1 |
19 |
earlz |
--Core module.
2 |
--This module is basically connects everything and decodes the opcodes.
3 |
--The only thing above this is toplevel.vhd which actually sets the pinout for the FPGA
4 |
5 |
6 |
library IEEE;
7 |
8 |
9 |
use work.tinycpu.all;
10 |
11 |
entity core is
12 |
13 |
--memory interface
14 |
MemAddr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --memory address (in bytes)
15 |
MemWW: out std_logic; --memory writeword
16 |
MemWE: out std_logic; --memory writeenable
17 |
20 |
earlz |
MemIn: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
18 |
MemOut: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
19 |
19 |
earlz |
--general interface
20 |
Clock: in std_logic;
21 |
Reset: in std_logic; --When this is high, CPU will reset within 1 clock cycles.
22 |
--Enable: in std_logic; --When this is high, the CPU executes as normal, when low the CPU stops at the next clock cycle(maintaining all state)
23 |
Hold: in std_logic; --when high, CPU pauses execution and places Memory interfaces into high impendance state so the memory can be used by other components
24 |
HoldAck: out std_logic; --when high, CPU acknowledged hold and buses are in high Z
25 |
--todo: port interface
26 |
27 |
--debug ports:
28 |
DebugIR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --current instruction
29 |
20 |
earlz |
DebugIP: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --current IP
30 |
DebugCS: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --current code segment
31 |
19 |
earlz |
DebugTR: out std_logic; --current value of TR
32 |
20 |
earlz |
DebugR0: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
33 |
19 |
earlz |
34 |
end core;
35 |
36 |
architecture Behavioral of core is
37 |
component fetch is
38 |
39 |
Enable: in std_logic;
40 |
AddressIn: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
41 |
Clock: in std_logic;
42 |
DataIn: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --interface from memory
43 |
IROut: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
44 |
AddressOut: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --interface to memory
45 |
46 |
end component;
47 |
component alu is
48 |
49 |
Op: in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
50 |
DataIn1: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
51 |
DataIn2: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
52 |
DataOut: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
53 |
TR: out std_logic
54 |
55 |
end component;
56 |
component carryover is
57 |
58 |
EnableCarry: in std_logic; --When disabled, SegmentIn goes to SegmentOut
59 |
DataIn: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
60 |
SegmentIn: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
61 |
Addend: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --How much to increase DataIn by (as a signed number). Believe it or not, that's the actual word for what we need.
62 |
DataOut: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
63 |
21 |
earlz |
SegmentOut: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
64 |
Clock: in std_logic
65 |
19 |
earlz |
66 |
end component;
67 |
component registerfile is
68 |
69 |
WriteEnable: in regwritetype;
70 |
DataIn: in regdatatype;
71 |
Clock: in std_logic;
72 |
DataOut: out regdatatype
73 |
74 |
end component;
75 |
76 |
constant REGIP: integer := 7;
77 |
constant REGSP: integer := 6;
78 |
constant REGSS: integer := 15;
79 |
constant REGES: integer := 14;
80 |
constant REGDS: integer := 13;
81 |
constant REGCS: integer := 12;
82 |
83 |
type ProcessorState is (
84 |
85 |
21 |
earlz |
FirstFetch1, --the fetcher needs two clock cycles to catch up
86 |
87 |
23 |
earlz |
88 |
19 |
earlz |
89 |
90 |
30 |
earlz |
91 |
WaitForAlu -- wait for settling is needed when using the ALU
92 |
19 |
earlz |
93 |
20 |
earlz |
signal state: ProcessorState;
94 |
signal HeldState: ProcessorState; --state the processor was in when HOLD was activated
95 |
19 |
earlz |
96 |
--carryout signals
97 |
signal CarryCS: std_logic;
98 |
signal CarrySS: std_logic;
99 |
signal IPAddend: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
100 |
signal SPAddend: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
101 |
signal IPCarryOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
102 |
signal CSCarryOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
103 |
25 |
earlz |
signal SPCarryOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
104 |
signal SSCarryOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
105 |
106 |
19 |
earlz |
--register signals
107 |
signal regWE:regwritetype;
108 |
signal regIn: regdatatype;
109 |
signal regOut: regdatatype;
110 |
--fetch signals
111 |
signal fetchEN: std_logic;
112 |
signal IR: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
113 |
25 |
earlz |
--alu signals
114 |
signal AluOp: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
115 |
signal AluIn1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
116 |
signal AluIn2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
117 |
signal AluOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
118 |
31 |
earlz |
signal AluTR: std_logic;
119 |
25 |
earlz |
signal TR: std_logic;
120 |
31 |
earlz |
signal TRData: std_logic;
121 |
signal UseAluTR: std_logic;
122 |
19 |
earlz |
123 |
--control signals
124 |
signal InReset: std_logic;
125 |
25 |
earlz |
signal OpAddress: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --memory address to use for operation of an instruction
126 |
32 |
earlz |
signal OpDataIn: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
127 |
signal OpDataOut: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
128 |
25 |
earlz |
signal OpWW: std_logic;
129 |
signal OpWE: std_logic;
130 |
32 |
earlz |
signal OpDestReg1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
131 |
signal OpUseReg2: std_logic;
132 |
signal OpDestReg2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
133 |
19 |
earlz |
134 |
--opcode shortcut signals
135 |
signal opmain: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
136 |
signal opimmd: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
137 |
signal opcond1: std_logic; --first conditional bit
138 |
signal opcond2: std_logic; --second conditional bit
139 |
signal opreg1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
140 |
signal opreg2: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
141 |
signal opreg3: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
142 |
signal opseges: std_logic; --use ES segment
143 |
25 |
earlz |
144 |
signal regbank: std_logic;
145 |
19 |
earlz |
146 |
20 |
earlz |
signal fetcheraddress: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
147 |
25 |
earlz |
148 |
27 |
earlz |
149 |
signal bankreg1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --these signals have register bank stuff baked in
150 |
signal bankreg2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
151 |
signal bankreg3: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
152 |
25 |
earlz |
signal FetchMemAddr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
153 |
154 |
29 |
earlz |
signal UsuallySS: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
155 |
signal UsuallyDS: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
156 |
32 |
earlz |
signal AluRegOut: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
157 |
19 |
earlz |
158 |
20 |
earlz |
reg: registerfile port map(
159 |
19 |
earlz |
WriteEnable => regWE,
160 |
DataIn => regIn,
161 |
Clock => Clock,
162 |
DataOut => regOut
163 |
164 |
20 |
earlz |
carryovercs: carryover port map(
165 |
19 |
earlz |
EnableCarry => CarryCS,
166 |
28 |
earlz |
DataIn => regOut(REGIP),
167 |
SegmentIn => regOut(REGCS),
168 |
20 |
earlz |
Addend => IPAddend,
169 |
DataOut => IPCarryOut,
170 |
21 |
earlz |
SegmentOut => CSCarryOut,
171 |
Clock => Clock
172 |
19 |
earlz |
173 |
25 |
earlz |
carryoverss: carryover port map(
174 |
EnableCarry => CarrySS,
175 |
28 |
earlz |
DataIn => regOut(REGSP),
176 |
SegmentIn => RegOut(REGSS),
177 |
25 |
earlz |
Addend => SPAddend,
178 |
DataOut => SPCarryOut,
179 |
SegmentOut => SSCarryOut,
180 |
Clock => Clock
181 |
182 |
20 |
earlz |
fetcher: fetch port map(
183 |
19 |
earlz |
Enable => fetchEN,
184 |
20 |
earlz |
AddressIn => fetcheraddress,
185 |
19 |
earlz |
Clock => Clock,
186 |
DataIn => MemIn,
187 |
IROut => IR,
188 |
25 |
earlz |
AddressOut => FetchMemAddr
189 |
19 |
earlz |
190 |
25 |
earlz |
cpualu: alu port map(
191 |
Op => AluOp,
192 |
DataIn1 => AluIn1,
193 |
DataIn2 => AluIn2,
194 |
DataOut => AluOut,
195 |
31 |
earlz |
TR => AluTR
196 |
25 |
earlz |
197 |
21 |
earlz |
fetcheraddress <= regIn(REGCS) & regIn(REGIP);
198 |
25 |
earlz |
MemAddr <= OpAddress when state=WaitForMemory else FetchMemAddr;
199 |
32 |
earlz |
MemOut <= OpDataOut when (state=WaitForMemory and OpWE='1') else "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" when state=HoldMemory else x"0000";
200 |
28 |
earlz |
MemWE <= OpWE when state=WaitForMemory else 'Z' when state=HoldMemory else '0';
201 |
MemWW <= OpWW when state=WaitForMemory else 'Z' when state=HoldMEmory else '0';
202 |
32 |
earlz |
OpDataIn <= MemIn;
203 |
20 |
earlz |
--opcode shortcuts
204 |
19 |
earlz |
opmain <= IR(15 downto 12);
205 |
opimmd <= IR(7 downto 0);
206 |
opcond1 <= IR(8);
207 |
opcond2 <= IR(7);
208 |
opreg1 <= IR(11 downto 9);
209 |
opreg3 <= IR(2 downto 0);
210 |
27 |
earlz |
opreg2 <= IR(6 downto 4);
211 |
opseges <= IR(3);
212 |
20 |
earlz |
--debug ports
213 |
DebugCS <= regOut(REGCS);
214 |
DebugIP <= regOut(REGIP);
215 |
DebugR0 <= regOut(0);
216 |
DebugIR <= IR;
217 |
25 |
earlz |
DebugTR <= TR;
218 |
--register addresses with registerbank baked in
219 |
27 |
earlz |
bankreg1 <= ('1' & opreg1) when (regbank='1' and opreg1(2)='0') else '0' & opreg1;
220 |
bankreg2 <= ('1' & opreg2) when (regbank='1' and opreg2(2)='0') else '0' & opreg2;
221 |
bankreg3 <= ('1' & opreg3) when (regbank='1' and opreg3(2)='0') else '0' & opreg3;
222 |
29 |
earlz |
--UsuallySegment shortcuts (only used when not an immediate
223 |
UsuallyDS <= "1101" when opseges='0' else "1110";
224 |
UsuallySS <= "1111" when opseges='0' else "1110";
225 |
31 |
earlz |
TR <= TRData when UseAluTR='0' else AluTR;
226 |
19 |
earlz |
227 |
29 |
earlz |
foo: process(Clock, Hold, state, IR, inreset, reset, regin, regout, IPCarryOut, CSCarryOut)
228 |
19 |
earlz |
229 |
if rising_edge(Clock) then
230 |
21 |
earlz |
231 |
232 |
20 |
earlz |
if reset='1' and hold='0' then
233 |
19 |
earlz |
InReset <= '1';
234 |
state <= ResetProcessor;
235 |
20 |
earlz |
HoldAck <= '0';
236 |
21 |
earlz |
CarryCS <= '1';
237 |
CarrySS <= '0';
238 |
regWE <= (others => '1');
239 |
regIn <= (others => "00000000");
240 |
regIn(REGCS) <= x"01";
241 |
32 |
earlz |
regIn(REGSS) <= x"02";
242 |
21 |
earlz |
IPAddend <= x"00";
243 |
25 |
earlz |
SPAddend <= x"00";
244 |
AluOp <= "10001"; --reset TR in ALU
245 |
regbank <= '0';
246 |
21 |
earlz |
fetchEN <= '1';
247 |
32 |
earlz |
248 |
25 |
earlz |
OpAddress <= x"0000";
249 |
OpWE <= '0';
250 |
opWW <= '0';
251 |
31 |
earlz |
TRData <= '0';
252 |
UseAluTR <= '0';
253 |
32 |
earlz |
OpDestReg1<= x"0";
254 |
OpDestReg2 <= x"0";
255 |
OpUseReg2 <= '0';
256 |
19 |
earlz |
--finish up
257 |
elsif InReset='1' and reset='0' and Hold='0' then --reset is done, start executing
258 |
InReset <= '0';
259 |
21 |
earlz |
fetchEN <= '1';
260 |
state <= FirstFetch1;
261 |
19 |
earlz |
elsif Hold = '1' and (state=HoldMemory or state=Execute or state=ResetProcessor) then
262 |
20 |
earlz |
--do not hold immediately if waiting on memory or if waiting on the first fetch of an instruction after reset
263 |
19 |
earlz |
state <= HoldMemory;
264 |
HoldAck <= '1';
265 |
21 |
earlz |
FetchEN <= '0';
266 |
19 |
earlz |
elsif Hold='0' and state=HoldMemory then
267 |
20 |
earlz |
if reset='1' or InReset='1' then
268 |
state <= ResetProcessor;
269 |
270 |
state <= Execute;
271 |
end if;
272 |
21 |
earlz |
FetchEN <= '1';
273 |
elsif state=FirstFetch1 then --we have to let IR get loaded before we can execute.
274 |
20 |
earlz |
--regWE <= (others => '0');
275 |
21 |
earlz |
fetchEN <= '1'; --already enabled, but anyway
276 |
23 |
earlz |
--regWE <= (others => '0');
277 |
21 |
earlz |
IPAddend <= x"02";
278 |
SPAddend <= x"00"; --no addend unless pushing or popping
279 |
RegWE <= (others => '0');
280 |
regIn(REGIP) <= IPCarryOut;
281 |
regWE(REGIP) <= '1';
282 |
regWE(REGCS) <= '1';
283 |
regIn(REGCS) <= CSCarryOut;
284 |
23 |
earlz |
state <= Execute;
285 |
elsif state=FirstFetch2 then
286 |
state <= FirstFetch3;
287 |
288 |
elsif state=FirstFetch3 then
289 |
state <= Execute;
290 |
25 |
earlz |
elsif state=WaitForMemory then
291 |
state <= Execute;
292 |
FetchEn <= '1';
293 |
IpAddend <= x"02";
294 |
33 |
earlz |
--SpAddend <= x"00";
295 |
--SP can change here... really I don't *think* it can change from within Execute... so maybe that's redundant
296 |
regIn(REGSP) <= SPCarryOut; --with addend being 0, it'll just write SP to SP so it won't change, but this makes code easier for me
297 |
regIn(REGSS) <= SSCarryOut;
298 |
regWE(REGSP) <= '1';
299 |
regWE(REGSS) <= '1';
300 |
32 |
earlz |
if OpWE='0' then
301 |
regIn(to_integer(unsigned(OpDestReg1))) <= OpDataIn(7 downto 0);
302 |
regWE(to_integer(unsigned(OpDestReg1))) <= '1';
303 |
if OpUseReg2='1' then
304 |
regIn(to_integer(unsigned(OpDestReg2))) <= OpDataIn(15 downto 8);
305 |
regWE(to_integer(unsigned(OpDestReg2))) <= '1';
306 |
end if;
307 |
end if;
308 |
30 |
earlz |
elsif state=WaitForAlu then
309 |
state <= Execute;
310 |
32 |
earlz |
regIn(to_integer(unsigned(AluRegOut))) <= AluOut;
311 |
regWE(to_integer(unsigned(AluRegOut))) <= '1';
312 |
30 |
earlz |
FetchEN <= '1';
313 |
IPAddend <= x"02";
314 |
SPAddend <= x"00";
315 |
19 |
earlz |
end if;
316 |
21 |
earlz |
317 |
318 |
19 |
earlz |
if state=Execute then
319 |
20 |
earlz |
fetchEN <= '1';
320 |
19 |
earlz |
--reset to "usual"
321 |
20 |
earlz |
IPAddend <= x"02";
322 |
SPAddend <= x"00"; --no addend unless pushing or popping
323 |
19 |
earlz |
RegWE <= (others => '0');
324 |
21 |
earlz |
regIn(REGIP) <= IPCarryOut;
325 |
regWE(REGIP) <= '1';
326 |
regWE(REGCS) <= '1';
327 |
regIn(REGCS) <= CSCarryOut;
328 |
32 |
earlz |
OpUseReg2 <= '0';
329 |
25 |
earlz |
330 |
31 |
earlz |
if UseAluTR='1' then
331 |
332 |
end if;
333 |
19 |
earlz |
--actual decoding
334 |
25 |
earlz |
if opcond1='0' or (opcond1='1' and TR='1') then
335 |
case opmain is
336 |
when "0000" => --mov reg,imm
337 |
27 |
earlz |
regIn(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= opimmd;
338 |
regWE(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= '1';
339 |
25 |
earlz |
when "0001" => --mov [reg],imm
340 |
27 |
earlz |
OpAddress <= regOut(REGDS) & regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1)));
341 |
25 |
earlz |
OpWE <= '1';
342 |
32 |
earlz |
OpDataOut <= x"00" & opimmd;
343 |
25 |
earlz |
OpWW <= '0';
344 |
state <= WaitForMemory;
345 |
IPAddend <= x"00"; --disable all this because we have to wait a cycle to write memory
346 |
FetchEN <= '0';
347 |
27 |
earlz |
when "0011" => --group 3 comparisons
348 |
31 |
earlz |
TRData <= AluTR;
349 |
UseAluTR <= '1';
350 |
27 |
earlz |
AluOp <= "01" & opreg3; --nothing hard here, ALU does it all for us
351 |
29 |
earlz |
AluIn1 <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1)));
352 |
AluIn2 <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg2)));
353 |
27 |
earlz |
when "0100" => --group 4 bitwise operations
354 |
30 |
earlz |
--setup wait state
355 |
State <= WaitForAlu;
356 |
FetchEN <= '0';
357 |
IPAddend <= x"00";
358 |
27 |
earlz |
AluOp <= "00" & opreg3; --nothing hard here, ALU does it all for us
359 |
29 |
earlz |
AluIn1 <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1)));
360 |
AluIn2 <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg2)));
361 |
32 |
earlz |
AluRegOut <= bankreg1;
362 |
30 |
earlz |
--regIn(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= AluOut;
363 |
--regWE(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= '1';
364 |
29 |
earlz |
when "0101" => --group 5
365 |
case opreg3 is
366 |
when "000" => --subgroup 5-0
367 |
case opreg2 is
368 |
when "000" => --push reg
369 |
SpAddend <= x"02"; --set SP to increment
370 |
OpAddress <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(UsuallySS))) & regOut(REGSP);
371 |
OpWE <= '1';
372 |
32 |
earlz |
OpDataOut <= x"00" & regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1)));
373 |
29 |
earlz |
OpWW <= '1';
374 |
state <= WaitForMemory;
375 |
IPAddend <= x"00";
376 |
FetchEN <= '0';
377 |
when "001" => --pop reg
378 |
SPAddend <= x"FE"; --set SP to decrement
379 |
33 |
earlz |
--TODO account for carryover properties
380 |
OpAddress <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(UsuallySS))) & std_logic_vector(unsigned(regOut(REGSP))-2); --decrement 2 here "early"
381 |
29 |
earlz |
OpWE <= '0';
382 |
32 |
earlz |
OpDestReg1 <= bankreg1;
383 |
--regIn(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= OpData(7 downto 0);
384 |
29 |
earlz |
OpWW <= '0';
385 |
state <= WaitForMemory;
386 |
IPAddend <= x"00";
387 |
FetchEN <= '0';
388 |
when others =>
389 |
--synthesis off
390 |
report "Not implemented subgroup 5-0" severity error;
391 |
--synthesis on
392 |
end case;
393 |
33 |
earlz |
when "001" => --mov reg, reg
394 |
regIn(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg2)));
395 |
regWE(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1))) <= '1';
396 |
34 |
earlz |
when "010" => --mov reg, [reg] (load)
397 |
OpDestReg1 <= bankreg1;
398 |
OpWE <= '0';
399 |
OpAddress <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(UsuallyDS))) & regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg2)));
400 |
IpAddend <= x"00";
401 |
FetchEN <= '0';
402 |
state <= WaitForMemory;
403 |
when "011" => --mov [reg], reg (store)
404 |
OpDataOut <= x"00" & regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg2)));
405 |
OpWW <= '0';
406 |
OpWE <= '1';
407 |
OpAddress <= regOut(to_integer(unsigned(UsuallyDS))) & regOut(to_integer(unsigned(bankreg1)));
408 |
IpAddend <= x"00";
409 |
FetchEN <= '0';
410 |
state <= WaitForMemory;
411 |
29 |
earlz |
when others =>
412 |
--synthesis off
413 |
report "Not implemented group 5" severity error;
414 |
--synthesis on
415 |
end case;
416 |
25 |
earlz |
when others =>
417 |
--synthesis off
418 |
report "Not implemented" severity error;
419 |
--synthesis on
420 |
end case;
421 |
end if;
422 |
19 |
earlz |
end if;
423 |
21 |
earlz |
424 |
29 |
earlz |
end if;
425 |
21 |
earlz |
426 |
427 |
29 |
earlz |
428 |
19 |
earlz |
end process;
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
end Behavioral;