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-- Copyright (c) 1994 by AT&T. All rights reserved.
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-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
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-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
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-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
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-- Package name: BIT_UTILS
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-- File name : bit_utils.vhdl
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-- Updates:
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--D sccsid @(#)bit_utils.vhdl 1.2 daisy(C) 2/13/95 /files1/SCCS.model/bvhdl/vhdl_packages/dzx/src/s.bit_utils.vhdl
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package Bit_Utils is
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-- rising, falling clock edge and clock level detection functions: --
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function Rising_Edge (signal clock_name : Bit) return Boolean;
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function Falling_Edge (signal clock_name : Bit) return Boolean;
24 |
function High_Level (signal clock_name : Bit) return Boolean;
25 |
function Low_Level (signal clock_name : Bit) return Boolean;
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-- conversions routines --
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function To_Bit (b: Boolean) return Bit;
32 |
function To_Char (l : Bit) return Character;
33 |
function To_String (v : Bit_Vector) return String;
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-- Boolean reduction functions: --
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function And_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
39 |
function Nand_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
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function Or_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
41 |
function Nor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
42 |
function Xor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
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function Xnor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit;
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-- preset / clear procedure:
46 |
procedure Preset_Clear (signal FF: out Bit_Vector; Pc_Value: Bit_Vector);
47 |
procedure Preset_Clear (signal FF: out Bit; Pc_Value: Bit);
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attribute BUILT_IN: BOOLEAN; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of Rising_Edge: function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of Falling_Edge: function is TRUE; --D
53 |
attribute BUILT_IN of High_Level: function is TRUE; --D
54 |
attribute BUILT_IN of LOw_Level: function is TRUE; --D
55 |
attribute BUILT_IN of To_Bit : function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of To_Char : function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of To_String : function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of And_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of Nand_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
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attribute BUILT_IN of Or_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
61 |
attribute BUILT_IN of Nor_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
62 |
attribute BUILT_IN of Xor_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
63 |
attribute BUILT_IN of Xnor_Bits: function is TRUE; --D
64 |
attribute BUILT_IN of Preset_Clear: procedure is TRUE; --D
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end Bit_Utils;
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--D sccsid @(#)bit_utils-body.vhdl 1.2 daisy(C) 2/13/95 /files1/SCCS.model/bvhdl/vhdl_packages/dzx/src/s.bit_utils-body.vhdl
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-- File: Bit_Utils
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package body Bit_Utils is
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-- contains the subprogram definitions for subprograms declared above.
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-- rising, falling clock edge and clock level detection functions: --
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function Rising_Edge (signal clock_name: Bit) return Boolean is
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return (clock_name = '1') and (clock_name'event);
84 |
end Rising_Edge;
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function Falling_Edge (signal clock_name: Bit) return Boolean is
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88 |
return (clock_name = '0') and (clock_name'event);
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end Falling_Edge;
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function High_Level (signal clock_name: Bit) return Boolean is
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93 |
return (clock_name = '1');
94 |
end High_Level;
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function Low_Level (signal clock_name: Bit) return Boolean is
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98 |
return (clock_name = '0');
99 |
end Low_Level;
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-- Conversion routines --
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function To_Bit (b: Boolean) return Bit is
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107 |
case b is
108 |
when FALSE => return '0';
109 |
when TRUE => return '1';
110 |
end case;
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end To_Bit;
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function To_Char (l: Bit) return Character is
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115 |
case l is
116 |
when '0' => return '0';
117 |
when '1' => return '1';
118 |
end case;
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end To_Char;
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function To_String (v: Bit_Vector) return String is
122 |
variable ret: String (v'range);
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124 |
for j in ret'range loop
125 |
ret(j) := To_Char(v(j));
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end loop;
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return ret;
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end To_String;
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-- Boolean reduction functions: --
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function And_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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variable ret: Bit :='1';
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for j in v'range loop
139 |
ret := ret and v(j);
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end loop;
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return ret;
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end And_Bits;
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function Nand_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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return (not And_Bits(v));
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end Nand_Bits;
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function Or_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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variable ret: Bit := '0';
152 |
153 |
for j in v'range loop
154 |
ret := ret or v(j);
155 |
end loop;
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return ret;
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end Or_Bits;
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function Nor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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162 |
return (not Or_Bits(v));
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end Nor_Bits;
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function Xor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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variable ret: Bit := '0';
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for j in v'range loop
169 |
ret := ret xor v(j);
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end loop;
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return ret;
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end Xor_Bits;
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function Xnor_Bits (v: Bit_Vector) return Bit is
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return (not Xor_Bits (v));
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end Xnor_Bits;
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-- preset / clear procedure:
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procedure PRESET_CLEAR (signal FF: out BIT; PC_VALUE: BIT) is
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end Bit_Utils;
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