1 |
2 |
nand_gates |
# This file is part of TMS1000 CPU
2 |
3 |
# tms1000.tcl - Run script and GUI frontend of the TMS1000
4 |
# processor based calculator
5 |
6 |
# Written By - Nand Gates (2021)
7 |
8 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 |
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 |
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
11 |
# later version.
12 |
13 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 |
16 |
# GNU General Public License for more details.
17 |
18 |
# In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program.
19 |
# You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve
20 |
# what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding!
21 |
22 |
proc start_running {} {
23 |
global clock_running
24 |
if { $clock_running == 0 } {
25 |
set clock_running 1
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
proc run_clock {} {
31 |
32 |
global clock_running clk_count
33 |
34 |
if { $clock_running == 1 } {
35 |
36 |
after 20 run_clock
37 |
38 |
# changed to 50 for demo
39 |
40 |
41 |
proc paint_displays {} {
42 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_1 [ run_command examine_display_1 ]
43 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_2 [ run_command examine_display_2 ]
44 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_3 [ run_command examine_display_3 ]
45 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_4 [ run_command examine_display_4 ]
46 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_5 [ run_command examine_display_5 ]
47 |
update_display .topwindow.disp.display_6 [ run_command examine_display_6 ]
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
proc CreateWindow. {args} {
52 |
53 |
54 |
# Window manager configurations
55 |
destroy .topwindow
56 |
toplevel .topwindow -width 700 -height 350
57 |
58 |
wm title .topwindow "Calculator Simulator"
59 |
wm protocol .topwindow WM_DELETE_WINDOW close_window
60 |
61 |
# wm geometry .topwindow 80000+100+100
62 |
63 |
# Create_Menubar .topwindow menubar
64 |
65 |
set height 20
66 |
frame .topwindow.disp -width 640 -height 120 -borderwidth 4
67 |
pack .topwindow.disp -side top
68 |
69 |
# create the sevensegment displays
70 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_1
71 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_2
72 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_3
73 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_4
74 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_5
75 |
create_display .topwindow.disp.display_6
76 |
77 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_6 -relx 0.1
78 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_5 -relx 0.2
79 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_4 -relx 0.3
80 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_3 -relx 0.4
81 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_2 -relx 0.5
82 |
place .topwindow.disp.display_1 -relx 0.6
83 |
84 |
frame .topwindow.keyboard -width 450 -height 800 -borderwidth 4
85 |
pack .topwindow.keyboard -side top
86 |
87 |
# build widget .pb1
88 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.pb1 -background {#AEAEB2B2C3C3} -font {Helvetica 10} \
89 |
-foreground {#000000000000} -text {Start}
90 |
91 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.exit \
92 |
-background {#AEAEB2B2C3C3} -font {Helvetica 10} \
93 |
-foreground {#000000000000} -text {exit} -command {run_command exit}
94 |
95 |
96 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.pb1 <Button> { run_command pb1pressed }
97 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.pb1 <ButtonRelease> { run_command pb1released }
98 |
99 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num0 -text 0 -font {Helvetica 14}
100 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num1 -text 1 -font {Helvetica 14}
101 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num2 -text 2 -font {Helvetica 14}
102 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num3 -text 3 -font {Helvetica 14}
103 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num4 -text 4 -font {Helvetica 14}
104 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num5 -text 5 -font {Helvetica 14}
105 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num6 -text 6 -font {Helvetica 14}
106 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num7 -text 7 -font {Helvetica 14}
107 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num8 -text 8 -font {Helvetica 14}
108 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.num9 -text 9 -font {Helvetica 14}
109 |
110 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.add -text {+} -font {Helvetica 14}
111 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.sub -text {-} -font {Helvetica 14}
112 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.mul -text {*} -font {Helvetica 14}
113 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.div -text {/} -font {Helvetica 14}
114 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.clr -text {C} -font {Helvetica 14}
115 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.clk -text {CLK} -font {Helvetica 14}
116 |
button .topwindow.keyboard.ent -text {ENT} -font {Helvetica 14}
117 |
118 |
119 |
grid .topwindow.keyboard.num0 .topwindow.keyboard.num1 .topwindow.keyboard.num2 .topwindow.keyboard.add -row 1 -ipadx 20 -ipady 10
120 |
grid .topwindow.keyboard.num3 .topwindow.keyboard.num4 .topwindow.keyboard.num5 .topwindow.keyboard.sub -row 2 -ipadx 20 -ipady 10
121 |
grid .topwindow.keyboard.num6 .topwindow.keyboard.num7 .topwindow.keyboard.num8 .topwindow.keyboard.mul -row 3 -ipadx 20 -ipady 10
122 |
grid .topwindow.keyboard.num9 .topwindow.keyboard.clr .topwindow.keyboard.ent .topwindow.keyboard.div -row 4 -ipadx 20 -ipady 10
123 |
124 |
grid .topwindow.keyboard.clk .topwindow.keyboard.pb1 .topwindow.keyboard.exit -row 5 -ipadx 20 -ipady 10
125 |
126 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num0 <Button> { run_command num0pressed }
127 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num0 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num0released }
128 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num1 <Button> { run_command num1pressed }
129 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num1 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num1released }
130 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num2 <Button> { run_command num2pressed }
131 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num2 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num2released }
132 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num3 <Button> { run_command num3pressed }
133 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num3 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num3released }
134 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num4 <Button> { run_command num4pressed }
135 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num4 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num4released }
136 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num5 <Button> { run_command num5pressed }
137 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num5 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num5released }
138 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num6 <Button> { run_command num6pressed }
139 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num6 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num6released }
140 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num7 <Button> { run_command num7pressed }
141 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num7 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num7released }
142 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num8 <Button> { run_command num8pressed }
143 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num8 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num8released }
144 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num9 <Button> { run_command num9pressed }
145 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.num9 <ButtonRelease> { run_command num9released }
146 |
147 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.add <Button> { run_command addpressed }
148 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.add <ButtonRelease> { run_command addreleased }
149 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.sub <Button> { run_command subpressed }
150 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.sub <ButtonRelease> { run_command subreleased }
151 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.mul <Button> { run_command mulpressed }
152 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.mul <ButtonRelease> { run_command mulreleased }
153 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.div <Button> { run_command divpressed }
154 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.div <ButtonRelease> { run_command divreleased }
155 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.clr <Button> { run_command clrpressed }
156 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.clr <ButtonRelease> { run_command clrreleased }
157 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.clk <Button> { run_command clkpressed }
158 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.clk <ButtonRelease> { run_command clkreleased }
159 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.ent <Button> { run_command entpressed }
160 |
bind .topwindow.keyboard.ent <ButtonRelease> { run_command entreleased }
161 |
# paint_displays
162 |
163 |
164 |
proc Create_Menubar { toplevel menubar } {
165 |
166 |
global tk_version
167 |
168 |
if { $tk_version >= 8.0 } {
169 |
menu $menubar -type menubar
170 |
$toplevel configure -menu $menubar
171 |
} else {
172 |
173 |
frame $menubar -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
174 |
pack $menubar -side top -fill x -expand true
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
proc Create_Menu { menubar basename text mnemonic } {
180 |
# global
181 |
182 |
183 |
proc close_window {} {
184 |
global clock_running
185 |
set clock_running 0
186 |
after 100 {
187 |
quit -sim; noview wave
188 |
destroy .topwindow
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
proc create_display { display_widget } {
193 |
# a black canvas with seven different rectangles to form an 8
194 |
canvas $display_widget -bg #000000 -width 80 -height 120
195 |
$display_widget create poly 30 20 35 15 65 15 69 19 63 25 35 25 -fill IndianRed -tag segment0
196 |
$display_widget create poly 70 21 74 25 71 55 66 59 61 53 64 26 -fill IndianRed -tag segment1
197 |
$display_widget create poly 66 61 69 64 66 95 62 99 56 94 59 66 -fill IndianRed -tag segment2
198 |
$display_widget create poly 60 101 56 105 25 105 21 101 27 95 54 95 -fill IndianRed -tag segment3
199 |
$display_widget create poly 19 99 16 96 19 65 24 61 29 66 26 94 -fill IndianRed -tag segment4
200 |
$display_widget create poly 25 59 21 55 24 25 28 21 34 26 31 54 -fill IndianRed -tag segment5
201 |
$display_widget create poly 27 60 31 65 58 65 64 60 60 55 32 55 -fill IndianRed -tag segment6
202 |
$display_widget create poly 70 95 80 95 78 105 68 105 -fill IndianRed -tag segment7
203 |
204 |
205 |
proc update_display { display_widget pattern } {
206 |
global colours
207 |
foreach bit { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} {
208 |
$display_widget itemconfigure segment$bit -fill [lindex $colours [string index $pattern $bit]]
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
proc run_command {command {param 0} } {
213 |
214 |
global tb clock_running
215 |
set tb tms1000_tb
216 |
set sec 1ns
217 |
218 |
switch $command {
219 |
220 |
exit { close_window }
221 |
222 |
pb1pressed { start_running }
223 |
pb1released { force /$tb/reset_n 1'b1 }
224 |
225 |
pb2pressed { force /$tb/reset_n 1'b0 }
226 |
pb2released { after 100 force /$tb/reset_n 1'b1 }
227 |
228 |
clock0 { force /$tb/clk 1'b0 }
229 |
clock1 { force /$tb/clk 1'b1 }
230 |
231 |
examine_display_1 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d0 }
232 |
examine_display_2 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d1 }
233 |
examine_display_3 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d2 }
234 |
examine_display_4 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d3 }
235 |
examine_display_5 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d4 }
236 |
examine_display_6 { examine -value -radix bin /$tb/d5 }
237 |
238 |
num0pressed { force /$tb/key0 1'b1 }
239 |
num0released { force /$tb/key0 1'b0 }
240 |
num1pressed { force /$tb/key1 1'b1 }
241 |
num1released { force /$tb/key1 1'b0 }
242 |
num2pressed { force /$tb/key2 1'b1 }
243 |
num2released { force /$tb/key2 1'b0 }
244 |
num3pressed { force /$tb/key3 1'b1 }
245 |
num3released { force /$tb/key3 1'b0 }
246 |
num4pressed { force /$tb/key4 1'b1 }
247 |
num4released { force /$tb/key4 1'b0 }
248 |
num5pressed { force /$tb/key5 1'b1 }
249 |
num5released { force /$tb/key5 1'b0 }
250 |
num6pressed { force /$tb/key6 1'b1 }
251 |
num6released { force /$tb/key6 1'b0 }
252 |
num7pressed { force /$tb/key7 1'b1 }
253 |
num7released { force /$tb/key7 1'b0 }
254 |
num8pressed { force /$tb/key8 1'b1 }
255 |
num8released { force /$tb/key8 1'b0 }
256 |
num9pressed { force /$tb/key9 1'b1 }
257 |
num9released { force /$tb/key9 1'b0 }
258 |
259 |
addpressed { force /$tb/keyplus 1'b1 }
260 |
addreleased { force /$tb/keyplus 1'b0 }
261 |
subpressed { force /$tb/keyminus 1'b1 }
262 |
subreleased { force /$tb/keyminus 1'b0 }
263 |
mulpressed { force /$tb/keymul 1'b1 }
264 |
mulreleased { force /$tb/keymul 1'b0 }
265 |
divpressed { force /$tb/keydiv 1'b1 }
266 |
divreleased { force /$tb/keydiv 1'b0 }
267 |
clrpressed { force /$tb/keyc 1'b1 }
268 |
clrreleased { force /$tb/keyc 1'b0 }
269 |
clkpressed { force /$tb/keyclk 1'b1 }
270 |
clkreleased { force /$tb/keyclk 1'b0 }
271 |
entpressed { force /$tb/keyent 1'b1 }
272 |
entreleased { force /$tb/keyent 1'b0 }
273 |
274 |
run100 { run $sec }
275 |
default { puts " This option $command not enabled " }
276 |
277 |
278 |
### display_l and pb2_pressed to be made options...
279 |
# commands for dip3 to dip8 can also be added in the above switch
280 |
281 |
282 |
proc initialize {} {
283 |
global tb
284 |
set tb tms1000_tb
285 |
if { [file exists work]== 0} {
286 |
vlib work
287 |
288 |
#vmap work work
289 |
vlog +acc tms1000.v tms1000_tb.v
290 |
vsim +acc work.tms1000_tb
291 |
292 |
293 |
view wave
294 |
onerror {resume}
295 |
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
296 |
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /$tb/clk
297 |
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /$tb/reset_n
298 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/q
299 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/k
300 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/r
301 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/tms1000/ram/Xreg_0
302 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/tms1000/ram/Xreg_1
303 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/tms1000/ram/Xreg_2
304 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/tms1000/ram/Xreg_3
305 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/count
306 |
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /$tb/clk_60
307 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d0
308 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d1
309 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d2
310 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d3
311 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d4
312 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d5
313 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d6
314 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d7
315 |
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /$tb/d8
316 |
317 |
run -all
318 |
# paint_displays
319 |
320 |
321 |
set clock_running 0
322 |
set clk_count 0
323 |
set colours {#330000 #cc0000}
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
#uncomment this next line to start the right display with a value;
328 |
#update_display .topwindow.display_r 0111101