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// Copyright 1986-2016 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Tool Version: Vivado v.2016.4 (win64) Build 1756540 Mon Jan 23 19:11:23 MST 2017
4 |
// Date : Wed Mar 29 09:06:36 2017
5 |
// Host : PCKVAS running 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
6 |
// Command : write_verilog -force -mode synth_stub
7 |
// C:/projects/dfc/xenie/Eth_example/trunk/src/ip/rxaui_0/rxaui_0_stub.v
8 |
// Design : rxaui_0
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// Purpose : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
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// Device : xc7k70tfbg676-1
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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// This empty module with port declaration file causes synthesis tools to infer a black box for IP.
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// The synthesis directives are for Synopsys Synplify support to prevent IO buffer insertion.
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// Please paste the declaration into a Verilog source file or add the file as an additional source.
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(* x_core_info = "rxaui_v4_3_7,Vivado 2016.4" *)
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module rxaui_0(reset, dclk, clk156_out, clk156_lock, refclk_p,
18 |
refclk_n, qplloutclk_out, qplllock_out, qplloutrefclk_out, refclk_out, xgmii_txd, xgmii_txc,
19 |
xgmii_rxd, xgmii_rxc, rxaui_tx_l0_p, rxaui_tx_l0_n, rxaui_tx_l1_p, rxaui_tx_l1_n,
20 |
rxaui_rx_l0_p, rxaui_rx_l0_n, rxaui_rx_l1_p, rxaui_rx_l1_n, signal_detect, debug, mdc, mdio_in,
21 |
mdio_out, mdio_tri, prtad, type_sel)
22 |
/* synthesis syn_black_box black_box_pad_pin="reset,dclk,clk156_out,clk156_lock,refclk_p,refclk_n,qplloutclk_out,qplllock_out,qplloutrefclk_out,refclk_out,xgmii_txd[63:0],xgmii_txc[7:0],xgmii_rxd[63:0],xgmii_rxc[7:0],rxaui_tx_l0_p,rxaui_tx_l0_n,rxaui_tx_l1_p,rxaui_tx_l1_n,rxaui_rx_l0_p,rxaui_rx_l0_n,rxaui_rx_l1_p,rxaui_rx_l1_n,signal_detect[1:0],debug[5:0],mdc,mdio_in,mdio_out,mdio_tri,prtad[4:0],type_sel[1:0]" */;
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input reset;
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input dclk;
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output clk156_out;
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output clk156_lock;
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input refclk_p;
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input refclk_n;
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output qplloutclk_out;
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output qplllock_out;
31 |
output qplloutrefclk_out;
32 |
output refclk_out;
33 |
input [63:0]xgmii_txd;
34 |
input [7:0]xgmii_txc;
35 |
output [63:0]xgmii_rxd;
36 |
output [7:0]xgmii_rxc;
37 |
output rxaui_tx_l0_p;
38 |
output rxaui_tx_l0_n;
39 |
output rxaui_tx_l1_p;
40 |
output rxaui_tx_l1_n;
41 |
input rxaui_rx_l0_p;
42 |
input rxaui_rx_l0_n;
43 |
input rxaui_rx_l1_p;
44 |
input rxaui_rx_l1_n;
45 |
input [1:0]signal_detect;
46 |
output [5:0]debug;
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input mdc;
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input mdio_in;
49 |
output mdio_out;
50 |
output mdio_tri;
51 |
input [4:0]prtad;
52 |
input [1:0]type_sel;
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