1 |
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diegovalve |
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4 |
Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit.
5 |
Copyright (C) 2012 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com)
6 |
7 |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 |
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 |
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 |
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 |
12 |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 |
15 |
GNU General Public License for more details.
16 |
17 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 |
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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21 |
22 |
23 |
#include "Scanner.h"
24 |
// used to keep track of location
25 |
#define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns(yyleng);
26 |
int LineNumber = 1;
27 |
28 |
29 |
%option nodefault yyclass="Scanner" noyywrap c++
30 |
31 |
comment "//"(.*)*\n
32 |
separator ([ \t""])+
33 |
character [a-zA-Z]
34 |
hexchar [a-fA-F]
35 |
digit [0-9]
36 |
decconstant {digit}({digit})*
37 |
hexconstant 0x({digit}|{hexchar})+
38 |
binconstant 0b(1|0)+
39 |
registry (r|R)({digit})+
40 |
identifier ([a-wA-Z])({character}|{digit}|_)*
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
{comment} {yylloc->lines(); ;LineNumber++; ;}
50 |
"\n" {yylloc->lines(); ;LineNumber++;}
51 |
{separator} {/* do nothing */}
52 |
{decconstant} { *yylval = yytext; return Theia::Parser::token::DECCONST; }
53 |
{hexconstant} { *yylval = yytext; return Theia::Parser::token::HEXCONST; }
54 |
{binconstant} { *yylval = yytext; return Theia::Parser::token::BINCONST; }
55 |
"if" {return Theia::Parser::token::IF;}
56 |
"else" {return Theia::Parser::token::ELSE;}
57 |
"while" {return Theia::Parser::token::WHILE;}
58 |
"&" {return Theia::Parser::token::BITWISE_AND;}
59 |
"|" {return Theia::Parser::token::BITWISE_OR;}
60 |
"exit" {return Theia::Parser::token::EXIT;}
61 |
"scalar" {return Theia::Parser::token::SCALAR;}
62 |
"start" {return Theia::Parser::token::START;}
63 |
"copy_data_block" {return Theia::Parser::token::COPY_DATA_BLOCK;}
64 |
"copy_code_block" {return Theia::Parser::token::COPY_CODE_BLOCK;}
65 |
block_transfer_in_progress"" {return Theia::Parser::token::BLOCK_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS;}
66 |
"(" {return Theia::Parser::token::OPEN_ROUND_BRACE;}
67 |
")" {return Theia::Parser::token::CLOSE_ROUND_BRACE;}
68 |
"{" {return Theia::Parser::token::OPEN_BRACE;}
69 |
"}" {return Theia::Parser::token::CLOSE_BRACE;}
70 |
"-" {*yylval = yytext;return Theia::Parser::token::MINUS; }
71 |
"==" {return Theia::Parser::token::EQUAL; }
72 |
"!=" {return Theia::Parser::token::NOT_EQUAL; }
73 |
"<=" {return Theia::Parser::token::LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN; }
74 |
">=" {return Theia::Parser::token::GREATER_OR_EQUAL_THAN; }
75 |
"=" {return Theia::Parser::token::ASSIGN; }
76 |
"<<" { return Theia::Parser::token::SHL;}
77 |
">>" { return Theia::Parser::token::SHR;}
78 |
">" {return Theia::Parser::token::GREATER_THAN; }
79 |
"<" {return Theia::Parser::token::LESS_THAN; }
80 |
"+" {return Theia::Parser::token::ADD; }
81 |
";" {return Theia::Parser::token::EOS; }
82 |
"," {return Theia::Parser::token::COMMA; }
83 |
84 |
{identifier} {*yylval = yytext; return Theia::Parser::token::IDENTIFIER;}
85 |
. {
86 |
std::ostringstream ret;
87 |
ret << "Unknown Indetifier at line " << LineNumber << " '" << yytext << "'\n";
88 |
throw ret.str();
89 |
90 |