1 |
15 |
lampret |
2 |
//// ////
3 |
//// WISHBONE Real-Time Clock ////
4 |
//// ////
5 |
//// This file is part of the RTC project ////
6 |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/rtc/ ////
7 |
//// ////
8 |
//// Description ////
9 |
//// Implementation of Real-Time clock IP core according to ////
10 |
//// RTC IP core specification document. Using async resets ////
11 |
//// would make core even smaller. ////
12 |
//// ////
13 |
//// To Do: ////
14 |
//// Nothing ////
15 |
//// ////
16 |
//// Author(s): ////
17 |
//// - Damjan Lampret, lampret@opencores.org ////
18 |
//// ////
19 |
20 |
//// ////
21 |
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
22 |
//// ////
23 |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
24 |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
25 |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
26 |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
27 |
//// ////
28 |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
29 |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
30 |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
31 |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
32 |
//// later version. ////
33 |
//// ////
34 |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
35 |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
36 |
37 |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
38 |
//// details. ////
39 |
//// ////
40 |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
41 |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
42 |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
43 |
//// ////
44 |
45 |
46 |
// CVS Revision History
47 |
48 |
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
49 |
17 |
lampret |
// Revision 1.1 2001/09/18 22:55:39 lampret
50 |
// Changed rtc into rtc_top. Changed defines.v into rtc_defines.v. Fixed a bug with two defines for alarms.
51 |
52 |
15 |
lampret |
// Revision 1.2 2001/08/22 10:58:27 lampret
53 |
// Changed synthesis translate_ to synopsys translate.
54 |
55 |
// Revision 1.1 2001/08/21 12:53:11 lampret
56 |
// Changed directory structure, uniquified defines and changed design's port names.
57 |
58 |
// Revision 1.3 2001/07/17 00:02:55 lampret
59 |
// Fixed reading of registers.
60 |
61 |
// Revision 1.2 2001/07/16 01:08:45 lampret
62 |
// Added additional parameters to make RTL more configurable. Added bunch of comments to defines.v
63 |
64 |
// Revision 1.1 2001/06/05 07:45:43 lampret
65 |
// Added initial RTL and test benches. There are still some issues with these files.
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
// synopsys translate_off
70 |
`include "timescale.v"
71 |
// synopsys translate_on
72 |
`include "rtc_defines.v"
73 |
74 |
module rtc_top(
75 |
// WISHBONE Interface
76 |
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_adr_i, wb_dat_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_stb_i,
77 |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o, wb_inta_o,
78 |
79 |
// External RTC Interface
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
parameter dw = 32;
84 |
parameter aw = `RTC_ADDRHH+1;
85 |
86 |
87 |
// WISHBONE Interface
88 |
89 |
input wb_clk_i; // Clock
90 |
input wb_rst_i; // Reset
91 |
input wb_cyc_i; // cycle valid input
92 |
input [aw-1:0] wb_adr_i; // address bus inputs
93 |
input [dw-1:0] wb_dat_i; // input data bus
94 |
input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // byte select inputs
95 |
input wb_we_i; // indicates write transfer
96 |
input wb_stb_i; // strobe input
97 |
output [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // output data bus
98 |
output wb_ack_o; // normal termination
99 |
output wb_err_o; // termination w/ error
100 |
output wb_inta_o; // Interrupt request output
101 |
102 |
103 |
// External RTC Interface
104 |
105 |
input clk_rtc_pad_i; // External clock
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
// Counters of RTC Time Register
111 |
112 |
reg [3:0] time_tos; // Tenth of second counter
113 |
reg [3:0] time_s; // Seconds counter
114 |
reg [2:0] time_ts; // Ten seconds counter
115 |
reg [3:0] time_m; // Minutes counter
116 |
reg [2:0] time_tm; // Ten minutes counter
117 |
reg [3:0] time_h; // Hours counter
118 |
reg [1:0] time_th; // Ten hours counter
119 |
reg [2:0] time_dow; // Day of week counter
120 |
121 |
122 |
// Counter of RTC Date Register
123 |
124 |
reg [3:0] date_d; // Days counter
125 |
reg [1:0] date_td; // Ten days counter
126 |
reg [3:0] date_m; // Months counter
127 |
reg date_tm; // Ten months counter
128 |
reg [3:0] date_y; // Years counter
129 |
reg [3:0] date_ty; // Ten years counter
130 |
reg [3:0] date_c; // Centuries counter
131 |
reg [3:0] date_tc; // Ten centuries counter
132 |
133 |
134 |
// Clock division counter
135 |
136 |
137 |
reg [26:0] cntr_div; // Division counter
138 |
reg div_clk; // Tenth of a second clock
139 |
140 |
wire div_clk; // Tenth of a second clock
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
// RTC TALRM Register
145 |
146 |
147 |
reg [31:0] rrtc_talrm; // RRTC_TALRM register
148 |
149 |
wire [31:0] rrtc_talrm; // No register
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
// RTC DALRM Register
154 |
155 |
156 |
reg [30:0] rrtc_dalrm; // RRTC_DALRM register
157 |
158 |
wire [30:0] rrtc_dalrm; // No register
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
// RTC CTRL register
163 |
164 |
reg [31:0] rrtc_ctrl; // RRTC_CTRL register
165 |
166 |
167 |
// Internal wires & regs
168 |
169 |
wire [31:0] rrtc_time; // Alias
170 |
wire [31:0] rrtc_date; // Alias
171 |
wire rrtc_time_sel; // RRTC_TIME select
172 |
wire rrtc_date_sel; // RRTC_DATE select
173 |
wire rrtc_talrm_sel; // RRTC_TALRM select
174 |
wire rrtc_dalrm_sel; // RRTC_DALRM select
175 |
wire rrtc_ctrl_sel; // RRTC_CTRL select
176 |
wire match_tos; // Tenth of second match
177 |
wire match_secs; // Seconds match
178 |
wire match_mins; // Minutes match
179 |
wire match_hrs; // Hours match
180 |
wire match_dow; // Day of week match
181 |
wire match_days; // Days match
182 |
wire match_months; // Months match
183 |
wire match_yrs; // Years match
184 |
wire match_cents; // Centuries match
185 |
wire rst_time_tos; // Reset RRTC_TIME[TOS]
186 |
wire rst_time_s; // Reset RRTC_TIME[S]
187 |
wire rst_time_ts; // Reset RRTC_TIME[TS]
188 |
wire rst_time_m; // Reset RRTC_TIME[M]
189 |
wire rst_time_tm; // Reset RRTC_TIME[TM]
190 |
wire rst_time_h; // Reset RRTC_TIME[H]
191 |
wire rst_time_th; // Reset RRTC_TIME[TH]
192 |
wire rst_time_dow; // Reset RRTC_TIME[DOW]
193 |
wire rst_date_d; // Reset RRTC_DATE[D]
194 |
wire rst_date_td; // Reset RRTC_DATE[TD]
195 |
wire rst_date_m; // Reset RRTC_DATE[M]
196 |
wire rst_date_tm; // Reset RRTC_DATE[TM]
197 |
wire rst_date_y; // Reset RRTC_DATE[Y]
198 |
wire rst_date_ty; // Reset RRTC_DATE[TY]
199 |
wire rst_date_c; // Reset RRTC_DATE[C]
200 |
wire rst_date_tc; // Reset RRTC_DATE[TC]
201 |
wire inc_time_tos; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[TOS]
202 |
wire inc_time_s; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[S]
203 |
wire inc_time_ts; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[TS]
204 |
wire inc_time_m; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[M]
205 |
wire inc_time_tm; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[TM]
206 |
wire inc_time_h; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[H]
207 |
wire inc_time_th; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[TH]
208 |
wire inc_time_dow; // Enable counter RRTC_TIME[DOW]
209 |
wire inc_date_d; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[D]
210 |
wire inc_date_td; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[TD]
211 |
wire inc_date_m; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[M]
212 |
wire inc_date_tm; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[TM]
213 |
wire inc_date_y; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[Y]
214 |
wire inc_date_ty; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[TY]
215 |
wire inc_date_c; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[C]
216 |
wire inc_date_tc; // Enable counter RRTC_DATE[TC]
217 |
wire one_date_d; // Set RRTC_DATE[D] to 1
218 |
wire one_date_m; // Set RRTC_DATE[M] to 1
219 |
wire hi_clk; // Hi freq clock
220 |
wire lo_clk; // Lo freq clock
221 |
wire alarm; // Alarm condition
222 |
wire leapyear; // Leap year
223 |
wire full_decoding; // Full address decoding qualification
224 |
reg [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // Data out
225 |
226 |
227 |
// All WISHBONE transfer terminations are successful except when:
228 |
// a) full address decoding is enabled and address doesn't match
229 |
// any of the RTC registers
230 |
// b) sel_i evaluation is enabled and one of the sel_i inputs is zero
231 |
232 |
assign wb_ack_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & !wb_err_o;
233 |
234 |
235 |
17 |
lampret |
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (!full_decoding | (wb_sel_i != 4'b1111));
236 |
15 |
lampret |
237 |
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & !full_decoding;
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
17 |
lampret |
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_sel_i != 4'b1111);
242 |
15 |
lampret |
243 |
assign wb_err_o = 1'b0;
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
// Hi freq clock is selected by RRTC_CTRL[ECLK]. When it is set,
249 |
// external clock is used.
250 |
251 |
assign hi_clk = rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_ECLK] ? clk_rtc_pad_i : wb_clk_i;
252 |
253 |
254 |
// Lo freq clock divided hi freq clock when RRTC_CTRL[EN] is set.
255 |
// When RRTC_CTRL[EN] is cleared, lo freq clock is equal WISHBONE
256 |
// clock to allow writes into registers.
257 |
258 |
assign lo_clk = rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_EN] ? div_clk : wb_clk_i;
259 |
260 |
261 |
// Full address decoder
262 |
263 |
264 |
assign full_decoding = (wb_adr_i[`RTC_ADDRHH:`RTC_ADDRHL] == {`RTC_ADDRHH-`RTC_ADDRHL+1{1'b0}}) &
265 |
(wb_adr_i[`RTC_ADDRLH:`RTC_ADDRLL] == {`RTC_ADDRLH-`RTC_ADDRLL+1{1'b0}});
266 |
267 |
assign full_decoding = 1'b1;
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
// RTC registers address decoder
272 |
273 |
assign rrtc_time_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS] ==
274 |
`RTC_RRTC_TIME) & full_decoding;
275 |
assign rrtc_date_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS] == `RTC_RRTC_DATE) & full_decoding;
276 |
assign rrtc_talrm_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS] == `RTC_RRTC_TALRM) & full_decoding;
277 |
assign rrtc_dalrm_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS] == `RTC_RRTC_DALRM) & full_decoding;
278 |
assign rrtc_ctrl_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS] == `RTC_RRTC_CTRL) & full_decoding;
279 |
280 |
281 |
// Grouping of seperate fields into registers
282 |
283 |
assign rrtc_time = {5'b0, time_dow, time_th, time_h, time_tm,
284 |
time_m, time_ts, time_s, time_tos};
285 |
assign rrtc_date = {5'b0, date_tc, date_c, date_ty, date_y,
286 |
date_tm, date_m, date_td, date_d};
287 |
288 |
289 |
// Write to RRTC_CTRL or update of RRTC_CTRL[ALRM] bit
290 |
291 |
292 |
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
293 |
if (wb_rst_i)
294 |
rrtc_ctrl <= #1 32'b0;
295 |
else if (rrtc_ctrl_sel && wb_we_i)
296 |
rrtc_ctrl <= #1 wb_dat_i;
297 |
else if (rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_EN])
298 |
rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_ALRM] <= #1 rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_ALRM] | alarm;
299 |
300 |
assign rrtc_ctrl = `RTC_DEF_RRTC_CTRL;
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
// Clock divider
305 |
306 |
307 |
always @(posedge hi_clk or posedge wb_rst_i)
308 |
if (wb_rst_i) begin
309 |
cntr_div <= #1 27'b0;
310 |
div_clk <= #1 1'b0;
311 |
end else if (!cntr_div) begin
312 |
cntr_div <= #1 rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_DIV];
313 |
div_clk <= #1 ~div_clk;
314 |
end else if (rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_EN])
315 |
cntr_div <= #1 cntr_div - 1;
316 |
317 |
assign div_clk = hi_clk;
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
// Write to RRTC_TALRM
322 |
323 |
324 |
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
325 |
if (wb_rst_i)
326 |
rrtc_talrm <= #1 32'b0;
327 |
else if (rrtc_talrm_sel && wb_we_i)
328 |
rrtc_talrm <= #1 wb_dat_i;
329 |
330 |
assign rrtc_talrm = `RTC_DEF_RRTC_TALRM;
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
// Write to RRTC_DALRM
335 |
336 |
337 |
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
338 |
if (wb_rst_i)
339 |
rrtc_dalrm <= #1 31'b0;
340 |
else if (rrtc_dalrm_sel && wb_we_i)
341 |
rrtc_dalrm <= #1 wb_dat_i[30:0];
342 |
343 |
assign rrtc_dalrm = `RTC_DEF_RRTC_DALRM;
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
350 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
351 |
time_tos <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_TOS];
352 |
else if (rst_time_tos)
353 |
time_tos <= #1 4'b0;
354 |
else if (inc_time_tos)
355 |
time_tos <= #1 time_tos + 1;
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
361 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
362 |
time_s <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_S];
363 |
else if (rst_time_s)
364 |
time_s <= #1 4'b0;
365 |
else if (inc_time_s)
366 |
time_s <= #1 time_s + 1;
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
372 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
373 |
time_ts <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_TS];
374 |
else if (rst_time_ts)
375 |
time_ts <= #1 3'b0;
376 |
else if (inc_time_ts)
377 |
time_ts <= #1 time_ts + 1;
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
383 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
384 |
time_m <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_M];
385 |
else if (rst_time_m)
386 |
time_m <= #1 4'b0;
387 |
else if (inc_time_m)
388 |
time_m <= #1 time_m + 1;
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
394 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
395 |
time_tm <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_TM];
396 |
else if (rst_time_tm)
397 |
time_tm <= #1 3'b0;
398 |
else if (inc_time_tm)
399 |
time_tm <= #1 time_tm + 1;
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
405 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
406 |
time_h <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_H];
407 |
else if (rst_time_h)
408 |
time_h <= #1 4'b0;
409 |
else if (inc_time_h)
410 |
time_h <= #1 time_h + 1;
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
416 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
417 |
time_th <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_TH];
418 |
else if (rst_time_th)
419 |
time_th <= #1 2'b0;
420 |
else if (inc_time_th)
421 |
time_th <= #1 time_th + 1;
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
427 |
if (rrtc_time_sel && wb_we_i)
428 |
time_dow <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_TIME_DOW];
429 |
else if (rst_time_dow)
430 |
time_dow <= #1 3'h1;
431 |
else if (inc_time_dow)
432 |
time_dow <= #1 time_dow + 1;
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
438 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
439 |
date_d <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_D];
440 |
else if (one_date_d)
441 |
date_d <= #1 4'h1;
442 |
else if (rst_date_d)
443 |
date_d <= #1 4'h0;
444 |
else if (inc_date_d)
445 |
date_d <= #1 date_d + 1;
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
451 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
452 |
date_td <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_TD];
453 |
else if (rst_date_td)
454 |
date_td <= #1 2'b0;
455 |
else if (inc_date_td)
456 |
date_td <= #1 date_td + 1;
457 |
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
462 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
463 |
date_m <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_M];
464 |
else if (one_date_m)
465 |
date_m <= #1 4'h1;
466 |
else if (rst_date_m)
467 |
date_m <= #1 4'h0;
468 |
else if (inc_date_m)
469 |
date_m <= #1 date_m + 1;
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
474 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
475 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
476 |
date_tm <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_TM];
477 |
else if (rst_date_tm)
478 |
date_tm <= #1 1'b0;
479 |
else if (inc_date_tm)
480 |
date_tm <= #1 date_tm + 1;
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
486 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
487 |
date_y <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_Y];
488 |
else if (rst_date_y)
489 |
date_y <= #1 4'b0;
490 |
else if (inc_date_y)
491 |
date_y <= #1 date_y + 1;
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
497 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
498 |
date_ty <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_TY];
499 |
else if (rst_date_ty)
500 |
date_ty <= #1 4'b0;
501 |
else if (inc_date_ty)
502 |
date_ty <= #1 date_ty + 1;
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
508 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
509 |
date_c <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_C];
510 |
else if (rst_date_c)
511 |
date_c <= #1 4'b0;
512 |
else if (inc_date_c)
513 |
date_c <= #1 date_c + 1;
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
always @(posedge lo_clk)
519 |
if (rrtc_date_sel && wb_we_i)
520 |
date_tc <= #1 wb_dat_i[`RTC_RRTC_DATE_TC];
521 |
else if (rst_date_tc)
522 |
date_tc <= #1 4'b0;
523 |
else if (inc_date_tc)
524 |
date_tc <= #1 date_tc + 1;
525 |
526 |
527 |
// Read RTC registers
528 |
529 |
always @(wb_adr_i or rrtc_time or rrtc_date or rrtc_talrm or rrtc_dalrm or rrtc_ctrl)
530 |
case (wb_adr_i[`RTC_OFS_BITS]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
531 |
532 |
`RTC_RRTC_TIME: wb_dat_o[dw-1:0] <= {{dw-27{1'b0}}, rrtc_time};
533 |
`RTC_RRTC_DATE: wb_dat_o[dw-1:0] <= {{dw-27{1'b0}}, rrtc_date};
534 |
`RTC_RRTC_TALRM: wb_dat_o[dw-1:0] <= rrtc_talrm;
535 |
`RTC_RRTC_DALRM: wb_dat_o[dw-1:0] <= {{dw-31{1'b0}}, rrtc_dalrm};
536 |
537 |
default: wb_dat_o <= rrtc_ctrl;
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
// Asserted high when correspoding RRTC_TIME/DATE fields match
542 |
// RRTC_T/DALRM fields
543 |
544 |
assign match_tos = (time_tos == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_TOS]);
545 |
assign match_secs = (time_s == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_S]) &
546 |
(time_ts == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_TS]);
547 |
assign match_mins = (time_m == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_M]) &
548 |
(time_tm == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_TM]);
549 |
assign match_hrs = (time_h == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_H]) &
550 |
(time_th == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_TH]);
551 |
assign match_dow = (time_dow == rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_DOW]);
552 |
assign match_days = (date_d == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_D]) &
553 |
(date_td == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_TD]);
554 |
assign match_months = (date_m == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_M]) &
555 |
(date_tm == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_TM]);
556 |
assign match_yrs = (date_y == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_Y]) &
557 |
(date_ty == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_TY]);
558 |
assign match_cents = (date_c == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_C]) &
559 |
(date_tc == rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_TC]);
560 |
561 |
562 |
// Generate an alarm when all enabled match conditions are asserted high
563 |
564 |
assign alarm = (match_tos | ~rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CTOS]) &
565 |
(match_secs | ~rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CS]) &
566 |
(match_mins | ~rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CM]) &
567 |
(match_hrs | ~rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CH]) &
568 |
(match_dow | ~rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CDOW]) &
569 |
(match_days | ~rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CD]) &
570 |
(match_months | ~rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CM]) &
571 |
(match_yrs | ~rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CY]) &
572 |
(match_cents | ~rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CC]) &
573 |
(rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CTOS] |
574 |
rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CS] |
575 |
rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CM] |
576 |
rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CH] |
577 |
rrtc_talrm[`RTC_RRTC_TALRM_CDOW] |
578 |
rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CD] |
579 |
rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CM] |
580 |
rrtc_dalrm[`RTC_RRTC_DALRM_CY] |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
// Generate an interrupt request
585 |
586 |
assign wb_inta_o = rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_ALRM] & rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_INTE];
587 |
588 |
589 |
// Control of counters:
590 |
// Asserted high when correspoding RRTC_TIME/DATE fields reach
591 |
// boundary values and previous counters are cleared
592 |
593 |
assign rst_time_tos = (time_tos == 4'd9) | rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_BTOS] | wb_rst_i;
594 |
assign rst_time_s = (time_s == 4'd9) & rst_time_tos | wb_rst_i;
595 |
assign rst_time_ts = (time_ts == 3'd5) & rst_time_s | wb_rst_i;
596 |
assign rst_time_m = (time_m == 4'd9) & rst_time_ts | wb_rst_i;
597 |
assign rst_time_tm = (time_tm == 3'd5) & rst_time_m | wb_rst_i;
598 |
assign rst_time_h = (time_h == 4'd9) & rst_time_tm
599 |
| (time_th == 2'd2) & (time_h == 4'd3) & rst_time_tm
600 |
| wb_rst_i;
601 |
assign rst_time_th = (time_th == 2'd2) & rst_time_h | wb_rst_i;
602 |
assign rst_time_dow = (time_dow == 3'd7) & rst_time_th | wb_rst_i;
603 |
assign one_date_d =
604 |
({date_tm, date_m} == 8'h01 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
605 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h02 & date_td == 2'd2 & date_d == 4'd8 & ~leapyear |
606 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h02 & date_td == 2'd2 & date_d == 4'd9 & leapyear |
607 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h03 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
608 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h04 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd0 |
609 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h05 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
610 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h06 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd0 |
611 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h07 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
612 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h08 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
613 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h09 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd0 |
614 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h10 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 |
615 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h11 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd0 |
616 |
{date_tm, date_m} == 8'h12 & date_td == 2'd3 & date_d == 4'd1 ) & rst_time_th |
617 |
618 |
assign rst_date_d = date_d == 4'd9 & rst_time_th;
619 |
assign rst_date_td = ({date_tm, date_m} == 8'h02 & date_td[1] |
620 |
date_td == 2'h3) & (rst_date_d | one_date_d) |
621 |
622 |
assign one_date_m = date_tm & (date_m == 4'd2) & rst_date_td | wb_rst_i;
623 |
assign rst_date_m = ~date_tm & (date_m == 4'd9) & rst_date_td;
624 |
assign rst_date_tm = date_tm & (rst_date_m | one_date_m) | wb_rst_i;
625 |
assign rst_date_y = (date_y == 4'd9) & rst_date_tm | wb_rst_i;
626 |
assign rst_date_ty = (date_ty == 4'd9)& rst_date_y | wb_rst_i;
627 |
assign rst_date_c = (date_c == 4'd9) & rst_date_ty | wb_rst_i;
628 |
assign rst_date_tc = (date_tc == 4'd9) & rst_date_c | wb_rst_i;
629 |
630 |
631 |
// Control for counter increment
632 |
633 |
assign inc_time_tos = rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_EN] & ~rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_BTOS];
634 |
assign inc_time_s = rst_time_tos | rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_BTOS] & rrtc_ctrl[`RTC_RRTC_CTRL_EN];
635 |
assign inc_time_ts = rst_time_s;
636 |
assign inc_time_m = rst_time_ts;
637 |
assign inc_time_tm = rst_time_m;
638 |
assign inc_time_h = rst_time_tm;
639 |
assign inc_time_th = rst_time_h;
640 |
assign inc_time_dow = rst_time_th;
641 |
assign inc_date_d = rst_time_th;
642 |
assign inc_date_td = rst_date_d;
643 |
assign inc_date_m = rst_date_td;
644 |
assign inc_date_tm = rst_date_m;
645 |
assign inc_date_y = rst_date_tm;
646 |
assign inc_date_ty = rst_date_y;
647 |
assign inc_date_c = rst_date_ty;
648 |
assign inc_date_tc = rst_date_c;
649 |
650 |
651 |
// Leap year calculation
652 |
653 |
assign leapyear =
654 |
(({date_ty, date_y} == 8'h00) & // xx00
655 |
(( date_tc[0] & ~date_c[3] & (date_c[1:0] == 2'b10)) | // 12xx, 16xx, 32xx ...
656 |
(~date_tc[0] & (date_c[1:0] == 2'b00) & // 00xx, 04xx, 08xx, 20xx, 24xx ...
657 |
((date_c[3:2] == 2'b01) | ~date_c[2])))) |
658 |
(~date_ty[0] & (date_y[1:0] == 2'b00) & ({date_ty, date_y} != 8'h00)) | // xx04, xx08, xx24 ...
659 |
(date_ty[0] & (date_y[1:0] == 2'b10)); // xx12, xx16, xx32 ...
660 |
661 |
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 |
// When RTC is not implemented, drive all outputs as would when RRTC_CTRL
666 |
// is cleared and WISHBONE transfers complete with errors
667 |
668 |
assign wb_inta_o = 1'b0;
669 |
assign wb_ack_o = 1'b0;
670 |
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i;
671 |
672 |
673 |
// Read RTC registers
674 |
675 |
assign wb_dat_o = {dw{1'b0}};
676 |
677 |
678 |
679 |