1 |
2 |
pjf |
2 |
-- Company:
3 |
-- Engineer: Peter Fall
4 |
5 |
-- Create Date: 5 June 2011
6 |
-- Design Name:
7 |
-- Module Name: UDP_TX - Behavioral
8 |
-- Project Name:
9 |
-- Target Devices:
10 |
-- Tool versions:
11 |
-- Description:
12 |
-- handle simple UDP TX
13 |
-- doesnt generate the checksum(supposedly optional)
14 |
-- Dependencies:
15 |
16 |
-- Revision:
17 |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
18 |
10 |
pjf |
-- Revision 0.02 - Added abort of tx when receive last from upstream
19 |
2 |
pjf |
-- Additional Comments:
20 |
21 |
22 |
library IEEE;
23 |
24 |
25 |
use work.axi.all;
26 |
use work.ipv4_types.all;
27 |
28 |
entity UDP_TX is
29 |
Port (
30 |
-- UDP Layer signals
31 |
udp_tx_start : in std_logic; -- indicates req to tx UDP
32 |
udp_txi : in udp_tx_type; -- UDP tx cxns
33 |
udp_tx_result : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);-- tx status (changes during transmission)
34 |
udp_tx_data_out_ready: out std_logic; -- indicates udp_tx is ready to take data
35 |
-- system signals
36 |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; -- same clock used to clock mac data and ip data
37 |
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
38 |
-- IP layer TX signals
39 |
ip_tx_start : out std_logic;
40 |
ip_tx : out ipv4_tx_type; -- IP tx cxns
41 |
ip_tx_result : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); -- tx status (changes during transmission)
42 |
ip_tx_data_out_ready : in std_logic -- indicates IP TX is ready to take data
43 |
44 |
end UDP_TX;
45 |
46 |
architecture Behavioral of UDP_TX is
47 |
8 |
pjf |
type tx_state_type is (IDLE, PAUSE, SEND_UDP_HDR, SEND_USER_DATA);
48 |
2 |
pjf |
49 |
type count_mode_type is (RST, INCR, HOLD);
50 |
type settable_cnt_type is (RST, SET, INCR, HOLD);
51 |
type set_clr_type is (SET, CLR, HOLD);
52 |
53 |
-- TX state variables
54 |
signal udp_tx_state : tx_state_type;
55 |
signal tx_count : unsigned (15 downto 0);
56 |
signal tx_result_reg : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
57 |
signal ip_tx_start_reg : std_logic;
58 |
signal data_out_ready_reg : std_logic;
59 |
60 |
-- tx control signals
61 |
signal next_tx_state : tx_state_type;
62 |
signal set_tx_state : std_logic;
63 |
signal next_tx_result : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
64 |
signal set_tx_result : std_logic;
65 |
signal tx_count_val : unsigned (15 downto 0);
66 |
signal tx_count_mode : settable_cnt_type;
67 |
signal tx_data : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
68 |
signal set_last : std_logic;
69 |
signal set_ip_tx_start : set_clr_type;
70 |
signal tx_data_valid : std_logic; -- indicates whether data is valid to tx or not
71 |
72 |
-- tx temp signals
73 |
signal total_length : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); -- computed combinatorially from header size
74 |
75 |
76 |
-- IP datagram header format
77 |
78 |
-- 0 4 8 16 19 24 31
79 |
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 |
-- | source port number | dest port number |
81 |
-- | | |
82 |
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 |
-- | length (bytes) | checksum |
84 |
-- | (header and data combined) | |
85 |
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 |
-- | Data |
87 |
-- | |
88 |
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 |
-- | .... |
90 |
-- | |
91 |
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
-- combinatorial process to implement FSM and determine control signals
96 |
97 |
98 |
tx_combinatorial : process(
99 |
-- input signals
100 |
udp_tx_start, udp_txi, clk, ip_tx_result, ip_tx_data_out_ready,
101 |
-- state variables
102 |
udp_tx_state, tx_count, tx_result_reg, ip_tx_start_reg, data_out_ready_reg,
103 |
-- control signals
104 |
next_tx_state, set_tx_state, next_tx_result, set_tx_result, tx_count_mode, tx_count_val,
105 |
tx_data, set_last, total_length, set_ip_tx_start, tx_data_valid
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
-- set output followers
110 |
ip_tx_start <= ip_tx_start_reg;
111 |
ip_tx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP protocol
112 |
ip_tx.hdr.data_length <= total_length;
113 |
ip_tx.hdr.dst_ip_addr <= udp_txi.hdr.dst_ip_addr;
114 |
8 |
pjf |
if udp_tx_start = '1' and ip_tx_start_reg = '0' then
115 |
udp_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_NONE; -- kill the result until have started the IP layer
116 |
117 |
udp_tx_result <= tx_result_reg;
118 |
end if;
119 |
120 |
2 |
pjf |
case udp_tx_state is
121 |
122 |
ip_tx.data.data_out <= udp_txi.data.data_out;
123 |
tx_data_valid <= udp_txi.data.data_out_valid;
124 |
ip_tx.data.data_out_last <= udp_txi.data.data_out_last;
125 |
126 |
when SEND_UDP_HDR =>
127 |
ip_tx.data.data_out <= tx_data;
128 |
tx_data_valid <= ip_tx_data_out_ready;
129 |
ip_tx.data.data_out_last <= set_last;
130 |
131 |
when others =>
132 |
ip_tx.data.data_out <= (others => '0');
133 |
tx_data_valid <= '0';
134 |
ip_tx.data.data_out_last <= set_last;
135 |
end case;
136 |
137 |
ip_tx.data.data_out_valid <= tx_data_valid and ip_tx_data_out_ready;
138 |
139 |
-- set signal defaults
140 |
next_tx_state <= IDLE;
141 |
set_tx_state <= '0';
142 |
tx_count_mode <= HOLD;
143 |
tx_data <= x"00";
144 |
set_last <= '0';
145 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_NONE;
146 |
set_tx_result <= '0';
147 |
set_ip_tx_start <= HOLD;
148 |
tx_count_val <= (others => '0');
149 |
8 |
pjf |
udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '0';
150 |
2 |
pjf |
151 |
-- set temp signals
152 |
total_length <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(udp_txi.hdr.data_length) + 8); -- total length = user data length + header length (bytes)
153 |
154 |
155 |
case udp_tx_state is
156 |
when IDLE =>
157 |
udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '0'; -- in this state, we are unable to accept user data for tx
158 |
tx_count_mode <= RST;
159 |
if udp_tx_start = '1' then
160 |
-- check header count for error if too high
161 |
if unsigned(udp_txi.hdr.data_length) > 1472 then
162 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_ERR;
163 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
164 |
165 |
-- start to send UDP header
166 |
tx_count_mode <= RST;
167 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_SENDING;
168 |
set_ip_tx_start <= SET;
169 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
170 |
8 |
pjf |
next_tx_state <= PAUSE;
171 |
2 |
pjf |
set_tx_state <= '1';
172 |
end if;
173 |
end if;
174 |
8 |
pjf |
175 |
when PAUSE =>
176 |
-- delay one clock for IP layer to respond to ip_tx_start and remove any tx error result
177 |
next_tx_state <= SEND_UDP_HDR;
178 |
set_tx_state <= '1';
179 |
180 |
2 |
pjf |
when SEND_UDP_HDR =>
181 |
udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '0'; -- in this state, we are unable to accept user data for tx
182 |
8 |
pjf |
if ip_tx_result = IPTX_RESULT_ERR then
183 |
set_ip_tx_start <= CLR;
184 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_ERR;
185 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
186 |
next_tx_state <= IDLE;
187 |
set_tx_state <= '1';
188 |
elsif ip_tx_data_out_ready = '1' then
189 |
2 |
pjf |
if tx_count = x"0007" then
190 |
tx_count_val <= x"0001";
191 |
tx_count_mode <= SET;
192 |
next_tx_state <= SEND_USER_DATA;
193 |
set_tx_state <= '1';
194 |
195 |
tx_count_mode <= INCR;
196 |
end if;
197 |
case tx_count is
198 |
when x"0000" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.src_port (15 downto 8); -- src port
199 |
when x"0001" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.src_port (7 downto 0);
200 |
when x"0002" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.dst_port (15 downto 8); -- dst port
201 |
when x"0003" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.dst_port (7 downto 0);
202 |
when x"0004" => tx_data <= total_length (15 downto 8); -- length
203 |
when x"0005" => tx_data <= total_length (7 downto 0);
204 |
when x"0006" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.checksum (15 downto 8); -- checksum (set by upstream)
205 |
when x"0007" => tx_data <= udp_txi.hdr.checksum (7 downto 0);
206 |
when others =>
207 |
-- shouldnt get here - handle as error
208 |
next_tx_result <= IPTX_RESULT_ERR;
209 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
210 |
end case;
211 |
end if;
212 |
213 |
214 |
udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '1'; -- in this state, we are always ready to accept user data for tx
215 |
if ip_tx_data_out_ready = '1' then
216 |
if udp_txi.data.data_out_valid = '1' or tx_count = x"000" then
217 |
-- only increment if ready and valid has been subsequently established, otherwise data count moves on too fast
218 |
if unsigned(tx_count) = unsigned(udp_txi.hdr.data_length) then
219 |
10 |
pjf |
-- TX terminated due to count - end normally
220 |
2 |
pjf |
set_last <= '1';
221 |
tx_data <= udp_txi.data.data_out;
222 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_SENT;
223 |
set_ip_tx_start <= CLR;
224 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
225 |
next_tx_state <= IDLE;
226 |
set_tx_state <= '1';
227 |
10 |
pjf |
elsif udp_txi.data.data_out_last = '1' then
228 |
-- terminate tx with error as got last from upstream before exhausting count
229 |
set_last <= '1';
230 |
tx_data <= udp_txi.data.data_out;
231 |
next_tx_result <= UDPTX_RESULT_ERR;
232 |
set_ip_tx_start <= CLR;
233 |
set_tx_result <= '1';
234 |
next_tx_state <= IDLE;
235 |
set_tx_state <= '1';
236 |
2 |
pjf |
237 |
10 |
pjf |
-- TX continues
238 |
2 |
pjf |
tx_count_mode <= INCR;
239 |
tx_data <= udp_txi.data.data_out;
240 |
end if;
241 |
end if;
242 |
end if;
243 |
244 |
end case;
245 |
end process;
246 |
247 |
248 |
-- sequential process to action control signals and change states and outputs
249 |
250 |
251 |
tx_sequential : process (clk,reset,data_out_ready_reg)
252 |
253 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
254 |
data_out_ready_reg <= ip_tx_data_out_ready;
255 |
256 |
data_out_ready_reg <= data_out_ready_reg;
257 |
end if;
258 |
259 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
260 |
if reset = '1' then
261 |
-- reset state variables
262 |
udp_tx_state <= IDLE;
263 |
tx_count <= x"0000";
264 |
tx_result_reg <= IPTX_RESULT_NONE;
265 |
ip_tx_start_reg <= '0';
266 |
267 |
-- Next udp_tx_state processing
268 |
if set_tx_state = '1' then
269 |
udp_tx_state <= next_tx_state;
270 |
271 |
udp_tx_state <= udp_tx_state;
272 |
end if;
273 |
274 |
-- ip_tx_start_reg processing
275 |
case set_ip_tx_start is
276 |
when SET => ip_tx_start_reg <= '1';
277 |
when CLR => ip_tx_start_reg <= '0';
278 |
when HOLD => ip_tx_start_reg <= ip_tx_start_reg;
279 |
end case;
280 |
281 |
-- tx result processing
282 |
if set_tx_result = '1' then
283 |
tx_result_reg <= next_tx_result;
284 |
285 |
tx_result_reg <= tx_result_reg;
286 |
end if;
287 |
288 |
-- tx_count processing
289 |
case tx_count_mode is
290 |
when RST => tx_count <= x"0000";
291 |
when SET => tx_count <= tx_count_val;
292 |
when INCR => tx_count <= tx_count + 1;
293 |
when HOLD => tx_count <= tx_count;
294 |
end case;
295 |
296 |
end if;
297 |
end if;
298 |
end process;
299 |
300 |
301 |
end Behavioral;
302 |