1 |
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julius |
2 |
-- OpenRISC Debug Proxy --
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
-- Description --
7 |
8 |
A console application implementing a GDB stub and and communication with an
9 |
OpenRISC processor system via a USB debug cable.
10 |
11 |
-- Versions --
12 |
13 |
0.1.0 090201 jb@orsoc.se
14 |
0.1.1 090304 jb@orsoc.se
15 |
0.1.2 090511 jb@orsoc.se
16 |
0.1.3 090604 jb@orsoc.se
17 |
46 |
julius |
0.1.4 090828 jb@orsoc.se
18 |
47 |
julius |
0.1.5 090903 jb@orsoc.se
19 |
497 |
julius |
0.1.6 110307 jb@orsoc.se
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julius |
21 |
-- Installation --
22 |
23 |
24 |
The OR debug proxy application runs on multiple platforms only requiring
25 |
slightly different driver configurations on each. Currently, Cygwin Windows,
26 |
several Linux distros and Mac OS X (10.4 and above) are supported.
27 |
Use with the ORSoC debug cable requires installation of some form of the FTDI
28 |
Chip FTD2XX driver. Instructions for each platform follow.
29 |
30 |
31 |
-- Installation on Cygwin Windows --
32 |
33 |
34 |
-- Compilation of the OpenRISC Debug Proxy application --
35 |
36 |
While in the same directory which this file is located in, run a simple
37 |
"make" command.
38 |
39 |
user@cygwin-host ~/or_debug_proxy
40 |
$ make
41 |
42 |
Run the resulting executable (or_debug_proxy.exe) for usage details.
43 |
44 |
45 |
-- ORSoC OpenRISC USB debug cable driver installation --
46 |
47 |
As per the installation instructions included in FTDI Chip's D2XX Windows
48 |
driver. http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm
49 |
50 |
51 |
-- Installation on Linux
52 |
53 |
54 |
-- Compilation of the OpenRISC Debug Proxy application --
55 |
56 |
There are two options for compilation. One results in a dynamically linked
57 |
executable, the other links against a static library. See details on
58 |
installing the desired library in the following section.
59 |
60 |
-- Dynamically linked executable --
61 |
62 |
This is the default build method. In the same directory this README is
63 |
located, run a simple "make" command:
64 |
65 |
user@host:~/or_debug_proxy$ make
66 |
67 |
Ensure the driver library is installed before attempting to build, else it
68 |
will fail.
69 |
70 |
-- Static linked executable --
71 |
72 |
To be able to use the proxy with the ORSoC USB debug cable without requiring
73 |
installation of the driver libraries into system directories, a method of
74 |
building and linking the proxy app to static libraries is provided. Ensure
75 |
the static library for your platform is located in the lib/ directory
76 |
underneath the path this README is located.
77 |
78 |
To build, run:
79 |
80 |
user@host:~/or_debug_proxy$ make static
81 |
82 |
83 |
-- ORSoC OpenRISC USB debug cable driver installation --
84 |
85 |
Before we begin:
86 |
87 |
It is required that the Linux distribution have a version 2.4 kernel, or
88 |
above. This is due to the USB driver libraries by FTDI Chip used to interface
89 |
with the USB debug device.
90 |
91 |
The ORSoC USB debugger cable uses a FTDI dual UART/FIFO chip.
92 |
93 |
An aside: These USB to serial devices typically trigger the loading of another
94 |
FTDI driver when they're attached to the system. This is the ftdi_sio driver
95 |
and now comes standard in newer kernels. This is of use to us, as one of the
96 |
two serial devices will remain is a standard UART under /dev/ttyUSBx. However,
97 |
to enable a high-speed JTAG interface with our hardware we require newer,
98 |
specialised drivers from FTDI called the D2XX drivers.
99 |
100 |
The Linux driver can be obtained from FTDI Chip's website,
101 |
http://www.ftdichip.com, and is found under the links to "Drivers" and then
102 |
"D2XX". At the time of writing, the latest version was libftd2xx 0.4.16 and
103 |
could be downloaded directly off their site from
104 |
105 |
106 |
Statically linked driver:
107 |
108 |
The simplest way to enable these drivers is to link the application
109 |
statically - that is, have a copy of the driver along with the debugging
110 |
application. This is much simpler than the following driver installation
111 |
instructions. Typically in the FTDI drivers there is also a directory called
112 |
static_lib/ and this contains a driver that can be statically linked against
113 |
when compiling. To compile the OpenRISC debug proxy like this, copy the file in
114 |
that static_lib/ path into the lib/ directory under the or_debug_proxy/
115 |
build directory, and do:
116 |
117 |
user@host:~/or_debug_proxy$ make static
118 |
119 |
This will result in the executable being statically linked to the driver file
120 |
in the the lib/ folder.
121 |
122 |
Dynamically linked driver install directions:
123 |
124 |
Uncompress the driver package (tar xzvf libftd2xx0.4.16.tar.gz) and read the
125 |
file "readme.dat" located inside, but don't complete their way of installing
126 |
yet. Their installation method should be modified slightly to allow easier use
127 |
of the USB device by users. Read the following before performing the install
128 |
as per the instructions in "readme.dat", and amend their installation process
129 |
as you go.
130 |
131 |
* In step 4, create an additional symbolic link, however this time with only a
132 |
trailing zero, like so:
133 |
134 |
user@host:/usr/local/lib$ ln -s libftd2xx.so.x.x.xx libftd2xx.so.0
135 |
136 |
* Again, in step 6, create an additional symbolic link with only a trailing
137 |
138 |
139 |
user@host:/usr/lib$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.x.x.xx libftd2xx.so.0
140 |
141 |
* In step 7 (the following may vary depending on your distribution, however in
142 |
the most recent Ubuntu our suggested modification was required) instead of
143 |
the line provided in "readme.dat", use the following in your /etc/fstab file
144 |
(note the difference is a change from "usbdevfs" to "usbfs")
145 |
146 |
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults,devmode=0666 0 0
147 |
148 |
* The last step (mount -a) outlined in "readme.dat" can then be performed.
149 |
150 |
-- Setting USB device permissions --
151 |
152 |
Depending on the Linux distribution and how recent it is, the method for
153 |
defining the permissions of the USB device when it's loaded by the kernel can
154 |
155 |
156 |
* Recent udev systems (most 2.6 kernel systems)
157 |
158 |
There can be variations in the way udev organises its files for setting up
159 |
rules and permissions of devices attached to the system, but the following
160 |
should cover most systems.
161 |
162 |
Do a listing of the udev rules directory
163 |
164 |
user@host:~$ ls /etc/udev/rules.d/
165 |
166 |
There should be a file somewhere, with the word "permissions" in the name. On
167 |
some systems it could be called "40-permissions.rules", on others possibly
168 |
"020_permissions.rules". Locate the permissions file in /etc/udev/rules.d/
169 |
and, as the super user (root), open the file to edit. The author prefers nano.
170 |
171 |
user@host:/etc/udev/rules.d$ sudo nano 40-permissions.rules
172 |
[sudo] password for user:
173 |
174 |
Of course, editing as super user (sudo'ing) will require the ability to sudo.
175 |
176 |
The following can differ from system to system. In this case, a recent version
177 |
of Ubuntu, the file "40-permissions.rules" was present and will be edited.
178 |
179 |
In this particular permissions file there are different sections, some with
180 |
181 |
182 |
Search for the lines with LABEL="usb_serial_start" and
183 |
LABEL="usb_serial_end". In BETWEEN these two LABEL lines, insert two new lines
184 |
containing the following:
185 |
186 |
# Permissions for ORSoC USB debugger FT2232 device
187 |
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010", MODE="0666", GROUP="tty"
188 |
189 |
If these LABEL="" lines cannot be found (for instance, different distros have
190 |
their udev setup differently) insert the above line anywhere in the file. This
191 |
is not a definite way of enabling these permissions, and udev exists in many
192 |
forms and configurations, so if this does not work, please contact the author
193 |
regarding the issue.
194 |
195 |
* Fedora 9
196 |
197 |
As an example of a slightly different system, Fedora 9 does not have a
198 |
xx-permissions.rules file. The solution is to create a new file, but in this
199 |
case choose the name "51-permissions.rules". It can have just the rule listed
200 |
201 |
202 |
# Permissions for ORSoC USB debugger FT2232 device
203 |
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010", MODE="0666", GROUP="tty"
204 |
205 |
The reason for the filename change is that the udev rules files are read in
206 |
lexical order (i.e. the order they would appear in a dictionary). With Fedora
207 |
9 the old FTDI driver is included as standard, and there is default rule in
208 |
50-udev-default.rules, which would override anything in 40-permissions.rules
209 |
(since it would be read first). By using the name 51-permissions.rules, our
210 |
rule will override anything set in 50-udev-default.rules.
211 |
212 |
If you find problems with permissions, then check that no later rules files
213 |
are overriding settings.
214 |
215 |
The devices whose permissions are set are /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1, the
216 |
/dev/usbdevnnn for the USB slot (nnn) being used, and the files in
217 |
/dev/bus/usb/nnn/xxx. They should all be in group tty and have permission
218 |
219 |
220 |
* Older systems, (early udev, devfs)
221 |
222 |
None of these systems were tested, however it should be easy enough to locate
223 |
the device by the vendor ID and product ID on the USB bus. See the Udev
224 |
instructions above for these values.
225 |
226 |
* Reloading the ftdi_sio driver
227 |
228 |
If it is desired that the D2XX drivers be unloaded and the original ftdi_sio one
229 |
reactivated (recreating the two /dev/ttyUSB devices), it is as simple as
230 |
removing and replacing the USB dongle from the system. However, it can also be
231 |
done at the prompt by first running as root "modprobe -r ftdi_sio", and then
232 |
"modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x0403 product=0x6010", which totally removes and
233 |
then reloads the device.
234 |
235 |
-- Usage OpenRISC Debug Proxy application --
236 |
237 |
The proxy application can then be run with the desired options, or for
238 |
usage details, run the program with no options specified.
239 |
240 |
user@host:~/or_debug_proxy$ ./or_debug_proxy
241 |
497 |
julius |
Usage: or_debug_proxy
242 |
OpenRISC GDB Proxy Server
243 |
39 |
julius |
244 |
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julius |
Server Type:
245 |
-r Start a server using RSP, connection to hadware target via
246 |
247 |
-j Start a server using legacy OR remote JTAG protocol, to
248 |
hardware target via USB (DEPRECATED)
249 |
39 |
julius |
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julius |
251 |
Any free port within the usable range of 0 - 65535
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julius |
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497 |
julius |
254 |
-k Accesses to 0xC0000000 map to 0x0. Useful for kernel debugging.
255 |
39 |
julius |
256 |
257 |
497 |
julius |
Start a GDB server on port 50001, using RSP, connecting to
258 |
hardware target via USB:
259 |
39 |
julius |
260 |
497 |
julius |
./or_debug_proxy -r 50001
261 |
39 |
julius |
262 |
* Platforms tested, and known to be working, on:
263 |
497 |
julius |
Ubuntu 8.04, 9.10, 10.10
264 |
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julius |
265 |
266 |
267 |
-- Installation on Mac OS X --
268 |
269 |
270 |
-- ORSoC OpenRISC USB debug cable driver installation --
271 |
272 |
As per the installation instructions included in FTDI Chip's D2XX Mac OS X
273 |
driver. http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm
274 |
275 |
-- Compilation of the OpenRISC Debug Proxy application --
276 |
277 |
As per the Linux instructions.
278 |
279 |
280 |
* Note: Tested on an Intel Mac, running OS X version 10.4
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
-- Usage notes --
286 |
287 |
288 |
When the program initialises it sets up some form of communication with an
289 |
OpenRISC processor (developed and tested with a OR1k design similar to the
290 |
ORPSoC design found in the OR1k project archive on OpenCores), either via a
291 |
USB debug cable or via sockets interface to an RTL simulation. After this, it
292 |
waits for a connection from GDB, and then the debugging session can begin.
293 |
294 |
The proxy has been written to be robust, for example it will hopefully handle
295 |
disruptions like processor crashes, hardware resets, and connection dropouts
296 |
gracefully enough to not require a complete restart of the proxy and GDB.
297 |
298 |
Some basic mechanics of the proxy are as follows:
299 |
300 |
* When the program is "continued" from GDB, the proxy will poll the processors
301 |
stall indicator. If it detects the processor is stalled it will check against
302 |
a list of software breakpoints to determine if this was the reason for the
303 |
halt, otherwise it returns a signal depending on what it thinks the problem
304 |
305 |
306 |
* The there is alo polling for "interrupt" (^C signals) sent from GDB,
307 |
which will cause the processor to be stalled, wherever it is, and control
308 |
returned to GDB (the proxy will await further commands from GDB.) It is
309 |
optional to implement this awareness of the interrupt signal from GDB, but
310 |
the developers have found this functionality extremely useful and thought
311 |
others might too.
312 |
313 |
* Troubleshooting tip: If the proxy prints out the following line(s):
314 |
RSP step with signal 'S04' received
315 |
when attempting to continue, or single step, a program from GDB, it is
316 |
necessary to restart both the proxy and GDB before being continuing.
317 |
This bug is perhaps caused by changing the file GDB is debugging during the
318 |
same session.
319 |
320 |
TODO List:
321 |
* USB<->JTAG Driver TODO:
322 |
Get the latest version of the MPSSE function code (from
323 |
http://ftdichip.com/Projects/MPSSE/FTCJTAG/FTCJTAG_Source.zip at last
324 |
check) and update our Linux compatible version with the ones here. This
325 |
might provide improved stability or performance, but from the list of
326 |
improvements made to the files from our version it doesn't appear like
327 |
it would result in significant improvement in the proxy app.
328 |
* Better README
329 |
It would be nice to provide more important documentation of nuances of
330 |
the proxy operation