////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// tb_eth_top.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the Ethernet IP core project //// //// //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Igor Mohor ( //// //// //// //// All additional information is avaliable in the Readme.txt //// //// file. //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CVS Revision History // // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.1 2001/08/06 14:41:09 mohor // A define FPGA added to select between Artisan RAM (for ASIC) and Block Ram (For Virtex). // Include files fixed to contain no path. // File names and module names changed ta have a eth_ prologue in the name. // File eth_timescale.v is used to define timescale // All pin names on the top module are changed to contain _I, _O or _OE at the end. // Bidirectional signal MDIO is changed to three signals (Mdc_O, Mdi_I, Mdo_O // and Mdo_OE. The bidirectional signal must be created on the top level. This // is done due to the ASIC tools. // // Revision 1.1 2001/07/30 21:46:09 mohor // Directory structure changed. Files checked and joind together. // // // // // `include "eth_defines.v" `include "eth_timescale.v" module tb_eth_top(); parameter Tp = 1; reg WB_CLK_I; reg WB_RST_I; reg [31:0] WB_DAT_I; reg [31:0] WB_ADR_I; reg [3:0] WB_SEL_I; reg WB_WE_I; reg WB_CYC_I; reg WB_STB_I; reg [1:0] WB_ACK_I; wire [31:0] WB_DAT_O; wire WB_ACK_O; wire WB_ERR_O; wire [1:0] WB_REQ_O; wire [1:0] WB_ND_O; wire WB_RD_O; reg MTxClk; wire [3:0] MTxD; wire MTxEn; wire MTxErr; reg MRxClk; reg [3:0] MRxD; reg MRxDV; reg MRxErr; reg MColl; reg MCrs; reg Mdi_I; wire Mdo_O; wire Mdo_OE; wire Mdc_O; reg GSR; reg WishboneBusy; reg StartTB; reg [9:0] TxBDIndex; reg [9:0] RxBDIndex; // Connecting Ethernet top module eth_top ethtop ( // WISHBONE common .wb_clk_i(WB_CLK_I), .wb_rst_i(WB_RST_I), .wb_dat_i(WB_DAT_I), .wb_dat_o(WB_DAT_O), // WISHBONE slave .wb_adr_i(WB_ADR_I), .wb_sel_i(WB_SEL_I), .wb_we_i(WB_WE_I), .wb_cyc_i(WB_CYC_I), .wb_stb_i(WB_STB_I), .wb_ack_o(WB_ACK_O), .wb_err_o(WB_ERR_O), .wb_req_o(WB_REQ_O), .wb_ack_i(WB_ACK_I), .wb_nd_o(WB_ND_O), .wb_rd_o(WB_RD_O), //TX .mtxclk_pad_i(MTxClk), .mtxd_pad_o(MTxD), .mtxen_pad_o(MTxEn), .mtxerr_pad_o(MTxErr), //RX .mrxclk_pad_i(MRxClk), .mrxd_pad_i(MRxD), .mrxdv_pad_i(MRxDV), .mrxerr_pad_i(MRxErr), .mcoll_pad_i(MColl), .mcrs_pad_i(MCrs), // MIIM .mdc_pad_o(Mdc_O), .md_pad_i(Mdi_I), .md_pad_o(Mdo_O), .md_pad_oe(Mdo_OE) ); initial begin WB_CLK_I = 1'b0; WB_DAT_I = 32'hx; WB_ADR_I = 32'hx; WB_SEL_I = 4'hx; WB_WE_I = 1'bx; WB_CYC_I = 1'b0; WB_STB_I = 1'b0; WB_ACK_I = 2'h0; MTxClk = 1'b0; MRxClk = 1'b0; MRxD = 4'h0; MRxDV = 1'b0; MRxErr = 1'b0; MColl = 1'b0; MCrs = 1'b0; Mdi_I = 1'b0; WishboneBusy = 1'b0; TxBDIndex = 10'h0; RxBDIndex = 10'h0; end // Reset pulse initial begin GSR = 1'b0; WB_RST_I = 1'b0; #100 WB_RST_I = 1'b1; GSR = 1'b1; #100 WB_RST_I = 1'b0; GSR = 1'b0; #100 StartTB = 1'b1; end assign glbl.GSR = GSR; // Generating WB_CLK_I clock always begin // forever #10 WB_CLK_I = ~WB_CLK_I; // 2*10 ns -> 50.0 MHz forever #15 WB_CLK_I = ~WB_CLK_I; // 2*10 ns -> 33.3 MHz // forever #18 WB_CLK_I = ~WB_CLK_I; // 2*18 ns -> 27.7 MHz // forever #100 WB_CLK_I = ~WB_CLK_I; end // Generating MTxClk clock always begin #3 forever #20 MTxClk = ~MTxClk; // 2*20 ns -> 25 MHz // #3 forever #200 MTxClk = ~MTxClk; end // Generating MRxClk clock always begin #16 forever #20 MRxClk = ~MRxClk; // 2*20 ns -> 25 MHz // #16 forever #250 MRxClk = ~MRxClk; end initial begin wait(StartTB); // Start of testbench WishboneWrite(32'h00000800, {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `MODER_ADR<<2}); // r_Rst = 1 WishboneWrite(32'h00000000, {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `MODER_ADR<<2}); // r_Rst = 0 WishboneWrite(32'h00000080, {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `RX_BD_ADR_ADR<<2});// r_RxBDAddress = 0x80 WishboneWrite(32'h0002A443, {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `MODER_ADR<<2}); // RxEn, Txen, FullD, CrcEn, Pad, DmaEn, r_IFG WishboneWrite(32'h00000004, {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `CTRLMODER_ADR<<2});//r_TxFlow = 1 SendPacket(16'h0015, 1'b0); SendPacket(16'h0043, 1'b1); // Control frame SendPacket(16'h0025, 1'b0); SendPacket(16'h0045, 1'b0); SendPacket(16'h0025, 1'b0); ReceivePacket(16'h0012, 1'b1); // Initializes RxBD and then Sends a control packet on the MRxD[3:0] signals. ReceivePacket(16'h0011, 1'b0); // Initializes RxBD and then generates traffic on the MRxD[3:0] signals. ReceivePacket(16'h0016, 1'b0); // Initializes RxBD and then generates traffic on the MRxD[3:0] signals. ReceivePacket(16'h0017, 1'b0); // Initializes RxBD and then generates traffic on the MRxD[3:0] signals. ReceivePacket(16'h0018, 1'b0); // Initializes RxBD and then generates traffic on the MRxD[3:0] signals. WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `REG_SPACE, 6'h0, `MODER_ADR<<2}); // Read from MODER register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h0<<2)}); // Read from TxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h1<<2)}); // Read from TxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h2<<2)}); // Read from TxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h3<<2)}); // Read from TxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h4<<2)}); // Read from TxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h80<<2)}); // Read from RxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h81<<2)}); // Read from RxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h82<<2)}); // Read from RxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h83<<2)}); // Read from RxBD register WishboneRead({`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (10'h84<<2)}); // Read from RxBD register #10000 $stop; end task WishboneWrite; input [31:0] Data; input [31:0] Address; integer ii; begin wait (~WishboneBusy); WishboneBusy = 1; @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); #1; WB_ADR_I = Address; WB_DAT_I = Data; WB_WE_I = 1'b1; WB_CYC_I = 1'b1; WB_STB_I = 1'b1; WB_SEL_I = 4'hf; for(ii=0; (ii<20 & ~WB_ACK_O); ii=ii+1) // Response on the WISHBONE is limited to 20 WB_CLK_I cycles begin @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); end if(ii==20) begin $display("\nERROR: Task WishboneWrite(Data=0x%0h, Address=0x%0h): Too late or no appeariance of the WB_ACK_O signal, (Time=%0t)", Data, Address, $time); #50 $stop; end @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); if(Address[31:16] == `ETHERNET_SPACE) if(Address[15:12] == `REG_SPACE) $write("\nWrite to register (Data: 0x%x, Reg. Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address[9:2]); else if(Address[15:12] == `BD_SPACE) if(Address[9:2] < tb_eth_top.ethtop.r_RxBDAddress) begin $write("\nWrite to TxBD (Data: 0x%x, TxBD Addr: 0x%0x)\n", Data, Address[9:2]); if(Data[13]) $write("Send Control packet (PAUSE = 0x%0h)\n", Data[31:16]); end else $write("\nWrite to RxBD (Data: 0x%x, RxBD Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address[9:2]); else $write("\nWB write Data: 0x%x Addr: 0x%0x", Data, Address); else $write("\nWARNING !!! WB write to non-ethernet space (Data: 0x%x, Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address); #1; WB_ADR_I = 32'hx; WB_DAT_I = 32'hx; WB_WE_I = 1'bx; WB_CYC_I = 1'b0; WB_STB_I = 1'b0; WB_SEL_I = 4'hx; #5 WishboneBusy = 0; end endtask task WishboneRead; input [31:0] Address; reg [31:0] Data; integer ii; begin wait (~WishboneBusy); WishboneBusy = 1; @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); #1; WB_ADR_I = Address; WB_WE_I = 1'b0; WB_CYC_I = 1'b1; WB_STB_I = 1'b1; WB_SEL_I = 4'hf; for(ii=0; (ii<20 & ~WB_ACK_O); ii=ii+1) // Response on the WISHBONE is limited to 20 WB_CLK_I cycles begin @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); Data = WB_DAT_O; end if(ii==20) begin $display("\nERROR: Task WishboneRead(Address=0x%0h): Too late or no appeariance of the WB_ACK_O signal, (Time=%0t)", Address, $time); #50 $stop; end @ (posedge WB_CLK_I); if(Address[31:16] == `ETHERNET_SPACE) if(Address[15:12] == `REG_SPACE) $write("\nRead from register (Data: 0x%x, Reg. Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address[9:2]); else if(Address[15:12] == `BD_SPACE) if(Address[9:2] < tb_eth_top.ethtop.r_RxBDAddress) begin $write("\nRead from TxBD (Data: 0x%x, TxBD Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address[9:2]); end else $write("\nRead from RxBD (Data: 0x%x, RxBD Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address[9:2]); else $write("\nWB read Data: 0x%x Addr: 0x%0x", Data, Address); else $write("\nWARNING !!! WB read to non-ethernet space (Data: 0x%x, Addr: 0x%0x)", Data, Address); #1; WB_ADR_I = 32'hx; WB_WE_I = 1'bx; WB_CYC_I = 1'b0; WB_STB_I = 1'b0; WB_SEL_I = 4'hx; #5 WishboneBusy = 0; end endtask task SendPacket; input [15:0] Length; input ControlFrame; reg Wrap; reg [31:0] TempAddr; reg [31:0] TempData; begin if(TxBDIndex == 3) // Only 4 buffer descriptors are used Wrap = 1'b1; else Wrap = 1'b0; TempAddr = {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, (TxBDIndex<<2)}; TempData = {Length[15:0], 1'b1, Wrap, ControlFrame, 5'h0, TxBDIndex[7:0]}; // Ready and Wrap = 1 #1; if(TxBDIndex == 3) // Only 4 buffer descriptors are used TxBDIndex = 0; else TxBDIndex = TxBDIndex + 1; fork begin WishboneWrite(TempData, TempAddr); // Writing status to TxBD end begin if(~ControlFrame) WaitingForTxDMARequest(4'h1, Length); // Delay, DMALength end join end endtask task ReceivePacket; // Initializes RxBD and then generates traffic on the MRxD[3:0] signals. input [15:0] LengthRx; input RxControlFrame; reg WrapRx; reg [31:0] TempRxAddr; reg [31:0] TempRxData; reg abc; begin if(RxBDIndex == 3) // Only 4 buffer descriptors are used WrapRx = 1'b1; else WrapRx = 1'b0; TempRxAddr = {`ETHERNET_SPACE, `BD_SPACE, 2'h0, ((tb_eth_top.ethtop.r_RxBDAddress + RxBDIndex)<<2)}; TempRxData = {LengthRx[15:0], 1'b1, WrapRx, 6'h0, RxBDIndex[7:0]}; // Ready and WrapRx = 1 or 0 #1; if(RxBDIndex == 3) // Only 4 buffer descriptors are used RxBDIndex = 0; else RxBDIndex = RxBDIndex + 1; abc=1; WishboneWrite(TempRxData, TempRxAddr); // Writing status to RxBD abc=0; fork begin #200; if(RxControlFrame) GetControlDataOnMRxD(LengthRx); // LengthRx = PAUSE timer value. else GetDataOnMRxD(LengthRx); // LengthRx bytes is comming on MRxD[3:0] signals end begin if(RxControlFrame) WaitingForRxDMARequest(4'h1, 16'h40); // Delay, DMALength = 64 bytes. else WaitingForRxDMARequest(4'h1, LengthRx); // Delay, DMALength end join end endtask task WaitingForTxDMARequest; input [3:0] Delay; input [15:0] DMALength; integer pp; reg [7:0]a, b, c, d; for(pp=0; pp*4

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