1 |
40 |
rrred |
library IEEE;
2 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 |
entity ps2kbd is
5 |
6 |
keyboard_clk : inout std_logic;
7 |
keyboard_data : inout std_logic;
8 |
clock : in std_logic;
9 |
clkdelay : in std_logic;
10 |
reset : in std_logic;
11 |
read : in std_logic;
12 |
scan_ready : out std_logic;
13 |
ps2_ascii_code : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
14 |
end ps2kbd;
15 |
16 |
architecture rtl of ps2kbd is
17 |
18 |
--signal keyboard_clk : std_logic;
19 |
--signal keyboard_data : std_logic;
20 |
--signal clock : std_logic;
21 |
--signal reset : std_logic;
22 |
--signal read : std_logic;
23 |
--signal scan_ready : std_logic;
24 |
--signal ps2_ascii_code : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
25 |
26 |
signal scan_code_sig : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
27 |
signal scan_code : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
28 |
signal shift : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
29 |
signal caps : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
30 |
signal ctrlkey : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
31 |
32 |
33 |
process (clkdelay)
34 |
35 |
if clkdelay'event and clkdelay='1' then
36 |
if scan_code_sig = x"58" then
37 |
if caps = "00" then
38 |
caps <= "01";
39 |
elsif caps = "01" then
40 |
caps <= "11";
41 |
elsif caps = "11" then
42 |
caps <= "10";
43 |
44 |
caps <= "00";
45 |
end if;
46 |
end if;
47 |
end if;
48 |
49 |
scan_code <= "000" & caps(0) & scan_code_sig;
50 |
51 |
end process;
52 |
53 |
ps2_ascii_decode : process(scan_code)
54 |
55 |
case scan_code is
56 |
when x"066" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"08"; -- Backspace ("backspace" key)
57 |
when x"00d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"09"; -- Horizontal Tab
58 |
when x"05a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"0d"; -- Carriage return ("enter" key)
59 |
when x"076" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"1b"; -- Escape ("esc" key)
60 |
when x"029" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"20"; -- Space
61 |
when x"116" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"21"; -- !
62 |
when x"152" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"22"; -- "
63 |
when x"126" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"23"; -- #
64 |
when x"125" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"24"; -- $
65 |
when x"12e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"25"; --
66 |
when x"13d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"26"; --
67 |
when x"052" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"27"; --
68 |
when x"146" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"28"; --
69 |
when x"145" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"29"; --
70 |
when x"13e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2a"; -- *
71 |
when x"155" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2b"; -- +
72 |
when x"041" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2c"; -- ,
73 |
when x"04e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2d"; -- -
74 |
when x"049" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2e"; -- .
75 |
when x"04a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"2f"; -- /
76 |
when x"045" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"30"; -- 0
77 |
when x"016" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"31"; -- 1
78 |
when x"01e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"32"; -- 2
79 |
when x"026" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"33"; -- 3
80 |
when x"025" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"34"; -- 4
81 |
when x"02e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"35"; -- 5
82 |
when x"036" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"36"; -- 6
83 |
when x"03d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"37"; -- 7
84 |
when x"03e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"38"; -- 8
85 |
when x"046" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"39"; -- 9
86 |
when x"14c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3a"; -- :
87 |
when x"04c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3b"; -- ;
88 |
when x"141" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3c"; -- <
89 |
when x"055" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3d"; -- =
90 |
when x"149" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3e"; -- >
91 |
when x"14a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"3f"; -- ?
92 |
when x"11e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"40"; -- @
93 |
when x"11c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"41"; -- A
94 |
when x"132" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"42"; -- B
95 |
when x"121" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"43"; -- C
96 |
when x"123" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"44"; -- D
97 |
when x"124" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"45"; -- E
98 |
when x"12b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"46"; -- F
99 |
when x"134" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"47"; -- G
100 |
when x"133" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"48"; -- H
101 |
when x"143" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"49"; -- I
102 |
when x"13b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4a"; -- J
103 |
when x"142" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4b"; -- K
104 |
when x"14b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4c"; -- L
105 |
when x"13a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4d"; -- M
106 |
when x"131" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4e"; -- N
107 |
when x"144" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"4f"; -- O
108 |
when x"14d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"50"; -- P
109 |
when x"115" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"51"; -- Q
110 |
when x"12d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"52"; -- R
111 |
when x"11b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"53"; -- S
112 |
when x"12c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"54"; -- T
113 |
when x"13c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"55"; -- U
114 |
when x"12a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"56"; -- V
115 |
when x"11d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"57"; -- W
116 |
when x"122" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"58"; -- X
117 |
when x"135" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"59"; -- Y
118 |
when x"11a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5a"; -- Z
119 |
when x"054" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5b"; -- [
120 |
when x"05d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5c"; -- \
121 |
when x"05b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5d"; -- ]
122 |
when x"136" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5e"; -- ^
123 |
when x"14e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"5f"; -- _
124 |
when x"00e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"60"; -- `
125 |
when x"01c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"61"; -- a
126 |
when x"032" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"62"; -- b
127 |
when x"021" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"63"; -- c
128 |
when x"023" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"64"; -- d
129 |
when x"024" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"65"; -- e
130 |
when x"02b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"66"; -- f
131 |
when x"034" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"67"; -- g
132 |
when x"033" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"68"; -- h
133 |
when x"043" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"69"; -- i
134 |
when x"03b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6a"; -- j
135 |
when x"042" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6b"; -- k
136 |
when x"04b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6c"; -- l
137 |
when x"03a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6d"; -- m
138 |
when x"031" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6e"; -- n
139 |
when x"044" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"6f"; -- o
140 |
when x"04d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"70"; -- p
141 |
when x"015" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"71"; -- q
142 |
when x"02d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"72"; -- r
143 |
when x"01b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"73"; -- s
144 |
when x"02c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"74"; -- t
145 |
when x"03c" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"75"; -- u
146 |
when x"02a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"76"; -- v
147 |
when x"01d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"77"; -- w
148 |
when x"022" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"78"; -- x
149 |
when x"035" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"79"; -- y
150 |
when x"01a" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7a"; -- z
151 |
when x"154" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7b"; -- {
152 |
when x"15d" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7c"; -- |
153 |
when x"15b" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7d"; -- }
154 |
when x"10e" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7e"; -- ~
155 |
when x"071" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
156 |
when x"171" => ps2_ascii_code <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
157 |
when others => ps2_ascii_code <= x"FF"; -- keys not mapped
158 |
end case;
159 |
end process;
160 |
161 |
kbd_inst: work.keyboard port map (
162 |
keyboard_clk => keyboard_clk,
163 |
keyboard_data => keyboard_data,
164 |
clock => clock,
165 |
reset => reset,
166 |
read => read,
167 |
scan_ready => scan_ready,
168 |
scan_code => scan_code_sig
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |