1 |
2 |
bsa |
2 |
/** **/
3 |
4 |
/** **/
5 |
/** define file to make the code more readable Rev 0.0 07/29/2011 **/
6 |
/** **/
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
/* */
11 |
/* page register control - DO NOT MODIFY */
12 |
/* */
13 |
14 |
`define MAIN_PG 4'b0000 //no instruction prefix byte(s)
15 |
`define INTR_PG 4'b0001 //interrupt acknowledge
16 |
`define CB_PAGE 4'b0010 //CB instruction prefix
17 |
`define DMA_PG 4'b0011 //dma acknowledge
18 |
`define DD_PAGE 4'b0100 //DD instruction prefix
19 |
`define FD_PAGE 4'b0101 //FD instruction prefix
20 |
`define DDCB_PG 4'b0110 //DD-CB instruction prefix
21 |
`define FDCB_PG 4'b0111 //FD-CB instruction prefix
22 |
`define ED_PAGE 4'b1000 //ED instruction prefix
23 |
`define DEC_MAIN 4'b0x0x //main page or DD page or FD page
24 |
`define DEC_ED 4'b1xxx //ED page
25 |
26 |
27 |
/* */
28 |
/* program counter register control: pc_sel */
29 |
/* */
30 |
31 |
`define PCCTL_IDX 2
32 |
`define PC_NUL 3'b000 //No operation on PC
33 |
`define PC_LD 3'b001 //PC loaded unconditionally
34 |
`define PC_NILD 3'b011 //PC loaded if no interrupt, sample interrupt
35 |
`define PC_INT 3'b100 //Sample interrupt/dma only
36 |
`define PC_DMA 3'b110 //Sample dma only
37 |
`define PC_NILD2 3'b111 //PC loaded if no latched interrupt
38 |
39 |
40 |
/* */
41 |
/* address bus select: add_sel */
42 |
/* */
43 |
44 |
`define ADCTL_IDX 3
45 |
`define ADD_RSTVAL 4'b0000 //Pipeline register reset value
46 |
`define ADD_PC 4'b0001 //Select address register from PC
47 |
`define ADD_HL 4'b0010 //Select address register from HL
48 |
`define ADD_SP 4'b0100 //Select address register from SP
49 |
`define ADD_ALU 4'b1000 //Select address register from ALU
50 |
51 |
`define AD_PC 0 //Address from PC
52 |
`define AD_HL 1 //Address from HL
53 |
`define AD_SP 2 //Address from SP
54 |
`define AD_ALU 3 //Address from ALU
55 |
56 |
57 |
/* */
58 |
/* transaction type select: tran_sel */
59 |
/* */
60 |
61 |
`define TTYPE_IDX 5
62 |
`define TRAN_RSTVAL 6'b000000 //Transaction type reset value
63 |
`define TRAN_IAK 6'b000001 //Intack transaction
64 |
`define TRAN_IDL 6'b000010 //Idle transaction
65 |
`define TRAN_IF 6'b000100 //Instruction fetch transaction
66 |
`define TRAN_IO 6'b001000 //I/O transaction
67 |
`define TRAN_MEM 6'b010000 //Memory (data) transaction
68 |
`define TRAN_STK 6'b100000 //Memory (stack) transaction
69 |
70 |
`define TT_IAK 0 //Interrupt acknowledge transaction
71 |
`define TT_IDL 1 //Idle transaction
72 |
`define TT_IF 2 //Instruction fetch transaction
73 |
`define TT_IO 3 //I/O transaction
74 |
`define TT_MEM 4 //Memory (data) transaction
75 |
`define TT_STK 5 //Memory (stack) transaction
76 |
77 |
78 |
/* */
79 |
/* data output control: do_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
80 |
/* */
81 |
82 |
`define DO_IDX 2
83 |
`define DO_NUL 3'b000 //No load
84 |
`define DO_IO 3'b010 //Load i/o data from lsb
85 |
`define DO_LSB 3'b100 //Load mem data from lsb
86 |
`define DO_MSB 3'b101 //Load mem data from msb
87 |
88 |
89 |
/* */
90 |
/* data input control: di_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
91 |
/* */
92 |
93 |
`define DI_IDX 1
94 |
`define DI_NUL 2'b00 //No load
95 |
`define DI_DI0 2'b01 //Load din0
96 |
`define DI_DI1 2'b10 //Load din1
97 |
`define DI_DI10 2'b11 //Load both din0 and din1
98 |
99 |
100 |
/* */
101 |
/* interrupt enable control: ief_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
102 |
/* */
103 |
104 |
`define IEF_IDX 2
105 |
`define IEF_NUL 3'b000 //No load
106 |
`define IEF_0 3'b010 //Load zero
107 |
`define IEF_1 3'b011 //Load one
108 |
`define IEF_NMI 3'b100 //ief2 <= ief1, ief1 <= 0
109 |
`define IEF_RTN 3'b101 //ief1 <= ief2
110 |
111 |
112 |
/* */
113 |
/* int mode control: imd_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
114 |
/* */
115 |
116 |
`define IMD_IDX 1
117 |
`define IMD_NUL 2'b00 //No load
118 |
`define IMD_0 2'b01 //Set interrupt mode 0
119 |
`define IMD_1 2'b10 //Set interrupt mode 1
120 |
`define IMD_2 2'b11 //Set interrupt mode 2
121 |
122 |
123 |
/* */
124 |
/* half-carry flag control: hflg_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
125 |
/* */
126 |
127 |
`define HFLG_IDX 1
128 |
`define HFLG_NUL 2'b00 //No load
129 |
`define HFLG_H 2'b01 //Load half-carry result
130 |
`define HFLG_0 2'b10 //Load zero
131 |
`define HFLG_1 2'b11 //Load one
132 |
133 |
134 |
/* */
135 |
/* parity/overflow flag control: pflg_ctl */
136 |
/* */
137 |
138 |
`define PFLG_IDX 2
139 |
`define PFLG_NUL 3'b000 //No load
140 |
`define PFLG_V 3'b001 //Load overflow result
141 |
`define PFLG_0 3'b010 //Load zero
142 |
`define PFLG_1 3'b011 //Load one
143 |
`define PFLG_P 3'b100 //Load parity result
144 |
`define PFLG_B 3'b101 //Load block count zero result
145 |
`define PFLG_F 3'b111 //Load ief
146 |
147 |
148 |
/* */
149 |
/* negate flag control: nflg_ctl - DO NOT MODIFY */
150 |
/* */
151 |
152 |
`define NFLG_IDX 1
153 |
`define NFLG_NUL 2'b00 //No load
154 |
`define NFLG_S 2'b01 //Load sign result
155 |
`define NFLG_0 2'b10 //Load zero
156 |
`define NFLG_1 2'b11 //Load one
157 |
158 |
159 |
/* */
160 |
/* temporary flag control: tflg_ctl */
161 |
/* */
162 |
163 |
`define TFLG_IDX 1
164 |
`define TFLG_NUL 2'b00 //No load
165 |
`define TFLG_Z 2'b01 //Load zero result
166 |
`define TFLG_1 2'b10 //Load one result (blk out)
167 |
`define TFLG_B 2'b11 //Load blk cp result
168 |
169 |
170 |
/* */
171 |
/* write register control: wr_sel - unencoded */
172 |
/* */
173 |
174 |
`define WREG_IDX 14
175 |
`define WREG_BB 15'b110000000000000 //Select B to write
176 |
`define WREG_BC 15'b111000000000000 //Select BC to write
177 |
`define WREG_CC 15'b101000000000000 //Select C to write
178 |
`define WREG_DD 15'b100100000000000 //Select D to write
179 |
`define WREG_DE 15'b100110000000000 //Select DE to write
180 |
`define WREG_EE 15'b100010000000000 //Select E to write
181 |
`define WREG_HH 15'b100001000000000 //Select H to write
182 |
`define WREG_HL 15'b100001100000000 //Select HL to write
183 |
`define WREG_LL 15'b100000100000000 //Select L to write
184 |
`define WREG_DEHL 15'b100111100000000 //Select DEHL to write (ex case)
185 |
`define WREG_AA 15'b100000010000000 //Select A to write
186 |
`define WREG_AF 15'b100000011000000 //Select A and F to write
187 |
`define WREG_FF 15'b100000001000000 //Select F to write
188 |
`define WREG_SP 15'b100000000100000 //Select SP to write
189 |
`define WREG_TMP 15'b100000000010000 //Select TMP register to write
190 |
`define WREG_IX 15'b100000000001000 //Select IX to write
191 |
`define WREG_IY 15'b100000000000100 //Select IY to write
192 |
`define WREG_II 15'b100000000000010 //Select I register to write
193 |
`define WREG_RR 15'b100000000000001 //Select R register to write
194 |
`define WREG_NUL 15'b000000000000000 //No register write
195 |
196 |
`define WR_REG 14 //register write
197 |
`define WR_BB 13 //BB register index
198 |
`define WR_CC 12 //CC register index
199 |
`define WR_DD 11 //DD register index
200 |
`define WR_EE 10 //EE register index
201 |
`define WR_HH 9 //HH register index
202 |
`define WR_LL 8 //LL register index
203 |
`define WR_AA 7 //AA register index
204 |
`define WR_FF 6 //FF register index
205 |
`define WR_SP 5 //SP register index
206 |
`define WR_TMP 4 //TMP register index
207 |
`define WR_IX 3 //IX register index
208 |
`define WR_IY 2 //IY register index
209 |
`define WR_II 1 //II register index
210 |
`define WR_RR 0 //RR register index
211 |
212 |
213 |
/* */
214 |
/* ALU input A control: alua_sel */
215 |
/* */
216 |
217 |
`define ALUA_IDX 13
218 |
`define ALUA_RSTVAL 14'h0000 //Reset value for pipeline controls
219 |
`define ALUA_ZER 14'h0000 //Select 16'h0000 (default)
220 |
`define ALUA_ONE 14'h0001 //Select 16'h0001
221 |
`define ALUA_M1 14'h0002 //Select 16'hFFFF
222 |
`define ALUA_M2 14'h0004 //Select 16'hFFFE
223 |
`define ALUA_HL 14'h0008 //Select HL register
224 |
`define ALUA_IX 14'h0010 //Select IX register
225 |
`define ALUA_IY 14'h0020 //Select IY register
226 |
`define ALUA_PC 14'h0040 //Select PC register
227 |
`define ALUA_AA 14'h0080 //Select A register
228 |
`define ALUA_BIT 14'h0100 //Select bit select constant
229 |
`define ALUA_DAA 14'h0200 //Select decimal adjust constant
230 |
`define ALUA_II 14'h0400 //Select I register
231 |
`define ALUA_RR 14'h0800 //Select R register
232 |
`define ALUA_INT 14'h1000 //Select interrupt address
233 |
`define ALUA_RST 14'h2000 //Select restart address
234 |
235 |
`define AA_ONE 0 //alua one
236 |
`define AA_M1 1 //alua -1
237 |
`define AA_M2 2 //alua -2
238 |
`define AA_HL 3 //alua hl
239 |
`define AA_IX 4 //alua ix
240 |
`define AA_IY 5 //alua iy
241 |
`define AA_PC 6 //alua pc
242 |
`define AA_AA 7 //alua aa
243 |
`define AA_BIT 8 //alua bit
244 |
`define AA_DAA 9 //alua daa
245 |
`define AA_II 10 //alua ii
246 |
`define AA_RR 11 //alua rr
247 |
`define AA_INT 12 //alua interrupt
248 |
`define AA_RST 13 //alua restart
249 |
250 |
251 |
/* */
252 |
/* ALU input B control: alub_sel */
253 |
/* */
254 |
255 |
`define ALUB_IDX 12
256 |
`define ALUB_RSTVAL 13'h1000 //Reset value for pipeline controls
257 |
`define ALUB_AF 13'h1002 //Select A and F registers
258 |
`define ALUB_AA 13'h1003 //Select A register
259 |
`define ALUB_BC 13'h0004 //Select BC register
260 |
`define ALUB_BB 13'h0005 //Select B register
261 |
`define ALUB_CC 13'h0004 //Select C register
262 |
`define ALUB_DE 13'h0008 //Select DE register
263 |
`define ALUB_DD 13'h0009 //Select D register
264 |
`define ALUB_EE 13'h0008 //Select E register
265 |
`define ALUB_HL 13'h0010 //Select HL register
266 |
`define ALUB_HH 13'h0011 //Select H register
267 |
`define ALUB_LL 13'h0010 //Select L register
268 |
`define ALUB_IX 13'h0020 //Select IX register
269 |
`define ALUB_IXH 13'h0021 //Select IX register high byte
270 |
`define ALUB_IXL 13'h0020 //Select IX register low byte
271 |
`define ALUB_IY 13'h0040 //Select IY register
272 |
`define ALUB_IYH 13'h0041 //Select IY register high byte
273 |
`define ALUB_IYL 13'h0040 //Select IY register low byte
274 |
`define ALUB_SP 13'h0080 //Select SP register
275 |
`define ALUB_SPH 13'h0081 //Select SP register high byte
276 |
`define ALUB_DIN 13'h0100 //Select data input register
277 |
`define ALUB_DINH 13'h0101 //Select data input register high byte
278 |
`define ALUB_IO 13'h0200 //Select i/o address
279 |
`define ALUB_TMP 13'h0400 //Select TMP register
280 |
`define ALUB_PC 13'h1800 //Select PC register
281 |
`define ALUB_PCH 13'h1801 //Select PC register high byte
282 |
283 |
`define AB_SHR 0 //alub shift right
284 |
`define AB_AF 1 //alub af
285 |
`define AB_BC 2 //alub bc
286 |
`define AB_DE 3 //alub de
287 |
`define AB_HL 4 //alub hl
288 |
`define AB_IX 5 //alub ix
289 |
`define AB_IY 6 //alub iy
290 |
`define AB_SP 7 //alub sp
291 |
`define AB_DIN 8 //alub din
292 |
`define AB_IO 9 //alub io
293 |
`define AB_TMP 10 //alub tmp
294 |
`define AB_PC 11 //alub pc
295 |
`define AB_ADR 12 //alub address pc
296 |
297 |
298 |
/* */
299 |
/* ALU operation control: aluop_sel - 2 MSBs fixed for unit sel */
300 |
/* */
301 |
302 |
`define ALUOP_IDX 7
303 |
`define ALUOP_RSTVAL 8'b00000000 //Reset Value for pipeline controls
304 |
`define ALUOP_ADD 8'b01000000 //ALU math: add
305 |
`define ALUOP_BADD 8'b01000001 //ALU math: byte add
306 |
`define ALUOP_BDEC 8'b01000011 //ALU math: byte add (decrement)
307 |
`define ALUOP_ADS 8'b01000100 //ALU math: add signed byte
308 |
`define ALUOP_DAA 8'b01000101 //ALU math: byte add (daa)
309 |
`define ALUOP_ADC 8'b01001000 //ALU math: add with carry
310 |
`define ALUOP_BADC 8'b01001001 //ALU math: byte add with carry
311 |
`define ALUOP_SUB 8'b01010000 //ALU math: subtract
312 |
`define ALUOP_BSUB 8'b01010001 //ALU math: subtract
313 |
`define ALUOP_SBC 8'b01100000 //ALU math: subtract with carry
314 |
`define ALUOP_BSBC 8'b01100001 //ALU math: byte subtract with carry
315 |
316 |
`define ALUOP_PASS 8'b00000000 //ALU logic: pass b bus
317 |
`define ALUOP_BAND 8'b00000011 //ALU logic: byte and
318 |
`define ALUOP_BOR 8'b00000101 //ALU logic: byte or
319 |
`define ALUOP_BXOR 8'b00001001 //ALU logic: byte or
320 |
`define ALUOP_CCF 8'b00010000 //ALU logic: complement carry
321 |
`define ALUOP_SCF 8'b00010010 //ALU logic: set carry
322 |
`define ALUOP_RLD1 8'b00011000 //ALU logic: rld first step
323 |
`define ALUOP_RLD2 8'b00011010 //ALU logic: rld second step
324 |
`define ALUOP_RRD1 8'b00011100 //ALU logic: rrd first step
325 |
`define ALUOP_RRD2 8'b00011110 //ALU logic: rrd second step
326 |
`define ALUOP_APAS 8'b00100000 //ALU logic: pass a bus
327 |
328 |
`define ALUOP_RL 8'b10000000 //ALU shft: rotate left
329 |
`define ALUOP_RLA 8'b10000001 //ALU shft: rotate left acc
330 |
`define ALUOP_RLC 8'b10000010 //ALU shft: rotate left circular
331 |
`define ALUOP_RLCA 8'b10000011 //ALU shft: rotate left circular acc
332 |
`define ALUOP_RR 8'b10000100 //ALU shft: rotate right
333 |
`define ALUOP_RRA 8'b10000101 //ALU shft: rotate right acc
334 |
`define ALUOP_RRC 8'b10001000 //ALU shft: rotate right circular
335 |
`define ALUOP_RRCA 8'b10001001 //ALU shft: rotate right circular acc
336 |
`define ALUOP_SLA 8'b10010000 //ALU shft: shift left arithmetic
337 |
`define ALUOP_SRL 8'b10100000 //ALU shft: shift right logical
338 |
`define ALUOP_SRA 8'b10101000 //ALU shft: shift right arithmetic
339 |
340 |
341 |
/* */
342 |
/* ALU operation control: 6 encoded */
343 |
/* */
344 |
345 |
`define AOP_IDX 5
346 |
`define AOP_ADD 6'b000000 //ALU math: add
347 |
`define AOP_BADD 6'b000001 //ALU math: byte add
348 |
`define AOP_BDEC 6'b000011 //ALU math: byte add (decrement)
349 |
`define AOP_ADS 6'b000100 //ALU math: add signed byte
350 |
`define AOP_DAA 6'b000101 //ALU math: byte add (daa)
351 |
`define AOP_ADC 6'b001000 //ALU math: add with carry
352 |
`define AOP_BADC 6'b001001 //ALU math: byte add with carry
353 |
`define AOP_SUB 6'b010000 //ALU math: subtract
354 |
`define AOP_BSUB 6'b010001 //ALU math: subtract
355 |
`define AOP_SBC 6'b100000 //ALU math: subtract with carry
356 |
`define AOP_BSBC 6'b100001 //ALU math: byte subtract with carry
357 |
358 |
`define AOP_PASS 6'b000000 //ALU logic: pass b bus
359 |
`define AOP_BAND 6'b000011 //ALU logic: byte and
360 |
`define AOP_BOR 6'b000101 //ALU logic: byte or
361 |
`define AOP_BXOR 6'b001001 //ALU logic: byte or
362 |
`define AOP_CCF 6'b010000 //ALU logic: complement carry
363 |
`define AOP_SCF 6'b010010 //ALU logic: set carry
364 |
`define AOP_RLD1 6'b011000 //ALU logic: rld first step
365 |
`define AOP_RLD2 6'b011010 //ALU logic: rld second step
366 |
`define AOP_RRD1 6'b011100 //ALU logic: rrd first step
367 |
`define AOP_RRD2 6'b011110 //ALU logic: rrd second step
368 |
`define AOP_APAS 6'b100000 //ALU logic: pass a bus
369 |
370 |
`define AOP_RL 6'b000000 //ALU shft: rotate left
371 |
`define AOP_RLA 6'b000001 //ALU shft: rotate left acc
372 |
`define AOP_RLC 6'b000010 //ALU shft: rotate left circular
373 |
`define AOP_RLCA 6'b000011 //ALU shft: rotate left circular acc
374 |
`define AOP_RR 6'b000100 //ALU shft: rotate right
375 |
`define AOP_RRA 6'b000101 //ALU shft: rotate right acc
376 |
`define AOP_RRC 6'b001000 //ALU shft: rotate right circular
377 |
`define AOP_RRCA 6'b001001 //ALU shft: rotate right circular acc
378 |
`define AOP_SLA 6'b010000 //ALU shft: shift left arithmetic
379 |
`define AOP_SRL 6'b100000 //ALU shft: shift right logical
380 |
`define AOP_SRA 6'b101000 //ALU shft: shift right arithmetic
381 |
382 |
383 |
/* */
384 |
/* machine state - pseudo-one-hot */
385 |
/* */
386 |
387 |
`define STATE_IDX 31
388 |
`define sRST 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000 //reset
389 |
`define sDEC1 32'b00000000000000000000000000000011 //decode 1st opcode
390 |
`define sIF2B 32'b00000000000000000000000000000101 //fetch 2nd opcode (2)
391 |
`define sDEC2 32'b00000000000000000000000000001001 //decode 2nd opcode
392 |
`define sOF1B 32'b00000000000000000000000000010001 //fetch 1st operand (2)
393 |
`define sOF2A 32'b00000000000000000000000000100001 //fetch 2nd operand (1)
394 |
`define sOF2B 32'b00000000000000000000000001000001 //fetch 2nd operand (2)
395 |
`define sIF3A 32'b00000000000000000000000010000001 //fetch 3rd opcode (1)
396 |
`define sIF3B 32'b00000000000000000000000100000001 //fetch 3rd opcode (2)
397 |
`define sADR1 32'b00000000000000000000001000000001 //address calculate (1)
398 |
`define sADR2 32'b00000000000000000000010000000001 //address calculate (2)
399 |
`define sRD1A 32'b00000000000000000000100000000001 //read 1st operand (1)
400 |
`define sRD1B 32'b00000000000000000001000000000001 //read 1st operand (2)
401 |
`define sRD2A 32'b00000000000000000010000000000001 //read 2nd operand (1)
402 |
`define sRD2B 32'b00000000000000000100000000000001 //read 2nd operand (2)
403 |
`define sWR1A 32'b00000000000000001000000000000001 //write 1st operand (1)
404 |
`define sWR1B 32'b00000000000000010000000000000001 //write 1st operand (2)
405 |
`define sWR2A 32'b00000000000000100000000000000001 //write 2nd operand (1)
406 |
`define sWR2B 32'b00000000000001000000000000000001 //write 2nd operand (2)
407 |
`define sBLK1 32'b00000000000010000000000000000001 //block instruction (1)
408 |
`define sBLK2 32'b00000000000100000000000000000001 //block instruction (2)
409 |
`define sPCA 32'b00000000001000000000000000000001 //PC adjust
410 |
`define sPCO 32'b00000000010000000000000000000001 //PC output
411 |
`define sIF1A 32'b00000000100000000000000000000001 //fetch 1st opcode (1)
412 |
`define sIF1B 32'b00000001000000000000000000000001 //fetch 1st opcode (2)
413 |
`define sINTA 32'b00000010000000000000000000000001 //interrupt acknowledge (1)
414 |
`define sINTB 32'b00000100000000000000000000000001 //interrupt acknowledge (2)
415 |
`define sHLTA 32'b00001000000000000000000000000001 //halt & sleep (1)
416 |
`define sHLTB 32'b00010000000000000000000000000001 //halt & sleep (2)
417 |
`define sDMA1 32'b00100000000000000000000000000001 //dma transfer (1)
418 |
`define sDMA2 32'b01000000000000000000000000000001 //dma transfer (2)
419 |
`define sRSTE 32'b10000000000000000000000000000001 //reset exit
420 |
421 |
`define RST 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 //reset
422 |
`define DEC1 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11 //decode 1st opcode
423 |
`define IF2B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1x1 //fetch 2nd opcode (2)
424 |
`define DEC2 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xx1 //decode 2nd opcode
425 |
`define OF1B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxx1 //fetch 1st operand (2)
426 |
`define OF2A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxx1 //fetch 2nd operand (1)
427 |
`define OF2B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxx1 //fetch 2nd operand (2)
428 |
`define IF3A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxx1 //fetch 3rd opcode (1)
429 |
`define IF3B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxx1 //fetch 3rd opcode (2)
430 |
`define ADR1 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxx1 //address calculate (1)
431 |
`define ADR2 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx1 //address calculate (2)
432 |
`define RD1A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxx1 //read 1st operand (1)
433 |
`define RD1B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxx1 //read 1st operand (2)
434 |
`define RD2A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxx1 //read 2nd operand (1)
435 |
`define RD2B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //read 2nd operand (2)
436 |
`define WR1A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //write 1st operand (1)
437 |
`define WR1B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //write 1st operand (2)
438 |
`define WR2A 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //write 2nd operand (1)
439 |
`define WR2B 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //write 2nd operand (2)
440 |
`define BLK1 32'bxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //block instruction (1)
441 |
`define BLK2 32'bxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //block instruction (2)
442 |
`define PCA 32'bxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //PC adjust
443 |
`define PCO 32'bxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //PC output
444 |
`define IF1A 32'bxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //fetch 1st opcode (1)
445 |
`define IF1B 32'bxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //fetch 1st opcode (2)
446 |
`define INTA 32'bxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //interrupt acknowledge (1)
447 |
`define INTB 32'bxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //interrupt acknowledge (2)
448 |
`define HLTA 32'bxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //halt & sleep (1)
449 |
`define HLTB 32'bxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //halt & sleep (2)
450 |
`define DMA1 32'bxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //dma transfer (1)
451 |
`define DMA2 32'bx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //dma transfer (2)
452 |
`define RSTE 32'b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 //reset exit
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