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Analysis & Synthesis report for z80soc
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Sun Jun 19 14:41:59 2016
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Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition
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; Table of Contents ;
8 |
9 |
1. Legal Notice
10 |
2. Analysis & Synthesis Summary
11 |
3. Analysis & Synthesis Settings
12 |
4. Parallel Compilation
13 |
5. Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read
14 |
6. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary
15 |
7. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity
16 |
8. Analysis & Synthesis RAM Summary
17 |
9. Analysis & Synthesis IP Cores Summary
18 |
10. Registers Removed During Synthesis
19 |
11. Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations
20 |
12. General Register Statistics
21 |
13. Inverted Register Statistics
22 |
14. Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (Restructuring Performed)
23 |
15. Source assignments for vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated
24 |
16. Source assignments for vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1
25 |
17. Source assignments for charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated
26 |
18. Source assignments for charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated|altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1
27 |
19. Source assignments for rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated
28 |
20. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst
29 |
21. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0
30 |
22. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_MCode:mcode
31 |
23. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu
32 |
24. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component
33 |
25. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component
34 |
26. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component
35 |
27. altsyncram Parameter Settings by Entity Instance
36 |
28. Port Connectivity Checks: "clk_div:clkdiv_inst"
37 |
29. Port Connectivity Checks: "video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst"
38 |
30. Port Connectivity Checks: "video:video_inst"
39 |
31. Port Connectivity Checks: "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0"
40 |
32. Port Connectivity Checks: "T80se:z80_inst"
41 |
33. Elapsed Time Per Partition
42 |
34. Analysis & Synthesis Messages
43 |
44 |
45 |
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; Legal Notice ;
48 |
49 |
Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
50 |
Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
51 |
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
52 |
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
53 |
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
54 |
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
55 |
to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
56 |
Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
57 |
Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
58 |
without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
59 |
programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
60 |
Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
61 |
applicable agreement for further details.
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; Analysis & Synthesis Summary ;
67 |
68 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Sun Jun 19 14:41:59 2016 ;
69 |
; Quartus II 64-Bit Version ; 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 SP 1 SJ Web Edition ;
70 |
; Revision Name ; z80soc ;
71 |
; Top-level Entity Name ; Z80SOC ;
72 |
; Family ; Cyclone II ;
73 |
; Total logic elements ; 2,705 ;
74 |
; Total combinational functions ; 2,464 ;
75 |
; Dedicated logic registers ; 535 ;
76 |
; Total registers ; 535 ;
77 |
; Total pins ; 281 ;
78 |
; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
79 |
; Total memory bits ; 196,600 ;
80 |
; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 0 ;
81 |
; Total PLLs ; 0 ;
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Settings ;
87 |
88 |
; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ;
89 |
90 |
; Device ; EP2C20F484C7 ; ;
91 |
; Top-level entity name ; z80soc ; z80soc ;
92 |
; Family name ; Cyclone II ; Cyclone IV GX ;
93 |
; Use smart compilation ; On ; Off ;
94 |
; Auto Shift Register Replacement ; Off ; Auto ;
95 |
; Enable parallel Assembler and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer during compilation ; On ; On ;
96 |
; Enable compact report table ; Off ; Off ;
97 |
; Restructure Multiplexers ; Auto ; Auto ;
98 |
; Create Debugging Nodes for IP Cores ; Off ; Off ;
99 |
; Preserve fewer node names ; On ; On ;
100 |
; Disable OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation ; Off ; Off ;
101 |
; Verilog Version ; Verilog_2001 ; Verilog_2001 ;
102 |
; VHDL Version ; VHDL_1993 ; VHDL_1993 ;
103 |
; State Machine Processing ; Auto ; Auto ;
104 |
; Safe State Machine ; Off ; Off ;
105 |
; Extract Verilog State Machines ; On ; On ;
106 |
; Extract VHDL State Machines ; On ; On ;
107 |
; Ignore Verilog initial constructs ; Off ; Off ;
108 |
; Iteration limit for constant Verilog loops ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
109 |
; Iteration limit for non-constant Verilog loops ; 250 ; 250 ;
110 |
; Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs ; On ; On ;
111 |
; Infer RAMs from Raw Logic ; On ; On ;
112 |
; Parallel Synthesis ; On ; On ;
113 |
; DSP Block Balancing ; Auto ; Auto ;
114 |
; NOT Gate Push-Back ; On ; On ;
115 |
; Power-Up Don't Care ; On ; On ;
116 |
; Remove Redundant Logic Cells ; Off ; Off ;
117 |
; Remove Duplicate Registers ; On ; On ;
118 |
; Ignore CARRY Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
119 |
; Ignore CASCADE Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
120 |
; Ignore GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
121 |
; Ignore ROW GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
122 |
; Ignore LCELL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
123 |
; Ignore SOFT Buffers ; On ; On ;
124 |
; Limit AHDL Integers to 32 Bits ; Off ; Off ;
125 |
; Optimization Technique ; Balanced ; Balanced ;
126 |
; Carry Chain Length ; 70 ; 70 ;
127 |
; Auto Carry Chains ; On ; On ;
128 |
; Auto Open-Drain Pins ; On ; On ;
129 |
; Perform WYSIWYG Primitive Resynthesis ; Off ; Off ;
130 |
; Auto ROM Replacement ; On ; On ;
131 |
; Auto RAM Replacement ; On ; On ;
132 |
; Allow Shift Register Merging across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
133 |
; Auto Clock Enable Replacement ; On ; On ;
134 |
; Strict RAM Replacement ; Off ; Off ;
135 |
; Allow Synchronous Control Signals ; On ; On ;
136 |
; Force Use of Synchronous Clear Signals ; Off ; Off ;
137 |
; Auto RAM to Logic Cell Conversion ; Off ; Off ;
138 |
; Auto Resource Sharing ; Off ; Off ;
139 |
; Allow Any RAM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
140 |
; Allow Any ROM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
141 |
; Allow Any Shift Register Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
142 |
; Use LogicLock Constraints during Resource Balancing ; On ; On ;
143 |
; Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives ; Off ; Off ;
144 |
; Timing-Driven Synthesis ; Off ; Off ;
145 |
; Report Parameter Settings ; On ; On ;
146 |
; Report Source Assignments ; On ; On ;
147 |
; Report Connectivity Checks ; On ; On ;
148 |
; Ignore Maximum Fan-Out Assignments ; Off ; Off ;
149 |
; Synchronization Register Chain Length ; 2 ; 2 ;
150 |
; PowerPlay Power Optimization ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ;
151 |
; HDL message level ; Level2 ; Level2 ;
152 |
; Suppress Register Optimization Related Messages ; Off ; Off ;
153 |
; Number of Removed Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
154 |
; Number of Swept Nodes Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
155 |
; Number of Inverted Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 100 ; 100 ;
156 |
; Clock MUX Protection ; On ; On ;
157 |
; Auto Gated Clock Conversion ; Off ; Off ;
158 |
; Block Design Naming ; Auto ; Auto ;
159 |
; SDC constraint protection ; Off ; Off ;
160 |
; Synthesis Effort ; Auto ; Auto ;
161 |
; Shift Register Replacement - Allow Asynchronous Clear Signal ; On ; On ;
162 |
; Pre-Mapping Resynthesis Optimization ; Off ; Off ;
163 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Message Level ; Medium ; Medium ;
164 |
; Disable Register Merging Across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
165 |
; Resource Aware Inference For Block RAM ; On ; On ;
166 |
; Synthesis Seed ; 1 ; 1 ;
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
Parallel compilation was disabled, but you have multiple processors available. Enable parallel compilation to reduce compilation time.
171 |
172 |
; Parallel Compilation ;
173 |
174 |
; Processors ; Number ;
175 |
176 |
; Number detected on machine ; 2 ;
177 |
; Maximum allowed ; 1 ;
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; Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read ;
183 |
184 |
; File Name with User-Entered Path ; Used in Netlist ; File Type ; File Name with Absolute Path ; Library ;
185 |
186 |
; memoryCores/vram.vhd ; yes ; User Wizard-Generated File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/vram.vhd ; ;
187 |
; memoryCores/charram.vhd ; yes ; User Wizard-Generated File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/charram.vhd ; ;
188 |
; memoryCores/rom.vhd ; yes ; User Wizard-Generated File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/rom.vhd ; ;
189 |
; vhdl/keyboard.VHD ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/keyboard.VHD ; ;
190 |
; vhdl/ps2bkd.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/ps2bkd.vhd ; ;
191 |
; vhdl/T80.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80.vhd ; ;
192 |
; vhdl/T80_ALU.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80_ALU.vhd ; ;
193 |
; vhdl/T80_MCode.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80_MCode.vhd ; ;
194 |
; vhdl/T80_Pack.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80_Pack.vhd ; ;
195 |
; vhdl/T80_Reg.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80_Reg.vhd ; ;
196 |
; vhdl/T80se.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/T80se.vhd ; ;
197 |
; vhdl/video.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/video.vhd ; ;
198 |
; vhdl/clk_div.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/clk_div.vhd ; ;
199 |
; vhdl/decoder_7seg.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/decoder_7seg.vhd ; ;
200 |
; vhdl/z80soc.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/z80soc.vhd ; ;
201 |
; vhdl/vga_sync.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/vga_sync.vhd ; ;
202 |
; vhdl/z80soc_pack.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/vhdl/z80soc_pack.vhd ; ;
203 |
; altsyncram.tdf ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altsyncram.tdf ; ;
204 |
; stratix_ram_block.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratix_ram_block.inc ; ;
205 |
; lpm_mux.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/lpm_mux.inc ; ;
206 |
; lpm_decode.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/lpm_decode.inc ; ;
207 |
; aglobal130.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/aglobal130.inc ; ;
208 |
; a_rdenreg.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/a_rdenreg.inc ; ;
209 |
; altrom.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altrom.inc ; ;
210 |
; altram.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altram.inc ; ;
211 |
; altdpram.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; c:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altdpram.inc ; ;
212 |
; db/altsyncram_66l1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/altsyncram_66l1.tdf ; ;
213 |
; db/altsyncram_pal1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/altsyncram_pal1.tdf ; ;
214 |
; db/decode_1oa.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/decode_1oa.tdf ; ;
215 |
; db/mux_hib.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/mux_hib.tdf ; ;
216 |
; db/altsyncram_h1o1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/altsyncram_h1o1.tdf ; ;
217 |
; db/altsyncram_36o1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/altsyncram_36o1.tdf ; ;
218 |
; ../ROMdata/lat9-08.mif ; yes ; Auto-Found Memory Initialization File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/ROMdata/lat9-08.mif ; ;
219 |
; db/altsyncram_tr91.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/altsyncram_tr91.tdf ; ;
220 |
; ../ROMdata/rom.hex ; yes ; Auto-Found Memory Initialization File ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/ROMdata/rom.hex ; ;
221 |
; db/decode_4oa.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/decode_4oa.tdf ; ;
222 |
; db/mux_kib.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/db/mux_kib.tdf ; ;
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary ;
228 |
229 |
; Resource ; Usage ;
230 |
231 |
; Estimated Total logic elements ; 2,705 ;
232 |
; ; ;
233 |
; Total combinational functions ; 2464 ;
234 |
; Logic element usage by number of LUT inputs ; ;
235 |
; -- 4 input functions ; 1731 ;
236 |
; -- 3 input functions ; 454 ;
237 |
; -- <=2 input functions ; 279 ;
238 |
; ; ;
239 |
; Logic elements by mode ; ;
240 |
; -- normal mode ; 2278 ;
241 |
; -- arithmetic mode ; 186 ;
242 |
; ; ;
243 |
; Total registers ; 535 ;
244 |
; -- Dedicated logic registers ; 535 ;
245 |
; -- I/O registers ; 0 ;
246 |
; ; ;
247 |
; I/O pins ; 281 ;
248 |
; Total memory bits ; 196600 ;
249 |
; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 0 ;
250 |
; Maximum fan-out node ; Clk_Z80 ;
251 |
; Maximum fan-out ; 409 ;
252 |
; Total fan-out ; 11670 ;
253 |
; Average fan-out ; 3.50 ;
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity ;
259 |
260 |
; Compilation Hierarchy Node ; LC Combinationals ; LC Registers ; Memory Bits ; DSP Elements ; DSP 9x9 ; DSP 18x18 ; Pins ; Virtual Pins ; Full Hierarchy Name ; Library Name ;
261 |
262 |
; |Z80SOC ; 2464 (110) ; 535 (65) ; 196600 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 281 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC ; work ;
263 |
; |T80se:z80_inst| ; 2037 (10) ; 345 (12) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst ; work ;
264 |
; |T80:u0| ; 2027 (838) ; 333 (205) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0 ; work ;
265 |
; |T80_ALU:alu| ; 458 (458) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu ; work ;
266 |
; |T80_MCode:mcode| ; 475 (475) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_MCode:mcode ; work ;
267 |
; |T80_Reg:Regs| ; 256 (256) ; 128 (128) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_Reg:Regs ; work ;
268 |
; |charram:cram| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|charram:cram ; work ;
269 |
; |altsyncram:altsyncram_component| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ; work ;
270 |
; |altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated ; work ;
271 |
; |altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated|altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1 ; work ;
272 |
; |clk_div:clkdiv_inst| ; 33 (33) ; 36 (36) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|clk_div:clkdiv_inst ; work ;
273 |
; |decoder_7seg:DISPHEX0| ; 7 (7) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|decoder_7seg:DISPHEX0 ; work ;
274 |
; |decoder_7seg:DISPHEX1| ; 7 (7) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|decoder_7seg:DISPHEX1 ; work ;
275 |
; |decoder_7seg:DISPHEX2| ; 7 (7) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|decoder_7seg:DISPHEX2 ; work ;
276 |
; |decoder_7seg:DISPHEX3| ; 7 (7) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|decoder_7seg:DISPHEX3 ; work ;
277 |
; |ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst| ; 144 (128) ; 35 (2) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst ; work ;
278 |
; |keyboard:kbd_inst| ; 16 (16) ; 33 (33) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst|keyboard:kbd_inst ; work ;
279 |
; |rom:rom_inst| ; 20 (0) ; 4 (0) ; 131072 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst ; work ;
280 |
; |altsyncram:altsyncram_component| ; 20 (0) ; 4 (0) ; 131072 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ; work ;
281 |
; |altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated| ; 20 (0) ; 4 (4) ; 131072 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated ; work ;
282 |
; |decode_4oa:deep_decode| ; 4 (4) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated|decode_4oa:deep_decode ; work ;
283 |
; |mux_kib:mux2| ; 16 (16) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated|mux_kib:mux2 ; work ;
284 |
; |video:video_inst| ; 80 (22) ; 49 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|video:video_inst ; work ;
285 |
; |VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst| ; 58 (58) ; 49 (49) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst ; work ;
286 |
; |vram:vram_inst| ; 12 (0) ; 1 (0) ; 49144 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst ; work ;
287 |
; |altsyncram:altsyncram_component| ; 12 (0) ; 1 (0) ; 49144 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ; work ;
288 |
; |altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated| ; 12 (0) ; 1 (0) ; 49144 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated ; work ;
289 |
; |altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1| ; 12 (0) ; 1 (1) ; 49144 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1 ; work ;
290 |
; |decode_1oa:decode4| ; 4 (4) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|decode_1oa:decode4 ; work ;
291 |
; |mux_hib:mux5| ; 8 (8) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|mux_hib:mux5 ; work ;
292 |
293 |
Note: For table entries with two numbers listed, the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of resources of the given type used by the specific entity alone. The numbers listed outside of parentheses indicate the total resources of the given type used by the specific entity and all of its sub-entities in the hierarchy.
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
; Analysis & Synthesis RAM Summary ;
298 |
299 |
; Name ; Type ; Mode ; Port A Depth ; Port A Width ; Port B Depth ; Port B Width ; Size ; MIF ;
300 |
301 |
; charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated|altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; True Dual Port ; 2048 ; 8 ; 2048 ; 8 ; 16384 ; ../ROMdata/lat9-08.mif ;
302 |
; rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; ROM ; 16384 ; 8 ; -- ; -- ; 131072 ; ../ROMdata/rom.hex ;
303 |
; vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; True Dual Port ; 6143 ; 8 ; 6143 ; 8 ; 49144 ; None ;
304 |
305 |
306 |
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308 |
; Analysis & Synthesis IP Cores Summary ;
309 |
310 |
; Vendor ; IP Core Name ; Version ; Release Date ; License Type ; Entity Instance ; IP Include File ;
311 |
312 |
; Altera ; RAM: 2-PORT ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ; |Z80SOC|charram:cram ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/charram.vhd ;
313 |
; Altera ; ROM: 1-PORT ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ; |Z80SOC|rom:rom_inst ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/rom.vhd ;
314 |
; Altera ; RAM: 2-PORT ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ; |Z80SOC|vram:vram_inst ; F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/DE1/memoryCores/vram.vhd ;
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
; Registers Removed During Synthesis ;
320 |
321 |
; Register name ; Reason for Removal ;
322 |
323 |
; video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst|green_out[3] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
324 |
; video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst|red_out[0..3] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
325 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|OldNMI_n ; Lost fanout ;
326 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusReq_s ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
327 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|INT_s ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
328 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusAck ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
329 |
; video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst|green_out[0..2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
330 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IntE_FF1 ; Lost fanout ;
331 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|NMI_s ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
332 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IntCycle ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
333 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IStatus[0,1] ; Lost fanout ;
334 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|NMICycle ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
335 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Auto_Wait_t2 ; Lost fanout ;
336 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Auto_Wait_t1 ; Lost fanout ;
337 |
; video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst|pixel_row[9] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
338 |
; ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst|keyboard:kbd_inst|clock_enable ; Merged with clk_div:clkdiv_inst|count_10Mhz[0] ;
339 |
; Total Number of Removed Registers = 22 ; ;
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
; Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations ;
345 |
346 |
; Register name ; Reason for Removal ; Registers Removed due to This Register ;
347 |
348 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusReq_s ; Stuck at GND ; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusAck, T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Auto_Wait_t2, ;
349 |
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Auto_Wait_t1 ;
350 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IntCycle ; Stuck at GND ; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IStatus[0], T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IStatus[1] ;
351 |
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
352 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|INT_s ; Stuck at GND ; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IntE_FF1 ;
353 |
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
; General Register Statistics ;
359 |
360 |
; Statistic ; Value ;
361 |
362 |
; Total registers ; 535 ;
363 |
; Number of registers using Synchronous Clear ; 7 ;
364 |
; Number of registers using Synchronous Load ; 25 ;
365 |
; Number of registers using Asynchronous Clear ; 176 ;
366 |
; Number of registers using Asynchronous Load ; 0 ;
367 |
; Number of registers using Clock Enable ; 356 ;
368 |
; Number of registers using Preset ; 0 ;
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
; Inverted Register Statistics ;
374 |
375 |
; Inverted Register ; Fan out ;
376 |
377 |
; T80se:z80_inst|WR_n ; 3 ;
378 |
; T80se:z80_inst|MREQ_n ; 6 ;
379 |
; T80se:z80_inst|RD_n ; 4 ;
380 |
; T80se:z80_inst|IORQ_n ; 2 ;
381 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|MCycle[0] ; 92 ;
382 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[6] ; 11 ;
383 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[0] ; 14 ;
384 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[2] ; 8 ;
385 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[7] ; 7 ;
386 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[0] ; 5 ;
387 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[1] ; 5 ;
388 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[2] ; 5 ;
389 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[3] ; 5 ;
390 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[4] ; 5 ;
391 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[5] ; 5 ;
392 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[6] ; 5 ;
393 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[7] ; 5 ;
394 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[8] ; 5 ;
395 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[0] ; 7 ;
396 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[9] ; 5 ;
397 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[1] ; 7 ;
398 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[10] ; 5 ;
399 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[2] ; 7 ;
400 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[11] ; 5 ;
401 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[3] ; 9 ;
402 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[12] ; 5 ;
403 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[4] ; 7 ;
404 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[13] ; 5 ;
405 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[5] ; 9 ;
406 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[14] ; 5 ;
407 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[6] ; 7 ;
408 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[15] ; 5 ;
409 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[7] ; 7 ;
410 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[1] ; 20 ;
411 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[4] ; 8 ;
412 |
; \random:rand_temp[15] ; 2 ;
413 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[6] ; 1 ;
414 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[0] ; 1 ;
415 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[2] ; 1 ;
416 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[7] ; 1 ;
417 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[0] ; 1 ;
418 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[1] ; 1 ;
419 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[2] ; 1 ;
420 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[3] ; 1 ;
421 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[4] ; 1 ;
422 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[5] ; 1 ;
423 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[6] ; 1 ;
424 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Ap[7] ; 1 ;
425 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[5] ; 2 ;
426 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[1] ; 1 ;
427 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[4] ; 1 ;
428 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[3] ; 2 ;
429 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[5] ; 1 ;
430 |
; T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Fp[3] ; 1 ;
431 |
; Total number of inverted registers = 54 ; ;
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
; Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (Restructuring Performed) ;
437 |
438 |
; Multiplexer Inputs ; Bus Width ; Baseline Area ; Area if Restructured ; Saving if Restructured ; Registered ; Example Multiplexer Output ;
439 |
440 |
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ALU_Op_r[2] ;
441 |
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|RegAddrC[1] ;
442 |
; 3:1 ; 4 bits ; 8 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Read_To_Reg_r[2] ;
443 |
; 3:1 ; 10 bits ; 20 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst|v_count[2] ;
444 |
; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|XY_State[0] ;
445 |
; 6:1 ; 8 bits ; 32 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 24 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|IR[7] ;
446 |
; 5:1 ; 2 bits ; 6 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|MCycle[2] ;
447 |
; 5:1 ; 8 bits ; 24 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 16 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|ps2_ascii_reg1[1] ;
448 |
; 5:1 ; 4 bits ; 12 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 8 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst|keyboard:kbd_inst|INCNT[0] ;
449 |
; 4:1 ; 7 bits ; 14 LEs ; 7 LEs ; 7 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|R[2] ;
450 |
; 11:1 ; 8 bits ; 56 LEs ; 48 LEs ; 8 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusB[7] ;
451 |
; 12:1 ; 8 bits ; 64 LEs ; 32 LEs ; 32 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|BusA[1] ;
452 |
; 7:1 ; 2 bits ; 8 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ISet[0] ;
453 |
; 6:1 ; 5 bits ; 20 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|TmpAddr[0] ;
454 |
; 6:1 ; 3 bits ; 12 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|TmpAddr[3] ;
455 |
; 6:1 ; 8 bits ; 32 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 16 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|TmpAddr[10] ;
456 |
; 11:1 ; 7 bits ; 49 LEs ; 21 LEs ; 28 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|PC[1] ;
457 |
; 11:1 ; 8 bits ; 56 LEs ; 32 LEs ; 24 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|PC[11] ;
458 |
; 17:1 ; 8 bits ; 88 LEs ; 32 LEs ; 56 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|A[1] ;
459 |
; 17:1 ; 8 bits ; 88 LEs ; 40 LEs ; 48 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|A[8] ;
460 |
; 5:1 ; 8 bits ; 24 LEs ; 24 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|DO[7] ;
461 |
; 7:1 ; 8 bits ; 32 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 16 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[4] ;
462 |
; 7:1 ; 8 bits ; 32 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 16 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|SP[8] ;
463 |
; 8:1 ; 8 bits ; 40 LEs ; 24 LEs ; 16 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|ACC[3] ;
464 |
; 18:1 ; 2 bits ; 24 LEs ; 12 LEs ; 12 LEs ; Yes ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|F[3] ;
465 |
; 3:1 ; 4 bits ; 8 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu|Q_t ;
466 |
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_MCode:mcode|Mux47 ;
467 |
; 4:1 ; 3 bits ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu|DAA_Q[2] ;
468 |
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Save_Mux[1] ;
469 |
; 8:1 ; 16 bits ; 80 LEs ; 80 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_Reg:Regs|Mux43 ;
470 |
; 8:1 ; 8 bits ; 40 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 24 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu|Mux14 ;
471 |
; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu|DAA_Q[7] ;
472 |
; 4:1 ; 16 bits ; 32 LEs ; 32 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|RegDIH[3] ;
473 |
; 8:1 ; 16 bits ; 80 LEs ; 80 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_Reg:Regs|Mux22 ;
474 |
; 8:1 ; 16 bits ; 80 LEs ; 80 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_Reg:Regs|Mux5 ;
475 |
; 5:1 ; 2 bits ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|RegAddrA[1] ;
476 |
; 17:1 ; 4 bits ; 44 LEs ; 24 LEs ; 20 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Save_Mux[6] ;
477 |
; 19:1 ; 2 bits ; 24 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 20 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|RegWEH ;
478 |
; 10:1 ; 2 bits ; 12 LEs ; 12 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|Save_Mux[7] ;
479 |
; 20:1 ; 4 bits ; 52 LEs ; 48 LEs ; 4 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|DI_CPU[6] ;
480 |
; 20:1 ; 4 bits ; 52 LEs ; 52 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |Z80SOC|DI_CPU[3] ;
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 |
; Source assignments for vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated ;
486 |
487 |
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
; Source assignments for vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1 ;
495 |
496 |
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
497 |
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
; Source assignments for charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated ;
504 |
505 |
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
; Source assignments for charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated|altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1 ;
513 |
514 |
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
; Source assignments for rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated ;
522 |
523 |
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst ;
531 |
532 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
533 |
534 |
; mode ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
535 |
; t2write ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
536 |
; iowait ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
537 |
538 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0 ;
543 |
544 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
545 |
546 |
; mode ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
547 |
; iowait ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
548 |
; flag_c ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
549 |
; flag_n ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
550 |
; flag_p ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
551 |
; flag_x ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
552 |
; flag_h ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
553 |
; flag_y ; 5 ; Signed Integer ;
554 |
; flag_z ; 6 ; Signed Integer ;
555 |
; flag_s ; 7 ; Signed Integer ;
556 |
557 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
558 |
559 |
560 |
561 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_MCode:mcode ;
562 |
563 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
564 |
565 |
; mode ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
566 |
; flag_c ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
567 |
; flag_n ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
568 |
; flag_p ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
569 |
; flag_x ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
570 |
; flag_h ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
571 |
; flag_y ; 5 ; Signed Integer ;
572 |
; flag_z ; 6 ; Signed Integer ;
573 |
; flag_s ; 7 ; Signed Integer ;
574 |
575 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu ;
580 |
581 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
582 |
583 |
; mode ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
584 |
; flag_c ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
585 |
; flag_n ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
586 |
; flag_p ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
587 |
; flag_x ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
588 |
; flag_h ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
589 |
; flag_y ; 5 ; Signed Integer ;
590 |
; flag_z ; 6 ; Signed Integer ;
591 |
; flag_s ; 7 ; Signed Integer ;
592 |
593 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
598 |
599 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
600 |
601 |
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
602 |
603 |
604 |
605 |
606 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
607 |
608 |
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Signed Integer ;
609 |
; WIDTHAD_A ; 13 ; Signed Integer ;
610 |
; NUMWORDS_A ; 6143 ; Signed Integer ;
611 |
612 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
613 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
614 |
615 |
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
616 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
617 |
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Signed Integer ;
618 |
; WIDTHAD_B ; 13 ; Signed Integer ;
619 |
; NUMWORDS_B ; 6143 ; Signed Integer ;
620 |
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
621 |
622 |
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
623 |
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
624 |
625 |
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
626 |
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
627 |
628 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
629 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
630 |
631 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
632 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
633 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
634 |
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
635 |
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
640 |
641 |
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
648 |
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
649 |
650 |
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
651 |
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone II ; Untyped ;
652 |
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_66l1 ; Untyped ;
653 |
654 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
655 |
656 |
657 |
658 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
659 |
660 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
661 |
662 |
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
663 |
664 |
665 |
666 |
667 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
668 |
669 |
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Signed Integer ;
670 |
; WIDTHAD_A ; 11 ; Signed Integer ;
671 |
; NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ; Signed Integer ;
672 |
673 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
674 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
675 |
676 |
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
677 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
678 |
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Signed Integer ;
679 |
; WIDTHAD_B ; 11 ; Signed Integer ;
680 |
; NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ; Signed Integer ;
681 |
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
682 |
683 |
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
684 |
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
685 |
686 |
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
687 |
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
688 |
689 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
690 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
691 |
692 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
693 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
694 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
695 |
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
696 |
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
697 |
698 |
699 |
700 |
; INIT_FILE ; ../ROMdata/lat9-08.mif ; Untyped ;
701 |
702 |
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
710 |
711 |
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
712 |
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone II ; Untyped ;
713 |
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_h1o1 ; Untyped ;
714 |
715 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
720 |
721 |
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
722 |
723 |
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
724 |
725 |
726 |
727 |
728 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
729 |
; OPERATION_MODE ; ROM ; Untyped ;
730 |
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Signed Integer ;
731 |
; WIDTHAD_A ; 14 ; Signed Integer ;
732 |
; NUMWORDS_A ; 16384 ; Signed Integer ;
733 |
; OUTDATA_REG_A ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
734 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
735 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
736 |
737 |
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
738 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
739 |
; WIDTH_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
740 |
; WIDTHAD_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
741 |
; NUMWORDS_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
742 |
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
743 |
744 |
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
745 |
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
746 |
747 |
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
748 |
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
749 |
750 |
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
751 |
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
752 |
753 |
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
754 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
755 |
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
756 |
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
757 |
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
; INIT_FILE ; ../ROMdata/rom.hex ; Untyped ;
762 |
763 |
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
764 |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
771 |
772 |
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
773 |
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone II ; Untyped ;
774 |
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_tr91 ; Untyped ;
775 |
776 |
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
777 |
778 |
779 |
780 |
; altsyncram Parameter Settings by Entity Instance ;
781 |
782 |
; Name ; Value ;
783 |
784 |
; Number of entity instances ; 3 ;
785 |
; Entity Instance ; vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
786 |
787 |
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
788 |
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 6143 ;
789 |
790 |
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
791 |
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 6143 ;
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 |
796 |
; Entity Instance ; charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
797 |
798 |
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
799 |
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ;
800 |
801 |
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
802 |
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ;
803 |
804 |
805 |
806 |
807 |
; Entity Instance ; rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component ;
808 |
809 |
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
810 |
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 16384 ;
811 |
812 |
; -- WIDTH_B ; 1 ;
813 |
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 1 ;
814 |
815 |
816 |
817 |
818 |
819 |
820 |
821 |
822 |
; Port Connectivity Checks: "clk_div:clkdiv_inst" ;
823 |
824 |
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
825 |
826 |
; clock_1mhz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
827 |
; clock_100khz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
828 |
; clock_10khz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
829 |
; clock_1khz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
830 |
; clock_10hz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
831 |
; clock_1hz ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
832 |
833 |
834 |
835 |
836 |
; Port Connectivity Checks: "video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst" ;
837 |
838 |
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
839 |
840 |
; red ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
841 |
; green ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
842 |
; video_on ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
843 |
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
; Port Connectivity Checks: "video:video_inst" ;
848 |
849 |
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
850 |
851 |
; vram_addr[13] ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
852 |
; vram_wren ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
853 |
; cram_web ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 |
858 |
; Port Connectivity Checks: "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0" ;
859 |
860 |
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
861 |
862 |
; inte ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
863 |
; stop ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
864 |
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
; Port Connectivity Checks: "T80se:z80_inst" ;
869 |
870 |
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
871 |
872 |
; clken ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
873 |
; wait_n ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
874 |
; int_n ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
875 |
; nmi_n ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
876 |
; busrq_n ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
877 |
; m1_n ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
878 |
; rfsh_n ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
879 |
; halt_n ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
880 |
; busak_n ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
885 |
; Elapsed Time Per Partition ;
886 |
887 |
; Partition Name ; Elapsed Time ;
888 |
889 |
; Top ; 00:00:41 ;
890 |
891 |
892 |
893 |
894 |
; Analysis & Synthesis Messages ;
895 |
896 |
Info: *******************************************************************
897 |
Info: Running Quartus II 64-Bit Analysis & Synthesis
898 |
Info: Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition
899 |
Info: Processing started: Sun Jun 19 14:40:54 2016
900 |
Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off z80soc -c z80soc
901 |
Warning (20028): Parallel compilation is not licensed and has been disabled
902 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file memorycores/vram.vhd
903 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: vram-SYN
904 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: vram
905 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file memorycores/charram.vhd
906 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: charram-SYN
907 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: charram
908 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/lcd.vhd
909 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: LCD-RTL
910 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: LCD
911 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file memorycores/rom.vhd
912 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: rom-SYN
913 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: rom
914 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/keyboard.vhd
915 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: keyboard-a
916 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: keyboard
917 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/ps2bkd.vhd
918 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: ps2kbd-rtl
919 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: ps2kbd
920 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/t80.vhd
921 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80-rtl
922 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: T80
923 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/t80_alu.vhd
924 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80_ALU-rtl
925 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: T80_ALU
926 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/t80_mcode.vhd
927 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80_MCode-rtl
928 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: T80_MCode
929 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file vhdl/t80_pack.vhd
930 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80_Pack
931 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/t80_reg.vhd
932 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80_Reg-rtl
933 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: T80_Reg
934 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/t80se.vhd
935 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: T80se-rtl
936 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: T80se
937 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/char_rom.vhd
938 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: Char_ROM-a
939 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: Char_ROM
940 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/video.vhd
941 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: video-A
942 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: video
943 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/clk_div.vhd
944 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: clk_div-a
945 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: clk_div
946 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/decoder_7seg.vhd
947 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: decoder_7seg-rtl
948 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: decoder_7seg
949 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/z80soc.vhd
950 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: Z80SOC-rtl
951 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: Z80SOC
952 |
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl/vga_sync.vhd
953 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: VGA_SYNC-a
954 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: VGA_SYNC
955 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file vhdl/z80soc_pack.vhd
956 |
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: z80soc_pack
957 |
Info (12127): Elaborating entity "z80soc" for the top level hierarchy
958 |
Warning (10541): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(140): used implicit default value for signal "SD_DAT3" because signal was never assigned a value or an explicit default value. Use of implicit default value may introduce unintended design optimizations.
959 |
Warning (10541): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(141): used implicit default value for signal "SD_CMD" because signal was never assigned a value or an explicit default value. Use of implicit default value may introduce unintended design optimizations.
960 |
Warning (10541): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(142): used implicit default value for signal "SD_CLK" because signal was never assigned a value or an explicit default value. Use of implicit default value may introduce unintended design optimizations.
961 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(310): object "clk1mhz" assigned a value but never read
962 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(314): object "clk10hz" assigned a value but never read
963 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(315): object "clk1hz" assigned a value but never read
964 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(317): object "clk1khz" assigned a value but never read
965 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(336): object "vram_web" assigned a value but never read
966 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at z80soc.vhd(347): object "cram_web" assigned a value but never read
967 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(362): used explicit default value for signal "Z80SOC_Arch_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
968 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(364): used explicit default value for signal "RAMTOP_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
969 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(365): used explicit default value for signal "RAMBOTT_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
970 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(366): used explicit default value for signal "VRAM_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
971 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(367): used explicit default value for signal "STACK_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
972 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(368): used explicit default value for signal "CHARRAM_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
973 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(369): used explicit default value for signal "VIDCOLS_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
974 |
Warning (10540): VHDL Signal Declaration warning at z80soc.vhd(370): used explicit default value for signal "VIDROWS_reg" because signal was never assigned a value
975 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "T80se" for hierarchy "T80se:z80_inst"
976 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "T80" for hierarchy "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0"
977 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "T80_MCode" for hierarchy "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_MCode:mcode"
978 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "T80_ALU" for hierarchy "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_ALU:alu"
979 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "T80_Reg" for hierarchy "T80se:z80_inst|T80:u0|T80_Reg:Regs"
980 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "video" for hierarchy "video:video_inst"
981 |
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at video.vhd(54): object "video_on_sig" assigned a value but never read
982 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "VGA_SYNC" for hierarchy "video:video_inst|VGA_SYNC:vga_sync_inst"
983 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "vram" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst"
984 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
985 |
Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
986 |
Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component" with the following parameter:
987 |
Info (12134): Parameter "address_reg_b" = "CLOCK1"
988 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_input_a" = "BYPASS"
989 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_input_b" = "BYPASS"
990 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_output_a" = "BYPASS"
991 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_output_b" = "BYPASS"
992 |
Info (12134): Parameter "intended_device_family" = "Cyclone II"
993 |
Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_type" = "altsyncram"
994 |
Info (12134): Parameter "numwords_a" = "6143"
995 |
Info (12134): Parameter "numwords_b" = "6143"
996 |
Info (12134): Parameter "operation_mode" = "DUAL_PORT"
997 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_aclr_b" = "NONE"
998 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_reg_b" = "UNREGISTERED"
999 |
Info (12134): Parameter "power_up_uninitialized" = "FALSE"
1000 |
Info (12134): Parameter "widthad_a" = "13"
1001 |
Info (12134): Parameter "widthad_b" = "13"
1002 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_a" = "8"
1003 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_b" = "8"
1004 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_byteena_a" = "1"
1005 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_66l1.tdf
1006 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_66l1
1007 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_66l1" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated"
1008 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_pal1.tdf
1009 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_pal1
1010 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_pal1" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1"
1011 |
Warning (287013): Variable or input pin "clocken1" is defined but never used.
1012 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/decode_1oa.tdf
1013 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: decode_1oa
1014 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "decode_1oa" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|decode_1oa:decode3"
1015 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "decode_1oa" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|decode_1oa:decode_a"
1016 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/mux_hib.tdf
1017 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: mux_hib
1018 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "mux_hib" for hierarchy "vram:vram_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_66l1:auto_generated|altsyncram_pal1:altsyncram1|mux_hib:mux5"
1019 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "charram" for hierarchy "charram:cram"
1020 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram" for hierarchy "charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
1021 |
Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
1022 |
Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component" with the following parameter:
1023 |
Info (12134): Parameter "address_reg_b" = "CLOCK1"
1024 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_input_a" = "BYPASS"
1025 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_input_b" = "BYPASS"
1026 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_output_a" = "BYPASS"
1027 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_output_b" = "BYPASS"
1028 |
Info (12134): Parameter "init_file" = "../ROMdata/lat9-08.mif"
1029 |
Info (12134): Parameter "intended_device_family" = "Cyclone II"
1030 |
Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_type" = "altsyncram"
1031 |
Info (12134): Parameter "numwords_a" = "2048"
1032 |
Info (12134): Parameter "numwords_b" = "2048"
1033 |
Info (12134): Parameter "operation_mode" = "DUAL_PORT"
1034 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_aclr_b" = "NONE"
1035 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_reg_b" = "UNREGISTERED"
1036 |
Info (12134): Parameter "power_up_uninitialized" = "FALSE"
1037 |
Info (12134): Parameter "widthad_a" = "11"
1038 |
Info (12134): Parameter "widthad_b" = "11"
1039 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_a" = "8"
1040 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_b" = "8"
1041 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_byteena_a" = "1"
1042 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_h1o1.tdf
1043 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_h1o1
1044 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_h1o1" for hierarchy "charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated"
1045 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_36o1.tdf
1046 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_36o1
1047 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_36o1" for hierarchy "charram:cram|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_h1o1:auto_generated|altsyncram_36o1:altsyncram1"
1048 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "rom" for hierarchy "rom:rom_inst"
1049 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram" for hierarchy "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
1050 |
Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component"
1051 |
Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component" with the following parameter:
1052 |
Info (12134): Parameter "address_aclr_a" = "NONE"
1053 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_input_a" = "BYPASS"
1054 |
Info (12134): Parameter "clock_enable_output_a" = "BYPASS"
1055 |
Info (12134): Parameter "init_file" = "../ROMdata/rom.hex"
1056 |
Info (12134): Parameter "intended_device_family" = "Cyclone IV E"
1057 |
Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_hint" = "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO"
1058 |
Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_type" = "altsyncram"
1059 |
Info (12134): Parameter "numwords_a" = "16384"
1060 |
Info (12134): Parameter "operation_mode" = "ROM"
1061 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_aclr_a" = "NONE"
1062 |
Info (12134): Parameter "outdata_reg_a" = "CLOCK0"
1063 |
Info (12134): Parameter "widthad_a" = "14"
1064 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_a" = "8"
1065 |
Info (12134): Parameter "width_byteena_a" = "1"
1066 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_tr91.tdf
1067 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_tr91
1068 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_tr91" for hierarchy "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated"
1069 |
Warning (113007): Byte addressed memory initialization file "rom.hex" was read in the word-addressed format
1070 |
Warning (113015): Width of data items in "rom.hex" is greater than the memory width. Wrapping data items to subsequent addresses. Found 509 warnings, reporting 10
1071 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (1) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1072 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (2) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1073 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (3) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1074 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (4) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1075 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (5) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1076 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (6) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1077 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (7) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1078 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (8) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1079 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (9) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1080 |
Warning (113009): Data at line (10) of memory initialization file "rom.hex" is too wide to fit in one memory word. Wrapping data to subsequent addresses.
1081 |
Critical Warning (127005): Memory depth (16384) in the design file differs from memory depth (8364) in the Memory Initialization File "F:/z80soc-local/hw/0.7.3/ROMdata/rom.hex" -- setting initial value for remaining addresses to 0
1082 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/decode_4oa.tdf
1083 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: decode_4oa
1084 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "decode_4oa" for hierarchy "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated|decode_4oa:deep_decode"
1085 |
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/mux_kib.tdf
1086 |
Info (12023): Found entity 1: mux_kib
1087 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "mux_kib" for hierarchy "rom:rom_inst|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_tr91:auto_generated|mux_kib:mux2"
1088 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "clk_div" for hierarchy "clk_div:clkdiv_inst"
1089 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "decoder_7seg" for hierarchy "decoder_7seg:DISPHEX0"
1090 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "ps2kbd" for hierarchy "ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst"
1091 |
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at ps2bkd.vhd(58): signal "caps" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
1092 |
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at ps2bkd.vhd(58): signal "scan_code_sig" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
1093 |
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "keyboard" for hierarchy "ps2kbd:ps2_kbd_inst|keyboard:kbd_inst"
1094 |
Warning (19016): Clock multiplexers are found and protected
1095 |
Warning (19017): Found clock multiplexer Clk_Z80
1096 |
Warning (13046): Tri-state node(s) do not directly drive top-level pin(s)
1097 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[0]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1098 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[1]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1099 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[2]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1100 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[3]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1101 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[4]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1102 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[5]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1103 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[6]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1104 |
Warning (13049): Converted tri-state buffer "DI_CPU[7]" feeding internal logic into a wire
1105 |
Warning (12069): Ignored assignment(s) for "CLOCK_27[0]" because "CLOCK_27" is not a bus or array
1106 |
Warning (12069): Ignored assignment(s) for "CLOCK_27[1]" because "CLOCK_27" is not a bus or array
1107 |
Warning (13039): The following bidir pins have no drivers
1108 |
Warning (13040): Bidir "PS2_DAT" has no driver
1109 |
Warning (13040): Bidir "PS2_CLK" has no driver
1110 |
Warning (13027): Removed fan-outs from the following always-disabled I/O buffers
1111 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[8]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[8]"
1112 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[9]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[9]"
1113 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[10]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[10]"
1114 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[11]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[11]"
1115 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[12]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[12]"
1116 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[13]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[13]"
1117 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[14]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[14]"
1118 |
Warning (13028): Removed fan-out from the always-disabled I/O buffer "SRAM_DQ[15]" to the node "SRAM_DQ[15]"
1119 |
Info (13000): Registers with preset signals will power-up high
1120 |
Info (13003): DEV_CLRn pin will set, and not reset, register with preset signal due to NOT Gate Push-Back
1121 |
Warning (13024): Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
1122 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[0]" is stuck at GND
1123 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[1]" is stuck at GND
1124 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[2]" is stuck at GND
1125 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[3]" is stuck at GND
1126 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[4]" is stuck at GND
1127 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[5]" is stuck at GND
1128 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[6]" is stuck at GND
1129 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[7]" is stuck at GND
1130 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[8]" is stuck at GND
1131 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[9]" is stuck at GND
1132 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[10]" is stuck at GND
1133 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_ADDR[11]" is stuck at GND
1134 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_LDQM" is stuck at GND
1135 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_UDQM" is stuck at GND
1136 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_WE_N" is stuck at VCC
1137 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_CAS_N" is stuck at VCC
1138 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_RAS_N" is stuck at VCC
1139 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_CS_N" is stuck at VCC
1140 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_BA_0" is stuck at GND
1141 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_BA_1" is stuck at GND
1142 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_CLK" is stuck at GND
1143 |
Warning (13410): Pin "DRAM_CKE" is stuck at GND
1144 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[0]" is stuck at GND
1145 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[1]" is stuck at GND
1146 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[2]" is stuck at GND
1147 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[3]" is stuck at GND
1148 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[4]" is stuck at GND
1149 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[5]" is stuck at GND
1150 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[6]" is stuck at GND
1151 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[7]" is stuck at GND
1152 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[8]" is stuck at GND
1153 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[9]" is stuck at GND
1154 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[10]" is stuck at GND
1155 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[11]" is stuck at GND
1156 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[12]" is stuck at GND
1157 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[13]" is stuck at GND
1158 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[14]" is stuck at GND
1159 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[15]" is stuck at GND
1160 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[16]" is stuck at GND
1161 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[17]" is stuck at GND
1162 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[18]" is stuck at GND
1163 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[19]" is stuck at GND
1164 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[20]" is stuck at GND
1165 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_ADDR[21]" is stuck at GND
1166 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_WE_N" is stuck at VCC
1167 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_RST_N" is stuck at GND
1168 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_OE_N" is stuck at VCC
1169 |
Warning (13410): Pin "FL_CE_N" is stuck at VCC
1170 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SRAM_ADDR[16]" is stuck at GND
1171 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SRAM_ADDR[17]" is stuck at GND
1172 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SRAM_UB_N" is stuck at VCC
1173 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SRAM_LB_N" is stuck at GND
1174 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SRAM_CE_N" is stuck at GND
1175 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SD_DAT3" is stuck at GND
1176 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SD_CMD" is stuck at GND
1177 |
Warning (13410): Pin "SD_CLK" is stuck at GND
1178 |
Warning (13410): Pin "TDO" is stuck at GND
1179 |
Warning (13410): Pin "I2C_SCLK" is stuck at GND
1180 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_R[0]" is stuck at GND
1181 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_R[1]" is stuck at GND
1182 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_R[2]" is stuck at GND
1183 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_R[3]" is stuck at GND
1184 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_G[0]" is stuck at GND
1185 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_G[1]" is stuck at GND
1186 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_G[2]" is stuck at GND
1187 |
Warning (13410): Pin "VGA_G[3]" is stuck at GND
1188 |
Warning (13410): Pin "AUD_DACDAT" is stuck at GND
1189 |
Warning (13410): Pin "AUD_XCK" is stuck at GND
1190 |
Info (17049): 6 registers lost all their fanouts during netlist optimizations.
1191 |
Info (16010): Generating hard_block partition "hard_block:auto_generated_inst"
1192 |
Info (16011): Adding 0 node(s), including 0 DDIO, 0 PLL, 0 transceiver and 0 LCELL
1193 |
Warning (21074): Design contains 9 input pin(s) that do not drive logic
1194 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "CLOCK_27"
1195 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "EXT_CLOCK"
1196 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "UART_RXD"
1197 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "IRDA_RXD"
1198 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "SD_DAT"
1199 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "TDI"
1200 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "TCK"
1201 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "TCS"
1202 |
Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "AUD_ADCDAT"
1203 |
Info (21057): Implemented 3088 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
1204 |
Info (21058): Implemented 24 input pins
1205 |
Info (21059): Implemented 139 output pins
1206 |
Info (21060): Implemented 118 bidirectional pins
1207 |
Info (21061): Implemented 2751 logic cells
1208 |
Info (21064): Implemented 56 RAM segments
1209 |
Info: Quartus II 64-Bit Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 139 warnings
1210 |
Info: Peak virtual memory: 544 megabytes
1211 |
Info: Processing ended: Sun Jun 19 14:41:59 2016
1212 |
Info: Elapsed time: 00:01:05
1213 |
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:45
1214 |
1215 |