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This is the design of TinyCPU. It's goals are as follows:
2 |
3 |
1. 8-bit registers and operations (8 bit processor)
4 |
2. 16-bit address bus
5 |
3. fixed 16-bit instruction length
6 |
4. use a small amount of "rich" instructions to do powerful things
7 |
5. 1 instruction per clock cycle
8 |
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I/O has been decided to use a memory mapped approach.
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Basically, absolute address 0-32 is reserved for ports. Right now there is only a Port0. This port is 8-bits long.
14 |
Each even address is the port address. Each odd address is the bitmap for write or read for the port below it.
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16 |
So to make ports 7 to 4 write and 3 to 0 read, you'd assign 0xF0 to address 0x0001
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So, apparently making a single-cycle CPU is extremely hard... so instead, we'll be striving for a 2-cycle CPU.
22 |
Usual cycles:
23 |
1-cycle: mov, jmp, etc general data movement
24 |
2-cycle: ALU operations
25 |
1-cycle with memory wait(so really 2 cycle): all instructions that reference memory
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Relative moves:
29 |
In order to provide uesfulness to the segment-carryover feature, there are a few options for moving a "relative" amount to a register, including IP and SP
30 |
A relative move differs in most of the opcodes in that the relative factor is treated as a signed value.
31 |
so for instance, a
32 |
mov r0,50
33 |
mov_relative r0, -10
34 |
35 |
in the ned, r0 will end up being 40. Although this feature won't see much use in general registers, IP and SP are special because of the option of using the
36 |
segment-carryover feature. This means that SP and IP, while being 8-bit registers, can function very similar to a 16-bit register, enabling full usage of the available address space.
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Register list:
39 |
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r0-r5 general purpose registers
40 |
sp stack pointer (represented as r6)
41 |
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ip instruction pointer register (represented as r7)
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cs, ds, es, ss segment registers (code segment, data segment, extra segment, stack segment)
43 |
tr truth register for conditionals
44 |
45 |
general opcode format
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47 |
first byte:
48 |
first 4 bits: actual instruction
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next 3 bits: (target) register
50 |
last 1 bit: conditional
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second byte:
53 |
first 1 bit: second portion of condition (if not immediate) (1 for only if false)
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next 1 bit: use extra segment
55 |
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next 3 bits: other register. If not 3rd register
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last 3 bits: extra opcode information or third register. such as for ADD it could be target=source+third_register
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...or second byte is immediate value
59 |
60 |
For opcodes requiring 3 registers but without room, the target opcode is assume to be the second operation. Such as for AND, target=source AND target
61 |
62 |
short list of instructions: (not final, still planning)
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64 |
1. move reg, immediate
65 |
2. move [reg], immediate
66 |
3. push and move reg, immediate (or call immediate)
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4. move (relative) reg, immediate
68 |
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mini-group 5. Root opcode is 5, register is to tell which opcode( up to 8). No register room, only immediate
70 |
push immedate
71 |
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groups: (limited to 2 registers and no immediates. each group has 8 opcodes)
81 |
group 1:
82 |
move(store) [reg],reg
83 |
move(load) reg,[reg]
84 |
out reg1,reg2 (output to port reg1 value reg2)
85 |
in reg1,reg2 (input from port reg2 and store in reg1)
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87 |
88 |
5 |
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move segmentreg,reg
89 |
move reg,segmentreg
90 |
4 |
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91 |
group 2:
92 |
and reg1,reg2 (reg1=reg1 and reg2)
93 |
or reg, reg
94 |
xor reg,reg
95 |
not reg1,reg2 (reg1=not reg2)
96 |
left shift reg,reg
97 |
right shift reg,reg
98 |
rotate right reg,reg
99 |
rotate left reg,reg
100 |
101 |
group 3: compares
102 |
is greater than reg1,reg2 (TR=reg1>reg2)
103 |
is greater or equal to reg,reg
104 |
is less than reg,reg
105 |
is less than or equal to reg,reg
106 |
is equal to reg,reg
107 |
is not equal to reg,reg
108 |
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equals 0 reg
109 |
not equals 0 reg
110 |
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111 |
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group 4:
112 |
push segmentreg
113 |
pop segmentreg
114 |
push and move reg, reg (or call reg)
115 |
exchange reg,reg
116 |
exchange reg,seg
117 |
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120 |
5 |
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group 5:
121 |
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122 |
123 |
5 |
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far jmp reg1, reg2 (CS=reg1 and IP=reg2)
124 |
far call reg1,reg2
125 |
far jmp [reg] (first byte is CS, second byte is IP)
126 |
push extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to push seg; push reg)
127 |
pop extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to pop reg; pop seg)
128 |
reset processor (will completely reset the processor to starting state, but not RAM or anything else)
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group 6:
131 |
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set default register bank to 0 (can be condensed to 1 opcode)
132 |
set default register bank to 1
133 |
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push extended reg, reg
134 |
pop extended reg,reg
135 |
16 |
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enable carryover seg
136 |
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disable carryover seg
137 |
16 |
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mov relative reg, reg
138 |
exchange reg, reg
139 |
4 |
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140 |
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super group: Super groups only have room for 1 register argument. Each subgroup has 8 opcodes, capable of 8 subgroups.
141 |
subgroup 0:
142 |
push reg
143 |
pop reg
144 |
set TR
145 |
reset TR
146 |
increment reg
147 |
decrement reg
148 |
set register bank 0
149 |
set register bank 1
150 |
subgroup 1:
151 |
enable carryover seg
152 |
disable carryover seg
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
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3 register instructions:
157 |
1. add reg1, reg2, reg3 (reg1=reg2+reg3)
158 |
2. sub reg1, reg2, reg3
159 |
160 |
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opcodes used: 14 of 16. 2 more opcodes available. Decide what to do with the room later.
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Possible canidates for opcode compression include
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* equals 0 and not equals 0 (room for 7 sub-opcodes each) (not doing that because it'd screw with the easy ALU code
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1 -- only if true
172 |
for only if false, there should basically be another compare or if applicable an always afterwards
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limitations that shouldn't be passed with instructions
176 |
* Doing 2 memory references
177 |
* pushing a memory reference (equates to 2 memory references)
178 |
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Note it is possible however to read and write 16bits at one time to the memory to consecutive addresses that are 16-bit aligned.
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182 |
183 |
DS is used in all "normal" memory references
184 |
SS is used in all push and pop instructions
185 |
ES is used when the ExtraSegment bit is set for either push/pop or normal memory references
186 |
CS is only used for fetching instructions
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Segment carryover:
189 |
In order to overcome the limitations of only having a 256 byte segment, there is a workaround option to "pretend" that IP is a 16 bit register.
190 |
When CS carryover is enabled, when IP rollover from 255 to 0 or whatever, CS will be incremented. This makes it so that if you start at address 0:0.
191 |
you can continue as far as needed into the address space without having to do ugly far jumps at each of the borders.
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Carryover can only be done on CS and SS. The required circuitry is not implemented for DS or ES due to an extreme level of complexity required for it, also
193 |
it would only lead to unncessarily complex code
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Also of note is that `move relative` implements a "carryover" component. This component will work on either IP or SP, and uses CS and SS respectively.
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If used on other registers, there will be no carry over functionality, though it can be used as an easy way to add or subtract an immediate from a register.
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States needed:
201 |
0. reset
202 |
1. decode current instruction (All without memory capable within 1 clock cycle)
203 |
2. increment IP(and SP if needed) and fetch next instruction
204 |
3. Write 1 register to memory
205 |
4. Read 1 register from memory
206 |
5. Write 2 registers to memory
207 |
6. Read 2 registers from memory
208 |
7. Write 1 register to memory and setup increment of sp
209 |
8. Write 2 registers to memory and setup double increment of sp
210 |
9. Read 1 register from memory and setup decrement of sp
211 |
10. Read 2 registers from memory and setup double decrement of sp
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
registerfile map:
217 |
0000: general r0
218 |
0001: general r1
219 |
0010: general r2
220 |
0011: general r3
221 |
0100: general r4
222 |
0101: general r5
223 |
0110: SP (r6)
224 |
0111: IP (r7)
225 |
1000: second bank r0
226 |
1001: second bank r1
227 |
1010: second bank r2
228 |
1011: second bank r3
229 |
1100: CS
230 |
1101: DS
231 |
1110: ES
232 |
1111: SS
233 |
234 |
Banking works like if(regnumber(2) = '0') then regnumber(3)=regbank; end if;
235 |
236 |
237 |
ALU operations
238 |
00000 and reg1,reg2 (reg1=reg1 and reg2)
239 |
00001 or reg, reg
240 |
00010 xor reg,reg
241 |
00011 not reg1,reg2 (reg1=not reg2)
242 |
00100 left shift reg,reg (logical)
243 |
00101 right shift reg,reg (logical)
244 |
00110 rotate right reg,reg
245 |
00111 rotate left reg,reg
246 |
247 |
01000 is greater than reg1,reg2 (TR=reg1>reg2)
248 |
01001 is greater or equal to reg,reg
249 |
01010 is less than reg,reg
250 |
01011 is less than or equal to reg,reg
251 |
01100 is equal to reg,reg
252 |
01101 is not equal to reg,reg
253 |
01110 equals 0 reg
254 |
01111 not equals 0 reg
255 |
256 |
10000 Set TR
257 |
10001 Reset TR
258 |
10011 Increment
259 |
10010 Decrement
260 |
10100 Add
261 |
10101 Subtract
262 |
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265 |
Alignment restrictions:
266 |
In general, their is very few times that a full 16-bit read or 16-bit write is done. These are the times:
267 |
268 |
* Extended push
269 |
* Extended pop
270 |
* instruction fetch
271 |
272 |
Because of this, and because I want for 2 clock cycles to be the longest instruction, I must place some alignment restrictions on the CPU
273 |
So, IP must be aligned to a 16-bit address (must be an even number). And SP must also be aligned to a 16-bit address.
274 |
Though I don't plan on putting any "real" restriction to setting it to an odd address, nothing will actually work right.
275 |
276 |
Stack Details:
277 |
Because of the need for 16-bit writes and reads of the stack, even though we're usually only using 8-bit values, we end up pushing 2 bytes at one time always.
278 |
Stack is oppositely done from the 8086. push X will move X to SS:SP and then increment SP by 2.
279 |
Let's take an example program:
280 |
--SS is 0
281 |
mov sp, 10
282 |
push 0xff
283 |
284 |
after this, 0x00FF will be moved to SS:SP (0x0010) and then sp will be incremented by 2. If we push an 8-bit value, the value is put in the least-significant byte, and the MSB is 0
285 |
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288 |
On Reset:
289 |
290 |
On reset, all general registers are set to 0
291 |
CS is set to 1, IP is set to 0. SS is set to 2 and SP is set to 0.
292 |
Carryover is set on CS and not set on SS. DS and ES is 0. TR is false.
293 |
Register bank 0 is selected.
294 |
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Electrical operation:
296 |
On power-on, RESET should be high for at least 2 clock cycles. HOLD can optionally be high as well after these two clock cycles.
297 |
When HOLD is no longer needed, it should just be turned low and an extra clock cycle should be waited on for it to return to RESET state
298 |
When RESET is held low, the processor will execute. It takes 3 clock cycles for the processor to "catch up" to actually executing instructions
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Register order:
303 |
The order of registers is read from left to right with left being the most significant bit of the 16-bit opcode.
304 |
So for instance,
305 |
0101_*000*0_0*111*_0010 is `mov [r0], IP/r7`. The register portions of the opcode are surrounded by astericks
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Implemented opcode list:
309 |
310 |
r = register choice
311 |
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R = register choice or opcode choice for sub groups
312 |
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C = conditional portion
313 |
s = segment register choice
314 |
i = immediate data
315 |
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N = not used
316 |
o = opcode choice (for groups)
317 |
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_ = space for readability
318 |
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320 |
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mov reg, immediate
321 |
322 |
34 |
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323 |
27 |
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mov [reg], immediate
324 |
19 |
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325 |
27 |
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group 3 comparions
326 |
34 |
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327 |
27 |
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opcode choices
328 |
000: is greater than reg1,reg2 (TR=reg1>reg2)
329 |
001: is greater or equal to reg,reg
330 |
010: is less than reg,reg
331 |
011: is less than or equal to reg,reg
332 |
100: is equal to reg,reg
333 |
101: is not equal to reg,reg
334 |
110: equals 0 reg
335 |
111: not equals 0 reg
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group 4 bitwise
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339 |
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opcode choices
340 |
000: and reg1,reg2 (reg1=reg1 and reg2)
341 |
001: or reg, reg
342 |
010: xor reg,reg
343 |
011: not reg1,reg2 (reg1=not reg2)
344 |
100: left shift reg,reg
345 |
101: right shift reg,reg
346 |
110: rotate right reg,reg
347 |
111: rotate left reg,reg
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group 5 misc
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opcode choices:
352 |
000: subgroup 5-0
353 |
RRR choices:
354 |
000: push reg
355 |
001: pop reg
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001: mov reg, reg
357 |
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010: mov reg, [reg]
358 |
011: mov [reg], reg
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