1 |
69 |
dgisselq |
2 |
3 |
82 |
dgisselq |
// Filename: pfcache.v
4 |
69 |
dgisselq |
5 |
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
6 |
7 |
// Purpose: Keeping our CPU fed with instructions, at one per clock and
8 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// with only a minimum number stalls. The entire cache may also
9 |
// be cleared (if necessary).
10 |
69 |
dgisselq |
11 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// This logic is driven by a couple realities:
12 |
// 1. It takes a clock to read from a block RAM address, and hence a clock
13 |
// to read from the cache.
14 |
// 2. It takes another clock to check that the tag matches
15 |
16 |
// Our goal will be to avoid this second check if at all possible.
17 |
// Hence, we'll test on the clock of any given request whether
18 |
// or not the request matches the last tag value, and on the next
19 |
// clock whether it new tag value (if it has changed). Hence,
20 |
// for anything found within the cache, there will be a one
21 |
// cycle delay on any branch.
22 |
23 |
24 |
// Address Words are separated into three components:
25 |
// [ Tag bits ] [ Cache line number ] [ Cache position w/in the line ]
26 |
27 |
// On any read from the cache, only the second two components are required.
28 |
// On any read from memory, the first two components will be fixed across
29 |
// the bus, and the third component will be adjusted from zero to its
30 |
// maximum value.
31 |
32 |
33 |
69 |
dgisselq |
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
34 |
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
39 |
69 |
dgisselq |
40 |
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
41 |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
42 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
43 |
// your option) any later version.
44 |
45 |
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
46 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
47 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
48 |
// for more details.
49 |
50 |
201 |
dgisselq |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
51 |
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
52 |
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
53 |
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
54 |
55 |
69 |
dgisselq |
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
56 |
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
201 |
dgisselq |
62 |
209 |
dgisselq |
`default_nettype none
63 |
64 |
module pfcache(i_clk, i_reset, i_new_pc, i_clear_cache,
65 |
69 |
dgisselq |
// i_early_branch, i_from_addr,
66 |
209 |
dgisselq |
i_stall_n, i_pc, o_insn, o_pc, o_valid,
67 |
69 |
dgisselq |
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
68 |
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err, i_wb_data,
69 |
209 |
dgisselq |
70 |
71 |
, i_mmu_ack, i_mmu_we, i_mmu_paddr
72 |
73 |
`ifdef FORMAL
74 |
, f_pc_wb
75 |
76 |
77 |
`ifdef FORMAL
78 |
79 |
LGLINES=2; // Log of the number of separate cache lines
80 |
81 |
parameter LGCACHELEN = 12, ADDRESS_WIDTH=30,
82 |
LGLINES=6; // Log of the number of separate cache lines
83 |
84 |
localparam CACHELEN=(1<<LGCACHELEN); //Wrd Size of our cache memory
85 |
194 |
dgisselq |
localparam CW=LGCACHELEN; // Short hand for LGCACHELEN
86 |
209 |
dgisselq |
localparam LS=LGCACHELEN-LGLINES; // Size of a cache line
87 |
194 |
dgisselq |
localparam BUSW = 32; // Number of data lines on the bus
88 |
localparam AW=ADDRESS_WIDTH; // Shorthand for ADDRESS_WIDTH
89 |
69 |
dgisselq |
90 |
209 |
dgisselq |
input wire i_clk, i_reset;
91 |
92 |
// The interface with the rest of the CPU
93 |
input wire i_new_pc;
94 |
input wire i_clear_cache;
95 |
input wire i_stall_n;
96 |
input wire [(AW+1):0] i_pc;
97 |
output wire [(BUSW-1):0] o_insn;
98 |
output wire [(AW+1):0] o_pc;
99 |
output wire o_valid;
100 |
101 |
// The wishbone bus interface
102 |
output reg o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb;
103 |
output wire o_wb_we;
104 |
69 |
dgisselq |
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_wb_addr;
105 |
output wire [(BUSW-1):0] o_wb_data;
106 |
107 |
209 |
dgisselq |
input wire i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err;
108 |
input wire [(BUSW-1):0] i_wb_data;
109 |
69 |
dgisselq |
110 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// o_illegal will be true if this instruction was the result of a
111 |
// bus error (This is also part of the CPU interface)
112 |
69 |
dgisselq |
output reg o_illegal;
113 |
209 |
dgisselq |
114 |
115 |
input wire i_mmu_ack, i_mmu_we;
116 |
input wire [(PAW-1):0] i_mmu_paddr;
117 |
118 |
69 |
dgisselq |
119 |
// Fixed bus outputs: we read from the bus only, never write.
120 |
// Thus the output data is ... irrelevant and don't care. We set it
121 |
// to zero just to set it to something.
122 |
assign o_wb_we = 1'b0;
123 |
assign o_wb_data = 0;
124 |
125 |
209 |
dgisselq |
126 |
// These wires will be used below as part of the cache invalidation
127 |
// routine, should the MMU be used. This allows us to snoop on the
128 |
// physical side of the MMU bus, and invalidate any results should
129 |
// we need to do so.
130 |
wire mmu_inval;
131 |
wire [(PAW-CW-1):0] mmu_mskaddr;
132 |
133 |
`ifdef FORMAL
134 |
output wire [AW-1:0] f_pc_wb;
135 |
assign f_pc_wb = i_pc[AW+1:2];
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
176 |
dgisselq |
wire r_v;
140 |
69 |
dgisselq |
reg [(BUSW-1):0] cache [0:((1<<CW)-1)];
141 |
209 |
dgisselq |
reg [(AW-CW-1):0] cache_tags [0:((1<<(LGLINES))-1)];
142 |
reg [((1<<(LGLINES))-1):0] valid_mask;
143 |
69 |
dgisselq |
144 |
209 |
dgisselq |
reg r_v_from_pc, r_v_from_last, r_new_request;
145 |
reg rvsrc;
146 |
wire w_v_from_pc, w_v_from_last;
147 |
reg [(AW+1):0] lastpc;
148 |
reg [(CW-1):0] wraddr;
149 |
176 |
dgisselq |
reg [(AW-1):CW] tagvalipc, tagvallst;
150 |
wire [(AW-1):CW] tagval;
151 |
209 |
dgisselq |
wire [(AW-1):LS] lasttag;
152 |
129 |
dgisselq |
reg illegal_valid;
153 |
209 |
dgisselq |
reg [(AW-1):LS] illegal_cache;
154 |
69 |
dgisselq |
155 |
176 |
dgisselq |
// initial o_i = 32'h76_00_00_00; // A NOOP instruction
156 |
// initial o_pc = 0;
157 |
reg [(BUSW-1):0] r_pc_cache, r_last_cache;
158 |
209 |
dgisselq |
reg [(AW+1):0] r_pc, r_lastpc;
159 |
reg isrc;
160 |
reg [1:0] delay;
161 |
reg svmask, last_ack, needload, last_addr,
162 |
163 |
reg [(LGLINES-1):0] saddr;
164 |
165 |
wire w_advance;
166 |
assign w_advance = (i_new_pc)||((r_v)&&(i_stall_n));
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
// Read the instruction from the cache
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
// We'll read two values from the cache, the first is the value if
176 |
// i_pc contains the address we want, the second is the value we'd read
177 |
// if lastpc (i.e. $past(i_pc)) was the address we wanted.
178 |
initial r_pc = 0;
179 |
initial r_lastpc = 0;
180 |
69 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
181 |
176 |
dgisselq |
182 |
// We don't have the logic to select what to read, we must
183 |
// read both the value at i_pc and lastpc. cache[i_pc] is
184 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// the value we return if the last cache request was in the
185 |
// cache on the last clock, cacne[lastpc] is the value we
186 |
// return if we've been stalled, weren't valid, or had to wait
187 |
// a clock or two.
188 |
176 |
dgisselq |
189 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Part of the issue here is that i_pc is going to increment
190 |
// on this clock before we know whether or not the cache entry
191 |
// we've just read is valid. We can't stop this. Hence, we
192 |
// need to read from the lastpc entry.
193 |
194 |
195 |
// Here we keep track of which answer we want/need.
196 |
// If we reported a valid value to the CPU on the last clock,
197 |
// and the CPU wasn't stalled, then we want to use i_pc.
198 |
// Likewise if the CPU gave us an i_new_pc request, then we'll
199 |
// want to return the value associated with reading the cache
200 |
// at i_pc.
201 |
isrc <= w_advance;
202 |
69 |
dgisselq |
203 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Here we read both cache entries, at i_pc and lastpc.
204 |
// We'll select from among these cache possibilities on the
205 |
// next clock
206 |
r_pc_cache <= cache[i_pc[(CW+1):2]];
207 |
r_last_cache <= cache[lastpc[(CW+1):2]];
208 |
209 |
// Let's also register(delay) the r_pc and r_lastpc values
210 |
// for the next clock, so we can accurately report the address
211 |
// of the cache value we just looked up.
212 |
176 |
dgisselq |
r_pc <= i_pc;
213 |
r_lastpc <= lastpc;
214 |
215 |
216 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// On our next clock, our result with either be the registered i_pc
217 |
// value from the last clock (if isrc), otherwise r_lastpc
218 |
assign o_pc = (isrc) ? r_pc : r_lastpc;
219 |
// The same applies for determining what the next output instruction
220 |
// will be. We just read it in the last clock, now we just need to
221 |
// select between the two possibilities we just read.
222 |
assign o_insn= (isrc) ? r_pc_cache : r_last_cache;
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
// Read the tag value associated with this tcache line
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
// Read the tag value associated with this i_pc value
235 |
176 |
dgisselq |
initial tagvalipc = 0;
236 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
237 |
209 |
dgisselq |
tagvalipc <= cache_tags[i_pc[(CW+1):LS+2]];
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
// Read the tag value associated with the lastpc value, from what
242 |
// i_pc was when we could not tell if this value was in our cache or
243 |
// not, or perhaps from when we determined that i was not in the cache.
244 |
176 |
dgisselq |
initial tagvallst = 0;
245 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
246 |
209 |
dgisselq |
tagvallst <= cache_tags[lastpc[(CW+1):LS+2]];
247 |
69 |
dgisselq |
248 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Select from between these two values on the next clock
249 |
assign tagval = (isrc)?tagvalipc : tagvallst;
250 |
251 |
69 |
dgisselq |
// i_pc will only increment when everything else isn't stalled, thus
252 |
// we can set it without worrying about that. Doing this enables
253 |
// us to work in spite of stalls. For example, if the next address
254 |
// isn't valid, but the decoder is stalled, get the next address
255 |
// anyway.
256 |
initial lastpc = 0;
257 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
258 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if (w_advance)
259 |
lastpc <= i_pc;
260 |
69 |
dgisselq |
261 |
209 |
dgisselq |
assign lasttag = lastpc[(AW+1):LS+2];
262 |
69 |
dgisselq |
263 |
209 |
dgisselq |
264 |
265 |
// Use the tag value to determine if our output instruction will be
266 |
// valid.
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
assign w_v_from_pc = ((i_pc[(AW+1):LS+2] == lasttag)
272 |
&&(tagval == i_pc[(AW+1):CW+2])
273 |
274 |
assign w_v_from_last = ((tagval == lastpc[(AW+1):CW+2])
275 |
276 |
69 |
dgisselq |
277 |
initial delay = 2'h3;
278 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
279 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((i_reset)||(i_clear_cache)||(w_advance))
280 |
281 |
// Source our valid signal from i_pc
282 |
rvsrc <= 1'b1;
283 |
// Delay at least two clocks before declaring that
284 |
// we have an invalid result. This will give us time
285 |
// to check the tag value of what's in the cache.
286 |
delay <= 2'h2;
287 |
end else if ((!r_v)&&(!o_illegal)) begin
288 |
// If we aren't sourcing our valid signal from the
289 |
// i_pc clock, then we are sourcing it from the
290 |
// lastpc clock (one clock later). If r_v still
291 |
// isn't valid, we may need to make a bus request.
292 |
// Apply our timer and timeout.
293 |
rvsrc <= 1'b0;
294 |
295 |
// Delay is two once the bus starts, in case the
296 |
// bus transaction needs to be restarted upon completion
297 |
// This might happen if, after we start loading the
298 |
// cache, we discover a branch. The cache load will
299 |
// still complete, but the branches address needs to be
300 |
// the onen we jump to. This may mean we need to load
301 |
// the cache twice.
302 |
if (o_wb_cyc)
303 |
69 |
dgisselq |
delay <= 2'h2;
304 |
209 |
dgisselq |
else if (delay != 0)
305 |
delay <= delay + 2'b11; // i.e. delay -= 1;
306 |
end else begin
307 |
// After sourcing our output from i_pc, if it wasn't
308 |
// accepted, source the instruction from the lastpc valid
309 |
// determination instead
310 |
rvsrc <= 1'b0;
311 |
if (o_illegal)
312 |
delay <= 2'h2;
313 |
314 |
315 |
wire w_invalidate_result;
316 |
assign w_invalidate_result = (i_reset)||(i_clear_cache);
317 |
318 |
reg r_prior_illegal;
319 |
initial r_prior_illegal = 0;
320 |
initial r_new_request = 0;
321 |
initial r_v_from_pc = 0;
322 |
initial r_v_from_last = 0;
323 |
176 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
324 |
209 |
dgisselq |
325 |
r_new_request <= w_invalidate_result;
326 |
r_v_from_pc <= (w_v_from_pc)&&(!w_invalidate_result)
327 |
328 |
r_v_from_last <= (w_v_from_last)&&(!w_invalidate_result);
329 |
330 |
r_prior_illegal <= (o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_err);
331 |
332 |
333 |
// Now use rvsrc to determine which of the two valid flags we'll be
334 |
// using: r_v_from_pc (the i_pc address), or r_v_from_last (the lastpc
335 |
// address)
336 |
assign r_v = ((rvsrc)?(r_v_from_pc):(r_v_from_last))&&(!r_new_request);
337 |
assign o_valid = (((rvsrc)?(r_v_from_pc):(r_v_from_last))
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
// If the instruction isn't in our cache, then we need to load
344 |
// a new cache line from memory.
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
initial needload = 1'b0;
350 |
176 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
351 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((i_clear_cache)||(o_wb_cyc))
352 |
needload <= 1'b0;
353 |
else if ((w_advance)&&(!o_illegal))
354 |
needload <= 1'b0;
355 |
356 |
needload <= (delay==0)&&(!w_v_from_last)
357 |
// Prevent us from reloading an illegal address
358 |
// (i.e. one that produced a bus error) over and over
359 |
// and over again
360 |
361 |
||(lastpc[(AW+1):LS+2] != illegal_cache));
362 |
69 |
dgisselq |
363 |
209 |
dgisselq |
364 |
// Working from the rule that you want to keep complex logic out of
365 |
// a state machine if possible, we calculate a "last_stb" value one
366 |
// clock ahead of time. Hence, any time a request is accepted, if
367 |
// last_stb is also true we'll know we need to drop the strobe line,
368 |
// having finished requesting a complete cache line.
369 |
initial last_addr = 1'b0;
370 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
371 |
if (!o_wb_cyc)
372 |
last_addr <= 1'b0;
373 |
else if ((o_wb_addr[(LS-1):1] == {(LS-1){1'b1}})
374 |
375 |
last_addr <= 1'b1;
376 |
69 |
dgisselq |
377 |
209 |
dgisselq |
378 |
// "last_ack" is almost identical to last_addr, save that this
379 |
// will be true on the same clock as the last acknowledgment from the
380 |
// bus. The state machine logic will use this to determine when to
381 |
// get off the bus and end the wishbone bus cycle.
382 |
176 |
dgisselq |
initial last_ack = 1'b0;
383 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
384 |
last_ack <= (o_wb_cyc)&&(
385 |
209 |
dgisselq |
386 |
387 |
69 |
dgisselq |
388 |
209 |
dgisselq |
initial bus_abort = 1'b0;
389 |
176 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
390 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if (!o_wb_cyc)
391 |
bus_abort <= 1'b0;
392 |
else if ((i_clear_cache)||(i_new_pc))
393 |
bus_abort <= 1'b1;
394 |
176 |
dgisselq |
395 |
209 |
dgisselq |
396 |
// Here's the difficult piece of state machine logic--the part that
397 |
// determines o_wb_cyc and o_wb_stb. We've already moved most of the
398 |
// complicated logic off of this statemachine, calculating it one cycle
399 |
// early. As a result, this is a fairly easy piece of logic.
400 |
69 |
dgisselq |
initial o_wb_cyc = 1'b0;
401 |
initial o_wb_stb = 1'b0;
402 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
403 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((i_reset)||(i_clear_cache))
404 |
405 |
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b0;
406 |
o_wb_stb <= 1'b0;
407 |
end else if (o_wb_cyc)
408 |
409 |
if (i_wb_err)
410 |
69 |
dgisselq |
o_wb_stb <= 1'b0;
411 |
209 |
dgisselq |
else if ((o_wb_stb)&&(!i_wb_stall)&&(last_addr))
412 |
o_wb_stb <= 1'b0;
413 |
69 |
dgisselq |
414 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if (((i_wb_ack)&&(last_ack))||(i_wb_err))
415 |
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b0;
416 |
82 |
dgisselq |
417 |
209 |
dgisselq |
end else if ((needload)&&(!i_new_pc))
418 |
419 |
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b1;
420 |
o_wb_stb <= 1'b1;
421 |
422 |
69 |
dgisselq |
423 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// If we are reading from this cache line, then once we get the first
424 |
// acknowledgement, this cache line has the new tag value
425 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
426 |
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack))
427 |
cache_tags[o_wb_addr[(CW-1):LS]] <= o_wb_addr[(AW-1):CW];
428 |
69 |
dgisselq |
429 |
209 |
dgisselq |
430 |
// On each acknowledgment, increment the address we use to write into
431 |
// our cache. Hence, this is the write address into our cache block
432 |
// RAM.
433 |
initial wraddr = 0;
434 |
176 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
435 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack)&&(!last_ack))
436 |
wraddr <= wraddr + 1'b1;
437 |
else if (!o_wb_cyc)
438 |
wraddr <= { lastpc[(CW+1):LS+2], {(LS){1'b0}} };
439 |
440 |
441 |
// The wishbone request address. This has meaning anytime o_wb_stb
442 |
// is active, and needs to be incremented any time an address is
443 |
// accepted--WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE LAST ADDRESS. We need to keep
444 |
// this steady for that last address, unless the last address returns
445 |
// a bus error. In that case, the whole cache line will be marked as
446 |
// invalid--but we'll need the value of this register to know how
447 |
// to do that propertly.
448 |
initial o_wb_addr = {(AW){1'b0}};
449 |
176 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
450 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((o_wb_stb)&&(!i_wb_stall)&&(!last_addr))
451 |
o_wb_addr[(LS-1):0] <= o_wb_addr[(LS-1):0]+1'b1;
452 |
else if (!o_wb_cyc)
453 |
o_wb_addr <= { lastpc[(AW+1):LS+2], {(LS){1'b0}} };
454 |
176 |
dgisselq |
455 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Since it is impossible to initialize an array, our cache will start
456 |
// up cache uninitialized. We'll also never get a valid ack without
457 |
// cyc being active, although we might get one on the clock after
458 |
// cyc was active--so we need to test and gate on whether o_wb_cyc
459 |
// is true.
460 |
461 |
// wraddr will advance forward on every clock cycle where ack is true,
462 |
// hence we don't need to check i_wb_ack here. This will work because
463 |
// multiple writes to the same address, ending with a valid write,
464 |
// will always yield the valid write's value only after our bus cycle
465 |
// is over.
466 |
69 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
467 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if (o_wb_cyc)
468 |
cache[wraddr] <= i_wb_data;
469 |
69 |
dgisselq |
470 |
// VMask ... is a section loaded?
471 |
209 |
dgisselq |
// Note "svmask". It's purpose is to delay the valid_mask setting by
472 |
// one clock, so that we can insure the right value of the cache is
473 |
// loaded before declaring that the cache line is valid. Without
474 |
// this, the cache line would get read, and the instruction would
475 |
// read from the last cache line.
476 |
initial valid_mask = 0;
477 |
176 |
dgisselq |
initial svmask = 1'b0;
478 |
69 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
479 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((i_reset)||(i_clear_cache))
480 |
481 |
valid_mask <= 0;
482 |
svmask<= 1'b0;
483 |
end else begin
484 |
svmask <= ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack)&&(last_ack)&&(!bus_abort));
485 |
486 |
if (svmask)
487 |
valid_mask[saddr] <= (!bus_abort);
488 |
if ((!o_wb_cyc)&&(needload))
489 |
valid_mask[lastpc[(CW+1):LS+2]] <= 1'b0;
490 |
491 |
492 |
// MMU code
493 |
494 |
if (mmu_inval)
495 |
valid_mask[mmu_mskadr] <= 1'b0;
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
500 |
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack))
501 |
saddr <= wraddr[(CW-1):LS];
502 |
// MMU code
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
parameter [0:0] USE_MMU = 1'b1;
507 |
generate if (USE_MMU)
508 |
509 |
reg [(PAW-CW-1):0] ptag [0:((1<<(LGLINES))-1)];
510 |
reg mmu_pre_inval, r_mmu_inval;
511 |
reg [(PAW-CW-1):0] mmu_pre_tag, mmu_pre_padr;
512 |
reg [(CW-LS-1):0] r_mmu_mskadr;
513 |
514 |
initial mmu_pre_inval = 0;
515 |
initial mmu_pre_tag = 0;
516 |
initial mmu_pre_padr = 0;
517 |
initial mmu_pre2_inval = 0;
518 |
initial mmu_pre2_mskadr = 0;
519 |
520 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
521 |
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(!last_addr)&&(i_mmu_ack))
522 |
ptag[i_mmu_paddr[(CW-1):LS]] <= i_mmu_paddr[(PAW-1):CW];
523 |
524 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
525 |
if (i_reset)
526 |
176 |
dgisselq |
527 |
209 |
dgisselq |
mmu_pre_inval <= 0;
528 |
r_mmu_inval <= 0;
529 |
end else begin
530 |
mmu_pre_inval <= (i_mmu_ack)&&(i_mmu_we);
531 |
r_mmu_inval <= (mmu_pre_inval)&&(mmu_pre_inval)
532 |
&&(mmu_pre_tag == mmu_pre_paddr);
533 |
176 |
dgisselq |
534 |
209 |
dgisselq |
535 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
536 |
mmu_pre_tag <= ptag[i_mmu_paddr[(CW-1):LS]];
537 |
538 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
539 |
540 |
mmu_pre_padr <= i_mmu_paddr[(PAW-1):CW];
541 |
542 |
r_mmu_mskadr <= mmu_pre_padr[(PAW-LS-1):(CW-LS)];
543 |
118 |
dgisselq |
544 |
69 |
dgisselq |
545 |
209 |
dgisselq |
assign mmu_inval = r_mmu_inval;
546 |
assign mmu_mskadr = r_mmu_mskadr;
547 |
end else begin
548 |
assign mmu_inval = 0;
549 |
assign mmu_mskadr = 0;
550 |
end endgenerate
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
// Handle bus errors here. If a bus read request
556 |
// returns an error, then we'll mark the entire
557 |
// line as having a (valid) illegal value.
558 |
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
69 |
dgisselq |
initial illegal_cache = 0;
565 |
71 |
dgisselq |
initial illegal_valid = 0;
566 |
69 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
567 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((i_reset)||(i_clear_cache))
568 |
569 |
illegal_cache <= 0;
570 |
illegal_valid <= 0;
571 |
end else if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_err))
572 |
573 |
illegal_cache <= o_wb_addr[(AW-1):LS];
574 |
illegal_valid <= 1'b1;
575 |
576 |
577 |
initial o_illegal = 1'b0;
578 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
579 |
if ((i_reset)||(i_clear_cache)||(i_new_pc))
580 |
o_illegal <= 1'b0;
581 |
else if ((o_illegal)||((o_valid)&&(i_stall_n)))
582 |
o_illegal <= 1'b0;
583 |
584 |
o_illegal <= (illegal_valid)
585 |
&&(illegal_cache == lastpc[(AW+1):LS+2]);
586 |
587 |
`ifdef FORMAL
588 |
589 |
590 |
// Generic setup
591 |
592 |
593 |
`ifdef PFCACHE
594 |
`define ASSUME assume
595 |
596 |
`define ASSUME assert
597 |
`define STEP_CLOCK
598 |
599 |
600 |
// Keep track of a flag telling us whether or not $past()
601 |
// will return valid results
602 |
reg f_past_valid;
603 |
initial f_past_valid = 1'b0;
604 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
605 |
f_past_valid = 1'b1;
606 |
always @(*)
607 |
if (!f_past_valid)
608 |
609 |
610 |
611 |
612 |
613 |
// Assumptions about our inputs
614 |
615 |
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 |
`ifdef PFCACHE
620 |
621 |
// Assume that resets, new-pc commands, and clear-cache commands
622 |
// are never more than pulses--one clock wide at most.
623 |
624 |
// It may be that the CPU treats us differently. We'll only assume
625 |
// our solver to this here.
626 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
627 |
if (!f_past_valid)
628 |
629 |
if ($past(i_reset))
630 |
631 |
if ($past(i_new_pc))
632 |
633 |
if ($past(i_clear_cache))
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
// Assume we start from a reset condition
640 |
initial `ASSUME(i_reset);
641 |
642 |
// Assume that any reset is either accompanied by a new address,
643 |
// or a new address immediately follows it.
644 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
645 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_reset)))
646 |
647 |
648 |
// Let's make some assumptions about how long it takes our
649 |
// phantom bus and phantom CPU to respond.
650 |
651 |
// These delays need to be long enough to flush out any potential
652 |
// errors, yet still short enough that the formal method doesn't
653 |
// take forever to solve.
654 |
655 |
localparam F_CPU_DELAY = 4;
656 |
reg [4:0] f_cpu_delay;
657 |
658 |
// Now, let's repeat this bit but now looking at the delay the CPU
659 |
// takes to accept an instruction.
660 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
661 |
// If no instruction is ready, then keep our counter at zero
662 |
if ((!o_valid)||(i_stall_n))
663 |
f_cpu_delay <= 0;
664 |
665 |
// Otherwise, count the clocks the CPU takes to respond
666 |
f_cpu_delay <= f_cpu_delay + 1'b1;
667 |
668 |
`ifdef PFCACHE
669 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
670 |
assume(f_cpu_delay < F_CPU_DELAY);
671 |
672 |
673 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
674 |
if ($past(i_reset || i_clear_cache))
675 |
676 |
else if ($past(i_stall_n && !o_valid))
677 |
678 |
else if (i_new_pc)
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 |
683 |
684 |
// Assertions about our outputs
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
689 |
localparam F_LGDEPTH=LS+1;
690 |
wire [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] f_nreqs, f_nacks, f_outstanding;
691 |
692 |
fwb_master #(.AW(AW), .DW(BUSW), .F_LGDEPTH(F_LGDEPTH),
693 |
694 |
695 |
696 |
697 |
f_wbm(i_clk, i_reset,
698 |
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data, 4'h0,
699 |
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_data, i_wb_err,
700 |
f_nreqs, f_nacks, f_outstanding);
701 |
702 |
// writes are also illegal for a prefetch.
703 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
704 |
if (o_wb_stb)
705 |
706 |
707 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
708 |
709 |
assert(f_nreqs <= (1<<LS));
710 |
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(o_wb_stb))
711 |
assert(f_nreqs == o_wb_addr[(LS-1):0]);
712 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_wb_cyc))
713 |
&&(!o_wb_stb)&&(!$past(i_wb_err || i_reset || i_clear_cache)))
714 |
assert(f_nreqs == (1<<LS));
715 |
716 |
717 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
718 |
if (f_past_valid)
719 |
720 |
if ((!o_wb_cyc)&&($past(o_wb_cyc))&&(!$past(i_reset))
721 |
&&(!$past(i_clear_cache)) &&(!$past(i_wb_err)))
722 |
assert(f_nacks == (1<<LS));
723 |
else if (o_wb_cyc)
724 |
assert(f_nacks[(LS-1):0] == wraddr[(LS-1):0]);
725 |
726 |
727 |
// The last-ack line
728 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
729 |
if (o_wb_cyc)
730 |
assert(last_ack == (f_nacks == ((1<<LS)-1)));
731 |
732 |
// The valid line for whats being read
733 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
734 |
if (o_wb_cyc)
735 |
736 |
737 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
738 |
if ((illegal_valid)&&(o_wb_cyc))
739 |
assert(o_wb_addr[AW-1:LS] != illegal_cache);
740 |
741 |
reg [((1<<(LGLINES))-1):0] f_past_valid_mask;
742 |
initial f_past_valid_mask = 0;
743 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
744 |
f_past_valid_mask = valid_mask;
745 |
746 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
747 |
if ((o_valid)&&($past(!o_valid || !o_illegal)))
748 |
749 |
||(o_wb_addr[AW-1:LS] != o_pc[AW+1:LS+2]));
750 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
751 |
if (illegal_valid)
752 |
753 |
754 |
||(o_wb_addr[AW-1:LS] != illegal_cache));
755 |
756 |
// The illegal cache line should never be valid within our
757 |
// cache
758 |
759 |
760 |
!= illegal_cache[AW-1:CW]));
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
// Assertions about our return responses to the CPU
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
773 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_wb_cyc)))
774 |
assert(o_wb_addr[(AW-1):LS] == $past(o_wb_addr[(AW-1):LS]));
775 |
776 |
// Consider it invalid to present the CPU with the same instruction
777 |
// twice in a row.
778 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
779 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_valid))&&($past(i_stall_n))&&(o_valid))
780 |
assert(o_pc != $past(o_pc));
781 |
782 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
783 |
if (o_valid)
784 |
785 |
if (!o_illegal)
786 |
71 |
dgisselq |
787 |
209 |
dgisselq |
assert(cache_tags[o_pc[(CW+1):LS+2]] == o_pc[(AW+1):CW+2]);
788 |
assert(valid_mask[o_pc[(CW+1):LS+2]] || (o_illegal));
789 |
assert(o_insn == cache[o_pc[(CW+1):2]]);
790 |
791 |
||((illegal_cache != o_pc[(AW+1):LS+2])));
792 |
71 |
dgisselq |
793 |
69 |
dgisselq |
794 |
209 |
dgisselq |
assert(o_illegal == ($past(illegal_valid)
795 |
&&($past(illegal_cache)== o_pc[(AW+1):LS+2])));
796 |
797 |
798 |
always @(*)
799 |
800 |
`ASSUME(i_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
801 |
assert(o_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
802 |
assert(r_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
803 |
assert(r_lastpc[1:0] == 2'b00);
804 |
805 |
806 |
reg [(AW+1):0] f_next_pc;
807 |
808 |
69 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
809 |
209 |
dgisselq |
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset)))
810 |
811 |
if (isrc)
812 |
assert(lastpc == r_pc);
813 |
71 |
dgisselq |
814 |
209 |
dgisselq |
assert(lastpc + 4== r_pc);
815 |
816 |
69 |
dgisselq |
817 |
209 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge i_clk)
818 |
if (i_new_pc)
819 |
f_next_pc <= { i_pc[AW+1:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00 };
820 |
else if ((i_stall_n)&&(r_v))
821 |
f_next_pc <= { i_pc[AW+1:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00 };
822 |
always @(*)
823 |
if (!i_new_pc)
824 |
`ASSUME(i_pc == f_next_pc);
825 |
826 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
827 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&(o_valid)&&($past(o_valid))
828 |
829 |
830 |
831 |
832 |
833 |
assert(cache_tags[o_pc[(CW+1):LS+2]] == o_pc[(AW+1):CW+2]);
834 |
835 |
836 |
837 |
// If an instruction is accepted, we should *always* move on to another
838 |
// instruction. The only exception is following an i_new_pc (or
839 |
// other invalidator), at which point the next instruction should
840 |
// be invalid.
841 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
842 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_valid))&&($past(i_stall_n)))
843 |
844 |
// Should always advance the instruction
845 |
assert((!o_valid)||(o_pc != $past(o_pc)));
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
// Once an instruction becomes valid, it should never become invalid
850 |
// unless there's been a request for a new instruction.
851 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
852 |
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(!i_reset && !i_clear_cache && !i_new_pc))
853 |
&&($past(o_valid && !i_stall_n))
854 |
855 |
856 |
if ((!$past(o_illegal))&&(!$past(o_wb_cyc && i_wb_err)))
857 |
858 |
859 |
860 |
861 |
end else
862 |
863 |
864 |
`ifdef PFCACHE
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
// Assertions associated with a response to a known
869 |
// address request
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 |
874 |
875 |
(* anyconst *) reg [AW:0] f_const_addr;
876 |
(* anyconst *) reg [BUSW-1:0] f_const_insn;
877 |
878 |
wire f_this_pc, f_this_insn, f_this_data, f_this_line,
879 |
f_this_ack, f_this_tag; // f_this_addr;
880 |
assign f_this_pc = (o_pc == { f_const_addr[AW-1:0], 2'b00 });
881 |
// assign f_this_addr = (o_wb_addr == f_const_addr[AW-1:0] );
882 |
assign f_this_insn = (o_insn == f_const_insn);
883 |
assign f_this_data = (i_wb_data == f_const_insn);
884 |
assign f_this_line = (o_wb_addr[AW-1:LS] == f_const_addr[AW-1:LS]);
885 |
assign f_this_ack = (f_this_line)&&(f_nacks == f_const_addr[LS-1:0]);
886 |
assign f_this_tag = (tagval == f_const_addr[AW-1:CW]);
887 |
888 |
always @(posedge i_clk)
889 |
if ((o_valid)&&(f_this_pc)&&(!$past(o_illegal)))
890 |
891 |
assert(o_illegal == f_const_addr[AW]);
892 |
if (!o_illegal)
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 |
897 |
898 |
899 |
always @(*)
900 |
if ((valid_mask[f_const_addr[CW-1:LS]])
901 |
902 |
assert(f_const_insn == cache[f_const_addr[CW-1:0]]);
903 |
else if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(o_wb_addr[AW-1:LS] == f_const_addr[AW-1:LS])
904 |
&&(f_nacks > f_const_addr[LS-1:0]))
905 |
906 |
assert(f_const_insn == cache[f_const_addr[CW-1:0]]);
907 |
908 |
909 |
always @(*)
910 |
if (o_wb_cyc)
911 |
assert(wraddr[CW-1:LS] == o_wb_addr[CW-1:LS]);
912 |
913 |
always @(*)
914 |
if (!f_const_addr[AW])
915 |
916 |
||(illegal_cache != f_const_addr[AW-1:LS]));
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 |
921 |
always @(*)
922 |
if ((f_this_line)&&(o_wb_cyc))
923 |
924 |
if (f_const_addr[AW])
925 |
926 |
927 |
928 |
929 |
if ((f_this_ack)&&(i_wb_ack))
930 |
931 |
932 |
933 |
always @(*)
934 |
if ((f_this_line)&&(!f_const_addr[AW]))
935 |
936 |
937 |
always @(*)
938 |
if (!f_const_addr[AW])
939 |
940 |
||(cache_tags[f_const_addr[CW-1:LS]] != f_const_addr[AW-1:CW]));
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
// Cover properties
946 |
947 |
948 |
reg f_valid_legal;
949 |
always @(*)
950 |
f_valid_legal = o_valid && (!o_illegal);
951 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 0
952 |
cover((o_valid)&&( o_illegal));
953 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 1
954 |
955 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 2
956 |
957 |
&&($past(!o_valid && !i_new_pc))
958 |
959 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 3
960 |
961 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 4
962 |
cover((f_valid_legal)&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n)));
963 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 5
964 |
965 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n))
966 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,2))
967 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,3)));
968 |
always @(posedge i_clk) // Trace 6
969 |
970 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n))
971 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,2))
972 |
&&($past(!o_illegal && i_stall_n && i_new_pc,3))
973 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,4))
974 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,5))
975 |
&&($past(f_valid_legal && i_stall_n,6)));
976 |
977 |
`endif // FORMAL
978 |
69 |
dgisselq |