1 |
5 |
sergeykhbr |
2 |
--! @file
3 |
--! @copyright Copyright 2015 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved.
4 |
--! @author Sergey Khabarov
5 |
--! @brief Network on Chip design top level.
6 |
--! @details RISC-V "Rocket"/"River" based system with the AMBA AXI4 (NASTI)
7 |
--! system bus and integrated peripheries.
8 |
9 |
--! Standard library
10 |
library IEEE;
11 |
12 |
13 |
--! Data transformation and math functions library
14 |
library commonlib;
15 |
use commonlib.types_common.all;
16 |
17 |
--! Technology definition library.
18 |
library techmap;
19 |
--! Technology constants definition.
20 |
use techmap.gencomp.all;
21 |
--! "Virtual" PLL declaration.
22 |
use techmap.types_pll.all;
23 |
--! "Virtual" buffers declaration.
24 |
use techmap.types_buf.all;
25 |
26 |
--! AMBA system bus specific library
27 |
library ambalib;
28 |
--! AXI4 configuration constants.
29 |
use ambalib.types_amba4.all;
30 |
--! Misc modules library
31 |
library misclib;
32 |
use misclib.types_misc.all;
33 |
--! Ethernet related declarations.
34 |
library ethlib;
35 |
use ethlib.types_eth.all;
36 |
37 |
--! Rocket-chip specific library
38 |
library rocketlib;
39 |
--! SOC top-level component declaration.
40 |
use rocketlib.types_rocket.all;
41 |
42 |
--! River CPU specific library
43 |
library riverlib;
44 |
--! River top level with AMBA interface module declaration
45 |
use riverlib.types_river.all;
46 |
47 |
--! GNSS Sensor Ltd proprietary library
48 |
library gnsslib;
49 |
use gnsslib.types_gnss.all;
50 |
51 |
--! Top-level implementaion library
52 |
library work;
53 |
--! Target dependable configuration: RTL, FPGA or ASIC.
54 |
use work.config_target.all;
55 |
--! Target independable configuration.
56 |
use work.config_common.all;
57 |
58 |
--! @brief SOC Top-level entity declaration.
59 |
--! @details This module implements full SOC functionality and all IO signals
60 |
--! are available on FPGA/ASIC IO pins.
61 |
entity riscv_soc_gnss is port
62 |
63 |
--! Input reset. Active High. Usually assigned to button "Center".
64 |
i_rst : in std_logic;
65 |
66 |
--! @name Clocks:
67 |
--! @{
68 |
69 |
--! Differential clock (LVDS) positive signal.
70 |
i_sclk_p : in std_logic;
71 |
--! Differential clock (LVDS) negative signal.
72 |
i_sclk_n : in std_logic;
73 |
--! External ADC clock (default 26 MHz).
74 |
i_clk_adc : in std_logic;
75 |
--! @}
76 |
77 |
--! @name User's IOs:
78 |
--! @{
79 |
80 |
--! DIP switch.
81 |
i_int_clkrf : in std_logic;
82 |
i_dip : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
83 |
--! LEDs.
84 |
o_led : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
85 |
--! @}
86 |
87 |
--! @name UART1 signals:
88 |
--! @{
89 |
i_uart1_ctsn : in std_logic;
90 |
i_uart1_rd : in std_logic;
91 |
o_uart1_td : out std_logic;
92 |
o_uart1_rtsn : out std_logic;
93 |
--! @}
94 |
95 |
--! @name UART2 (debug port) signals:
96 |
--! @{
97 |
i_uart2_ctsn : in std_logic;
98 |
i_uart2_rd : in std_logic;
99 |
o_uart2_td : out std_logic;
100 |
o_uart2_rtsn : out std_logic;
101 |
--! @}
102 |
103 |
--! @name ADC channel A inputs (1575.4 GHz):
104 |
--! @{
105 |
i_gps_I : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
106 |
i_gps_Q : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
107 |
--! @}
108 |
109 |
--! @name ADC channel B inputs (1602 GHz):
110 |
--! @{
111 |
i_glo_I : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
112 |
i_glo_Q : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
113 |
--! @}
114 |
115 |
--! @name MAX2769 SPIs and antenna controls signals:
116 |
--! @{
117 |
i_gps_ld : in std_logic;
118 |
i_glo_ld : in std_logic;
119 |
o_max_sclk : out std_logic;
120 |
o_max_sdata : out std_logic;
121 |
o_max_ncs : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
122 |
i_antext_stat : in std_logic;
123 |
i_antext_detect : in std_logic;
124 |
o_antext_ena : out std_logic;
125 |
o_antint_contr : out std_logic;
126 |
--! @}
127 |
128 |
--! Ethernet MAC PHY interface signals
129 |
--! @{
130 |
i_gmiiclk_p : in std_ulogic;
131 |
i_gmiiclk_n : in std_ulogic;
132 |
o_egtx_clk : out std_ulogic;
133 |
i_etx_clk : in std_ulogic;
134 |
i_erx_clk : in std_ulogic;
135 |
i_erxd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
136 |
i_erx_dv : in std_ulogic;
137 |
i_erx_er : in std_ulogic;
138 |
i_erx_col : in std_ulogic;
139 |
i_erx_crs : in std_ulogic;
140 |
i_emdint : in std_ulogic;
141 |
o_etxd : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
142 |
o_etx_en : out std_ulogic;
143 |
o_etx_er : out std_ulogic;
144 |
o_emdc : out std_ulogic;
145 |
io_emdio : inout std_logic;
146 |
o_erstn : out std_ulogic
147 |
148 |
--! @}
149 |
150 |
end riscv_soc_gnss;
151 |
152 |
--! @brief SOC top-level architecture declaration.
153 |
architecture arch_riscv_soc_gnss of riscv_soc_gnss is
154 |
155 |
--! @name Buffered in/out signals.
156 |
--! @details All signals that are connected with in/out pads must be passed
157 |
--! through the dedicated buffere modules. For FPGA they are implemented
158 |
--! as an empty devices but ASIC couldn't be made without buffering.
159 |
--! @{
160 |
signal ib_rst : std_logic;
161 |
signal ib_clk_tcxo : std_logic;
162 |
signal ib_sclk_n : std_logic;
163 |
signal ib_clk_adc : std_logic;
164 |
signal ib_dip : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
165 |
signal ib_gmiiclk : std_logic;
166 |
--! @}
167 |
168 |
signal w_ext_reset : std_ulogic; -- External system reset or PLL unlcoked. MUST NOT USED BY DEVICES.
169 |
signal w_glob_rst : std_ulogic; -- Global reset active HIGH
170 |
signal w_glob_nrst : std_ulogic; -- Global reset active LOW
171 |
signal w_soft_rst : std_ulogic; -- Software reset (acitve HIGH) from DSU
172 |
signal w_bus_nrst : std_ulogic; -- Global reset and Soft Reset active LOW
173 |
signal w_clk_bus : std_ulogic; -- bus clock from the internal PLL (100MHz virtex6/40MHz Spartan6)
174 |
signal w_clk_adc : std_ulogic; -- 26 MHz from the internal PLL
175 |
signal w_pll_lock : std_ulogic; -- PLL status signal. 0=Unlocked; 1=locked.
176 |
177 |
signal uart1i : uart_in_type;
178 |
signal uart1o : uart_out_type;
179 |
-- debug port
180 |
signal uart2i : uart_in_type;
181 |
signal uart2o : uart_out_type;
182 |
183 |
--! Arbiter is switching only slaves output signal, data from noc
184 |
--! is connected to all slaves and to the arbiter itself.
185 |
signal aximi : nasti_master_in_vector;
186 |
signal aximo : nasti_master_out_vector;
187 |
signal axisi : nasti_slave_in_vector;
188 |
signal axiso : nasti_slaves_out_vector;
189 |
signal slv_cfg : nasti_slave_cfg_vector;
190 |
signal mst_cfg : nasti_master_cfg_vector;
191 |
signal core_irqs : std_logic_vector(CFG_CORE_IRQ_TOTAL-1 downto 0);
192 |
signal dport_i : dport_in_type;
193 |
signal dport_o : dport_out_type;
194 |
signal wb_miss_addr : std_logic_vector(CFG_NASTI_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
195 |
signal wb_bus_util_w : std_logic_vector(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_TOTAL-1 downto 0);
196 |
signal wb_bus_util_r : std_logic_vector(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_TOTAL-1 downto 0);
197 |
198 |
signal w_gnss_pps : std_logic;
199 |
200 |
signal eth_i : eth_in_type;
201 |
signal eth_o : eth_out_type;
202 |
203 |
signal irq_pins : std_logic_vector(CFG_IRQ_TOTAL-1 downto 1);
204 |
205 |
206 |
--! PAD buffers:
207 |
irst0 : ibuf_tech generic map(CFG_PADTECH) port map (ib_rst, i_rst);
208 |
iclk1 : ibufg_tech generic map(CFG_PADTECH) port map (O => ib_clk_adc, I => i_clk_adc);
209 |
idip0 : ibuf_tech generic map(CFG_PADTECH) port map (ib_dip(0), i_int_clkrf);
210 |
dipx : for i in 1 to 3 generate
211 |
idipz : ibuf_tech generic map(CFG_PADTECH) port map (ib_dip(i), i_dip(i));
212 |
end generate;
213 |
214 |
iclk0 : idsbuf_tech generic map (CFG_PADTECH) port map (
215 |
i_sclk_p, i_sclk_n, ib_clk_tcxo);
216 |
217 |
igbebuf0 : igdsbuf_tech generic map (CFG_PADTECH) port map (
218 |
i_gmiiclk_p, i_gmiiclk_n, ib_gmiiclk);
219 |
220 |
221 |
--! @todo all other in/out signals via buffers:
222 |
223 |
224 |
-- @brief Internal PLL device instance.
225 |
pll0 : SysPLL_tech generic map (
226 |
227 |
) port map (
228 |
i_reset => ib_rst,
229 |
i_clk_tcxo => ib_clk_tcxo,
230 |
o_clk_bus => w_clk_bus,
231 |
o_locked => w_pll_lock
232 |
233 |
w_ext_reset <= ib_rst or not w_pll_lock;
234 |
235 |
w_clk_adc <= ib_clk_adc;
236 |
237 |
238 |
--! @brief System Reset device instance.
239 |
rst0 : reset_global port map (
240 |
inSysReset => w_ext_reset,
241 |
inSysClk => w_clk_bus,
242 |
inPllLock => w_pll_lock,
243 |
outReset => w_glob_rst
244 |
245 |
w_glob_nrst <= not w_glob_rst;
246 |
w_bus_nrst <= not (w_glob_rst or w_soft_rst);
247 |
248 |
--! @brief AXI4 controller.
249 |
ctrl0 : axictrl generic map (
250 |
watchdog_memop => 0
251 |
) port map (
252 |
i_clk => w_clk_bus,
253 |
i_nrst => w_glob_nrst,
254 |
i_slvcfg => slv_cfg,
255 |
i_slvo => axiso,
256 |
i_msto => aximo,
257 |
o_slvi => axisi,
258 |
o_msti => aximi,
259 |
o_miss_irq => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_MISS_ACCESS),
260 |
o_miss_addr => wb_miss_addr,
261 |
o_bus_util_w => wb_bus_util_w, -- Bus write access utilization per master statistic
262 |
o_bus_util_r => wb_bus_util_r -- Bus read access utilization per master statistic
263 |
264 |
265 |
--! @brief RISC-V Processor core (River or Rocket).
266 |
river_ena : if CFG_COMMON_RIVER_CPU_ENABLE generate
267 |
cpu0 : river_amba port map (
268 |
i_nrst => w_bus_nrst,
269 |
i_clk => w_clk_bus,
270 |
i_msti => aximi(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
271 |
o_msto => aximo(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
272 |
o_mstcfg => mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
273 |
i_dport => dport_i,
274 |
o_dport => dport_o,
275 |
i_ext_irq => core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_MEIP)
276 |
277 |
aximo(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_UNCACHED) <= nasti_master_out_none;
278 |
mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_UNCACHED) <= nasti_master_config_none;
279 |
end generate;
280 |
281 |
--! DSU doesn't support Rocket-chip CPU
282 |
river_dis : if not CFG_COMMON_RIVER_CPU_ENABLE generate
283 |
--! Not imlpemented interrupts:
284 |
core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_MTIP) <= '0'; -- timer's
285 |
core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_MSIP) <= '0'; -- software's
286 |
core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_SEIP) <= '0'; -- superuser external interrupt
287 |
core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_DEBUG) <= '0';
288 |
289 |
cpu0 : rocket_l1only generic map (
290 |
hartid => 0,
291 |
reset_vector => 16#1000#
292 |
) port map (
293 |
nrst => w_bus_nrst,
294 |
clk_sys => w_clk_bus,
295 |
msti1 => aximi(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
296 |
msto1 => aximo(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
297 |
mstcfg1 => mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_CACHED),
298 |
299 |
300 |
mstcfg2 => mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_UNCACHED),
301 |
interrupts => core_irqs
302 |
303 |
end generate;
304 |
305 |
dsu_ena : if CFG_DSU_ENABLE generate
306 |
307 |
--! @brief Debug Support Unit with access to the CSRs
308 |
--! @details Map address:
309 |
--! 0x80080000..0x8009ffff (128 KB total)
310 |
dsu0 : axi_dsu generic map (
311 |
xaddr => 16#80080#,
312 |
xmask => 16#fffe0#
313 |
) port map (
314 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
315 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
316 |
o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_DSU),
317 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_DSU),
318 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_DSU),
319 |
o_dporti => dport_i,
320 |
i_dporto => dport_o,
321 |
o_soft_rst => w_soft_rst,
322 |
-- Run time platform statistic signals:
323 |
i_miss_irq => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_MISS_ACCESS),
324 |
i_miss_addr => wb_miss_addr,
325 |
i_bus_util_w => wb_bus_util_w, -- Write access bus utilization per master statistic
326 |
i_bus_util_r => wb_bus_util_r -- Read access bus utilization per master statistic
327 |
328 |
end generate;
329 |
dsu_dis : if not CFG_DSU_ENABLE generate
330 |
slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_DSU) <= nasti_slave_config_none;
331 |
axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_DSU) <= nasti_slave_out_none;
332 |
dport_i <= dport_in_none;
333 |
end generate;
334 |
335 |
336 |
--! @brief TAP via UART (debug port) with master interface.
337 |
uart2i.cts <= not i_uart2_ctsn;
338 |
uart2i.rd <= i_uart2_rd;
339 |
uart2 : uart_tap port map (
340 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
341 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
342 |
i_uart => uart2i,
343 |
o_uart => uart2o,
344 |
i_msti => aximi(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_MSTUART),
345 |
o_msto => aximo(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_MSTUART),
346 |
o_mstcfg => mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_MSTUART)
347 |
348 |
o_uart2_td <= uart2o.td;
349 |
o_uart2_rtsn <= not uart2o.rts;
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
--! @brief BOOT ROM module isntance with the AXI4 interface.
354 |
--! @details Map address:
355 |
--! 0x00000000..0x00001fff (8 KB total)
356 |
boot0 : nasti_bootrom generic map (
357 |
memtech => CFG_MEMTECH,
358 |
xaddr => 16#00000#,
359 |
xmask => 16#ffffe#,
360 |
sim_hexfile => CFG_SIM_BOOTROM_HEX
361 |
) port map (
362 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
363 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
364 |
cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_BOOTROM),
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
--! @brief Firmware Image ROM with the AXI4 interface.
371 |
--! @details Map address:
372 |
--! 0x00100000..0x0013ffff (256 KB total)
373 |
--! @warning Don't forget to change ROM_ADDR_WIDTH in rom implementation
374 |
img0 : nasti_romimage generic map (
375 |
memtech => CFG_MEMTECH,
376 |
xaddr => 16#00100#,
377 |
xmask => 16#fffc0#,
378 |
sim_hexfile => CFG_SIM_FWIMAGE_HEX
379 |
) port map (
380 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
381 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
--! Internal SRAM module instance with the AXI4 interface.
389 |
--! @details Map address:
390 |
--! 0x10000000..0x1007ffff (512 KB total)
391 |
sram0 : nasti_sram generic map (
392 |
memtech => CFG_MEMTECH,
393 |
xaddr => 16#10000#,
394 |
xmask => 16#fff80#, -- 512 KB mask
395 |
abits => (10 + log2(512)), -- 512 KB address
396 |
init_file => CFG_SIM_FWIMAGE_HEX -- Used only for inferred
397 |
) port map (
398 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
399 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
400 |
cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_SRAM),
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
--! @brief Controller of the LEDs, DIPs and GPIO with the AXI4 interface.
408 |
--! @details Map address:
409 |
--! 0x80000000..0x80000fff (4 KB total)
410 |
gpio0 : nasti_gpio generic map (
411 |
xaddr => 16#80000#,
412 |
xmask => 16#fffff#,
413 |
xirq => 0
414 |
) port map (
415 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
416 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
417 |
cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_GPIO),
418 |
419 |
420 |
i_dip => ib_dip,
421 |
o_led => o_led
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
uart1i.cts <= not i_uart1_ctsn;
427 |
uart1i.rd <= i_uart1_rd;
428 |
429 |
--! @brief UART Controller with the AXI4 interface.
430 |
--! @details Map address:
431 |
--! 0x80001000..0x80001fff (4 KB total)
432 |
uart1 : nasti_uart generic map (
433 |
xaddr => 16#80001#,
434 |
xmask => 16#FFFFF#,
435 |
xirq => CFG_IRQ_UART1,
436 |
fifosz => 16
437 |
) port map (
438 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
439 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
440 |
cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_UART1),
441 |
i_uart => uart1i,
442 |
o_uart => uart1o,
443 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_UART1),
444 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_UART1),
445 |
o_irq => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_UART1)
446 |
447 |
o_uart1_td <= uart1o.td;
448 |
o_uart1_rtsn <= not uart1o.rts;
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
--! @brief Interrupt controller with the AXI4 interface.
453 |
--! @details Map address:
454 |
--! 0x80002000..0x80002fff (4 KB total)
455 |
irq0 : nasti_irqctrl generic map (
456 |
xaddr => 16#80002#,
457 |
xmask => 16#FFFFF#
458 |
) port map (
459 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
460 |
nrst => w_bus_nrst,
461 |
i_irqs => irq_pins,
462 |
o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_IRQCTRL),
463 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_IRQCTRL),
464 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_IRQCTRL),
465 |
o_irq_meip => core_irqs(CFG_CORE_IRQ_MEIP)
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 |
--! @brief GNSS Engine stub with the AXI4 interface.
470 |
--! @details Map address:
471 |
--! 0x80003000..0x80003fff (4 KB total)
472 |
gnss0 : gnssengine generic map (
473 |
tech => CFG_MEMTECH,
474 |
xaddr => 16#80003#,
475 |
xmask => 16#FFFFF#,
476 |
477 |
) port map (
478 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
479 |
clk_bus => w_clk_bus,
480 |
clk_adc => w_clk_adc,
481 |
o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ENGINE),
482 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ENGINE),
483 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ENGINE),
484 |
i_gps_I => i_gps_I,
485 |
i_gps_Q => i_gps_Q,
486 |
i_glo_I => i_glo_I,
487 |
i_glo_Q => i_glo_Q,
488 |
o_ms_pulse => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_GNSSENGINE),
489 |
o_pps => w_gnss_pps
490 |
491 |
492 |
--! @brief RF front-end controller with the AXI4 interface.
493 |
--! @details Map address:
494 |
--! 0x80004000..0x80004fff (4 KB total)
495 |
rf0 : axi_rfctrl generic map (
496 |
xaddr => 16#80004#,
497 |
xmask => 16#fffff#
498 |
) port map (
499 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
500 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
501 |
o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_RFCTRL),
502 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_RFCTRL),
503 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_RFCTRL),
504 |
i_gps_ld => i_gps_ld,
505 |
i_glo_ld => i_glo_ld,
506 |
outSCLK => o_max_sclk,
507 |
outSDATA => o_max_sdata,
508 |
outCSn => o_max_ncs,
509 |
inExtAntStat => i_antext_stat,
510 |
inExtAntDetect => i_antext_detect,
511 |
outExtAntEna => o_antext_ena,
512 |
outIntAntContr => o_antint_contr
513 |
514 |
515 |
--! @brief Timers with the AXI4 interface.
516 |
--! @details Map address:
517 |
--! 0x80005000..0x80005fff (4 KB total)
518 |
gptmr0 : nasti_gptimers generic map (
519 |
xaddr => 16#80005#,
520 |
xmask => 16#fffff#,
521 |
522 |
tmr_total => 2
523 |
) port map (
524 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
525 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
o_irq => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_GPTIMERS)
530 |
531 |
532 |
--! @brief GPS-CA Fast Search Engine with the AXI4 interface.
533 |
--! @details Map address:
534 |
--! 0x8000a000..0x8000afff (4 KB total)
535 |
fse0_ena : if CFG_GNSSLIB_FSEGPS_ENABLE generate
536 |
fse0 : TopFSE generic map (
537 |
tech => CFG_MEMTECH,
538 |
xaddr => 16#8000a#,
539 |
xmask => 16#fffff#,
540 |
541 |
) port map (
542 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
543 |
clk_bus => w_clk_bus,
544 |
clk_adc => w_clk_adc,
545 |
o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
546 |
i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
547 |
o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
548 |
i_I => i_gps_I,
549 |
i_Q => i_gps_Q,
550 |
i_ms_pulse => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_GNSSENGINE),
551 |
i_pps => w_gnss_pps,
552 |
i_2ms_only => '0'
553 |
554 |
555 |
-- axi0 : axi_recorder generic map (
556 |
-- tech => CFG_MEMTECH,
557 |
-- xaddr => 16#800a0#, -- 64 KB
558 |
-- xmask => 16#ffff0#
559 |
-- ) port map (
560 |
-- nrst => w_glob_nrst,
561 |
-- clk_bus => w_clk_bus,
562 |
-- clk_adc => w_clk_adc,
563 |
-- o_cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
564 |
-- i_axi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
565 |
-- o_axi => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS),
566 |
-- i_gps_I => i_gps_I,
567 |
-- i_gps_Q => i_gps_Q
568 |
-- );
569 |
570 |
end generate;
571 |
--! FSE GPS disable
572 |
fse0_dis : if not CFG_GNSSLIB_FSEGPS_ENABLE generate
573 |
slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS) <= nasti_slave_config_none;
574 |
axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_FSE_GPS) <= nasti_slave_out_none;
575 |
end generate;
576 |
577 |
--! Gigabit clock phase rotator with buffers
578 |
clkrot90 : clkp90_tech generic map (
579 |
tech => CFG_FABTECH,
580 |
freq => 125000 -- KHz = 125 MHz
581 |
) port map (
582 |
i_rst => w_glob_rst,
583 |
i_clk => ib_gmiiclk,
584 |
o_clk => eth_i.gtx_clk,
585 |
o_clkp90 => eth_i.tx_clk_90,
586 |
o_clk2x => open, -- used in gbe 'io_ref'
587 |
o_lock => open
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
--! @brief Ethernet MAC with the AXI4 interface.
592 |
--! @details Map address:
593 |
--! 0x80040000..0x8007ffff (256 KB total)
594 |
--! EDCL IP: = C0.A8.01.33
595 |
eth0_ena : if CFG_ETHERNET_ENABLE generate
596 |
eth_i.tx_clk <= i_etx_clk;
597 |
eth_i.rx_clk <= i_erx_clk;
598 |
eth_i.rxd <= i_erxd;
599 |
eth_i.rx_dv <= i_erx_dv;
600 |
eth_i.rx_er <= i_erx_er;
601 |
eth_i.rx_col <= i_erx_col;
602 |
eth_i.rx_crs <= i_erx_crs;
603 |
eth_i.mdint <= i_emdint;
604 |
605 |
mac0 : grethaxi generic map (
606 |
xaddr => 16#80040#,
607 |
xmask => 16#FFFC0#,
608 |
609 |
memtech => CFG_MEMTECH,
610 |
mdcscaler => 60, --! System Bus clock in MHz
611 |
enable_mdio => 1,
612 |
fifosize => 16,
613 |
nsync => 1,
614 |
edcl => 1,
615 |
edclbufsz => 16,
616 |
macaddrh => 16#20789#,
617 |
macaddrl => 16#123#,
618 |
ipaddrh => 16#C0A8#,
619 |
ipaddrl => 16#0033#,
620 |
phyrstadr => 7,
621 |
enable_mdint => 1,
622 |
maxsize => 1518
623 |
) port map (
624 |
rst => w_glob_nrst,
625 |
clk => w_clk_bus,
626 |
627 |
628 |
mstcfg => mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_ETHMAC),
629 |
msto2 => open, -- EDCL separate access is disabled
630 |
mstcfg2 => open, -- EDCL separate access is disabled
631 |
slvi => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ETHMAC),
632 |
slvo => axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ETHMAC),
633 |
slvcfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ETHMAC),
634 |
ethi => eth_i,
635 |
etho => eth_o,
636 |
irq => irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_ETHMAC)
637 |
638 |
639 |
end generate;
640 |
--! Ethernet disabled
641 |
eth0_dis : if not CFG_ETHERNET_ENABLE generate
642 |
slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ETHMAC) <= nasti_slave_config_none;
643 |
axiso(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_ETHMAC) <= nasti_slave_out_none;
644 |
mst_cfg(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_ETHMAC) <= nasti_master_config_none;
645 |
aximo(CFG_NASTI_MASTER_ETHMAC) <= nasti_master_out_none;
646 |
irq_pins(CFG_IRQ_ETHMAC) <= '0';
647 |
eth_o <= eth_out_none;
648 |
end generate;
649 |
650 |
651 |
emdio_pad : iobuf_tech generic map(
652 |
653 |
) port map (
654 |
o => eth_i.mdio_i,
655 |
io => io_emdio,
656 |
i => eth_o.mdio_o,
657 |
t => eth_o.mdio_oe
658 |
659 |
o_egtx_clk <= eth_i.gtx_clk;--eth_i.tx_clk_90;
660 |
o_etxd <= eth_o.txd;
661 |
o_etx_en <= eth_o.tx_en;
662 |
o_etx_er <= eth_o.tx_er;
663 |
o_emdc <= eth_o.mdc;
664 |
o_erstn <= w_glob_nrst;
665 |
666 |
667 |
--! @brief Plug'n'Play controller of the current configuration with the
668 |
--! AXI4 interface.
669 |
--! @details Map address:
670 |
--! 0xfffff000..0xffffffff (4 KB total)
671 |
pnp0 : nasti_pnp generic map (
672 |
xaddr => 16#fffff#,
673 |
xmask => 16#fffff#,
674 |
tech => CFG_MEMTECH,
675 |
hw_id => CFG_HW_ID
676 |
) port map (
677 |
sys_clk => w_clk_bus,
678 |
adc_clk => w_clk_adc,
679 |
nrst => w_glob_nrst,
680 |
mstcfg => mst_cfg,
681 |
slvcfg => slv_cfg,
682 |
cfg => slv_cfg(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_PNP),
683 |
i => axisi(CFG_NASTI_SLAVE_PNP),
684 |
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
end arch_riscv_soc_gnss;