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/** **/
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/** **/
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/** processor top level Rev 0.0 08/03/2011 **/
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/** **/
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8 |
module y80_top (dma_ack, halt_tran, iack_tran, io_addr_out, io_data_out, io_read, io_strobe,
9 |
io_tran, ivec_rd, mem_addr_out, mem_data_out, mem_rd, mem_tran, mem_wr,
10 |
reti_tran, t1, clearb, clkc, dma_req, int_req, io_data_in, ivec_data_in,
11 |
mem_data_in, nmi_req, resetb, wait_req);
12 |
13 |
input clearb; /* master (test) reset */
14 |
input clkc; /* main cpu clock */
15 |
input dma_req; /* dma request */
16 |
input int_req; /* interrupt request */
17 |
input nmi_req; /* nmi request */
18 |
input resetb; /* internal (user) reset */
19 |
input wait_req; /* wait request */
20 |
input [7:0] io_data_in; /* i/o input data bus */
21 |
input [7:0] ivec_data_in; /* interrupt vector bus */
22 |
input [7:0] mem_data_in; /* memory input bus */
23 |
output dma_ack; /* dma acknowledge */
24 |
output halt_tran; /* halt transaction */
25 |
output iack_tran; /* interrupt acknowledge transaction */
26 |
output io_read; /* i/o read enable */
27 |
output io_tran; /* i/o transaction */
28 |
output io_strobe; /* i/o data strobe */
29 |
output ivec_rd; /* interrupt vector enable */
30 |
output mem_rd; /* memory read enable */
31 |
output mem_tran; /* memory transaction */
32 |
output mem_wr; /* memory write enable */
33 |
output reti_tran; /* return from interrupt transaction */
34 |
output t1; /* first clock of transaction */
35 |
output [7:0] io_data_out; /* i/o output data bus */
36 |
output [7:0] mem_data_out; /* memory output data bus */
37 |
output [15:0] io_addr_out; /* i/o address bus */
38 |
output [15:0] mem_addr_out; /* memory address bus */
39 |
40 |
41 |
/* */
42 |
/* signal declarations */
43 |
/* */
44 |
45 |
wire burst_done; /* burst/mlt done */
46 |
wire cflg_en; /* carry flag control */
47 |
wire carry_bit; /* carry flag */
48 |
wire dma_ack; /* dma acknowledge */
49 |
wire dmar_reg; /* latched dma request */
50 |
wire ex_af_pls; /* exchange af,af' */
51 |
wire ex_bank_pls; /* exchange register bank */
52 |
wire ex_dehl_inst; /* exchange de,hl */
53 |
wire ftch_tran; /* inst fetch transaction */
54 |
wire halt_nxt, halt_tran; /* halt transaction */
55 |
wire iack_tran; /* int ack transaction */
56 |
wire if_frst; /* first clock if ifetch */
57 |
wire inta_frst; /* first clock of intack */
58 |
wire intr_reg; /* latched interrupt request */
59 |
wire io_read; /* i/o read enable */
60 |
wire io_tran; /* i/o transaction */
61 |
wire io_strobe; /* i/o data strobe */
62 |
wire ivec_rd; /* interrupt vector enable */
63 |
wire ld_ctrl; /* load control register */
64 |
wire ld_dmaa; /* load dma request */
65 |
wire ld_inst; /* load instruction register */
66 |
wire ld_inta; /* sample latched int */
67 |
wire ld_page; /* load page register */
68 |
wire ld_wait; /* sample wait input */
69 |
wire mem_rd; /* memory read enable */
70 |
wire mem_tran; /* memory transaction */
71 |
wire mem_wr; /* memory write enable */
72 |
wire output_inh; /* disable cpu outputs */
73 |
wire par_bit; /* parity flag */
74 |
wire rd_brst; /* burst read */
75 |
wire rd_frst; /* first clock of read */
76 |
wire rd_nxt; /* read trans next */
77 |
wire reti_nxt, reti_tran; /* reti transaction */
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wire rreg_en; /* update refresh register */
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wire sflg_en; /* sign flag control */
80 |
wire sign_bit; /* sign flag */
81 |
wire tflg_reg; /* temporary flag */
82 |
wire t1; /* first clock of transaction */
83 |
wire vector_int; /* int vector enable */
84 |
wire wait_st; /* wait state identifier */
85 |
wire wr_brst; /* burst write */
86 |
wire wr_frst; /* first clock of write */
87 |
wire xhlt_reg; /* halt exit */
88 |
wire zero_bit; /* zero flag */
89 |
wire zflg_en; /* zero flag control */
90 |
wire [3:0] page_sel; /* inst decode page control */
91 |
wire [3:0] page_reg; /* instruction decode "page" */
92 |
wire [7:0] inst_reg; /* instruction register */
93 |
wire [7:0] data_in; /* read data bus */
94 |
wire [7:0] dout_io_reg, dout_mem_reg; /* write data bus */
95 |
wire [15:0] addr_reg_in; /* processor logical address */
96 |
wire [7:0] io_data_out; /* i/o output data bus */
97 |
wire [7:0] mem_data_out; /* memory output data bus */
98 |
wire [15:0] io_addr_out; /* i/o address bus */
99 |
wire [15:0] mem_addr_out; /* memory address bus */
100 |
wire [`ADCTL_IDX:0] add_sel; /* address output mux control */
101 |
wire [`ALUA_IDX:0] alua_sel; /* alu input a mux control */
102 |
wire [`ALUB_IDX:0] alub_sel; /* alu input b mux control */
103 |
wire [`ALUOP_IDX:0] aluop_sel; /* alu operation control */
104 |
wire [`DI_IDX:0] di_ctl; /* data input control */
105 |
wire [`DO_IDX:0] do_ctl; /* data output control */
106 |
wire [`HFLG_IDX:0] hflg_ctl; /* half-carry flag control */
107 |
wire [`IEF_IDX:0] ief_ctl; /* interrupt enable control */
108 |
wire [`IMD_IDX:0] imd_ctl; /* interrupt mode control */
109 |
wire [`NFLG_IDX:0] nflg_ctl; /* negate flag control */
110 |
wire [`PCCTL_IDX:0] pc_sel; /* pc source control */
111 |
wire [`PFLG_IDX:0] pflg_ctl; /* parity/overflow flag control */
112 |
wire [`STATE_IDX:0] state_nxt, state_reg; /* machine state */
113 |
wire [`TFLG_IDX:0] tflg_ctl; /* temp flag control */
114 |
wire [`TTYPE_IDX:0] tran_sel; /* transaction type */
115 |
wire [`WREG_IDX:0] wr_addr; /* register write address bus */
116 |
117 |
118 |
/* */
119 |
/* interface module */
120 |
/* */
121 |
122 |
extint EXTINT ( .data_in(data_in), .dma_ack(dma_ack), .ftch_tran(ftch_tran),
123 |
.halt_tran(halt_tran), .iack_tran(iack_tran),
124 |
.io_addr_out(io_addr_out), .io_data_out(io_data_out),
125 |
.io_read(io_read), .io_strobe(io_strobe), .io_tran(io_tran),
126 |
.ivec_rd(ivec_rd), .mem_addr_out(mem_addr_out),
127 |
.mem_data_out(mem_data_out), .mem_rd(mem_rd), .mem_tran(mem_tran),
128 |
.mem_wr(mem_wr), .reti_tran(reti_tran), .t1(t1),
129 |
.addr_reg_in(addr_reg_in), .clkc(clkc), .dmar_reg(dmar_reg),
130 |
.dout_io_reg(dout_io_reg), .dout_mem_reg(dout_mem_reg),
131 |
.halt_nxt(halt_nxt), .if_frst(if_frst), .inta_frst(inta_frst),
132 |
.io_data_in(io_data_in), .ivec_data_in(ivec_data_in),
133 |
.ld_dmaa(ld_dmaa), .ld_wait(ld_wait), .mem_data_in(mem_data_in),
134 |
.output_inh(output_inh), .rd_frst(rd_frst), .rd_nxt(rd_nxt),
135 |
.resetb(resetb), .reti_nxt(reti_nxt), .tran_sel(tran_sel),
136 |
.wr_frst(wr_frst) );
137 |
138 |
139 |
/* */
140 |
/* state machine module */
141 |
/* */
142 |
143 |
machine MACHINE ( .ld_ctrl(ld_ctrl), .state_reg(state_reg), .wait_st(wait_st),
144 |
.clkc(clkc), .dmar_reg(dmar_reg), .intr_reg(intr_reg),
145 |
.ld_inta(ld_inta), .ld_wait(ld_wait), .resetb(resetb),
146 |
.state_nxt(state_nxt), .wait_req(wait_req) );
147 |
148 |
149 |
/* */
150 |
/* control module */
151 |
/* */
152 |
153 |
control CONTROL ( .add_sel(add_sel), .alua_sel(alua_sel), .alub_sel(alub_sel),
154 |
.aluop_sel(aluop_sel), .cflg_en(cflg_en), .di_ctl(di_ctl),
155 |
.do_ctl(do_ctl), .ex_af_pls(ex_af_pls), .ex_bank_pls(ex_bank_pls),
156 |
.ex_dehl_inst(ex_dehl_inst), .halt_nxt(halt_nxt), .hflg_ctl(hflg_ctl),
157 |
.ief_ctl(ief_ctl), .if_frst(if_frst), .inta_frst(inta_frst),
158 |
.imd_ctl(imd_ctl), .ld_dmaa(ld_dmaa), .ld_inst(ld_inst),
159 |
.ld_inta(ld_inta), .ld_page(ld_page), .ld_wait(ld_wait),
160 |
.nflg_ctl(nflg_ctl), .output_inh(output_inh), .page_sel(page_sel),
161 |
.pc_sel(pc_sel), .pflg_ctl(pflg_ctl), .rd_frst(rd_frst),
162 |
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.rd_nxt(rd_nxt), .reti_nxt(reti_nxt), .rreg_en(rreg_en), .sflg_en(sflg_en),
163 |
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.state_nxt(state_nxt), .tflg_ctl(tflg_ctl), .tran_sel(tran_sel),
164 |
.wr_addr(wr_addr), .wr_frst(wr_frst), .zflg_en(zflg_en),
165 |
.carry_bit(carry_bit), .dmar_reg(dmar_reg), .inst_reg(inst_reg),
166 |
.intr_reg(intr_reg), .page_reg(page_reg), .par_bit(par_bit),
167 |
.sign_bit(sign_bit), .state_reg(state_reg), .tflg_reg(tflg_reg),
168 |
.vector_int(vector_int), .xhlt_reg(xhlt_reg), .zero_bit(zero_bit) );
169 |
170 |
171 |
/* */
172 |
/* data path module */
173 |
/* */
174 |
175 |
datapath DATAPATH ( .addr_reg_in(addr_reg_in), .carry_bit(carry_bit), .dmar_reg(dmar_reg),
176 |
.dout_io_reg(dout_io_reg), .dout_mem_reg(dout_mem_reg),
177 |
.inst_reg(inst_reg), .intr_reg(intr_reg), .page_reg(page_reg),
178 |
.par_bit(par_bit), .sign_bit(sign_bit), .tflg_reg(tflg_reg),
179 |
.vector_int(vector_int), .xhlt_reg(xhlt_reg), .zero_bit(zero_bit),
180 |
.add_sel(add_sel), .alua_sel(alua_sel), .alub_sel(alub_sel),
181 |
.aluop_sel(aluop_sel), .clearb(clearb), .clkc(clkc), .cflg_en(cflg_en),
182 |
.data_in(data_in), .di_ctl(di_ctl), .dma_req(dma_req), .do_ctl(do_ctl),
183 |
.ex_af_pls(ex_af_pls), .ex_bank_pls(ex_bank_pls),
184 |
.ex_dehl_inst(ex_dehl_inst), .hflg_ctl(hflg_ctl), .ief_ctl(ief_ctl),
185 |
.imd_ctl(imd_ctl), .int_req(int_req), .ivec_rd(ivec_rd),
186 |
.ld_ctrl(ld_ctrl), .ld_inst(ld_inst), .ld_page(ld_page),
187 |
.nflg_ctl(nflg_ctl), .nmi_req(nmi_req), .page_sel(page_sel),
188 |
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.pc_sel(pc_sel), .pflg_ctl(pflg_ctl), .resetb(resetb), .rreg_en(rreg_en),
189 |
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.sflg_en(sflg_en), .tflg_ctl(tflg_ctl), .wait_st(wait_st),
190 |
.wr_addr(wr_addr), .zflg_en(zflg_en) );
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