1 |
2 |
btltz |
//File name=Module=Receiver 2005-2-18 btltz@mail.china.com btltz from CASIC
2 |
//Description: Receiver of the SpaceWire encoder-decoder.
3 |
//Abbreviations: dsc : disconnect
4 |
//Origin: SpaceWire Std - Draft-1(Clause 8)of ECSS(European Cooperation for Space Standardization),ESTEC,ESA.
5 |
//-- TODO: make rtl faster
6 |
7 |
8 |
/*synthesis translate off*/
9 |
`timescale 1ns/100ps
10 |
/*synthesis translate on */
11 |
`define gFreq 80
12 |
`define ErrorReset 6'b000001
13 |
`define ErrorWait 6'b000010
14 |
`define Ready 6'b000100
15 |
`define Started 6'b001000
16 |
`define Connecting 6'b010000
17 |
`define Run 6'b100000
18 |
`define reset 1 // WISHBONE standard reset
19 |
`define XIL_DEVICE //if use Xilinx Device
20 |
21 |
`define HAS_RecCLK_O //the recovery clock
22 |
23 |
module Receiver //#(parameter DW=8)
24 |
(output reg gotBIT_o,
25 |
gotFCT_o, //Output to Transmitter and/or the FSM(PPU)
26 |
gotNchar_o,gotTIME_o,gotNULL_o, //gotNull is a level,others are pulse
27 |
//5 receive error outputs.Note the err_sqc is formed in the PPU and err_crd is formed in Tx.Note that these are all "Receiver error".
28 |
output reg err_par,err_esc,err_dsc, //Pulse generated when has err
29 |
// output RxErr_o,
30 |
output [5:0] osd_cnt_o,
31 |
input Si,Di, //Input from the LVDS's Receiver
32 |
input EnRx_i, //from PPU
33 |
//Rx vs. Tx
34 |
input C_Send_FCT_i, //for osd_cnt operation
35 |
output reg nedsFCT_o, //need sending FCT to info Tx
36 |
//interface to the FIFO
37 |
output reg wrtbuf_o,
38 |
output reg type_o, //0(data) or 1(EOP or EEP)
39 |
output reg[7:0] RxData_o, //8 bit width parallel received data or control flag
40 |
input full_i, //Indicate the buffer is ready to write
41 |
42 |
input[7:0] Vec_Rxfifo, //the number of the vector of the Rx fifo
43 |
44 |
//Control and clk output
45 |
output reg Lnk_dsc_o,
46 |
`ifdef HAS_RecCLK_O
47 |
output RecClk_o, //the clk signal from the "RX clock recovery" unit which had been mergeed to the Receiver
48 |
49 |
output rx_strb_o,
50 |
//output time interface
51 |
output reg TICK_OUT,
52 |
output reg [1:0] CtrlFlg_o, //two-bit control flag output.Reserved for future use.
53 |
output reg [5:0] TIMEout,
54 |
//global signal input
55 |
input[5:0] state_i,
56 |
input reset, //this reset is from the CODEC FSM(the PPU)
57 |
input gclk /* synthesis syn_isclock = 1 */
58 |
59 |
//At a link data signalling rate of 10 Mb/s the establish of linking can take just 2 ¦Ìs.
60 |
parameter StateNum =3;
61 |
parameter RESET = 3'b001;
62 |
parameter HUNTING = 3'b010;
63 |
parameter CHECK_CHAR = 3'b100;
64 |
parameter DEFLT = 'bx;
65 |
66 |
parameter CrdCntW = 6; //"hold a maximum credit count of 56" for 7 FCTs
67 |
parameter RCVW = 14; //width of the receiver internal register
68 |
parameter NUM_NES_FCT = 16;//osd_cnt number that indicate Rx buf has enough space and Tx need to send FCT.For better performence,this parameter may be changed
69 |
parameter True = 1;
70 |
parameter False = 0;
71 |
//Control characters.Go with a parity bit as their prefix(LSB).
72 |
parameter FCT = 3'b001, ESC = 3'b111, //"L-Char":Link-characters.
73 |
EOP = 3'b101, EEP = 3'b011; //or Data-Char are all "N-Char":Normal-characters
74 |
parameter NULL = 7'b0010_111;
75 |
parameter isESC_EEP = 7'b0110_111,
76 |
isESC_EOP = 7'b1010_111,
77 |
isESC_ESC = 7'b1110_111;
78 |
parameter TIME_PATTERN = 5'b01111; //Go with a parity bit before and 8 bits time value from LSB 2 MSB after
79 |
parameter NUM_DSC = 9;
80 |
81 |
reg [RCVW-1:0] rereg; //posthouse,is the front end of the Rx to receive signal ceaselessly;
82 |
// P /Flag/...data .../
83 |
//reg rereg1; //Trace of the rereg[1]
84 |
85 |
86 |
reg [3:0] mccnt;
87 |
reg scover_pre; //overflow of the model control counter
88 |
reg scover; //1 clk later
89 |
//reg err_dsc; //disconnect err.When no new data bit is received within a link disconnect timeoutwindow (850 ns)
90 |
91 |
reg p; //register for parity generate
92 |
reg p_1;//keep the result of the Parity Generate
93 |
//reg C_ParCheck;
94 |
95 |
reg [5:0] osd_cnt; //count of the number of outstanding N-Chars it expects to receive
96 |
//Max(6bits) = 64,so crd_cnt[max] = 56
97 |
assign osd_cnt_o = osd_cnt;
98 |
reg CcTIME,CcNchar; //command to collect time/Nchar from rereg for send
99 |
reg wrtbuf_itl; //wire in true
100 |
reg [StateNum-1:0] state,next_state/*synthesis syn_encoding="safe,onehot"*/;
101 |
102 |
wire isTIME= (rereg[5:1]==TIME_PATTERN) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
103 |
wire isEOP = (rereg[3:1]==EOP ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
104 |
wire isEEP = (rereg[3:1]==EEP ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
105 |
wire isFCT = (rereg[3:1]==FCT ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
106 |
wire isDATA = (rereg[1]==0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
107 |
wire isNULL = (rereg[6:0]==NULL) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //quik combinatorial output for "mccnt" operation
108 |
wire isESC_ERR = (rereg[6:0]==isESC_EOP
109 |
110 |
||rereg[6:0]==isESC_ESC ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
111 |
reg isNULL_1,
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
//wire pre_par_ok = (p==rereg[0]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
// Rx clk recovery:
123 |
// Provides all the clock signals used by the receiver with the exception of the local clock signal use
124 |
// for disconnect timeout.
125 |
// Note that the "Si" and "Di" are all SYNchronoused to avoid the metastable
126 |
// in FPGA so they are all orderly now !!!
127 |
reg strobe;
128 |
reg Si1,Di1;
129 |
wire RecClk = Si ^ Di; //1 XOR
130 |
assign RecClk_o = RecClk;
131 |
132 |
always @(posedge gclk)
133 |
134 |
{strobe,Si1,Di1} <= 0;
135 |
136 |
137 |
Si1 <= Si;
138 |
Di1 <= Di;
139 |
strobe <= 0;
140 |
if( (Si1 != Si) // XOR
141 |
|| (Di1 != Di) ) // \ OR---> strobe
142 |
strobe <= 1'b1; // /
143 |
// XOR
144 |
145 |
146 |
assign rx_strb_o = strobe;
147 |
148 |
// wire LocalRx_err = err_dsc || err_esc || err_par;
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
// Receive data
153 |
// and take that
154 |
always @(posedge gclk ) //As long as RecCLK presences,store the received scan beam to the temp reg "rereg"
155 |
156 |
157 |
rereg <= 0;
158 |
else if(EnRx_i && strobe)
159 |
160 |
rereg[mccnt] <= Di;
161 |
// rereg1 <= rereg[1];
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
//Parity Gen
167 |
// and parity okey
168 |
169 |
//The new received parity bit is ready when scover==1 and is
170 |
// reposited in rereg[0]
171 |
//The local generated p is ready when "CHECK_CHAR"
172 |
assign par_ok = (EnRx_i==1 && scover==1) ? (p_1==rereg[0] ? 1 :0 ) : 0 ;
173 |
//Preliminary Check
174 |
always @(posedge gclk)
175 |
if(reset || scover_pre)
176 |
p <= 1'b1; //when scover_pre,refresh p,and the local parity result is stored in p_1
177 |
else if(strobe==True)
178 |
179 |
p <= p ^ rereg[mccnt];
180 |
p_1 <= p;
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
// osd_cnt assignment
185 |
186 |
always @(posedge gclk)
187 |
188 |
if(reset || Lnk_dsc_o)
189 |
190 |
nedsFCT_o <= 1;
191 |
osd_cnt <= 0; //After a link reset or after a link disconnect, the initial value of the outstanding
192 |
//count shall be zero. Means that the transmitter need to
193 |
194 |
else begin
195 |
196 |
nedsFCT_o <= 1'b0; //level
197 |
else if(osd_cnt <= NUM_NES_FCT)
198 |
nedsFCT_o <= 1'b1; //This event start the Tx to send FCTs
199 |
200 |
if(C_Send_FCT_i &&(osd_cnt < 49) ) //osd_cnt[max] <= 56 because 56+8>63
201 |
osd_cnt <= osd_cnt + 8;
202 |
else if(gotNchar_o) //decrement by one each time an N-Char is received
203 |
osd_cnt <= osd_cnt - 1;
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
//RECEIVE model control counter
209 |
// for receive operation control
210 |
reg start_mccnt;
211 |
212 |
always @(posedge gclk)
213 |
if(reset) //reset from PPU when global reset or state_i==`ErrorReset
214 |
{scover_pre,scover,mccnt,start_mccnt} <= 0;
215 |
216 |
217 |
scover_pre <= 0;
218 |
scover <= scover_pre; //scover is the real overflow of "mccnt"
219 |
if( (mccnt==2)&&( isFCT ||isEOP || isEEP )
220 |
|| (mccnt==6)&&( isNULL )//scover_pre is 1 clock earlier than the real overflow of the "mccnt"
221 |
|| (mccnt==8)&&( isDATA )//to quikly indicate that data in "rereg" is ready to check
222 |
|| (mccnt==12)&&( isTIME ) )
223 |
224 |
scover_pre <= 1;
225 |
226 |
start_mccnt <= 1; //start_mccnt is 1 clock latency so "mccnt" can count as a normal counter and "0" indicates a data
227 |
if( strobe &&
228 |
( (mccnt==3)&&( isFCT ||isEOP || isEEP )
229 |
|| (mccnt==7)&&( isNULL )
230 |
|| (mccnt==9)&&( isDATA )
231 |
|| (mccnt==13)&&( isTIME ) )
232 |
233 |
234 |
mccnt <= 0;
235 |
else if(start_mccnt && strobe)
236 |
mccnt <= mccnt + 1'b1;
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
//err_dsc Generate //when the length of time since the last transition on the D or S lines was
241 |
// // longer than 850 ns nominal
242 |
243 |
//If the disconnect error occurs in the Run state then the disconnect error shall
244 |
//be flagged up to the network level as a link error
245 |
246 |
reg[3:0] edcnt; //850ns = 8.5 * 100ns, so max = 9. (error_disconnect counter)
247 |
wire rst_edcnt = reset || RecClk;
248 |
always @(posedge gclk)
249 |
if(rst_edcnt) //if Rec2CLK is high,clear "edcnt"
250 |
{edcnt,err_dsc} <= 0;
251 |
else if(gotBIT_o==True)
252 |
253 |
if(!RecClk) //if Rec2CLK is low,increase the edcnt. If there is signal at D or S,Rec2CLK must appear!
254 |
255 |
err_dsc <= 1'b0;
256 |
257 |
258 |
err_dsc <= 1'b1; //if disconnect,pulse periodically
259 |
edcnt <= 0;
260 |
261 |
262 |
edcnt <= edcnt + 1'b1;
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
always @(posedge gclk)
267 |
268 |
Lnk_dsc_o <= 0; //Lnk_dsc_o is a lecel corresponds to the "err_dsc"
269 |
else if(err_dsc)
270 |
Lnk_dsc_o <= 1;
271 |
272 |
273 |
//Register the data pattern identificate result
274 |
275 |
always @(posedge gclk)
276 |
277 |
{ isNULL_1, isEOP_1, isEEP_1, isFCT_1, isDATA_1, isTIME_1 } <= 0;
278 |
else if(scover_pre)
279 |
{ isNULL_1, isEOP_1, isEEP_1, isFCT_1, isDATA_1, isTIME_1 }
280 |
<= { isNULL, isEOP, isEEP, isFCT, isDATA, isTIME };
281 |
282 |
283 |
//Output Time and N_Char(data/EOP/EEP)
284 |
285 |
always @(posedge gclk) //if Rec2CLK die,use system clk to write.
286 |
287 |
{CtrlFlg_o,TIMEout,type_o} <= 0;
288 |
else if (CcTIME==True)
289 |
290 |
CtrlFlg_o <= rereg[13:12];
291 |
TIMEout <= rereg[11:6];
292 |
293 |
else if (CcNchar==True)
294 |
295 |
wrtbuf_o <= wrtbuf_itl;
296 |
case (1'b1) /* synthesis parallel_case */
297 |
isDATA_1 : begin
298 |
type_o <= 0; //flag == 0
299 |
RxData_o <= rereg[9:2];
300 |
301 |
isEOP_1 : begin
302 |
type_o <= 1;
303 |
RxData_o <= 8'b0000_0000;//flag==1 xxxxxxx0 (use 00000000) EOP
304 |
305 |
isEEP_1 : //remote EEP
306 |
307 |
type_o <= 1;
308 |
RxData_o <= 8'b0000_0001;//flag==1 xxxxxxx1 (use 00000001) EEP
309 |
310 |
default : begin
311 |
type_o <= 'bx;
312 |
RxData_o <= 'bx;
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
// control FSM
318 |
319 |
reg gotNULL_itl; //a wire that has the value of gotNULL_o
320 |
always @(posedge gclk)
321 |
322 |
323 |
state <= RESET; //Initialized state
324 |
gotNULL_o <= 1'b0;
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
state <= next_state;
329 |
330 |
gotNULL_o <= gotNULL_itl; //register the gotNULL_itl
331 |
332 |
//------ next_state assignment
333 |
always @(*)
334 |
335 |
//Default Values for FSM outputs:
336 |
gotBIT_o = 1'b0;
337 |
gotTIME_o = 1'b0;
338 |
gotFCT_o = 1'b0;
339 |
gotNchar_o = 1'b0;
340 |
gotNULL_itl = 1'b0; //gotNULL_o is a level output
341 |
TICK_OUT = 1'b0;
342 |
// C_ParCheck = 1'b0;
343 |
CcTIME = 1'b0;
344 |
CcNchar = 1'b0;
345 |
err_par = 1'b0;
346 |
err_esc = 1'b0;
347 |
wrtbuf_itl = 1'b0;
348 |
//Use "Default next_state" style ->
349 |
next_state = state;
350 |
case(state) /* synthesis parallel_case */
351 |
RESET : begin
352 |
353 |
next_state = HUNTING;
354 |
355 |
HUNTING : begin //Stay state. //common because the first parity bit is 0,so Si must jump high first
356 |
gotNULL_itl = gotNULL_o; //keep a level
357 |
358 |
359 |
gotBIT_o = 1'b1; //pulse
360 |
next_state = CHECK_CHAR;
361 |
362 |
363 |
CHECK_CHAR : begin //Temporary state
364 |
365 |
366 |
next_state = HUNTING;
367 |
368 |
gotFCT_o = 1; //4 bit FCT
369 |
else if(isNULL_1) //8 bit NULL
370 |
371 |
gotNULL_itl = 1'b1; //gotNull is a level
372 |
373 |
else if( isEOP_1 || isEEP_1 || isDATA_1 )
374 |
375 |
gotNchar_o = 1; // 10bit data or 4bit EOP/EEP (are all Nchar)
376 |
CcNchar = 1'b1; //Command to collect Normal character
377 |
if(state_i==`Run && !full_i)
378 |
wrtbuf_itl = 1;
379 |
380 |
else if(isTIME_1)
381 |
382 |
gotTIME_o = 1; //inform the PPU
383 |
CcTIME = 1'b1; //Command to collect Time
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
else if(isESC_ERR && state_i==`Connecting)
388 |
389 |
if(state_i==`Connecting || state_i==`Run) //after the first NULL is received.
390 |
391 |
err_esc = 1'b1;
392 |
next_state = RESET;
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
else //if the preliminary parity bit check is wrong
397 |
if(state_i==`Connecting || state_i==`Run)
398 |
399 |
err_par = 1'b1; //Parity detection shall be enabled whenever the receiver is enabled after the first NULL is received.
400 |
//If the parity error occurs in the Run state then the parity error shall be flagged up to the Network Level as a "link error"
401 |
next_state = RESET;
402 |
403 |
404 |
default : next_state = DEFLT;
405 |
406 |
end //end combinatorial block "NEXT_ASSIGN"
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
function[RCVW-1:0] rcv_allocate; //mux instead LSR
411 |
input din;
412 |
input [3:0] sel;
413 |
414 |
rcv_allocate =0;
415 |
416 |
4'd0 : rcv_allocate[0] = din;
417 |
4'd1 : rcv_allocate[1] = din;
418 |
4'd2 : rcv_allocate[2] = din;
419 |
4'd3 : rcv_allocate[3] = din;
420 |
4'd4 : rcv_allocate[3] = din;
421 |
4'd5 : rcv_allocate[5] = din;
422 |
4'd6 : rcv_allocate[6] = din;
423 |
4'd7 : rcv_allocate[7] = din;
424 |
4'd8 : rcv_allocate[8] = din;
425 |
4'd9 : rcv_allocate[9] = din;
426 |
4'd10 : rcv_allocate[10] = din;
427 |
4'd11 : rcv_allocate[11] = din;
428 |
4'd12 : rcv_allocate[12] = din;
429 |
4'd13 : rcv_allocate[13] = din;
430 |
default : rcv_allocate = 'bx;
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
endfunction */
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
`undef ErrorReset
440 |
`undef ErrorWait
441 |
`undef Ready
442 |
`undef Started
443 |
`undef Connecting
444 |
`undef Run
445 |
`undef reset
446 |