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// ============================================================================
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// __
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// \\__/ o\ (C) 2013 Robert Finch, Stratford
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// \ __ / All rights reserved.
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// \/_// robfinch<remove>@opencores.org
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// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
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// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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// (at your option) any later version.
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// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// GNU General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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// ============================================================================
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state <= IFETCH;
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if (em) begin
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`ADC_IMM,`ADC_ZP,`ADC_ZPX,`ADC_IX,`ADC_IY,`ADC_ABS,`ADC_ABSX,`ADC_ABSY,`ADC_I: begin res8 <= acc8 + b8 + {7'b0,cf}; end
29 |
`SBC_IMM,`SBC_ZP,`SBC_ZPX,`SBC_IX,`SBC_IY,`SBC_ABS,`SBC_ABSX,`SBC_ABSY,`SBC_I: begin res8 <= acc8 - b8 - {7'b0,~cf}; end
30 |
`CMP_IMM,`CMP_ZP,`CMP_ZPX,`CMP_IX,`CMP_IY,`CMP_ABS,`CMP_ABSX,`CMP_ABSY,`CMP_I: begin res8 <= acc8 - b8; end
31 |
`AND_IMM,`AND_ZP,`AND_ZPX,`AND_IX,`AND_IY,`AND_ABS,`AND_ABSX,`AND_ABSY,`AND_I: begin res8 <= acc8 & b8; end
32 |
`ORA_IMM,`ORA_ZP,`ORA_ZPX,`ORA_IX,`ORA_IY,`ORA_ABS,`ORA_ABSX,`ORA_ABSY,`ORA_I: begin res8 <= acc8 | b8; end
33 |
`EOR_IMM,`EOR_ZP,`EOR_ZPX,`EOR_IX,`EOR_IY,`EOR_ABS,`EOR_ABSX,`EOR_ABSY,`EOR_I: begin res8 <= acc8 ^ b8; end
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`BIT_IMM,`BIT_ZP,`BIT_ZPX,`BIT_ABS,`BIT_ABSX: begin res8 <= acc8 & b8; end
36 |
`TRB_ZP,`TRB_ABS: begin res8 <= ~acc8 & b8; wdat <= {4{~acc8 & b8}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
37 |
`TSB_ZP,`TSB_ABS: begin res8 <= acc8 | b8; wdat <= {4{acc8 | b8}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
38 |
`LDX_IMM,`LDX_ZP,`LDX_ZPY,`LDX_ABS,`LDX_ABSY: begin res8 <= b8; end
39 |
`LDY_IMM,`LDY_ZP,`LDY_ZPX,`LDY_ABS,`LDY_ABSX: begin res8 <= b8; end
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`CPX_IMM,`CPX_ZP,`CPX_ABS: begin res8 <= x8 - b8; end
41 |
`CPY_IMM,`CPY_ZP,`CPY_ABS: begin res8 <= y8 - b8; end
42 |
`ASL_ZP,`ASL_ZPX,`ASL_ABS,`ASL_ABSX: begin res8 <= {b8,1'b0}; wdat <= {4{b8[6:0],1'b0}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
43 |
`ROL_ZP,`ROL_ZPX,`ROL_ABS,`ROL_ABSX: begin res8 <= {b8,cf}; wdat <= {4{b8[6:0],cf}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
44 |
`LSR_ZP,`LSR_ZPX,`LSR_ABS,`LSR_ABSX: begin res8 <= {b8[0],1'b0,b8[7:1]}; wdat <= {4{1'b0,b8[7:1]}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
45 |
`ROR_ZP,`ROR_ZPX,`ROR_ABS,`ROR_ABSX: begin res8 <= {b8[0],cf,b8[7:1]}; wdat <= {4{cf,b8[7:1]}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`INC_ZP,`INC_ZPX,`INC_ABS,`INC_ABSX: begin res8 <= b8 + 8'd1; wdat <= {4{b8+8'd1}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
47 |
`DEC_ZP,`DEC_ZPX,`DEC_ABS,`DEC_ABSX: begin res8 <= b8 - 8'd1; wdat <= {4{b8-8'd1}}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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else begin
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/* The following handled in the DECODE stage which reduces the CPI at a cost of clock frequency.
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`ADD_RR: res <= a + b;
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`SUB_RR: res <= a - b; // Also CMP
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`AND_RR: res <= a & b; // Also BIT
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`OR_RR: res <= a | b;
59 |
`EOR_RR: res <= a ^ b;
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`MUL_RR: prod <= a * b; // slows the whole core down
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`ADD_IMM8,`ADD_IMM16,`ADD_IMM32,`ADD_ZPX,`ADD_IX,`ADD_IY,`ADD_ABS,`ADD_ABSX,`ADD_RIND: begin res <= a + b; end
63 |
`SUB_IMM8,`SUB_IMM16,`SUB_IMM32,`SUB_ZPX,`SUB_IX,`SUB_IY,`SUB_ABS,`SUB_ABSX,`SUB_RIND: begin res <= a - b; end // Also CMP
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`AND_IMM8,`AND_IMM16,`AND_IMM32,`AND_ZPX,`AND_IX,`AND_IY,`AND_ABS,`AND_ABSX,`AND_RIND: begin res <= a & b; end // Also BIT
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`OR_IMM8,`OR_IMM16,`OR_IMM32,`OR_ZPX,`OR_IX,`OR_IY,`OR_ABS,`OR_ABSX,`OR_RIND: begin res <= a | b; end // Also LD
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`EOR_IMM8,`EOR_IMM16,`EOR_IMM32,`EOR_ZPX,`EOR_IX,`EOR_IY,`EOR_ABS,`EOR_ABSX,`EOR_RIND: begin res <= a ^ b; end
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`LDX_ZPY,`LDX_ABS,`LDX_ABSY: begin res <= b; end
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`LDY_ZPX,`LDY_ABS,`LDY_ABSX: begin res <= b; end
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`CPX_IMM32,`CPX_ZPX,`CPX_ABS: begin res <= x - b; end
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`CPY_IMM32,`CPY_ZPX,`CPY_ABS: begin res <= y - b; end
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`ASL_RR: begin res <= {a,1'b0}; end
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`ROL_RR: begin res <= {a,cf}; end
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`LSR_RR: begin res <= {a[0],1'b0,a[31:1]}; end
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`ROR_RR: begin res <= {a[0],cf,a[31:1]}; end
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`ASL_ZPX,`ASL_ABS,`ASL_ABSX: begin res <= {b,1'b0}; wdat <= {b,1'b0}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`ROL_ZPX,`ROL_ABS,`ROL_ABSX: begin res <= {b,cf}; wdat <= {b,cf}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
77 |
`LSR_ZPX,`LSR_ABS,`LSR_ABSX: begin res <= {b[0],1'b0,b[31:1]}; wdat <= {b[0],1'b0,b[31:1]}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`ROR_ZPX,`ROR_ABS,`ROR_ABSX: begin res <= {b[0],cf,b[31:1]}; wdat <= {b[0],cf,b[31:1]}; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`INC_ZPX,`INC_ABS,`INC_ABSX: begin res <= b + 1; wdat <= b + 1; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`DEC_ZPX,`DEC_ABS,`DEC_ABSX: begin res <= b - 1; wdat <= b - 1; wadr <= radr; wadr2LSB <= radr2LSB; state <= STORE1; end
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`ORB_ZPX,`ORB_ABS,`ORB_ABSX: begin res <= a | {24'h0,b8}; end
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