1 |
16 |
diegovalve |
2 |
Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit.
3 |
Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com)
4 |
5 |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 |
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 |
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 |
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 |
10 |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 |
13 |
GNU General Public License for more details.
14 |
15 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 |
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 |
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20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
This is the top level block for THEIA.
24 |
THEIA core has 5 main logical blocks called Units.
25 |
This module implements the interconections between the Units.
26 |
27 |
28 |
> EXE: Mananges execution logic for the SHADERS.
29 |
> GEO: Manages geometry data structures.
30 |
> IO: Input/Output (Wishbone).
31 |
> MEM: Internal memory, separate for Instructions and data.
32 |
> CONTROL: Main control Finite state machine.
33 |
34 |
Internal Buses:
35 |
THEIA has separate instruction and data buses.
36 |
THEIA avoids using tri-state buses by having separate input/output
37 |
for each bus.
38 |
There are 2 separate data buses since the Data memory
39 |
has a Dual read channel.
40 |
Please see the MEM unit chapter in the documentation for more details.
41 |
42 |
External Buses:
43 |
External buses are managed by the IO Unit.
44 |
External buses follow the wishbone protocol.
45 |
Please see the IO unit chapter in the documentation for more details.
46 |
47 |
48 |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
49 |
`include "aDefinitions.v"
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
input wire CLK_I, //Input clock
55 |
input wire RST_I, //Input reset
56 |
//Theia Interfaces
57 |
input wire MST_I, //Master signal, THEIA enters configuration mode
58 |
//when this gets asserted (see documentation)
59 |
//Wish Bone Interface
60 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_I, //Input data bus (Wishbone)
61 |
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_O, //Output data bus (Wishbone)
62 |
input wire ACK_I, //Input ack
63 |
output wire ACK_O, //Output ack
64 |
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_O, //Output address
65 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_I, //Input address
66 |
output wire WE_O, //Output write enable
67 |
input wire WE_I, //Input write enable
68 |
output wire STB_O, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
69 |
input wire STB_I, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
70 |
output wire CYC_O, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
71 |
input wire CYC_I, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
72 |
output wire [1:0] TGC_O, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
73 |
input wire [1:0] TGA_I, //Input address tag, see THEAI documentation
74 |
output wire [1:0] TGA_O, //Output address tag, see THEAI documentation
75 |
input wire [1:0] TGC_I, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
76 |
//Control Register
77 |
input wire [15:0] CREG_I
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
//Alias this signals
82 |
wire Clock,Reset;
83 |
assign Clock = CLK_I;
84 |
assign Reset = RST_I;
85 |
86 |
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] w2MEM_WriteData;
87 |
88 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wDataWriteAddress;
89 |
wire w2IO__AddrIsImm;
90 |
91 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer;
92 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer;
93 |
wire DataWriteEnable;
94 |
wire wUCODE_RAMWriteEnable;
95 |
wire [2:0] RamBusOwner;
96 |
//Unit intercoanection wires
97 |
98 |
wire wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone;
99 |
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] InitialCodeAddress;
100 |
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wInstructionPointer;
101 |
wire [`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1:0] wEncodedInstruction,wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction;
102 |
wire wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode;
103 |
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr;
104 |
wire [95:0] wDataRead0, wDataRead1;
105 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wDataReadAddress0,wDataReadAddress1;
106 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wUCODE_RAMReadAddress0,wUCODE_RAMReadAddress1;
107 |
108 |
109 |
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__AddressOffset;
110 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__DataWriteAddress;
111 |
wire w2IO__Store;
112 |
wire w2IO__EnableWBMaster;
113 |
114 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteAddress;
115 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress0;
116 |
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_BUSMUX__Bus;
117 |
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wIO2__Data;
118 |
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_WBM__Address;
119 |
wire wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteEnable;
120 |
wire wIO2__Done;
121 |
wire wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable;
122 |
wire wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue;
123 |
wire wCU2_BCU__ACK;
124 |
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU;
125 |
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU;
126 |
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC;
127 |
wire wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone;
128 |
wire wGEO2_CU__Sync;
129 |
wire wEXE2__uCodeDone;
130 |
wire wEXE2_IFU__EXEBusy;
131 |
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wEXE2_IDU_DataFordward_LastDestination;
132 |
wire wALU2_EXE__BranchTaken;
133 |
wire wALU2_IFU_BranchNotTaken;
134 |
wire w2IO__SetAddress;
135 |
wire wIDU2_IFU__IDUBusy;
136 |
//Control Registe wires
137 |
wire[15:0] wCR2_ControlRegister;
138 |
wire wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled;
139 |
wire wGEO2_CU__TFFDone;
140 |
wire wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF;
141 |
wire wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable;
142 |
wire wCU2_IO__WritePixel;
143 |
wire wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm;
144 |
wire[31:0] wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset;
145 |
wire wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster;
146 |
wire wGEO2_IO__SetAddress;
147 |
wire[`WIDTH-1:0] wGEO2__CurrentPitch,wCU2_GEO_Pitch;
148 |
wire wCU2_GEO__SetPitch,wCU2_GEO__IncPicth;
149 |
150 |
`ifdef DEBUG
151 |
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wDEBUG_IDU2_EXE_InstructionPointer;
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
///////////////// TODO CHANGE FOR MUXES ////////////////////////////////
158 |
assign w2MEM_WriteData = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_UCODE ) ?
159 |
160 |
161 |
assign w2MEM_WriteData = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_GFU || MST_I == 1'b1) ?
162 |
163 |
164 |
assign wDataWriteAddress = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_UCODE ) ?
165 |
166 |
167 |
assign wDataWriteAddress = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_GFU || MST_I == 1'b1) ?
168 |
wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteAddress : `DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH'bz;
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
assign DataWriteEnable = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_UCODE && MST_I == 1'b0) ?
186 |
wUCODE_RAMWriteEnable : 1'bz;
187 |
188 |
assign DataWriteEnable = ( RamBusOwner == `REG_BUS_OWNED_BY_GFU || MST_I == 1'b1) ?
189 |
wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteEnable : 1'bz;
190 |
191 |
assign wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled = wCR2_ControlRegister[ `CR_EN_TEXTURE ];
192 |
193 |
194 |
//Control Unit Instance
195 |
ControlUnit CU
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
.iControlRegister( wCR2_ControlRegister ),
200 |
.oRamBusOwner( RamBusOwner ),
201 |
.oGFUEnable( wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable ),
202 |
.iTriggerAABBIURequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU ),
203 |
.iTriggerBIURequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU ),
204 |
.iTriggertTCCRequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC ),
205 |
.oUCodeEnable( wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode ),
206 |
.oUCodeInstructioPointer( InitialCodeAddress ),
207 |
.iUCodeDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone ),
208 |
.iIODone( wIO2__Done ),
209 |
.oIOWritePixel( wCU2_IO__WritePixel ),
210 |
.iUCodeReturnValue( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
211 |
.iGEOSync( wGEO2_CU__Sync ),
212 |
.iTFFDone( wGEO2_CU__TFFDone ),
213 |
.oTriggerTFF( wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF ),
214 |
.MST_I( MST_I ),
215 |
.oSetCurrentPitch( wCU2_GEO__SetPitch ),
216 |
.iGFUDone( wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone )
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
MemoryUnit MEM
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
//Data Bus
228 |
.iDataReadAddress1( wDataReadAddress0 ),
229 |
.iDataReadAddress2( wDataReadAddress1 ),
230 |
.oData1( wDataRead0 ),
231 |
.oData2( wDataRead1 ),
232 |
.iDataWriteEnable( DataWriteEnable ),
233 |
.iDataWriteAddress( wDataWriteAddress ),
234 |
.iData( w2MEM_WriteData ),
235 |
//Instruction Bus
236 |
.iInstructionReadAddress( wInstructionPointer ),
237 |
.oInstruction( wEncodedInstruction ),
238 |
.iInstructionWriteEnable( wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable ),
239 |
.iInstructionWriteAddress( wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr ),
240 |
.iInstruction( wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction ),
241 |
.iControlRegister( CREG_I ),
242 |
.oControlRegister( wCR2_ControlRegister )
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
ExecutionUnit EXE
248 |
249 |
250 |
.Clock( Clock),
251 |
.Reset( Reset ),
252 |
.iInitialCodeAddress( InitialCodeAddress ),
253 |
.iEncodedInstruction( wEncodedInstruction ),
254 |
.oInstructionPointer( wInstructionPointer ),
255 |
.iDataRead0( wDataRead0 ),
256 |
.iDataRead1( wDataRead1 ),
257 |
.iTrigger( wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode ),
258 |
.oDataReadAddress0( wUCODE_RAMReadAddress0 ),
259 |
.oDataReadAddress1( wUCODE_RAMReadAddress1 ),
260 |
.oDataWriteEnable( wUCODE_RAMWriteEnable ),
261 |
.oDataWriteAddress( wUCODE_RAMAddress ),
262 |
.oDataBus( wUCODE_RAMBus ),
263 |
.oReturnCode( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
264 |
.oDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone )
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
wire wGEO2__RequestingTextures;
270 |
wire w2IO_WriteBack_Set;
271 |
272 |
GeometryUnit GEO
273 |
274 |
.Clock( Clock ),
275 |
.Reset( Reset ),
276 |
.iEnable( wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable ),
277 |
.iTexturingEnable( wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled ),
278 |
//Wires from IO
279 |
.iData_WBM( wIO2__Data ),
280 |
.iDataReady_WBM( wIO2__Done ),
281 |
//Wires to WBM
282 |
.oAddressWBM_Imm( wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset ),
283 |
.oAddressWBM_fromMEM( wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer ),
284 |
.oAddressWBM_IsImm( wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm ),
285 |
.oEnable_WBM( wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster ),
286 |
.oSetAddressWBM( wGEO2_IO__SetAddress ),
287 |
.oSetIOWriteBackAddr( w2IO_WriteBack_Set ),
288 |
//Wires to CU
289 |
.oRequest_AABBIU( wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU ),
290 |
.oRequest_BIU( wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU ),
291 |
.oRequest_TCC( wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC ),
292 |
.oTFFDone( wGEO2_CU__TFFDone ),
293 |
//Wires to RAM-Bus MUX
294 |
.oRAMWriteAddress( w2IO__DataWriteAddress ),
295 |
.oRAMWriteEnable( w2IO__Store ),
296 |
//Wires from Execution Unit
297 |
.iMicrocodeExecutionDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone ),
298 |
.iMicroCodeReturnValue( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
299 |
.oSync( wGEO2_CU__Sync ),
300 |
.iTrigger_TFF( wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF ),
301 |
.iBIUHit( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
302 |
.oRequestingTextures( wGEO2__RequestingTextures ),
303 |
.oDone( wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone )
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
assign TGA_O = (wGEO2__RequestingTextures) ? 2'b1: 2'b0;
308 |
309 |
wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2__DataReadAddress1;
310 |
assign wDataReadAddress1 = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0) ? wUCODE_RAMReadAddress1 : wIO2__DataReadAddress1;
311 |
assign w2IO__EnableWBMaster = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster : wCU2_IO__WritePixel;
312 |
assign w2IO__AddrIsImm = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm : 1'b1;
313 |
assign w2IO__AddressOffset = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset : 32'b0;
314 |
assign w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer : `OREG_PIXEL_PITCH;
315 |
wire w2IO_MasterCycleType;
316 |
assign w2IO_MasterCycleType = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel) ? `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE : `WB_SIMPLE_READ_CYCLE;
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
assign w2IO__SetAddress = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 )? wGEO2_IO__SetAddress : wCU2_GEO__SetPitch;
321 |
322 |
323 |
IO_Unit IO
324 |
325 |
.Clock( Clock ),
326 |
.Reset( Reset ),
327 |
.iEnable( w2IO__EnableWBMaster ),
328 |
.iBusCyc_Type( w2IO_MasterCycleType ),
329 |
330 |
.iStore( w2IO__Store ),
331 |
.iAdr_DataWriteBack( w2IO__DataWriteAddress ),
332 |
.iAdr_O_Set( w2IO__SetAddress ),
333 |
.iAdr_O_Imm( w2IO__AddressOffset ),
334 |
.iAdr_O_Type( w2IO__AddrIsImm ),
335 |
.iAdr_O_Pointer( w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer ),
336 |
.iReadDataBus( wDataRead0 ),
337 |
.iReadDataBus2( wDataRead1 ),
338 |
.iDat_O_Pointer( `OREG_PIXEL_COLOR ),
339 |
340 |
341 |
.oDataReadAddress( wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress0 ),
342 |
.oDataReadAddress2( wIO2__DataReadAddress1 ),
343 |
.oDataWriteAddress( wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteAddress ),
344 |
.oDataBus( wIO2_BUSMUX__Bus ),
345 |
.oInstructionBus( wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction ),
346 |
347 |
.oDataWriteEnable( wIO2_BUSMUX__DataWriteEnable ),
348 |
.oData( wIO2__Data ),
349 |
.oInstructionWriteEnable( wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable ),
350 |
.oInstructionWriteAddress( wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr ),
351 |
.iWriteBack_Set( w2IO_WriteBack_Set ),
352 |
353 |
.oDone( wIO2__Done ),
354 |
.MST_I( MST_I ),
355 |
//Wish Bone Interface
356 |
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
357 |
.DAT_O( DAT_O ),
358 |
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
359 |
.ACK_O( ACK_O ),
360 |
.ADR_O( ADR_O ),
361 |
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
362 |
.WE_O( WE_O ),
363 |
.WE_I( WE_I ),
364 |
.STB_O( STB_O ),
365 |
.STB_I( STB_I ),
366 |
.CYC_O( CYC_O ),
367 |
.TGA_I( TGA_I ),
368 |
.CYC_I( CYC_I ),
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |