1 |
119 |
jt_eaton |
--$ XILINX$RCSfile: xcf04s_vo20.bsd,v $
2 |
-- XILINX Revision: 1.5
3 |
4 |
-- Copyright (c) 2006 Xilinx, Inc.
5 |
-- This design is confidential and proprietary of Xilinx, All Rights Reserved.
6 |
7 |
-- ____ ____
8 |
-- / /\/ /
9 |
-- /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
10 |
-- \ \ \/ Version: v1.0 (PROM BSDL template version)
11 |
-- \ \ Application: Generate_Prom_Bsdl_Files.pl, 1.00
12 |
-- / / Filename: xcf04s_vo20.bsd
13 |
-- /___/ /\ Generated: Wed Oct 11 19:34:18 2006
14 |
-- \ \ / \ State: State: PRELIMINARY
15 |
-- \___\/\___\
16 |
17 |
-- Device: XCF04S
18 |
-- Package(s): VO20, VOG20
19 |
-- Purpose: IEEE 1149.1 BSDL file
20 |
-- Reference: None
21 |
-- Revisions:
22 |
23 |
24 |
-- Technical Support:
25 |
26 |
-- Find the latest version of this BSDL file, find technical support answers,
27 |
-- or find contact information at: http://www.support.xilinx.com
28 |
29 |
30 |
-- Special Instructions:
31 |
32 |
-- This BSDL file reflects the pre-configuration behavior. To reflect
33 |
-- the post-configuration JTAG behavior (if any), edit this file as
34 |
-- described below:
35 |
-- 1. Rename file and entity if necessary to avoid name collisions.
36 |
-- 2. Modify USERCODE value in USERCODE_REGISTER declaration.
37 |
38 |
-- BSDL Silicon Validation Information
39 |
-- None.
40 |
41 |
entity XCF04S_VO20 is
42 |
43 |
generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "VO20");
44 |
45 |
port (
46 |
CE: in bit;
47 |
CEO: out bit;
48 |
CF: out bit;
49 |
CLK: in bit;
50 |
D0: out bit;
51 |
OE_RESET: inout bit;
52 |
TCK: in bit;
53 |
TDI: in bit;
54 |
TDO: out bit;
55 |
TMS: in bit;
56 |
GND: linkage bit;
57 |
VCCINT: linkage bit;
58 |
VCCJ: linkage bit;
59 |
VCCO: linkage bit;
60 |
DNC: linkage bit_vector(1 to 6)
61 |
); --end port list
62 |
63 |
use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
64 |
65 |
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
66 |
67 |
68 |
attribute PIN_MAP of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
69 |
70 |
71 |
constant VO20: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
72 |
"CE: 10," &
73 |
"CEO: 13," &
74 |
"CF: 7," &
75 |
"CLK: 3," &
76 |
"D0: 1," &
77 |
"OE_RESET: 8," &
78 |
"TCK: 6," &
79 |
"TDI: 4," &
80 |
"TDO: 17," &
81 |
"TMS: 5," &
82 |
"GND: 11," &
83 |
"VCCINT: 18," &
84 |
"VCCJ: 20," &
85 |
"VCCO: 19," &
86 |
"DNC: (2, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16)";
87 |
88 |
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
89 |
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
90 |
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;
91 |
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (15.00e+06, BOTH);
92 |
attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
93 |
94 |
95 |
attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
96 |
-- IEEE 1149.1 standard instructions
97 |
"BYPASS (11111111)," &
98 |
"SAMPLE (00000001)," &
99 |
"PRELOAD (00000001)," &
100 |
"EXTEST (00000000)," &
101 |
"IDCODE (11111110)," &
102 |
"USERCODE (11111101)," &
103 |
"HIGHZ (11111100)," &
104 |
"CLAMP (11111010)," &
105 |
-- Xilinx special function instructions
106 |
"CONFIG (11101110)," &
107 |
-- Xilinx ISP instructions
108 |
"ISPEN (11101000)," &
109 |
"ISPENC (11101001)," &
110 |
"NORMRST (11110000)," &
111 |
"FPGM (11101010)," &
112 |
"FERASE (11101100)," &
113 |
"FADDR (11101011)," &
114 |
"FDATA0 (11101101)," &
115 |
"FVFY0 (11101111)," &
116 |
"FDATA3 (11110011)," &
117 |
"FVFY1 (11111000)," &
118 |
"FVFY3 (11100010)," &
119 |
"FVFY6 (11100110)," &
120 |
"FBLANK0 (11100101)," &
121 |
"FBLANK3 (11100001)," &
122 |
"FBLANK6 (11100100)," &
123 |
"SERASE (00001010)," &
124 |
"ISC_READ_INFO (11110001)," &
125 |
"ISCTESTSTATUS (11100011)," &
126 |
"priv3 (11100111)," &
127 |
"priv4 (11110110)," &
128 |
"priv5 (11100000)," &
129 |
"priv6 (11110111)," &
130 |
"priv7 (11110010)," &
131 |
"ISCCLRSTATUS (11110100)," &
132 |
"priv9 (11110101)";
133 |
134 |
attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of XCF04S_VO20: entity is
135 |
136 |
-- IR[7:6]= Erase/Program Result (10=success; 01=fail; 00/11=N/A)
137 |
-- IR[5] = Erase/Program Status (1=ready; 0=busy)
138 |
-- IR[4] = ISP mode (1=in-system programming mode; 0=normal download mode)
139 |
-- IR[3] = JTAG read-protection (1=secured; 0=unsecured)
140 |
-- IR[2] = 0 value
141 |
-- IR[1:0]= 01 as defined by IEEE STD 1149.1
142 |
143 |
attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of XCF04S_VO20: entity is
144 |
"priv3," &
145 |
"priv4," &
146 |
"priv5," &
147 |
"priv6," &
148 |
"priv7," &
149 |
150 |
151 |
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XCF04S_VO20: entity is
152 |
"XXXX" & -- version
153 |
"0101000001000110" & -- part number
154 |
"00001001001" & -- manufacturer's id
155 |
"1"; -- required by IEEE STD 1149.1
156 |
157 |
attribute USERCODE_REGISTER of XCF04S_VO20: entity is
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
162 |
-- IEEE 1149.1 standard data registers
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
-- Xilinx ISP data registers
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
"DATA0[4096] (FVFY0, FDATA0),"&
171 |
"DATA1[4194304] (FVFY1, FBLANK0),"&
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
178 |
179 |
180 |
attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
181 |
-- cellnum (type, port, function, safe[, ccell, disval, disrslt])
182 |
" 0 (BC_1, CLK, input, X )," &
183 |
" 1 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
184 |
" 2 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
185 |
" 3 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0 )," &
186 |
" 4 (BC_1, D0, output3, X, 3, 0, Z)," &
187 |
" 5 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
188 |
" 6 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
189 |
" 7 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
190 |
" 8 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
191 |
" 9 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
192 |
" 10 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
193 |
" 11 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0 )," &
194 |
" 12 (BC_1, CEO, output3, X, 11, 0, Z)," &
195 |
" 13 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
196 |
" 14 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
197 |
" 15 (BC_1, CE, input, X )," &
198 |
" 16 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
199 |
" 17 (BC_1, *, internal, X )," &
200 |
" 18 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0 )," &
201 |
" 19 (BC_1, OE_RESET, output3, X, 18, 0, Z)," &
202 |
" 20 (BC_1, OE_RESET, input, X )," &
203 |
" 21 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0 )," &
204 |
" 22 (BC_1, CF, output3, X, 21, 0, Z)," &
205 |
" 23 (BC_1, *, internal, 0 )," &
206 |
" 24 (BC_1, *, internal, X )";
207 |
208 |
attribute DESIGN_WARNING of XCF04S_VO20 : entity is
209 |
"The FERASE and FPGM instructions require " &
210 |
"a falling-edge of TCK AFTER the Run-Test/Idle TAP state is entered " &
211 |
"in order to start the operation corresponding to the instruction. " &
212 |
"The FVFY0, FVFY1, and FBLANK0 instructions activate a non-standard, " &
213 |
"output-only data register that does not pass TDI through to TDO. Thus, " &
214 |
"data beyond the specififed length of the corresponding data register " &
215 |
"is undefined. " &
216 |
"When the FVFY0, FVFY1, and FBLANK0 instructions are in use, " &
217 |
"all components between TDO of this device and the tester must select " &
218 |
"the BYPASS register to avoid acting on the undefined data values. " &
219 |
"Do not drive CF low when CF is connected to the PROGRAM/PROG_B pin of " &
220 |
"a Virtex, Virtex-E, Virtex-4, Spartan-II, Spartan-IIE FPGA and when " &
221 |
"the FPGA is in the same boundary-scan chain as this XCF04S. " &
222 |
"A Low applied to the PROGRAM/PROG_B pin of these FPGAs resets the TAP " &
223 |
"in these FPGAs.";
224 |
225 |
end XCF04S_VO20;
226 |