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Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,132
-- Title : UART
-- Project : UART
-- File : utils.vhd
-- Author : Philippe CARTON
-- ( /
-- Organization: Microsystemes
-- Created : 15/12/2001
-- Last update : 28/12/2001
-- Platform : Foundation 3.1i
-- Simulators : Foundation logic simulator
-- Synthesizers: Foundation Synopsys
-- Targets : Xilinx Spartan
-- Dependency : IEEE std_logic_1164
-- Description: VHDL utility file
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Revisions :
-- Revision Number :
-- Version :
-- Date :
-- Modifier : name <email>
-- Description :
-- Revision list
-- Version Author Date Changes
-- 1.0 Philippe CARTON 19 December 2001 New model
-- Synchroniser:
-- Synchronize an input signal (C1) with an input clock (C).
-- The result is the O signal which is synchronous of C, and persist for
-- one C clock period.
library IEEE,STD;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
entity synchroniser is
port (
C1 : in Std_Logic; -- Asynchronous signal
C : in Std_Logic; -- Clock
O : out Std_logic); -- Synchronised signal
end entity;
architecture Behaviour of synchroniser is
signal C1A : Std_Logic;
signal C1S : Std_Logic;
signal R : Std_Logic;
RiseC1A : process(C1,R)
if Rising_Edge(C1) then
C1A <= '1';
end if;
if (R = '1') then
C1A <= '0';
end if;
end process;
SyncP : process(C,R)
if Rising_Edge(C) then
if (C1A = '1') then
C1S <= '1';
else C1S <= '0';
end if;
if (C1S = '1') then
R <= '1';
else R <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (R = '1') then
C1S <= '0';
end if;
end process;
O <= C1S;
end Behaviour;
-- Counter
-- This counter is a parametrizable clock divider.
-- The count value is the generic parameter Count.
-- It is CE enabled. (it will count only if CE is high).
-- When it overflow, it will emit a pulse on O.
-- It can be reseted to 0.
library IEEE,STD;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
entity Counter is
generic(Count: INTEGER range 0 to 65535); -- Count revolution
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
CE : in Std_Logic; -- Chip Enable
O : out Std_Logic); -- Output
end entity;
architecture Behaviour of Counter is
counter : process(Clk,Reset)
variable Cnt : INTEGER range 0 to Count-1;
if Reset = '1' then
Cnt := Count - 1;
O <= '0';
elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
if CE = '1' then
if Cnt = 0 then
O <= '1';
Cnt := Count - 1;
O <= '0';
Cnt := Cnt - 1;
end if;
else O <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behaviour;
0,0 → 1,2
CM: 0 error(s) 0 warning(s) found
CM: 0 error(s) 0 warning(s) found
0,0 → 1,145
-- Title : UART
-- Project : UART
-- File : Uart.vhd
-- Author : Philippe CARTON
-- ( /
-- Organization: Microsystemes
-- Created : 15/12/2001
-- Last update : 28/12/2001
-- Platform : Foundation 3.1i
-- Simulators : Foundation logic simulator
-- Synthesizers: Foundation Synopsys
-- Targets : Xilinx Spartan
-- Dependency : IEEE std_logic_1164, Rxunit.vhd, Txunit.vhd, utils.vhd
-- Description: Uart (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) for SoC.
-- Wishbone compatable.
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Revisions :
-- Revision Number :
-- Version :
-- Date :
-- Modifier : name <email>
-- Description :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity UART is
generic(BRDIVISOR: INTEGER range 0 to 65535 := 130); -- Baud rate divisor
port (
-- Wishbone signals
WB_CLK_I : in Std_Logic; -- clock
WB_RST_I : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
WB_ADR_I : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- Adress bus
WB_DAT_I : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- DataIn Bus
WB_DAT_O : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- DataOut Bus
WB_WE_I : in Std_Logic; -- Write Enable
WB_STB_I : in Std_Logic; -- Strobe
WB_ACK_O : out Std_Logic; -- Acknowledge
-- process signals
IntTx_O : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit interrupt: indicate waiting for Byte
IntRx_O : out Std_Logic; -- Receive interrupt: indicate Byte received
BR_Clk_I : in Std_Logic; -- Clock used for Transmit/Receive
TxD_PAD_O: out Std_Logic; -- Tx RS232 Line
RxD_PAD_I: in Std_Logic); -- Rx RS232 Line
end entity;
-- Architecture for UART for synthesis
architecture Behaviour of UART is
component Counter is
generic(COUNT: INTEGER range 0 to 65535); -- Count revolution
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
CE : in Std_Logic; -- Chip Enable
O : out Std_Logic); -- Output
end component;
component RxUnit is
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- system clock signal
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
ReadA : in Std_logic; -- Async Read Received Byte
RxD : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input
RxAv : out Std_Logic; -- Byte available
DataO : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte received
end component;
component TxUnit is
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
LoadA : in Std_Logic; -- Asynchronous Load
TxD : out Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data output
Busy : out Std_Logic; -- Tx Busy
DataI : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte to transmit
end component;
signal RxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Last Byte received
signal TxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Last bytes transmitted
signal SReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Status register
signal EnabRx : Std_Logic; -- Enable RX unit
signal EnabTx : Std_Logic; -- Enable TX unit
signal RxAv : Std_Logic; -- Data Received
signal TxBusy : Std_Logic; -- Transmiter Busy
signal ReadA : Std_Logic; -- Async Read receive buffer
signal LoadA : Std_Logic; -- Async Load transmit buffer
signal Sig0 : Std_Logic; -- gnd signal
signal Sig1 : Std_Logic; -- vcc signal
sig0 <= '0';
sig1 <= '1';
Uart_Rxrate : Counter -- Baud Rate adjust
generic map (COUNT => BRDIVISOR)
port map (BR_CLK_I, sig0, sig1, EnabRx);
Uart_Txrate : Counter -- 4 Divider for Tx
generic map (COUNT => 4)
port map (BR_CLK_I, Sig0, EnabRx, EnabTx);
Uart_TxUnit : TxUnit port map (BR_CLK_I, WB_RST_I, EnabTX, LoadA, TxD_PAD_O, TxBusy, TxData);
Uart_RxUnit : RxUnit port map (BR_CLK_I, WB_RST_I, EnabRX, ReadA, RxD_PAD_I, RxAv, RxData);
IntTx_O <= not TxBusy;
IntRx_O <= RxAv;
SReg(0) <= not TxBusy;
SReg(1) <= RxAv;
-- Implements WishBone data exchange.
-- Clocked on rising edge. Synchronous Reset RST_I
WBctrl : process(WB_CLK_I, WB_RST_I, WB_STB_I, WB_WE_I, WB_ADR_I)
variable StatM : Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
if Rising_Edge(WB_CLK_I) then
if (WB_RST_I = '1') then
ReadA <= '0';
LoadA <= '0';
if (WB_STB_I = '1' and WB_WE_I = '1' and WB_ADR_I = "00") then -- Write Byte to Tx
TxData <= WB_DAT_I;
LoadA <= '1'; -- Load signal
else LoadA <= '0';
end if;
if (WB_STB_I = '1' and WB_WE_I = '0' and WB_ADR_I = "00") then -- Read Byte from Rx
ReadA <= '1'; -- Read signal
else ReadA <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
RxData when WB_ADR_I = "00" else -- Read Byte from Rx
SReg when WB_ADR_I = "01" else -- Read Status Reg
end Behaviour;
0,0 → 1,92
-- Title : UART
-- Project : UART
-- File : Rxunit.vhd
-- Author : Philippe CARTON
-- ( /
-- Organization: Microsystemes
-- Created : 15/12/2001
-- Last update : 28/12/2001
-- Platform : Foundation 3.1i
-- Simulators : Foundation logic simulator
-- Synthesizers: Foundation Synopsys
-- Targets : Xilinx Spartan
-- Dependency : IEEE std_logic_1164
-- Description: RxUnit is a serial to parallel unit Receiver.
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Revisions :
-- Revision Number :
-- Version :
-- Date :
-- Modifier : name <email>
-- Description :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity RxUnit is
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- system clock signal
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
ReadA : in Std_logic; -- Async Read Received Byte
RxD : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input
RxAv : out Std_Logic; -- Byte available
DataO : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte received
end entity;
architecture Behaviour of RxUnit is
signal RReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- receive register
signal RRegL : Std_Logic; -- Byte received
-- RxAv process
RxAvProc : process(RRegL,Reset,ReadA)
if ReadA = '1' or Reset = '1' then
RxAv <= '0'; -- Negate RxAv when RReg read
elsif Rising_Edge(RRegL) then
RxAv <= '1'; -- Assert RxAv when RReg written
end if;
end process;
-- Rx Process
RxProc : process(Clk,Reset,Enable,RxD,RReg)
variable BitPos : INTEGER range 0 to 10; -- Position of the bit in the frame
variable SampleCnt : INTEGER range 0 to 3; -- Count from 0 to 3 in each bit
if Reset = '1' then -- Reset
RRegL <= '0';
BitPos := 0;
elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
if Enable = '1' then
case BitPos is
when 0 => -- idle
RRegL <= '0';
if RxD = '0' then -- Start Bit
SampleCnt := 0;
BitPos := 1;
end if;
when 10 => -- Stop Bit
BitPos := 0; -- next is idle
RRegL <= '1'; -- Indicate byte received
DataO <= RReg; -- Store received byte
when others =>
if SampleCnt = 1 then -- Sample RxD on 1
RReg(BitPos-2) <= RxD; -- Deserialisation
end if;
if SampleCnt = 3 then -- Increment BitPos on 3
BitPos := BitPos + 1;
end if;
end case;
sampleCnt := SampleCnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behaviour;
0,0 → 1,110
-- Title : UART
-- Project : UART
-- File : Txunit.vhd
-- Author : Philippe CARTON
-- ( /
-- Organization: Microsystemes
-- Created : 15/12/2001
-- Last update : 28/12/2001
-- Platform : Foundation 3.1i
-- Simulators : Foundation logic simulator
-- Synthesizers: Foundation Synopsys
-- Targets : Xilinx Spartan
-- Dependency : IEEE std_logic_1164
-- Description: Txunit is a parallel to serial unit transmitter.
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Revisions :
-- Revision Number :
-- Version :
-- Date :
-- Modifier : name <email>
-- Description :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity TxUnit is
port (
Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
LoadA : in Std_Logic; -- Asynchronous Load
TxD : out Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data output
Busy : out Std_Logic; -- Tx Busy
DataI : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte to transmit
end entity;
architecture Behaviour of TxUnit is
signal TBuff : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit buffer
signal TReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit register
signal TBufL : Std_Logic; -- Buffer loaded
signal Load : Std_Logic; -- Load signal, Clk synchronised
signal LoadAS : Std_Logic; -- Load signal Async started, Sync stopped
process(LoadA, Load)
if load = '1' then
loadAS <= '0'; -- Clear LoadAS
elsif Rising_Edge(LoadA) then
LoadAS <= '1';
end if;
end process;
-- Synchronize Load on Clk
SyncLoad : process(Clk, LoadAS)
if Rising_Edge(Clk) then
if LoadAS = '1' then
Load <= '1';
end if;
if Load = '1' then
Load <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
Busy <= LoadAS or TBufL;
-- Tx process
TxProc : process(Clk, Reset, Enable, Load, DataI, TBuff, TReg, TBufL)
variable BitPos : INTEGER range 0 to 10; -- Bit position in the frame
if Reset = '1' then
TBufL <= '0';
BitPos := 0;
elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
if LoadAS = '1' then
TBuff <= DataI;
TBufL <= '1';
end if;
if Enable = '1' then
case BitPos is
when 0 => -- idle or stop bit
TxD <= '1';
if TBufL = '1' then -- start transmit. next is start bit
TReg <= TBuff;
TBufL <= '0';
BitPos := 1;
end if;
when 1 => -- Start bit
TxD <= '0';
BitPos := 2;
when others =>
TxD <= TReg(BitPos-2); -- Serialisation of TReg
BitPos := BitPos + 1;
end case;
if BitPos = 10 then -- bit8. next is stop bit
BitPos := 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behaviour;
/branches/avendor/doc/MiniUart.pdf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
branches/avendor/doc/MiniUart.pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/doc/src/MiniUART.doc =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: branches/avendor/doc/src/MiniUART.doc =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/doc/src/MiniUART.doc (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/doc/src/MiniUART.doc (revision 2)
branches/avendor/doc/src/MiniUART.doc Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTRx.CMD =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTRx.CMD (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTRx.CMD (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +| Script file for testing the receiver +| for multi frames + +| Initial settings +delete_waveforms +restart +stepsize 50nS + +| Watched Signals and Vectors +watch WB_CLK_I | Wishbone clock +watch WB_RST_I +watch WB_WE_I +watch WB_STB_I +watch WB_ACK_O +vector WB_ADR ADR_I[1:0] +vector WB_DI DAT_I[7:0] +vector WB_DO DAT_O[7:0] +watch RxD | RS232 Rx Line +watch IntRx | Emit Buffer is empty +watch BRClk +watch EnabRx + +| Stimulators Assignment +| 1/Read SReg +| 2/Read Byte Rx +| 3/Read SReg +| 4/Read Byte Rx +clock WB_CLK_I 1 0 +wfm WB_RST_I @1nS=L 100nS=H 100nS=L +wfm WB_STB_I @1nS=L + + @190.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @200.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @210.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @355.501uS=H 100nS=L +wfm WB_WE_I @1nS=L + + @190.001uS=L + + @200.001uS=L + + @210.001uS=L + + @355.501uS=L +wfm WB_ADR @1nS=L + + @190.001uS=1\H 100nS=Z + + @200.001uS=0\H 100nS=Z + + @210.001uS=1\H 100nS=Z + + @355.501uS=0\H 100nS=Z + +wfm BRClk @0nS=L (1uS=H 1uS=L)*8000 | Baud rate +| Below is a generation of 50 same frames, coding 40h. +wfm RxD @0nS=H + + 102.7uS=H (8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=L 8uS=H 8uS=L 8uS=H)*50 8uS=H + +| Perform Simulation +sim 4000uS +
branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTRx.CMD Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTUART.CMD =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTUART.CMD (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTUART.CMD (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +| Script file for testing the UART in echo mode (Txd and must be RxD tied) +| 2 writes followed by 2 read + +| Initial settings +delete_waveforms +restart +stepsize 50nS + +| Watched Signals and Vectors +| +| Define your signal and vector watch list here +watch WB_CLK_I +watch WB_RST_I +watch WB_WE_I +watch WB_STB_I +watch WB_ACK_O +vector WB_ADR ADR_I[1:0] +vector WB_DI DAT_I[7:0] +vector WB_DO DAT_O[7:0] +watch RxD TEcho| RS232 Rx Line +watch TxD | RS232 Tx Line +watch IntTx | Byte present in buffer +watch IntRx | Emit Buffer is empty +watch BRClk +watch EnabTx EnabRx + +| Stimulators Assignment +| 1/Write Byte +| 2/Write another byte +| 3/Read Byte +| 4/Read Byte +clock WB_CLK_I 1 0 +wfm WB_RST_I @1nS=L 100nS=H 100nS=L +wfm WB_STB_I @1nS=L + + @100.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @200.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @250.001uS=H 100nS=L + + @355.501uS=H 100nS=L +wfm WB_WE_I @1nS=L + + @100.001uS=H + + @200.001uS=L + + @250.001uS=H + + @355.501uS=L +wfm WB_ADR @1nS=L + + @100.001uS=0\H 100nS=Z + + @200.001uS=0\H 100nS=Z + + @250.001uS=0\H 100nS=Z + + @355.501uS=0\H 100nS=Z +wfm WB_DI @1nS=\0H + + @100.001uS=81\H 101nS=Z + + @250.001uS=55\H 101nS=Z +wfm BRClk @0nS=L (500nS=H 500nS=L)*500 + +| Perform Simulation +sim 400uS +
branches/avendor/sim/rtl_sim/bin/TESTUART.CMD Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpr =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpr (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpr (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +[Version Info] +IncludeVerInfo=0 +AutoIncBuild=0 +MajorVer=1 +MinorVer=0 +Release=0 +Build=0 +Debug=0 +PreRelease=0 +Special=0 +Private=0 +DLL=0 +Locale=1036 +CodePage=1252 + +[Version Info Keys] +CompanyName= +FileDescription= +FileVersion= +InternalName= +LegalCopyright= +LegalTrademarks= +OriginalFilename= +ProductName= +ProductVersion= +Comments= + +[Debugging] +DebugSourceDirs=$(BCB)\source\vcl + +[Parameters] +RunParams=1 9600 +HostApplication= +RemoteHost= +RemotePath= +RemoteDebug=0 + +[Compiler] +ShowInfoMsgs=0 +LinkDebugVcl=0 +LinkCGLIB=0 + +[Language] +ActiveLang= +ProjectLang= +RootDir= + + \ No newline at end of file Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.obj =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.obj =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.obj (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.obj (revision 2)
branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.obj Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpf =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpf (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.bpf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +USEUNIT("mainUs.cpp"); +USEUNIT("Thread.cpp"); +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Ce fichier n'est utilisé que par le Gestionnaire de projet et doit être traité comme le fichier projet + + +main \ No newline at end of file Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.obj =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.obj =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.obj (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.obj (revision 2)
branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.obj Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.cpp =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.cpp (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.cpp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#include +#pragma hdrstop + +#include +#include "Thread.h" + +#pragma package(smart_init) + +//static AnsiString asBuf = ""; +static char sBuf[205]; +static stErr stErr1; +HANDLE hComm; + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Important: Methods and properties of objects in VCL can only be +// used in a method called using Synchronize, for example: +// +// Synchronize(UpdateCaption); +// +// where UpdateCaption could look like: +// +// void __fastcall Thread_Com::UpdateCaption() +// { +// Form1->Caption = "Updated in a thread"; +// } +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +__fastcall Thread_Com::Thread_Com(bool CreateSuspended, + int NumPortD, int BaudRateD) : TThread(CreateSuspended) +{ + NumPort = NumPortD; + BaudRate = BaudRateD; + Priority = tpHigher; +} + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +void __fastcall Thread_Com::AfterConstruction() +{ + DCB dcb; + BOOL fSuccess; + char str[5] = "COM0\x0"; + + str[3] = NumPort + 0x30; + hComm = CreateFile(str, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, + OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); + + if (hComm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) + { + sLastErr = "Impossible d'ouvrir COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = CANT_OPEN_COM; + return; + } + fSuccess = GetCommState(hComm, &dcb); + dcb.BaudRate = BaudRate; + dcb.ByteSize = 8; + dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; + dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; + fSuccess |= SetCommState(hComm, &dcb); + + if (!fSuccess) + { + sLastErr = "Impossible de configurer COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = CANT_CONFIG_COM; + CloseHandle(hComm); + return; + } + + Resume(); +} + + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +void __fastcall Thread_Com::Execute() +{ + LPSTR lpBuf; + DWORD dwNumByteRead; + DWORD dwRes; + BOOL fWaitingOnRead = false; + OVERLAPPED osReader = {0}; + lpBuf = (char *)malloc(2); + +// Interdire l'execution si le port serie n'a pu être ouvert + if (hComm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; + +// Definition d'un évènement + osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); + if (osReader.hEvent == NULL) // Error creating overlapped event; abort. + { + sLastErr = "Erreur lors de la creation d'evènement"; + dwLastErr = CREATE_EV_ERROR; + } + + while (Terminated == false) + { + // Procedure pour lire sur le port hComm + if (!fWaitingOnRead) + { + // Issue the operation + if (!ReadFile(hComm, lpBuf, 1, &dwNumByteRead, &osReader)) + { + if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) // Read not delayed ? + { // Error in communications ; report it + sLastErr = "Erreur de lecture sur COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = ERR_READ_COM; + } + else fWaitingOnRead = true; + } + else // read completed immediately + HandleASuccessfulRead(*lpBuf); + } + + if (fWaitingOnRead) + { + dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osReader.hEvent, READ_TIMEOUT); + switch(dwRes) + { + // Read completed + case WAIT_OBJECT_0: + if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osReader, &dwNumByteRead, FALSE)) + { // Error in communications ; report it + sLastErr = "Erreur de fin de lecture sur COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = ERR_READOVER_COM; + } + else // Read completed successfully. + { + dwLastErr = 0; + HandleASuccessfulRead(*lpBuf); + // Reset flag so that another operation can be issued + fWaitingOnRead = false; + } + break; + case WAIT_TIMEOUT: + // possible background work + break; + default: + // Error in the WaitforSingleObject; abort. + sLastErr = "Erreur d'attente de lecture sur COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = ERR_READWAIT_COM; + break; + } + } + } + free(lpBuf); + CloseHandle(osReader.hEvent); + CloseHandle(hComm); +} +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +BOOL __fastcall Thread_Com::WriteToComPort(AnsiString ASbuf) +{ + OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0}; + DWORD dwToWrite; + DWORD dwNumByteWritten; + BOOL fRes; + +// Si le port serie n'a pu être ouvert, Sortir + if (hComm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return false; + + dwToWrite = ASbuf.Length(); + char *lpBuf = ASbuf.c_str(); + + // Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent. + osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); + if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL) + // Error creating overlapped event handle + return false; + + // Issue write. + if (!WriteFile(hComm, lpBuf, dwToWrite, &dwNumByteWritten, &osWrite)) + { + if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) + { + // WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort. + sLastErr = "Erreur d'écriture sur COM"+AnsiString(NumPort); + dwLastErr = ERR_WRITE_COM; + fRes = false; + } + else + { + // Write is pending. + if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &dwNumByteWritten, true)) + fRes = false; + else + // Write operation completed successfully. + fRes = true; + } + } + else //WriteFile completed immediately. + dwLastErr = 0; + fRes = true; + + CloseHandle(osWrite.hEvent); + return fRes; +} + + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +extern void ReceiveCallBack(char *c); + +void __fastcall Thread_Com::HandleASuccessfulRead(char c) +{ + ReceiveCallBack(&c); +} Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Main.h =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Main.h (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Main.h (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +void ReceiveCallBack(char *c); +BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType); Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Readme.txt =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Readme.txt (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Readme.txt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +TestCom is a test program built to test a serial line connected in closed-loop, +or to test an equipement configured in closed-loop. +Developed under Borland C++ Builder 5. +Feel free to use/edit/modify. + +Note: CC3250.DLL and VCL50.BPL are available at \ No newline at end of file Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.h =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.h (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/Thread.h (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifndef ThreadH +#define ThreadH +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#include + +#define READ_TIMEOUT 500 // milliseconds + +#define TWMD_WITH_GLERR 1 +#define TWMD_AND_CLOSE 2 + +struct stErr +{ + DWORD Err; + AnsiString asMsg; +}; + + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +class Thread_Com : public TThread +{ +enum {CANT_OPEN_COM = 1, CANT_CONFIG_COM, CREATE_EV_ERROR, ERR_READ_COM, + ERR_READOVER_COM, ERR_READWAIT_COM, ERR_WRITE_COM}; + +private: +protected: + + void __fastcall Execute(); + void __fastcall HandleASuccessfulRead(char c); +public: + int NumPort; + int BaudRate; + int dwLastErr; + AnsiString sLastErr; + BOOL __fastcall WriteToComPort(AnsiString ASbuf); + __fastcall Thread_Com(bool CreateSuspended, int NumPortD, int BaudRate); + virtual void __fastcall AfterConstruction(); +}; +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +BOOL WriteToComPort(AnsiString ASbuf); +BOOL ChangePort(int PortNum); +#endif Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainFr.cpp =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainFr.cpp (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainFr.cpp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#include +#include +#pragma hdrstop + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +#pragma argsused +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) +{ + FILE *fs,*fd; + char line[200]; + int l = 0; + + if (argc != 3) + { + printf("Filtre de fichiers texte\n"); + printf("Syntaxe:\n"); + printf("FILTER File1 File2\n"); + printf("\tFile1 = Fichier source\n"); + printf("\tFile2 = Fichier destination\n"); + return 0; + } + + fs = fopen(argv[1], "rt"); + if (fs == NULL) + { + printf("Impossible d'ouvrir %s\n", argv[1]); + return 0; + } + + fd = fopen(argv[2], "wt"); + if (fd == NULL) + { + printf("Impossible d'ouvrir %s\n", argv[2]); + fclose(fs); + return 0; + } + + while(fgets(line, 200, fs) != NULL) + { + l++; + if (l <= 1 || l > 6)fprintf(fd, "%s", line); + } + + fclose(fs); + fclose(fd); +} +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.cpp =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.cpp (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/mainUs.cpp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "main.h" +#include "Thread.h" + +#pragma hdrstop +//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#pragma argsused + +#define BUFLENGTH 500 // Size of the cyclic buffer for emit/receive checking + +Thread_Com *Thread_Com1; +char Buf[BUFLENGTH]; +int BufTop, BufBot; +bool CompErr; + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) +{ + int n, i; + int ComN; + unsigned int BaudRate; + long unsigned ncEmit; + char str[80]; + HANDLE hConsole; + COORD c1; + DWORD dw1; + + hConsole = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); + + if (argc > 3) + { + printf ("Too many arguments on the command line.\n"); + return 0; + } + if (argc == 0)printf ("Err 0.\n"); + if (argc == 1) + { + printf("RS232 serial line tester\n"); + printf("By Philippe Carton the 8/01/2002 (\n"); + printf("This program give a way to test the reliability of a closed-loop serial line\n"); + printf("It emit a continuous random byte stream, and check that it receive exacly what\n"); + printf("has been sent. The serial line, or the connected equipment must work in CLOSED-\n"); + printf("LOOP, that is to say TxD and RxD tied.\n"); + printf("Syntax:\n"); + printf("TESTCOM port baudrate\n"); + printf("\tport = com port number\n"); + printf("\tFile2 = baudrate (9600, 19200 ...)\n"); + return 0; + } + // Parse for the com port + n = sscanf (argv[1], "%d", &ComN); + if (n == 0 || ComN < 1 || ComN > 4) + { + printf ("invalid com port (1 to 4).\n"); + return 0; + } + // Parse for the baudrate + BaudRate = 9600; // default + if (argc == 3) + { + n = sscanf (argv[2], "%d", &BaudRate); + if (n == 0 || BaudRate < 110 || BaudRate > 921600) + { + printf ("Invalid baudrate. (110 to 921600)\n"); + return 0; + } + } + + // Launch process + printf ("Com=%d Baudrate=%d\n", ComN, BaudRate); + printf ("--Test running, Ctrl-C to stop--\n"); + + // Open the thread communication thread + Thread_Com1 = new Thread_Com(true, ComN, BaudRate); + if (Thread_Com1->dwLastErr) + { + printf ("%s\n", Thread_Com1->sLastErr); + exit (0); + } + + // Ctrl-C Handler + SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CtrlHandler, true); + + // Continuous random byte emit + BufTop = 0; + BufBot = 0; + CompErr = false; + ncEmit = 0; + + while (1) + { + // Test that cycling buf don't overflow + if (BufTop + 1 == BufBot || (BufBot == 0 && BufTop == sizeof(Buf)-1)) + { + // Buf is full + printf ("Test Buffer is full.\n"); + if (ncEmit == BUFLENGTH-1) + printf ("No byte has been received. The closed-loop fail.\n"); + else + printf ("This mean that the OS is too slow compared to the specified baudrate.\n"); + break; + } + Buf[BufTop] = random(256); + Thread_Com1->WriteToComPort(Buf[BufTop]); + if (Thread_Com1->dwLastErr) + { + printf ("%s\n", Thread_Com1->sLastErr); + break; + } + BufTop++; if (BufTop >= sizeof(Buf))BufTop = 0; + + // Display the char count every 100 loop + ncEmit ++; + if (BufTop == 0) + { + sprintf (str, "car emis = %lu", ncEmit); + c1.X = 4; c1.Y = wherey()-1; + WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, str, strlen(str), c1, &dw1); + } + // In case of error detected between Transmit-Receive + if (CompErr == true) + { + printf ("Mismatch observed between emit/received char.\n"); + printf ("Last emitted char = \n\t"); + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + printf ("%x ", (unsigned char)Buf[BufTop]); + BufTop --; if (BufTop < 0)BufTop = sizeof(Buf); + } + printf ("\n"); + break; + } + } + + // Close the communication thread + Thread_Com1->Terminate(); + Thread_Com1->WaitFor(); + delete Thread_Com1; + + return 0; +} + +BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) +{ + printf ("Serial line succesfully tested.\n"); + + return 0; +} + +void ReceiveCallBack(char *c) +{ + if (*c != Buf[BufBot]) + { + CompErr = true; + } + BufBot++; if (BufBot >= sizeof(Buf))BufBot = 0; +} + + Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.exe =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.exe =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.exe (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.exe (revision 2)
branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.exe Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.dsk =================================================================== --- branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.dsk (nonexistent) +++ branches/avendor/sw/TestCom/TestCom.dsk (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +[Closed Files] +File_0=SourceModule,'D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\main.h',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 +File_1=SourceModule,'D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\Main.cpp',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 +File_2=SourceModule,'D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\analy.cpp',0,1,110,1,121,0,0 +File_3=SourceModule,'D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\Thread.h',0,1,10,1,31,0,0 +File_4=SourceModule,'D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\analy.h',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 +File_5=SourceModule,'C:\pcarton\Safo_Client\Main.cpp',0,1,262,19,289,0,0 +File_6=SourceModule,'C:\pcarton\Safo\Thread.cpp',0,1,833,14,845,0,0 +File_7=SourceModule,'C:\PROGRAM FILES\DAQX\PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SUPPORT\DAQ\C\32-BIT ENHANCED API\Dynamic loading\dyn32enh.h',0,1,181,96,183,0,0 +File_8=SourceModule,'C:\pcarton\Safo\Main.cpp',0,1,32,3,125,0,0 +File_9=SourceModule,'C:\Program Files\DaqX\Programming Language Support\daq\c\32-bit Enhanced API\Include\daqx.h',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 + +[Modules] +Module0=D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\mainUs.cpp +Module1=D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\Thread.cpp +Count=2 +EditWindowCount=1 + +[D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\mainUs.cpp] +ModuleType=SourceModule +FormState=0 +FormOnTop=0 + +[D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\Thread.cpp] +ModuleType=SourceModule +FormState=0 +FormOnTop=0 + +[D:\Program files\Borland\CBuilder5\Bin\ProjectGroup1.bpg] +FormState=0 +FormOnTop=0 + +[D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\TestCom.bpr] +FormState=0 +FormOnTop=0 + +[EditWindow0] +ViewCount=2 +CurrentView=0 +View0=0 +View1=1 +CodeExplorer=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 +MessageView=MessageView@EditWindow0 +ClassHierarchy=ClassHierarchy@EditWindow0 +Create=1 +Visible=1 +State=0 +Left=190 +Top=106 +Width=833 +Height=515 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=825 +ClientHeight=488 +LeftPanelSize=120 +LeftPanelClients=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 +LeftPanelData=000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000C000000436F64654578706C6F726572FFFFFFFF +RightPanelSize=0 +BottomPanelSize=0 +BottomPanelClients=MessageView@EditWindow0 +BottomPanelData=00000400010000000B0000004D657373616765566965770000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF + +[View0] +Module=D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\mainUs.cpp +CursorX=13 +CursorY=7 +TopLine=1 +LeftCol=1 + +[View1] +Module=D:\pcarton\CBuilder\TestCom\Thread.cpp +CursorX=32 +CursorY=32 +TopLine=1 +LeftCol=1 + +[Watches] +Count=0 + +[Breakpoints] +Count=0 + +[AddressBreakpoints] +Count=0 + +[Main Window] +Create=1 +Visible=1 +State=0 +Left=0 +Top=0 +Width=1024 +Height=105 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=1016 +ClientHeight=78 + +[ProjectManager] +Create=1 +Visible=1 +State=0 +Left=293 +Top=234 +Width=438 +Height=300 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=430 +ClientHeight=276 +TBDockHeight=300 +LRDockWidth=438 +Dockable=1 + +[CPUWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=89 +Top=145 +Width=779 +Height=561 +MaxLeft=-4 +MaxTop=-4 +ClientWidth=771 +ClientHeight=534 +DumpPane=79 +DisassemblyPane=261 +RegisterPane=231 +FlagPane=64 + +[LocalVarsWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=195 +Top=710 +Width=821 +Height=75 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=813 +ClientHeight=51 +TBDockHeight=51 +LRDockWidth=421 +Dockable=1 + +[ToDo List] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=277 +Top=259 +Width=470 +Height=250 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=462 +ClientHeight=226 +TBDockHeight=250 +LRDockWidth=470 +Dockable=1 +Column0Width=200 +Column1Width=30 +Column2Width=100 +Column3Width=70 +Column4Width=70 +SortOrder=4 +ShowHints=1 +ShowChecked=1 + +[FPUWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=271 +Top=248 +Width=457 +Height=250 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=449 +ClientHeight=223 +RegisterPane=121 +FlagPane=59 + +[WatchWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=301 +Top=309 +Width=421 +Height=149 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=413 +ClientHeight=125 +TBDockHeight=149 +LRDockWidth=421 +Dockable=1 + +[CallStackWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=365 +Top=303 +Width=294 +Height=161 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=286 +ClientHeight=137 +TBDockHeight=161 +LRDockWidth=294 +Dockable=1 + +[AlignmentPalette] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=200 +Top=107 +Width=156 +Height=82 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=150 +ClientHeight=60 + +[PropertyInspector] +Create=1 +Visible=1 +State=0 +Left=0 +Top=107 +Width=190 +Height=494 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=180 +ClientHeight=468 +TBDockHeight=494 +LRDockWidth=190 +Dockable=1 +SplitPos=85 +ArrangeBy=Name +SelectedItem= +ExpandedItems= +HiddenCategories=Legs +ShowStatusBar=1 + +[BreakpointWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=285 +Top=285 +Width=453 +Height=197 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=445 +ClientHeight=173 +TBDockHeight=197 +LRDockWidth=453 +Dockable=1 +Column0Width=100 +Column1Width=75 +Column2Width=200 +Column3Width=40 +Column4Width=75 +Column5Width=75 + +[ThreadStatusWindow] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=193 +Top=107 +Width=624 +Height=152 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=616 +ClientHeight=128 +TBDockHeight=152 +LRDockWidth=624 +Dockable=1 +Column0Width=145 +Column1Width=100 +Column2Width=115 +Column3Width=250 + +[CodeguardLog] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=191 +Top=108 +Width=448 +Height=190 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=440 +ClientHeight=166 +TBDockHeight=190 +LRDockWidth=448 +Dockable=1 + +[ClassHierarchy@EditWindow0] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=218 +Top=113 +Width=403 +Height=284 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=395 +ClientHeight=260 +TBDockHeight=284 +LRDockWidth=403 +Dockable=1 +TreeWidth=121 +Col1Width=120 +Col2Width=120 + +[CodeExplorer@EditWindow0] +Create=1 +Visible=1 +State=0 +Left=0 +Top=12 +Width=120 +Height=458 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=120 +ClientHeight=458 +TBDockHeight=388 +LRDockWidth=120 +Dockable=1 +ClassViewDisplayMode=0 + +[MessageView@EditWindow0] +Create=1 +Visible=0 +State=0 +Left=12 +Top=0 +Width=813 +Height=52 +MaxLeft=-1 +MaxTop=-1 +ClientWidth=813 +ClientHeight=52 +TBDockHeight=52 +LRDockWidth=443 +Dockable=1 + +[DockHosts] +DockHostCount=0 +

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