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rpaley_yid |
-- $Author: rpaley_yid $
2 |
-- $Date: 2003-01-14 21:48:10 $
3 |
-- $Header: /home/marcus/revision_ctrl_test/oc_cvs/cvs/single_port/VHDL/pkg_image.vhd,v 2003-01-14 21:48:10 rpaley_yid Exp $
4 |
-- $Locker
5 |
-- $Revision: $
6 |
-- $State: Exp $
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-- Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Cohen. All rights reserved.
9 |
-- This model can be used in conjunction with the Kluwer Academic books
10 |
-- "VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies", ISBN: 0-7923-9598-0
11 |
-- "VHDL Amswers to Frequently Asked Questions", Kluwer Academic
12 |
-- by Ben Cohen. email: vhdlcohen@aol.com
13 |
14 |
-- This source file for the Image Package
15 |
-- may be used and distributed without restriction provided
16 |
-- that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
17 |
-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
18 |
19 |
20 |
-- Original Author: Ben Cohen
21 |
-- Description:
22 |
-- Convert VHDL types to string for printing. This is especially useful when
23 |
-- compiling with VHDL-87
24 |
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package pkg_image is
35 |
function Image(In_Image : Time) return String;
36 |
function Image(In_Image : Bit) return String;
37 |
function Image(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
38 |
function Image(In_Image : Integer) return String;
39 |
function Image(In_Image : Real) return String;
40 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic) return String;
41 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
42 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
43 |
function Image(In_Image : Signed) return String;
44 |
function Image(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
45 |
46 |
function HexImage(InStrg : String) return String;
47 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
48 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
49 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
50 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Signed) return String;
51 |
function HexImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
52 |
53 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
54 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
55 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
56 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Signed) return String;
57 |
function DecImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
58 |
end pkg_image;
59 |
60 |
package body pkg_image is
61 |
function Image(In_Image : Time) return String is
62 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
63 |
variable W : String(1 to 14) := (others => ' ');
64 |
-- Long enough to hold a time string
65 |
66 |
-- the WRITE procedure creates an object with "NEW".
67 |
-- L is passed as an output of the procedure.
68 |
Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
69 |
-- Copy L.all onto W
70 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
71 |
72 |
return W;
73 |
end Image;
74 |
75 |
function Image(In_Image : Bit) return String is
76 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
77 |
variable W : String(1 to 3) := (others => ' ');
78 |
79 |
Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
80 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
81 |
82 |
return W;
83 |
end Image;
84 |
85 |
function Image(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
86 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
87 |
variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
88 |
89 |
Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
90 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
91 |
92 |
return W;
93 |
end Image;
94 |
95 |
function Image(In_Image : Integer) return String is
96 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
97 |
variable W : String(1 to 32) := (others => ' ');
98 |
-- Long enough to hold a time string
99 |
100 |
Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
101 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
102 |
103 |
return W;
104 |
end Image;
105 |
106 |
function Image(In_Image : Real) return String is
107 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
108 |
variable W : String(1 to 32) := (others => ' ');
109 |
-- Long enough to hold a time string
110 |
111 |
Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
112 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
113 |
114 |
return W;
115 |
end Image;
116 |
117 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic) return String is
118 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
119 |
variable W : String(1 to 3) := (others => ' ');
120 |
121 |
IEEE.Std_Logic_Textio.WRITE(L, in_image);
122 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
123 |
124 |
return W;
125 |
end Image;
126 |
127 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
128 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
129 |
variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
130 |
131 |
IEEE.Std_Logic_Textio.WRITE(L, in_image);
132 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
133 |
134 |
return W;
135 |
end Image;
136 |
137 |
function Image(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
138 |
variable L : Line; -- access type
139 |
variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
140 |
141 |
IEEE.Std_Logic_TextIO.WRITE(L, In_Image);
142 |
W(L.all'range) := L.all;
143 |
144 |
return W;
145 |
end Image;
146 |
147 |
function Image(In_Image : Signed) return String is
148 |
149 |
return Image(Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image));
150 |
end Image;
151 |
152 |
function Image(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
153 |
154 |
return Image(Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image));
155 |
end Image;
156 |
157 |
function HexImage(InStrg : String) return String is
158 |
subtype Int03_Typ is Integer range 0 to 3;
159 |
variable Result : string(1 to ((InStrg'length - 1)/4)+1) :=
160 |
(others => '0');
161 |
variable StrTo4 : string(1 to Result'length * 4) :=
162 |
(others => '0');
163 |
variable MTspace : Int03_Typ; -- Empty space to fill in
164 |
variable Str4 : String(1 to 4);
165 |
variable Group_v : Natural := 0;
166 |
167 |
MTspace := Result'length * 4 - InStrg'length;
168 |
StrTo4(MTspace + 1 to StrTo4'length) := InStrg; -- padded with '0'
169 |
Cnvrt_Lbl : for I in Result'range loop
170 |
Group_v := Group_v + 4; -- identifies end of bit # in a group of 4
171 |
Str4 := StrTo4(Group_v - 3 to Group_v); -- get next 4 characters
172 |
case Str4 is
173 |
when "0000" => Result(I) := '0';
174 |
when "0001" => Result(I) := '1';
175 |
when "0010" => Result(I) := '2';
176 |
when "0011" => Result(I) := '3';
177 |
when "0100" => Result(I) := '4';
178 |
when "0101" => Result(I) := '5';
179 |
when "0110" => Result(I) := '6';
180 |
when "0111" => Result(I) := '7';
181 |
when "1000" => Result(I) := '8';
182 |
when "1001" => Result(I) := '9';
183 |
when "1010" => Result(I) := 'A';
184 |
when "1011" => Result(I) := 'B';
185 |
when "1100" => Result(I) := 'C';
186 |
when "1101" => Result(I) := 'D';
187 |
when "1110" => Result(I) := 'E';
188 |
when "1111" => Result(I) := 'F';
189 |
when others => Result(I) := 'X';
190 |
end case; -- Str4
191 |
end loop Cnvrt_Lbl;
192 |
193 |
return Result;
194 |
end HexImage;
195 |
196 |
197 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
198 |
199 |
return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
200 |
end HexImage;
201 |
202 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
203 |
204 |
return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
205 |
end HexImage;
206 |
207 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
208 |
209 |
return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
210 |
end HexImage;
211 |
212 |
function HexImage(In_Image : Signed) return String is
213 |
214 |
return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
215 |
end HexImage;
216 |
217 |
function HexImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
218 |
219 |
return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
220 |
end HexImage;
221 |
222 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
223 |
variable In_Image_v : Bit_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
224 |
225 |
if In_Image'length > 31 then
226 |
assert False
227 |
report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
228 |
severity Warning;
229 |
return Image(To_Integer
230 |
231 |
(In_Image_v(31 downto 1)))));
232 |
233 |
return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(To_StdLogicVector(In_Image))));
234 |
end if;
235 |
end DecImage;
236 |
237 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
238 |
variable In_Image_v : Std_uLogic_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1)
239 |
:= In_Image;
240 |
241 |
if In_Image'length > 31 then
242 |
assert False
243 |
report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
244 |
severity Warning;
245 |
return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image_v(31 downto 1))));
246 |
247 |
return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image)));
248 |
end if;
249 |
end DecImage;
250 |
251 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
252 |
variable In_Image_v : Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1)
253 |
:= In_Image;
254 |
255 |
if In_Image'length > 31 then
256 |
assert False
257 |
report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
258 |
severity Warning;
259 |
return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image_v(31 downto 1))));
260 |
261 |
return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image)));
262 |
end if;
263 |
end DecImage;
264 |
265 |
function DecImage(In_Image : Signed) return String is
266 |
variable In_Image_v : Signed(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
267 |
268 |
if In_Image'length > 31 then
269 |
assert False
270 |
report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
271 |
severity Warning;
272 |
return Image(To_Integer(In_Image_v(31 downto 1)));
273 |
274 |
return Image(To_Integer(In_Image));
275 |
end if;
276 |
end DecImage;
277 |
278 |
function DecImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
279 |
variable In_Image_v : UnSigned(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
280 |
281 |
if In_Image'length > 31 then
282 |
assert False
283 |
report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
284 |
severity Warning;
285 |
return Image(To_Integer(In_Image_v(31 downto 1)));
286 |
287 |
return Image(To_Integer(In_Image));
288 |
end if;
289 |
end DecImage;
290 |
291 |
end pkg_image;
292 |
293 |
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
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-- Revision 1.1 2003/01/14 17:48:44 Default
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-- Initial revision
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-- Revision 1.1 2002/12/24 18:07:50 Default
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-- Initial revision
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