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%%%% WISHBONE SD Card Controller IP Core %%%%
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%%%% usage.tex %%%%
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%%%% This file is part of the WISHBONE SD Card %%%%
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%%%% Controller IP Core project %%%%
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%%%% http://opencores.org/project,sd_card_controller %%%%
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%%%% Description %%%%
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%%%% documentation 'Usage' chapter %%%%
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%%%% Author(s): %%%%
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%%%% - Marek Czerski, ma.czerski@gmail.com %%%%
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%%%% Copyright (C) 2013 Authors %%%%
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%%%% %%%%
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%%%% This source file may be used and distributed without %%%%
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%%%% restriction provided that this copyright statement is not %%%%
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%%%% removed from the file and that any derivative work contains %%%%
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%%%% the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. %%%%
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%%%% %%%%
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%%%% This source file is free software; you can redistribute it %%%%
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%%%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General %%%%
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%%%% Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; %%%%
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%%%% either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any %%%%
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%%%% later version. %%%%
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%%%% %%%%
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%%%% This source is distributed in the hope that it will be %%%%
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%%%% useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied %%%%
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%%%% PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more %%%%
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%%%% details. %%%%
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%%%% %%%%
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%%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General %%%%
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%%%% Public License along with this source; if not, download it %%%%
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%%%% from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml %%%%
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%%%% %%%%
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This chapter describes usage of the IP core.
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\subsection{Directory structure}
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\textit{Wishbone SD Card Controller IP Core} comes with following directory structure:
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.1 ..
55 |
.2 bench.
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.3 verilog.
57 |
.2 doc.
58 |
.3 references.
59 |
.3 src.
60 |
.2 rtl.
61 |
.3 verilog.
62 |
.2 sim.
63 |
.3 rtl\_sim.
64 |
.4 bin.
65 |
.4 log.
66 |
.4 run.
67 |
.2 sw.
68 |
.3 example.
69 |
.2 syn.
70 |
.3 quartus.
71 |
.4 bin.
72 |
.4 run.
73 |
.4 src.
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\item[\texttt{bench/verilog}] - Verilog testbench sources,
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\item[\texttt{doc}] - documentation files,
79 |
\item[\texttt{doc/src}] - documentation \LaTeX sources,
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\item[\texttt{rtl/verilog}] - IP core Verilog sources,
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\item[\texttt{sim/rtl\_sim/bin}] - simulation makefile and modelsim scripts,
82 |
\item[\texttt{sim/rtl\_sim/log}] - log files created during simulation,
83 |
\item[\texttt{sim/rtl\_sim/run}] - simulation execution directory,
84 |
\item[\texttt{sw/example}] - baremetal example application for or1k,
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\item[\texttt{syn/quartus/bin}] - synthesis makefile and scripts for Quartus example project,
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\item[\texttt{syn/quartus/run}] - synthesis execution directory,
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\item[\texttt{syn/quartus/src}] - example project sources.
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To start the simulation just change to the \path{sim/rtl_sim/run} directory and type \texttt{make}:
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#> cd sim/rtl_sim/run
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#> make
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Every testbench is written in SystemVerilog (mostly due to use of \texttt{assert} keyword). Every testbench is self checking. Test errors are represented by
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assert failures. Every testbench starts by displaying:
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# testbench_name start ...
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and ends by displaying:
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# testbench_name finish ...
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If no asserts are displayed between these lines, the test passed. Below is an example of passing test:
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some compilation output
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113 |
# sd_cmd_master_tb start ...
114 |
# sd_cmd_master_tb finish ...
115 |
# ** Note: $finish : ../../../bench/verilog/sd_cmd_master_tb.sv(385)
116 |
# Time: 3620 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /sd_cmd_master_tb
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118 |
Below is an example of failing test:
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some compilation output
122 |
123 |
# sd_cmd_master_tb start ...
124 |
# ** Error: Assertion error.
125 |
# Time: 3280 ps Scope: sd_cmd_master_tb File: ../../../bench/verilog/
126 |
sd_cmd_master_tb.sv Line: 376
127 |
# sd_cmd_master_tb finish ...
128 |
# ** Note: $finish : ../../../bench/verilog/sd_cmd_master_tb.sv(385)
129 |
# Time: 3620 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /sd_cmd_master_tb
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\subsubsection{Simulation makefile targets}
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The default simulation target is to run all testbenches from \path{bench/verilog} directory that end with \path{_.sv}. Other simulation targets are:
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\item[\texttt{clean}] - remove all simulation output files,
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\item[\texttt{print\_testbenches}] - lists all available testbenches,
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\item[\texttt{modelsim}] - compiles all sources and launches modelsim (see \ref{sec:sim_make_var}),
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\item[\texttt{*\_tb}] - compiles and executes the given testbench. All items listed by the \path{print_testbenches} target can be executed this way,
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\item[\texttt{*\_tb\_gui}] - same as \path{*_tb} target, only instead of executing the simulation via command-line, launches modelsim.
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\subsubsection{Simulation makefile environment variables}
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The simulation makefile uses a couple of environment variables to setup the simulation:
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\item[\texttt{MODELSIM\_DIR}] - modelsim installation directory (\path{\$(MODELSIM_DIR)/bin/vsim} should be a valid path),
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\item[\texttt{VCD}] - when set to 1 - all waveforms are dumped to \path{sim/rtl_sim/out/*.vcd} files; when set to 0 - no waveforms are dumped (0 is default),
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\item[\texttt{V}] - when set to 1 - enables verbose output; when set to 0 - normal simulation output (0 is default).
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For the purpose of synthesis verification there is an example FPGA project made for Altera Quartus.
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To start synthesis just enter to \path{syn/quartus/run} directory and type \texttt{make}:
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#> cd syn/quartus/run
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#> make
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The example project consists of all Verilog sources from the \path{rtl/verilog} directory and \path{syn/quartus/src/sdc_controller_top.v} source file.
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The purpose of the additional Verilog file is to instantiate the \textit{Wishbone SD Card Controller IP Core} and register all inputs/outputs to/from the core.
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This makes timing verification more accurate.
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\subsubsection{Synthesis makefile targets}
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The default synthesis target is to synthesize the project and create a .sof file in the \path{syn/quartus/run} directory. Other synthesis targets are:
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\item[\texttt{clean}] - remove all synthesis output files,
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\item[\texttt{print\_config}] - prints project configuration of FPGA device,
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\item[\texttt{project}] - creates Quartus project files (.qpf and .qsf),
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\item[\texttt{quartus}] - creates Quartus project files and launches the Quartus IDE.
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\subsubsection{Synthesis makefile environment variables}
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The synthesis makefile uses a couple of environment variables to setup synthesis:
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\item[\texttt{QUARTUS\_DIR}] - Quartus installation directory (\path{\$(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus} should be a valid path),
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\item[\texttt{FPGA\_FAMILY}] - name of the FPGA device family,
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\item[\texttt{FPGA\_PART}] - name of the FPGA device,
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\item[\texttt{V}] - when set to 1 - enables verbose output; when set to 0 - normal simulation output (0 is default).
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