1 |
2 |
riedelx |
library IEEE;
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
use work.TinyXconfig.ALL;
7 |
-- Uncomment the following lines to use the declarations that are
8 |
-- provided for instantiating Xilinx primitive components.
9 |
--library UNISIM;
10 |
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
11 |
12 |
entity TinyX is
13 |
Port ( dataout : out cpuWord;
14 |
datain : in cpuWord;
15 |
adr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
16 |
wrn : out std_logic;
17 |
rdn : out std_logic;
18 |
clock : in std_logic;
19 |
clrn : in std_logic);
20 |
21 |
end TinyX;
22 |
23 |
architecture Behavioral of TinyX is
24 |
25 |
constant CPU_S0 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
26 |
constant CPU_S1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01";
27 |
constant CPU_S2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";
28 |
29 |
signal r0 : cpuWord; -- register 0
30 |
signal r1 : cpuWord; -- register 1
31 |
signal r2 : cpuWord; -- register 2
32 |
signal r3 : cpuWord; -- register 3
33 |
signal r4 : cpuWord; -- register 4
34 |
signal r5 : cpuWord; -- register 5
35 |
signal r6 : cpuWord; -- register 6
36 |
signal r7 : cpuWord; -- register 7 AND PROGRAM COUNTER !!!
37 |
signal imm : cpuWord;
38 |
signal abus : cpuWord; -- bus to alu opa and tristate buffer input
39 |
signal bbus : cpuWord; -- bus from valmux to alu opb
40 |
signal adrbus : cpuWord;
41 |
signal dstbus : cpuWord; -- from memmux to register bank
42 |
signal result : cpuWord; -- from alu res to memmux
43 |
signal carryIn : std_logic; -- carry to alu
44 |
signal flagC : std_logic;
45 |
signal flagZ : std_logic;
46 |
signal flagV : std_logic;
47 |
signal flagN : std_logic;
48 |
signal regC : std_logic; -- registered carry flag
49 |
signal regZ : std_logic; -- registered zero flag
50 |
signal regV : std_logic; -- registered overflow flag
51 |
signal regN : std_logic; -- registered negaive flag
52 |
signal aluMode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
53 |
signal ccMode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
54 |
signal flagBit : std_logic; -- result of condition code comparision
55 |
signal cpuState : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- CPU state counter
56 |
signal carryUse : std_logic;
57 |
signal flagUpdate : std_logic;
58 |
signal writeCycle : std_logic;
59 |
signal dstclk : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
60 |
signal sela : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
61 |
signal selb : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
62 |
signal selm : std_logic;
63 |
signal selv : std_logic;
64 |
65 |
component cctest port ( fN : in std_logic;
66 |
fV : in std_logic;
67 |
fC : in std_logic;
68 |
fZ : in std_logic;
69 |
what : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
70 |
result : out std_logic);
71 |
end component;
72 |
73 |
component ALU Port ( opa : in cpuWord;
74 |
opb : in cpuWord;
75 |
res : out cpuWord;
76 |
cin : in std_logic;
77 |
cout : out std_logic;
78 |
zero : out std_logic;
79 |
sign : out std_logic;
80 |
over : out std_logic;
81 |
what : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
82 |
end component;
83 |
84 |
component mux2 Port ( ina : in cpuWord;
85 |
inb : in cpuWord;
86 |
mout : out cpuWord;
87 |
sel : in std_logic);
88 |
end component;
89 |
90 |
component mux8 Port ( ina : in cpuWord;
91 |
inb : in cpuWord;
92 |
inc : in cpuWord;
93 |
ind : in cpuWord;
94 |
ine : in cpuWord;
95 |
inf : in cpuWord;
96 |
ing : in cpuWord;
97 |
inh : in cpuWord;
98 |
mout : out cpuWord;
99 |
sel : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
100 |
end component;
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
assert XLEN > 31 report "XLEN must at least 32 and multiple of 8";
105 |
assert (XLEN rem 8) = 0 report "XLEN must at least 32 and multiple of 8";
106 |
107 |
--####### condition code comparison ##################################################
108 |
flagger : cctest port map(regN, regV, regC, regZ, ccMode, flagBit);
109 |
110 |
carryIn <= regC and carryUse;
111 |
--####### alu processing #############################################################
112 |
alucell : ALU port map(abus, bbus, result, carryIn, flagC, flagZ, flagN, flagV, aluMode);
113 |
114 |
--####### multiplexor opamux #########################################################
115 |
opamux : mux8 port map(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, abus, sela);
116 |
117 |
--####### multiplexor opbmux #########################################################
118 |
opbmux : mux8 port map(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, adrbus, selb);
119 |
120 |
--####### multiplexor valmux #########################################################
121 |
valmux : mux2 port map(adrbus, imm, bbus, selv);
122 |
123 |
--####### multiplexor memmux #########################################################
124 |
memmux : mux2 port map(result, datain, dstbus, selm);
125 |
126 |
adr <= adrbus(15 downto 0); -- drive the address bus asynchronusly
127 |
dataout <= abus; -- also the dataout bus
128 |
129 |
process (clock, clrn)
130 |
131 |
if clrn = '0' then -- reset the CPU
132 |
cpuState <= CPU_S0;
133 |
r0 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
134 |
r1 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
135 |
r2 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
136 |
r3 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
137 |
r4 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
138 |
r5 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
139 |
r6 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN);
140 |
r7 <= getStdLogicVectorZeroes(XLEN); -- set pc to starting address
141 |
-- feed the multiplexors
142 |
sela <= "111";
143 |
selb <= "111";
144 |
selv <= '0';
145 |
selm <= '0';
146 |
carryUse <= '0';
147 |
148 |
ccMode <= "0000";
149 |
aluMode <= "0000";
150 |
regN <= '0';
151 |
regV <= '0';
152 |
regC <= '0';
153 |
regZ <= '0';
154 |
wrn <= '1'; -- read access
155 |
rdn <= '0';
156 |
else -- normal operation of CPU
157 |
if clock'event and clock = '1' then -- rising clock edge
158 |
case cpuState is
159 |
when CPU_S0 => --####### S0 #######################################
160 |
ccMode <= datain(ccModeLeft downto ccModeRight);
161 |
aluMode <= datain(aluModeLeft downto aluModeRight);
162 |
selm <= datain(memmuxBit);
163 |
dstclk <= datain(dstClkLeft downto dstClkRight);
164 |
writeCycle <= datain(writeCycleBit);
165 |
sela <= datain(opamuxLeft downto opamuxRight);
166 |
selv <= datain(valmuxBit);
167 |
selb <= datain(opbmuxLeft downto opbmuxRight);
168 |
flagUpdate <= datain(flagUpdateBit);
169 |
carryUse <= datain(carryUseBit);
170 |
imm <= "000000000000000000000000" & datain(immediateLeft downto 0);
171 |
if datain(writeCycleBit) = '0' then
172 |
rdn <= '0';
173 |
wrn <= '1';
174 |
175 |
rdn <= '1';
176 |
wrn <= '0';
177 |
end if;
178 |
cpuState <= CPU_S1;
179 |
when CPU_S1 => --####### S1 #######################################
180 |
-- latch the alu result and the flags
181 |
if writeCycle = '0' then
182 |
if flagUpdate = '1' then
183 |
regC <= flagC;
184 |
regZ <= flagZ;
185 |
regV <= flagV;
186 |
regN <= flagN;
187 |
end if;
188 |
if flagBit = '1' then -- save the alu result, only at read cycle ???
189 |
case dstclk is -- select destination register
190 |
when "000" =>
191 |
r0 <= dstbus;
192 |
when "001" =>
193 |
r1 <= dstbus;
194 |
when "010" =>
195 |
r2 <= dstbus;
196 |
when "011" =>
197 |
r3 <= dstbus;
198 |
when "100" =>
199 |
r4 <= dstbus;
200 |
when "101" =>
201 |
r5 <= dstbus;
202 |
when "110" =>
203 |
r6 <= dstbus;
204 |
when "111" =>
205 |
r7 <= dstbus;
206 |
when others =>
207 |
r0 <= dstbus;
208 |
end case; -- destination register selection
209 |
end if; -- flagBit
210 |
end if;
211 |
rdn <= '0';
212 |
wrn <= '1';
213 |
-- drive the adr bus, set read pulse
214 |
carryUse <= '0';
215 |
ccMode <= "1111";
216 |
aluMode <= "1011";
217 |
sela <= "111";
218 |
selb <= "111"; -- pc to adr bus
219 |
selv <= '0';
220 |
selm <= '0';
221 |
cpuState <= CPU_S2;
222 |
when CPU_S2 => --####### S2 #######################################
223 |
r7 <= dstbus; -- store incremented pc
224 |
-- data bus drives the muxes and enables
225 |
ccMode <= datain(ccModeLeft downto ccModeRight);
226 |
aluMode <= datain(aluModeLeft downto aluModeRight);
227 |
selm <= datain(memmuxBit);
228 |
dstclk <= datain(dstClkLeft downto dstClkRight);
229 |
writeCycle <= datain(writeCycleBit);
230 |
sela <= datain(opamuxLeft downto opamuxRight);
231 |
selv <= datain(valmuxBit);
232 |
selb <= datain(opbmuxLeft downto opbmuxRight);
233 |
flagUpdate <= datain(flagUpdateBit);
234 |
carryUse <= datain(carryUseBit);
235 |
imm <= "000000000000000000000000" & datain(immediateLeft downto 0);
236 |
if datain(writeCycleBit) = '0' then
237 |
rdn <= '0';
238 |
wrn <= '1';
239 |
240 |
rdn <= '1';
241 |
wrn <= '0';
242 |
end if;
243 |
cpuState <= CPU_S1;
244 |
when others =>
245 |
cpuState <= CPU_S0;
246 |
end case; -- cpuState
247 |
end if; -- rising clock edge
248 |
end if; -- clrn = 0
249 |
end process; -- clock, clrn
250 |
end Behavioral;
251 |