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2 |
dgisselq |
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3 |
// Filename: wbscope.v
4 |
5 |
// Project: FPGA Library of Routines
6 |
7 |
// Purpose: This is a generic/library routine for providing a bus accessed
8 |
// 'scope' or (perhaps more appropriately) a bus accessed logic
9 |
// analyzer. The general operation is such that this 'scope' can
10 |
// record and report on any 32 bit value transiting through the
11 |
// FPGA. Once started and reset, the scope records a copy of the
12 |
// input data every time the clock ticks with the circuit enabled.
13 |
// That is, it records these values up until the trigger. Once
14 |
// the trigger goes high, the scope will record for bw_holdoff
15 |
// more counts before stopping. Values may then be read from the
16 |
// buffer, oldest to most recent. After reading, the scope may
17 |
// then be reset for another run.
18 |
19 |
// In general, therefore, operation happens in this fashion:
20 |
// 1. A reset is issued.
21 |
// 2. Recording starts, in a circular buffer, and continues until
22 |
// 3. The trigger line is asserted.
23 |
// The scope registers the asserted trigger by setting
24 |
// the 'o_triggered' output flag.
25 |
// 4. A counter then ticks until the last value is written
26 |
// The scope registers that it has stopped recording by
27 |
// setting the 'o_stopped' output flag.
28 |
// 5. The scope recording is then paused until the next reset.
29 |
// 6. While stopped, the CPU can read the data from the scope
30 |
// 7. -- oldest to most recent
31 |
// 8. -- one value per i_rd&i_clk
32 |
// 9. Writes to the data register reset the address to the
33 |
// beginning of the buffer
34 |
35 |
// Although the data width DW is parameterized, it is not very changable,
36 |
// since the width is tied to the width of the data bus, as is the
37 |
// control word. Therefore changing the data width would require changing
38 |
// the interface. It's doable, but it would be a change to the interface.
39 |
40 |
// The SYNCHRONOUS parameter turns on and off meta-stability
41 |
// synchronization. Ideally a wishbone scope able to handle one or two
42 |
// clocks would have a changing number of ports as this SYNCHRONOUS
43 |
// parameter changed. Other than running another script to modify
44 |
// this, I don't know how to do that so ... we'll just leave it running
45 |
// off of two clocks or not.
46 |
47 |
48 |
// Internal to this routine, registers and wires are named with one of the
49 |
// following prefixes:
50 |
51 |
// i_ An input port to the routine
52 |
// o_ An output port of the routine
53 |
// br_ A register, controlled by the bus clock
54 |
// dr_ A register, controlled by the data clock
55 |
// bw_ A wire/net, controlled by the bus clock
56 |
// dw_ A wire/net, controlled by the data clock
57 |
58 |
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
59 |
11 |
dgisselq |
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
60 |
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dgisselq |
61 |
62 |
63 |
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
64 |
65 |
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
66 |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
67 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
68 |
// your option) any later version.
69 |
70 |
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
71 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
72 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
73 |
// for more details.
74 |
75 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
76 |
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
77 |
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
78 |
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
79 |
80 |
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
81 |
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
module wbscope(i_clk, i_ce, i_trigger, i_data,
86 |
i_wb_clk, i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data,
87 |
o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall, o_wb_data,
88 |
89 |
parameter LGMEM = 5'd10, BUSW = 32, SYNCHRONOUS=1;
90 |
// The input signals that we wish to record
91 |
input i_clk, i_ce, i_trigger;
92 |
input [(BUSW-1):0] i_data;
93 |
// The WISHBONE bus for reading and configuring this scope
94 |
input i_wb_clk, i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we;
95 |
input i_wb_addr; // One address line only
96 |
input [(BUSW-1):0] i_wb_data;
97 |
output wire o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall;
98 |
output reg [(BUSW-1):0] o_wb_data;
99 |
// And, finally, for a final flair --- offer to interrupt the CPU after
100 |
// our trigger has gone off. This line is equivalent to the scope
101 |
// being stopped. It is not maskable here.
102 |
output wire o_interrupt;
103 |
104 |
reg [(LGMEM-1):0] raddr;
105 |
reg [(BUSW-1):0] mem[0:((1<<LGMEM)-1)];
106 |
107 |
// Our status/config register
108 |
wire bw_reset_request, bw_manual_trigger,
109 |
bw_disable_trigger, bw_reset_complete;
110 |
reg [22:0] br_config;
111 |
wire [19:0] bw_holdoff;
112 |
initial br_config = ((1<<(LGMEM-1))-4);
113 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
114 |
if ((i_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_stb)&&(~i_wb_addr))
115 |
116 |
if (i_wb_we)
117 |
br_config <= { i_wb_data[31],
118 |
119 |
120 |
i_wb_data[19:0] };
121 |
end else if (bw_reset_complete)
122 |
br_config[22] <= 1'b1;
123 |
assign bw_reset_request = (~br_config[22]);
124 |
assign bw_manual_trigger = (br_config[21]);
125 |
assign bw_disable_trigger = (br_config[20]);
126 |
assign bw_holdoff = br_config[19:0];
127 |
128 |
wire dw_reset, dw_manual_trigger, dw_disable_trigger;
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
assign dw_reset = bw_reset_request;
133 |
assign dw_manual_trigger = bw_manual_trigger;
134 |
assign dw_disable_trigger = bw_disable_trigger;
135 |
assign bw_reset_complete = bw_reset_request;
136 |
end else begin
137 |
reg r_reset_complete;
138 |
reg [2:0] r_iflags, q_iflags;
139 |
140 |
// Resets are synchronous to the bus clock, not the data clock
141 |
// so do a clock transfer here
142 |
initial q_iflags = 3'b000;
143 |
initial r_reset_complete = 1'b0;
144 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
145 |
146 |
q_iflags <= { bw_reset_request, bw_manual_trigger, bw_disable_trigger };
147 |
r_iflags <= q_iflags;
148 |
r_reset_complete <= (dw_reset);
149 |
150 |
151 |
assign dw_reset = r_iflags[2];
152 |
assign dw_manual_trigger = r_iflags[1];
153 |
assign dw_disable_trigger = r_iflags[0];
154 |
155 |
reg q_reset_complete, qq_reset_complete;
156 |
// Pass an acknowledgement back from the data clock to the bus
157 |
// clock that the reset has been accomplished
158 |
initial q_reset_complete = 1'b0;
159 |
initial qq_reset_complete = 1'b0;
160 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
161 |
162 |
q_reset_complete <= r_reset_complete;
163 |
qq_reset_complete <= q_reset_complete;
164 |
165 |
166 |
assign bw_reset_complete = qq_reset_complete;
167 |
end endgenerate
168 |
169 |
170 |
// Set up the trigger
171 |
172 |
173 |
// Write with the i-clk, or input clock. All outputs read with the
174 |
// WISHBONE-clk, or i_wb_clk clock.
175 |
reg dr_triggered, dr_primed;
176 |
wire dw_trigger;
177 |
assign dw_trigger = (dr_primed)&&(
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
initial dr_triggered = 1'b0;
182 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
183 |
if (dw_reset)
184 |
dr_triggered <= 1'b0;
185 |
else if ((i_ce)&&(dw_trigger))
186 |
dr_triggered <= 1'b1;
187 |
188 |
189 |
// Determine when memory is full and capture is complete
190 |
191 |
// Writes take place on the data clock
192 |
reg dr_stopped;
193 |
reg [19:0] counter; // This is unsigned
194 |
initial dr_stopped = 1'b0;
195 |
initial counter = 20'h0000;
196 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
197 |
if (dw_reset)
198 |
199 |
counter <= 0;
200 |
dr_stopped <= 1'b0;
201 |
end else if ((i_ce)&&(dr_triggered))
202 |
begin // MUST BE a < and not <=, so that we can keep this w/in
203 |
// 20 bits. Else we'd need to add a bit to comparison
204 |
// here.
205 |
if (counter < bw_holdoff)
206 |
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counter <= counter + 20'h01;
207 |
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208 |
dr_stopped <= 1'b1;
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
// Actually do our writes to memory. Record, via 'primed' when
213 |
// the memory is full.
214 |
215 |
// The 'waddr' address that we are using really crosses two clock
216 |
// domains. While writing and changing, it's in the data clock
217 |
// domain. Once stopped, it becomes part of the bus clock domain.
218 |
// The clock transfer on the stopped line handles the clock
219 |
// transfer for these signals.
220 |
221 |
reg [(LGMEM-1):0] waddr;
222 |
initial waddr = {(LGMEM){1'b0}};
223 |
initial dr_primed = 1'b0;
224 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
225 |
if (dw_reset) // For simulation purposes, supply a valid value
226 |
227 |
waddr <= 0; // upon reset.
228 |
dr_primed <= 1'b0;
229 |
end else if ((i_ce)&&((~dr_triggered)||(counter < bw_holdoff)))
230 |
231 |
9 |
dgisselq |
// mem[waddr] <= i_data;
232 |
waddr <= waddr + {{(LGMEM-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
233 |
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dgisselq |
dr_primed <= (dr_primed)||(&waddr);
234 |
235 |
9 |
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always @(posedge i_clk)
236 |
if ((i_ce)&&((~dr_triggered)||(counter < bw_holdoff)))
237 |
mem[waddr] <= i_data;
238 |
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239 |
240 |
// Clock transfer of the status signals
241 |
242 |
wire bw_stopped, bw_triggered, bw_primed;
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
assign bw_stopped = dr_stopped;
247 |
assign bw_triggered = dr_triggered;
248 |
assign bw_primed = dr_primed;
249 |
end else begin
250 |
// These aren't a problem, since none of these are strobe
251 |
// signals. They goes from low to high, and then stays high
252 |
// for many clocks. Swapping is thus easy--two flip flops to
253 |
// protect against meta-stability and we're done.
254 |
255 |
reg [2:0] q_oflags, r_oflags;
256 |
initial q_oflags = 3'h0;
257 |
initial r_oflags = 3'h0;
258 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
259 |
if (bw_reset_request)
260 |
261 |
q_oflags <= 3'h0;
262 |
r_oflags <= 3'h0;
263 |
end else begin
264 |
q_oflags <= { dr_stopped, dr_triggered, dr_primed };
265 |
r_oflags <= q_oflags;
266 |
267 |
268 |
assign bw_stopped = r_oflags[2];
269 |
assign bw_triggered = r_oflags[1];
270 |
assign bw_primed = r_oflags[0];
271 |
end endgenerate
272 |
273 |
// Reads use the bus clock
274 |
reg br_wb_ack;
275 |
initial br_wb_ack = 1'b0;
276 |
wire bw_cyc_stb;
277 |
assign bw_cyc_stb = ((i_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_stb));
278 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
279 |
280 |
if ((bw_reset_request)
281 |
282 |
raddr <= 0;
283 |
else if ((bw_cyc_stb)&&(i_wb_addr)&&(~i_wb_we)&&(bw_stopped))
284 |
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dgisselq |
raddr <= raddr + {{(LGMEM-1){1'b0}},1'b1}; // Data read, when stopped
285 |
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286 |
if ((bw_cyc_stb)&&(~i_wb_we))
287 |
begin // Read from the bus
288 |
br_wb_ack <= 1'b1;
289 |
end else if ((bw_cyc_stb)&&(i_wb_we))
290 |
// We did this write above
291 |
br_wb_ack <= 1'b1;
292 |
else // Do nothing if either i_wb_cyc or i_wb_stb are low
293 |
br_wb_ack <= 1'b0;
294 |
295 |
296 |
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reg [31:0] nxt_mem;
297 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
298 |
nxt_mem <= mem[raddr+waddr+
299 |
10 |
dgisselq |
(((bw_cyc_stb)&&(i_wb_addr)&&(~i_wb_we)) ?
300 |
{{(LGMEM-1){1'b0}},1'b1} : { (LGMEM){1'b0}} )];
301 |
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302 |
2 |
dgisselq |
wire [4:0] bw_lgmem;
303 |
assign bw_lgmem = LGMEM;
304 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
305 |
if (~i_wb_addr) // Control register read
306 |
o_wb_data <= { bw_reset_request,
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
(raddr == {(LGMEM){1'b0}}),
313 |
314 |
bw_holdoff };
315 |
else if (~bw_stopped) // read, prior to stopping
316 |
o_wb_data <= i_data;
317 |
else // if (i_wb_addr) // Read from FIFO memory
318 |
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o_wb_data <= nxt_mem; // mem[raddr+waddr];
319 |
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320 |
assign o_wb_stall = 1'b0;
321 |
assign o_wb_ack = (i_wb_cyc)&&(br_wb_ack);
322 |
323 |
reg br_level_interrupt;
324 |
initial br_level_interrupt = 1'b0;
325 |
assign o_interrupt = (bw_stopped)&&(~bw_disable_trigger)
326 |
327 |
always @(posedge i_wb_clk)
328 |
if ((bw_reset_complete)||(bw_reset_request))
329 |
br_level_interrupt<= 1'b0;
330 |
331 |
br_level_interrupt<= (bw_stopped)&&(~bw_disable_trigger);
332 |
333 |