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dinesha |
2 |
3 |
SDRAM Controller Core File
4 |
5 |
This file is part of the sdram controller project
6 |
7 |
8 |
Description: SDRAM Controller Core Module
9 |
2 types of SDRAMs are supported, 1Mx16 2 bank, or 4Mx16 4 bank.
10 |
This block integrate following sub modules
11 |
12 |
13 |
convert the system side 32 bit into equvailent 16/32 SDR format
14 |
15 |
This module takes requests from the app, chops them to burst booundaries
16 |
if wrap=0, decodes the bank and passe the request to bank_ctl
17 |
18 |
This module takes requests from sdr_bank_ctl, runs the transfer and
19 |
controls data flow to/from the app. At the end of the transfer it issues a
20 |
burst terminate if not at the end of a burst and another command to this
21 |
bank is not available.
22 |
23 |
24 |
This module takes requests from sdr_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
25 |
issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
Assumption: SDRAM Pads should be placed near to this module. else
30 |
user should add a FF near the pads
31 |
32 |
To Do:
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
- Dinesh Annayya, dinesha@opencores.org
37 |
Version : 1.0 - 8th Jan 2012
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG
42 |
43 |
This source file may be used and distributed without
44 |
restriction provided that this copyright statement is not
45 |
removed from the file and that any derivative work contains
46 |
the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.
47 |
48 |
This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
49 |
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
50 |
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
51 |
either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
52 |
later version.
53 |
54 |
This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
55 |
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
56 |
57 |
PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
58 |
59 |
60 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
61 |
Public License along with this source; if not, download it
62 |
from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
`include "sdrc.def"
68 |
module sdrc_core
69 |
70 |
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73 |
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dinesha |
76 |
/* Request from app */
77 |
app_req, // Transfer Request
78 |
app_req_addr, // SDRAM Address
79 |
app_req_addr_mask, // Address mask for queue wrap
80 |
app_req_len, // Burst Length (in 16 bit words)
81 |
app_req_wrap, // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4)
82 |
app_req_wr_n, // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
83 |
app_req_ack, // Request has been accepted
84 |
sdr_core_busy_n, // OK to arbitrate next request
85 |
cfg_req_depth, //how many req. buffer should hold
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
/* Interface to SDRAMs */
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
/* Parameters */
109 |
110 |
cfg_sdr_dev_config, // using 64M/4bank SDRAMs
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
parameter APP_AW = 30; // Application Address Width
122 |
parameter APP_DW = 32; // Application Data Width
123 |
parameter APP_BW = 4; // Application Byte Width
124 |
parameter APP_RW = 9; // Application Request Width
125 |
126 |
parameter SDR_DW = 16; // SDR Data Width
127 |
parameter SDR_BW = 2; // SDR Byte Width
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
// Global Variable
132 |
// ----------------------------------------------
133 |
4 |
dinesha |
input clk ; // SDRAM Clock
134 |
input pad_clk ; // SDRAM Clock from Pad, used for registering Read Data
135 |
3 |
dinesha |
input reset_n ; // Reset Signal
136 |
input sdr_width ; // 0 - 32 Bit SDR, 1 - 16 Bit SDR
137 |
13 |
dinesha |
input [1:0] cfg_colbits ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address, 2'b01 - 9 Bit, 10 - 10 bit, 11 - 11Bits
138 |
3 |
dinesha |
139 |
13 |
dinesha |
140 |
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dinesha |
141 |
// Request from app
142 |
143 |
input app_req ; // Application Request
144 |
input [APP_AW-1:0] app_req_addr ; // Address
145 |
input [APP_AW-2:0] app_req_addr_mask ; // Address Mask
146 |
input app_req_wr_n ; // 0 - Write, 1 - Read
147 |
input app_req_wrap ; // Address Wrap
148 |
output app_req_ack ; // Application Request Ack
149 |
output sdr_core_busy_n ; // 0 - busy, 1 - free
150 |
151 |
input [APP_DW-1:0] app_wr_data ; // Write Data
152 |
output app_wr_next_req ; // Next Write Data Request
153 |
input [APP_BW-1:0] app_wr_en_n ; // Byte wise Write Enable
154 |
output [APP_DW-1:0] app_rd_data ; // Read Data
155 |
output app_rd_valid ; // Read Valid
156 |
157 |
158 |
// Interface to SDRAMs
159 |
160 |
output sdr_cke ; // SDRAM CKE
161 |
output sdr_cs_n ; // SDRAM Chip Select
162 |
output sdr_ras_n ; // SDRAM ras
163 |
output sdr_cas_n ; // SDRAM cas
164 |
output sdr_we_n ; // SDRAM write enable
165 |
output [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_dqm ; // SDRAM Data Mask
166 |
output [1:0] sdr_ba ; // SDRAM Bank Enable
167 |
output [11:0] sdr_addr ; // SDRAM Address
168 |
input [SDR_DW-1:0] pad_sdr_din ; // SDRA Data Input
169 |
output [SDR_DW-1:0] sdr_dout ; // SDRAM Data Output
170 |
output [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_den_n ; // SDRAM Data Output enable
171 |
172 |
173 |
// Configuration Parameter
174 |
175 |
13 |
dinesha |
output sdr_init_done ; // Indicate SDRAM Initialisation Done
176 |
input [3:0] cfg_sdr_tras_d ; // Active to precharge delay
177 |
input [3:0] cfg_sdr_trp_d ; // Precharge to active delay
178 |
input [3:0] cfg_sdr_trcd_d ; // Active to R/W delay
179 |
input cfg_sdr_en ; // Enable SDRAM controller
180 |
3 |
dinesha |
input [1:0] cfg_sdr_dev_config ; // 2'b00 - 8 MB, 01 - 16 MB, 10 - 32 MB , 11 - 64 MB
181 |
13 |
dinesha |
input [1:0] cfg_req_depth ; // Maximum Request accepted by SDRAM controller
182 |
input [APP_RW-1:0] app_req_len ; // Application Burst Request length in 32 bit
183 |
3 |
dinesha |
input [11:0] cfg_sdr_mode_reg ;
184 |
13 |
dinesha |
input [2:0] cfg_sdr_cas ; // SDRAM CAS Latency
185 |
input [3:0] cfg_sdr_trcar_d ; // Auto-refresh period
186 |
input [3:0] cfg_sdr_twr_d ; // Write recovery delay
187 |
3 |
dinesha |
input [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfsh;
188 |
input [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W -1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfmax;
189 |
input app_req_dma_last; // this signal should close the bank
190 |
191 |
192 |
// Internal Nets
193 |
194 |
195 |
wire r2x_idle, app_req_ack,app_req_ack_int;
196 |
wire app_req_dma_last_int;
197 |
wire r2b_req, r2b_start, r2b_last, r2b_write;
198 |
wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]r2b_req_id;
199 |
wire [1:0] r2b_ba;
200 |
wire [11:0] r2b_raddr;
201 |
wire [11:0] r2b_caddr;
202 |
wire [APP_RW-1:0] r2b_len;
203 |
204 |
205 |
wire b2r_ack, b2x_idle;
206 |
wire b2x_req, b2x_start, b2x_last, b2x_tras_ok;
207 |
wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]b2x_id;
208 |
wire [1:0] b2x_ba;
209 |
wire b2x_ba_last;
210 |
wire [11:0] b2x_addr;
211 |
wire [APP_RW-1:0] b2x_len;
212 |
wire [1:0] b2x_cmd;
213 |
214 |
215 |
wire x2b_ack;
216 |
wire [3:0] x2b_pre_ok;
217 |
wire x2b_refresh, x2b_act_ok, x2b_rdok, x2b_wrok;
218 |
wire xfr_rdstart, xfr_rdlast;
219 |
wire xfr_wrstart, xfr_wrlast;
220 |
wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]xfr_id;
221 |
wire [13:0] xfr_addr_msb;
222 |
wire [APP_DW-1:0] app_rd_data;
223 |
wire app_wr_next_req, app_rd_valid;
224 |
wire sdr_cs_n, sdr_cke, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n, sdr_we_n;
225 |
wire [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_dqm;
226 |
wire [1:0] sdr_ba;
227 |
wire [11:0] sdr_addr;
228 |
wire [SDR_DW-1:0] sdr_dout;
229 |
wire [SDR_DW-1:0] sdr_dout_int;
230 |
wire [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_den_n;
231 |
wire [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_den_n_int;
232 |
233 |
wire [1:0] xfr_bank_sel;
234 |
wire [1:0] cfg_sdr_dev_config;
235 |
236 |
wire [APP_AW:0] app_req_addr_int;
237 |
wire [APP_AW-1:0] app_req_addr;
238 |
wire [APP_RW-1:0] app_req_len_int;
239 |
wire [APP_RW-1:0] app_req_len;
240 |
241 |
wire [APP_DW-1:0] app_wr_data;
242 |
wire [SDR_DW-1:0] add_wr_data_int;
243 |
wire [APP_BW-1:0] app_wr_en_n;
244 |
wire [SDR_BW-1:0] app_wr_en_n_int;
245 |
246 |
//wire [31:0] app_rd_data;
247 |
wire [SDR_DW-1:0] app_rd_data_int;
248 |
249 |
250 |
wire app_req_int;
251 |
wire r2b_wrap;
252 |
wire b2r_arb_ok;
253 |
wire b2x_wrap;
254 |
wire app_wr_next_int;
255 |
wire app_rd_valid_int;
256 |
257 |
// synopsys translate_off
258 |
wire [3:0] sdr_cmd;
259 |
assign sdr_cmd = {sdr_cs_n, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n, sdr_we_n};
260 |
// synopsys translate_on
261 |
262 |
assign sdr_den_n = sdr_width ? {2'b00,sdr_den_n_int[1:0]} : sdr_den_n_int;
263 |
assign sdr_dout = sdr_width ? {16'h0000,sdr_dout_int[15:0]} : sdr_dout_int;
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
// Instantiate sdr_req_gen
268 |
// This module takes requests from the app, chops them to burst booundaries
269 |
// if wrap=0, decodes the bank and passe the request to bank_ctl
270 |
271 |
9 |
dinesha |
sdrc_req_gen #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_req_gen (
272 |
4 |
dinesha |
.clk (clk ),
273 |
3 |
dinesha |
.reset_n (reset_n ),
274 |
.sdr_dev_config (cfg_sdr_dev_config ),
275 |
13 |
dinesha |
.cfg_colbits (cfg_colbits ),
276 |
3 |
dinesha |
277 |
/* Request from app */
278 |
.r2x_idle (r2x_idle ),
279 |
.req (app_req_int ),
280 |
.req_id (4'b0 ),
281 |
.req_addr (app_req_addr_int ),
282 |
.req_addr_mask (app_req_addr_mask ),
283 |
.req_len (app_req_len_int ),
284 |
.req_wrap (app_req_wrap ),
285 |
.req_wr_n (app_req_wr_n ),
286 |
.req_ack (app_req_ack_int ),
287 |
.sdr_core_busy_n (sdr_core_busy_n ),
288 |
289 |
/* Req to bank_ctl */
290 |
.r2b_req (r2b_req ),
291 |
.r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id ),
292 |
.r2b_start (r2b_start ),
293 |
.r2b_last (r2b_last ),
294 |
.r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap ),
295 |
.r2b_ba (r2b_ba ),
296 |
.r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr ),
297 |
.r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr ),
298 |
.r2b_len (r2b_len ),
299 |
.r2b_write (r2b_write ),
300 |
.b2r_ack (b2r_ack ),
301 |
.b2r_arb_ok (b2r_arb_ok ),
302 |
.sdr_width (sdr_width ),
303 |
.sdr_init_done (sdr_init_done )
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
// Instantiate sdr_bank_ctl
308 |
// This module takes requests from sdr_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
309 |
// issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to
310 |
// sdr_xfr_ctl.
311 |
312 |
9 |
dinesha |
sdrc_bank_ctl #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_bank_ctl (
313 |
4 |
dinesha |
.clk (clk ),
314 |
3 |
dinesha |
.reset_n (reset_n ),
315 |
.a2b_req_depth (cfg_req_depth ),
316 |
317 |
/* Req from req_gen */
318 |
.r2b_req (r2b_req ),
319 |
.r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id ),
320 |
.r2b_start (r2b_start ),
321 |
.r2b_last (r2b_last ),
322 |
.r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap ),
323 |
.r2b_ba (r2b_ba ),
324 |
.r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr ),
325 |
.r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr ),
326 |
.r2b_len (r2b_len ),
327 |
.r2b_write (r2b_write ),
328 |
.b2r_arb_ok (b2r_arb_ok ),
329 |
.b2r_ack (b2r_ack ),
330 |
331 |
/* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
332 |
.b2x_idle (b2x_idle ),
333 |
.b2x_req (b2x_req ),
334 |
.b2x_start (b2x_start ),
335 |
.b2x_last (b2x_last ),
336 |
.b2x_wrap (b2x_wrap ),
337 |
.b2x_id (b2x_id ),
338 |
.b2x_ba (b2x_ba ),
339 |
.b2x_addr (b2x_addr ),
340 |
.b2x_len (b2x_len ),
341 |
.b2x_cmd (b2x_cmd ),
342 |
.x2b_ack (x2b_ack ),
343 |
344 |
/* Status from xfr_ctl */
345 |
.b2x_tras_ok (b2x_tras_ok ),
346 |
.x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh ),
347 |
.x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok ),
348 |
.x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok ),
349 |
.x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok ),
350 |
.x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok ),
351 |
352 |
/* for generate cuurent xfr address msb */
353 |
.sdr_dev_config (cfg_sdr_dev_config ),
354 |
355 |
.xfr_bank_sel (xfr_bank_sel ),
356 |
.xfr_addr_msb (xfr_addr_msb ),
357 |
358 |
/* SDRAM Timing */
359 |
.tras_delay (cfg_sdr_tras_d ),
360 |
.trp_delay (cfg_sdr_trp_d ),
361 |
.trcd_delay (cfg_sdr_trcd_d )
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
// Instantiate sdr_xfr_ctl
366 |
// This module takes requests from sdr_bank_ctl, runs the transfer and
367 |
// controls data flow to/from the app. At the end of the transfer it issues a
368 |
// burst terminate if not at the end of a burst and another command to this
369 |
// bank is not available.
370 |
371 |
9 |
dinesha |
sdrc_xfr_ctl #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_xfr_ctl (
372 |
4 |
dinesha |
.clk (clk ),
373 |
3 |
dinesha |
.reset_n (reset_n ),
374 |
375 |
/* Transfer request from bank_ctl */
376 |
.r2x_idle (r2x_idle ),
377 |
.b2x_idle (b2x_idle ),
378 |
.b2x_req (b2x_req ),
379 |
.b2x_start (b2x_start ),
380 |
.b2x_last (b2x_last ),
381 |
.b2x_wrap (b2x_wrap ),
382 |
.b2x_id (b2x_id ),
383 |
.b2x_ba (b2x_ba ),
384 |
.b2x_addr (b2x_addr ),
385 |
.b2x_len (b2x_len ),
386 |
.b2x_cmd (b2x_cmd ),
387 |
.x2b_ack (x2b_ack ),
388 |
389 |
/* Status to bank_ctl, req_gen */
390 |
.b2x_tras_ok (b2x_tras_ok ),
391 |
.x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh ),
392 |
.x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok ),
393 |
.x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok ),
394 |
.x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok ),
395 |
.x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok ),
396 |
397 |
/* SDRAM I/O */
398 |
.sdr_cs_n (sdr_cs_n ),
399 |
.sdr_cke (sdr_cke ),
400 |
.sdr_ras_n (sdr_ras_n ),
401 |
.sdr_cas_n (sdr_cas_n ),
402 |
.sdr_we_n (sdr_we_n ),
403 |
.sdr_dqm (sdr_dqm ),
404 |
.sdr_ba (sdr_ba ),
405 |
.sdr_addr (sdr_addr ),
406 |
.sdr_din (pad_sdr_din ),
407 |
.sdr_dout (sdr_dout_int ),
408 |
.sdr_den_n (sdr_den_n_int ),
409 |
410 |
/* Data Flow to the app */
411 |
.x2a_rdstart (xfr_rdstart ),
412 |
.x2a_wrstart (xfr_wrstart ),
413 |
.x2a_id (xfr_id ),
414 |
.x2a_rdlast (xfr_rdlast ),
415 |
.x2a_wrlast (xfr_wrlast ),
416 |
.app_wrdt (add_wr_data_int ),
417 |
4 |
dinesha |
.app_wren_n (app_wr_en_n_int ),
418 |
3 |
dinesha |
.x2a_wrnext (app_wr_next_int ),
419 |
.x2a_rddt (app_rd_data_int ),
420 |
.x2a_rdok (app_rd_valid_int ),
421 |
.sdr_init_done (sdr_init_done ),
422 |
423 |
/* SDRAM Parameters */
424 |
.sdram_enable (cfg_sdr_en ),
425 |
.sdram_mode_reg (cfg_sdr_mode_reg ),
426 |
427 |
/* current xfr bank */
428 |
.xfr_bank_sel (xfr_bank_sel ),
429 |
430 |
/* SDRAM Timing */
431 |
.cas_latency (cfg_sdr_cas ),
432 |
.trp_delay (cfg_sdr_trp_d ),
433 |
.trcar_delay (cfg_sdr_trcar_d ),
434 |
.twr_delay (cfg_sdr_twr_d ),
435 |
.rfsh_time (cfg_sdr_rfsh ),
436 |
.rfsh_rmax (cfg_sdr_rfmax )
437 |
438 |
439 |
9 |
dinesha |
sdrc_bs_convert #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_bs_convert (
440 |
4 |
dinesha |
.clk (clk ),
441 |
3 |
dinesha |
.reset_n (reset_n ),
442 |
.sdr_width (sdr_width ),
443 |
444 |
.app_req_addr (app_req_addr ),
445 |
.app_req_addr_int (app_req_addr_int ),
446 |
.app_req_len (app_req_len ),
447 |
.app_req_len_int (app_req_len_int ),
448 |
.app_sdr_req (app_req ),
449 |
.app_sdr_req_int (app_req_int ),
450 |
.app_req_dma_last (app_req_dma_last ),
451 |
452 |
.app_req_wr_n (app_req_wr_n ),
453 |
4 |
dinesha |
.app_req_ack_int (app_req_ack_int ),
454 |
3 |
dinesha |
.app_req_ack (app_req_ack ),
455 |
456 |
.app_wr_data (app_wr_data ),
457 |
.app_wr_data_int (add_wr_data_int ),
458 |
.app_wr_en_n (app_wr_en_n ),
459 |
.app_wr_en_n_int (app_wr_en_n_int ),
460 |
.app_wr_next_int (app_wr_next_int ),
461 |
.app_wr_next (app_wr_next_req ),
462 |
463 |
.app_rd_data_int (app_rd_data_int ),
464 |
.app_rd_data (app_rd_data ),
465 |
.app_rd_valid_int (app_rd_valid_int ),
466 |
.app_rd_valid (app_rd_valid )
467 |
468 |
469 |
endmodule // sdrc_core