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sinclairrf |
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sinclairrf |
// Copyright 2014, Sinclair R.F., Inc.
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sinclairrf |
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// FIFO memory
7 |
reg [7:0] s__fifo[@DEPTH-1@:0];
8 |
// write side of the FIFO
9 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_in = @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
10 |
always @ (posedge i_rst or posedge @INCLK@)
11 |
if (i_rst)
12 |
s__ix_in <= @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
13 |
else if (@DATA_WR@) begin
14 |
s__ix_in <= s__ix_in + @DEPTH_NBITS@'d1;
15 |
s__fifo[s__ix_in] <= @DATA@;
16 |
end else
17 |
s__ix_in <= s__ix_in;
18 |
// read side of the FIFO
19 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_out = @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
20 |
always @ (posedge i_clk)
21 |
if (i_rst)
22 |
s__ix_out <= @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
23 |
else if (s_inport && (s_T == 8'd@IX_DATA@))
24 |
s__ix_out <= s__ix_out + @DEPTH_NBITS@'d1;
25 |
26 |
s__ix_out <= s__ix_out;
27 |
always @ (posedge i_clk)
28 |
s__data <= s__fifo[s__ix_out];
29 |
// empty indication to the micro controller
30 |
// Note: The lag in the "empty" indication is OK because of the minimum 2 clock
31 |
// delay between reading the data and then reading the "empty"
32 |
// indication.
33 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_in_gray = @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
34 |
always @ (posedge @INCLK@)
35 |
s__ix_in_gray <= { 1'b0, s__ix_in[@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:1] } ^ s__ix_in;
36 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_in_gray_s[2:0];
37 |
always @ (posedge i_clk) begin
38 |
s__ix_in_gray_s[0] <= s__ix_in_gray;
39 |
s__ix_in_gray_s[1] <= s__ix_in_gray_s[0];
40 |
s__ix_in_gray_s[2] <= s__ix_in_gray_s[1];
41 |
42 |
genvar ix__clk;
43 |
wire [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_in_clk;
44 |
assign s__ix_in_clk[@DEPTH_NBITS-1@] = s__ix_in_gray_s[2][@DEPTH_NBITS-1@];
45 |
for (ix__clk=@DEPTH_NBITS-1@; ix__clk>0; ix__clk=ix__clk-1) begin : gen__ix_in_clk
46 |
assign s__ix_in_clk[ix__clk-1] = s__ix_in_clk[ix__clk] ^ s__ix_in_gray_s[2][ix__clk-1];
47 |
48 |
always @ (posedge i_clk)
49 |
s__empty <= (s__ix_in_clk == s__ix_out);
50 |
// full indication to the fabric
51 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_out_gray = @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
52 |
always @ (posedge i_clk)
53 |
s__ix_out_gray <= { 1'b0, s__ix_out[@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:1] } ^ s__ix_out;
54 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_out_gray_s[2:0];
55 |
always @ (posedge @INCLK@) begin
56 |
s__ix_out_gray_s[0] <= s__ix_out_gray;
57 |
s__ix_out_gray_s[1] <= s__ix_out_gray_s[0];
58 |
s__ix_out_gray_s[2] <= s__ix_out_gray_s[1];
59 |
60 |
genvar ix__inclk;
61 |
wire [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__ix_out_inclk;
62 |
assign s__ix_out_inclk[@DEPTH_NBITS-1@] = s__ix_out_gray_s[2][@DEPTH_NBITS-1@];
63 |
for (ix__inclk=@DEPTH_NBITS-1@; ix__inclk>0; ix__inclk=ix__inclk-1) begin : gen__ix_out_inclk
64 |
assign s__ix_out_inclk[ix__inclk-1] = s__ix_out_inclk[ix__inclk] ^ s__ix_out_gray_s[2][ix__inclk-1];
65 |
66 |
reg [@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:0] s__delta_inclk = @DEPTH_NBITS@'h0;
67 |
always @ (posedge @INCLK@)
68 |
s__delta_inclk <= s__ix_in - s__ix_out_inclk;
69 |
always @ (posedge @INCLK@)
70 |
@DATA_FULL@ <= &s__delta_inclk[@DEPTH_NBITS-1@:3];
71 |