1 |
2 |
tak.sugawa |
2 |
3 |
4 |
//Jun.30.2004 mulfunc output bug fix
5 |
// still 16x16 sign extension
6 |
//Jul.2.2004 mul 32x32=>64bit w/ w/o sign
7 |
//Jul.2.2004 address MUL_WIDTH==1
8 |
//Jul.4.2004 input critical path : => add carry_ff;
9 |
//Jul.5.2004 :=> less fanout
10 |
//Jul.13.2004 signed mul bug fix
11 |
//Jul.15.2004 32/32 div
12 |
//Jul.16.2004 diet
13 |
//Jul.17.2004 add `ifdef less path delay for interface port
14 |
//Apr.7.2005 ADDRESS to XILINX Specific problem
15 |
//Apr.14.2005 Add Stratix2
16 |
17 |
// mul/div module
18 |
19 |
// a[31:0] /b[31:0] =>
20 |
// mul_div_out[15:0] <=a/b
21 |
// mul_div_out[31:16] <=a%b
22 |
// No detection of overflow
23 |
// Algorithm
24 |
// answer_reg = (answer_reg << 1);
25 |
// multout_reg<={sum,a_reg[31]};
26 |
// if (multout_reg >= b_reg) {
27 |
// answer_reg += 1;
28 |
// multout_reg -= b_reg;
29 |
// }
30 |
// a_reg <= a_reg << 1;
31 |
`include "define.h"
32 |
module mul_div(clock,sync_reset,a,b,mul_div_out,mul_div_sign,mul_div_word,mul_div_mode,state,stop_state,mul_div_enable,lohi);
33 |
`ifdef RAM4K
34 |
35 |
`ifdef XILINX
36 |
parameter MUL_WIDTH=16;//Must be 2,4,8,16 2=> less area less speed 16=> greater area but faster
37 |
parameter MUL_STATE_MSB=2;//should be 32/MUL_WIDTH-1+1;
38 |
// XILINX fails using ISE7.1 if MUL_WIDTH==1,2
39 |
// if MULWIDTH==1 synthesis is possible but post synthesis simulation fails
40 |
// if MULWIDTH==2 synthesis fails;
41 |
// MUL_WIDTH==16 shows good.
42 |
43 |
44 |
parameter MUL_WIDTH=1;//Must be 2,4,8,16 2=> less area less speed 16=> greater area but faster
45 |
parameter MUL_STATE_MSB=32;//should be 32/MUL_WIDTH-1+1;
46 |
47 |
48 |
`ifdef XILINX
49 |
parameter MUL_WIDTH=16;//Must be 2,4,8,16 2=> less area less speed 16=> greater area but faster
50 |
parameter MUL_STATE_MSB=2;//should be 32/MUL_WIDTH-1+1;
51 |
// XILINX fails using ISE7.1 if MUL_WIDTH==1,2
52 |
// if MULWIDTH==1 synthesis is possible but post synthesis simulation fails
53 |
// if MULWIDTH==2 synthesis fails;
54 |
// MUL_WIDTH==16 shows good.
55 |
56 |
57 |
`ifdef Stratix2
58 |
parameter MUL_WIDTH=16;//Must be 2,4,8,16 2=> less area less speed 16=> greater area but faster
59 |
parameter MUL_STATE_MSB=2;//should be 32/MUL_WIDTH-1+1;
60 |
61 |
parameter MUL_WIDTH=1;//Must be 2,4,8,16 2=> less area less speed 16=> greater area but faster
62 |
parameter MUL_STATE_MSB=32;//should be 32/MUL_WIDTH-1+1;
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
input clock,sync_reset;
67 |
input [31:0] a,b;
68 |
input [7:0] state;
69 |
input lohi;
70 |
input mul_div_enable,mul_div_sign,mul_div_word,mul_div_mode;
71 |
output stop_state;
72 |
output [31:0] mul_div_out;
73 |
74 |
reg [31:0] a_reg;
75 |
reg [31:0] b_reg;
76 |
reg [31:0] answer_reg;
77 |
78 |
reg stop_state_reg;// For state control
79 |
reg [5:0] counter;
80 |
reg mul_div_sign_ff,mul_div_mode_ff;
81 |
reg a31_latch,b31_latch;
82 |
reg breg31;
83 |
84 |
wire [63:0] ab62={1'b0,a_reg[31]*breg31,62'h0};//Jul.5.2004
85 |
wire [63:0] shift_a31=mul_div_sign_ff ? ~{2'b0,a_reg[30:0],31'h0}+1'b1: {2'b0,a_reg[30:0],31'h0} ;//Jul.13.2004 Jul.2.2004
86 |
wire [63:0] shift_b31=mul_div_sign_ff ? ~{2'b0,b_reg[30:0],31'h0}+1'b1: {2'b0,b_reg[30:0],31'h0};//Jul.13.2004 Jul.2.2004
87 |
88 |
wire [30:0] init_lower =breg31*shift_a31[30:0] +a_reg[31]*shift_b31[30:0]+ab62[30:0];//Jul.5.2004
89 |
wire [63:31] init_upper=breg31*shift_a31[63:31]+a_reg[31]*shift_b31[63:31]+ab62[63:31];//+carry;Jul.5.2004
90 |
wire [63:0] init_val={init_upper,init_lower};
91 |
wire [MUL_WIDTH+30 :0] mult32x4out_temp=a_reg[30:0]*b_reg[MUL_WIDTH-1:0];//Jul.5.2004
92 |
wire [MUL_WIDTH+31 :0] mult32x4out={1'b0,mult32x4out_temp};
93 |
reg [63:0] mult64_reg;
94 |
reg [31:0] multout_reg;
95 |
wire [63:0] mult64_out;
96 |
wire [63:0] mult64=a_reg* b_reg;
97 |
reg [MUL_WIDTH+31-1+1 :0] mult32x4out_reg;
98 |
99 |
100 |
wire finish_operation;
101 |
wire pre_stop;
102 |
wire [32:0] sum;
103 |
wire [31:0] answer_inc;
104 |
wire [31:0] aminus=-a;
105 |
wire [31:0] div_out,div_out_tmp;
106 |
107 |
108 |
wire mul_div_mode_w;
109 |
reg mul_state_reg;
110 |
reg div_msb_ff;
111 |
112 |
assign mul_div_mode_w=pre_stop ? mul_div_mode: mul_div_mode_ff;
113 |
114 |
`ifdef RAM4K
115 |
//less area
116 |
117 |
assign mul_div_out=!lohi ? !mul_div_mode_ff ? mult64_out[31:0] : div_out :
118 |
!mul_div_mode_ff ? mult64_out[63:32] : div_out;//Jul.16.2004
119 |
120 |
assign div_out_tmp=!lohi ? answer_reg: {div_msb_ff,multout_reg[31:1]};
121 |
assign div_out= (!lohi && (a31_latch ^ b31_latch) && mul_div_sign_ff) ||
122 |
(lohi && mul_div_sign_ff && a31_latch) ? ~div_out_tmp+1'b1 : div_out_tmp;
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
// faster
127 |
reg [31:0] div_out_multout_latch,answer_reg_latch;//
128 |
129 |
assign mul_div_out=!lohi ? !mul_div_mode_ff ? mult64_out[31:0] : answer_reg_latch :
130 |
!mul_div_mode_ff ? mult64_out[63:32] : div_out_multout_latch;//Jul.16.2004
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
135 |
if ( (a31_latch ^ b31_latch) && mul_div_sign_ff)
136 |
137 |
else answer_reg_latch<= answer_reg;
138 |
139 |
if ( mul_div_sign_ff && a31_latch)
140 |
141 |
else div_out_multout_latch<={div_msb_ff,multout_reg[31:1]};
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
152 |
153 |
154 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
160 |
if (sync_reset) mul_state_reg<=0;
161 |
else if (pre_stop && mul_div_mode_w==`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL ) mul_state_reg<=1;
162 |
else if (finish_operation) mul_state_reg<=0;
163 |
164 |
165 |
//mult64_reg multout_reg
166 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
167 |
if (mul_state_reg && counter==0 )begin
168 |
mult64_reg<=init_val;//Jul.13.2004 Jul.5.2004 Jul.4.2004
169 |
170 |
171 |
if (mul_state_reg) begin
172 |
{mult64_reg,multout_reg[31:31-MUL_WIDTH+1]}<={{MUL_WIDTH {1'b0}},mult64_reg+mult32x4out_reg};
173 |
multout_reg[31-MUL_WIDTH:0] <=multout_reg[31:MUL_WIDTH];
174 |
175 |
176 |
end else if (pre_stop && counter==0 ) multout_reg<=0; //First
177 |
else if (mul_div_mode_ff && stop_state_reg ) begin
178 |
if (sum[32]==1'b0) begin //if (a_reg >=b_reg)
179 |
if (finish_operation) div_msb_ff<=sum[31];
180 |
181 |
end else begin
182 |
if (finish_operation) div_msb_ff<=multout_reg[31];
183 |
184 |
multout_reg[31:1] <=multout_reg[30:0];
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
assign mult64_out={mult64_reg[31:0],multout_reg[31:0]};
190 |
//input FFs
191 |
192 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
193 |
if (sync_reset) begin
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
end else if (pre_stop) begin
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
assign pre_stop=mul_div_enable ;
210 |
assign finish_operation=(mul_div_mode_ff && counter==32) || (mul_state_reg && counter==MUL_STATE_MSB) ;//Jul.2.2004
211 |
212 |
213 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
214 |
if (sync_reset) stop_state_reg <=0;
215 |
else if (pre_stop && !stop_state_reg ) stop_state_reg<=1;
216 |
else if (stop_state_reg && finish_operation) stop_state_reg<=0;
217 |
218 |
219 |
assign stop_state=stop_state_reg;
220 |
221 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
222 |
if (sync_reset) counter <=0;
223 |
else if (!stop_state_reg) counter <=0;
224 |
else if (stop_state_reg ) counter <=counter+1;
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
229 |
if(mul_div_mode_w==`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL && pre_stop) a_reg <=a;//
230 |
else if(mul_div_mode_w !=`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL )begin//
231 |
if (!stop_state_reg && !pre_stop) a_reg <=a_reg;//
232 |
else if (pre_stop && counter==0 ) begin //
233 |
if (mul_div_sign) begin//
234 |
if (a[31]) a_reg <=aminus;//
235 |
else a_reg <=a;
236 |
end else a_reg <=a;//
237 |
end else begin//div
238 |
a_reg <={a_reg[30:0],1'b0};// a_reg <<=1;
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
246 |
if (pre_stop && mul_div_mode_w==`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL ) b_reg<={1'b0,b[30:0]};
247 |
else if ( mul_state_reg) b_reg<=b_reg[31:MUL_WIDTH];
248 |
else if( mul_div_mode_w !=`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL) begin//
249 |
if (!stop_state_reg && !pre_stop ) b_reg <=b_reg;//
250 |
else if (pre_stop && counter==0 ) begin //
251 |
if (mul_div_sign) begin//
252 |
if ( b[31]) b_reg <=-b[31:0];//
253 |
else b_reg <=b[31:0];//
254 |
end else begin
255 |
b_reg <=b[31:0];//
256 |
257 |
end else begin//div
258 |
b_reg <=b_reg;//;
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
265 |
266 |
if (mul_div_mode_w !=`MUL_DIV_MUL_SEL) begin//
267 |
if (!stop_state_reg && !pre_stop) answer_reg <=answer_reg;//
268 |
else if (pre_stop && counter==0 ) answer_reg<=0; //
269 |
else begin//div
270 |
if ( !sum[32] ) begin//
271 |
if (finish_operation) answer_reg <=answer_inc;
272 |
else answer_reg <={answer_inc[30:0],1'b0}; //Jun.7.2004 a_reg -= b_reg
273 |
end else begin
274 |
if (finish_operation ) begin
275 |
answer_reg <=answer_reg;
276 |
end else answer_reg <={answer_reg[30:0],1'b0}; // answer_reg <<=1;
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
assign sum={1'b0,multout_reg}+~{1'b0,b_reg}+1'b1;//
284 |
assign answer_inc=answer_reg+1'b1;//Jun.7.2004
285 |
286 |
287 |