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rozpruwacz |
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#### ####
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#### WISHBONE SD Card Controller IP Core ####
4 |
#### ####
5 |
#### Makefile ####
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#### ####
7 |
#### This file is part of the WISHBONE SD Card ####
8 |
#### Controller IP Core project ####
9 |
8 |
rozpruwacz |
#### http://opencores.org/project,sd_card_controller ####
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3 |
rozpruwacz |
#### ####
11 |
#### Description ####
12 |
#### Altera synthesis makefile ####
13 |
#### ####
14 |
#### Author(s): ####
15 |
#### - Marek Czerski, ma.czerski@gmail.com ####
16 |
#### ####
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#### ####
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#### Copyright (C) 2013 Authors ####
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#### ####
21 |
#### Based on original work by ####
22 |
#### Stefan Kristiansson, stefan.kristiansson@saunalahti.fi ####
23 |
#### ####
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#### Copyright (C) 2009,2010,2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ####
25 |
#### ####
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#### This source file may be used and distributed without ####
27 |
#### restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ####
28 |
#### removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ####
29 |
#### the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ####
30 |
#### ####
31 |
#### This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ####
32 |
#### and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ####
33 |
#### Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ####
34 |
#### either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ####
35 |
#### later version. ####
36 |
#### ####
37 |
#### This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ####
38 |
#### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ####
39 |
40 |
#### PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ####
41 |
#### details. ####
42 |
#### ####
43 |
#### You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ####
44 |
#### Public License along with this source; if not, download it ####
45 |
#### from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ####
46 |
#### ####
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V ?= @
50 |
51 |
QUARTUS_DIR ?= /opt/altera/11.0/quartus
52 |
53 |
QUARTUS = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus
54 |
SH = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_sh
55 |
PGM = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_pgm
56 |
STA = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_sta
57 |
ASM = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_asm
58 |
FIT = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_fit
59 |
MAP = $(QUARTUS_DIR)/bin/quartus_map
60 |
61 |
RUN_DIR=$(shell pwd)
62 |
63 |
64 |
RTL_TOP ?= sdc_controller_top
65 |
DESIGN_NAME ?= sdc_controller
66 |
FPGA_FAMILY ?= "Cyclone IV E"
67 |
68 |
69 |
RTL_VERILOG_SRC = $(shell ls ../../../rtl/verilog/*.v ../src/*.v)
70 |
RTL_VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIR = ../../../rtl/verilog
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
all: sta
77 |
78 |
79 |
$(V)echo; echo "#### Generating TCL file ####"; echo
80 |
$(V)echo "# TCL Script for SD Controller Synthesis" > $@
81 |
$(V)echo "# This file is autogenerated - any changes will be overwritten" >> $@
82 |
$(V)echo "# See the Makefile in syn/quartus/bin to make changes" >> $@
83 |
$(V)echo "project_new $(DESIGN_NAME) -overwrite" >> $@
84 |
$(V)echo "set_global_assignment -name FAMILY \"$(FPGA_FAMILY)\"" >> $@
85 |
$(V)echo "set_global_assignment -name DEVICE $(FPGA_PART)" >> $@
86 |
$(V)echo "set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY $(RTL_TOP)" >> $@
87 |
88 |
$(V)for file in $(RTL_VERILOG_SRC); do \
89 |
echo "set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE $$file" >> $@ ; \
90 |
91 |
$(V)for file in $(BOARD_BACKEND_VERILOG_SRC); do \
92 |
echo "set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE $$file" >> $@ ; \
93 |
94 |
$(V)for file in $(RTL_VHDL_SRC); do \
95 |
echo "set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE $$file" >> $@ ; \
96 |
97 |
$(V)echo "set_global_assignment -name SEARCH_PATH $(RTL_VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIR)" >> $@
98 |
$(V)echo "set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE $(DESIGN_NAME).sdc" >> $@
99 |
# Do pin assignments
100 |
$(V)if [ -f $(BIN_DIR)/pin_assignments.tcl ]; then \
101 |
cat $(BIN_DIR)/pin_assignments.tcl >> $@ ; \
102 |
103 |
$(V)echo "project_close" >> $@
104 |
105 |
106 |
$(SDC_FILE): $(BIN_DIR)/constraints.sdc
107 |
$(V)echo; echo "#### Generating SDC file ####"; echo
108 |
$(V)echo "# SDC file for SD Controller" > $@
109 |
$(V)echo "# This file is autogenerated - any changes will be overwritten" >> $@
110 |
$(V)echo "# See the Makefile in syn/quartus/bin to make changes" >> $@
111 |
$(V)if [ -f $(BIN_DIR)/constraints.sdc ]; then \
112 |
cat $(BIN_DIR)/constraints.sdc >> $@ ; \
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
$(V) echo "#### Generating project files ####"
118 |
$(V)$(SH) -t $(TCL_FILE)
119 |
120 |
project: $(QPF_FILE)
121 |
122 |
quartus: $(QPF_FILE)
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
$(V)$(PGM) --mode=jtag -o p\;$(DESIGN_NAME).sof
127 |
128 |
sta: asm
129 |
130 |
131 |
asm: fit
132 |
133 |
134 |
fit: map
135 |
136 |
137 |
map: project
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
$(V)echo; echo "### Synthesis make configuration ###"; echo
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
rm -rf *.* db incremental_db
151 |
152 |
153 |