
877 |
QINT_PP : next_state_node <= Q2_PP;
878 |
QSLEEP_PP : if (inte_sync_reg) next_state_node <= Q2_PP;
879 |
else next_state_node <= QSLEEP_PP;
880 |
// Default condition provided for convention and completeness
881 |
// only. Logically, all of the conditions are already covered.
882 |
default : next_state_node <= Q2_PP;
883 |
884 |
885 |
886 |
887 |
// Clocked state transitions, based upon dataflow (non-clocked logic) in
888 |
// the previous always block.
889 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
890 |
891 |
if (reset_i) state_reg <= Q2_PP;
892 |
else if (clk_en_i) state_reg <= next_state_node;
893 |
end // End of process
894 |
895 |
896 |
// Detect external interrupt requests
897 |
// You can code multiple interrupts if you wish, or use the single interrupt
898 |
// provided and simply have the interrupt service routine (ISR) check to find
899 |
// out the source of the interrupt, by or-ing together all of the interrupt
900 |
// sources and providing a readable register of their values at the time
901 |
// the interrupt occurred.
902 |
903 |
// When an interrupt is recognized by the processor, this is signified by
904 |
// entering "QINT_PP," which is treated like an executable instruction.
905 |
// The interrupt instruction can only be executed when not in a stall condition.
906 |
// It simply "pre-empts" the instruction that would have been executed during
907 |
// that cycle. Then, when retfie is executed, the pre-empted instruction is
908 |
// re-started (the stall cycle of the retfie is when the address of the
909 |
// instruction being re-started is fetched.)
910 |
911 |
// I was unable to obtain correct operation for capturing the negative edge,
912 |
// so I am discarding it. If one really needs to generate an interrupt on the
913 |
// falling edge, just use an inverted version of the signal (the inversion is
914 |
// often "free" inside of an FPGA anyhow.)
915 |
916 |
// Upon further testing, I discovered that even the rising edge "trigger" was not
917 |
// really truly an edge detection, it was more like a "set-reset" flip flop
918 |
// type of behavior. Rather than mess around with it any more, I am implementing
919 |
// a clocked "poor man's rising edge detector."
920 |
// Capture the rising edge of the interrupt input... This part is self clearing.
921 |
// It also means that the interrupt must last longer than one clock cycle in
922 |
// order to be properly recognized. (It is "pseudo edge triggered", not a true
923 |
// rising edge trigger.)
924 |
// When the interrupt is recognized, inte_sync_reg is cleared.
925 |
926 |
927 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
928 |
929 |
if (clk_en_i) intrise_reg <= int0_i;
930 |
end // process
931 |
assign intrise = (int0_i && ~intrise_reg);
932 |
933 |
// The inte_sync_reg signal is used for waking up from SLEEP.
934 |
// (this flip flop is also a synchronizer to minimize the
935 |
// possibility of metastability due to changes at the input
936 |
// occurring at the same time as the processor clock edge...)
937 |
// It might be possible to eliminate this step, and issue the interrupt
938 |
// directly without this intermediate synchronizer flip-flop.
939 |
always @(posedge clk_i)
940 |
941 |
if (reset_i || (state_reg == QINT_PP)) inte_sync_reg <= 0;
942 |
else if (clk_en_i && intrise && intcon_reg[4]) inte_sync_reg <= 1;
943 |
944 |
945 |
// Issue an interrupt when the interrupt is present.
946 |
// Also, do not issue an interrupt when there is a stall cycle coming!
947 |
4 |
jclaytons |
assign int_condition = (inte_sync_reg && ~exec_stall_reg && ~next_exec_stall && intcon_reg[7]);
948 |
2 |
jclaytons |
// Interrupt must be pending
949 |
// Next processor cycle must not be a stall
950 |
// GIE bit must be set to issue interrupt
951 |
952 |
// Circuit's output signals
953 |
assign prog_adr_o = pc_reg; // program ROM address
954 |
assign ram_adr_o = ram_adr_node; // data RAM address
955 |
assign ram_dat_o = aluout; // data RAM write data
956 |
assign ram_we_o = ram_we_reg; // data RAM write enable
957 |
958 |
assign aux_adr_o = {aux_adr_hi_reg,aux_adr_lo_reg};
959 |
assign aux_dat_io = (aux_we_reg && clk_en_i)?aluout:{8{1'bZ}};
960 |
assign aux_we_o = aux_we_reg;
961 |
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |