1 |
2 |
dgisselq |
2 |
3 |
// Filename: zipsystem.v
4 |
5 |
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
6 |
7 |
// Purpose: This portion of the ZIP CPU implements a number of soft
8 |
// peripherals to the CPU nearby its CORE. The functionality
9 |
// sits on the data bus, and does not include any true
10 |
// external hardware peripherals. The peripherals included here
11 |
// include:
12 |
13 |
14 |
// Local interrupt controller--for any/all of the interrupts generated
15 |
// here. This would include a pin for interrupts generated
16 |
// elsewhere, so this interrupt controller could be a master
17 |
// handling all interrupts. My interrupt controller would work
18 |
// for this purpose.
19 |
20 |
// The ZIP-CPU supports only one interrupt because, as I understand
21 |
// modern systems (Linux), they tend to send all interrupts to the
22 |
// same interrupt vector anyway. Hence, that's what we do here.
23 |
24 |
// Bus Error interrupts -- generates an interrupt any time the wishbone
25 |
// bus produces an error on a given access, for whatever purpose
26 |
// also records the address on the bus at the time of the error.
27 |
28 |
// Trap instructions
29 |
// Writing to this "register" will always create an interrupt.
30 |
// After the interrupt, this register may be read to see what
31 |
// value had been written to it.
32 |
33 |
// Bit reverse register ... ?
34 |
35 |
// (Potentially an eventual floating point co-processor ...)
36 |
37 |
// Real-time clock
38 |
39 |
// Interval timer(s) (Count down from fixed value, and either stop on
40 |
// zero, or issue an interrupt and restart automatically on zero)
41 |
// These can be implemented as watchdog timers if desired--the
42 |
// only difference is that a watchdog timer's interrupt feeds the
43 |
// reset line instead of the processor interrupt line.
44 |
45 |
// Watch-dog timer: this is the same as an interval timer, only it's
46 |
// interrupt/time-out line is wired to the reset line instead of
47 |
// the interrupt line of the CPU.
48 |
49 |
// ROM Memory map
50 |
// Set a register to control this map, and a DMA will begin to
51 |
// fill this memory from a slower FLASH. Once filled, accesses
52 |
// will be from this memory instead of
53 |
54 |
55 |
// Doing some market comparison, let's look at what peripherals a TI
56 |
// MSP430 might offer: MSP's may have I2C ports, SPI, UART, DMA, ADC,
57 |
// Comparators, 16,32-bit timers, 16x16 or 32x32 timers, AES, BSL,
58 |
// brown-out-reset(s), real-time-clocks, temperature sensors, USB ports,
59 |
// Spi-Bi-Wire, UART Boot-strap Loader (BSL), programmable digital I/O,
60 |
// watchdog-timers,
61 |
62 |
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
63 |
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
68 |
69 |
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
70 |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
71 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
72 |
// your option) any later version.
73 |
74 |
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
75 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
76 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
77 |
// for more details.
78 |
79 |
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
80 |
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
`define PERIPHBASE 32'hc0000000
86 |
`define INTCTRL 4'h0 //
87 |
`define WATCHDOG 4'h1 // Interrupt generates reset signal
88 |
`define CACHECTRL 4'h2 // Sets IVEC[0]
89 |
`define CTRINT 4'h3 // Sets IVEC[5]
90 |
`define TIMER_A 4'h4 // Sets IVEC[4]
91 |
`define TIMER_B 4'h5 // Sets IVEC[3]
92 |
`define TIMER_C 4'h6 // Sets IVEC[2]
93 |
`define JIFFIES 4'h7 // Sets IVEC[1]
94 |
95 |
`define MSTR_TASK_CTR 4'h8
96 |
`define MSTR_MSTL_CTR 4'h9
97 |
`define MSTR_PSTL_CTR 4'ha
98 |
`define MSTR_ASTL_CTR 4'hb
99 |
`define USER_TASK_CTR 4'hc
100 |
`define USER_MSTL_CTR 4'hd
101 |
`define USER_PSTL_CTR 4'he
102 |
`define USER_ASTL_CTR 4'hf
103 |
104 |
`define CACHEBASE 16'hc010 //
105 |
// `define RTC_CLOCK 32'hc0000008 // A global something
106 |
// `define BITREV 32'hc0000003
107 |
108 |
109 |
// 10 HALT
110 |
// 9 HALT(ED)
111 |
// 8 STEP (W=1 steps, and returns to halted)
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
// read/writes internal registers
119 |
module zipsystem(i_clk, i_rst,
120 |
// Wishbone master interface from the CPU
121 |
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
122 |
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_data,
123 |
// Incoming interrupts
124 |
125 |
// Wishbone slave interface for debugging purposes
126 |
i_dbg_cyc, i_dbg_stb, i_dbg_we, i_dbg_addr, i_dbg_data,
127 |
o_dbg_ack, o_dbg_stall, o_dbg_data);
128 |
parameter RESET_ADDRESS=32'h0100000;
129 |
input i_clk, i_rst;
130 |
// Wishbone master
131 |
output wire o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we;
132 |
output wire [31:0] o_wb_addr;
133 |
output wire [31:0] o_wb_data;
134 |
input i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall;
135 |
input [31:0] i_wb_data;
136 |
// Incoming interrupts
137 |
input i_ext_int;
138 |
// Wishbone slave
139 |
input i_dbg_cyc, i_dbg_stb, i_dbg_we, i_dbg_addr;
140 |
input [31:0] i_dbg_data;
141 |
output wire o_dbg_ack;
142 |
output wire o_dbg_stall;
143 |
output wire [31:0] o_dbg_data;
144 |
145 |
wire [31:0] ext_idata;
146 |
147 |
// Delay the debug port by one clock, to meet timing requirements
148 |
wire dbg_cyc, dbg_stb, dbg_we, dbg_addr, dbg_stall;
149 |
wire [31:0] dbg_idata, dbg_odata;
150 |
reg dbg_ack;
151 |
busdelay #(1,32) wbdelay(i_clk,
152 |
i_dbg_cyc, i_dbg_stb, i_dbg_we, i_dbg_addr, i_dbg_data,
153 |
o_dbg_ack, o_dbg_stall, o_dbg_data,
154 |
dbg_cyc, dbg_stb, dbg_we, dbg_addr, dbg_idata,
155 |
dbg_ack, dbg_stall, dbg_odata);
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
wire sys_cyc, sys_stb, sys_we;
161 |
wire [3:0] sys_addr;
162 |
wire [31:0] cpu_addr;
163 |
wire [31:0] sys_data;
164 |
// wire sys_ack, sys_stall;
165 |
166 |
167 |
// The external debug interface
168 |
169 |
// We offer only a limited interface here, requiring a pre-register
170 |
// write to set the local address. This interface allows access to
171 |
// the Zip System on a debug basis only, and not to the rest of the
172 |
// wishbone bus. Further, to access these registers, the control
173 |
// register must first be accessed to both stop the CPU and to
174 |
// set the following address in question. Hence all accesses require
175 |
// two accesses: write the address to the control register (and halt
176 |
// the CPU if not halted), then read/write the data from the data
177 |
// register.
178 |
179 |
wire cpu_break;
180 |
reg cmd_reset, cmd_halt, cmd_step;
181 |
reg [5:0] cmd_addr;
182 |
initial cmd_reset = 1'b1;
183 |
initial cmd_halt = 1'b1;
184 |
initial cmd_step = 1'b0;
185 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
186 |
if (i_rst)
187 |
188 |
cmd_halt <= 1'b0;
189 |
cmd_step <= 1'b0;
190 |
cmd_reset<= 1'b0;
191 |
cmd_addr <= 6'h00;
192 |
end else if ((dbg_cyc)&&(dbg_stb)
193 |
194 |
195 |
cmd_halt <= dbg_idata[10];
196 |
cmd_step <= dbg_idata[ 8];
197 |
cmd_reset<= dbg_idata[ 6];
198 |
cmd_addr <= dbg_idata[5:0];
199 |
end else if (cmd_step)
200 |
201 |
cmd_halt <= 1'b1;
202 |
cmd_step <= 1'b0;
203 |
end else if (cpu_break)
204 |
cmd_halt <= 1'b1;
205 |
wire cpu_reset;
206 |
assign cpu_reset = (i_rst)||(cmd_reset)||(wdt_reset);
207 |
208 |
wire cpu_halt, cpu_dbg_stall;
209 |
assign cpu_halt = (cmd_halt)&&(~cmd_step);
210 |
wire [31:0] pic_data;
211 |
wire [31:0] cmd_data;
212 |
assign cmd_data = { 21'h00, cmd_halt, (~cpu_dbg_stall), 1'b0, pic_data[15],
213 |
cpu_reset, cmd_addr };
214 |
215 |
`ifdef USE_TRAP
216 |
217 |
// The TRAP peripheral
218 |
219 |
wire trap_ack, trap_stall, trap_int;
220 |
wire [31:0] trap_data;
221 |
ziptrap trapp(i_clk,
222 |
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TRAP_ADDR), sys_we,
223 |
224 |
trap_ack, trap_stall, trap_data, trap_int);
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
// The WATCHDOG Timer
229 |
230 |
wire wdt_ack, wdt_stall, wdt_reset;
231 |
wire [31:0] wdt_data;
232 |
ziptimer watchdog(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
233 |
sys_cyc, ((sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `WATCHDOG)), sys_we,
234 |
235 |
wdt_ack, wdt_stall, wdt_data, wdt_reset);
236 |
237 |
238 |
// The Flash Cache, a pre-read cache to memory that can be used to
239 |
// create a fast memory access area
240 |
241 |
wire cache_int;
242 |
wire [31:0] cache_data;
243 |
wire cache_stb, cache_ack, cache_stall;
244 |
wire fc_cyc, fc_stb, fc_we, fc_ack, fc_stall;
245 |
wire [31:0] fc_data, fc_addr;
246 |
flashcache #(10) manualcache(i_clk,
247 |
sys_cyc, cache_stb,
248 |
((sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `CACHECTRL)),
249 |
sys_we, cpu_addr[9:0], sys_data,
250 |
cache_ack, cache_stall, cache_data,
251 |
// Need the outgoing CACHE wishbone bus
252 |
fc_cyc, fc_stb, fc_we, fc_addr, fc_data,
253 |
fc_ack, fc_stall, ext_idata,
254 |
// Cache interrupt, for upon completion
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
// Counters -- for performance measurement and accounting
259 |
260 |
// Here's the stuff we'll be counting ....
261 |
262 |
wire cpu_mem_stall, cpu_pf_stall, cpu_alu_stall;
263 |
264 |
265 |
// The master counters will, in general, not be reset. They'll be used
266 |
// for an overall counter.
267 |
268 |
// Master task counter
269 |
wire mtc_ack, mtc_stall, mtc_int;
270 |
wire [31:0] mtc_data;
271 |
zipcounter mtask_ctr(i_clk, (~cmd_halt), sys_cyc,
272 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_TASK_CTR),
273 |
sys_we, sys_data,
274 |
mtc_ack, mtc_stall, mtc_data, mtc_int);
275 |
276 |
// Master Memory-Stall counter
277 |
wire mmc_ack, mmc_stall, mmc_int;
278 |
wire [31:0] mmc_data;
279 |
zipcounter mmstall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_mem_stall), sys_cyc,
280 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_MSTL_CTR),
281 |
sys_we, sys_data,
282 |
mmc_ack, mmc_stall, mmc_data, mmc_int);
283 |
284 |
// Master PreFetch-Stall counter
285 |
wire mpc_ack, mpc_stall, mpc_int;
286 |
wire [31:0] mpc_data;
287 |
zipcounter mpstall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_pf_stall), sys_cyc,
288 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_PSTL_CTR),
289 |
sys_we, sys_data,
290 |
mpc_ack, mpc_stall, mpc_data, mpc_int);
291 |
292 |
// Master ALU-Stall counter
293 |
wire mac_ack, mac_stall, mac_int;
294 |
wire [31:0] mac_data;
295 |
zipcounter mastall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_alu_stall), sys_cyc,
296 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_ASTL_CTR),
297 |
sys_we, sys_data,
298 |
mac_ack, mac_stall, mac_data, mac_int);
299 |
300 |
301 |
// The user counters are different from those of the master. They will
302 |
// be reset any time a task is given control of the CPU.
303 |
304 |
// User task counter
305 |
wire utc_ack, utc_stall, utc_int;
306 |
wire [31:0] utc_data;
307 |
zipcounter utask_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt), sys_cyc,
308 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_TASK_CTR),
309 |
sys_we, sys_data,
310 |
utc_ack, utc_stall, utc_data, utc_int);
311 |
312 |
// User Memory-Stall counter
313 |
wire umc_ack, umc_stall, umc_int;
314 |
wire [31:0] umc_data;
315 |
zipcounter umstall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_mem_stall), sys_cyc,
316 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_MSTL_CTR),
317 |
sys_we, sys_data,
318 |
umc_ack, umc_stall, umc_data, umc_int);
319 |
320 |
// User PreFetch-Stall counter
321 |
wire upc_ack, upc_stall, upc_int;
322 |
wire [31:0] upc_data;
323 |
zipcounter upstall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_pf_stall), sys_cyc,
324 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_PSTL_CTR),
325 |
sys_we, sys_data,
326 |
upc_ack, upc_stall, upc_data, upc_int);
327 |
328 |
// User ALU-Stall counter
329 |
wire uac_ack, uac_stall, uac_int;
330 |
wire [31:0] uac_data;
331 |
zipcounter uastall_ctr(i_clk,(~cmd_halt)&&(cpu_alu_stall), sys_cyc,
332 |
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_ASTL_CTR),
333 |
sys_we, sys_data,
334 |
uac_ack, uac_stall, uac_data, uac_int);
335 |
336 |
// A little bit of pre-cleanup (actr = accounting counters)
337 |
wire actr_ack, actr_stall;
338 |
wire [31:0] actr_data;
339 |
assign actr_ack = ((mtc_ack | mmc_ack | mpc_ack | mac_ack)
340 |
|(utc_ack | umc_ack | upc_ack | uac_ack));
341 |
assign actr_stall = ((mtc_stall | mmc_stall | mpc_stall | mac_stall)
342 |
|(utc_stall | umc_stall | upc_stall|uac_stall));
343 |
assign actr_data = ((mtc_ack) ? mtc_data
344 |
: ((mmc_ack) ? mmc_data
345 |
: ((mpc_ack) ? mpc_data
346 |
: ((mac_ack) ? mac_data
347 |
: ((utc_ack) ? utc_data
348 |
: ((umc_ack) ? umc_data
349 |
: ((upc_ack) ? upc_data
350 |
: uac_data)))))));
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
// Counter Interrupt controller
356 |
357 |
reg ctri_ack;
358 |
wire ctri_stall, ctri_int, ctri_sel;
359 |
wire [7:0] ctri_vector;
360 |
wire [31:0] ctri_data;
361 |
assign ctri_sel = (sys_cyc)&&(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `CTRINT);
362 |
assign ctri_vector = { mtc_int, mmc_int, mpc_int, mac_int,
363 |
utc_int, umc_int, upc_int, uac_int };
364 |
icontrol #(8) ctri(i_clk, cpu_reset, (ctri_sel)&&(sys_addr==`CTRINT),
365 |
sys_data, ctri_data, ctri_vector, ctri_int);
366 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
367 |
ctri_ack <= ctri_sel;
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
// Timer A
372 |
373 |
wire tma_ack, tma_stall, tma_int;
374 |
wire [31:0] tma_data;
375 |
ziptimer timer_a(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
376 |
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_A), sys_we,
377 |
378 |
tma_ack, tma_stall, tma_data, tma_int);
379 |
380 |
381 |
// Timer B
382 |
383 |
wire tmb_ack, tmb_stall, tmb_int;
384 |
wire [31:0] tmb_data;
385 |
ziptimer timer_b(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
386 |
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_B), sys_we,
387 |
388 |
tmb_ack, tmb_stall, tmb_data, tmb_int);
389 |
390 |
391 |
// Timer C
392 |
393 |
wire tmc_ack, tmc_stall, tmc_int;
394 |
wire [31:0] tmc_data;
395 |
ziptimer timer_c(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
396 |
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_C), sys_we,
397 |
398 |
tmc_ack, tmc_stall, tmc_data, tmc_int);
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
wire jif_ack, jif_stall, jif_int;
404 |
wire [31:0] jif_data;
405 |
zipjiffies jiffies(i_clk, ~cmd_halt,
406 |
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `JIFFIES), sys_we,
407 |
408 |
jif_ack, jif_stall, jif_data, jif_int);
409 |
410 |
411 |
// The programmable interrupt controller peripheral
412 |
413 |
wire pic_interrupt;
414 |
wire [6:0] int_vector;
415 |
assign int_vector = { i_ext_int, ctri_int, tma_int, tmb_int, tmc_int,
416 |
jif_int, cache_int };
417 |
icontrol #(7) pic(i_clk, cpu_reset,
418 |
419 |
420 |
sys_data, pic_data,
421 |
int_vector, pic_interrupt);
422 |
reg pic_ack;
423 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
424 |
pic_ack <= (sys_cyc)&&(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `INTCTRL);
425 |
426 |
427 |
// The CPU itself
428 |
429 |
wire cpu_cyc, cpu_stb, cpu_we, cpu_dbg_we;
430 |
wire [31:0] cpu_data, wb_data;
431 |
wire cpu_ack, cpu_stall;
432 |
wire [31:0] cpu_dbg_data;
433 |
assign cpu_dbg_we = ((dbg_cyc)&&(dbg_stb)&&(~cmd_addr[5])
434 |
435 |
zipcpu #(RESET_ADDRESS) thecpu(i_clk, cpu_reset, pic_interrupt,
436 |
cpu_halt, cmd_addr[4:0], cpu_dbg_we,
437 |
dbg_idata, cpu_dbg_stall, cpu_dbg_data,
438 |
439 |
cpu_cyc, cpu_stb, cpu_we, cpu_addr, cpu_data,
440 |
cpu_ack, cpu_stall, wb_data,
441 |
cpu_mem_stall, cpu_pf_stall, cpu_alu_stall);
442 |
443 |
// Now, arbitrate the bus ... first for the local peripherals
444 |
assign sys_cyc = (cpu_cyc)||((cpu_halt)&&(~cpu_dbg_stall)&&(dbg_cyc));
445 |
assign sys_stb = (cpu_cyc)
446 |
? ((cpu_stb)&&(cpu_addr[31:4] == 28'hc000000))
447 |
: ((dbg_stb)&&(dbg_addr)&&(cmd_addr[5]));
448 |
449 |
assign sys_we = (cpu_cyc) ? cpu_we : dbg_we;
450 |
assign sys_addr= (cpu_cyc) ? cpu_addr[3:0] : cmd_addr[3:0];
451 |
assign sys_data= (cpu_cyc) ? cpu_data : dbg_idata;
452 |
assign cache_stb=((cpu_cyc)&&(cpu_stb)&&(cpu_addr[31:16]==`CACHEBASE));
453 |
454 |
// Return debug response values
455 |
assign dbg_odata = (~dbg_addr)?cmd_data
456 |
:((~cmd_addr[5])?cpu_dbg_data : wb_data);
457 |
initial dbg_ack = 1'b0;
458 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
459 |
dbg_ack <= (dbg_cyc)&&(dbg_stb)&&
460 |
461 |
assign dbg_stall=(dbg_addr)&&(dbg_cyc)
462 |
463 |
464 |
// Now for the external wishbone bus
465 |
// Need to arbitrate between the flash cache and the CPU
466 |
// The way this works, though, the CPU will stall once the flash
467 |
// cache gets access to the bus--the CPU will be stuck until the
468 |
// flash cache is finished with the bus.
469 |
wire ext_cyc, ext_stb, ext_we;
470 |
wire cpu_ext_ack, cpu_ext_stall, ext_ack, ext_stall;
471 |
wire [31:0] ext_addr, ext_odata;
472 |
wbarbiter #(32,32) flashvcpu(i_clk, i_rst,
473 |
fc_addr, fc_data, fc_we, fc_stb, fc_cyc,
474 |
fc_ack, fc_stall,
475 |
cpu_addr, cpu_data, cpu_we,
476 |
477 |
cpu_cyc, cpu_ext_ack, cpu_ext_stall,
478 |
ext_addr, ext_odata, ext_we, ext_stb,
479 |
ext_cyc, ext_ack, ext_stall);
480 |
481 |
busdelay #(32,32) extbus(i_clk,
482 |
ext_cyc, ext_stb, ext_we, ext_addr, ext_odata,
483 |
ext_ack, ext_stall, ext_idata,
484 |
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
485 |
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_data);
486 |
487 |
wire tmr_ack;
488 |
assign tmr_ack = (tma_ack|tmb_ack|tmc_ack|jif_ack);
489 |
wire [31:0] tmr_data;
490 |
assign tmr_data = (tma_ack)?tma_data
491 |
:(tmb_ack ? tmb_data
492 |
:(tmc_ack ? tmc_data
493 |
494 |
assign wb_data = (tmr_ack|wdt_ack)?((tmr_ack)?tmr_data:wdt_data)
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
assign cpu_stall = (tma_stall | tmb_stall | tmc_stall | jif_stall
500 |
| wdt_stall | cache_stall
501 |
| cpu_ext_stall);
502 |
assign cpu_ack = (tmr_ack|wdt_ack|cache_ack|cpu_ext_ack|ctri_ack|actr_ack|pic_ack);
503 |