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rudi |
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-- Wishbone compliant cycle shared memory, priority based selection
3 |
-- author: Richard Herveille
4 |
5 |
-- rev.: 1.0 july 12th, 2001. Initial release
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9 |
library ieee;
10 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
11 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
12 |
13 |
entity csm_pb is
14 |
15 |
DWIDTH : natural := 32; -- databus width
16 |
AWIDTH : natural := 8 -- addressbus width
17 |
18 |
19 |
-- SYSCON signals
20 |
CLK_I : in std_logic; -- wishbone clock input
21 |
RST_I : in std_logic; -- synchronous active high reset
22 |
nRESET : in std_logic; -- asynchronous active low reset
23 |
24 |
-- wishbone slave0 connections
25 |
ADR0_I : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- address input
26 |
DAT0_I : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data input
27 |
DAT0_O : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data output
28 |
SEL0_I : in std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0); -- byte select input
29 |
WE0_I : in std_logic; -- write enable input
30 |
STB0_I : in std_logic; -- strobe input
31 |
CYC0_I : in std_logic; -- valid bus cycle input
32 |
ACK0_O : out std_logic; -- acknowledge output
33 |
ERR0_O : out std_logic; -- error output
34 |
35 |
-- wishbone slave1 connections
36 |
ADR1_I : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- address input
37 |
DAT1_I : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data input
38 |
DAT1_O : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data output
39 |
SEL1_I : in std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0); -- byte select input
40 |
WE1_I : in std_logic; -- write enable input
41 |
STB1_I : in std_logic; -- strobe input
42 |
CYC1_I : in std_logic; -- valid bus cycle input
43 |
ACK1_O : out std_logic; -- acknowledge output
44 |
ERR1_O : out std_logic -- error output
45 |
46 |
end entity csm_pb;
47 |
48 |
architecture structural of csm_pb is
49 |
-- function declarations
50 |
function "and"(L: std_logic_vector; R : std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
51 |
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(L'range);
52 |
53 |
for n in L'range loop
54 |
tmp(n) := L(n) and R;
55 |
end loop;
56 |
return tmp;
57 |
end function "and";
58 |
59 |
function "and"(L: std_logic; R : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
60 |
61 |
return (R and L);
62 |
end function "and";
63 |
64 |
-- define memory array
65 |
type mem_array is array(2**AWIDTH -1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0);
66 |
signal mem : mem_array;
67 |
68 |
-- multiplexor select signal
69 |
signal wb0_acc, dwb0_acc : std_logic;
70 |
signal wb1_acc, dwb1_acc : std_logic;
71 |
signal sel_wb0 : std_logic;
72 |
signal sel_wb1 : std_logic;
73 |
signal ack0_pipe, ack1_pipe : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
74 |
75 |
-- multiplexed memory busses / signals
76 |
signal mem_adr, mem_radr : unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0);
77 |
signal mem_dati, mem_dato : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0);
78 |
signal mem_we : std_logic;
79 |
80 |
-- acknowledge generation
81 |
signal wb0_ack, wb1_ack : std_logic;
82 |
83 |
-- error signal generation
84 |
signal err0, err1 : std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0);
85 |
86 |
87 |
-- generate multiplexor select signal
88 |
wb0_acc <= CYC0_I and STB0_I;
89 |
wb1_acc <= CYC1_I and STB1_I and not sel_wb0;
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
94 |
dwb0_acc <= wb0_acc and not wb0_ack;
95 |
dwb1_acc <= wb1_acc and not wb1_ack;
96 |
end if;
97 |
end process;
98 |
99 |
sel_wb0 <= wb0_acc and not dwb0_acc;
100 |
sel_wb1 <= wb1_acc and not dwb1_acc;
101 |
102 |
gen_ack_pipe: process(CLK_I, nRESET)
103 |
104 |
if (nRESET = '0') then
105 |
ack0_pipe <= (others => '0');
106 |
ack1_pipe <= (others => '0');
107 |
elsif (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
108 |
if (RST_I = '1') then
109 |
ack0_pipe <= (others => '0');
110 |
ack1_pipe <= (others => '0');
111 |
112 |
ack0_pipe <= (ack0_pipe(2 downto 0) & sel_wb0) and not wb0_ack;
113 |
ack1_pipe <= (ack1_pipe(2 downto 0) & sel_wb1) and not wb1_ack;
114 |
end if;
115 |
end if;
116 |
end process gen_ack_pipe;
117 |
118 |
-- multiplex memory bus
119 |
-- gen_muxs: process(CLK_I)
120 |
-- begin
121 |
-- if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
122 |
-- if (sel_wb0 = '1') then
123 |
-- mem_adr <= adr0_i;
124 |
-- mem_dati <= dat0_i;
125 |
-- mem_we <= we0_i and cyc0_i and stb0_i and not wb0_ack;
126 |
-- else
127 |
-- mem_adr <= adr1_i;
128 |
-- mem_dati <= dat1_i;
129 |
-- mem_we <= we1_i and cyc1_i and stb1_i and not wb1_ack;
130 |
-- end if;
131 |
-- end if;
132 |
-- end process gen_muxs;
133 |
134 |
mem_adr <= adr0_i when (sel_wb0 = '1') else adr1_i;
135 |
mem_dati <= dat0_i when (sel_wb0 = '1') else dat1_i;
136 |
mem_we <= (we0_i and cyc0_i and stb0_i) when (sel_wb0 = '1') else (we1_i and cyc1_i and stb1_i);
137 |
138 |
-- memory access
139 |
gen_mem: process(CLK_I)
140 |
141 |
if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
142 |
-- write operation
143 |
if (mem_we = '1') then
144 |
mem(conv_integer(mem_adr)) <= mem_dati;
145 |
end if;
146 |
147 |
-- read operation
148 |
mem_radr <= mem_adr; -- FLEX RAMs require address to be registered with inclock for read operation.
149 |
mem_dato <= mem(conv_integer(mem_radr));
150 |
end if;
151 |
end process gen_mem;
152 |
153 |
-- assign DAT_O outputs
154 |
DAT1_O <= mem_dato;
155 |
DAT0_O <= mem_dato;
156 |
157 |
-- assign ACK_O outputs
158 |
-- gen_ack: process(CLK_I)
159 |
-- begin
160 |
-- if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then
161 |
wb0_ack <= ( (sel_wb0 and WE0_I) or (ack0_pipe(1)) );-- and not wb0_ack;
162 |
wb1_ack <= ( (sel_wb1 and WE1_I) or (ack1_pipe(1)) );-- and not wb1_ack;
163 |
-- end if;
164 |
-- end process gen_ack;
165 |
-- ACK outputs
166 |
ACK0_O <= wb0_ack;
167 |
ACK1_O <= wb1_ack;
168 |
169 |
-- ERR outputs
170 |
err0 <= (others => '1');
171 |
ERR0_O <= '1' when ( (SEL0_I /= err0) and (CYC0_I = '1') and (STB0_I = '1') ) else '0';
172 |
173 |
err1 <= (others => '1');
174 |
ERR1_O <= '1' when ( (SEL1_I /= err1) and (CYC1_I = '1') and (STB1_I = '1') ) else '0';
175 |
end architecture;
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