1 |
12 |
tylerapohl |
//Legal Notice: (C)2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your
2 |
//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
3 |
//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
4 |
//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
5 |
//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
6 |
//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
7 |
//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
8 |
//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
9 |
//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
10 |
//or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
11 |
//agreement for further details.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
`define TOTAL_BITS 11
16 |
`define EXTEND_CODE 16'hE0
17 |
`define RELEASE_CODE 16'hF0
18 |
`define LEFT_SHIFT 16'h12
19 |
`define RIGHT_SHIFT 16'h59
20 |
21 |
22 |
module ps2_keyboard (
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
rx_data_ready, // rx_read_o
35 |
rx_read, // rx_read_ack_i
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
// Parameters
44 |
45 |
// The timer value can be up to (2^bits) inclusive.
46 |
parameter TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP = 2950; // Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
47 |
parameter TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP = 12; // Number of bits needed for timer
48 |
parameter TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP = 186; // Number of sys_clks for debounce
49 |
parameter TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP = 8; // Number of bits needed for timer
50 |
parameter TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP = 0; // Default: No shift key trap.
51 |
52 |
// State encodings, provided as parameters
53 |
// for flexibility to the one instantiating the module.
54 |
// In general, the default values need not be changed.
55 |
56 |
// State "m1_rx_clk_l" has been chosen on purpose. Since the input
57 |
// synchronizing flip-flops initially contain zero, it takes one clk
58 |
// for them to update to reflect the actual (idle = high) status of
59 |
// the I/O lines from the keyboard. Therefore, choosing 0 for m1_rx_clk_l
60 |
// allows the state machine to transition to m1_rx_clk_h when the true
61 |
// values of the input signals become present at the outputs of the
62 |
// synchronizing flip-flops. This initial transition is harmless, and it
63 |
// eliminates the need for a "reset" pulse before the interface can operate.
64 |
65 |
parameter m1_rx_clk_h = 1;
66 |
parameter m1_rx_clk_l = 0;
67 |
parameter m1_rx_falling_edge_marker = 13;
68 |
parameter m1_rx_rising_edge_marker = 14;
69 |
parameter m1_tx_force_clk_l = 3;
70 |
parameter m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h = 10;
71 |
parameter m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l = 11;
72 |
parameter m1_tx_reset_timer = 12;
73 |
parameter m1_tx_wait_clk_h = 2;
74 |
parameter m1_tx_clk_h = 4;
75 |
parameter m1_tx_clk_l = 5;
76 |
parameter m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack = 6;
77 |
parameter m1_tx_done_recovery = 7;
78 |
parameter m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack = 8;
79 |
parameter m1_tx_rising_edge_marker = 9;
80 |
parameter m2_rx_data_ready = 1;
81 |
parameter m2_rx_data_ready_ack = 0;
82 |
83 |
84 |
// I/O declarations
85 |
input clk;
86 |
input reset;
87 |
output ps2_clk_en_o_ ;
88 |
output ps2_data_en_o_ ;
89 |
input ps2_clk_i ;
90 |
input ps2_data_i ;
91 |
output rx_extended;
92 |
output rx_released;
93 |
output rx_shift_key_on;
94 |
output [7:0] rx_scan_code;
95 |
output [7:0] rx_ascii;
96 |
output rx_data_ready;
97 |
input rx_read;
98 |
input [7:0] tx_data;
99 |
input tx_write;
100 |
output tx_write_ack_o;
101 |
output tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
102 |
input translate ;
103 |
104 |
reg rx_extended;
105 |
reg rx_released;
106 |
reg [7:0] rx_scan_code;
107 |
reg [7:0] rx_ascii;
108 |
reg rx_data_ready;
109 |
reg tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
110 |
111 |
// Internal signal declarations
112 |
wire timer_60usec_done;
113 |
wire timer_5usec_done;
114 |
wire extended;
115 |
wire released;
116 |
wire shift_key_on;
117 |
118 |
// NOTE: These two signals used to be one. They
119 |
// were split into two signals because of
120 |
// shift key trapping. With shift key
121 |
// trapping, no event is generated externally,
122 |
// but the "hold" data must still be cleared
123 |
// anyway regardless, in preparation for the
124 |
// next scan codes.
125 |
wire rx_output_event; // Used only to clear: hold_released, hold_extended
126 |
wire rx_output_strobe; // Used to produce the actual output.
127 |
128 |
wire tx_parity_bit;
129 |
wire rx_shifting_done;
130 |
wire tx_shifting_done;
131 |
wire [11:0] shift_key_plus_code;
132 |
133 |
reg [`TOTAL_BITS-1:0] q;
134 |
reg [3:0] m1_state;
135 |
reg [3:0] m1_next_state;
136 |
reg m2_state;
137 |
reg m2_next_state;
138 |
reg [3:0] bit_count;
139 |
reg enable_timer_60usec;
140 |
reg enable_timer_5usec;
141 |
reg [TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP-1:0] timer_60usec_count;
142 |
reg [TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP-1:0] timer_5usec_count;
143 |
reg [7:0] ascii; // "REG" type only because a case statement is used.
144 |
reg left_shift_key;
145 |
reg right_shift_key;
146 |
reg hold_extended; // Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
147 |
reg hold_released; // Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
148 |
reg ps2_clk_s; // Synchronous version of this input
149 |
reg ps2_data_s; // Synchronous version of this input
150 |
reg ps2_clk_hi_z; // Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
151 |
reg ps2_data_hi_z; // Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
152 |
153 |
154 |
// Module code
155 |
156 |
assign ps2_clk_en_o_ = ps2_clk_hi_z ;
157 |
assign ps2_data_en_o_ = ps2_data_hi_z ;
158 |
159 |
// Input "synchronizing" logic -- synchronizes the inputs to the state
160 |
// machine clock, thus avoiding errors related to
161 |
// spurious state machine transitions.
162 |
always @(posedge clk)
163 |
164 |
ps2_clk_s <= ps2_clk_i;
165 |
ps2_data_s <= ps2_data_i;
166 |
167 |
168 |
// State register
169 |
always @(posedge clk)
170 |
begin : m1_state_register
171 |
if (reset) m1_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
172 |
else m1_state <= m1_next_state;
173 |
174 |
175 |
// State transition logic
176 |
always @(m1_state
177 |
or q
178 |
or tx_shifting_done
179 |
or tx_write
180 |
or ps2_clk_s
181 |
or ps2_data_s
182 |
or timer_60usec_done
183 |
or timer_5usec_done
184 |
185 |
begin : m1_state_logic
186 |
187 |
// Output signals default to this value, unless changed in a state condition.
188 |
ps2_clk_hi_z <= 1;
189 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= 1;
190 |
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= 0;
191 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 0;
192 |
enable_timer_5usec <= 0;
193 |
194 |
case (m1_state)
195 |
196 |
m1_rx_clk_h :
197 |
198 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 1;
199 |
if (tx_write) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
200 |
else if (~ps2_clk_s) m1_next_state <= m1_rx_falling_edge_marker;
201 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
202 |
203 |
204 |
m1_rx_falling_edge_marker :
205 |
206 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 0;
207 |
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
208 |
209 |
210 |
m1_rx_rising_edge_marker :
211 |
212 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 0;
213 |
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
m1_rx_clk_l :
218 |
219 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 1;
220 |
if (tx_write) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
221 |
else if (ps2_clk_s) m1_next_state <= m1_rx_rising_edge_marker;
222 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 0;
228 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
229 |
230 |
231 |
m1_tx_force_clk_l :
232 |
233 |
enable_timer_60usec <= 1;
234 |
ps2_clk_hi_z <= 0; // Force the ps2_clk line low.
235 |
if (timer_60usec_done) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
236 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
237 |
238 |
239 |
m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h :
240 |
241 |
enable_timer_5usec <= 1;
242 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= 0; // Start bit.
243 |
if (~ps2_clk_s && timer_5usec_done)
244 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
245 |
246 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
247 |
248 |
249 |
// This state must be included because the device might possibly
250 |
// delay for up to 10 milliseconds before beginning its clock pulses.
251 |
// During that waiting time, we cannot drive the data (q[0]) because it
252 |
// is possibly 1, which would cause the keyboard to abort its receive
253 |
// and the expected clocks would then never be generated.
254 |
m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l :
255 |
256 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= 0;
257 |
if (~ps2_clk_s) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
258 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l;
259 |
260 |
261 |
m1_tx_wait_clk_h :
262 |
263 |
enable_timer_5usec <= 1;
264 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= q[0];
265 |
if (ps2_clk_s && timer_5usec_done)
266 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_rising_edge_marker;
267 |
268 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
269 |
270 |
271 |
m1_tx_rising_edge_marker :
272 |
273 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= q[0];
274 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
275 |
276 |
277 |
m1_tx_clk_h :
278 |
279 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= q[0];
280 |
if (tx_shifting_done) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
281 |
else if (~ps2_clk_s) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
282 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
283 |
284 |
285 |
m1_tx_clk_l :
286 |
287 |
ps2_data_hi_z <= q[0];
288 |
if (ps2_clk_s) m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
289 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
290 |
291 |
292 |
m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack :
293 |
294 |
if (~ps2_clk_s && ps2_data_s)
295 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
296 |
else if (~ps2_clk_s && ~ps2_data_s)
297 |
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
298 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
299 |
300 |
301 |
m1_tx_done_recovery :
302 |
303 |
if (ps2_clk_s && ps2_data_s) m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
304 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
305 |
306 |
307 |
m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack :
308 |
309 |
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= 1;
310 |
if (ps2_clk_s && ps2_data_s) m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
311 |
else m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
312 |
313 |
314 |
default : m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
// State register
319 |
always @(posedge clk)
320 |
begin : m2_state_register
321 |
if (reset) m2_state <= m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
322 |
else m2_state <= m2_next_state;
323 |
324 |
325 |
// State transition logic
326 |
always @(m2_state or rx_output_strobe or rx_read)
327 |
begin : m2_state_logic
328 |
case (m2_state)
329 |
330 |
331 |
rx_data_ready <= 1'b0;
332 |
if (rx_output_strobe) m2_next_state <= m2_rx_data_ready;
333 |
else m2_next_state <= m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
rx_data_ready <= 1'b1;
338 |
if (rx_read) m2_next_state <= m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
339 |
else m2_next_state <= m2_rx_data_ready;
340 |
341 |
default : m2_next_state <= m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
// This is the bit counter
346 |
always @(posedge clk)
347 |
348 |
if ( reset
349 |
|| rx_shifting_done
350 |
|| (m1_state == m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack) // After tx is done.
351 |
) bit_count <= 0; // normal reset
352 |
else if (timer_60usec_done
353 |
&& (m1_state == m1_rx_clk_h)
354 |
&& (ps2_clk_s)
355 |
) bit_count <= 0; // rx watchdog timer reset
356 |
else if ( (m1_state == m1_rx_falling_edge_marker) // increment for rx
357 |
||(m1_state == m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) // increment for tx
358 |
359 |
bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
360 |
361 |
// This signal is high for one clock at the end of the timer count.
362 |
assign rx_shifting_done = (bit_count == `TOTAL_BITS);
363 |
assign tx_shifting_done = (bit_count == `TOTAL_BITS-1);
364 |
365 |
// This is the signal which enables loading of the shift register.
366 |
// It also indicates "ack" to the device writing to the transmitter.
367 |
assign tx_write_ack_o = ( (tx_write && (m1_state == m1_rx_clk_h))
368 |
||(tx_write && (m1_state == m1_rx_clk_l))
369 |
370 |
371 |
// This is the ODD parity bit for the transmitted word.
372 |
assign tx_parity_bit = ~^tx_data;
373 |
374 |
// This is the shift register
375 |
always @(posedge clk)
376 |
377 |
if (reset) q <= 0;
378 |
else if (tx_write_ack_o) q <= {1'b1,tx_parity_bit,tx_data,1'b0};
379 |
else if ( (m1_state == m1_rx_falling_edge_marker)
380 |
||(m1_state == m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) )
381 |
q <= {ps2_data_s,q[`TOTAL_BITS-1:1]};
382 |
383 |
384 |
// This is the 60usec timer counter
385 |
always @(posedge clk)
386 |
387 |
if (~enable_timer_60usec) timer_60usec_count <= 0;
388 |
else if (~timer_60usec_done) timer_60usec_count <= timer_60usec_count + 1;
389 |
390 |
assign timer_60usec_done = (timer_60usec_count == (TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP - 1));
391 |
392 |
// This is the 5usec timer counter
393 |
always @(posedge clk)
394 |
395 |
if (~enable_timer_5usec) timer_5usec_count <= 0;
396 |
else if (~timer_5usec_done) timer_5usec_count <= timer_5usec_count + 1;
397 |
398 |
assign timer_5usec_done = (timer_5usec_count == TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP - 1);
399 |
400 |
401 |
// Create the signals which indicate special scan codes received.
402 |
// These are the "unlatched versions."
403 |
404 |
assign extended = (q[8:1] == `EXTEND_CODE) && rx_shifting_done && translate ;
405 |
406 |
assign extended = 1'b0 ;
407 |
408 |
assign released = (q[8:1] == `RELEASE_CODE) && rx_shifting_done && translate ;
409 |
410 |
// Store the special scan code status bits
411 |
// Not the final output, but an intermediate storage place,
412 |
// until the entire set of output data can be assembled.
413 |
always @(posedge clk)
414 |
415 |
if (reset || rx_output_event)
416 |
417 |
hold_extended <= 0;
418 |
hold_released <= 0;
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
if (rx_shifting_done && extended) hold_extended <= 1;
423 |
if (rx_shifting_done && released) hold_released <= 1;
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
// These bits contain the status of the two shift keys
429 |
always @(posedge clk)
430 |
431 |
if (reset) left_shift_key <= 0;
432 |
else if ((q[8:1] == `LEFT_SHIFT) && rx_shifting_done && ~hold_released)
433 |
left_shift_key <= 1;
434 |
else if ((q[8:1] == `LEFT_SHIFT) && rx_shifting_done && hold_released)
435 |
left_shift_key <= 0;
436 |
437 |
438 |
always @(posedge clk)
439 |
440 |
if (reset) right_shift_key <= 0;
441 |
else if ((q[8:1] == `RIGHT_SHIFT) && rx_shifting_done && ~hold_released)
442 |
right_shift_key <= 1;
443 |
else if ((q[8:1] == `RIGHT_SHIFT) && rx_shifting_done && hold_released)
444 |
right_shift_key <= 0;
445 |
446 |
447 |
assign rx_shift_key_on = left_shift_key || right_shift_key;
448 |
449 |
// Output the special scan code flags, the scan code and the ascii
450 |
always @(posedge clk)
451 |
452 |
if (reset)
453 |
454 |
rx_extended <= 0;
455 |
rx_released <= 0;
456 |
rx_scan_code <= 0;
457 |
rx_ascii <= 0;
458 |
459 |
else if (rx_output_strobe)
460 |
461 |
rx_extended <= hold_extended;
462 |
rx_released <= hold_released;
463 |
rx_scan_code <= q[8:1];
464 |
rx_ascii <= ascii;
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
// Store the final rx output data only when all extend and release codes
469 |
// are received and the next (actual key) scan code is also ready.
470 |
// (the presence of rx_extended or rx_released refers to the
471 |
// the current latest scan code received, not the previously latched flags.)
472 |
assign rx_output_event = (rx_shifting_done
473 |
&& ~extended
474 |
&& ~released
475 |
476 |
477 |
assign rx_output_strobe = (rx_shifting_done
478 |
&& ~extended
479 |
&& ~released
480 |
&& ( (TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP == 0)
481 |
|| ( (q[8:1] != `RIGHT_SHIFT)
482 |
&&(q[8:1] != `LEFT_SHIFT)
483 |
484 |
485 |
486 |
487 |
// This part translates the scan code into an ASCII value...
488 |
// Only the ASCII codes which I considered important have been included.
489 |
// if you want more, just add the appropriate case statement lines...
490 |
// (You will need to know the keyboard scan codes you wish to assign.)
491 |
// The entries are listed in ascending order of ASCII value.
492 |
assign shift_key_plus_code = {3'b0,rx_shift_key_on,q[8:1]};
493 |
always @(shift_key_plus_code)
494 |
495 |
casez (shift_key_plus_code)
496 |
12'h?66 : ascii <= 8'h08; // Backspace ("backspace" key)
497 |
12'h?0d : ascii <= 8'h09; // Horizontal Tab
498 |
12'h?5a : ascii <= 8'h0d; // Carriage return ("enter" key)
499 |
12'h?76 : ascii <= 8'h1b; // Escape ("esc" key)
500 |
12'h?29 : ascii <= 8'h20; // Space
501 |
12'h116 : ascii <= 8'h21; // !
502 |
12'h152 : ascii <= 8'h22; // "
503 |
12'h126 : ascii <= 8'h23; // #
504 |
12'h125 : ascii <= 8'h24; // $
505 |
12'h12e : ascii <= 8'h25; // %
506 |
12'h13d : ascii <= 8'h26; // &
507 |
12'h052 : ascii <= 8'h27; // '
508 |
12'h146 : ascii <= 8'h28; // (
509 |
12'h145 : ascii <= 8'h29; // )
510 |
12'h13e : ascii <= 8'h2a; // *
511 |
12'h155 : ascii <= 8'h2b; // +
512 |
12'h041 : ascii <= 8'h2c; // ,
513 |
12'h04e : ascii <= 8'h2d; // -
514 |
12'h049 : ascii <= 8'h2e; // .
515 |
12'h04a : ascii <= 8'h2f; // /
516 |
12'h045 : ascii <= 8'h30; // 0
517 |
12'h016 : ascii <= 8'h31; // 1
518 |
12'h01e : ascii <= 8'h32; // 2
519 |
12'h026 : ascii <= 8'h33; // 3
520 |
12'h025 : ascii <= 8'h34; // 4
521 |
12'h02e : ascii <= 8'h35; // 5
522 |
12'h036 : ascii <= 8'h36; // 6
523 |
12'h03d : ascii <= 8'h37; // 7
524 |
12'h03e : ascii <= 8'h38; // 8
525 |
12'h046 : ascii <= 8'h39; // 9
526 |
12'h14c : ascii <= 8'h3a; // :
527 |
12'h04c : ascii <= 8'h3b; // ;
528 |
12'h141 : ascii <= 8'h3c; // <
529 |
12'h055 : ascii <= 8'h3d; // =
530 |
12'h149 : ascii <= 8'h3e; // >
531 |
12'h14a : ascii <= 8'h3f; // ?
532 |
12'h11e : ascii <= 8'h40; // @
533 |
12'h11c : ascii <= 8'h41; // A
534 |
12'h132 : ascii <= 8'h42; // B
535 |
12'h121 : ascii <= 8'h43; // C
536 |
12'h123 : ascii <= 8'h44; // D
537 |
12'h124 : ascii <= 8'h45; // E
538 |
12'h12b : ascii <= 8'h46; // F
539 |
12'h134 : ascii <= 8'h47; // G
540 |
12'h133 : ascii <= 8'h48; // H
541 |
12'h143 : ascii <= 8'h49; // I
542 |
12'h13b : ascii <= 8'h4a; // J
543 |
12'h142 : ascii <= 8'h4b; // K
544 |
12'h14b : ascii <= 8'h4c; // L
545 |
12'h13a : ascii <= 8'h4d; // M
546 |
12'h131 : ascii <= 8'h4e; // N
547 |
12'h144 : ascii <= 8'h4f; // O
548 |
12'h14d : ascii <= 8'h50; // P
549 |
12'h115 : ascii <= 8'h51; // Q
550 |
12'h12d : ascii <= 8'h52; // R
551 |
12'h11b : ascii <= 8'h53; // S
552 |
12'h12c : ascii <= 8'h54; // T
553 |
12'h13c : ascii <= 8'h55; // U
554 |
12'h12a : ascii <= 8'h56; // V
555 |
12'h11d : ascii <= 8'h57; // W
556 |
12'h122 : ascii <= 8'h58; // X
557 |
12'h135 : ascii <= 8'h59; // Y
558 |
12'h11a : ascii <= 8'h5a; // Z
559 |
12'h054 : ascii <= 8'h5b; // [
560 |
12'h05d : ascii <= 8'h5c; // \
561 |
12'h05b : ascii <= 8'h5d; // ]
562 |
12'h136 : ascii <= 8'h5e; // ^
563 |
12'h14e : ascii <= 8'h5f; // _
564 |
12'h00e : ascii <= 8'h60; // `
565 |
12'h01c : ascii <= 8'h61; // a
566 |
12'h032 : ascii <= 8'h62; // b
567 |
12'h021 : ascii <= 8'h63; // c
568 |
12'h023 : ascii <= 8'h64; // d
569 |
12'h024 : ascii <= 8'h65; // e
570 |
12'h02b : ascii <= 8'h66; // f
571 |
12'h034 : ascii <= 8'h67; // g
572 |
12'h033 : ascii <= 8'h68; // h
573 |
12'h043 : ascii <= 8'h69; // i
574 |
12'h03b : ascii <= 8'h6a; // j
575 |
12'h042 : ascii <= 8'h6b; // k
576 |
12'h04b : ascii <= 8'h6c; // l
577 |
12'h03a : ascii <= 8'h6d; // m
578 |
12'h031 : ascii <= 8'h6e; // n
579 |
12'h044 : ascii <= 8'h6f; // o
580 |
12'h04d : ascii <= 8'h70; // p
581 |
12'h015 : ascii <= 8'h71; // q
582 |
12'h02d : ascii <= 8'h72; // r
583 |
12'h01b : ascii <= 8'h73; // s
584 |
12'h02c : ascii <= 8'h74; // t
585 |
12'h03c : ascii <= 8'h75; // u
586 |
12'h02a : ascii <= 8'h76; // v
587 |
12'h01d : ascii <= 8'h77; // w
588 |
12'h022 : ascii <= 8'h78; // x
589 |
12'h035 : ascii <= 8'h79; // y
590 |
12'h01a : ascii <= 8'h7a; // z
591 |
12'h154 : ascii <= 8'h7b; // {
592 |
12'h15d : ascii <= 8'h7c; // |
593 |
12'h15b : ascii <= 8'h7d; // }
594 |
12'h10e : ascii <= 8'h7e; // ~
595 |
12'h?71 : ascii <= 8'h7f; // (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
596 |
default : ascii <= 8'h2e; // '.' used for unlisted characters.
597 |
598 |
599 |
600 |
601 |
602 |
603 |
//`undefine TOTAL_BITS
604 |
//`undefine EXTEND_CODE
605 |
//`undefine RELEASE_CODE
606 |
//`undefine LEFT_SHIFT
607 |
//`undefine RIGHT_SHIFT
608 |