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; Copyright 2013, 2015, Sinclair R.F., Inc.
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; Character manipulation functions
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.define D__INCLUDED__CHAR_S__
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; Convert to and from binary.
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; Convert a single binary digit to its byte value. Return 0x00 on success and
15 |
; 0xFF on failure.
16 |
; ( u_binary_n - u f )
17 |
.function char__binary_to_byte
18 |
'0' -
19 |
dup 0xFE & .jumpc(error)
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21 |
:error .return(0xFF)
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; Convert to and from hex.
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; Convert a byte to its 2-digit hex representation with the digit for the most
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; significant nibble at the top of the data stack.
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; ( u - u_hex_lsn u_hex_msn )
32 |
.function char__byte_to_2hex
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; ( u - u u_hex_lsn )
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dup 0x0F .call(char__nibble_to_hex,&)
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; ( u u_hex_lsn - u_hex_lsn u_hex_msn )
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swap 0>> 0>> 0>> .call(char__nibble_to_hex,0>>)
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; Convert a byte to the minimal 1 or 2 digit hex representation with the digit
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; for the most significant nibble at the top of the data stack.
41 |
; ( u - u_hex_lsn u_hex_msn ) or ( u - u_hex_lsn )
42 |
.function char__byte_to_hex
43 |
dup 0xF0 & .jumpc(include_msn)
44 |
.call(char__nibble_to_hex) .return
45 |
46 |
.call(char__byte_to_2hex) .return
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48 |
; Convert a 4 byte value to its 8-digit hexadecimal representation.
49 |
; ( u_LSB u u u_MSB - )
50 |
.function char__4byte_to_8hex
51 |
>r >r >r >r
52 |
${4-1} :loop r> swap >r .call(char__byte_to_2hex) r> .jumpc(loop,1-)
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; Convert a nibble between 0x00 and 0x0F inclusive to it hex digit.
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; ( u - u_hex_n )
57 |
.function char__nibble_to_hex
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0x09 over - 0x80 & 0<> ${ord('A')-ord('9')-1} & + '0' .return(+)
59 |
60 |
; Convert two hex digits to their byte value. Return 0x00 on success and 0xFF
61 |
; on failure.
62 |
; ( u_hex_lsn u_hex_msn - u f )
63 |
.function char__2hex_to_byte
64 |
; convert the msn to its position and save the error indication
65 |
; ( u_hex_lsn u_hex_lsn - u_hex_msn u_msn ) r:( - f_msn )
66 |
.call(char__hex_to_nibble) >r <<0 <<0 <<0 <<0
67 |
; ( u_hex_lsn u_msn - u ) r:( f_msn - f_lsn f_msn )
68 |
; convert the lsn to its position, save the error indication, and combine the two nibble conversions
69 |
.call(char__hex_to_nibble,swap) >r or
70 |
; compute the return status and return
71 |
; ( u - u f ) r:( f_lsn f_msn - )
72 |
r> r> .return(or)
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74 |
; Convert a single hex digit to its nibble value. Return 0x00 on success and
75 |
; 0xFF on failure.
76 |
; ( u_hex_n - u f )
77 |
.function char__hex_to_nibble
78 |
dup 0x80 & .jumpc(error)
79 |
dup '0' - 0x80 & .jumpc(error)
80 |
'9' over - 0x80 & .jumpc(not_value_0_to_9) '0' - .return(0)
81 |
82 |
dup 'A' - 0x80 & .jumpc(error)
83 |
'F' over - 0x80 & .jumpc(not_value_A_to_F) ${ord('A')-10} - .return(0)
84 |
85 |
dup 'a' - 0x80 & .jumpc(error)
86 |
'f' over - 0x80 & .jumpc(error) ${ord('a')-10} - .return(0)
87 |
:error .return(0xFF)
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