1 |
67 |
creep |
2 |
//// ////
3 |
//// T6507LP IP Core ////
4 |
//// ////
5 |
//// This file is part of the T6507LP project ////
6 |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/t6507lp/ ////
7 |
//// ////
8 |
//// Description ////
9 |
//// 6507 FSM ////
10 |
//// ////
11 |
//// TODO: ////
12 |
//// - Perform simple tests before going into serious verification ////
13 |
//// ////
14 |
//// Author(s): ////
15 |
//// - Gabriel Oshiro Zardo, gabrieloshiro@gmail.com ////
16 |
//// - Samuel Nascimento Pagliarini (creep), snpagliarini@gmail.com ////
17 |
//// ////
18 |
19 |
//// ////
20 |
//// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
21 |
//// ////
22 |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
23 |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
24 |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
25 |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
26 |
//// ////
27 |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
28 |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
29 |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
30 |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
31 |
//// later version. ////
32 |
//// ////
33 |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
34 |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
35 |
36 |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
37 |
//// details. ////
38 |
//// ////
39 |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
40 |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
41 |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
42 |
//// ////
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45 |
46 |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
47 |
48 |
module t6507lp_fsm_tb();
49 |
71 |
creep |
reg clk;
50 |
reg reset_n;
51 |
67 |
creep |
reg [7:0] alu_result;
52 |
reg [7:0] alu_status;
53 |
reg [7:0] data_in;
54 |
55 |
86 |
creep |
reg [7:0] alu_x;
56 |
reg [7:0] alu_y;
57 |
58 |
67 |
creep |
wire [12:0] address;
59 |
wire control; // one bit is enough? read = 0, write = 1
60 |
wire [7:0] data_out;
61 |
wire [7:0] alu_opcode;
62 |
wire [7:0] alu_a;
63 |
wire alu_enable;
64 |
65 |
95 |
creep |
integer i;
66 |
67 |
67 |
creep |
`include "../T6507LP_Package.v"
68 |
69 |
86 |
creep |
t6507lp_fsm #(8,13) my_dut(clk, reset_n, alu_result, alu_status, data_in, address, control, data_out, alu_opcode, alu_a, alu_enable, alu_x, alu_y);
70 |
67 |
creep |
71 |
71 |
creep |
always #10 clk = ~clk;
72 |
67 |
creep |
73 |
95 |
creep |
reg[7:0] fake_mem[2**13-1:0];
74 |
71 |
creep |
75 |
67 |
creep |
initial begin
76 |
71 |
creep |
clk = 0;
77 |
reset_n = 1'b0;
78 |
alu_result = 8'h01;
79 |
94 |
creep |
alu_status = 8'h00;
80 |
86 |
creep |
alu_x = 8'h07;
81 |
alu_y = 8'h03;
82 |
95 |
creep |
83 |
for (i=0; i < 2**13; i= i+1) begin
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
67 |
creep |
88 |
95 |
creep |
89 |
71 |
creep |
fake_mem[0] = ASL_ACC; // testing ACC mode
90 |
fake_mem[1] = ADC_IMM; // testing IMM mode
91 |
fake_mem[2] = 8'h27;
92 |
fake_mem[3] = JMP_ABS; // testing ABS mode, JMP type
93 |
fake_mem[4] = 8'h09;
94 |
fake_mem[5] = 8'h00;
95 |
fake_mem[6] = ASL_ACC; // wont be executed
96 |
fake_mem[7] = ASL_ACC; // wont be executed
97 |
fake_mem[8] = ASL_ACC; // wont be executed
98 |
fake_mem[9] = ASL_ACC; // wont be executed
99 |
fake_mem[10] = LDA_ABS; // testing ABS mode, READ type. A = MEM[0002]. (a=27)
100 |
fake_mem[11] = 8'h02;
101 |
fake_mem[12] = 8'h00;
102 |
fake_mem[13] = ASL_ABS; // testing ABS mode, READ_MODIFY_WRITE type. should overwrite the first ASL_ACC
103 |
76 |
creep |
fake_mem[14] = 8'h00;
104 |
71 |
creep |
fake_mem[15] = 8'h00;
105 |
76 |
creep |
fake_mem[16] = STA_ABS; // testing ABS mode, WRITE type. should write alu_result on MEM[1]
106 |
fake_mem[17] = 8'h01;
107 |
fake_mem[18] = 8'h00;
108 |
fake_mem[19] = LDA_ZPG; // testing ZPG mode, READ type
109 |
fake_mem[20] = 8'h00;
110 |
78 |
creep |
fake_mem[21] = ASL_ZPG; // testing ZPG mode, READ_MODIFY_WRITE type
111 |
fake_mem[22] = 8'h00;
112 |
fake_mem[23] = STA_ZPG; // testing ZPG mode, WRITE type
113 |
fake_mem[24] = 8'h00;
114 |
86 |
creep |
fake_mem[25] = LDA_ZPX; // testing ZPX mode, READ type. A = MEM[x+1]
115 |
fake_mem[26] = 8'h01;
116 |
fake_mem[27] = ASL_ZPX; // testing ZPX mode, READ_MODIFY_WRITE type. MEM[x+1] = MEM[x+1] << 1;
117 |
fake_mem[28] = 8'h01;
118 |
fake_mem[29] = STA_ZPX; // testing ZPX mode, WRITE type. MEM[x+2] = A;
119 |
fake_mem[30] = 8'h02;
120 |
87 |
creep |
fake_mem[31] = LDA_ABX; // testing ABX mode, READ TYPE. No page crossed.
121 |
fake_mem[32] = 8'h0a;
122 |
fake_mem[33] = 8'h00;
123 |
88 |
creep |
fake_mem[34] = LDA_ABX; // testing ABX mode, READ TYPE. Page crossed.
124 |
fake_mem[35] = 8'hff;
125 |
fake_mem[36] = 8'h00;
126 |
89 |
creep |
fake_mem[37] = ASL_ABX; // testing ABX mode, READ_MODIFY_WRITE TYPE. No page crossed.
127 |
fake_mem[38] = 8'h01;
128 |
96 |
creep |
fake_mem[39] = 8'd35;
129 |
91 |
creep |
fake_mem[40] = ASL_ABX; // testing ABX mode, READ_MODIFY_WRITE TYPE. Page crossed.
130 |
fake_mem[41] = 8'hff;
131 |
fake_mem[42] = 8'h00;
132 |
92 |
creep |
fake_mem[40] = STA_ABX; // testing ABX mode, WRITE TYPE. No page crossed.
133 |
fake_mem[41] = 8'h04;
134 |
fake_mem[42] = 8'h00;
135 |
94 |
creep |
fake_mem[43] = STA_ABX; // testing ABX mode, WRITE TYPE. Page crossed.
136 |
fake_mem[44] = 8'hff;
137 |
fake_mem[45] = 8'h00;
138 |
fake_mem[46] = BNE_REL; // testing REL mode, taking a branch, no page crossed.
139 |
fake_mem[47] = 8'h0a;
140 |
fake_mem[58] = BNE_REL; // testing REL mode, taking a branch, page crossed.
141 |
fake_mem[59] = 8'hff;
142 |
96 |
creep |
fake_mem[254] = 8'hff;
143 |
fake_mem[255] = 8'h11;
144 |
94 |
creep |
fake_mem[315] = BEQ_REL; // testing REL mode, not taking a branch, page would have crossed.
145 |
fake_mem[316] = 8'hff;
146 |
fake_mem[317] = BEQ_REL; // testing REL mode, not taking a branch, page would not have crossed.
147 |
95 |
creep |
fake_mem[318] = 8'h00;
148 |
fake_mem[319] = LDA_IDX; // testing IDX mode READ TYPE, no page crossed;
149 |
fake_mem[320] = 8'h0a;
150 |
fake_mem[321] = LDA_IDX; // testing IDX mode READ TYPE, page crossed; this will actually do A = MEM[6] because there is no carry
151 |
fake_mem[322] = 8'hff;
152 |
//fake_mem[319] = SLO_IDX; // testing IDX mode READ_MODIFY_WRITE TYPE
153 |
//fake_mem[320] = 8'h0a; // all of read modify write instructions are not documented therefore will not be simulated
154 |
fake_mem[323] = STA_IDX; // testing IDX mode WRITE TYPE, page crossed being ignored
155 |
fake_mem[324] = 8'hff;
156 |
fake_mem[325] = STA_IDX; // testing IDX mode WRITE TYPE, page not crossed;
157 |
96 |
creep |
fake_mem[326] = 8'h00;
158 |
fake_mem[327] = LDA_IDY; // testing IDY mode READ TYPE, page not crossed;
159 |
fake_mem[328] = 8'h00;
160 |
fake_mem[329] = LDA_IDY; // testing IDY mode READ TYPE, page not crossed but pointer overflowed.
161 |
fake_mem[330] = 8'hff;
162 |
/* testing IDY mode READ TYPE, page crossed.
163 |
address may assume a invalid value when page is crossed but it is fixed on the next cycle when the true read occurs.
164 |
this is probably not an issue */
165 |
fake_mem[331] = LDA_IDY;
166 |
fake_mem[332] = 8'hfe;
167 |
168 |
71 |
creep |
@(negedge clk) // will wait for next negative edge of the clock (t=20)
169 |
170 |
171 |
67 |
creep |
172 |
95 |
creep |
173 |
67 |
creep |
$finish; // to shut down the simulation
174 |
end //initial
175 |
176 |
71 |
creep |
always @(clk) begin
177 |
if (control == 0) begin // MEM_READ
178 |
data_in <= fake_mem[address];
179 |
$write("\nreading from mem position %h: %h", address, fake_mem[address]);
180 |
181 |
else if (control == 1'b1) begin // MEM_WRITE
182 |
fake_mem[address] <= data_out;
183 |
$write("\nreading from mem position %h: %h", address, fake_mem[address]);
184 |
185 |
186 |
67 |
creep |
187 |