1 |
76 |
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 |
`include "aDefinitions.v"
3 |
4 |
5 |
module THEIA
6 |
7 |
109 |
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8 |
input wire CLK_I, //Input clock
9 |
input wire RST_I, //Input reset
10 |
//Theia Interfaces
11 |
input wire MST_I, //Master signal, THEIA enters configuration mode
12 |
//when this gets asserted (see documentation)
13 |
//Wish Bone Interface
14 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_I, //Input data bus (Wishbone)
15 |
//output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_O, //Output data bus (Wishbone)
16 |
input wire ACK_I, //Input ack
17 |
output wire ACK_O, //Output ack
18 |
//output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_O, //Output address
19 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_I, //Input address
20 |
//output wire WE_O, //Output write enable
21 |
input wire WE_I, //Input write enable
22 |
//output wire STB_O, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
23 |
input wire STB_I, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
24 |
//output wire CYC_O, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
25 |
input wire CYC_I, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
26 |
//output wire [1:0] TGC_O, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
27 |
input wire [1:0] TGA_I, //Input address tag, see THEAI documentation
28 |
//output wire [1:0] TGA_O, //Output address tag, see THEAI documentation
29 |
//input wire [1:0] TGC_I, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
30 |
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input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] SEL_I, //The WishBone Master uses this signal to configure a specific core (TBD, not sure is needed)
31 |
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input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] RENDREN_I,
32 |
33 |
input wire [`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] OMBSEL_I, //Output memory bank select
34 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] OMADR_I, //Output adress (relative to current bank)
35 |
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] OMEM_O, //Output data bus (Wishbone)
36 |
37 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] TMDAT_I,
38 |
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] TMADR_I,
39 |
input wire TMWE_I,
40 |
input wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0] TMSEL_I,
41 |
//Control Register
42 |
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input wire [15:0] CREG_I,
43 |
109 |
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output wire GRDY_O,
44 |
input wire STDONE_I,
45 |
input wire HDA_I,
46 |
input wire GACK_I,
47 |
output wire RCOMMIT_O,
48 |
output wire DONE_O
49 |
16 |
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50 |
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51 |
16 |
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52 |
53 |
54 |
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55 |
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wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0] wTMemWriteEnable;
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
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wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wDone;
65 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wBusGranted,wBusRequest;
66 |
109 |
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//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wDAT_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
67 |
//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wADR_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
68 |
//wire [1:0] wTGA_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
69 |
wire [`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] wBusSelect;
70 |
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71 |
72 |
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//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wSTB_O;
73 |
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wWE_O;
74 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]wACK_O;
75 |
76 |
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76 |
77 |
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wire wOMem_WE[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
78 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEM_Address[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
79 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEM_Dat[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
80 |
81 |
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wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wSTB_I;
82 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wMST_I;
83 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wACK_I;
84 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wCYC_I;
85 |
wire [1:0] wTGA_I[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
86 |
87 |
88 |
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//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_ACK_I;
89 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wTMEM_Data;
90 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wTMEM_Address[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
91 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wTMEM_ReadAddr;
92 |
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_STB_O;
93 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_Resquest;
94 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_Granted;
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
//CROSS-BAR cables
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wCrossBarDataRow[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0]; //Horizontal grid Buses comming from each bank
103 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wCrossBarDataCollumn[`MAX_CORES-1:0]; //Vertical grid buses comming from each core.
104 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wTMemReadAdr[`MAX_CORES-1:0]; //Horizontal grid Buses comming from each core (virtual addr).
105 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wCrossBarAdressCollumn[`MAX_CORES-1:0]; //Vertical grid buses comming from each core. (physical addr).
106 |
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wCrossBarAddressRow[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0]; //Horizontal grid Buses comming from each bank.
107 |
108 |
wire wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
109 |
wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS -1:0] wBankReadRequest[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
110 |
111 |
112 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wBankReadGranted[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];
113 |
wire wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
114 |
115 |
wire[`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] wCurrentCoreSelected[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];
116 |
//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wTMEM_2_Core_Data[`MAX_CORES-1:0]; //Vertical grid Buses going to each core.
117 |
wire[7:0] wCoreBankSelect[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
118 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wGRDY_O;
119 |
120 |
121 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wGReady;
122 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wRCOMMIT_O;
123 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wRCommited;
124 |
125 |
126 |
assign RCOMMIT_O = wRCommited[0] & wRCommited[1] & wRCommited[2] & wRCommited[3];
127 |
assign GRDY_O = wGReady[0] & wGReady[1] & wGReady[2] & wGReady[3];
128 |
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129 |
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//The next secuencial logic just AND all the wDone signals
130 |
//I know that it would be much more elgant to just do parallel:
131 |
//assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1] & ... & wDone[MAX_CORES-1];
132 |
//However, I don't know how to achieve this with 'generate' statements
133 |
//So coding a simple loop instead
134 |
135 |
136 |
always @ (posedge CLK_I)
137 |
138 |
integer k;
139 |
DONE_O = wDone[0];
140 |
for (k=0;k<=`MAX_CORES;k=k+1)
141 |
DONE_O=DONE_O & wDone[k+1];
142 |
143 |
144 |
assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1] & wDone[2] & wDone[3]; //Replace this by a counter??
145 |
146 |
147 |
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Module_BusArbitrer ARB1
148 |
149 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
150 |
.Reset( RST_I ),
151 |
.iRequest( wBusRequest ),
152 |
.oGrant( wBusGranted ),
153 |
.oBusSelect( wBusSelect )
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
109 |
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// assign DAT_O = wDAT_O[ wBusSelect ];
159 |
// assign TGA_O = wTGA_O[ wBusSelect ];
160 |
// assign ADR_O = wADR_O[ wBusSelect ];
161 |
// assign STB_O = wSTB_O[ wBusSelect ];
162 |
// assign WE_O = wWE_O[ wBusSelect ];
163 |
assign ACK_O = wACK_O[ wBusSelect];
164 |
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165 |
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wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wDataOut[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
166 |
assign OMEM_O = wDataOut[ OMBSEL_I ];
167 |
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168 |
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genvar i;
169 |
170 |
for (i = 0; i < `MAX_CORES; i = i +1)
171 |
begin : CORE
172 |
assign wMST_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? MST_I : 0;
173 |
assign wSTB_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? STB_I : 0;
174 |
assign wCYC_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? CYC_I : 0;
175 |
assign wTGA_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? TGA_I : 0;
176 |
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177 |
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178 |
179 |
180 |
.CLK_I( CLK_I ),
181 |
76 |
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.RST_I( RST_I ),
182 |
109 |
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183 |
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184 |
//Slave signals
185 |
109 |
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.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
186 |
76 |
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.WE_I( WE_I ),
187 |
109 |
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.STB_I( wSTB_I[i] ),
188 |
82 |
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.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
189 |
109 |
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.CYC_I( wCYC_I[i] ),
190 |
.MST_I( wMST_I[i] ),
191 |
.TGA_I( wTGA_I[i] ),
192 |
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193 |
194 |
109 |
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//Master Signals
195 |
//.WE_O ( wWE_O[i] ),
196 |
//.STB_O( wSTB_O[i] ),
197 |
.ACK_O( wACK_O[i] ),
198 |
// .DAT_O( wDAT_O[i] ),
199 |
//.ADR_O( wADR_O[i] ),
200 |
.CYC_O( wBusRequest[i] ),
201 |
.GNT_I( wBusGranted[i] ),
202 |
//.TGA_O( wTGA_O[i] ),
203 |
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`ifdef DEBUG
204 |
109 |
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.iDebug_CoreID( i ),
205 |
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206 |
207 |
109 |
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.OMEM_WE_O( wOMem_WE[i] ),
208 |
.OMEM_ADR_O( wOMEM_Address[i] ),
209 |
.OMEM_DAT_O( wOMEM_Dat[i] ),
210 |
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211 |
109 |
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212 |
82 |
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213 |
109 |
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.TMEM_DAT_I( wCrossBarDataCollumn[i] ),
214 |
.TMEM_ADR_O( wTMemReadAdr[i] ),
215 |
.TMEM_CYC_O( wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[i] ),
216 |
.TMEM_GNT_I( wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[i] ),
217 |
82 |
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218 |
109 |
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.GRDY_O( wGRDY_O[i] ),
219 |
220 |
221 |
.HDA_I( HDA_I ),
222 |
82 |
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223 |
224 |
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
225 |
109 |
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.DONE_O( wDone[i] )
226 |
227 |
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228 |
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229 |
230 |
231 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
232 |
.Reset( RST_I | GACK_I ),
233 |
.Initial( 1'b0 ),
234 |
.Enable( wRCOMMIT_O[i] ),
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
241 |
.Reset( RST_I | GACK_I ),
242 |
.Initial( 1'b0 ),
243 |
.Enable( wGRDY_O[i] ),
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
RAM_SINGLE_READ_PORT # ( `WB_WIDTH, `WB_WIDTH, 500000 ) OMEM //10k mem
248 |
249 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
250 |
.iWriteEnable( wOMem_WE[i] ),
251 |
.iWriteAddress( wOMEM_Address[i] ),
252 |
.iDataIn( wOMEM_Dat[i] ),
253 |
.iReadAddress0( OMADR_I ),
254 |
.oDataOut0( wDataOut[i] )
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
//If there are "n" banks, memory location "X" would reside in bank number X mod n.
260 |
//X mod 2^n == X & (2^n - 1)
261 |
assign wCoreBankSelect[i] = (wTMemReadAdr[i] & (`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1));
262 |
263 |
//Each core has 1 bank request slot
264 |
//Each slot has MAX_TMEM_BANKS bits. Only 1 bit can
265 |
//be 1 at any given point in time. All bits zero means,
266 |
//we are not requesting to read from any memory bank.
267 |
SELECT_1_TO_N # ( 8, 4 ) READDRQ
268 |
269 |
.Sel(wCoreBankSelect[ i]),
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
//The address coming from the core is virtual adress, meaning it assumes linear
275 |
//address space, however, since memory is interleaved in a n-way memory we transform
276 |
//virtual adress into physical adress (relative to the bank) like this
277 |
//fadr = vadr / n = vadr >> log2(n)
278 |
279 |
assign wCrossBarAdressCollumn[i] = (wTMemReadAdr[i] >> ((`MAX_TMEM_BANKS)/2));
280 |
281 |
//Connect the granted signal to Arbiter of the Bank we want to read from
282 |
assign wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[i] = wBankReadGranted[wCoreBankSelect[i]][i];
283 |
284 |
//Connect the request signal to Arbiter of the Bank we want to read from
285 |
//assign wBankReadRequest[wCoreBankSelect[i]][i] = wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[i];
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
////////////// CROSS-BAR INTERCONECTION//////////////////////////
292 |
293 |
genvar Core,Bank;
294 |
295 |
for (Bank = 0; Bank < `MAX_TMEM_BANKS; Bank = Bank + 1)
296 |
begin : BANK
297 |
298 |
//The memory bank itself
299 |
300 |
301 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
302 |
.iWriteEnable( wTMemWriteEnable[Bank] ),
303 |
.iWriteAddress( TMADR_I ),
304 |
.iDataIn( TMDAT_I ),
305 |
.iReadAddress0( wCrossBarAddressRow[Bank] ), //Connect to the Row of the grid
306 |
.oDataOut0( wCrossBarDataRow[Bank] ) //Connect to the Row of the grid
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
//Arbiter will Round-Robin Cores attempting to read from the same Bank
311 |
//at a given point in time
312 |
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wBankReadGrantedDelay[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];
313 |
Module_BusArbitrer ARB_TMEM
314 |
315 |
.Clock( CLK_I ),
316 |
.Reset( RST_I ),
317 |
.iRequest( {wBankReadRequest[3][Bank],wBankReadRequest[2][Bank],wBankReadRequest[1][Bank],wBankReadRequest[0][Bank]}),//wBankReadRequest[Bank] ), //The cores requesting to read from this Bank
318 |
.oGrant( wBankReadGrantedDelay[Bank] ), //The bit of the core granted to read from this Bank
319 |
.oBusSelect( wCurrentCoreSelected[Bank] ) //The index of the core granted to read from this Bank
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
.Enable( 1'b1 ),
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
//Create the Cross-Bar interconnection grid now, rows are coonected to the memory banks,
334 |
//while collumns are connected to the cores, 2 or more cores can not read from the same
335 |
//bank at any given point in time
336 |
for (Core = 0; Core < `MAX_CORES; Core = Core + 1)
337 |
338 |
//Connect the Data Collum of this core to the Data Row of current bank, only if the Core is looking for data stored in this bank
339 |
assign wCrossBarDataCollumn[ Core ] = ( wCoreBankSelect[ Core ] == Bank ) ? wCrossBarDataRow[ Bank ] : `WB_WIDTH'bz;
340 |
//Connect the Address Row of this Bank to the Address Column of the core, only if the Arbiter selected this core for reading
341 |
assign wCrossBarAddressRow[ Bank ] = ( wCurrentCoreSelected[ Bank ] == Core ) ? wCrossBarAdressCollumn[Core]: `WB_WIDTH'bz;
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
////////////// CROSS-BAR INTERCONECTION//////////////////////////
349 |
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352 |