1 |
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dgisselq |
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3 |
// Filename: zopcodes.cpp
4 |
5 |
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU core
6 |
7 |
// Purpose:
8 |
9 |
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
10 |
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
15 |
16 |
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
17 |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
18 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
19 |
// your option) any later version.
20 |
21 |
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
22 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
23 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
24 |
// for more details.
25 |
26 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
27 |
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
28 |
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
29 |
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
30 |
31 |
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
32 |
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
33 |
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37 |
#include <stdio.h>
38 |
#include <strings.h>
39 |
#include <string.h>
40 |
#include <assert.h>
41 |
42 |
#include "twoc.h"
43 |
#include "zopcodes.h"
44 |
45 |
const char *zop_regstr[] = {
46 |
"R0", "R1", "R2", "R3",
47 |
"R4", "R5", "R6", "R7",
48 |
"R8", "R9", "R10","R11",
49 |
"R12","SP", "CC", "PC",
50 |
"uR0", "uR1", "uR2", "uR3",
51 |
"uR4", "uR5", "uR6", "uR7",
52 |
"uR8", "uR9", "uR10", "uR11",
53 |
"uR12", "uSP", "uCC", "uPC",
54 |
"sR0", "sR1", "sR2", "sR3",
55 |
"sR4", "sR5", "sR6", "sR7",
56 |
"sR8", "sR9", "sR10","sR11",
57 |
"sR12","sSP", "sCC", "sPC"
58 |
59 |
60 |
const char *zop_ccstr[] = {
61 |
"", ".Z", ".NE", ".GE", ".GT", ".LT", ".C", ".V"
62 |
63 |
64 |
const ZOPCODE zoplist[] = {
65 |
// Special case instructions. These are general instructions, but with
66 |
// special opcodes
67 |
// Conditional branches
68 |
"BRA", 0xffff8000, 0x2f0f0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
69 |
"BRZ", 0xffff8000, 0x2f2f0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
70 |
"BNZ", 0xffff8000, 0x2f4f0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
71 |
"BGE", 0xffff8000, 0x2f6f0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
72 |
"BGT", 0xffff8000, 0x2f8f0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
73 |
"BLT", 0xffff8000, 0x2faf0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
74 |
"BRC", 0xffff8000, 0x2fcf0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
75 |
"BRV", 0xffff8000, 0x2fef0000, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(15,0), OPUNUSED,
76 |
// CLR
77 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc0100000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
78 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc1110000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
79 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc2120000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
80 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc3130000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
81 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc4140000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
82 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc5150000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
83 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc6160000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
84 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc7170000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
85 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc8180000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
86 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xc9190000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
87 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xca1a0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
88 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xcb1b0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
89 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xcc1c0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
90 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xcd1d0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
91 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xce1e0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
92 |
"CLRF", 0xff1f0000, 0xcf1f0000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
// The "wait" instruction is identical, with the only difference being
98 |
// the interrrupt context of the processor. Hence we allow both
99 |
// instructions here.
100 |
101 |
102 |
"INT", 0xff10007f, 0x9e00005f, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
103 |
// Return to user space
104 |
"RTU", 0xff10007f, 0xbe000020, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
105 |
// JMP (possibly a conditional jump, if not covered by branches above)
106 |
"JMP", 0xff108000, 0x2f000000, OPUNUSED,OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
107 |
"JMP", 0xff108000, 0x2f008000, OPUNUSED,OPUNUSED, URGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
108 |
"LJMP", 0xff100000, 0xaf000000, OPUNUSED,OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
109 |
// NOT
110 |
"NOT", 0xf01fffff, 0xc00fffff, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, BITFIELD(3,21),
111 |
// General instructions
112 |
"CMP", 0xf0100000, 0x00000000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
113 |
"CMP", 0xf0100000, 0x00100000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
114 |
"TST", 0xf0100000, 0x10000000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
115 |
"TST", 0xf0100000, 0x10100000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
116 |
// map bit = 1 (interrupts enabled) specifies user reg
117 |
"MOV", 0xf0108000, 0x20000000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
118 |
"MOV", 0xf0108000, 0x20100000, URGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
119 |
"MOV", 0xf0108000, 0x20008000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, URGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
120 |
"MOV", 0xf0108000, 0x20108000, URGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, URGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(15,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
121 |
122 |
"LDI", 0xf0000000, 0x30000000, REGFIELD(24),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(24,0), OPUNUSED,
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
"LDILO",0xff100000, 0x4f000000, REGFIELD(16),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
128 |
"LDIHI",0xff100000, 0x4f100000, REGFIELD(16),OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
129 |
130 |
8 |
dgisselq |
"MPY", 0xf0100000, 0x40000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
131 |
"MPY", 0xf0100000, 0x40100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
132 |
133 |
"ROL", 0xf0100000, 0x50000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(5,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
134 |
"ROL", 0xf0100000, 0x50100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(5,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
135 |
136 |
2 |
dgisselq |
"LOD", 0xf0100000, 0x60000000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
137 |
"LOD", 0xf0100000, 0x60100000, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
138 |
139 |
"STO", 0xf0100000, 0x70000000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
140 |
"STO", 0xf0100000, 0x70100000, OPUNUSED, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
141 |
142 |
"SUB", 0xf0100000, 0x80000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
143 |
"SUB", 0xf0100000, 0x80100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
144 |
145 |
"AND", 0xf0100000, 0x90000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
146 |
"AND", 0xf0100000, 0x90100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
147 |
148 |
"ADD", 0xf0100000, 0xa0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
149 |
"ADD", 0xf0100000, 0xa0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
150 |
151 |
"OR", 0xf0100000, 0xb0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
152 |
"OR", 0xf0100000, 0xb0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
153 |
154 |
"XOR", 0xf0100000, 0xc0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
155 |
"XOR", 0xf0100000, 0xc0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
156 |
157 |
"LSL", 0xf0100000, 0xd0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
158 |
"LSL", 0xf0100000, 0xd0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
159 |
160 |
"ASR", 0xf0100000, 0xe0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
161 |
"ASR", 0xf0100000, 0xe0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
162 |
163 |
"LSR", 0xf0100000, 0xf0000000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), OPUNUSED, IMMFIELD(19,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
164 |
"LSR", 0xf0100000, 0xf0100000, REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(24), REGFIELD(16), IMMFIELD(16,0), BITFIELD(3,21),
165 |
// Illegal instruction !!
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
const int nzoplist = (sizeof(zoplist)/sizeof(ZOPCODE));
170 |
171 |
static int getbits(const ZIPI ins, const int which) {
172 |
if (which & 0x40000000) {
173 |
// printf("SBITS: %08x, %08x = %08lx\n", ins, which,
174 |
// sbits(ins>>(which & 0x03f), (which>>8)&0x03f));
175 |
return sbits(ins>>(which & 0x03f), (which>>8)&0x03f);
176 |
} else if (which &0x03f) {
177 |
return ubits(ins>>(which & 0x03f), (which>>8)&0x03f)
178 |
+ ((which>>16)&0x0ff);
179 |
} else
180 |
return which;
181 |
182 |
183 |
void zipi_to_string(const ZIPI ins, char *line) {
184 |
for(int i=0; i<nzoplist; i++)
185 |
186 |
for(int i=0; i<nzoplist; i++) {
187 |
// printf("%2d: %6s %08x & %08x == %08x\n",
188 |
// i, zoplist[i].s_opstr, ins,
189 |
// zoplist[i].s_mask, zoplist[i].s_val);
190 |
if ((ins & zoplist[i].s_mask) == zoplist[i].s_val) {
191 |
sprintf(line, "\t%s", zoplist[i].s_opstr);
192 |
if (zoplist[i].s_cf != OPUNUSED) {
193 |
int bv = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_cf);
194 |
strcat(line, zop_ccstr[bv]);
195 |
} strcat(line, "\t");
196 |
197 |
// Treat stores special
198 |
if (strncasecmp("STO",zoplist[i].s_opstr, 3)==0) {
199 |
int ra = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_ra);
200 |
strcat(line, zop_regstr[ra]);
201 |
strcat(line, ",");
202 |
203 |
if (zoplist[i].s_i != OPUNUSED) {
204 |
int imv = 0;
205 |
imv = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_i);
206 |
if ((imv != 0)&&(zoplist[i].s_rb != OPUNUSED))
207 |
208 |
"$%d", imv);
209 |
else if (imv != 0)
210 |
211 |
"($%d)", imv);
212 |
} if (zoplist[i].s_rb != OPUNUSED) {
213 |
int rb = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_rb);
214 |
215 |
"(%s)", zop_regstr[rb]);
216 |
217 |
218 |
} else {
219 |
bool memop = (strncasecmp("LOD",
220 |
zoplist[i].s_opstr, 3)==0);
221 |
if (zoplist[i].s_i != OPUNUSED) {
222 |
int imv = 0;
223 |
imv = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_i);
224 |
if ((imv != 0)||(zoplist[i].s_rb == OPUNUSED))
225 |
226 |
"$%d%s", imv,
227 |
228 |
} if (zoplist[i].s_rb != OPUNUSED) {
229 |
int rb = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_rb);
230 |
if (memop)
231 |
232 |
"(%s)", zop_regstr[rb]);
233 |
234 |
strcat(line, zop_regstr[rb]);
235 |
} if(((zoplist[i].s_i != OPUNUSED)||(zoplist[i].s_rb != OPUNUSED))
236 |
&&((zoplist[i].s_ra != OPUNUSED)||(zoplist[i].s_result != OPUNUSED)))
237 |
strcat(line, ",");
238 |
239 |
if (zoplist[i].s_ra != OPUNUSED) {
240 |
int ra = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_ra);
241 |
strcat(line, zop_regstr[ra]);
242 |
} else if (zoplist[i].s_result != OPUNUSED) {
243 |
int ra = getbits(ins, zoplist[i].s_result);
244 |
strcat(line, zop_regstr[ra]);
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |