
Subversion Repositories plb2wbbridge

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1 to Rev 2
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,28
Device_Family = virtex5
Device = xc5vlx50
Package = ff676
Speedgrade = -2
# Path to the vhdl and implementation directory
PLB2WB_Bridge_VHDL_DIR = ../../systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/
PLB2WB_Bridge_NGC_DIR = ../../systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/work/
Address_Buffer_Size = 16 # valid values: 16, 32, ... 4194304
Read_Buffer_Size = 16 # valid values: 16, 32, ... 4194304
Write_Buffer_Size = 16 # valid values: 16, 32, ... 4194304
Stat2WB_Buffer_Size = 16 # valid values: 16, 32, ... 4194304
Stat2PLB_Buffer_Size = 16 # valid values: 16, 32, ... 4194304
WB_Clk_Frequency = 66 # MHz
PLB_Clk_Frequency = 100 # MHz
# Do not change below unless
# you know what you are doing
Address_Buffer_minDWidth = 42 # 32 bit address, 4 bit BE, 4 bit size, 1 RNW, minimum 1 bit master-id
Read_Buffer_DWidth = 33 # 32 bit datum and 1 bit error
Write_Buffer_DWidth = 32
Stat2PLB_Buffer_minDWidth = 100 # 32 bit address, 32 bit datum, 3 bit status info, 1-4 bit master-id, 32 bit irq-info
Stat2WB_Buffer_DWidth = 1
0,0 → 1,723
# Usage: ruby fifo_generator [OPTIONS]... setup-file
# -c --no-coregen do not run coregen (Only creates *.xco command_files)
# -v --cp-vhdl-to-lib copy vhdl-files to library folder
# (path is set in 'setup-file')
# -n --cp-ngc-to_imp copy netlist-files to implementation folder
# (path is set in 'setup_file')
# -? --help display this message
require 'pp'
require 'getoptlong'
require 'rdoc/usage'
# _____ _ __ ____ _
# | ___(_)/ _| ___ / ___| ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___ _ __
# | |_ | | |_ / _ \ _____| | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
# | _| | | _| (_) |_____| |_| | __/ | | | __/ | | (_| | || (_) | |
# |_| |_|_| \___/ \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|\__\___/|_|
# _______________________________________________
# _________________________________________________________
# Global constants/strings
# Auto generated by 'fifo_generator.rb'.
# Please modify only 'plb2wb_bridge.setup',
# modifications to this file will be overwritten!
SELECT Fifo_Generator family Xilinx,_Inc. 5.3
# CSET use_extra_logic=false ??
# Global variables
$plb2wb_bridge_vhdl_dir = nil
$plb2wb_bridge_ngc_dir = nil
$address_buffer_size = nil
$read_buffer_size = nil
$write_buffer_size = nil
$device = nil
$device_family = nil
$package = nil
$speedgrade = nil
$address_buffer_mindwidth = nil
$read_buffer_dwidth = nil
$write_buffer_dwidth = nil
$wb_clk_frequency = nil
$plb_clk_frequency = nil
$mid2plb_buffer_size = nil
$stat2plb_buffer_size = nil
$stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth = nil
$stat2wb_buffer_size = nil
$stat2wb_buffer_dwidth = nil
$opt_no_coregen = false
$opt_cp_vhdl = false
$opt_cp_ngc = false
# functions to set and check gloval variables
def all_items_set?
all_items_set = true;
if $address_buffer_size == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Address_Buffer_Size' is not set in setup file\n"
if $read_buffer_size == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Read_Buffer_Size' is not set in setup file\n"
if $write_buffer_size == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Write_Buffer_Size' is not set in setup file\n"
if $device == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Device' is not set in setup file\n"
if $device_family == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Device_Family' is not set in setup file\n"
if $package == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Package' is not set in setup file\n"
if $speedgrade == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Speedgrade' is not set in setup file\n"
if $address_buffer_mindwidth == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Address_Buffer_minDWidth' is not set in setup file\n"
if $read_buffer_dwidth == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Read_Buffer_DWidth' is not set in setup file\n"
if $write_buffer_dwidth == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Write_Buffer_DWidth' is not set in setup file\n"
if $wb_clk_frequency == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'PLB_Clk_Frequency' is not set in setup file\n"
if $plb_clk_frequency == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'WB_Clk_Frequency' is not set in setup file\n"
if $stat2plb_buffer_size == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Stat2PLB_Buffer_Size' is not set in setup file\n"
if $stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Stat2PLB_Buffer_minDWidth' is not set in setup file\n"
if $stat2wb_buffer_size == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Stat2WB_Buffer_Size' is not set in setup file\n"
if $stat2wb_buffer_dwidth == nil
all_items_set = false;
print "'Stat2WB_Buffer_DWidth' is not set in setup file\n"
return all_items_set
def set_item( item, value )
case item
when "PLB2WB_Bridge_VHDL_DIR"
$plb2wb_bridge_vhdl_dir = value
when "Address_Buffer_Size"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$address_buffer_size = value
print "Invalid format for `Address_Buffer_Size` in setup file\n";exit
when "Read_Buffer_Size"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$read_buffer_size = value
print "Invalid format for `Read_Buffer_Size` in setup file\n";exit
when "Write_Buffer_Size"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$write_buffer_size = value
print "Invalid format for `Write_Buffer_Size` in setup file\n";exit
when "Device_Family"
$device_family = value
when "Device"
$device = value
when "Package"
$package = value
when "Speedgrade"
if value =~ /^\-[0-9]*$/
$speedgrade = value
when "Address_Buffer_minDWidth"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$address_buffer_mindwidth = value
print "Invalid format for `Address_Buffer_minDWidth` in setup file\n";exit
when "Read_Buffer_DWidth"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$read_buffer_dwidth = value
print "Invalid format for `Read_Buffer_DWidth` in setup file\n";exit
when "Write_Buffer_DWidth"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$write_buffer_dwidth = value
print "Invalid format for `Write_Buffer_DWidth` in setup file\n";exit
when "WB_Clk_Frequency"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$wb_clk_frequency = value
print "Invalid format for `WB_Clk_Frequency` in setup file\n";exit
when "PLB_Clk_Frequency"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$plb_clk_frequency = value
print "Invalid format for `PLB_Clk_Frequency` in setup file\n";exit
when "PLB2WB_Bridge_NGC_DIR"
$plb2wb_bridge_ngc_dir = value
when "Stat2PLB_Buffer_Size"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$stat2plb_buffer_size = value
print "Invalid format for `Stat2PLB_Buffer_Size` in setup file\n";exit
when "Stat2PLB_Buffer_minDWidth"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth = value
print "Invalid format for `Stat2PLB_Buffer_minDWidth` in setup file\n";exit
when "Stat2WB_Buffer_Size"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$stat2wb_buffer_size = value
print "Invalid format for `Stat2WB_Buffer_Size` in setup file\n";exit
when "Stat2WB_Buffer_DWidth"
if value =~ /^[0-9]*$/
$stat2wb_buffer_dwidth = value
print "Invalid format for `Stat2WB_Buffer_DWidth` in setup file\n";exit
# *.XCO-File generation helpers
def print_project_header( file )
file.puts( "SET addpads = False" )
file.puts( "SET asysymbol = True" )
file.puts( "SET busformat = BusFormatParenNotRipped")
file.puts( "SET createndf = False" )
file.puts( "SET designentry = VHDL" )
file.puts( "SET device = " + $device )
file.puts( "SET devicefamily = " + $device_family )
file.puts( "SET flowvendor = Other" )
file.puts( "SET formalverification = False" )
file.puts( "SET foundationsym = False" )
file.puts( "SET implementationfiletype = Ngc" )
file.puts( "SET package = " + $package )
file.puts( "SET removerpms = False" )
file.puts( "SET simulationfiles = Structural" )
file.puts( "SET speedgrade = " + $speedgrade )
file.puts( "SET verilogsim = False" )
file.puts( "SET vhdlsim = True" )
def print_fifo_parameters( file, independet_clocks, component_name, deepth, width, r_clk_frq, w_clk_frq, with_almost_empty )
data_count_width = Math.log( deepth ) / Math.log( 2 )
if with_almost_empty
file.puts( "CSET almost_empty_flag=true" )
file.puts( "CSET almost_empty_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET almost_full_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET component_name=#{component_name}" )
file.puts( "CSET data_count=false" )
file.puts( "CSET data_count_width=#{data_count_width.to_i}" )
file.puts( "CSET disable_timing_violations=false" )
file.puts( "CSET dout_reset_value=0" )
file.puts( "CSET empty_threshold_assert_value=1" )
file.puts( "CSET empty_threshold_negate_value=1" )
file.puts( "CSET enable_ecc=false" )
file.puts( "CSET enable_int_clk=false" )
file.puts( "CSET enable_reset_synchronization=true" )
if independet_clocks == false
#common clocks
if deepth.to_i < 512
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Distributed_RAM" )
if with_almost_empty
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Block_RAM" )
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Builtin_FIFO" )
#independet clocks
if deepth.to_i < 512
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Independent_Clocks_Distributed_RAM" )
if with_almost_empty
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Independent_Clocks_Block_RAM" )
file.puts( "CSET fifo_implementation=Independent_Clocks_Builtin_FIFO" )
file.puts( "CSET full_flags_reset_value=0" )
file.puts( "CSET full_threshold_assert_value=1" )
file.puts( "CSET full_threshold_negate_value=1" )
file.puts( "CSET inject_dbit_error=false" )
file.puts( "CSET inject_sbit_error=false" )
file.puts( "CSET input_data_width=#{width}" )
file.puts( "CSET input_depth=#{deepth}" )
file.puts( "CSET output_data_width=#{width}" )
file.puts( "CSET output_depth=#{deepth}" )
file.puts( "CSET overflow_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET overflow_sense=Active_High" )
file.puts( "CSET performance_options=First_Word_Fall_Through" )
file.puts( "CSET programmable_empty_type=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold" )
file.puts( "CSET programmable_full_type=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold" )
if deepth.to_i < 512 or independet_clocks == false
file.puts( "CSET read_clock_frequency=1" )
file.puts( "CSET read_clock_frequency=#{r_clk_frq}" )
file.puts( "CSET read_data_count=false" )
file.puts( "CSET read_data_count_width=#{data_count_width.to_i}" )
file.puts( "CSET reset_pin=true" )
file.puts( "CSET reset_type=Asynchronous_Reset" )
file.puts( "CSET underflow_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET underflow_sense=Active_High" )
file.puts( "CSET use_dout_reset=false" )
file.puts( "CSET use_embedded_registers=false" )
file.puts( "CSET valid_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET valid_sense=Active_High" )
file.puts( "CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false" )
file.puts( "CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_High" )
if deepth.to_i < 512 or independet_clocks == false
file.puts( "CSET write_clock_frequency=1" )
file.puts( "CSET write_clock_frequency=#{w_clk_frq}" )
file.puts( "CSET write_data_count=false" )
file.puts( "CSET write_data_count_width=#{data_count_width.to_i}" )
# XCO-File generation and syntehsis functions
def generate_adr_fifos( independet_clocks )
cc_or_ic = (independet_clocks == true)? "ic" : "cc"
open( "fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_1.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_2.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$address_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 1,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_3.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$address_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 2,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_4.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$address_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 3,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
system( "coregen -b fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_1.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_2.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_3.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_adr_#{cc_or_ic}_4.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
def generate_wdat_fifos( independet_clocks )
cc_or_ic = (independet_clocks == true)? "ic" : "cc"
open( "fifo_wdat_#{cc_or_ic}_32.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
system( "coregen -b fifo_wdat_#{cc_or_ic}_32.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
def generate_rdat_fifos( independet_clocks )
cc_or_ic = (independet_clocks == true)? "ic" : "cc"
open( "fifo_rdat_#{cc_or_ic}_32.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
true )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
system( "coregen -b fifo_rdat_#{cc_or_ic}_32.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
def generate_stat2plb_fifos( independet_clocks )
cc_or_ic = (independet_clocks == true)? "ic" : "cc"
open( "fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_1.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_2.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 1,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_3.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 2,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
open( "fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_4.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
$stat2plb_buffer_mindwidth.to_i + 3,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
system( "coregen -b fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_1.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_2.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_3.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
system( "coregen -b fifo_stat2plb_#{cc_or_ic}_4.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
def generate_stat2wb_fifos( independet_clocks )
cc_or_ic = (independet_clocks == true)? "ic" : "cc"
open( "fifo_stat2wb_#{cc_or_ic}.xco", "w" ) do |file|
file.puts( BASE_INFO )
print_project_header( file )
file.puts( BASE_SELECT )
print_fifo_parameters( file,
false )
file.puts( "GENERATE" )
system( "coregen -b fifo_stat2wb_#{cc_or_ic}.xco" ) if $opt_no_coregen == false
# Main-script starts here:
['--no-coregen', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
['--cp-vhdl-to-lib', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
['--cp-ngc-to-imp', '-n', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
['--help', '-?', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]
opts.each do |opt, arg|
case opt
when '--no-coregen'
$opt_no_coregen = true
when '--cp-vhdl-to-lib'
$opt_cp_vhdl = true
when '--cp-ngc-to-imp'
$opt_cp_ngc = true
when '--help'
if ARGV.length != 1
if File.exists? ARGV[0]
open( 'plb2wb_bridge.setup' ) do |file|
file.each { |line|
# check, if this is a valid setup-line
if line =~ /[\s]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s]*=[\s]*([\-0-9a-zA-Z\.\/_]+)/
set_item( $1, $2 )
print "#{ARGV[0]} not found!\n\n"
if all_items_set?
generate_stat2plb_fifos ( true )
generate_stat2plb_fifos ( false )
generate_adr_fifos ( true )
generate_adr_fifos ( false )
generate_wdat_fifos ( true )
generate_wdat_fifos ( false )
generate_rdat_fifos ( true )
generate_rdat_fifos ( false )
generate_stat2wb_fifos ( true )
generate_stat2wb_fifos ( false )
if $opt_cp_vhdl
if $plb2wb_bridge_vhdl_dir == nil
print "'PLB2WB_Bridge_VHDL_Dir' is not set in plb2wb_bridge.setup\n"
system( "cp *.vhd #{$plb2wb_bridge_vhdl_dir }" )
print "Copy vhdl-files to '#{$plb2wb_bridge_vhdl_dir}'\n"
if $opt_cp_ngc
if $plb2wb_bridge_ngc_dir == nil
print "'PLB2WB_Bridge_NGC_Dir' is not set in plb2wb_bridge.setup\n"
print "Copy netlists to '#{$plb2wb_bridge_ngc_dir}'\n"
system( "cp *.ngc #{$plb2wb_bridge_ngc_dir }" )
print "Please complete 'plb2wb_bridge.setup'\n"
plb2wbbridge/trunk/coregen/fifo_generator/fifo_generator.rb Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/doc/plb2wb_bridge_spec.pdf =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/doc/plb2wb_bridge_spec.pdf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/doc/plb2wb_bridge_spec.pdf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/doc/plb2wb_bridge_spec.pdf (revision 2)
plb2wbbridge/trunk/doc/plb2wb_bridge_spec.pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + + + + + process + begin + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= '0'; + wait for 7500 ns; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period*5; + wb_rst <= '0'; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ + +# +# Display top-level ports +# +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + +set tbpath {sim:/system_tb/dut} + +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate -divider {"top-level ports"} +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt sim:/system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt sim:/system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt sim:/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_slave/synch_in + + + # Master signals + proc add_master { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group Master_${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_request -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_request + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_abus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_abus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_be -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_be + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_rnw -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_rnw + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_size -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_size + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_priority -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_priority + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_plb_mrddbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/plb_mrddbus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_wrdbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_wrdbus + } + add_master 32 White + add_master 64 AliceBlue + add_master 128 Seashell + + + + + +# do ../behavioral/ +# do ../behavioral/ +# do ../behavioral/ + + + proc add_ocram { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group ocram${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_ack_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_ack_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_err_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_err_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_rty_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_rty_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_ack -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_ack + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_r -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_r + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_w -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_w + eval add wave -color ${color} -label r_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/r_delay_count + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_delay_count + + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(0) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(0) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(1) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(1) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(2) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(2) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(3) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(3) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(4) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(4) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(5) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(5) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(6) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(6) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(7) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(7) + } + + + + + # + # General bridge signals + # + eval add wave -color purple -group bridge_general -noupdate + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_addrack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_addrack + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_abus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_abus + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_be -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_be + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_pavalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_pavalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_savalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_rnw -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rnw + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_msize -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_msize + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_type -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_type + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_wrdbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus + + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_wrdack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + + + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_adr_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_cyc_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_cyc_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_err_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_stb_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_we_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mbusy -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mbusy + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mwrerr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mwrerr + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mrderr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mrderr + + + # + # Bridge - Transfer Control Unit + # + eval add wave -color aquamarine -group bridge_TCU -noupdate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_wstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_wstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_rstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_rstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_wb_state -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_wb_state + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_ack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_ack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_err -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_err + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rty -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rty + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rst_short -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rst_short + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_addrack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_addrack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdwdaddr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdwdaddr + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adr_offset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adr_offset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rpiperden + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wpiperden + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enrddbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_enrddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufwen + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enStuRDDbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_ensturddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWritePA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritepa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWriteSA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritesa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stat2plb_en -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stat2plb_en + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wb_status_info -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_wb_status_info + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_mrbusy -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_mrbusy + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_read_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_read_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_write_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_write_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MWrErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MWrErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MRdErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MRdErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_wrbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_wrbterm + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdbterm + + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_reset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_reset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_count -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_count + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_counter -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_counter + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_alarm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_alarm + + + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_r -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_r + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_sec_r -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_sec_r + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_sec_stat_r -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_sec_stat_r + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_sec_stat_w -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_sec_stat_w + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_sec_w -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_sec_w + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_stat_r -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_stat_r + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_stat_w -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_stat_w + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_plb_w -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_plb_w + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_wb_r -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_wb_r + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label start_wb_w -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/start_wb_w + + + + + + + + # + # Bridge - Status Unit + # + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -group bridge_STU -noupdate + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_softReset -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_softReset + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_continue -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_continue + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_abort -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_abort + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label amu_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/amu_masterid + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label plb_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/plb_masterid + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_wr_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_wr_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_dout -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_dout + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_din -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_din + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchPA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchpa + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchSA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchsa + + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label soft_reset_count -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/soft_reset_count + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label address_reg -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/address_reg + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg0 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(0) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg1 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(1) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg2 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(2) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg3 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(3) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg_out -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_reg_out + + + + + # + # Bridge - Adress Management Unit + # + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -group bridge_AMU -noupdate + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_addrack -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_addrack + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label plb_savalid -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_rnw -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_rnw + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_bufempty -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_bufempty + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buffull -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buffull + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_deviceselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_deviceselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_statusselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_statusselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_rmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rmID + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_wmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wmID + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_BE -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_BE + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_BE + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label rpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/rpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label pipeline_in -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/pipeline_in + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rStatusSelect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wStatusSelect + + + # + # Read buffer + # + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_din -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_din + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_dout -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_dout + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_empty -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_empty + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_full -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_full + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_almostempty -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_almostempty + + # + # Write buffer + # + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label plb_size -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/plb_size + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_empty -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_empty + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_full -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_full + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_wbus -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_wbus + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufwen + + + + # + # Whishbone signals + # + eval add wave -color Orange -noupdate -group Wishbone + + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_ack_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_ack_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_err_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_err_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_rty_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_rty_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_adr_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_adr_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_sel_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_sel_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_we_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_we_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_cyc_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_cyc_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_stb_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_stb_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_clk_i -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_clk_i + + + add_ocram 0 OrangeRed + add_ocram 1 OrangeRed + add_ocram 2 OrangeRed + add_ocram 3 OrangeRed + + configure wave -namecolwidth 347 + configure wave -valuecolwidth 252 + configure wave -timeline 0 + configure wave -timelineunits ns Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/slave_init.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/modelsim_proj.mpf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/modelsim_proj.mpf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/modelsim_proj.mpf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,1377 @@ +; Copyright 1991-2009 Mentor Graphics Corporation +; +; All Rights Reserved. +; +; THIS WORK CONTAINS TRADE SECRET AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF +; MENTOR GRAPHICS CORPORATION OR ITS LICENSORS AND IS SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS. +; + +[Library] +others = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim.ini +;vhdl_psl_checkers = $MODEL_TECH/../vhdl_psl_checkers // Source files only for this release +;verilog_psl_checkers = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog_psl_checkers // Source files only for this release +;mvc_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../mvc_lib + +secureip = c:/compxlib/secureip/ +simprim = c:/compxlib/simprim/ +simprims_ver = c:/compxlib/simprims_ver/ +unisim = c:/compxlib/unisim/ +unisims_ver = c:/compxlib/unisims_ver/ +xilinxcorelib = c:/compxlib/xilinxcorelib/ +xilinxcorelib_ver = c:/compxlib/xilinxcorelib_ver/ +microblaze_v7_20_d = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/microblaze_v7_20_d/ +proc_common_v3_00_a = c:/compxlib/edk/proc_common_v3_00_a/ +plb_v46_v1_04_a = c:/compxlib/edk/plb_v46_v1_04_a/ +lmb_v10_v1_00_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/lmb_v10_v1_00_a/ +lmb_bram_if_cntlr_v2_10_b = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/lmb_bram_if_cntlr_v2_10_b/ +lmb_bram_elaborate_v1_00_a = lmb_bram_elaborate_v1_00_a +plbv46_slave_single_v1_01_a = c:/compxlib/edk/plbv46_slave_single_v1_01_a/ +interrupt_control_v2_01_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/interrupt_control_v2_01_a/ +xps_gpio_v2_00_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/xps_gpio_v2_00_a/ +xps_timer_v1_01_b = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/xps_timer_v1_01_b/ +clock_generator_v3_02_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/clock_generator_v3_02_a/ +mdm_v1_00_g = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/mdm_v1_00_g/ +proc_sys_reset_v2_00_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/proc_sys_reset_v2_00_a/ +xps_intc_v2_00_a = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/xps_intc_v2_00_a/ +work = work +plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a = c:/compxlib/edk/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/ +plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a = c:/compxlib/edk/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/ +plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a = c:/compxlib/edk/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/ +bfm_synch_v1_00_a = c:/compxlib/edk/bfm_synch_v1_00_a/ +plbv46_bfm = c:/compxlib/edk/plbv46_bfm/ +plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a = plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a +onchip_ram_v1_00_a = onchip_ram_v1_00_a +wb_conbus_v1_00_a = wb_conbus_v1_00_a +[vcom] +; VHDL93 variable selects language version as the default. +; Default is VHDL-2002. +; Value of 0 or 1987 for VHDL-1987. +; Value of 1 or 1993 for VHDL-1993. +; Default or value of 2 or 2002 for VHDL-2002. +; Value of 3 or 2008 for VHDL-2008 +VHDL93 = 2002 + +; Show source line containing error. Default is off. +; Show_source = 1 + +; Turn off unbound-component warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning1 = 0 + +; Turn off process-without-a-wait-statement warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning2 = 0 + +; Turn off null-range warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning3 = 0 + +; Turn off no-space-in-time-literal warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning4 = 0 + +; Turn off multiple-drivers-on-unresolved-signal warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning5 = 0 + +; Turn off optimization for IEEE std_logic_1164 package. Default is on. +; Optimize_1164 = 0 + +; Turn on resolving of ambiguous function overloading in favor of the +; "explicit" function declaration (not the one automatically created by +; the compiler for each type declaration). Default is off. +; The .ini file has Explicit enabled so that std_logic_signed/unsigned +; will match the behavior of synthesis tools. +Explicit = 1 + +; Turn off acceleration of the VITAL packages. Default is to accelerate. +; NoVital = 1 + +; Turn off VITAL compliance checking. Default is checking on. +; NoVitalCheck = 1 + +; Ignore VITAL compliance checking errors. Default is to not ignore. +; IgnoreVitalErrors = 1 + +; Turn off VITAL compliance checking warnings. Default is to show warnings. +; Show_VitalChecksWarnings = 0 + +; Turn off PSL assertion warning messages. Default is to show warnings. +; Show_PslChecksWarnings = 0 + +; Enable parsing of embedded PSL assertions. Default is enabled. +; EmbeddedPsl = 0 + +; Keep silent about case statement static warnings. +; Default is to give a warning. +; NoCaseStaticError = 1 + +; Keep silent about warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static. +; Default is to give a warning. +; NoOthersStaticError = 1 + +; Treat as errors: +; case statement static warnings +; warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static +; Overrides NoCaseStaticError, NoOthersStaticError settings. +; PedanticErrors = 1 + +; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units. +; Default is to include debugging info. +; NoDebug = 1 + +; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on. +; Quiet = 1 + +; Turn on some limited synthesis rule compliance checking. Checks only: +; -- signals used (read) by a process must be in the sensitivity list +; CheckSynthesis = 1 + +; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals, +; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off. +; ScalarOpts = 1 + +; Turns on lint-style checking. +; Show_Lint = 1 + +; Require the user to specify a configuration for all bindings, +; and do not generate a compile time default binding for the +; component. This will result in an elaboration error of +; 'component not bound' if the user fails to do so. Avoids the rare +; issue of a false dependency upon the unused default binding. +; RequireConfigForAllDefaultBinding = 1 + +; Perform default binding at compile time. +; Default is to do default binding at load time. +; BindAtCompile = 1; + +; Inhibit range checking on subscripts of arrays. Range checking on +; scalars defined with subtypes is inhibited by default. +; NoIndexCheck = 1 + +; Inhibit range checks on all (implicit and explicit) assignments to +; scalar objects defined with subtypes. +; NoRangeCheck = 1 + +; Run the 0-in compiler on the VHDL source files +; Default is off. +; ZeroIn = 1 + +; Set the options to be passed to the 0-in compiler. +; Default is "". +; ZeroInOptions = "" + +; Turn on code coverage in VHDL design units. Default is off. +; Coverage = sbceft + +; Turn off code coverage in VHDL subprograms. Default is on. +; CoverageSub = 0 + +; Automatically exclude VHDL case statement OTHERS choice branches. +; This includes OTHERS choices in selected signal assigment statements. +; Default is to not exclude. +; CoverExcludeDefault = 1 + +; Control compiler and VOPT optimizations that are allowed when +; code coverage is on. Refer to the comment for this in the [vlog] area. +; CoverOpt = 3 + +; Inform code coverage optimizations to respect VHDL 'H' and 'L' +; values on signals in conditions and expressions, and to not automatically +; convert them to '1' and '0'. Default is to not convert. +; CoverRespectHandL = 0 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table +; implementing a VHDL condition coverage or expression coverage expression. +; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered. +; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present +; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions +; covered with FEC metric. +; CoverMaxFECRows = 192 + +; Enable or disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and +; expressions. Focused Expression Coverage data is provided by default when +; expression and/or condition coverage is active. +; CoverFEC = 0 + +; Enable or disable short circuit evaluation of conditions and expressions when +; condition or expression coverage is active. Short circuit evaluation is enabled +; by default. +; CoverShortCircuit = 0 + +; Use this directory for compiler temporary files instead of "work/_temp" +; CompilerTempDir = /tmp + +; Set this to cause the compilers to force data to be committed to disk +; when the files are closed. +; SyncCompilerFiles = 1 + +; Add VHDL-AMS declarations to package STANDARD +; Default is not to add +; AmsStandard = 1 + +; Range and length checking will be performed on array indices and discrete +; ranges, and when violations are found within subprograms, errors will be +; reported. Default is to issue warnings for violations, because subprograms +; may not be invoked. +; NoDeferSubpgmCheck = 0 + +; Turn off detection of FSMs having single bit current state variable. +; FsmSingle = 0 + +; Turn off reset state transitions in FSM. +; FsmResetTrans = 0 + +; Do not show immediate assertions with constant expressions in +; GUI/report/UCDB etc. By default immediate assertions with constant +; expressions are shown in GUI/report/UCDB etc. This does not affect ; +; evaluation of immediate assertions. +; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0 + +[vlog] +; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units. +; Default is to include debugging info. +; NoDebug = 1 + +; Turn on `protect compiler directive processing. +; Default is to ignore `protect directives. +; Protect = 1 + +; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on. +; Quiet = 1 + +; Turn on Verilog hazard checking (order-dependent accessing of global vars). +; Default is off. +; Hazard = 1 + +; Turn on converting regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase. Allows case +; insensitivity for module names. Default is no conversion. +; UpCase = 1 + +; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals, +; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off. +; ScalarOpts = 1 + +; Turns on lint-style checking. +; Show_Lint = 1 + +; Show source line containing error. Default is off. +; Show_source = 1 + +; Turn on bad option warning. Default is off. +; Show_BadOptionWarning = 1 + +; Revert back to IEEE 1364-1995 syntax, default is 0 (off). +; vlog95compat = 1 + +; Turn off PSL warning messages. Default is to show warnings. +; Show_PslChecksWarnings = 0 + +; Enable parsing of embedded PSL assertions. Default is enabled. +; EmbeddedPsl = 0 + +; Set the threshold for automatically identifying sparse Verilog memories. +; A memory with depth equal to or more than the sparse memory threshold gets +; marked as sparse automatically, unless specified otherwise in source code +; or by +nosparse commandline option of vlog or vopt. +; The default is 1M. (i.e. memories with depth equal +; to or greater than 1M are marked as sparse) +; SparseMemThreshold = 1048576 + +; Run the 0-in compiler on the Verilog source files +; Default is off. +; ZeroIn = 1 + +; Set the options to be passed to the 0-in compiler. +; Default is "". +; ZeroInOptions = "" + +; Set the option to treat all files specified in a vlog invocation as a +; single compilation unit. The default value is set to 0 which will treat +; each file as a separate compilation unit as specified in the P1800 draft standard. +; MultiFileCompilationUnit = 1 + +; Turn on code coverage in Verilog design units. Default is off. +; Coverage = sbceft + +; Automatically exclude Verilog case statement default branches. +; Default is to not automatically exclude defaults. +; CoverExcludeDefault = 1 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table +; implementing a Verilog condition coverage or expression coverage expression. +; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered. +; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present +; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions +; covered with FEC metric. +; CoverMaxFECRows = 192 + +; Enable or disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and +; expressions. Focused Expression Coverage data is provided by default when +; expression and/or condition coverage is active. +; CoverFEC = 0 + +; Enable or disable short circuit evaluation of conditions and expressions when +; condition or expression coverage is active. Short circuit evaluation is enabled +; by default. +; CoverShortCircuit = 0 + + +; Turn on code coverage in VLOG `celldefine modules and modules included +; using vlog -v and -y. Default is off. +; CoverCells = 1 + +; Control compiler and VOPT optimizations that are allowed when +; code coverage is on. This is a number from 1 to 4, with the following +; meanings (the default is 3): +; 1 -- Turn off all optimizations that affect coverage reports. +; 2 -- Allow optimizations that allow large performance improvements +; by invoking sequential processes only when the data changes. +; This may make major reductions in coverage counts. +; 3 -- In addition, allow optimizations that may change expressions or +; remove some statements. Allow constant propagation. Allow VHDL +; subprogram inlining and VHDL FF recognition. +; 4 -- In addition, allow optimizations that may remove major regions of +; code by changing assignments to built-ins or removing unused +; signals. Change Verilog gates to continuous assignments. +; CoverOpt = 3 + +; Specify the override for the default value of "cross_num_print_missing" +; option for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then LRM default +; value of 0 (zero) is used. This is a compile time option. +; SVCrossNumPrintMissingDefault = 0 + +; Setting following to 1 would cause creation of variables which +; would represent the value of Coverpoint expressions. This is used +; in conjunction with "SVCoverpointExprVariablePrefix" option +; in the modelsim.ini +; EnableSVCoverpointExprVariable = 0 + +; Specify the override for the prefix used in forming the variable names +; which represent the Coverpoint expressions. This is used in conjunction with +; "EnableSVCoverpointExprVariable" option of the modelsim.ini +; The default prefix is "expr". +; The variable name is +; variable name => _ +; SVCoverpointExprVariablePrefix = expr + +; Override for the default value of the SystemVerilog covergroup, +; coverpoint, and cross option.goal (defined to be 100 in the LRM). +; NOTE: It does not override specific assignments in SystemVerilog +; source code. NOTE: The modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupGoal" +; in the [vsim] section can override this value. +; SVCovergroupGoalDefault = 100 + +; Override for the default value of the SystemVerilog covergroup, +; coverpoint, and cross type_option.goal (defined to be 100 in the LRM) +; NOTE: It does not override specific assignments in SystemVerilog +; source code. NOTE: The modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupTypeGoal" +; in the [vsim] section can override this value. +; SVCovergroupTypeGoalDefault = 100 + +; Specify the override for the default value of "strobe" option for the +; Covergroup Type. This is a compile time option which forces "strobe" to +; a user specified default value and supersedes SystemVerilog specified +; default value of '0'(zero). NOTE: This can be overriden by a runtime +; modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupStrobe" in the [vsim] section. +; SVCovergroupStrobeDefault = 0 + +; Specify the override for the default value of "merge_instances" option for +; the Covergroup Type. This is a compile time option which forces +; "merge_instances" to a user specified default value and supersedes +; SystemVerilog specified default value of '0'(zero). +; SVCovergroupMergeInstancesDefault = 0 + +; Specify the override for the default value of "per_instance" option for the +; Covergroup variables. This is a compile time option which forces "per_instance" +; to a user specified default value and supersedes SystemVerilog specified +; default value of '0'(zero). +; SVCovergroupPerInstanceDefault = 0 + +; Specify the override for the default value of "get_inst_coverage" option for the +; Covergroup variables. This is a compile time option which forces +; "get_inst_coverage" to a user specified default value and supersedes +; SystemVerilog specified default value of '0'(zero). +; SVCovergroupGetInstCoverageDefault = 0 + +; +; A space separated list of resource libraries that contain precompiled +; packages. The behavior is identical to using the "-L" switch. +; +; LibrarySearchPath = [ ...] +LibrarySearchPath = mtiAvm mtiOvm mtiUPF + +; The behavior is identical to the "-mixedansiports" switch. Default is off. +; MixedAnsiPorts = 1 + +; Enable SystemVerilog 3.1a $typeof() function. Default is off. +; EnableTypeOf = 1 + +; Only allow lower case pragmas. Default is disabled. +; AcceptLowerCasePragmaOnly = 1 + +; Set the maximum depth permitted for a recursive include file nesting. +; IncludeRecursionDepthMax = 5 + +; Turn off detection of FSMs having single bit current state variable. +; FsmSingle = 0 + +; Turn off reset state transitions in FSM. +; FsmResetTrans = 0 + +; Turn off detections of FSMs having x-assignment. +; FsmXAssign = 0 + +; List of file suffixes which will be read as SystemVerilog. White space +; in extensions can be specified with a back-slash: "\ ". Back-slashes +; can be specified with two consecutive back-slashes: "\\"; +; SVFileExtensions = sv svp svh + +; This setting is the same as the vlog -sv command line switch. +; Enables SystemVerilog features and keywords when true (1). +; When false (0), the rules of IEEE Std 1364-2001 are followed and +; SystemVerilog keywords are ignored. +; Svlog = 0 + +; Prints attribute placed upon SV packages during package import +; when true (1). The attribute will be ignored when this +; entry is false (0). The attribute name is "package_load_message". +; The value of this attribute is a string literal. +; Default is true (1). +; PrintSVPackageLoadingAttribute = 1 + +; Do not show immediate assertions with constant expressions in +; GUI/reports/UCDB etc. By default immediate assertions with constant +; expressions are shown in GUI/reports/UCDB etc. This does not affect +; evaluation of immediate assertions. +; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0 + +[sccom] +; Enable use of SCV include files and library. Default is off. +; UseScv = 1 + +; Add C++ compiler options to the sccom command line by using this variable. +; CppOptions = -g + +; Use custom C++ compiler located at this path rather than the default path. +; The path should point directly at a compiler executable. +; CppPath = /usr/bin/g++ + +; Enable verbose messages from sccom. Default is off. +; SccomVerbose = 1 + +; sccom logfile. Default is no logfile. +; SccomLogfile = sccom.log + +; Enable use of SC_MS include files and library. Default is off. +; UseScMs = 1 + +[vopt] +; Turn on code coverage in vopt. Default is off. +; Coverage = sbceft + +; Control compiler optimizations that are allowed when +; code coverage is on. Refer to the comment for this in the [vlog] area. +; CoverOpt = 3 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table +; implementing a vopt condition coverage or expression coverage expression. +; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered. +; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present +; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions +; covered with FEC metric. +; CoverMaxFECRows = 192 + +; Do not show immediate assertions with constant expressions in +; GUI/reports/UCDB etc. By default immediate assertions with constant +; expressions are shown in GUI/reports/UCDB etc. This does not affect +; evaluation of immediate assertions. +; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0 + +; Set the maximum number of iterations permitted for a generate loop. +; Restricting this permits the implementation to recognize infinite +; generate loops. +; GenerateLoopIterationMax = 100000 + +; Set the maximum depth permitted for a recursive generate instantiation. +; Restricting this permits the implementation to recognize infinite +; recursions. +; GenerateRecursionDepthMax = 200 + + +[vsim] +; vopt flow +; Set to turn on automatic optimization of a design. +; Default is on +VoptFlow = 1 + +; vopt automatic SDF +; If automatic design optimization is on, enables automatic compilation +; of SDF files. +; Default is on, uncomment to turn off. +; VoptAutoSDFCompile = 0 + +; Automatic SDF compilation +; Disables automatic compilation of SDF files in flows that support it. +; Default is on, uncomment to turn off. +; NoAutoSDFCompile = 1 + +; Simulator resolution +; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100. +resolution = 1ps + +; Disable certain code coverage exclusions automatically. +; Assertions and FSM are exluded from the code coverage by default +; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = fsm to enable code coverage for fsm +; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = assertions to enable code coverage for assertions +; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = all to enable code coverage for all the automatic exclusions +; Or specify comma or space separated list +;AutoExclusionsDisable = fsm,assertions + +; User time unit for run commands +; Set to default, fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec. The default is to use the +; unit specified for Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps, +; then UserTimeUnit defaults to ps. +; Should generally be set to default. +UserTimeUnit = default + +; Default run length +RunLength = 10 sec + +; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time +IterationLimit = 5000 + +; Control PSL and Verilog Assume directives during simulation +; Set SimulateAssumeDirectives = 0 to disable assume being simulated as asserts +; Set SimulateAssumeDirectives = 1 to enable assume simulation as asserts +; SimulateAssumeDirectives = 1 + +; Control the simulation of PSL and SVA +; These switches can be overridden by the vsim command line switches: +; -psl, -nopsl, -sva, -nosva. +; Set SimulatePSL = 0 to disable PSL simulation +; Set SimulatePSL = 1 to enable PSL simulation (default) +; SimulatePSL = 1 +; Set SimulateSVA = 0 to disable SVA simulation +; Set SimulateSVA = 1 to enable concurrent SVA simulation (default) +; SimulateSVA = 1 + +; Directives to license manager can be set either as single value or as +; space separated multi-values: +; vhdl Immediately reserve a VHDL license +; vlog Immediately reserve a Verilog license +; plus Immediately reserve a VHDL and Verilog license +; nomgc Do not look for Mentor Graphics Licenses +; nomti Do not look for Model Technology Licenses +; noqueue Do not wait in the license queue when a license is not available +; viewsim Try for viewer license but accept simulator license(s) instead +; of queuing for viewer license (PE ONLY) +; noviewer Disable checkout of msimviewer and vsim-viewer license +; features (PE ONLY) +; noslvhdl Disable checkout of qhsimvh and vsim license features +; noslvlog Disable checkout of qhsimvl and vsimvlog license features +; nomix Disable checkout of msimhdlmix and hdlmix license features +; nolnl Disable checkout of msimhdlsim and hdlsim license features +; mixedonly Disable checkout of qhsimvh,qhsimvl,vsim,vsimvlog license +; features +; lnlonly Disable checkout of qhsimvh,qhsimvl,vsim,vsimvlog,msimhdlmix, +; hdlmix license features +; Single value: +; License = plus +; Multi-value: +; License = noqueue plus + +; Stop the simulator after a VHDL/Verilog immediate assertion message +; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal +BreakOnAssertion = 3 + +; VHDL assertion Message Format +; %S - Severity Level +; %R - Report Message +; %T - Time of assertion +; %D - Delta +; %I - Instance or Region pathname (if available) +; %i - Instance pathname with process +; %O - Process name +; %K - Kind of object path is to return: Instance, Signal, Process or Unknown +; %P - Instance or Region path without leaf process +; %F - File +; %L - Line number of assertion or, if assertion is in a subprogram, line +; from which the call is made +; %% - Print '%' character +; If specific format for assertion level is defined, use its format. +; If specific format is not defined for assertion level: +; - and if failure occurs during elaboration, use MessageFormatBreakLine; +; - and if assertion triggers a breakpoint (controlled by BreakOnAssertion +; level), use MessageFormatBreak; +; - otherwise, use MessageFormat. +; MessageFormatBreakLine = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F Line: %L\n" +; MessageFormatBreak = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; MessageFormat = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; MessageFormatNote = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; MessageFormatWarning = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; MessageFormatError = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; MessageFormatFail = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; MessageFormatFatal = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" + +; Error File - alternate file for storing error messages +; ErrorFile = error.log + + +; Simulation Breakpoint messages +; This flag controls the display of function names when reporting the location +; where the simulator stops do to a breakpoint or fatal error. +; Example w/function name: # Break in Process ctr at counter.vhd line 44 +; Example wo/function name: # Break at counter.vhd line 44 +ShowFunctions = 1 + +; Default radix for all windows and commands. +; Set to symbolic, ascii, binary, octal, decimal, hex, unsigned +DefaultRadix = symbolic + +; VSIM Startup command +; Startup = do + +; VSIM Shutdown file +; Filename to save u/i formats and configurations. +; ShutdownFile = +; To explicitly disable auto save: +; ShutdownFile = --disable-auto-save + +; File for saving command transcript +TranscriptFile = transcript + +; File for saving command history +; CommandHistory = cmdhist.log + +; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described +; in VHDL or Verilog format. +; For VHDL, PathSeparator = / +; For Verilog, PathSeparator = . +; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator. +PathSeparator = / + +; Specify the dataset separator for fully rooted contexts. +; The default is ':'. For example: sim:/top +; Must not be the same character as PathSeparator. +DatasetSeparator = : + +; Specify a unique path separator for the Signal Spy set of functions. +; The default will be to use the PathSeparator variable. +; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator. +; SignalSpyPathSeparator = / + +; Used to control parsing of HDL identifiers input to the tool. +; This includes CLI commands, vsim/vopt/vlog/vcom options, +; string arguments to FLI/VPI/DPI calls, etc. +; If set to 1, accept either Verilog escaped Id syntax or +; VHDL extended id syntax, regardless of source language. +; If set to 0, the syntax of the source language must be used. +; Each identifier in a hierarchical name may need different syntax, +; e.g. "/top/\vhdl*ext*id\/middle/\vlog*ext*id /bottom" or +; "top.\vhdl*ext*id\.middle.\vlog*ext*id .bottom" +; GenerousIdentifierParsing = 1 + +; Disable VHDL assertion messages +; IgnoreNote = 1 +; IgnoreWarning = 1 +; IgnoreError = 1 +; IgnoreFailure = 1 + +; Disable System Verilog assertion messages +; IgnoreSVAInfo = 1 +; IgnoreSVAWarning = 1 +; IgnoreSVAError = 1 +; IgnoreSVAFatal = 1 + +; Do not print any additional information from Severity System tasks. +; Only the message provided by the user is printed along with severity +; information. +; SVAPrintOnlyUserMessage = 1; + +; Default force kind. May be freeze, drive, deposit, or default +; or in other terms, fixed, wired, or charged. +; A value of "default" will use the signal kind to determine the +; force kind, drive for resolved signals, freeze for unresolved signals +; DefaultForceKind = freeze + +; Control the iteration of events when a VHDL signal is forced to a value +; This flag can be set to honour the signal update event in next iteration, +; the default is to update and propagate in the same iteration. +; ForceSigNextIter = 1 + + +; If zero, open files when elaborated; otherwise, open files on +; first read or write. Default is 0. +; DelayFileOpen = 1 + +; Control VHDL files opened for write. +; 0 = Buffered, 1 = Unbuffered +UnbufferedOutput = 0 + +; Control the number of VHDL files open concurrently. +; This number should always be less than the current ulimit +; setting for max file descriptors. +; 0 = unlimited +ConcurrentFileLimit = 40 + +; Control the number of hierarchical regions displayed as +; part of a signal name shown in the Wave window. +; A value of zero tells VSIM to display the full name. +; The default is 0. +; WaveSignalNameWidth = 0 + +; Turn off warnings when changing VHDL constants and generics +; Default is 1 to generate warning messages +; WarnConstantChange = 0 + +; Turn off warnings from the std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned +; and std_logic_signed packages. +; StdArithNoWarnings = 1 + +; Turn off warnings from the IEEE numeric_std and numeric_bit packages. +; NumericStdNoWarnings = 1 + +; Control the format of the (VHDL) FOR generate statement label +; for each iteration. Do not quote it. +; The format string here must contain the conversion codes %s and %d, +; in that order, and no other conversion codes. The %s represents +; the generate_label; the %d represents the generate parameter value +; at a particular generate iteration (this is the position number if +; the generate parameter is of an enumeration type). Embedded whitespace +; is allowed (but discouraged); leading and trailing whitespace is ignored. +; Application of the format must result in a unique scope name over all +; such names in the design so that name lookup can function properly. +; GenerateFormat = %s__%d + +; Specify whether checkpoint files should be compressed. +; The default is 1 (compressed). +; CheckpointCompressMode = 0 + +; Specify whether to enable SystemVerilog DPI "out-of-the-blue" calls. +; The term "out-of-the-blue" refers to SystemVerilog export function calls +; made from C functions that don't have the proper context setup +; (as is the case when running under "DPI-C" import functions). +; When this is enabled, one can call a DPI export function +; (but not task) from any C code. +; the setting of this variable can be one of the following values: +; 0 : dpioutoftheblue call is disabled (default) +; 1 : dpioutoftheblue call is enabled, but export call debug support is not available. +; 2 : dpioutoftheblue call is enabled, and limited export call debug support is available. +; DpiOutOfTheBlue = 1 + +; Specify whether continuous assignments are run before other normal priority +; processes scheduled in the same iteration. This event ordering minimizes race +; differences between optimized and non-optimized designs, and is the default +; behavior beginning with the 6.5 release. For pre-6.5 event ordering, set +; ImmediateContinuousAssign to 0. +; The default is 1 (enabled). +; ImmediateContinuousAssign = 0 + +; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications +; Veriuser = + +; Which default VPI object model should the tool conform to? +; The 1364 modes are Verilog-only, for backwards compatibility with older +; libraries, and SystemVerilog objects are not available in these modes. +; +; In the absence of a user-specified default, the tool default is the +; latest available LRM behavior. +; Options for PliCompatDefault are: +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v1995 +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2001 +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2005 +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2005 +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2008 +; +; Synonyms for each string are also recognized: +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v1995 (1995, 95, 1364v1995, 1364V1995, VL1995) +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2001 (2001, 01, 1364v2001, 1364V2001, VL2001) +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2005 (1364v2005, 1364V2005, VL2005) +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2005 (2005, 05, 1800v2005, 1800V2005, SV2005) +; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2008 (2008, 08, 1800v2008, 1800V2008, SV2008) + + +; PliCompatDefault = VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2005 + +; Specify default options for the restart command. Options can be one +; or more of: -force -nobreakpoint -nolist -nolog -nowave -noassertions +; DefaultRestartOptions = -force + +; Turn on (1) or off (0) WLF file compression. +; The default is 1 (compress WLF file). +; WLFCompress = 0 + +; Specify whether to save all design hierarchy (1) in the WLF file +; or only regions containing logged signals (0). +; The default is 0 (save only regions with logged signals). +; WLFSaveAllRegions = 1 + +; WLF file time limit. Limit WLF file by time, as closely as possible, +; to the specified amount of simulation time. When the limit is exceeded +; the earliest times get truncated from the file. +; If both time and size limits are specified the most restrictive is used. +; UserTimeUnits are used if time units are not specified. +; The default is 0 (no limit). Example: WLFTimeLimit = {100 ms} +; WLFTimeLimit = 0 + +; WLF file size limit. Limit WLF file size, as closely as possible, +; to the specified number of megabytes. If both time and size limits +; are specified then the most restrictive is used. +; The default is 0 (no limit). +; WLFSizeLimit = 1000 + +; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be deleted when the +; simulation ends. A value of 1 will cause the WLF file to be deleted. +; The default is 0 (do not delete WLF file when simulation ends). +; WLFDeleteOnQuit = 1 + +; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be indexed during +; simulation. If set to 0, the WLF file will not be indexed. +; The default is 1, indexed the WLF file. +; WLFIndex = 0 + +; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be optimized during +; simulation. If set to 0, the WLF file will not be optimized. +; The default is 1, optimize the WLF file. +; WLFOptimize = 0 + +; Specify the name of the WLF file. +; The default is vsim.wlf +; WLFFilename = vsim.wlf + +; Specify the WLF reader cache size limit for each open WLF file. +; The size is giving in megabytes. A value of 0 turns off the +; WLF cache. +; WLFSimCacheSize allows a different cache size to be set for +; simulation WLF file independent of post-simulation WLF file +; viewing. If WLFSimCacheSize is not set it defaults to the +; WLFCacheSize setting. +; The default WLFCacheSize setting is enabled to 256M per open WLF file. +; WLFCacheSize = 2000 +; WLFSimCacheSize = 500 + +; Specify the WLF file event collapse mode. +; 0 = Preserve all events and event order. (same as -wlfnocollapse) +; 1 = Only record values of logged objects at the end of a simulator iteration. +; (same as -wlfcollapsedelta) +; 2 = Only record values of logged objects at the end of a simulator time step. +; (same as -wlfcollapsetime) +; The default is 1. +; WLFCollapseMode = 0 + +; Specify whether WLF file logging can use threads on multi-processor machines +; if 0, no threads will be used, if 1, threads will be used if the system has +; more than one processor +; WLFUseThreads = 1 + +; Turn on/off undebuggable SystemC type warnings. Default is on. +; ShowUndebuggableScTypeWarning = 0 + +; Turn on/off unassociated SystemC name warnings. Default is off. +; ShowUnassociatedScNameWarning = 1 + +; Turn on/off SystemC IEEE 1666 deprecation warnings. Default is off. +; ScShowIeeeDeprecationWarnings = 1 + +; Turn on/off the check for multiple drivers on a SystemC sc_signal. Default is off. +; ScEnableScSignalWriteCheck = 1 + +; Set SystemC default time unit. +; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional +; prefix of 1, 10, or 100. The default is 1 ns. +; The ScTimeUnit value is honored if it is coarser than Resolution. +; If ScTimeUnit is finer than Resolution, it is set to the value +; of Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps and ScTimeUnit is ns, +; then the default time unit will be 1 ns. However if Resolution +; is 10 ns and ScTimeUnit is ns, then the default time unit will be 10 ns. +ScTimeUnit = ns + +; Set SystemC sc_main stack size. The stack size is set as an integer +; number followed by the unit which can be Kb(Kilo-byte), Mb(Mega-byte) or +; Gb(Giga-byte). Default is 10 Mb. The stack size for sc_main depends +; on the amount of data on the sc_main() stack and the memory required +; to succesfully execute the longest function call chain of sc_main(). +ScMainStackSize = 10 Mb + +; Turn on/off execution of remainder of sc_main upon quitting the current +; simulation session. If the cumulative length of sc_main() in terms of +; simulation time units is less than the length of the current simulation +; run upon quit or restart, sc_main() will be in the middle of execution. +; This switch gives the option to execute the remainder of sc_main upon +; quitting simulation. The drawback of not running sc_main till the end +; is memory leaks for objects created by sc_main. If on, the remainder of +; sc_main will be executed ignoring all delays. This may cause the simulator +; to crash if the code in sc_main is dependent on some simulation state. +; Default is on. +ScMainFinishOnQuit = 1 + +; Set the SCV relationship name that will be used to identify phase +; relations. If the name given to a transactor relation matches this +; name, the transactions involved will be treated as phase transactions +ScvPhaseRelationName = mti_phase + +; Customize the vsim kernel shutdown behavior at the end of the simulation. +; Some common causes of the end of simulation are $finish (implicit or explicit), +; sc_stop(), tf_dofinish(), and assertion failures. +; This should be set to "ask", "exit", or "stop". The default is "ask". +; "ask" -- In batch mode, the vsim kernel will abruptly exit. +; In GUI mode, a dialog box will pop up and ask for user confirmation +; whether or not to quit the simulation. +; "stop" -- Cause the simulation to stay loaded in memory. This can make some +; post-simulation tasks easier. +; "exit" -- The simulation will abruptly exit without asking for any confirmation. +; "final" -- Run SystemVerilog final blocks then behave as "stop". +; Note: these ini variables can be overriden by the vsim command +; line switch "-onfinish ". +OnFinish = ask + +; Print pending deferred assertion messages. +; Deferred assertion messages may be scheduled after the $finish in the same +; time step. Deferred assertions scheduled to print after the $finish are +; printed before exiting with severity level NOTE since it's not known whether +; the assertion is still valid due to being printed in the active region +; instead of the reactive region where they are normally printed. +; OnFinishPendingAssert = 1; + +; Print "simstats" result at the end of simulation before shutdown. +; If this is enabled, the simstats result will be printed out before shutdown. +; The default is off. +; PrintSimStats = 1 + +; Assertion File - alternate file for storing VHDL/PSL/Verilog assertion messages +; AssertFile = assert.log + +; Run simulator in assertion debug mode. Default is off. +; AssertionDebug = 1 + +; Turn on/off PSL/SVA concurrent assertion pass enable. +; For SVA, Default is on when the assertion has a pass action block, or +; the vsim -assertdebug option is used and the vopt "+acc=a" flag is active. +; For PSL, Default is on only when vsim switch "-assertdebug" is used +; and the vopt "+acc=a" flag is active. +; AssertionPassEnable = 0 + +; Turn on/off PSL/SVA concurrent assertion fail enable. Default is on. +; AssertionFailEnable = 0 + +; Set PSL/SVA concurrent assertion pass limit. Default is -1. +; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity. +; AssertionPassLimit = 1 + +; Set PSL/SVA concurrent assertion fail limit. Default is -1. +; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity. +; AssertionFailLimit = 1 + +; Turn on/off PSL concurrent assertion pass log. Default is off. +; The flag does not affect SVA +; AssertionPassLog = 1 + +; Turn on/off PSL concurrent assertion fail log. Default is on. +; The flag does not affect SVA +; AssertionFailLog = 0 + +; Turn on/off SVA concurrent assertion local var printing in -assertdebug mode. Default is on. +; AssertionFailLocalVarLog = 0 + +; Set action type for PSL/SVA concurrent assertion fail action. Default is continue. +; 0 = Continue 1 = Break 2 = Exit +; AssertionFailAction = 1 + +; Enable the active thread monitor in the waveform display when assertion debug is enabled. +; AssertionActiveThreadMonitor = 1 + +; Control how many waveform rows will be used for displaying the active threads. Default is 5. +; AssertionActiveThreadMonitorLimit = 5 + + +; As per strict 1850-2005 PSL LRM, an always property can either pass +; or fail. However, by default, Questa reports multiple passes and +; multiple fails on top always/never property (always/never operator +; is the top operator under Verification Directive). The reason +; being that Questa reports passes and fails on per attempt of the +; top always/never property. Use the following flag to instruct +; Questa to strictly follow LRM. With this flag, all assert/never +; directives will start an attempt once at start of simulation. +; The attempt can either fail, match or match vacuously. +; For e.g. if always is the top operator under assert, the always will +; keep on checking the property at every clock. If the property under +; always fails, the directive will be considered failed and no more +; checking will be done for that directive. A top always property, +; if it does not fail, will show a pass at end of simulation. +; The default value is '0' (i.e. zero is off). For example: +; PslOneAttempt = 1 + +; Specify the number of clock ticks to represent infinite clock ticks. +; This affects eventually!, until! and until_!. If at End of Simulation +; (EOS) an active strong-property has not clocked this number of +; clock ticks then neither pass or fail (vacuous match) is returned +; else respective fail/pass is returned. The default value is '0' (zero) +; which effectively does not check for clock tick condition. For example: +; PslInfinityThreshold = 5000 + +; Control how many thread start times will be preserved for ATV viewing for a given assertion +; instance. Default is -1 (ALL). +; ATVStartTimeKeepCount = -1 + +; Turn on/off code coverage +; CodeCoverage = 0 + +; Count all code coverage condition and expression truth table rows that match. +; CoverCountAll = 1 + +; Turn off automatic inclusion of VHDL integers in toggle coverage. Default +; is to include them. +; ToggleNoIntegers = 1 + +; Set the maximum number of values that are collected for toggle coverage of +; VHDL integers. Default is 100; +; ToggleMaxIntValues = 100 + +; Set the maximum number of values that are collected for toggle coverage of +; Verilog real. Default is 100; +; ToggleMaxRealValues = 100 + +; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog integers in toggle coverage, except +; for enumeration types. Default is to include them. +; ToggleVlogIntegers = 0 + +; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog real type in toggle coverage, except +; for shortreal types. Default is to not include them. +; ToggleVlogReal = 1 + +; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog fixed-size unpacked arrays in toggle coverage. +; Default is to not include them. +; ToggleFixedSizeArray = 1 + +; Increase or decrease the maximum size of Verilog unpacked fixed-size arrays that +; are included for toggle coverage. This leads to a longer simulation time with bigger +; arrays covered with toggle coverage. Default is 1024. +; ToggleMaxFixedSizeArray = 1024 + +; Treat packed vectors and structures as reg-vectors in toggle coverage. Default is 0. +; TogglePackedAsVec = 0 + +; Treat Verilog enumerated types as reg-vectors in toggle coverage. Default is 0. +; ToggleVlogEnumBits = 0 + +; Limit the widths of registers automatically tracked for toggle coverage. Default is 128. +; For unlimited width, set to 0. +; ToggleWidthLimit = 128 + +; Limit the counts that are tracked for toggle coverage. When all edges for a bit have +; reached this count, further activity on the bit is ignored. Default is 1. +; For unlimited counts, set to 0. +; ToggleCountLimit = 1 + +; Turn on/off all PSL/SVA cover directive enables. Default is on. +; CoverEnable = 0 + +; Turn on/off PSL/SVA cover log. Default is off "0". +; CoverLog = 1 + +; Set "at_least" value for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is 1. +; CoverAtLeast = 2 + +; Set "limit" value for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is -1. +; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity. +; CoverLimit = 1 + +; Specify the coverage database filename. +; Default is "" (i.e. database is NOT automatically saved on close). +; UCDBFilename = vsim.ucdb + +; Specify the maximum limit for the number of Cross (bin) products reported +; in XML and UCDB report against a Cross. A warning is issued if the limit +; is crossed. +; MaxReportRhsSVCrossProducts = 1000 + +; Specify the override for the "auto_bin_max" option for the Covergroups. +; If not specified then value from Covergroup "option" is used. +; SVCoverpointAutoBinMax = 64 + +; Specify the override for the value of "cross_num_print_missing" +; option for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then value +; specified in the "option.cross_num_print_missing" is used. This +; is a runtime option. NOTE: This overrides any "cross_num_print_missing" +; value specified by user in source file and any SVCrossNumPrintMissingDefault +; specified in modelsim.ini. +; SVCrossNumPrintMissing = 0 + +; Specify whether to use the value of "cross_num_print_missing" +; option in report and GUI for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then +; cross_num_print_missing is ignored for creating reports and displaying +; covergroups in GUI. Default is 0, which means ignore "cross_num_print_missing". +; UseSVCrossNumPrintMissing = 0 + +; Specify the override for the value of "strobe" option for the +; Covergroup Type. If not specified then value in "type_option.strobe" +; will be used. This is runtime option which forces "strobe" to +; user specified value and supersedes user specified values in the +; SystemVerilog Code. NOTE: This also overrides the compile time +; default value override specified using "SVCovergroupStrobeDefault" +; SVCovergroupStrobe = 0 + +; Override for explicit assignments in source code to "option.goal" of +; SystemVerilog covergroup, coverpoint, and cross. It also overrides the +; default value of "option.goal" (defined to be 100 in the SystemVerilog +; LRM) and the value of modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupGoalDefault". +; SVCovergroupGoal = 100 + +; Override for explicit assignments in source code to "type_option.goal" of +; SystemVerilog covergroup, coverpoint, and cross. It also overrides the +; default value of "type_option.goal" (defined to be 100 in the SystemVerilog +; LRM) and the value of modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupTypeGoalDefault". +; SVCovergroupTypeGoal = 100 + +; Enforce the 6.3 behavior of covergroup get_coverage() and get_inst_coverage() +; builtin functions, and report. This setting changes the default values of +; option.get_inst_coverage and type_option.merge_instances to ensure the 6.3 +; behavior if explicit assignments are not made on option.get_inst_coverage and +; type_option.merge_instances by the user. There are two vsim command line +; options, -cvg63 and -nocvg63 to override this setting from vsim command line. +; The default value of this variable is 1 +; SVCovergroup63Compatibility = 1 + +; Enable or disable generation of more detailed information about the sampling +; of covergroup, cross, and coverpoints. It provides the details of the number +; of times the covergroup instance and type were sampled, as well as details +; about why covergroup, cross and coverpoint were not covered. A non-zero value +; is to enable this feature. 0 is to disable this feature. Default is 0 +; SVCovergroupSampleInfo = 0 + +; Specify the maximum number of Coverpoint bins in whole design for +; all Covergroups. +; MaxSVCoverpointBinsDesign = 2147483648 + +; Specify maximum number of Coverpoint bins in any instance of a Covergroup +; MaxSVCoverpointBinsInst = 2147483648 + +; Specify the maximum number of Cross bins in whole design for +; all Covergroups. +; MaxSVCrossBinsDesign = 2147483648 + +; Specify maximum number of Cross bins in any instance of a Covergroup +; MaxSVCrossBinsInst = 2147483648 + +; Set weight for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is 1. +; CoverWeight = 2 + +; Check vsim plusargs. Default is 0 (off). +; 0 = Don't check plusargs +; 1 = Warning on unrecognized plusarg +; 2 = Error and exit on unrecognized plusarg +; CheckPlusargs = 1 + +; Load the specified shared objects with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag. +; This gives global visibility to all symbols in the shared objects, +; meaning that subsequently loaded shared objects can bind to symbols +; in the global shared objects. The list of shared objects should +; be whitespace delimited. This option is not supported on the +; Windows or AIX platforms. +; GlobalSharedObjectList = + +; Run the 0in tools from within the simulator. +; Default is off. +; ZeroIn = 1 + +; Set the options to be passed to the 0in runtime tool. +; Default value set to "". +; ZeroInOptions = "" + +; Initial seed for the Random Number Generator (RNG) of the root thread (SystemVerilog). +; Sv_Seed = 0 + +; Specify if the solver should attempt to ignore overflow/underflow semantics +; for arithmetic constraints (multiply, addition, subtraction) in order to +; improve performance. The "solveignoreoverflow" attribute can be specified on +; a per-call basis to randomize() to override this setting. +; The default value is 0 (overflow/underflow is not ignored). Set to 1 to +; ignore overflow/underflow. +; SolveIgnoreOverflow = 0 + +; Maximum size of dynamic arrays that are resized during randomize(). +; The default is 1000. A value of 0 indicates no limit. +; SolveArrayResizeMax = 1000 + +; Error message severity when randomize() failure is detected (SystemVerilog). +; The default is 0 (no error). +; 0 = No error 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal +; SolveFailSeverity = 0 + +; Enable/disable debug information for randomize() failures (SystemVerilog). +; The default is 0 (disabled). Set to 1 to enable. +; SolveFailDebug = 0 + +; Maximum size of the solution graph that may be generated during randomize(). +; This value can be used to force randomize() to abort if the memory +; requirements of the constraint scenario exceeds the specified limit. This +; value is specified in 1000s of nodes. +; The default is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit. +; SolveGraphMaxSize = 10000 + +; Maximum number of evaluations that may be performed on the solution graph +; generated during randomize(). This value can be used to force randomize() to +; abort if the complexity of the constraint scenario (in time) exceeds the +; specified limit. This value is specified in 10000s of evaluations. +; The default is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit. +; SolveGraphMaxEval = 10000 + +; Use SolveFlags to specify options that will guide the behavior of the +; constraint solver. These options may improve the performance of the +; constraint solver for some testcases, and decrease the performance of +; the constraint solver for others. +; The default value is "" (no options). +; +; Valid flags are: +; i = disable bit interleaving for >, >=, <, <= constraints +; n = disable bit interleaving for all constraints +; r = reverse bit interleaving +; +; SolveFlags = + +; Specify random sequence compatiblity with a prior letter release. This +; option is used to get the same random sequences during simulation as +; as a prior letter release. Only prior letter releases (of the current +; number release) are allowed. +; Note: To achieve the same random sequences, solver optimizations and/or +; bug fixes introduced since the specified release may be disabled - +; yielding the performance / behavior of the prior release. +; Default value set to "" (random compatibility not required). +; SolveRev = + +; Environment variable expansion of command line arguments has been depricated +; in favor shell level expansion. Universal environment variable expansion +; inside -f files is support and continued support for MGC Location Maps provide +; alternative methods for handling flexible pathnames. +; The following line may be uncommented and the value set to 1 to re-enable this +; deprecated behavior. The default value is 0. +; DeprecatedEnvironmentVariableExpansion = 0 + +; Turn on/off collapsing of bus ports in VCD dumpports output +DumpportsCollapse = 1 + +; Location of Multi-Level Verification Component (MVC) installation. +; The default location is the product installation directory. +; MvcHome = $MODEL_TECH/... + +[lmc] +; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software +libsm = $MODEL_TECH/ +; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT) +; libsm = $MODEL_TECH/libsm.dll +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (HP 9000 Series 700) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/hp700.lib/ +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (IBM RISC System/6000) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/ibmrs.lib/swift.o +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Sun4 Solaris) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/sun4Solaris.lib/ +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/pcnt.lib/libswift.dll +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (non-Enterprise versions of Linux) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/x86_linux.lib/ +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Enterprise versions of Linux) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/linux.lib/ + +; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software +libhm = $MODEL_TECH/ +; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT) +; libhm = $MODEL_TECH/libhm.dll +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (HP 9000 Series 700) +; libsfi = /lib/hp700/ +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (IBM RISC System/6000) +; libsfi = /lib/rs6000/libsfi.a +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Sun4 Solaris) +; libsfi = /lib/sun4.solaris/ +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT) +; libsfi = /lib/pcnt/lm_sfi.dll +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Linux) +; libsfi = /lib/linux/ + +[msg_system] +; Change a message severity or suppress a message. +; The format is: = [,...] +; suppress can be used to achieve +nowarn functionality +; The format is: suppress = ,,[,,...] +; Examples: +; note = 3009 +; warning = 3033 +; error = 3010,3016 +; fatal = 3016,3033 +; suppress = 3009,3016,3043 +; suppress = 3009,CNNODP,3043,TFMPC +; The command verror can be used to get the complete +; description of a message. + +; Control transcripting of Verilog display system task messages and +; PLI/FLI print function call messages. The system tasks include +; $display[bho], $strobe[bho], Smonitor{bho], and $write[bho]. They +; also include the analogous file I/O tasks that write to STDOUT +; (i.e. $fwrite or $fdisplay). The PLI/FLI calls include io_printf, +; vpi_printf, mti_PrintMessage, and mti_PrintFormatted. The default +; is to have messages appear only in the transcript. The other +; settings are to send messages to the wlf file only (messages that +; are recorded in the wlf file can be viewed in the MsgViewer) or +; to both the transcript and the wlf file. The valid values are +; tran {transcript only (default)} +; wlf {wlf file only} +; both {transcript and wlf file} +; displaymsgmode = tran + +; Control transcripting of elaboration/runtime messages not +; addressed by the displaymsgmode setting. The default is to +; have messages appear in the transcript and recorded in the wlf +; file (messages that are recorded in the wlf file can be viewed +; in the MsgViewer). The other settings are to send messages +; only to the transcript or only to the wlf file. The valid +; values are +; both {default} +; tran {transcript only} +; wlf {wlf file only} +; msgmode = both +[Project] +; Warning -- Do not edit the project properties directly. +; Property names are dynamic in nature and property +; values have special syntax. Changing property data directly +; can result in a corrupt MPF file. All project properties +; can be modified through project window dialogs. +Project_Version = 6 +Project_DefaultLib = work +Project_SortMethod = unused +Project_Files_Count = 0 +Project_Sim_Count = 0 +Project_Folder_Count = 0 +Echo_Compile_Output = 0 +Save_Compile_Report = 1 +Project_Opt_Count = 0 +ForceSoftPaths = 0 +ProjectStatusDelay = 5000 +VERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit +VERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = +SYSTEMVERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit +SYSTEMVERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = +VHDL_DoubleClick = Edit +VHDL_CustomDoubleClick = +PSL_DoubleClick = Edit +PSL_CustomDoubleClick = +TEXT_DoubleClick = Edit +TEXT_CustomDoubleClick = +SYSTEMC_DoubleClick = Edit +SYSTEMC_CustomDoubleClick = +TCL_DoubleClick = Edit +TCL_CustomDoubleClick = +MACRO_DoubleClick = Edit +MACRO_CustomDoubleClick = +VCD_DoubleClick = Edit +VCD_CustomDoubleClick = +SDF_DoubleClick = Edit +SDF_CustomDoubleClick = +XML_DoubleClick = Edit +XML_CustomDoubleClick = +LOGFILE_DoubleClick = Edit +LOGFILE_CustomDoubleClick = +UCDB_DoubleClick = Edit +UCDB_CustomDoubleClick = +Project_Major_Version = 6 +Project_Minor_Version = 5 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + +vsim -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + +do +run 9000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update( addr=f2000000, data=01112233 ) + mem_update( addr=f2000004, data=44556677 ) + mem_update( addr=f2000008, data=8899aabb ) + mem_update( addr=f200000c, data=ccddeeff ) + + mem_update( addr=f3000000, data=01112233 ) + mem_update( addr=f3000004, data=44556677 ) + mem_update( addr=f3000008, data=8899aabb ) + mem_update( addr=f300000c, data=ccddeeff ) + + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/simulation/scripts/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ + +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/.. +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +LIB_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../../../EDK_Libs + +PLB2WB_LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a +OCRAM_LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a +WB_LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a + +# VHDL compile flags +VHDL_CFLAGS=-novopt -93 -error -check_synthesis -defercheck -deferSubpgmCheck -rangecheck + +## Uncomment this, if you are at hochschule pforzheim in a pc-pool. +# (Check the paths in common/Makefile ->> vmap entries) +#ENVIRONMENT=HSP + + +ifeq ( $(ENVIRONMENT), "HSP" ) +VMAP= \ + vmap -c; \ + vmap secureip 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/secureip/'; \ + vmap simprim 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/simprim/'; \ + vmap simprims_ver 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/simprims_ver/'; \ + vmap unisim 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/unisim/'; \ + vmap unisims_ver 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/unisims_ver/'; \ + vmap xilinxcorelib 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/XilinxCoreLib/'; \ + vmap xilinxcorelib_ver 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/XilinxCoreLib_ver/'; \ + vmap proc_common_v3_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/proc_common_v3_00_a/'; \ + vmap plb_v46_v1_04_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plb_v46_v1_04_a/'; \ + vmap bfm_synch_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/bfm_synch_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_bfm 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_bfm/'; \ + vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_slave_single_v1_01_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_slave_single_v1_01_a/'; + +else +VMAP= \ + vmap -c; \ + vmap unisim '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/unisim/'; \ + vmap unisims_ver '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/unisims_ver/'; \ + vmap proc_common_v3_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/proc_common_v3_00_a/'; \ + vmap plb_v46_v1_04_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plb_v46_v1_04_a/'; \ + vmap bfm_synch_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/bfm_synch_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_bfm '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_bfm/'; \ + vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; \ + vmap plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +endif + + +########### +ONCHIP_RAM_TARGET=$(CUR_DIR)/testram_*/testram/_primary.dat +WB_TARGET=$(CUR_DIR)/wb_conbus_*/wb_conbus_*/_primary.dat +WORK_TARGET=$(CUR_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat +PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET=$(CUR_DIR)/plb2wb_bridge_*/plb2wb_bridge/_primary.dat +########### + + + +########### +PLB2WB_BRIDGE_SRC=$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/*.vhd \ + ../testbench/plb2wb_amu_tb.vhd + +ONCHIP_RAM_SRC=$(OCRAM_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd +WB_SRC=$(WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/verilog/*.v +########### + + + + + +WORK_SRC= $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/system.vhd \ + $(SIM_DIR)/testbench/system_tb.vhd + +VHDL_BRIDGE_SRC=$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(WORK_SRC): $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) + +# +# +# Generate the modelsim.ini file and working directory +# after this, modelsim.ini contains the library mappings +# +modelsim.ini: + $(VMAP) + + + +# +# Compile the Bus Functional Model script file +# transfers.bfl: is written in PLB Bus Functional Language +# (see $XILINX_EDK/third_party/doc/PlbToolkit.pdf ) +# xilbfc: Bus functional compiler (perl script) +# + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + +# +# Compile the vhdl-sources with modelsim vhdl compiler +# +$(WORK_TARGET): $(WORK_SRC) + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_64_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_128_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + +$(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET): $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_SRC) + vlib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + vmap plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_pkg.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_short_impulse.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_4.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_4.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_3.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_3.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_2.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_2.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_1.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_1.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat_cc_32.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat_ic_32.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat_cc_32.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat_ic_32.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_4.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_4.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_3.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_3.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_2.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_2.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_1.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_1.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb_ic.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb_cc.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_fifo.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_stu.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_tcu.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_amu.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_rbuf.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_wbuf.vhd" \ + "$(PLB2WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_bridge.vhd" + + + +$(ONCHIP_RAM_TARGET): $(ONCHIP_RAM_SRC) + vlib testram_v1_00_a; + vmap testram_v1_00_a testram_v1_00_a; + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work testram_v1_00_a $(OCRAM_LIB_DIR)/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd + + +$(WB_TARGET): $(WB_SRC) + vlib wb_conbus_v1_00_a; + vmap wb_conbus_v1_00_a wb_conbus_v1_00_a; + vlog -novopt -93 -work wb_conbus_v1_00_a "$(WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_arb.v" \ + "$(WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_top.v" \ + "$(WB_LIB_DIR)/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_wrapper.v" + + + +compile: modelsim.ini $(ONCHIP_RAM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) + +sim: modelsim.ini $(ONCHIP_RAM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) + vsim -quiet -l simulation.log -do + + +sim_fifo: ./plb2wb_bridge_*/plb2wb_bridge/_primary.dat + vsim -quiet -do + +sim_amu : ./plb2wb_bridge_*/plb2wb_bridge/_primary.dat + vsim -quiet -do + +sim_clk_trans: ./plb2wb_bridge_*/plb2wb_bridge/_primary.dat + vsim -quiet -do + +clean: + rm -rf work \ +simgen.log \ +simgen.opt \ +transcript \ +vsim.wlf \ +modelsim.ini \ +../behavioral \ +xilbfc.log \ +plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a \ +wb_conbus_v1_00_a \ +testram_v1_00_a \ +wb_conbus_v1_00_a \ +bfm_synch_v1_00_a \ +plb_v46_v1_04_a \ +plbv46_bfm \ +plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +plbv46_slave_single_v1_01_a \ +proc_common_v3_00_a \ \ Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.2.0 + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_64 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0001 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_128 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0010 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_2 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_slave_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_LO_0 = 0x00020000 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_HI_0 = 0x0002ffff + PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_SIZE = 0b00 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 5 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 & bfm_synch_out_2 & bfm_synch_out_3 & bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER C_STATUS_BASEADDR = 0x00010000 + PARAMETER C_STATUS_HIGHADDR = 0x0001FFFF + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + PARAMETER WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK = 0 + PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE = 0 + PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE = 0 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 2 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 3 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 4 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 11 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 2 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/dev_system_sim/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 10; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out + ); + + + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=01110000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=00100000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00010000 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00010000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0111000000000000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001000000000000 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 40000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + +-- mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=01000022_02000022_03000022_04000022) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000010,data=01111122_02111122_03111122_04111122) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000020,data=01222222_02222222_03222222_04222222) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000030,data=01333322_02333322_03333322_04333322) +-- +-- mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=01000033_02000033_03000033_04000033) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111133_02111133_03111133_04111133) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222233_02222233_03222233_04222233) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333333_02333333_03333333_04333333) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1101 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1101 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1110 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1110 ) + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 6000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 6000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234) + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + + -- + -- byte-enable test + -- + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=feefbaab_cddcbbaa_12212112_54437643) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f0000001, size=0000, be=0100 ) + write ( addr=f0000002, size=0000, be=0010 ) + write ( addr=f0000003, size=0000, be=0001 ) + + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1000 ) + read ( addr=f0000001, size=0000, be=0100 ) + read ( addr=f0000002, size=0000, be=0010 ) + read ( addr=f0000003, size=0000, be=0001 ) + + + + + write ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1100 ) + write ( addr=f0000006, size=0000, be=0011 ) + + read ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1100 ) + read ( addr=f0000006, size=0000, be=0011 ) + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_55446677) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee_eeffeeff) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432_10000000) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234_43214321) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_55446677_8899aabb_ccddeeff) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee_eeffeeff_efefefef_fefefefe) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432_10000000_00110011_23456789) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234_43214321_14251425_63524152) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + + + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 11000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + +TEST_CASES += test_cases/simple_read_write + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_64_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_128_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + +clean: + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.2.0 + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_64 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0001 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_128 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0010 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_2 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_slave_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_LO_0 = 0xF8000000 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xFFFFfFFF + PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_SIZE = 0b00 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 5 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 & bfm_synch_out_2 & bfm_synch_out_3 & bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_rst_i = sys_rst_s +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= not wb_rst; + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=01110000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=10000000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=00100000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00010000 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00010000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=00110000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=1000000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0111000000000000 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001000000000000 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001000000000000 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011000000000000 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 80000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 9000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + +-- mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=01000022_02000022_03000022_04000022) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000010,data=01111122_02111122_03111122_04111122) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000020,data=01222222_02222222_03222222_04222222) +-- mem_update(addr=f2000030,data=01333322_02333322_03333322_04333322) +-- +-- mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=01000033_02000033_03000033_04000033) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111133_02111133_03111133_04111133) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222233_02222233_03222233_04222233) +-- mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333333_02333333_03333333_04333333) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1000 ) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1101 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=1101 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0100 ) + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111100_02111100_03111100_04111100) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222200_02222200_03222200_04222200) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333300_02333300_03333300_04333300) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000011_02000011_03000011_04000011) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1110 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=1110 ) + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 10000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=01000000_02000000_03000000_04000000) + + + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0010, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234) + + wait( level=PART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + -- + -- byte-enable test + -- + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=feefbaab_cddcbbaa_12212112_54437643) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1000 ) + write ( addr=f0000001, size=0000, be=0100 ) + write ( addr=f0000002, size=0000, be=0010 ) + write ( addr=f0000003, size=0000, be=0001 ) + + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1000 ) + read ( addr=f0000001, size=0000, be=0100 ) + read ( addr=f0000002, size=0000, be=0010 ) + read ( addr=f0000003, size=0000, be=0001 ) + + + + + write ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1100 ) + write ( addr=f0000006, size=0000, be=0011 ) + + read ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1100 ) + read ( addr=f0000006, size=0000, be=0011 ) + + + + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_55446677) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee_eeffeeff) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432_10000000) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234_43214321) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_55446677_8899aabb_ccddeeff) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=ffeeffee_eeffeeff_efefefef_fefefefe) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=98765432_10000000_00110011_23456789) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=12341234_43214321_14251425_63524152) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + + + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 15000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + +TEST_CASES += test_cases/simple_read_write + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_64_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_128_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + + +clean: + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.2.0 + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_64 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0001 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_128 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0010 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_2 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_slave_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_LO_0 = 0xF8000000 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xFFFFfFFF + PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_SIZE = 0b00 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 5 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 & bfm_synch_out_2 & bfm_synch_out_3 & bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.make =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.make (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.make (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +################################################################# +# Makefile generated by Xilinx Platform Studio +# Project:/home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.xmp +# +# WARNING : This file will be re-generated every time a command +# to run a make target is invoked. So, any changes made to this +# file manually, will be lost when make is invoked next. +################################################################# + +# Name of the Microprocessor system +# The hardware specification of the system is in file : +# /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.mhs +# The software specification of the system is in file : +# /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.mss + +include system_incl.make + +################################################################# +# PHONY TARGETS +################################################################# +.PHONY: dummy +.PHONY: netlistclean +.PHONY: bitsclean +.PHONY: simclean +.PHONY: exporttosdk + +################################################################# +# EXTERNAL TARGETS +################################################################# +all: + @echo "Makefile to build a Microprocessor system :" + @echo "Run make with any of the following targets" + @echo " " + @echo " netlist : Generates the netlist for the given MHS " + @echo " bits : Runs Implementation tools to generate the bitstream" + @echo " exporttosdk: Export files to SDK" + @echo " " + @echo " libs : Configures the sw libraries for this system" + @echo " program : Compiles the program sources for all the processor instances" + @echo " " + @echo " init_bram: Initializes bitstream with BRAM data" + @echo " ace : Generate ace file from bitstream and elf" + @echo " download : Downloads the bitstream onto the board" + @echo " " + @echo " sim : Generates HDL simulation models and runs simulator for chosen simulation mode" + @echo " simmodel : Generates HDL simulation models for chosen simulation mode" + @echo " behavioral_model : Generates behavioral HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " structural_model : Generates structural simulation HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " timing : Generates timing simulation HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " " + @echo " netlistclean: Deletes netlist" + @echo " bitsclean: Deletes bit, ncd, bmm files" + @echo " hwclean : Deletes implementation dir" + @echo " libsclean: Deletes sw libraries" + @echo " programclean: Deletes compiled ELF files" + @echo " swclean : Deletes sw libraries and ELF files" + @echo " simclean : Deletes simulation dir" + @echo " clean : Deletes all generated files/directories" + @echo " " + @echo " make : (Default)" + @echo " Creates a Microprocessor system using default initializations" + @echo " specified for each processor in MSS file" + + +bits: $(SYSTEM_BIT) + +ace: $(SYSTEM_ACE) + +exporttosdk: $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_DEP) + +netlist: $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) + +libs: $(LIBRARIES) + +program: $(ALL_USER_ELF_FILES) + @echo "No user software applications specified" + +download: $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) dummy + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Downloading Bitstream onto the target board" + @echo "*********************************************" + impact -batch etc/download.cmd + +init_bram: $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) + +sim: $(DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT) + cd simulation/behavioral; \ + $(SIM_CMD) & + +simmodel: $(DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT) + +behavioral_model: $(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +structural_model: $(STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +clean: hwclean swclean simclean + rm -f _impact.cmd + +hwclean: netlistclean bitsclean + rm -rf implementation synthesis xst hdl + rm -rf xst.srp $(SYSTEM).srp + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/bitinit.xmsgs + +netlistclean: + rm -f $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) + rm -f platgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/platgen.xmsgs + rm -f $(BMM_FILE) + +bitsclean: + rm -f $(SYSTEM_BIT) + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_map.ncd + rm -f __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +simclean: + rm -rf simulation/behavioral + rm -f simgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/simgen.xmsgs + +swclean: libsclean programclean + +libsclean: $(LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS) + rm -f libgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/libgen.xmsgs + +programclean: $(PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS) + +################################################################# +# SOFTWARE PLATFORM FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(LIBRARIES): $(MHSFILE) $(MSSFILE) __xps/libgen.opt + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating software libraries..." + @echo "*********************************************" + libgen $(LIBGEN_OPTIONS) $(MSSFILE) + + +################################################################# +# BOOTLOOP ELF FILES +################################################################# + + + +################################################################# +# HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(BMM_FILE) \ +$(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES): $(MHSFILE) __xps/platgen.opt \ + $(CORE_STATE_DEVELOPMENT_FILES) + @echo "****************************************************" + @echo "Creating system netlist for hardware specification.." + @echo "****************************************************" + platgen $(PLATGEN_OPTIONS) $(MHSFILE) + +$(POSTSYN_NETLIST): $(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES) + @echo "Running synthesis..." + bash -c "cd synthesis; ./" + +__xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed: $(FPGA_IMP_DEPENDENCY) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Running Xilinx Implementation tools.." + @echo "*********************************************" + @cp -f $(UCF_FILE) implementation/$(SYSTEM).ucf + @cp -f etc/fast_runtime.opt implementation/xflow.opt + xflow -wd implementation -p $(DEVICE) -implement xflow.opt -ise ../__xps/ise/$(SYSTEM).ise $(SYSTEM).ngc + touch __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +$(SYSTEM_BIT): __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed $(BITGEN_UT_FILE) + xilperl $(NON_CYG_XILINX_EDK_DIR)/data/fpga_impl/ $(OBSERVE_PAR_OPTIONS) implementation/$(SYSTEM).par + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Running Bitgen.." + @echo "*********************************************" + @cp -f $(BITGEN_UT_FILE) implementation/bitgen.ut + cd implementation; bitgen -w -f bitgen.ut $(SYSTEM); cd .. + +$(DOWNLOAD_BIT): $(SYSTEM_BIT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) __xps/bitinit.opt + # @cp -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm . + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream" + @echo "*********************************************" + bitinit -p $(DEVICE) $(MHSFILE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS) \ + -bt $(SYSTEM_BIT) -o $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) + @rm -f $(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm + +$(SYSTEM_ACE): + @echo "In order to generate ace file, you must have:-" + @echo "- exactly one processor." + @echo "- opb_mdm, if using microblaze." + +################################################################# +# EXPORT_TO_SDK FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF): $(MHSFILE) __xps/platgen.opt + mkdir -p $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR) + psf2Edward -inp $(SYSTEM).xmp -xml $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).xml $(GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT) + xdsgen -inp $(SYSTEM).xmp -report $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).html $(GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT) -make_docs_local + +$(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT): $(SYSTEM_BIT) + @rm -rf $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT) + @cp -f $(SYSTEM_BIT) $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/ + + +################################################################# +# SIMULATION FLOW +################################################################# + + +################## BEHAVIORAL SIMULATION ################## + +$(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT): $(MHSFILE) __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating behavioral simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -m behavioral $(MHSFILE) + +################## STRUCTURAL SIMULATION ################## + +$(STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT): $(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES) __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating structural simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -sd implementation -m structural $(MHSFILE) + + +################## TIMING SIMULATION ################## + +implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd: __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +$(TIMING_SIM_SCRIPT): implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating timing simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -sd implementation -m timing $(MHSFILE) + +dummy: + @echo "" + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= not wb_rst; + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RTY_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rty_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ERR_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11000001_11000002_11000003_11000004) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=11111111_11111112_11111113_11111114) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=11222221_11222222_11222223_11222224) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=11333331_11333332_11333333_11333334) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=22000001_22000002_22000003_22000004) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=22111111_22111112_22111113_22111114) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=22222221_22222222_22222223_22222224) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=22333331_22333332_22333333_22333334) + + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=33000001_33000002_33000003_33000004) + mem_update(addr=f2000010,data=33111111_33111112_33111113_33111114) + mem_update(addr=f2000020,data=33222221_33222222_33222223_33222224) + mem_update(addr=f2000030,data=33333331_33333332_33333333_33333334) + + + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + + wait ( level=SUBSUBPART ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + + + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 10000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + +TEST_CASES += test_cases/simple_retries + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + + +clean: + @echo "cleaning sim bin dir in retries\n" + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system_incl.make =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system_incl.make (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system_incl.make (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +################################################################# +# Makefile generated by Xilinx Platform Studio +# Project:/home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.xmp +# +# WARNING : This file will be re-generated every time a command +# to run a make target is invoked. So, any changes made to this +# file manually, will be lost when make is invoked next. +################################################################# + +XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK +NON_CYG_XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK + +SYSTEM = system + +MHSFILE = system.mhs + +MSSFILE = system.mss + +FPGA_ARCH = virtex5 + +DEVICE = xc5vlx50ff676-1 + +LANGUAGE = vhdl + +SEARCHPATHOPT = -lp /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/ +GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT = + +SUBMODULE_OPT = + +PLATGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(SUBMODULE_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +LIBGEN_OPTIONS = -mhs $(MHSFILE) -p $(DEVICE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +OBSERVE_PAR_OPTIONS = -error yes + +MICROBLAZE_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/microblaze/mb_bootloop.elf +PPC405_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc405/ppc_bootloop.elf +PPC440_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc440/ppc440_bootloop.elf +BOOTLOOP_DIR = bootloops + +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES = +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS = + +ALL_USER_ELF_FILES = + +SIM_CMD = vsim + +BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/behavioral/$(SYSTEM) + +STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/structural/$(SYSTEM) + +TIMING_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/timing/$(SYSTEM) + +DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT = $(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT = -mixed yes + +SIMGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS) $(MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst -s mti + + +LIBRARIES = + +LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS = + +PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS = + +CORE_STATE_DEVELOPMENT_FILES = + +WRAPPER_NGC_FILES = implementation/mb_plb_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.ngc + +POSTSYN_NETLIST = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ngc + +SYSTEM_BIT = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bit + +DOWNLOAD_BIT = implementation/download.bit + +SYSTEM_ACE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ace + +UCF_FILE = data/system.ucf + +BMM_FILE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bmm + +BITGEN_UT_FILE = etc/bitgen.ut + +XFLOW_OPT_FILE = etc/fast_runtime.opt +XFLOW_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xpsxflow.opt $(XFLOW_OPT_FILE) + +XPLORER_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xplorer.opt +XPLORER_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -uc $(SYSTEM).ucf -bm $(SYSTEM).bmm -max_runs 7 + +FPGA_IMP_DEPENDENCY = $(BMM_FILE) $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) $(UCF_FILE) $(XFLOW_DEPENDENCY) + +SDK_EXPORT_DIR = SDK/SDK_Export/hw +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).xml +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).bit +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_DEP = $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF) $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT) Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 2 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_3 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b10 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 5 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b10 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 2 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b10 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_retries/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.make =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.make (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.make (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +################################################################# +# Makefile generated by Xilinx Platform Studio +# Project:/home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.xmp +# +# WARNING : This file will be re-generated every time a command +# to run a make target is invoked. So, any changes made to this +# file manually, will be lost when make is invoked next. +################################################################# + +# Name of the Microprocessor system +# The hardware specification of the system is in file : +# /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mhs +# The software specification of the system is in file : +# /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mss + +include system_incl.make + +################################################################# +# PHONY TARGETS +################################################################# +.PHONY: dummy +.PHONY: netlistclean +.PHONY: bitsclean +.PHONY: simclean +.PHONY: exporttosdk + +################################################################# +# EXTERNAL TARGETS +################################################################# +all: + @echo "Makefile to build a Microprocessor system :" + @echo "Run make with any of the following targets" + @echo " " + @echo " netlist : Generates the netlist for the given MHS " + @echo " bits : Runs Implementation tools to generate the bitstream" + @echo " exporttosdk: Export files to SDK" + @echo " " + @echo " libs : Configures the sw libraries for this system" + @echo " program : Compiles the program sources for all the processor instances" + @echo " " + @echo " init_bram: Initializes bitstream with BRAM data" + @echo " ace : Generate ace file from bitstream and elf" + @echo " download : Downloads the bitstream onto the board" + @echo " " + @echo " sim : Generates HDL simulation models and runs simulator for chosen simulation mode" + @echo " simmodel : Generates HDL simulation models for chosen simulation mode" + @echo " behavioral_model : Generates behavioral HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " structural_model : Generates structural simulation HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " timing : Generates timing simulation HDL models with BRAM initialization" + @echo " " + @echo " netlistclean: Deletes netlist" + @echo " bitsclean: Deletes bit, ncd, bmm files" + @echo " hwclean : Deletes implementation dir" + @echo " libsclean: Deletes sw libraries" + @echo " programclean: Deletes compiled ELF files" + @echo " swclean : Deletes sw libraries and ELF files" + @echo " simclean : Deletes simulation dir" + @echo " clean : Deletes all generated files/directories" + @echo " " + @echo " make : (Default)" + @echo " Creates a Microprocessor system using default initializations" + @echo " specified for each processor in MSS file" + + +bits: $(SYSTEM_BIT) + +ace: $(SYSTEM_ACE) + +exporttosdk: $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_DEP) + +netlist: $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) + +libs: $(LIBRARIES) + +program: $(ALL_USER_ELF_FILES) + @echo "No user software applications specified" + +download: $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) dummy + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Downloading Bitstream onto the target board" + @echo "*********************************************" + impact -batch etc/download.cmd + +init_bram: $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) + +sim: $(DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT) + cd simulation/behavioral; \ + $(SIM_CMD) & + +simmodel: $(DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT) + +behavioral_model: $(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +structural_model: $(STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +clean: hwclean swclean simclean + rm -f _impact.cmd + +hwclean: netlistclean bitsclean + rm -rf implementation synthesis xst hdl + rm -rf xst.srp $(SYSTEM).srp + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/bitinit.xmsgs + +netlistclean: + rm -f $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) + rm -f platgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/platgen.xmsgs + rm -f $(BMM_FILE) + +bitsclean: + rm -f $(SYSTEM_BIT) + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm + rm -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_map.ncd + rm -f __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +simclean: + rm -rf simulation/behavioral + rm -f simgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/simgen.xmsgs + +swclean: libsclean programclean + +libsclean: $(LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS) + rm -f libgen.log + rm -f __xps/ise/_xmsgs/libgen.xmsgs + +programclean: $(PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS) + +################################################################# +# SOFTWARE PLATFORM FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(LIBRARIES): $(MHSFILE) $(MSSFILE) __xps/libgen.opt + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating software libraries..." + @echo "*********************************************" + libgen $(LIBGEN_OPTIONS) $(MSSFILE) + + +################################################################# +# BOOTLOOP ELF FILES +################################################################# + + + +################################################################# +# HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(BMM_FILE) \ +$(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES): $(MHSFILE) __xps/platgen.opt \ + $(CORE_STATE_DEVELOPMENT_FILES) + @echo "****************************************************" + @echo "Creating system netlist for hardware specification.." + @echo "****************************************************" + platgen $(PLATGEN_OPTIONS) $(MHSFILE) + +$(POSTSYN_NETLIST): $(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES) + @echo "Running synthesis..." + bash -c "cd synthesis; ./" + +__xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed: $(FPGA_IMP_DEPENDENCY) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Running Xilinx Implementation tools.." + @echo "*********************************************" + @cp -f $(UCF_FILE) implementation/$(SYSTEM).ucf + @cp -f etc/fast_runtime.opt implementation/xflow.opt + xflow -wd implementation -p $(DEVICE) -implement xflow.opt -ise ../__xps/ise/$(SYSTEM).ise $(SYSTEM).ngc + touch __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +$(SYSTEM_BIT): __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed $(BITGEN_UT_FILE) + xilperl $(NON_CYG_XILINX_EDK_DIR)/data/fpga_impl/ $(OBSERVE_PAR_OPTIONS) implementation/$(SYSTEM).par + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Running Bitgen.." + @echo "*********************************************" + @cp -f $(BITGEN_UT_FILE) implementation/bitgen.ut + cd implementation; bitgen -w -f bitgen.ut $(SYSTEM); cd .. + +$(DOWNLOAD_BIT): $(SYSTEM_BIT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) __xps/bitinit.opt + # @cp -f implementation/$(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm . + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream" + @echo "*********************************************" + bitinit -p $(DEVICE) $(MHSFILE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS) \ + -bt $(SYSTEM_BIT) -o $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) + @rm -f $(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm + +$(SYSTEM_ACE): + @echo "In order to generate ace file, you must have:-" + @echo "- exactly one processor." + @echo "- opb_mdm, if using microblaze." + +################################################################# +# EXPORT_TO_SDK FLOW +################################################################# + + +$(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF): $(MHSFILE) __xps/platgen.opt + mkdir -p $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR) + psf2Edward -inp $(SYSTEM).xmp -xml $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).xml $(GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT) + xdsgen -inp $(SYSTEM).xmp -report $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).html $(GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT) -make_docs_local + +$(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT): $(SYSTEM_BIT) + @rm -rf $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT) + @cp -f $(SYSTEM_BIT) $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/ + + +################################################################# +# SIMULATION FLOW +################################################################# + + +################## BEHAVIORAL SIMULATION ################## + +$(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT): $(MHSFILE) __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating behavioral simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -m behavioral $(MHSFILE) + +################## STRUCTURAL SIMULATION ################## + +$(STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT): $(WRAPPER_NGC_FILES) __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating structural simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -sd implementation -m structural $(MHSFILE) + + +################## TIMING SIMULATION ################## + +implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd: __xps/$(SYSTEM)_routed + +$(TIMING_SIM_SCRIPT): implementation/$(SYSTEM).ncd __xps/simgen.opt \ + $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES) + @echo "*********************************************" + @echo "Creating timing simulation models..." + @echo "*********************************************" + simgen $(SIMGEN_OPTIONS) -sd implementation -m timing $(MHSFILE) + +dummy: + @echo "" + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic; + PLB2WB_IRQ_pin : out std_logic; + wb_pic_int_i_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ) + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + signal plb_irq : std_logic; + signal wb_irq : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst, + PLB2WB_IRQ_pin => plb_irq, + wb_pic_int_i_pin => wb_irq + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= not wb_rst; + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + + process + begin + wb_irq <= ( others => '0' ); + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + + wait for wb_clk_period * 18; + wb_irq(0) <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 3; + wb_irq(0) <= '0'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 1; + wb_irq(2) <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 1; + wb_irq(2) <= '0'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 10; + + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + wait for wb_clk_period * 20; + wb_irq(1) <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 3; + wb_irq(1) <= '0'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 10; + + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + wait for wb_clk_period * 20; + wb_irq(2) <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 3; + wb_irq(2) <= '0'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 10; + + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + wait for wb_clk_period * 20; + wb_irq(3) <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 3; + wb_irq(3) <= '0'; + wait for wb_clk_period * 10; + + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + end process; + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ + +# +# Display top-level ports +# +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + +set tbpath {/system_tb/dut} + +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate -divider {"top-level ports"} +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/sys_clk_pin +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/sys_rst_pin +#eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/dut/plb_bfm_slave/to_synch_in +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/to_synch_in +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label wb_irq -color Yellow /system_tb/wb_irq +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label plb_irq -color Yellow /system_tb/plb_irq + + # Master signals + proc add_master { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group Master_${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_request -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_request + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_abus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_abus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_be -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_be + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_rnw -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_rnw + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_size -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_size + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_priority -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_priority + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_plb_mrddbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/plb_mrddbus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_wrdbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_wrdbus + } + add_master 32 White + + + + + +# do ../behavioral/ +# do ../behavioral/ +# do ../behavioral/ + + + proc add_ocram { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group ocram${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_ack_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_ack_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_err_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_err_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_rty_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_rty_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_ack -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_ack + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_r -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_r + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_w -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_w + eval add wave -color ${color} -label r_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/r_delay_count + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_delay_count + + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(0) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(0) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(1) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(1) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(2) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(2) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(3) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(3) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(4) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(4) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(5) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(5) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(6) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(6) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(7) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(7) + } + + + + + # + # General bridge signals + # + eval add wave -color purple -group bridge_general -noupdate + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_addrack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_addrack + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_abus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_abus + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_be -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_be + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_pavalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_pavalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_savalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_rnw -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rnw + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_msize -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_msize + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_type -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_type + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_wrdbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus + + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_wrdack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + + + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_adr_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_cyc_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_cyc_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_err_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_stb_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_we_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mbusy -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mbusy + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mwrerr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mwrerr + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mrderr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mrderr + + + # + # Bridge - Transfer Control Unit + # + eval add wave -color aquamarine -group bridge_TCU -noupdate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_wstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_wstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_rstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_rstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_wb_state -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_wb_state + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_ack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_ack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_err -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_err + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rty -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rty + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rst_short -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rst_short + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_addrack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_addrack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdwdaddr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdwdaddr + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adr_offset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adr_offset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rpiperden + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wpiperden + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enrddbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_enrddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufwen + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enStuRDDbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_ensturddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWritePA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritepa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWriteSA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritesa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stat2plb_en -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stat2plb_en + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wb_status_info -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_wb_status_info + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_mrbusy -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_mrbusy + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_read_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_read_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_write_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_write_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MWrErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MWrErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MRdErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MRdErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_wrbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_wrbterm + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdbterm + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_pic_int_i -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_pic_int_i + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label pic_int_ahigh_short -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/pic_int_ahigh_short + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label pic_int_ahigh -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/pic_int_ahigh + # + # Bridge - Status Unit + # + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -group bridge_STU -noupdate + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_softReset -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_softReset + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_continue -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_continue + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_abort -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_abort + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label amu_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/amu_masterid + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label plb_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/plb_masterid + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_wr_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_wr_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_dout -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_dout + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_din -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_din + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchPA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchpa + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchSA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchsa + + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label soft_reset_count -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/soft_reset_count + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label address_reg -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/address_reg + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg0 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(0) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg1 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(1) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg2 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(2) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg3 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(3) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg_out -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_reg_out + + + + + # + # Bridge - Adress Management Unit + # + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -group bridge_AMU -noupdate + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_addrack -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_addrack + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label plb_savalid -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_rnw -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_rnw + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_bufempty -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_bufempty + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buffull -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buffull + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_deviceselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_deviceselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_statusselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_statusselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_rmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rmID + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_wmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wmID + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_BE -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_BE + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_BE + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label rpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/rpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label pipeline_in -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/pipeline_in + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rStatusSelect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wStatusSelect + + + # + # Read buffer + # + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_din -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_din + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_dout -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_dout + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_empty -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_empty + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_full -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_full + + + # + # Write buffer + # + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label plb_size -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/plb_size + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_empty -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_empty + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_full -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_full + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_wbus -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_wbus + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufwen + + + + # + # Whishbone signals + # + eval add wave -color Orange -noupdate -group Wishbone + + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_ack_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_ack_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_err_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_err_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_rty_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_rty_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_adr_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_adr_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_sel_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_sel_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_we_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_we_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_cyc_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_cyc_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_stb_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_stb_o +# eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_lock_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_lock_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_clk_i -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_clk_i + + + add_ocram 0 OrangeRed + + configure wave -namecolwidth 347 + configure wave -valuecolwidth 252 + configure wave -timeline 0 + configure wave -timelineunits ns Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label wb_irq -color Yellow /system_tb/wb_irq +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label plb_irq -color Yellow /system_tb/plb_irq + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RTY_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rty_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ERR_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=80000000) + mem_update(addr=0001000c,data=80000000) + wait( level=PART ) + + -- the first irq was rised + read ( addr=0001000c, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + -- clear the bridge-irq + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + -- there should be a second irq (rised directly after the first) + mem_update(addr=0001000c,data=20000000) + read ( addr=0001000c, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + -- clear the bridge-irq + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=80000000) + mem_update(addr=0001000c,data=40000000) + wait( level=PART ) + read ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=0001000c, size=0000, be=1111 ) + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=00000000) + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=80000000) + mem_update(addr=0001000c,data=20000000) + wait( level=PART ) + read ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=0001000c, size=0000, be=1111 ) + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=00000000) + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=80000000) + mem_update(addr=0001000c,data=10000000) + wait( level=PART ) + read ( addr=0001000c, size=0000, be=1111 ) + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=00000000) + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 3000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + + +clean: + @echo "cleaning sim bin dir in retries\n" + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system_incl.make =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system_incl.make (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system_incl.make (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +################################################################# +# Makefile generated by Xilinx Platform Studio +# Project:/home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.xmp +# +# WARNING : This file will be re-generated every time a command +# to run a make target is invoked. So, any changes made to this +# file manually, will be lost when make is invoked next. +################################################################# + +XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK +NON_CYG_XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK + +SYSTEM = system + +MHSFILE = system.mhs + +MSSFILE = system.mss + +FPGA_ARCH = virtex5 + +DEVICE = xc5vlx50ff676-1 + +LANGUAGE = vhdl + +SEARCHPATHOPT = -lp /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/ +GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT = + +SUBMODULE_OPT = + +PLATGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(SUBMODULE_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +LIBGEN_OPTIONS = -mhs $(MHSFILE) -p $(DEVICE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +OBSERVE_PAR_OPTIONS = -error yes + +MICROBLAZE_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/microblaze/mb_bootloop.elf +PPC405_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc405/ppc_bootloop.elf +PPC440_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc440/ppc440_bootloop.elf +BOOTLOOP_DIR = bootloops + +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES = +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS = + +ALL_USER_ELF_FILES = + +SIM_CMD = vsim + +BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/behavioral/$(SYSTEM) + +STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/structural/$(SYSTEM) + +TIMING_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/timing/$(SYSTEM) + +DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT = $(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT = -mixed yes + +SIMGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS) $(MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst -s mti + + +LIBRARIES = + +LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS = + +PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS = + +CORE_STATE_DEVELOPMENT_FILES = + +WRAPPER_NGC_FILES = implementation/mb_plb_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.ngc + +POSTSYN_NETLIST = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ngc + +SYSTEM_BIT = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bit + +DOWNLOAD_BIT = implementation/download.bit + +SYSTEM_ACE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ace + +UCF_FILE = data/system.ucf + +BMM_FILE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bmm + +BITGEN_UT_FILE = etc/bitgen.ut + +XFLOW_OPT_FILE = etc/fast_runtime.opt +XFLOW_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xpsxflow.opt $(XFLOW_OPT_FILE) + +XPLORER_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xplorer.opt +XPLORER_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -uc $(SYSTEM).ucf -bm $(SYSTEM).bmm -max_runs 7 + +FPGA_IMP_DEPENDENCY = $(BMM_FILE) $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) $(UCF_FILE) $(XFLOW_DEPENDENCY) + +SDK_EXPORT_DIR = SDK/SDK_Export/hw +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).xml +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).bit +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_DEP = $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF) $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT) Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = mb_plb +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + PORT PLB2WB_IRQ_pin = PLB2WB_IRQ, DIR = O + PORT wb_pic_int_i_pin = wb_pic_int_i, DIR = I, VEC = [3:0] + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 2 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER C_STATUS_BASEADDR = 0x00010000 + PARAMETER C_STATUS_HIGHADDR = 0x0001FFFF + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 4 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT PLB2WB_IRQ = PLB2WB_IRQ + PORT wb_pic_int_i = wb_pic_int_i +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b10 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 5 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_irqs/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/common/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/common/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/common/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +WB_SRC=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/*.v +TESTRAM_SRC=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd +PLB2WB_BRIDGE_SRC=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/*.vhd + + +PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plb2wb_bridge_*/plb2wb_bridge/_primary.dat +TESTRAM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/testram_*/testram/_primary.dat +WB_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/wb_conbus_*/wb_conbus_*/_primary.dat + + + + +VMAP_WIN= \ + vmap -c; \ + vmap unisim 'c:/Programme/CAEE/ISE_Lib/unisim/'; \ + vmap bfm_synch_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/bfm_synch_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plb_v46_v1_04_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/plb_v46_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_bfm 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_bfm/'; \ + vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap proc_common_v3_00_a 'c:/Programme/CAEE/EDK_Lib/edk/proc_common_v3_00_a/'; \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; \ + vmap plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + +VMAP= \ + vmap -c; \ + vmap unisims_ver '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/unisims_ver/'; \ + vmap unisim '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/unisim/'; \ + vmap bfm_synch_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/bfm_synch_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plb_v46_v1_04_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plb_v46_v1_04_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_bfm '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_bfm/'; \ + vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/'; \ + vmap proc_common_v3_00_a '/opt/Xilinx/11.1/compxlib/edk/proc_common_v3_00_a/'; \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; \ + vmap plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + + + + + +### +# +# Generate the modelsim.ini file and working directory +# after this, modelsim.ini contains the library mappings +# +$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini: + @mkdir -p $(SIM_BIN_DIR) + @echo " " + @if [ "$(ENVIRONMENT)" = "cygwin" ]; then \ + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); $(VMAP_WIN) \ + else \ + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); $(VMAP) \ + fi + @echo " " + @echo " " + + + + + + +### +# +# Compile testram +# +$(TESTRAM_TARGET): $(TESTRAM_SRC) + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib testram_v1_00_a; \ + vmap testram_v1_00_a testram_v1_00_a; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work testram_v1_00_a $(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd + + +### +# +# Compile Wishbone-BUS +# +$(WB_TARGET): $(WB_SRC) + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib wb_conbus_v1_00_a; \ + vmap wb_conbus_v1_00_a wb_conbus_v1_00_a; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work wb_conbus_v1_00_a "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_arb.v" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_top.v" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_wrapper.v" + + + +### +# +# Compile PLB2WB-Bridge +# +$(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET): $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_SRC) + echo "VHDL-Flags: $(VHDL_CFLAGS)" + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; \ + vmap plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a;\ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_pkg.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_short_impulse.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_4.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_4.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_3.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_3.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_2.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_2.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_cc_1.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr_ic_1.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat_cc_32.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat_ic_32.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat_cc_32.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat_ic_32.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_4.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_4.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_3.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_3.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_2.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_2.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_ic_1.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb_cc_1.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb_ic.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb_cc.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_fifo.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_stu.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_tcu.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_amu.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_rbuf.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_wbuf.vhd" \ + "$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_bridge.vhd" + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= not wb_rst; + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Clock -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Reset -color SteelBlue /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label synch_in -color Yellow /system_tb/dut/synch_in + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_request -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_request + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_RNW -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_rnw +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_BE -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_be +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_size -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_size +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Mn_type -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_type +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Mn_ABus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/m_abus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_PAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_pavalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_SAValid -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/mb_plb/mb_plb/plb_savalid +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_rdPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label PLB_wrPrim -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_rdDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_rdComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label Sl_wrDBus -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrDAck -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label Sl_wrComp -color DarkGreen /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_CLK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_clk_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_RST_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_ADR_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o +eval add wave -noupdate $hexopt -label WB_DAT_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_ACK_I -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_ack_i +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_SEL_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_STB_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_LOCK_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_lock_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label WB_WE_O -color Green /system_tb/dut/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + + + +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram0_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_0/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram1_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_1/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram2_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_2/wb_ack_o +eval add wave -noupdate $binopt -label bram3_ack_o -color Orange /system_tb/dut/onchip_ram_3/wb_ack_o + + +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -namecolwidth 200 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transcript =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transcript (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transcript (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# // ModelSim SE 6.6 Jan 5 2010 Linux 2.6.34-gentoo-r2 +# // +# // Copyright 1991-2010 Mentor Graphics Corporation +# // All Rights Reserved. +# // +# // THIS WORK CONTAINS TRADE SECRET AND +# // PROPRIETARY INFORMATION WHICH IS THE PROPERTY +# // OF MENTOR GRAPHICS CORPORATION OR ITS LICENSORS +# // AND IS SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS. +# // +# vsim -view result/wave.wlf +# vsim -view result/wave.wlf +# Updating msgviewer database... +# result/wave.wlf opened as dataset "wave" +# view wave +# +# do +# -logic +# -literal -hex Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 80000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 64-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_64/plb_bfm_master_64/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=01) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=11111111 ) + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- 128-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_128/plb_bfm_master_128/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=10) + + + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11223344_22223344_33223344_44223344) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=11eeffee_22eeffee_33eeffee_44eeffee) + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=11abcdef_22abcdef_33abcdef_44abcdef) + mem_update(addr=f3000000,data=11222222_22222222_33222222_44222222) + mem_update(addr=f3000010,data=01111111_02111111_03111111_04111111) + mem_update(addr=f3000020,data=01222211_02222211_03222211_04222211) + mem_update(addr=f3000030,data=01333311_02333311_03333311_04333311) + + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + wait( level=PART ) + + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + wait( level = SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f3000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111111111111111 ) + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + +TEST_CASES += test_cases/simple_read_write + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_64_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_128_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + + +clean: + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.2.0 + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_64 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0001 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_128 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0010 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_2 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_slave_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_LO_0 = 0xF8000000 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xFFFFfFFF + PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_SIZE = 0b00 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 5 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 & bfm_synch_out_2 & bfm_synch_out_3 & bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + PARAMETER WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK = 0 + PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE = 0 + PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE = 0 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/simple/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/testbench/system_tb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; + + +entity system_tb is +end system_tb; + +architecture STRUCTURE of system_tb is + + constant sys_clk_period : time := 10.000000 ns; + constant wb_clk_period : time := 13.333333 ns; + constant sys_rst_length : time := 160 ns; + + constant SYNCH_PART : integer := 1; + constant SYNCH_SUBPART : integer := 2; + constant SYNCH_SUBSUBPART : integer := 3; + + constant SUBSUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 15; -- 10 clock cycles + constant SUBPART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 7 times SUBSUBPART_LENGTH + constant PART_LENGTH : integer := 5; -- 6 times SUBPART_LENGTH + + component system is + port ( + sys_clk_pin : in std_logic; + sys_rst_pin : in std_logic; + to_synch_in_pin : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + from_synch_out_pin : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + wb_clk_pin : in std_logic; + wb_rst_pin : in std_logic + ); + end component; + + + signal sys_clk : std_logic; + signal sys_rst : std_logic := '1'; + signal wb_clk : std_logic; + signal wb_rst : std_logic; + + + signal to_synch_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal from_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + signal tb_synch_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + procedure SendSynch( signal synch_out : OUT std_logic_vector; + COMMAND : integer ) is + begin + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '1'; + wait for sys_clk_period*1; + synch_out( COMMAND ) <= '0'; + end procedure SendSynch; + + +begin + + to_synch_in <= from_synch_out or tb_synch_out; + + + + dut : system + port map ( + sys_clk_pin => sys_clk, + sys_rst_pin => sys_rst, + to_synch_in_pin => to_synch_in, + from_synch_out_pin => from_synch_out, + wb_clk_pin => wb_clk, + wb_rst_pin => wb_rst + ); + + + -- + -- generate plb-clk + -- + process + begin + sys_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (sys_clk_period/2); + sys_clk <= not sys_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + -- + -- + -- + process + begin + wb_clk <= '0'; + loop + wait for (wb_clk_period/2); + wb_clk <= not wb_clk; + end loop; + end process; + + + + + process + begin + sys_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + sys_rst <= not sys_rst; + wait; + end process; + + + process + begin + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for ( sys_rst_length ); + wb_rst <= '0'; + + wait for 7500 ns; + wb_rst <= '1'; + wait for wb_clk_period; + wb_rst <= '0'; + wait; + end process; + + + + process + begin + + wait until sys_rst = '0'; + -- wait until masters a ready + wait for sys_clk_period * 10; + + + while true loop + for i in 0 to PART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_PART ); + + for j in 0 to SUBPART_LENGTH-1 loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBPART ); + + for k in 0 to SUBSUBPART_LENGTH loop + SendSynch( tb_synch_out, SYNCH_SUBSUBPART ); + wait for (SUBSUBPART_LENGTH * sys_clk_period ); + end loop; + + + end loop; + + + end loop; + + end loop; + + end process; + + + + +end architecture STRUCTURE; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ + +# +# Display top-level ports +# +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + +set tbpath {/system_tb/dut} + +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate -divider {"top-level ports"} +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/wb_rst +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_slave/synch_in + + +# eval do ../../behavioral/ +# eval do ../../behavioral/ + + + # Master signals + proc add_master { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group Master_${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_request -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_request + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_abus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_abus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_be -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_be + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_rnw -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_rnw + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_size -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_size + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_priority -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_priority + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_plb_mrddbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/plb_mrddbus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_wrdbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_wrdbus + } + add_master 32 White + add_master 64 AliceBlue + add_master 128 Seashell + + + +-- do ../behavioral/ + + proc add_ocram { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group ocram${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_ack_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_ack_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_err_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_err_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_rty_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_rty_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_ack -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_ack + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_r -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_r + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_w -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_w + eval add wave -color ${color} -label r_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/r_delay_count + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_delay_count + + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(0) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(0) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(1) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(1) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(2) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(2) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(3) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(3) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(4) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(4) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(5) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(5) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(6) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(6) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(7) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(7) + } + + + + + # + # General bridge signals + # + eval add wave -color purple -group bridge_general -noupdate + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_addrack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_addrack + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_abus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_abus + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_be -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_be + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_pavalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_pavalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_savalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_rnw -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rnw + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_msize -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_msize + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_type -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_type + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_wrdbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus + + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_wrdack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + + + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_adr_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_cyc_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_cyc_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_err_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_stb_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_we_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mbusy -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mbusy + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mwrerr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mwrerr + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mrderr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mrderr + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mirq -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mirq + # + # Bridge - Transfer Control Unit + # + eval add wave -color aquamarine -group bridge_TCU -noupdate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_wstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_wstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_rstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_rstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_wb_state -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_wb_state + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_ack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_ack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_err -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_err + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rty -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rty + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_addrack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_addrack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdwdaddr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdwdaddr + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adr_offset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adr_offset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rpiperden + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wpiperden + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enrddbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_enrddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufwen + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enStuRDDbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_ensturddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWritePA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritepa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWriteSA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritesa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stat2plb_en -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stat2plb_en + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wb_status_info -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_wb_status_info + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_mrbusy -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_mrbusy + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_read_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_read_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_write_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_write_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MWrErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MWrErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MRdErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MRdErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_wrbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_wrbterm + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdbterm + + + + # + # Bridge - Status Unit + # + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -group bridge_STU -noupdate + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_softReset -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_softReset + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_continue -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_continue + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_abort -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_abort + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label amu_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/amu_masterid + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label plb_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/plb_masterid + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_wr_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_wr_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_dout -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_dout + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_din -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_din + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchPA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchpa + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchSA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchsa + + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label soft_reset_count -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/soft_reset_count + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label address_reg -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/address_reg + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg0 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(0) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg1 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(1) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg2 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(2) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg3 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(3) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg_out -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_reg_out + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label sl_mirq -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/sl_mirq + + + # + # Bridge - Adress Management Unit + # + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -group bridge_AMU -noupdate + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_addrack -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_addrack + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label plb_savalid -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_rnw -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_rnw + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_bufempty -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_bufempty + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buffull -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buffull + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_deviceselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_deviceselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_statusselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_statusselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_rmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rmID + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_wmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wmID + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_BE -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_BE + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_BE + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label rpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/rpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label pipeline_in -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/pipeline_in + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rStatusSelect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wStatusSelect + + + # + # Read buffer + # + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_din -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_din + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_dout -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_dout + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_empty -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_empty + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_full -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_full + + + # + # Write buffer + # + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label plb_size -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/plb_size + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_empty -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_empty + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_full -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_full + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_wbus -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_wbus + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufwen + + + + # + # Whishbone signals + # + eval add wave -color Orange -noupdate -group Wishbone + + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_ack_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_ack_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_err_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_err_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_rty_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_rty_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_adr_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_adr_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_sel_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_sel_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_we_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_we_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_cyc_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_cyc_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_stb_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_stb_o + # eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_lock_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_lock_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_clk_i -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_clk_i + + + add_ocram 0 OrangeRed + add_ocram 1 OrangeRed + add_ocram 2 OrangeRed + add_ocram 3 OrangeRed + add_ocram 4 OrangeRed + add_ocram 5 OrangeRed + + configure wave -namecolwidth 347 + configure wave -valuecolwidth 252 + configure wave -timeline 0 + configure wave -timelineunits ns Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 10000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000) + mem_update(addr=00010010,data=00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000) + + + mem_update(addr=f0000000,data=11000001_11000002_11000003_11000004) + mem_update(addr=f0000010,data=11111111_11111112_11111113_11111114) + mem_update(addr=f0000020,data=11222221_11222222_11222223_11222224) + mem_update(addr=f0000030,data=11333331_11333332_11333333_11333334) + + mem_update(addr=f1000000,data=22000001_22000002_22000003_22000004) + mem_update(addr=f1000010,data=22111111_22111112_22111113_22111114) + mem_update(addr=f1000020,data=22222221_22222222_22222223_22222224) + mem_update(addr=f1000030,data=22333331_22333332_22333333_22333334) + + mem_update(addr=f2000000,data=33000001_33000002_33000003_33000004) + mem_update(addr=f2000010,data=33111111_33111112_33111113_33111114) + mem_update(addr=f2000020,data=33222221_33222222_33222223_33222224) + mem_update(addr=f2000030,data=33333331_33333332_33333333_33333334) + + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=f0000004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + -- we will get an error on wb-side after two successful writes + write ( addr=f0000008, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + -- we're now checking the status registers: + mem_update( addr=00010000, data=20000000 ) + mem_update( addr=00010004, data=11000003 ) + mem_update( addr=00010008, data=f0000008 ) + read ( addr=00010000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=00010004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=00010008, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + -- we have to clear the exception + mem_update( addr=00010000, data=00000000 ) + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + -- we abort the transfer + write ( addr=00010008, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + + ------------------ + + write ( addr=f0000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + -- we wait (this simulates the interrupt-latency) + -- and continue the transfer + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=00010004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + -- we have to clear the exception + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + + -------------------- + + + write ( addr=f1000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + -- we wait (this simulates the interrupt-latency) + -- and continue the transfer + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=00010004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + -- we have to clear the exception + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + + -------------------- + + + write ( addr=f2000000, size=0010, be=1111 ) + -- we wait (this simulates the interrupt-latency) + -- and continue the transfer + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + write ( addr=00010004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + -- we have to clear the exception + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + + + -- this causes several address-pipelining situations + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0011 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f1000000, size=1010, be=0010 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f2000000, size=1010, be=0001 ) + + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + -- we're now checking the status registers: + mem_update( addr=00010000, data=40000000 ) + read ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + mem_update( addr=00010000, data=00000000 ) + + -- clear the interrupt + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ + +# +# Display top-level ports +# +set binopt {-logic} +set hexopt {-literal -hex} + +set tbpath {/system_tb/dut} + +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate -divider {"top-level ports"} +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/sys_clk +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/sys_rst +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/wb_rst +eval add wave -color DarkGreen -noupdate $binopt /system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_slave/synch_in + + +# eval do ../../behavioral/ +# eval do ../../behavioral/ + + + # Master signals + proc add_master { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group Master_${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_request -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_request + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_abus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_abus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_be -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_be + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_rnw -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_rnw + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_size -group Master_${num} -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_size + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_priority -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_priority + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_plb_mrddbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/plb_mrddbus + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ${num}_m_wrdbus -group Master_${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb_bfm_master_${num}/m_wrdbus + } + add_master 32 White + add_master 64 AliceBlue + add_master 128 Seashell + + + +-- do ../behavioral/ + + proc add_ocram { num color } { + global binopt hexopt tbpath + eval add wave -color ${color} -noupdate -group ocram${num} + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_stb_i -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_stb_i + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_ack_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_ack_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_err_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_err_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label wb_rty_o -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/wb_rty_o + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_ack -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_ack + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_r -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_r + eval add wave -color ${color} -label err_rty_count_w -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/err_rty_count_w + eval add wave -color ${color} -label r_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/r_delay_count + eval add wave -color ${color} -label w_delay_count -group ocram${num} -noupdate $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/w_delay_count + + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(0) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(0) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(1) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(1) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(2) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(2) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(3) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(3) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(4) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(4) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(5) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(5) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(6) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(6) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(7) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(7) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(8) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(8) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(9) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(9) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(10) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(10) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(11) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(11) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(12) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(12) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(13) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(13) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(14) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(14) + eval add wave -color ${color} -label ram(15) -group ocram${num} -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/onchip_ram_${num}/onchip_ram_${num}/ram(15) + } + + + + + # + # General bridge signals + # + eval add wave -color purple -group bridge_general -noupdate + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_addrack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_addrack + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_abus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_abus + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_be -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_be + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_pavalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_pavalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_savalid -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_rnw -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rnw + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_msize -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_msize + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_type -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_type + eval add wave -color purple -label plb_wrdbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrdbus + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddbus -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddbus + + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_wrdack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrdack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_wrcomp + eval add wave -color purple -label sl_rddack -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rddack + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdcomp -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_rdcomp + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_rdprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_rdprim + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_wrprim -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb_wrprim + + + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_adr_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_adr_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_cyc_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_cyc_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_dat_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_dat_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_err_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_err_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_rst_i -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_rst_i + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_stb_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_stb_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label wb_we_o -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/wb_we_o + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mbusy -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mbusy + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mwrerr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mwrerr + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mrderr -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mrderr + + eval add wave -color maroon -label sl_mirq -group bridge_general -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/sl_mirq + # + # Bridge - Transfer Control Unit + # + eval add wave -color aquamarine -group bridge_TCU -noupdate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_wstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_wstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_plb_rstate -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_plb_rstate + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label c_wb_state -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/c_wb_state + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_ack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_ack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_err -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_err + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_rty -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_rty + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_addrack -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_addrack + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdwdaddr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdwdaddr + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adr_offset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adr_offset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_adrbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_adrbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rpiperden + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wpiperden -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wpiperden + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enrddbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_enrddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_wbufwen + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_enStuRDDbus -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_ensturddbus + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWritePA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritepa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stuWriteSA -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stuwritesa + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_stat2plb_en -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_stat2plb_en + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_wb_status_info -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_wb_status_info + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label tcu_mrbusy -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/tcu_mrbusy + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_read_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_read_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label mbusy_write_out -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/mbusy_write_out + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MWrErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MWrErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label SL_MRdErr -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/SL_MRdErr + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_wrbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_wrbterm + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label sl_rdbterm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/sl_rdbterm + + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_reset -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_reset + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_count -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_count + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_counter -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_counter + eval add wave -color aquamarine -label wb_tout_alarm -group bridge_TCU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/tcu/wb_tout_alarm + + + # + # Bridge - Status Unit + # + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -group bridge_STU -noupdate + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_softReset -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_softReset + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_continue -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_continue + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label STU_abort -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/STU_abort + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label amu_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/amu_masterid + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label plb_masterid -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/plb_masterid + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2plb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2plb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_rd_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_rd_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_wr_en -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_wr_en + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_full -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_full + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_empty -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_empty + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_dout -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_dout + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label stat2wb_din -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/stat2wb_din + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchPA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchpa + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label tcu_stuLatchSA -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/tcu_stulatchsa + + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label soft_reset_count -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/soft_reset_count + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label address_reg -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/address_reg + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg0 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(0) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg1 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(1) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg2 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(2) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg3 -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_regs(3) + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label status_reg_out -group bridge_STU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/status_reg_out + + eval add wave -color DarkSalmon -label sl_mirq -group bridge_STU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/stu/sl_mirq + + + # + # Bridge - Adress Management Unit + # + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -group bridge_AMU -noupdate + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_addrack -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_addrack + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label plb_savalid -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/plb_savalid + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_rnw -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_rnw + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_bufempty -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_bufempty + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buffull -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buffull + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_deviceselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_deviceselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_statusselect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_statusselect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_rmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rmID + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_pipe_wmID -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wmID + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_buf_BE -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_BE + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_size + eval add wave -color rosyBrown -label amu_pipe_size -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_BE + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label amu_buf_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_buf_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wb_sel_o -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wb_sel_o + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label rpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/rpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label wpipe_out -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/wpipe_out + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label pipeline_in -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/pipeline_in + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_adr -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_adr + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_rStatusSelect + eval add wave -color RosyBrown -label AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect -group bridge_AMU -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/amu/amu_pipe_wStatusSelect + + + # + # Read buffer + # + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_din -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_din + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbuf_dout -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbuf_dout + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufren -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufren + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label tcu_rbufwen -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/tcu_rbufwen + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_empty -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_empty + eval add wave -color SpringGreen -label rbf_full -group bridge_RBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/rbuf/rbf_full + + + # + # Write buffer + # + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label plb_size -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/plb_size + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_empty -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_empty + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_full -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_full + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label wbf_wbus -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/wbf_wbus + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufren -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufren + eval add wave -color LimeGreen -label tcu_wbufwen -group bridge_WBF -noupdate $tbpath/plb2wb_bridge_0/plb2wb_bridge_0/wbuf/tcu_wbufwen + + + + # + # Whishbone signals + # + eval add wave -color Orange -noupdate -group Wishbone + + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_ack_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_ack_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_err_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_err_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_m_rty_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_m_rty_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_dat_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_dat_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_adr_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_adr_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_sel_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_sel_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_we_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_we_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_cyc_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_cyc_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_stb_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_stb_o + # eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_s_lock_o -group Wishbone -noupdate $hexopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_s_lock_o + eval add wave -color Orange -label wb_clk_i -group Wishbone -noupdate $binopt $tbpath/wb_conbus_0/wb_clk_i + + + add_ocram 4 OrangeRed + add_ocram 5 OrangeRed + + configure wave -namecolwidth 347 + configure wave -valuecolwidth 252 + configure wave -timeline 0 + configure wave -timelineunits ns Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/onchip_ram.bin =================================================================== Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/transfers.bfl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/transfers.bfl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/transfers.bfl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + set_alias(PART = 1) + set_alias(SUBPART = 2) + set_alias(SUBSUBPART = 3) + + + --------------------------------- + -- 32-Bit Master -- + + set_device(path=/system_tb/dut/plb_bfm_master_32/plb_bfm_master_32/master,device_type=plb_master) + configure(msize=00) + mem_update(addr=00010000,data=00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000) + mem_update(addr=00010010,data=00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000) + + + mem_update(addr=f4000000,data=11000001_11000002_11000003_11000004) + mem_update(addr=f4000010,data=11111111_11111112_11111113_11111114) + mem_update(addr=f4000020,data=11222221_11222222_11222223_11222224) + mem_update(addr=f4000030,data=11333331_11333332_11333333_11333334) + + mem_update(addr=f5000000,data=22000001_22000002_22000003_22000004) + mem_update(addr=f5000010,data=22111111_22111112_22111113_22111114) + mem_update(addr=f5000020,data=22222221_22222222_22222223_22222224) + mem_update(addr=f5000030,data=22333331_22333332_22333333_22333334) + + + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + + write ( addr=f4000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + + read ( addr=f4000000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + read ( addr=f4000010, size=1010, be=0010 ) + read ( addr=f4000000, size=0001, be=1111 ) + + + wait( level=SUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBPART ) + + -- this leads to a write stall + write ( addr=f5000000, size=1010, be=1111 ) + + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + wait( level=SUBSUBPART ) + + write ( addr=00010000, size=0000, be=1111 ) + write ( addr=00010004, size=0000, be=1111 ) + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/ (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + +vsim -wlf result/wave.wlf -novopt -t ps system_tb + +do + + +do + + + +run 10000 ns + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) +SIM_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +RESULT_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/result +VSIM=vsim -quiet -c -assertfile $(RESULT_DIR)/assert.log -errorfile $(RESULT_DIR)/error.log -l $(RESULT_DIR)/simulation.log -do + +TEST_CASE_TARGETS=./result/wave.wlf + + + + + +sim: $(TEST_CASE_TARGETS) + + +$(TEST_CASE_TARGETS): $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + @$(MAKE) link + @mkdir -p result + @echo "Run vsim ....." + @$(VSIM) "do; exit" > /dev/null + @echo ".... done! Result in $(RESULT_DIR)" + + + +# +# we first do `unlink`. If there are no links, this does nothing. +# If there are links, we unlink it and link it again +link: unlink + @ln -s `find ../../sim_bin -maxdepth 1` ./ + + +unlink: + @for file in $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type l); do \ + unlink $$file; \ + done; + transfers.bfl + xilbfc transfers.bfl + + + +view: + vsim -do "vsim -view result/wave.wlf; view wave; do" + + +clean: unlink + rm -rf \ + xilbfc.log \ + \ + log \ + result + + +cleansim: + rm -rf result Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/simulation/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +SIM_DIR=$(shell pwd) + +XPS_PROJ_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/.. +SIM_BIN_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/sim_bin +COMMON_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../common +LOG_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/log +PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR=$(SIM_DIR)/../../plb_bfm_setup + + +include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile + + + +all: sim + + + +WORK_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/work/system/_primary.dat + + + +### +# +# note: WORK_TARGET is defined some lines above, the rest in ../../common/Makefile +# +COMPILE_COMPONENTS=$(TESTRAM_TARGET) $(PLB2WB_BRIDGE_TARGET) $(WB_TARGET) $(PLB_BFM_TARGET) $(WORK_TARGET) + + + +# +# Generate Simulation HDL Files +# (This is the same than XPS-Gui->Simulation->Generate Simulation HDL Files) +# +$(SIM_DIR)/behavioral: $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs + @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) + simgen $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/system.mhs -lang vhdl \ + -p virtex5 \ + -m beh \ + -od $(XPS_PROJ_DIR)/ \ + -s mti \ + -lp $(LIB_DIR) \ + -log $(LOG_DIR)/simgen + @mv simgen.opt log # there is no simgen-flag for this! + + + + + +# PLB_BFM_TARGET=$(SIM_BIN_DIR)/plbv46_bfm/system/_primary.dat +# #BFM_SOURCE=$() TODO +# $(PLB_BFM_TARGET): +# cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ +# vlib plbv46_bfm; \ +# vmap plbv46_bfm plbv46_bfm; \ +# vlib plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vlib plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vmap plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_bfm \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_SETUP_DIR)/plb_dcl_128.vhd"; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_master_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_master_bfm.vhd" ; \ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_monitor_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_monitor_bfm.vhd";\ +# vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a \ +# "$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR)/pcores/plbv46_slave_bfm_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plbv46_slave_bfm.vhd"; + + + + + +$(WORK_TARGET): $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/../testbench/system_tb.vhd + cd $(SIM_BIN_DIR); \ + vlib work; \ + vmap work work; \ + vlog -novopt -93 -work work "../behavioral/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.v"; \ + vcom $(VHDL_CFLAGS) -work work \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_4_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/onchip_ram_5_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/mb_plb_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_32_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_64_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_master_128_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_monitor_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_slave_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb_bfm_synch_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.vhd" \ + "../behavioral/system.vhd" \ + "../testbench/system_tb.vhd" + + + + + + +compile: $(SIM_BIN_DIR)/modelsim.ini $(COMPILE_COMPONENTS) + + + + + + +clean: + rm -rf \ + $(SIM_DIR)/behavioral \ + $(SIM_BIN_DIR) \ + $(LOG_DIR) + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system_incl.make =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system_incl.make (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system_incl.make (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +################################################################# +# Makefile generated by Xilinx Platform Studio +# Project:/home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.xmp +# +# WARNING : This file will be re-generated every time a command +# to run a make target is invoked. So, any changes made to this +# file manually, will be lost when make is invoked next. +################################################################# + +XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK +NON_CYG_XILINX_EDK_DIR = /opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK + +SYSTEM = system + +MHSFILE = system.mhs + +MSSFILE = system.mss + +FPGA_ARCH = virtex5 + +DEVICE = xc5vlx50ff676-1 + +LANGUAGE = vhdl + +SEARCHPATHOPT = -lp /home/christian/share/semesterproject/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/ +GLOBAL_SEARCHPATHOPT = + +SUBMODULE_OPT = + +PLATGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(SUBMODULE_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +LIBGEN_OPTIONS = -mhs $(MHSFILE) -p $(DEVICE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst + +OBSERVE_PAR_OPTIONS = -error yes + +MICROBLAZE_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/microblaze/mb_bootloop.elf +PPC405_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc405/ppc_bootloop.elf +PPC440_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc440/ppc440_bootloop.elf +BOOTLOOP_DIR = bootloops + +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILES = +BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS = + +ALL_USER_ELF_FILES = + +SIM_CMD = vsim + +BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/behavioral/$(SYSTEM) + +STRUCTURAL_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/structural/$(SYSTEM) + +TIMING_SIM_SCRIPT = simulation/timing/$(SYSTEM) + +DEFAULT_SIM_SCRIPT = $(BEHAVIORAL_SIM_SCRIPT) + +MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT = -mixed yes + +SIMGEN_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -lang $(LANGUAGE) $(SEARCHPATHOPT) $(BRAMINIT_ELF_FILE_ARGS) $(MIX_LANG_SIM_OPT) -msg __xps/ise/xmsgprops.lst -s mti + + +LIBRARIES = + +LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS = + +PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS = + +CORE_STATE_DEVELOPMENT_FILES = + +WRAPPER_NGC_FILES = implementation/mb_plb_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/plb2wb_bridge_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/wb_conbus_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_0_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_1_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_2_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_3_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_4_wrapper.ngc \ +implementation/onchip_ram_5_wrapper.ngc + +POSTSYN_NETLIST = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ngc + +SYSTEM_BIT = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bit + +DOWNLOAD_BIT = implementation/download.bit + +SYSTEM_ACE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).ace + +UCF_FILE = data/system.ucf + +BMM_FILE = implementation/$(SYSTEM).bmm + +BITGEN_UT_FILE = etc/bitgen.ut + +XFLOW_OPT_FILE = etc/fast_runtime.opt +XFLOW_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xpsxflow.opt $(XFLOW_OPT_FILE) + +XPLORER_DEPENDENCY = __xps/xplorer.opt +XPLORER_OPTIONS = -p $(DEVICE) -uc $(SYSTEM).ucf -bm $(SYSTEM).bmm -max_runs 7 + +FPGA_IMP_DEPENDENCY = $(BMM_FILE) $(POSTSYN_NETLIST) $(UCF_FILE) $(XFLOW_DEPENDENCY) + +SDK_EXPORT_DIR = SDK/SDK_Export/hw +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).xml +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT = $(SDK_EXPORT_DIR)/$(SYSTEM).bit +SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_DEP = $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF) $(SYSTEM_HW_HANDOFF_BIT) Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mss =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mss (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mss (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.2.0 + + + + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_4 +END + +BEGIN DRIVER + PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = generic + PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = onchip_ram_5 +END + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.xmp =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.xmp (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.xmp (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#Please do not modify this file by hand +XmpVersion: 11.4 +VerMgmt: 11.4 +IntStyle: default +ModuleSearchPath: ../../EDK_Libs/ +MHS File: system.mhs +MSS File: system.mss +Architecture: virtex5 +Device: xc5vlx50 +Package: ff676 +SpeedGrade: -1 +UserCmd1: +UserCmd1Type: 0 +UserCmd2: +UserCmd2Type: 0 +GenSimTB: 0 +SdkExportBmmBit: 1 +SdkExportDir: SDK/SDK_Export +InsertNoPads: 0 +WarnForEAArch: 1 +HdlLang: VHDL +SimModel: BEHAVIORAL +UcfFile: data/system.ucf +EnableParTimingError: 1 +ShowLicenseDialog: 1 Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/data/system.ucf =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/data/system.ucf (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/data/system.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin; +TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz; +Net fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin LOC = AD8 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin TIG; +Net fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin LOC = T23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 | PULLUP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mhs =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mhs (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/system.mhs (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ + +# ############################################################################## +# Created by Base System Builder Wizard for Xilinx EDK 11.4 Build EDK_LS4.68 +# Fri Mar 5 18:02:26 2010 +# Target Board: Xilinx Virtex 5 ML501 Evaluation Platform Rev 1 +# Family: virtex5 +# Device: xc5vlx50 +# Package: ff676 +# Speed Grade: -1 +# Processor number: 1 +# Processor 1: microblaze_0 +# System clock frequency: 125.0 +# Debug Interface: On-Chip HW Debug Module +# ############################################################################## + PARAMETER VERSION = 2.1.0 + + + PORT sys_clk_pin = clk_100MHz, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, CLK_FREQ = 100000000 + PORT sys_rst_pin = sys_rst_s, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, RST_POLARITY = 1 + PORT to_synch_in_pin = synch_in, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31] + PORT from_synch_out_pin = synch_out, DIR = O, VEC = [0:31] + PORT wb_clk_pin = wb_clk, DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK + PORT wb_rst_pin = wb_rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST + + +BEGIN plb_v46 + PARAMETER INSTANCE = mb_plb + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.04.a + PARAMETER C_EXT_RESET_HIGH = 1 + PARAMETER C_DCR_INTFCE = 1 + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0b0000000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0b1111111111 + PORT PLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT SYS_Rst = sys_rst_s +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_32 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0000 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_64 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_SIZE = 0b10 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0001 + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_1 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_master_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_master_128 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_ADDR_HI_0 = 0xffffffff + PARAMETER C_MPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 + PARAMETER PLB_MASTER_NUM = 0b0010 + BUS_INTERFACE MPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_2 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_monitor_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_monitor + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + BUS_INTERFACE MON_PLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_3 + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in +END + +BEGIN plbv46_slave_bfm + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_slave + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_LO_0 = 0x00020000 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_ADDR_HI_0 = 0x0002ffff + PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32 + PARAMETER PLB_SLAVE_SIZE = 0b00 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + PORT SYNCH_IN = synch_in + PORT SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN bfm_synch + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb_bfm_synch + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_NUM_SYNCH = 5 + PORT TO_SYNCH_IN = synch_out + PORT FROM_SYNCH_OUT = bfm_synch_out_0 & bfm_synch_out_1 & bfm_synch_out_2 & bfm_synch_out_3 & bfm_synch_out_4 +END + +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + PARAMETER INSTANCE = plb2wb_bridge_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xf7ffffff + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0xf0000000 + PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 1 + PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = false + PARAMETER C_STATUS_BASEADDR = 0x00010000 + PARAMETER C_STATUS_HIGHADDR = 0x0001FFFF + PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1 + BUS_INTERFACE SPLB = mb_plb + BUS_INTERFACE MWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT SPLB_Clk = clk_100MHz + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_pic_int_i = net_gnd +END + +BEGIN wb_conbus + PARAMETER INSTANCE = wb_conbus_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x00 + PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x01 + PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x02 + PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x03 + PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x04 + PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x05 + PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x06 + PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x07 + PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 8 + PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 8 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_0 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 0 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 2 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_1 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 3 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_2 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 3 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 4 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_3 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 5 + PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b01 +# PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00 + PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 2 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_4 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 11 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 8 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + +BEGIN testram + PARAMETER INSTANCE = onchip_ram_5 + PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a + PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 11 + PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 11 + BUS_INTERFACE SWB = wb_conbus_0 + PORT wb_rst_i = wb_rst + PORT wb_clk_i = wb_clk +END + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/bitgen.ut =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/bitgen.ut (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/bitgen.ut (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +-g TdoPin:PULLNONE +-g DriveDone:No +-g StartUpClk:JTAGCLK +-g DONE_cycle:4 +-g GTS_cycle:5 +-g TckPin:PULLUP +-g TdiPin:PULLUP +-g TmsPin:PULLUP +-g DonePipe:No +-g GWE_cycle:6 +-g LCK_cycle:NoWait +-g Security:NONE +-g Persist:No + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/fast_runtime.opt =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/fast_runtime.opt (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/fast_runtime.opt (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +FLOWTYPE = FPGA; +############################################################### +## Filename: fast_runtime.opt +## +## Option File For Xilinx FPGA Implementation Flow for Fast +## Runtime. +## +## Version: 4.1.1 +############################################################### +# +# Options for Translator +# +# Type "ngdbuild -h" for a detailed list of ngdbuild command line options +# +Program ngdbuild +-p ; # Partname to use - picked from xflow commandline +-nt timestamp; # NGO File generation. Regenerate only when + # source netlist is newer than existing + # NGO file (default) +-bm .bmm # Block RAM memory map file +; # User design - pick from xflow command line +-uc .ucf; # ucf constraints +.ngd; # Name of NGD file. Filebase same as design filebase +End Program ngdbuild + +# +# Options for Mapper +# +# Type "map -h " for a detailed list of map command line options +# +Program map +-o _map.ncd; # Output Mapped ncd file +-w; # Overwrite output files. +-pr b; # Pack internal FF/latches into IOBs +#-fp .mfp; # Floorplan file +-ol high; +-timing; +-detail; +.ngd; # Input NGD file +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program map + +# +# Options for Post Map Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_map_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o _map.twr; # Output trace report file +-xml _map.twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi _map.tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +_map.ncd; # Input mapped ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_map_trce + +# +# Options for Place and Route +# +# Type "par -h" for a detailed list of par command line options +# +Program par +-w; # Overwrite existing placed and routed ncd +-ol high; # Overall effort level +_map.ncd; # Input mapped NCD file +.ncd; # Output placed and routed NCD +.pcf; # Input physical constraints file +END Program par + +# +# Options for Post Par Trace +# +# Type "trce -h" for a detailed list of trce command line options +# +Program post_par_trce +-e 3; # Produce error report limited to 3 items per constraint +#-o .twr; # Output trace report file +-xml .twx; # Output XML version of the timing report +#-tsi .tsi; # Produce Timing Specification Interaction report +.ncd; # Input placed and routed ncd +.pcf; # Physical constraints file +END Program post_par_trce + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/download.cmd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/download.cmd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/wb_err_and_rst/etc/download.cmd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +setMode -bscan +setCable -p auto +identify +assignfile -p 4 -file implementation/download.bit +program -p 4 +quit Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/test_system_sim/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) + + +# IP-Library +LIB_DIR=$(CUR_DIR)/../EDK_Libs +# Wishbone Library +WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)/WishboneIPLib +# VHDL compile flags +VHDL_CFLAGS="-novopt -93 -error -check_synthesis -defercheck -deferSubpgmCheck -rangecheck " + +# not used at the moment +#PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=/opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK/hw/XilinxBFMinterface + +## Uncomment this, if you are using cygwin in a windows environment +# (Check the paths in common/Makefile ->> vmap entries) +#ENVIRONMENT="cygwin" + + + + +all: sim assert.log simulation.log error.log + +.PHONY: sim assert.log simulation.log error.log + +newsim: cleansim sim + +sim: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 + + +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw" +TEST_CASES+="32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" +TEST_CASES+="wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries" +TEST_CASES+="wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst" +TEST_CASES+="wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts" +TEST_CASES+="wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests" +TEST_CASES+="simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" + + +t1: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t2: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t3: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t4: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + + +t5: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_read_write" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t6: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_line_rw" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t7: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/simple_burst_rw" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t8: + $(MAKE) -C "32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t9: + $(MAKE) -C "wb_retries/simulation/test_cases/simple_retries" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t10: + $(MAKE) -C "wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/errors_and_rst" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t11: + $(MAKE) -C "wb_err_and_rst/simulation/test_cases/timeouts" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t12: + $(MAKE) -C "wb_irqs/simulation/test_cases/irq_tests" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + +t13: + $(MAKE) -C "simple/simulation/test_cases/stressful_read_write" sim LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR=$(PLB_BFM_LIB_DIR) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + + + + +compile: + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_retries/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_err_and_rst/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_irqs/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/simple/simulation compile LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR) WISHBONE_LIB_DIR=$(WISHBONE_LIB_DIR) ENVIRONMENT=$(ENVIRONMENT) VHDL_CFLAGS=$(VHDL_CFLAGS); + + +clean: + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/32bit_on_128bitPLB_syn/simulation clean + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/32bit_on_128bitPLB_asyn/simulation clean + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_retries/simulation clean + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_err_and_rst/simulation clean + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/wb_irqs/simulation clean + $(MAKE) -C $(CUR_DIR)/simple/simulation clean + @for i in $(TEST_CASES); do \ + $(MAKE) -C $$i clean; \ + done; + +cleansim: + @for i in $(TEST_CASES); do \ + $(MAKE) -C $$i clean; \ + done; + rm -rf error.log assert.log simulation.log + + + +simulation.log: sim + @rm -rf simulation.log + @for i in $(TEST_CASES); do \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> simulation.log; \ + echo "---- $$i ----" >> simulation.log; \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> simulation.log; \ + cat $$i/result/simulation.log >> simulation.log; \ + done; + +error.log: sim + @rm -rf error.log + @for i in $(TEST_CASES); do \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> error.log; \ + echo "---- $$i ----" >> error.log; \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> error.log; \ + cat $$i/result/error.log >> error.log; \ + done; + + +assert.log: sim + @rm -rf assert.log + @for i in $(TEST_CASES); do \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> assert.log; \ + echo "---- $$i ----" >> assert.log; \ + echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> assert.log; \ + cat $$i/result/assert.log >> assert.log; \ + done; + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/testram.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; +use std.textio.all; + + + +entity testram is + + generic( + MEM_FILE_NAME : string := "onchip_ram.bin"; + WB_ADR_W : integer := 32; + WB_DAT_W : integer := 32; + RAM_ADR_W : integer := 15; + + RD_DELAY : natural := 1; + WR_DELAY : natural := 1; + WITH_ERR_OR_RTY : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 ) := "00"; -- "00" = none, "01" = err, "10" = rty", "11" = none + ERR_RTY_INTERVAL : integer := 0 + ); + port( + + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + wb_rst_i : in std_logic; + wb_adr_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_stb_i : in std_logic; + wb_cyc_i : in std_logic; + wb_we_i : in std_logic; + wb_sel_i : in std_logic_vector( (WB_ADR_W/8)-1 downto 0 ); + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_ack_o : out std_logic; + wb_err_o : out std_logic; + wb_rty_o : out std_logic + ); + +end entity testram; + + + +architecture IMP of testram is + + type ram_type is array( integer range <> ) of std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + + procedure load_ram(signal data_word : inout ram_type ) is +-- file ram_file : text open read_mode is MEM_FILE_NAME; + + type CHRF is file of character; + file char_file : CHRF; + + + variable cbuf : character; + variable lbuf : line; + variable byte_index : integer := 0; + variable line_index : integer := 0; + variable data : std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + begin + file_open( char_file, MEM_FILE_NAME, read_mode ); + + + + + while not endfile( char_file ) and line_index < ( 2**RAM_ADR_W ) loop + + for i in 0 to ( WB_DAT_W/8)-1 loop + read( char_file, cbuf ); + data_word( line_index )( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( character'pos(cbuf), 8 ) ); + if endfile( char_file ) then + exit; + end if; + end loop; + line_index := line_index+1; + + end loop; + + while line_index < (2**RAM_ADR_W) loop + data_word( line_index ) <= (others => '0' ); + line_index := line_index + 1; + end loop; + + + end procedure; + + + + function log_2( x : positive ) return natural is + + begin + if x <= 1 then + return 0; + else + return 1 + log_2( x/2 ); + end if; + + end function; + + + -- + -- Returns the maximum of x and y. If x and y are less than 2, 2 is returned. + -- + function get_delay_count_vsize( x,y : natural ) return positive is + variable temp : natural; + begin + if x > y then + temp := x; + else + temp := y; + end if; + + if temp < 2 then + temp := 2; + end if; + return temp; + end function; + + + + function vec_size ( x : natural ) return natural is + variable temp, i : natural; + begin + + temp := 0; + i := 0; + while temp <= x loop + i := i + 1; + temp := 2**i; + end loop; + return i; + + end function vec_size; + + + constant test_a : natural := vec_size( RD_DELAY ); + constant test_b : natural := vec_size( WR_DELAY ); + + constant DELAY_COUNT_SIZE : natural := get_delay_count_vsize( vec_size( RD_DELAY ), vec_size( WR_DELAY ) ); + constant DELAY_COUNT_ZERO : std_logic_vector( DELAY_COUNT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + + constant ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE : natural := vec_size( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL ); + constant ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO : std_logic_vector( ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + -- + -- RAM_ADR_LB (low bit) and RAM_ADR_HB (high bit): + -- => used select the address lines, which we use to address the ram + -- + -- eg. WB_ADR_W = 64 and RAM_ADR_W = 5: + -- + -- We don't want to use the lower 3 bit, because one ram-line contains 8 byte + -- RAM_ADR_LB = 3 + -- RAM_ADR_HB = 7 + -- + -- ==>> 7 downto 3 = 5 address line, which address 2**5 * 8 byte = 32 * 8 byte + -- + constant RAM_ADR_LB : integer := log_2( WB_ADR_W/8); + constant RAM_ADR_HB : integer := RAM_ADR_LB + RAM_ADR_W - 1; + + + signal ram : ram_type(2**RAM_ADR_W -1 downto 0); + signal w_ack, r_ack : std_logic := '0'; + signal w_err, r_err : std_logic := '0'; + signal w_rty, r_rty : std_logic := '0'; + signal r_delay_count : std_logic_vector( DELAY_COUNT_SIZE -1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + signal w_delay_count : std_logic_vector( DELAY_COUNT_SIZE -1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + signal ram_adr : std_logic_vector( RAM_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + signal ram_line : std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + signal err_rty_count_r : std_logic_vector( ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal err_rty_count_w : std_logic_vector( ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + constant err_rty_zero : std_logic_vector( ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' ); + + + +begin + + + with wb_rst_i select + ram_adr <= wb_adr_i( RAM_ADR_HB downto RAM_ADR_LB ) when '0', + ( others => '0' ) when others; + + gen_read_ack1 : if RD_DELAY > 1 generate + + -- generate read ack after a delay + read_ack_p1 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i ) begin + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + r_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( RD_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + + r_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( RD_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + + if wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '0' + and not ( r_ack = '1' or r_rty = '1' or r_err = '1' ) then + + r_delay_count <= r_delay_count -1; + + if r_delay_count = DELAY_COUNT_ZERO then + + r_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( RD_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + if err_rty_count_r = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_r <= err_rty_count_r - 1; + end if; + end if; + end if; + + + + if r_delay_count = DELAY_COUNT_ZERO and wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' then + err_rty_count_r <= err_rty_count_r - 1; + + if ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + r_rty <= '1'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '1'; + else + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '1'; + r_err <= '0'; + end if; + + else + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + end generate; + + gen_read_ack2 : if RD_DELAY = 1 generate + + -- generate read ack after a delay + read_ack_p2 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i ) begin + + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + r_rty <= '0'; + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + + if ( wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '0' + and not (r_ack = '1' or r_rty = '1' or r_err = '1' ) ) then + + if err_rty_count_r = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_r <= err_rty_count_r - 1; + end if; + + if ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + r_rty <= '1'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '1'; + else + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '1'; + r_err <= '0'; + end if; + + else + r_ack <= '0'; + r_err <= '0'; + r_rty <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + + end process; + + end generate; + + + + gen_read_ack3 : if RD_DELAY = 0 generate + + read_ack_p3 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, err_rty_count_r ) begin + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + if ( wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '0' ) then + if err_rty_count_r = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_r <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_r <= err_rty_count_r - 1; + end if; + end if; + end if; + + r_err <= '0'; + r_rty <= '0'; + r_ack <= '0'; + + if ( wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '0' ) then + + if ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + r_rty <= '1'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_r = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + r_err <= '1'; + else + r_ack <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + + + end process; + + + end generate; + + + + gen_write_ack1 : if WR_DELAY > 1 generate + + -- generate write ack after a delay + -- and write byte-wise data to ram, depending on select + write_ack_p1 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, w_ack ) begin + + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + load_ram( ram ); + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + w_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( WR_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + + w_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( WR_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + + if wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '1' + and not ( w_ack = '1' or w_err = '1' or w_rty = '1' ) then + w_delay_count <= w_delay_count -1; + + if w_delay_count = DELAY_COUNT_ZERO then + w_delay_count <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( WR_DELAY, DELAY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + if err_rty_count_w = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_w <= err_rty_count_w - 1; + end if; + end if; + end if; + + if w_delay_count = DELAY_COUNT_ZERO and wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' then + + err_rty_count_w <= err_rty_count_w - 1; + + if ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '1'; + w_ack <= '0'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + w_err <= '1'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + else + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '1'; + for i in 0 to ( WB_DAT_W/8)-1 loop + if ( wb_sel_i(i) = '1' ) then + ram( conv_integer( ram_adr ) )( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) <= wb_dat_i( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ); + end if; + end loop; + end if; + + else + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + end generate; + + + gen_write_ack2 : if WR_DELAY = 1 generate + + -- generate write ack after a delay + -- and write byte-wise data to ram, depending on select + write_ack_p2 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, w_ack, w_err, w_rty ) begin + + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + + load_ram( ram ); + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + + if wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '1' + and not ( w_ack = '1' or w_err = '1' or w_rty = '1' ) then + + if err_rty_count_w = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_w <= err_rty_count_w - 1; + end if; + + + + if ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '1'; + w_ack <= '0'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + w_err <= '1'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + else + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '1'; + for i in 0 to ( WB_DAT_W/8)-1 loop + if ( wb_sel_i(i) = '1' ) then + ram( conv_integer( ram_adr ) )( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) <= wb_dat_i( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ); + end if; + end loop; + end if; + else + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + + + + + end process; + + end generate; + + + + gen_write_ack3 : if WR_DELAY = 0 generate + + + write_ack_p3 : process( wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, err_rty_count_w ) begin + + if wb_rst_i = '1' then + load_ram( ram ); + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + elsif wb_clk_i = '1' and wb_clk_i'event then + + if w_ack = '1' or w_rty = '1' or w_err = '1' then + if err_rty_count_w = ERR_RTY_COUNT_ZERO then + err_rty_count_w <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( ERR_RTY_INTERVAL, ERR_RTY_COUNT_SIZE ) ); + else + err_rty_count_w <= err_rty_count_w - 1; + end if; + end if; + + if w_ack = '1' then + + for i in 0 to ( WB_DAT_W/8)-1 loop + if ( wb_sel_i(i) = '1' ) then + ram( conv_integer( ram_adr ) )( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) <= wb_dat_i( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ); + end if; + end loop; + end if; + end if; + + + w_err <= '0'; + w_rty <= '0'; + w_ack <= '0'; + + + if ( wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' and wb_we_i = '1' ) then + + if ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "10" ) then + w_rty <= '1'; + elsif ( err_rty_count_w = err_rty_zero and WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = "01" ) then + w_err <= '1'; + else + w_ack <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + + + + end process; + + end generate; + + + + -- assign byte-wise ram output, depending on select line + ram_line <= ram( conv_integer( ram_adr ) ); + output_loop : for i in 0 to WB_DAT_W/8-1 generate + with wb_sel_i( i ) select + wb_dat_o( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) <= ram_line( (i+1)*8-1 downto i*8 ) when '1', + "00000000" when others; + end generate; + + + + wb_ack_o <= w_ack or r_ack; + wb_err_o <= w_err or r_err; + wb_rty_o <= w_rty or r_rty; + + + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.pao =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.pao (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.pao (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + +lib testram_v1_00_a testram vhdl + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.mpd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.mpd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/testram_v1_00_a/data/testram_v2_1_0.mpd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + +BEGIN testram + +OPTION IPTYPE = PERIPHERAL +OPTION IMP_NETLIST = TRUE +OPTION HDL = VHDL +OPTION IP_GROUP = Memory and Memory Controller:MICROBLAZE +OPTION DESC = Test-RAM + +BUS_INTERFACE BUS = SWB, BUS_STD = WB, BUS_TYPE = SLAVE + + + +PARAMETER MEM_FILE_NAME = "onchip_ram.bin", DT = STRING +PARAMETER WB_ADR_W = 32, DT = INTEGER, BUS=SWB, ASSIGNMENT=CONSTANT +PARAMETER WB_DAT_W = 32, DT = INTEGER, BIS=SWB, ASSIGNMENT=CONSTANT +PARAMETER RAM_ADR_W = 15, DT = INTEGER +PARAMETER RD_DELAY = 1, DT = INTEGER +PARAMETER WR_DELAY = 1, DT = INTEGER + +PARAMETER WITH_ERR_OR_RTY = 0b00, VALUES=( 0b00=none, 0b01=err, 0b10=rty, 0b11=none), DT = STD_LOGIC_VECTOR +PARAMETER ERR_RTY_INTERVAL = 0, DT = INTEGER + +PORT wb_clk_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK +PORT wb_rst_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = RST +PORT wb_adr_i = wb_s_adr_o, DIR = I, VEC = [ WB_ADR_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = SWB +PORT wb_stb_i = wb_s_stb_o, DIR = I, BUS = SWB +PORT wb_cyc_i = wb_s_cyc_o, DIR = I, BUS = SWB +PORT wb_we_i = wb_s_we_o, DIR = I, BUS = SWB +PORT wb_sel_i = wb_s_sel_o, DIR = I, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 0 ], BUS = SWB +PORT wb_dat_i = wb_s_dat_o, DIR = I, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = SWB +PORT wb_dat_o = wb_s_dat_i, DIR = O, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = SWB +PORT wb_ack_o = wb_s_ack_i, DIR = O, BUS = SWB +PORT wb_err_o = wb_s_err_i, DIR = O, BUS = SWB +PORT wb_rty_o = wb_s_rty_i, DIR = O, BUS = SWB + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_defines.v =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_defines.v (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_defines.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// WISHBONE Connection ShareBus Definitions //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Johny Chi //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + +`timescale 1ns / 10ps + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_wrapper.v =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_wrapper.v (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_wrapper.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ + + + + +module wb_conbus_wrapper( + + wb_clk_i, + wb_rst_i, + + wb_m_dat_i, + wb_m_dat_o, + wb_m_adr_i, + wb_m_sel_i, + wb_m_we_i, + wb_m_cyc_i, + wb_m_stb_i, + wb_m_ack_o, + wb_m_err_o, + wb_m_rty_o, + wb_m_cab_i, + + wb_s_dat_i, + wb_s_dat_o, + wb_s_adr_o, + wb_s_sel_o, + wb_s_we_o, + wb_s_cyc_o, + wb_s_stb_o, + wb_s_ack_i, + wb_s_err_i, + wb_s_rty_i, + wb_s_cab_o + + +); + + + +////// MUST BE CONSTANT: DON'T CHANGE THIS!! /// +parameter WB_DAT_W = 32; // Data bus Width +parameter WB_ADR_W = 32; // Address bus Width +parameter wb_num_masters = 8; // number of masters +parameter wb_num_slaves = 8; // number of slavers +///////// +parameter wb_s0_addr_w = 4 ; // slave 0 address decode width +parameter wb_s0_addr = 4'h0; // slave 0 address +parameter wb_s1_addr_w = 4 ; // slave 1 address decode width +parameter wb_s1_addr = 4'h1; // slave 1 address +parameter wb_s27_addr_w = 8 ; // slave 2 to slave 7 address decode width +parameter wb_s2_addr = 8'h92; // slave 2 address +parameter wb_s3_addr = 8'h93; // slave 3 address +parameter wb_s4_addr = 8'h94; // slave 4 address +parameter wb_s5_addr = 8'h95; // slave 5 address +parameter wb_s6_addr = 8'h96; // slave 6 address +parameter wb_s7_addr = 8'h97; // slave 7 address + + + +input wb_clk_i; +input wb_rst_i; +input [(WB_DAT_W*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] wb_m_dat_i; +output [WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ] wb_m_dat_o; +input [(WB_ADR_W*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] wb_m_adr_i; +input [(WB_DAT_W/8*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] wb_m_sel_i; +input [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_we_i; +input [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_cyc_i; +input [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_stb_i; +output [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_ack_o; +output [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_err_o; +output [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_rty_o; +input [wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] wb_m_cab_i; + +input [WB_DAT_W*wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] wb_s_dat_i; +output [WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ] wb_s_dat_o; +output [WB_ADR_W-1 : 0 ] wb_s_adr_o; +output [WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 0 ] wb_s_sel_o; +output wb_s_we_o; +output wb_s_cyc_o; +output [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] wb_s_stb_o; +input [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] wb_s_ack_i; +input [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] wb_s_err_i; +input [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] wb_s_rty_i; +output wb_s_cab_o; + + + + + + + +wb_conbus_top #( + .s0_addr_w ( wb_s0_addr_w ), + .s0_addr ( wb_s0_addr ), + .s1_addr_w ( wb_s1_addr_w ), + .s1_addr ( wb_s1_addr ), + .s27_addr_w ( wb_s27_addr_w ), + .s2_addr ( wb_s2_addr ), + .s3_addr ( wb_s3_addr ), + .s4_addr ( wb_s4_addr ), + .s5_addr ( wb_s5_addr ), + .s6_addr ( wb_s6_addr ), + .s7_addr ( wb_s7_addr ) + ) +wb_conbus_top( + + .clk_i( wb_clk_i ), + .rst_i( wb_rst_i ), + + // Master 0 Interface + .m0_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (0+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 0*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m0_dat_o( wb_m_dat_o ), + .m0_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (0+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 0*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m0_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (0+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 0*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m0_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[0] ), + .m0_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[0] ), + .m0_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[0] ), + .m0_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[0] ), + .m0_err_o( wb_m_err_o[0] ), + .m0_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[0] ), + .m0_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[0] ), + + + // Master 1 Interface + .m1_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (1+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 1*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m1_dat_o( ), + .m1_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (1+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 1*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m1_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (1+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 1*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m1_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[1] ), + .m1_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[1] ), + .m1_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[1] ), + .m1_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[1] ), + .m1_err_o( wb_m_err_o[1] ), + .m1_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[1] ), + .m1_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[1] ), + + + // Master 2 Interface + .m2_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (2+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 2*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m2_dat_o( ), + .m2_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (2+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 2*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m2_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (2+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 2*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m2_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[2] ), + .m2_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[2] ), + .m2_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[2] ), + .m2_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[2] ), + .m2_err_o( wb_m_err_o[2] ), + .m2_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[2] ), + .m2_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[2] ), + + + // Master 3 Interface + .m3_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (3+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 3*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m3_dat_o( ), + .m3_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (3+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 3*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m3_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (3+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 3*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m3_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[3] ), + .m3_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[3] ), + .m3_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[3] ), + .m3_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[3] ), + .m3_err_o( wb_m_err_o[3] ), + .m3_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[3] ), + .m3_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[3] ), + + + // Master 4 Interface + .m4_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (4+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 4*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m4_dat_o( ), + .m4_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (4+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 4*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m4_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (4+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 4*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m4_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[4] ), + .m4_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[4] ), + .m4_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[4] ), + .m4_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[4] ), + .m4_err_o( wb_m_err_o[4] ), + .m4_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[4] ), + .m4_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[4] ), + + + // Master 5 Interface + .m5_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (5+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 5*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m5_dat_o( ), + .m5_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (5+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 5*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m5_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (5+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 5*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m5_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[5] ), + .m5_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[5] ), + .m5_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[5] ), + .m5_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[5] ), + .m5_err_o( wb_m_err_o[5] ), + .m5_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[5] ), + .m5_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[5] ), + + + // Master 6 Interface + .m6_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (6+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 6*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m6_dat_o( ), + .m6_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (6+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 6*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m6_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (6+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 6*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m6_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[6] ), + .m6_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[6] ), + .m6_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[6] ), + .m6_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[6] ), + .m6_err_o( wb_m_err_o[6] ), + .m6_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[6] ), + .m6_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[6] ), + + + // Master 7 Interface + .m7_dat_i( wb_m_dat_i[ (7+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 7*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .m7_dat_o( ), + .m7_adr_i( wb_m_adr_i[ (7+1)*WB_ADR_W-1 : 7*WB_ADR_W ] ), + .m7_sel_i( wb_m_sel_i[ (7+1)*WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 7*WB_DAT_W/8] ), + .m7_we_i ( wb_m_we_i[7] ), + .m7_cyc_i( wb_m_cyc_i[7] ), + .m7_stb_i( wb_m_stb_i[7] ), + .m7_ack_o( wb_m_ack_o[7] ), + .m7_err_o( wb_m_err_o[7] ), + .m7_rty_o( wb_m_rty_o[7] ), + .m7_cab_i( wb_m_cab_i[7] ), + + + + // Slave 0 Interface + .s0_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (0+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 0*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s0_dat_o( wb_s_dat_o ), + .s0_adr_o( wb_s_adr_o ), + .s0_sel_o( wb_s_sel_o ), + .s0_we_o ( wb_s_we_o ), + .s0_cyc_o( wb_s_cyc_o ), + .s0_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[0] ), + .s0_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[0] ), + .s0_err_i( wb_s_err_i[0] ), + .s0_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[0] ), + .s0_cab_o( wb_s_cab_o ), + + // Slave 1 Interface + .s1_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (1+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 1*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s1_dat_o( ), + .s1_adr_o( ), + .s1_sel_o( ), + .s1_we_o ( ), + .s1_cyc_o( ), + .s1_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[1] ), + .s1_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[1] ), + .s1_err_i( wb_s_err_i[1] ), + .s1_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[1] ), + .s1_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 2 Interface + .s2_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (2+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 2*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s2_dat_o( ), + .s2_adr_o( ), + .s2_sel_o( ), + .s2_we_o ( ), + .s2_cyc_o( ), + .s2_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[2] ), + .s2_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[2] ), + .s2_err_i( wb_s_err_i[2] ), + .s2_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[2] ), + .s2_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 3 Interface + .s3_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (3+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 3*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s3_dat_o( ), + .s3_adr_o( ), + .s3_sel_o( ), + .s3_we_o ( ), + .s3_cyc_o( ), + .s3_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[3] ), + .s3_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[3] ), + .s3_err_i( wb_s_err_i[3] ), + .s3_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[3] ), + .s3_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 4 Interface + .s4_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (4+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 4*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s4_dat_o( ), + .s4_adr_o( ), + .s4_sel_o( ), + .s4_we_o ( ), + .s4_cyc_o( ), + .s4_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[4] ), + .s4_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[4] ), + .s4_err_i( wb_s_err_i[4] ), + .s4_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[4] ), + .s4_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 5 Interface + .s5_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (5+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 5*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s5_dat_o( ), + .s5_adr_o( ), + .s5_sel_o( ), + .s5_we_o ( ), + .s5_cyc_o( ), + .s5_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[5] ), + .s5_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[5] ), + .s5_err_i( wb_s_err_i[5] ), + .s5_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[5] ), + .s5_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 6 Interface + .s6_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (6+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 6*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s6_dat_o( ), + .s6_adr_o( ), + .s6_sel_o( ), + .s6_we_o ( ), + .s6_cyc_o( ), + .s6_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[6] ), + .s6_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[6] ), + .s6_err_i( wb_s_err_i[6] ), + .s6_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[6] ), + .s6_cab_o( ), + + // Slave 7 Interface + .s7_dat_i( wb_s_dat_i[ (7+1)*WB_DAT_W-1 : 7*WB_DAT_W ] ), + .s7_dat_o( ), + .s7_adr_o( ), + .s7_sel_o( ), + .s7_we_o ( ), + .s7_cyc_o( ), + .s7_stb_o( wb_s_stb_o[7] ), + .s7_ack_i( wb_s_ack_i[7] ), + .s7_err_i( wb_s_err_i[7] ), + .s7_rty_i( wb_s_rty_i[7] ), + .s7_cab_o( ) + +); + + + + +endmodule Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_top.v =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_top.v (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_top.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,656 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// WISHBONE Connection Bus Top Level //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Johny Chi //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Description +// 1. Up to 8 masters and 8 slaves share bus Wishbone connection +// 2. no priorty arbitor , 8 masters are processed in a round +// robin way, +// 3. if WB_USE_TRISTATE was defined, the share bus is a tristate +// bus, and use less logic resource. +// 4. wb_conbus was synthesis to XC2S100-5-PQ208 using synplify, +// Max speed >60M , and 374 SLICE if using Multiplexor bus +// or 150 SLICE if using tri-state bus. +// +//`include "wb_conbus_defines.v" +`define dw 32 // Data bus Width +`define aw 32 // Address bus Width +`define sw `dw / 8 // Number of Select Lines +`define mbusw `aw + `sw + `dw +4 //address width + byte select width + dat width + cyc + we + stb +cab , input from master interface +`define sbusw 3 // ack + err + rty, input from slave interface +`define mselectw 8 // number of masters +`define sselectw 8 // number of slavers + +//`define WB_USE_TRISTATE + + +module wb_conbus_top( + clk_i, rst_i, + + // Master 0 Interface + m0_dat_i, m0_dat_o, m0_adr_i, m0_sel_i, m0_we_i, m0_cyc_i, + m0_stb_i, m0_ack_o, m0_err_o, m0_rty_o, m0_cab_i, + + // Master 1 Interface + m1_dat_i, m1_dat_o, m1_adr_i, m1_sel_i, m1_we_i, m1_cyc_i, + m1_stb_i, m1_ack_o, m1_err_o, m1_rty_o, m1_cab_i, + + // Master 2 Interface + m2_dat_i, m2_dat_o, m2_adr_i, m2_sel_i, m2_we_i, m2_cyc_i, + m2_stb_i, m2_ack_o, m2_err_o, m2_rty_o, m2_cab_i, + + // Master 3 Interface + m3_dat_i, m3_dat_o, m3_adr_i, m3_sel_i, m3_we_i, m3_cyc_i, + m3_stb_i, m3_ack_o, m3_err_o, m3_rty_o, m3_cab_i, + + // Master 4 Interface + m4_dat_i, m4_dat_o, m4_adr_i, m4_sel_i, m4_we_i, m4_cyc_i, + m4_stb_i, m4_ack_o, m4_err_o, m4_rty_o, m4_cab_i, + + // Master 5 Interface + m5_dat_i, m5_dat_o, m5_adr_i, m5_sel_i, m5_we_i, m5_cyc_i, + m5_stb_i, m5_ack_o, m5_err_o, m5_rty_o, m5_cab_i, + + // Master 6 Interface + m6_dat_i, m6_dat_o, m6_adr_i, m6_sel_i, m6_we_i, m6_cyc_i, + m6_stb_i, m6_ack_o, m6_err_o, m6_rty_o, m6_cab_i, + + // Master 7 Interface + m7_dat_i, m7_dat_o, m7_adr_i, m7_sel_i, m7_we_i, m7_cyc_i, + m7_stb_i, m7_ack_o, m7_err_o, m7_rty_o, m7_cab_i, + + // Slave 0 Interface + s0_dat_i, s0_dat_o, s0_adr_o, s0_sel_o, s0_we_o, s0_cyc_o, + s0_stb_o, s0_ack_i, s0_err_i, s0_rty_i, s0_cab_o, + + // Slave 1 Interface + s1_dat_i, s1_dat_o, s1_adr_o, s1_sel_o, s1_we_o, s1_cyc_o, + s1_stb_o, s1_ack_i, s1_err_i, s1_rty_i, s1_cab_o, + + // Slave 2 Interface + s2_dat_i, s2_dat_o, s2_adr_o, s2_sel_o, s2_we_o, s2_cyc_o, + s2_stb_o, s2_ack_i, s2_err_i, s2_rty_i, s2_cab_o, + + // Slave 3 Interface + s3_dat_i, s3_dat_o, s3_adr_o, s3_sel_o, s3_we_o, s3_cyc_o, + s3_stb_o, s3_ack_i, s3_err_i, s3_rty_i, s3_cab_o, + + // Slave 4 Interface + s4_dat_i, s4_dat_o, s4_adr_o, s4_sel_o, s4_we_o, s4_cyc_o, + s4_stb_o, s4_ack_i, s4_err_i, s4_rty_i, s4_cab_o, + + // Slave 5 Interface + s5_dat_i, s5_dat_o, s5_adr_o, s5_sel_o, s5_we_o, s5_cyc_o, + s5_stb_o, s5_ack_i, s5_err_i, s5_rty_i, s5_cab_o, + + // Slave 6 Interface + s6_dat_i, s6_dat_o, s6_adr_o, s6_sel_o, s6_we_o, s6_cyc_o, + s6_stb_o, s6_ack_i, s6_err_i, s6_rty_i, s6_cab_o, + + // Slave 7 Interface + s7_dat_i, s7_dat_o, s7_adr_o, s7_sel_o, s7_we_o, s7_cyc_o, + s7_stb_o, s7_ack_i, s7_err_i, s7_rty_i, s7_cab_o + + ); + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Module Parameters +// + + +parameter s0_addr_w = 4 ; // slave 0 address decode width +parameter s0_addr = 4'h0; // slave 0 address +parameter s1_addr_w = 4 ; // slave 1 address decode width +parameter s1_addr = 4'h1; // slave 1 address +parameter s27_addr_w = 8 ; // slave 2 to slave 7 address decode width +parameter s2_addr = 8'h92; // slave 2 address +parameter s3_addr = 8'h93; // slave 3 address +parameter s4_addr = 8'h94; // slave 4 address +parameter s5_addr = 8'h95; // slave 5 address +parameter s6_addr = 8'h96; // slave 6 address +parameter s7_addr = 8'h97; // slave 7 address + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Module IOs +// + +input clk_i, rst_i; + +// Master 0 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m0_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m0_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m0_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m0_sel_i; +input m0_we_i; +input m0_cyc_i; +input m0_stb_i; +input m0_cab_i; +output m0_ack_o; +output m0_err_o; +output m0_rty_o; + +// Master 1 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m1_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m1_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m1_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m1_sel_i; +input m1_we_i; +input m1_cyc_i; +input m1_stb_i; +input m1_cab_i; +output m1_ack_o; +output m1_err_o; +output m1_rty_o; + +// Master 2 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m2_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m2_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m2_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m2_sel_i; +input m2_we_i; +input m2_cyc_i; +input m2_stb_i; +input m2_cab_i; +output m2_ack_o; +output m2_err_o; +output m2_rty_o; + +// Master 3 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m3_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m3_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m3_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m3_sel_i; +input m3_we_i; +input m3_cyc_i; +input m3_stb_i; +input m3_cab_i; +output m3_ack_o; +output m3_err_o; +output m3_rty_o; + +// Master 4 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m4_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m4_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m4_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m4_sel_i; +input m4_we_i; +input m4_cyc_i; +input m4_stb_i; +input m4_cab_i; +output m4_ack_o; +output m4_err_o; +output m4_rty_o; + +// Master 5 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m5_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m5_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m5_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m5_sel_i; +input m5_we_i; +input m5_cyc_i; +input m5_stb_i; +input m5_cab_i; +output m5_ack_o; +output m5_err_o; +output m5_rty_o; + +// Master 6 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m6_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m6_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m6_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m6_sel_i; +input m6_we_i; +input m6_cyc_i; +input m6_stb_i; +input m6_cab_i; +output m6_ack_o; +output m6_err_o; +output m6_rty_o; + +// Master 7 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] m7_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] m7_dat_o; +input [`aw-1:0] m7_adr_i; +input [`sw-1:0] m7_sel_i; +input m7_we_i; +input m7_cyc_i; +input m7_stb_i; +input m7_cab_i; +output m7_ack_o; +output m7_err_o; +output m7_rty_o; + +// Slave 0 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s0_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s0_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s0_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s0_sel_o; +output s0_we_o; +output s0_cyc_o; +output s0_stb_o; +output s0_cab_o; +input s0_ack_i; +input s0_err_i; +input s0_rty_i; + +// Slave 1 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s1_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s1_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s1_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s1_sel_o; +output s1_we_o; +output s1_cyc_o; +output s1_stb_o; +output s1_cab_o; +input s1_ack_i; +input s1_err_i; +input s1_rty_i; + +// Slave 2 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s2_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s2_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s2_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s2_sel_o; +output s2_we_o; +output s2_cyc_o; +output s2_stb_o; +output s2_cab_o; +input s2_ack_i; +input s2_err_i; +input s2_rty_i; + +// Slave 3 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s3_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s3_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s3_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s3_sel_o; +output s3_we_o; +output s3_cyc_o; +output s3_stb_o; +output s3_cab_o; +input s3_ack_i; +input s3_err_i; +input s3_rty_i; + +// Slave 4 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s4_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s4_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s4_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s4_sel_o; +output s4_we_o; +output s4_cyc_o; +output s4_stb_o; +output s4_cab_o; +input s4_ack_i; +input s4_err_i; +input s4_rty_i; + +// Slave 5 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s5_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s5_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s5_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s5_sel_o; +output s5_we_o; +output s5_cyc_o; +output s5_stb_o; +output s5_cab_o; +input s5_ack_i; +input s5_err_i; +input s5_rty_i; + +// Slave 6 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s6_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s6_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s6_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s6_sel_o; +output s6_we_o; +output s6_cyc_o; +output s6_stb_o; +output s6_cab_o; +input s6_ack_i; +input s6_err_i; +input s6_rty_i; + +// Slave 7 Interface +input [`dw-1:0] s7_dat_i; +output [`dw-1:0] s7_dat_o; +output [`aw-1:0] s7_adr_o; +output [`sw-1:0] s7_sel_o; +output s7_we_o; +output s7_cyc_o; +output s7_stb_o; +output s7_cab_o; +input s7_ack_i; +input s7_err_i; +input s7_rty_i; + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local wires +// + +wire [`mselectw -1:0] i_gnt_arb; +wire [2:0] gnt; +reg [`sselectw -1:0] i_ssel_dec; +`ifdef WB_USE_TRISTATE +wire [`mbusw -1:0] i_bus_m; +`else +reg [`mbusw -1:0] i_bus_m; // internal share bus, master data and control to slave +`endif +wire [`dw -1:0] i_dat_s; // internal share bus , slave data to master +wire [`sbusw -1:0] i_bus_s; // internal share bus , slave control to master + + + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Master output Interfaces +// + +// master0 +assign m0_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m0_ack_o, m0_err_o, m0_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[0]}}; + +// master1 +assign m1_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m1_ack_o, m1_err_o, m1_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[1]}}; + +// master2 + +assign m2_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m2_ack_o, m2_err_o, m2_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[2]}}; + +// master3 + +assign m3_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m3_ack_o, m3_err_o, m3_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[3]}}; + +// master4 + +assign m4_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m4_ack_o, m4_err_o, m4_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[4]}}; + +// master5 + +assign m5_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m5_ack_o, m5_err_o, m5_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[5]}}; + +// master6 + +assign m6_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m6_ack_o, m6_err_o, m6_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[6]}}; + +// master7 + +assign m7_dat_o = i_dat_s; +assign {m7_ack_o, m7_err_o, m7_rty_o} = i_bus_s & {3{i_gnt_arb[7]}}; + + +assign i_bus_s = {s0_ack_i | s1_ack_i | s2_ack_i | s3_ack_i | s4_ack_i | s5_ack_i | s6_ack_i | s7_ack_i , + s0_err_i | s1_err_i | s2_err_i | s3_err_i | s4_err_i | s5_err_i | s6_err_i | s7_err_i , + s0_rty_i | s1_rty_i | s2_rty_i | s3_rty_i | s4_rty_i | s5_rty_i | s6_rty_i | s7_rty_i }; + +//////////////////////////////// +// Slave output interface +// +// slave0 +assign {s0_adr_o, s0_sel_o, s0_dat_o, s0_we_o, s0_cab_o,s0_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s0_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[0]; // stb_o = cyc_i & stb_i & i_ssel_dec + +// slave1 + +assign {s1_adr_o, s1_sel_o, s1_dat_o, s1_we_o, s1_cab_o, s1_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s1_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[1]; + +// slave2 + +assign {s2_adr_o, s2_sel_o, s2_dat_o, s2_we_o, s2_cab_o, s2_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s2_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[2]; + +// slave3 + +assign {s3_adr_o, s3_sel_o, s3_dat_o, s3_we_o, s3_cab_o, s3_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s3_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[3]; + +// slave4 + +assign {s4_adr_o, s4_sel_o, s4_dat_o, s4_we_o, s4_cab_o, s4_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s4_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[4]; + +// slave5 + +assign {s5_adr_o, s5_sel_o, s5_dat_o, s5_we_o, s5_cab_o, s5_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s5_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[5]; + +// slave6 + +assign {s6_adr_o, s6_sel_o, s6_dat_o, s6_we_o, s6_cab_o, s6_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s6_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[6]; + +// slave7 + +assign {s7_adr_o, s7_sel_o, s7_dat_o, s7_we_o, s7_cab_o, s7_cyc_o} = i_bus_m[`mbusw -1:1]; +assign s7_stb_o = i_bus_m[1] & i_bus_m[0] & i_ssel_dec[7]; + +/////////////////////////////////////// +// Master and Slave input interface +// + +`ifdef WB_USE_TRISTATE +// input from master interface +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[0] ? {m0_adr_i, m0_sel_i, m0_dat_i, m0_we_i, m0_cab_i, m0_cyc_i, m0_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[1] ? {m1_adr_i, m1_sel_i, m1_dat_i, m1_we_i, m1_cab_i,m1_cyc_i, m1_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[2] ? {m2_adr_i, m2_sel_i, m2_dat_i, m2_we_i, m2_cab_i, m2_cyc_i, m2_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[3] ? {m3_adr_i, m3_sel_i, m3_dat_i, m3_we_i, m3_cab_i, m3_cyc_i, m3_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[4] ? {m4_adr_i, m4_sel_i, m4_dat_i, m4_we_i, m4_cab_i, m4_cyc_i, m4_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[5] ? {m5_adr_i, m5_sel_i, m5_dat_i, m5_we_i, m5_cab_i, m5_cyc_i, m5_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[6] ? {m6_adr_i, m6_sel_i, m6_dat_i, m6_we_i, m6_cab_i, m6_cyc_i, m6_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +assign i_bus_m = i_gnt_arb[7] ? {m7_adr_i, m7_sel_i, m7_dat_i, m7_we_i, m7_cab_i, m7_cyc_i,m7_stb_i} : 72'bz ; +// input from slave interface +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[0] ? s0_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[1] ? s1_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[2] ? s2_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[3] ? s3_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[4] ? s4_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[5] ? s5_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[6] ? s6_dat_i: 32'bz; +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[7] ? s7_dat_i: 32'bz; + +`else + +always @(gnt , m0_adr_i, m0_sel_i, m0_dat_i, m0_we_i, m0_cab_i, m0_cyc_i,m0_stb_i, + m1_adr_i, m1_sel_i, m1_dat_i, m1_we_i, m1_cab_i, m1_cyc_i,m1_stb_i, + m2_adr_i, m2_sel_i, m2_dat_i, m2_we_i, m2_cab_i, m2_cyc_i,m2_stb_i, + m3_adr_i, m3_sel_i, m3_dat_i, m3_we_i, m3_cab_i, m3_cyc_i,m3_stb_i, + m4_adr_i, m4_sel_i, m4_dat_i, m4_we_i, m4_cab_i, m4_cyc_i,m4_stb_i, + m5_adr_i, m5_sel_i, m5_dat_i, m5_we_i, m5_cab_i, m5_cyc_i,m5_stb_i, + m6_adr_i, m6_sel_i, m6_dat_i, m6_we_i, m6_cab_i, m6_cyc_i,m6_stb_i, + m7_adr_i, m7_sel_i, m7_dat_i, m7_we_i, m7_cab_i, m7_cyc_i,m7_stb_i) + case(gnt) + 3'h0: i_bus_m = {m0_adr_i, m0_sel_i, m0_dat_i, m0_we_i, m0_cab_i, m0_cyc_i,m0_stb_i}; + 3'h1: i_bus_m = {m1_adr_i, m1_sel_i, m1_dat_i, m1_we_i, m1_cab_i, m1_cyc_i,m1_stb_i}; + 3'h2: i_bus_m = {m2_adr_i, m2_sel_i, m2_dat_i, m2_we_i, m2_cab_i, m2_cyc_i,m2_stb_i}; + 3'h3: i_bus_m = {m3_adr_i, m3_sel_i, m3_dat_i, m3_we_i, m3_cab_i, m3_cyc_i,m3_stb_i}; + 3'h4: i_bus_m = {m4_adr_i, m4_sel_i, m4_dat_i, m4_we_i, m4_cab_i, m4_cyc_i,m4_stb_i}; + 3'h5: i_bus_m = {m5_adr_i, m5_sel_i, m5_dat_i, m5_we_i, m5_cab_i, m5_cyc_i,m5_stb_i}; + 3'h6: i_bus_m = {m6_adr_i, m6_sel_i, m6_dat_i, m6_we_i, m6_cab_i, m6_cyc_i,m6_stb_i}; + 3'h7: i_bus_m = {m7_adr_i, m7_sel_i, m7_dat_i, m7_we_i, m7_cab_i, m7_cyc_i,m7_stb_i}; + default:i_bus_m = 72'b0;//{m0_adr_i, m0_sel_i, m0_dat_i, m0_we_i, m0_cab_i, m0_cyc_i,m0_stb_i}; +endcase + +assign i_dat_s = i_ssel_dec[0] ? s0_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[1] ? s1_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[2] ? s2_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[3] ? s3_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[4] ? s4_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[5] ? s5_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[6] ? s6_dat_i : + i_ssel_dec[7] ? s7_dat_i : {`dw{1'b0}}; +`endif +// +// arbitor +// +assign i_gnt_arb[0] = (gnt == 3'd0); +assign i_gnt_arb[1] = (gnt == 3'd1); +assign i_gnt_arb[2] = (gnt == 3'd2); +assign i_gnt_arb[3] = (gnt == 3'd3); +assign i_gnt_arb[4] = (gnt == 3'd4); +assign i_gnt_arb[5] = (gnt == 3'd5); +assign i_gnt_arb[6] = (gnt == 3'd6); +assign i_gnt_arb[7] = (gnt == 3'd7); + +wb_conbus_arb wb_conbus_arb( + .clk(clk_i), + .rst(rst_i), + .req({ m7_cyc_i, + m6_cyc_i, + m5_cyc_i, + m4_cyc_i, + m3_cyc_i, + m2_cyc_i, + m1_cyc_i, + m0_cyc_i}), + .gnt(gnt) +); + +////////////////////////////////// +// address decode logic +// +wire [7:0] m0_ssel_dec, m1_ssel_dec, m2_ssel_dec, m3_ssel_dec, m4_ssel_dec, m5_ssel_dec, m6_ssel_dec, m7_ssel_dec; +always @(gnt, m0_ssel_dec, m1_ssel_dec, m2_ssel_dec, m3_ssel_dec, m4_ssel_dec, m5_ssel_dec, m6_ssel_dec, m7_ssel_dec) + case(gnt) + 3'h0: i_ssel_dec = m0_ssel_dec; + 3'h1: i_ssel_dec = m1_ssel_dec; + 3'h2: i_ssel_dec = m2_ssel_dec; + 3'h3: i_ssel_dec = m3_ssel_dec; + 3'h4: i_ssel_dec = m4_ssel_dec; + 3'h5: i_ssel_dec = m5_ssel_dec; + 3'h6: i_ssel_dec = m6_ssel_dec; + 3'h7: i_ssel_dec = m7_ssel_dec; + default: i_ssel_dec = 7'b0; +endcase +// +// decode all master address before arbitor for running faster +// +assign m0_ssel_dec[0] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[1] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[2] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[3] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[4] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[5] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[6] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m0_ssel_dec[7] = (m0_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m1_ssel_dec[0] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[1] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[2] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[3] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[4] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[5] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[6] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m1_ssel_dec[7] = (m1_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m2_ssel_dec[0] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[1] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[2] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[3] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[4] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[5] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[6] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m2_ssel_dec[7] = (m2_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m3_ssel_dec[0] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[1] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[2] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[3] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[4] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[5] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[6] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m3_ssel_dec[7] = (m3_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m4_ssel_dec[0] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[1] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[2] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[3] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[4] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[5] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[6] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m4_ssel_dec[7] = (m4_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m5_ssel_dec[0] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[1] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[2] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[3] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[4] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[5] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[6] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m5_ssel_dec[7] = (m5_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m6_ssel_dec[0] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[1] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[2] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[3] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[4] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[5] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[6] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m6_ssel_dec[7] = (m6_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +assign m7_ssel_dec[0] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[1] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[2] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[3] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[4] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[5] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[6] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +assign m7_ssel_dec[7] = (m7_adr_i[`aw -1 : `aw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + +//assign i_ssel_dec[0] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s0_addr_w ] == s0_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[1] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s1_addr_w ] == s1_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[2] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s2_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[3] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s3_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[4] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s4_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[5] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s5_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[6] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s6_addr); +//assign i_ssel_dec[7] = (i_bus_m[`mbusw -1 : `mbusw - s27_addr_w ] == s7_addr); + + +endmodule + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_arb.v =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_arb.v (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/wb_conbus_arb.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// General Round Robin Arbiter //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +// +// copy from wb_conmax +// +// +// +// +// + +//`include "wb_conbus_defines.v" + +module wb_conbus_arb(clk, rst, req, gnt); + +input clk; +input rst; +input [7:0] req; // Req input +output [2:0] gnt; // Grant output +//input next; // Next Target + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Parameters +// + + +parameter [2:0] + grant0 = 3'h0, + grant1 = 3'h1, + grant2 = 3'h2, + grant3 = 3'h3, + grant4 = 3'h4, + grant5 = 3'h5, + grant6 = 3'h6, + grant7 = 3'h7; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Registers and Wires +// + +reg [2:0] state, next_state; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +assign gnt = state; + +always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) + if(rst) state <= #1 grant0; + else state <= #1 next_state; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Next State Logic +// - implements round robin arbitration algorithm +// - switches grant if current req is dropped or next is asserted +// - parks at last grant +// + +always@(state or req ) + begin + next_state = state; // Default Keep State + case(state) // synopsys parallel_case full_case + grant0: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[0] ) + begin + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + end + grant1: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[1] ) + begin + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + end + grant2: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[2] ) + begin + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + end + grant3: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[3] ) + begin + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + end + grant4: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[4] ) + begin + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + end + grant5: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[5] ) + begin + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + else + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + end + grant6: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[6] ) + begin + if(req[7]) next_state = grant7; + else + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + end + grant7: + // if this req is dropped or next is asserted, check for other req's + if(!req[7] ) + begin + if(req[0]) next_state = grant0; + else + if(req[1]) next_state = grant1; + else + if(req[2]) next_state = grant2; + else + if(req[3]) next_state = grant3; + else + if(req[4]) next_state = grant4; + else + if(req[5]) next_state = grant5; + else + if(req[6]) next_state = grant6; + end + endcase + end + +endmodule + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.pao =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.pao (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.pao (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + +lib wb_conbus_v1_00_a wb_conbus_arb verilog +lib wb_conbus_v1_00_a wb_conbus_top verilog +lib wb_conbus_v1_00_a wb_conbus_wrapper verilog + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.mpd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.mpd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/wb_conbus_v1_00_a/data/wb_conbus_v2_1_0.mpd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +BEGIN wb_conbus + + + +OPTION IPTYPE = BUS +OPTION IMP_NETLIST = TRUE +OPTION HDL = VERILOG +OPTION BUS_STD = WB +OPTION RUN_NGCBUILD = TRUE +OPTION MAX_MASTERS = 8 +OPTION MAX_SLAVES = 8 +OPTION DESC = Wishbone (WB) bus and arbiter +OPTION LONG_DESC = Wishbone (WB) bus and arbiter: Downloaded from:,wb_conbus. Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this source; if not, download it from +OPTION IP_GROUP = Bus and Bridge:MICROBLAZE +OPTION STYLE = HDL +OPTION TOP = wb_conbus_wrapper + + + +PARAMETER WB_DAT_W = 32, DT = integer, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER WB_ADR_W = 32, DT = integer, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER wb_num_masters = 8, DT = integer, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER wb_num_slaves = 8, DT = integer, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT + +PARAMETER wb_s0_addr_w = 4, DT = integer, RANGE = ( 1 : 32 ) +PARAMETER wb_s0_addr = 0x0, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s1_addr_w = 4, DT = integer, RANGE = ( 1 : 32 ) +PARAMETER wb_s1_addr = 0x1, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s27_addr_w = 8, DT = integer, RANGE = ( 1 : 32 ) +PARAMETER wb_s2_addr = 0x92, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s3_addr = 0x93, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s4_addr = 0x94, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s5_addr = 0x95, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s6_addr = 0x96, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER wb_s7_addr = 0x97, DT = std_logic_vector + + +PORT wb_clk_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK +PORT wb_rst_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = RST +PORT wb_m_dat_i = wb_m_dat_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ (WB_DAT_W*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_dat_o = wb_m_dat_o, DIR = O, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_adr_i = wb_m_adr_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ (WB_ADR_W*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_sel_i = wb_m_sel_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ (WB_DAT_W/8*wb_num_masters)-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_we_i = wb_m_we_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_cyc_i = wb_m_cyc_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_stb_i = wb_m_stb_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_ack_o = wb_m_ack_o, DIR = O, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_err_o = wb_m_err_o, DIR = O, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_rty_o = wb_m_rty_o, DIR = O, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_m_cab_i = wb_m_cab_i, DIR = I, VEC = [ wb_num_masters-1 : 0 ] + +PORT wb_s_dat_i = wb_s_dat_i, DIR = I, VEC = [WB_DAT_W*wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_dat_o = wb_s_dat_o, DIR = O, VEC = [WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_adr_o = wb_s_adr_o, DIR = O, VEC = [WB_ADR_W-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_sel_o = wb_s_sel_o, DIR = O, VEC = [WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_we_o = wb_s_we_o, DIR = O, +PORT wb_s_cyc_o = wb_s_cyc_o, DIR = O, +PORT wb_s_stb_o = wb_s_stb_o, DIR = O, VEC = [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_ack_i = wb_s_ack_i, DIR = I, VEC = [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_err_i = wb_s_err_i, DIR = I, VEC = [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_rty_i = wb_s_rty_i, DIR = I, VEC = [wb_num_slaves-1 : 0 ] +PORT wb_s_cab_o = wb_s_cab_o, DIR = O + + +END Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/top.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/top.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/top.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.all; + + +entity top is + + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := false; -- true = synchron, false = asynchron! + + -- PLB Parameters ----------------------------------- + C_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_STATUS_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_STATUS_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_SPLB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_DWIDTH : integer := 128; + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS : integer := 8; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE : integer := 1; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE : integer := 1; + + -- WB Parameters ----------------------------------- + WB_DAT_W : integer := 32; + WB_ADR_W : integer := 32; + WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES : integer := 32; + WB_ADR_OFFSET : std_logic_vector := X"f0000000"; + WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG : std_logic := '0'; + WB_PIC_INTS : integer := 32; + WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL : std_logic := '1'; + WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK : integer := 1 + ); + + +port( + PLB2WB_IRQ : out std_logic; + + -- WB Signals --------------------------------------- + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + wb_rst_i : in std_logic; + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W/8-1 downto 0 ); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_rty_i : in std_logic; + wb_lock_o : out std_logic; + + wb_pic_int_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_PIC_INTS-1 downto 0 ); + + -- PLB Signals -------------------------------------- + SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; + SPLB_Rst : in std_logic; + PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + PLB_UABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + PLB_PAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_SAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_rdPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_abort : in std_logic; + PLB_busLock : in std_logic; + PLB_RNW : in std_logic; + PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8-1 ); + PLB_MSize : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + PLB_type : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 2 ); + PLB_lockErr : in std_logic; + PLB_wrDBus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + PLB_wrBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_rdBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPendReq : in std_logic; + PLB_rdPendReq : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPendPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_rdPendPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_reqPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_TAttribute : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 15 ); + Sl_addrAck : out std_logic; + Sl_SSize : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + Sl_wait : out std_logic; + Sl_rearbitrate : out std_logic; + Sl_wrDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_wrComp : out std_logic; + Sl_wrBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_rdDBus : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + Sl_rdWdAddr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + Sl_rdDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_rdComp : out std_logic; + Sl_rdBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_MBusy : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MWrErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MRdErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MIRQ : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ) + +); + + +end entity top; + + +architecture imp of top is + + + +begin + + bridge : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_bridge(IMP) + generic map + ( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY , + + C_BASEADDR => C_BASEADDR , + C_HIGHADDR => C_HIGHADDR , + C_STATUS_BASEADDR => C_STATUS_BASEADDR , + C_STATUS_HIGHADDR => C_STATUS_HIGHADDR , + C_SPLB_AWIDTH => C_SPLB_AWIDTH , + C_SPLB_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_DWIDTH , + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS => C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS , + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH , + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH , + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE => C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE , + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE => C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE, + + WB_DAT_W => WB_DAT_W , + WB_ADR_W => WB_ADR_W , + WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES => WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES , + WB_ADR_OFFSET => WB_ADR_OFFSET , + WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG => WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG , + WB_PIC_INTS => WB_PIC_INTS , + WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL => WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL , + WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK => WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK + ) + port map + ( + + PLB2WB_IRQ => PLB2WB_IRQ , + + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i , + wb_rst_i => wb_rst_i , + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i , + wb_dat_o => wb_dat_o , + wb_adr_o => wb_adr_o , + wb_sel_o => wb_sel_o , + wb_we_o => wb_we_o , + wb_cyc_o => wb_cyc_o , + wb_stb_o => wb_stb_o , + wb_ack_i => wb_ack_i , + wb_err_i => wb_err_i , + wb_rty_i => wb_rty_i , + wb_lock_o => wb_lock_o , + + wb_pic_int_i => wb_pic_int_i , + + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk , + SPLB_Rst => SPLB_Rst , + PLB_ABus => PLB_ABus , + PLB_UABus => PLB_UABus , + PLB_PAValid => PLB_PAValid , + PLB_SAValid => PLB_SAValid , + PLB_rdPrim => PLB_rdPrim , + PLB_wrPrim => PLB_wrPrim , + PLB_masterID => PLB_masterID , + PLB_abort => PLB_abort , + PLB_busLock => PLB_busLock , + PLB_RNW => PLB_RNW , + PLB_BE => PLB_BE , + PLB_MSize => PLB_MSize , + PLB_size => PLB_size , + PLB_type => PLB_type , + PLB_lockErr => PLB_lockErr , + PLB_wrDBus => PLB_wrDBus , + PLB_wrBurst => PLB_wrBurst , + PLB_rdBurst => PLB_rdBurst , + PLB_wrPendReq => PLB_wrPendReq , + PLB_rdPendReq => PLB_rdPendReq , + PLB_wrPendPri => PLB_wrPendPri , + PLB_rdPendPri => PLB_rdPendPri , + PLB_reqPri => PLB_reqPri , + PLB_TAttribute => PLB_TAttribute , + Sl_addrAck => Sl_addrAck , + Sl_SSize => Sl_SSize , + Sl_wait => Sl_wait , + Sl_rearbitrate => Sl_rearbitrate , + Sl_wrDAck => Sl_wrDAck , + Sl_wrComp => Sl_wrComp , + Sl_wrBTerm => Sl_wrBTerm , + Sl_rdDBus => Sl_rdDBus , + Sl_rdWdAddr => Sl_rdWdAddr , + Sl_rdDAck => Sl_rdDAck , + Sl_rdComp => Sl_rdComp , + Sl_rdBTerm => Sl_rdBTerm , + Sl_MBusy => Sl_MBusy , + Sl_MWrErr => Sl_MWrErr , + Sl_MRdErr => Sl_MRdErr , + Sl_MIRQ => Sl_MIRQ + ); + + + + + + + + + +end architecture imp; + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/project.xise =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/project.xise (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/ise/project.xise (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_wdat.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + + +entity fifo_wdat is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; -- true = synchron + -- false = asynchron + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH : integer + range PLB_DWIDTH_MIN to PLB_DWIDTH_MAX := WBUF_DWIDTH32 + ); + port( + rd_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + rst : in std_logic := 'X'; + rd_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + din : in std_logic_vector ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ); + full : out std_logic; + empty : out std_logic; + dout : out std_logic_vector ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end entity fifo_wdat; + + + + +architecture IMP of fifo_wdat is + + + component fifo_wdat_cc_32 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_wdat_cc_32; + + + component fifo_wdat_ic_32 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( WBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_wdat_ic_32; + +begin + + + +fifo1: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = WBUF_DWIDTH32 ) +generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_wdat_cc_32 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk is the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo1; + +fifo2: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = WBUF_DWIDTH32 ) +generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_wdat_ic_32 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo2; + + + + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_stu.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_stu.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_stu.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + +entity plb2wb_stu is + generic( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; + WB_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + WB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_DWIDTH : integer := 128; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3; + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS : integer := 1; + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH : integer := 32 + + + ); + port( + + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; + SPLB_Rst : in std_logic; + + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_wrDBus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH -1 ); + PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH -1 ); + + PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + + --TODO remove this four signals, they are not used! + AMU_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_buf_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_adr : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + AMU_buf_adr_wo : in std_logic_vector( WB_AWIDTH-1 downto 0 ); -- without offset + + ---- + -- When TCU_stat2plb_en is '1', TCU_wb_status_info is written to + -- the status pipe, which transfers this info to the plb-side + TCU_wb_status_info : in std_logic_vector( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) ; + TCU_stat2plb_en : in std_logic; + + + ---- + -- This two signals says if we either do a write transfer, which is + -- addressed directly with PLB_ABus or if we do a write transfer + -- which is addressed with a secondary address AMU_pipe_adr + -- (which comes from address-pipe -> see amu) + -- + TCU_stuWritePA : in std_logic; -- write, addressed with primary address + TCU_stuWriteSA : in std_logic; -- write, addressed with second. address + + ---- + -- This two signals says, if we must latch the primary address + -- from PLB_ABus or the secondary address from AMU_pipe_adr + -- With latching the address, the read-bus STU_rdDBus has + -- assigned the desired data + -- + TCU_stuLatchPA : in std_logic; + TCU_stuLatchSA : in std_logic; + + + -- This signal enalbes the read-bus STU_rdDBus. + -- If this signal is '0', STU_rdDBus is complete '0' + -- + TCU_enStuRdDBus : in std_logic; + TCU_wb_irq_info : in std_logic_vector( IRQ_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + Sl_rdWdAddr : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + Sl_MIRQ : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + + WBF_wBus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH -1 ); + + PLB2WB_IRQ : out std_logic; + + + ---- + -- This two signals are used on the wb-side to decide if a transfer must be + -- continued or aborted + -- + STU_abort : out std_logic; + STU_continue : out std_logic; + + + STU_full : out std_logic; + STU_rdDBus : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + + -- The reset-signal, which does a software reset + STU_softReset : out std_logic + ); + +end entity plb2wb_stu; + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_stu is + + type reg_type is array( integer range<> ) of std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH-1 ); + + signal status_regs : reg_type( 0 to 3); + signal status_reg_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH-1 ); + + + + + ------- + -- + -- This two bit are used for read transfers from our status registers. + -- We DON'T need this for write transfers, because we write in + -- one clock cycle ( we don't need to latch the address ). + -- + -- This address-register is loaded with TCU_stuLatchPA or TCU_stuLatchSA + -- + signal address_reg : std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + + signal stat2plb_rd_en : std_logic; + signal stat2plb_empty : std_logic; + signal stat2plb_dout : std_logic_vector( IRQ_INFO_SIZE + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE -1 downto 0 ); + signal stat2plb_din : std_logic_vector( IRQ_INFO_SIZE + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE -1 downto 0 ); + + signal stat2wb_rd_en : std_logic; + signal stat2wb_wr_en : std_logic; + signal stat2wb_empty : std_logic; + signal stat2wb_full : std_logic; + signal stat2wb_dout : std_logic_vector( 1-1 downto 0 ); + signal stat2wb_din : std_logic_vector( 1-1 downto 0 ); + + signal addr_with_offset : std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + + signal STU_softReset_t : std_logic; + signal soft_reset_count : std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); -- counter, implemented with gray-code + + + + signal plb2wb_rst : std_logic; + signal status_loaded : std_logic; + + signal wb_status_info : std_logic_vector( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal wb_master_id : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + + + signal Sl_MIRQ_t : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS -1 downto 0 ); + + +begin + + Sl_MIRQ <= ( others => '0' ); + + + plb2wb_rst <= SPLB_Rst or STU_softReset_t; + STU_softReset <= STU_softReset_t; + + + status_reg_out <= status_regs(0) when std_logic_vector( unsigned ( address_reg ) + unsigned( Sl_rdWdAddr( 2 to 3 ) ) )= "00" else + status_regs(1) when std_logic_vector( unsigned ( address_reg ) + unsigned( Sl_rdWdAddr( 2 to 3 ) ) )= "01" else + status_regs(2) when std_logic_vector( unsigned ( address_reg ) + unsigned( Sl_rdWdAddr( 2 to 3 ) ) )= "10" else + status_regs(3); + + + gen_128 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 128 generate + STU_rdDBus <= status_reg_out & status_reg_out & status_reg_out & status_reg_out when TCU_enStuRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate; + + gen_64 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 64 generate + STU_rdDBus <= status_reg_out & status_reg_out when TCU_enStuRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate; + + gen_32 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 32 generate + STU_rdDBus <= status_reg_out when TCU_enStuRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate; + + + + + stat2plb : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.fifo_stat2plb + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + WB_DWIDTH => WB_DWIDTH, + WB_AWIDTH => WB_AWIDTH, + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => stat2plb_rd_en, + wr_en => TCU_stat2plb_en, + full => STU_full, + empty => stat2plb_empty, + wr_clk => wb_clk_i, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + rd_clk => SPLB_Clk, + dout => stat2plb_dout, + din => stat2plb_din + ); + + + + stat2wb : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.fifo_stat2wb + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY + ) + port map( + rd_en => stat2wb_rd_en, + wr_en => stat2wb_wr_en, + full => stat2wb_full, + empty => stat2wb_empty, + wr_clk => SPLB_Clk, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + rd_clk => wb_clk_i, + dout => stat2wb_dout, + din => stat2wb_din + ); + + stat2plb_din <= TCU_wb_irq_info & AMU_buf_adr_wo & WBF_wBus & TCU_wb_status_info & AMU_buf_masterID; + + wb_status_info <= stat2plb_dout( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 downto C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH ); + + wb_master_id <= stat2plb_dout( C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + + + + + status_reg_p : process( SPLB_Clk, SPLB_Rst, stat2plb_rd_en, Sl_MIRQ_t, status_regs, plb2wb_rst ) + begin + + if plb2wb_rst = '1' then + status_regs <= ( others => ( others => '0' ) ); + address_reg <= ( others => '0' ); + status_loaded <= '0'; + elsif SPLB_Clk'event and SPLB_Clk = '1' then + + + if TCU_stuLatchPA = '1' then + address_reg <= PLB_ABus( 28 to 29 ); + elsif TCU_stuLatchSA = '1' then + address_reg <= AMU_pipe_adr( 28 to 29 ); + end if; + + + ---- + -- Write acceess to the first regser address = "00" + -- -> clears the irq + if ( ( TCU_stuWritePA = '1' and PLB_ABus( 28 to 29 ) = "00" ) or + ( TCU_stuWriteSA = '1' and AMU_pipe_adr( 28 to 29 ) = "00" ) ) + then + status_loaded <= '0'; + status_regs( 0 ) <= ( others => '0' ); + end if; + + + ----- + -- + -- if there is something in the pipe, we save it + -- (we don't save the bit about the finished transfer!) + -- + -- NOTE: This has a higher priority than writing from plb-bus!! + -- + -- + if ( stat2plb_rd_en = '1' ) then + status_regs(0)(0 to STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 ) <= status_regs(0)(0 to STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 ) or wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + status_loaded <= '1'; + + + status_regs(3) <= stat2plb_dout( IRQ_INFO_SIZE + + C_SPLB_AWIDTH + + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 + downto + C_SPLB_AWIDTH + + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH ); + + + status_regs(2) <= stat2plb_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 + downto + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH ); + + + + status_regs(1) <= stat2plb_dout( C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 + downto + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH ); + + status_regs(0)( C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH - C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH -1 ) <= wb_master_id; + + + + end if; + + end if; + + + + + end process; + + + stat2plb_rd_en <= '1' when ( stat2plb_empty = '0' and status_loaded = '0' and TCU_stuWritePA = '0' and TCU_stuWriteSA = '0' ) else + '0'; + + + -------- + -- + -- Interrupt generation + -- + Sl_MIRQ_t <= ( others => '0' ); -- is not supported by xilinx! + PLB2WB_IRQ <= status_regs(0)( 2 ) or status_regs(0)( 1 ) or status_regs(0)( 0 ); + + + + + + + ---------- + -- + -- Handling of write access to the status registers + -- (except clearing the irq) + -- - soft reset (for 4 clock cycles) address = "11" + -- - continue failed write transfer address = "01" + -- - abort failed write transfer address = "10" + -- + status_state_p : process( SPLB_Clk, SPLB_Rst, TCU_stuWritePA, PLB_ABus, TCU_stuWriteSA, AMU_pipe_adr ) + begin + + if SPLB_Rst = '1' then + soft_reset_count <= ( others => '0' ); + elsif SPLB_Clk'event and SPLB_Clk = '1' then + + -- if the status-address range is selected: + -- do a soft reset, depending on the address + if ( ( soft_reset_count = "00" and TCU_stuWritePA = '1' and PLB_ABus( 28 to 29 ) = "11" ) or + ( soft_reset_count = "00" and TCU_stuWriteSA = '1' and AMU_pipe_adr( 28 to 29 ) = "11" ) ) then + soft_reset_count <= "10"; + end if; + + if soft_reset_count = "10" then + soft_reset_count <= "11"; + elsif soft_reset_count = "11" then + soft_reset_count <= "01"; + elsif soft_reset_count = "01" then + soft_reset_count <= "00"; + end if; + + + + end if; + + + -- if the status-address range is selected: + -- add a continue or abort information to the fifo, depending on the address + -- + stat2wb_din <= "0"; + stat2wb_wr_en <= '0'; + if ( ( TCU_stuWritePA = '1' and PLB_ABus( 28 to 29 ) = "01" ) or + ( TCU_stuWriteSA = '1' and AMU_pipe_adr( 28 to 29 ) = "01" ) ) then + stat2wb_din <= STATUS_CONTINUE; + stat2wb_wr_en <= '1'; + elsif ( ( TCU_stuWritePA = '1' and PLB_ABus( 28 to 29 ) = "10" ) or + ( TCU_stuWriteSA = '1' and AMU_pipe_adr( 28 to 29 ) = "10" ) ) then + stat2wb_din <= STATUS_ABORT; + stat2wb_wr_en <= '1'; + end if; + + end process; + + + stat2wb_rd_en <= not stat2wb_empty; + STU_continue <= '1' when stat2wb_empty = '0' and stat2wb_dout = STATUS_CONTINUE else + '0'; + STU_abort <= '1' when stat2wb_empty = '0' and stat2wb_dout = STATUS_ABORT else + '0'; + + + + STU_softReset_t <= '0' when soft_reset_count = "00" else + '1'; + + + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_tcu.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_tcu.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_tcu.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,1931 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + +entity plb2wb_tcu is + generic( + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS : integer := 1; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3; + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_DWIDTH : integer := 128; + C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE : integer := 1; + WB_PIC_INTS : integer := 0; + WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL : std_logic := '1'; + WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES : integer := 10; + WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK : integer := 1 + + ); + port( + + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_rty_i : in std_logic; + wb_rst_i : in std_logic; + wb_pic_int_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_PIC_INTS-1 downto 0 ); + + AMU_deviceSelect : in std_logic; + AMU_statusSelect : in std_logic; + AMU_bufEmpty : in std_logic; + AMU_bufFull : in std_logic; + AMU_buf_RNW : in std_logic; + AMU_buf_size : in std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + AMU_buf_BE : in std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + AMU_pipe_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + AMU_pipe_rmID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_wmID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect : in std_logic; + AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect : in std_logic; + + WBF_empty : in std_logic; + WBF_full : in std_logic; + + RBF_empty : in std_logic; + RBF_almostEmpty : in std_logic; + RBF_full : in std_logic; + + SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; + plb2wb_rst : in std_logic; + PLB_MSize : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_TAttribute : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 15 ); + PLB_lockErr : in std_logic; + PLB_abort : in std_logic; + PLB_rdBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_wrBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_RNW : in std_logic; + PLB_PAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_rdPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8-1 ); + PLB_type : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH -1 ); + + STU_abort : in std_logic; + STU_continue : in std_logic; + + RBF_rdErrOut : in std_logic; + RBF_rdErrIn : out std_logic; + + + Sl_MRdErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MWrErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_wrDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_wrComp : out std_logic; + Sl_wrBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_rdDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_rdComp : out std_logic; + Sl_rdBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_rdWdAddr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + Sl_wait : out std_logic; + Sl_rearbitrate : out std_logic; + + TCU_wbufWEn : out std_logic; + TCU_wbufREn : out std_logic; + + TCU_rbufWEn : out std_logic; + TCU_rbufREn : out std_logic; + + TCU_adrBufWEn : out std_logic; + TCU_adrBufREn : out std_logic; + TCU_rpipeRdEn : out std_logic; + TCU_wpipeRdEn : out std_logic; + + TCU_enRdDBus : out std_logic; + TCU_MRBusy : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + TCU_addrAck : out std_logic; + TCU_adr_offset : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); + + TCU_stuLatchPA : out std_logic; + TCU_stuLatchSA : out std_logic; + TCU_stuWritePA : out std_logic; + TCU_stuWriteSA : out std_logic; + TCU_stat2plb_en : out std_logic; + TCU_enStuRdDBus : out std_logic; + TCU_wb_status_info : out std_logic_vector( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + TCU_wb_irq_info : out std_logic_vector( IRQ_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + + wb_lock_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : out std_logic; + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic + + + ); +end entity plb2wb_tcu; + + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_tcu is + + + signal TCU_wbufWEn_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_wbufREn_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_adrBufWEn_w : std_logic; + signal TCU_adrBufWEn_r : std_logic; + signal TCU_rbufWEn_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_rbufREn_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuWritePA_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuWriteSA_t : std_logic; + + signal Sl_rdComp_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_wrComp_t : std_logic; + + signal Sl_rdDAck_t : std_logic; + + signal TCU_rpipeRdEn_t : std_logic; + signal TCU_wpipeRdEn_t : std_logic; + + -- + -- Wishbone current and next state + type wb_trans_state is ( wb_idle, wb_write, wb_read, wb_write_rty, wb_read_rty, wb_write_stall ); + type wb_trans_state_type is record + state : wb_trans_state; + transfer_count : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); + abort : std_logic; + end record; + signal c_wb_state, n_wb_state : wb_trans_state_type; + + + + -- + -- PLB current and next state + type plb_wtrans_state is( plb_widle, plb_write, plb_burst_write ); + type plb_rtrans_state is( plb_ridle, plb_read, plb_read_ack, plb_line_read, + plb_line_read_ack, plb_burst_read, plb_burst_read_ack, + plb_wait_line_read, plb_wait_burst_read ); + + type plb_rtrans_state_type is record + state : plb_rtrans_state; + r_master_id : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + r_secondary : std_logic; + transfer_count : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + transfer_size : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + status_transfer : std_logic; + end record; + + type plb_wtrans_state_type is record + state : plb_wtrans_state; + w_master_id : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + w_secondary : std_logic; + transfer_count : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + transfer_size : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + status_transfer : std_logic; + end record; + + signal c_plb_wstate : plb_wtrans_state_type; -- current write state + signal n_plb_wstate : plb_wtrans_state_type; -- next write state + signal c_plb_rstate : plb_rtrans_state_type; -- current read state + signal n_plb_rstate : plb_rtrans_state_type; -- next read state + + + + signal mbusy_read_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + signal mbusy_write_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + + + signal start_plb_w : std_logic; -- start plb write (to wb side) + signal start_plb_r : std_logic; -- start plb read (from wb side) + + signal start_plb_stat_w : std_logic; -- start plb status write + signal start_plb_stat_r : std_logic; -- start plb status read + + signal start_plb_sec_w : std_logic; -- start plb write (to wb side, pipelined) + signal start_plb_sec_r : std_logic; -- start plb read (from wb side, pipelined) + + signal start_plb_sec_stat_r : std_logic; -- start plb write to status (pipelined) + signal start_plb_sec_stat_w : std_logic; -- start plb read from status (pipelined) + + + + signal start_wb_w : std_logic; -- start wb write + signal start_wb_r : std_logic; -- start wb read + + signal wb_ack : std_logic; + signal wb_rty : std_logic; + signal wb_err : std_logic; + + signal addrAck_w : std_logic; + signal addrAck_r : std_logic; + + signal TCU_stuLatchPA_r : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuLatchSA_r : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuLatchPA_w : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuLatchSA_w : std_logic; + + + signal wb_rst_short : std_logic; + + + signal pic_int_ahigh : std_logic_vector( WB_PIC_INTS-1 downto 0 ); + signal pic_int_ahigh_short : std_logic_vector( WB_PIC_INTS-1 downto 0 ); + signal pic_int2plb_en : std_logic; + + + ----- + -- wishbone timeout counter + -- + constant WB_TOUT_COUNTER_SIZE : integer := log2( WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES ); + constant WB_TOUT_MAX_VALUE : std_logic_vector( WB_TOUT_COUNTER_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) + := std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES-1, WB_TOUT_COUNTER_SIZE ) ); + constant WB_TOUT_MIN_VALUE : std_logic_vector( WB_TOUT_COUNTER_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) + := ( others => '0' ); + signal wb_tout_counter : std_logic_vector( WB_TOUT_COUNTER_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal wb_tout_count : std_logic; + signal wb_tout_reset : std_logic; + signal wb_tout_alarm : std_logic; + + + +begin + + + + + TCU_wbufWEn <= TCU_wbufWEn_t; + TCU_wbufREn <= TCU_wbufREn_t; + TCU_adrBufWEn <= TCU_adrBufWEn_w or TCU_adrBufWEn_r; + TCU_rbufWEn <= TCU_rbufWEn_t; + TCU_rbufREn <= TCU_rbufREn_t; + Sl_rdComp <= Sl_rdComp_t; + Sl_wrComp <= Sl_wrComp_t; + Sl_rdDAck <= Sl_rdDAck_t; + TCU_rpipeRdEn <= TCU_rpipeRdEn_t; + TCU_wpipeRdEn <= TCU_wpipeRdEn_t; + TCU_stuWritePA <= TCU_stuWritePA_t; + TCU_stuWriteSA <= TCU_stuWriteSA_t; + TCU_stuLatchSA <= TCU_stuLatchSA_r or TCU_stuLatchSA_w; + TCU_stuLatchPA <= TCU_stuLatchPA_r or TCU_stuLatchPA_w; + + TCU_addrAck <= addrAck_w or addrAck_r; + + + + + + + Sl_rearbitrate <= '0'; -- there is no situation, where we want to reabitrate + + + + + + Sl_wait <= '1' when addrAck_w = '0' and addrAck_r = '0' + and AMU_deviceSelect = '1' + and PLB_PAValid = '1' + and PLB_RNW = '0' + and AMU_bufFull = '1'; + + + + ------ + -- + -- interrupt signals: they are converted to active-high signals, + -- which are only for one clock cycle '1' + -- + pic_ints : if WB_PIC_INTS > 0 generate + + -- + -- Generate the active-high interrupt levels + -- (we work internaly only with active-high interrupt levels) + -- + gen_active_high1 : if WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL = '0' generate + pic_int_ahigh <= not wb_pic_int_i; + end generate gen_active_high1; + gen_active_high2 : if WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL = '1' generate + pic_int_ahigh <= wb_pic_int_i; + end generate gen_active_high2; + + -- + -- Generate short impulses (of one clock cycle) + -- + gen_active_high_short : for i in 0 to WB_PIC_INTS-1 generate + ah_short : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_short_impulse( IMP ) + port map( CLK => wb_clk_i, + RESET => plb2wb_rst, + IMPULSE => pic_int_ahigh(i), + SHORT_IMPULSE => pic_int_ahigh_short(i) ); + + end generate; + + end generate; + -- + ----- + + + + + + + + short_impulse : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_short_impulse( IMP ) + port map ( CLK => wb_clk_i, + RESET => plb2wb_rst, + IMPULSE => wb_rst_i, + SHORT_IMPULSE => wb_rst_short ); + + + + + + ------------------------------ + -- + -- This signals are '1' if a transfer is started: + -- (burst and line transfers are supported) + -- + -- start_plb_w: start a write transfer to the WB side + -- start_plb_r: start a read transfer from the WB side + -- start_plb_stat_w: start a write transfer to the status registers + -- start_plb_stat_r: start a read transfer from the status registers + -- + -- + with_plb_bursts : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 generate + + + start_plb_w <= '1' when ( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_deviceSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '0' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented + --(normal, line and burst -> all fixed-length word bursts) + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" ) ) + + -- we are not transfering data from the read pipe + and TCU_rpipeRdEn_t /= '1' + + -- the address buffer is not full + and AMU_bufFull = '0' + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + + start_plb_r <= '1' when( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a read transfer + and AMU_deviceSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '1' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented (normal and line) + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /="0000" ) ) + + -- we are not transfering data from the write-pipe + and TCU_wpipeRdEn_t /= '1' + + -- the address buffer is not full + and AMU_bufFull = '0' + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + + else '0'; + + + + start_plb_stat_w <= '1' when ( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_statusSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '0' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented + --(normal, line and burst -> all fixed-length word bursts) + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" ) ) + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + + + + start_plb_stat_r <= '1' when ( + -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_statusSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '1' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented + --(normal, line and burst -> all fixed-length word bursts) + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" ) ) + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + end generate with_plb_bursts; + + + + + + + + ------------------------------ + -- + -- This signals are '1' if a transfer is started: + -- (burst and line transfers are not supported) + -- + -- start_plb_w: start a write transfer to the WB side + -- start_plb_r: start a read transfer from the WB side + -- start_plb_stat_w: start a write transfer to the status registers + -- start_plb_stat_r: start a read transfer from the status registers + -- + -- + without_plb_bursts : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE = 0 generate + + + start_plb_w <= '1' when ( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_deviceSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '0' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented (only single) + and ( PLB_size = "0000" ) + + -- we are not transfering data from the read pipe + and TCU_rpipeRdEn_t /= '1' + + -- the address buffer is not full + and AMU_bufFull = '0' + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + + start_plb_r <= '1' when( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a read transfer + and AMU_deviceSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '1' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented (only single) + and ( PLB_size = "0000" ) + + -- we are not transfering data from the write-pipe + and TCU_wpipeRdEn_t /= '1' + + -- the address buffer is not full + and AMU_bufFull = '0' + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + + else '0'; + + + + start_plb_stat_w <= '1' when ( -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_statusSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '0' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented (only single) + and ( PLB_size = "0000" ) + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + + + + start_plb_stat_r <= '1' when ( + -- we are in the idle state + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle + + -- Address in our range, primary-addr is valid and it is a write transfer + and AMU_statusSelect = '1' and PLB_PAValid = '1' and PLB_RNW = '1' + + -- this transfer-type is implemented (only single) + and ( PLB_size = "0000" ) + + -- supported transfer-type (only mem-type is supported, see PLB-Spec. page 43) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) ) + else '0'; + + end generate without_plb_bursts; + + + + + + + + + + start_plb_sec_w <= '1' when( + c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle -- ---- + and c_plb_wstate.w_secondary = '1' -- This is the case, when there is a write + and AMU_bufFull = '0' -- from a secondary request directly after a write + and AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect = '0' -- (this transfer does not write to our status regs) + -- and TCU_rpipeRdEn_t /= '1' -- note: start_plb_sec_w has a higher priority + -- than start_plb_sec_r, (we can't check + -- TCU_rpipeRdEn_t, because this generates a + -- combinatorial loop!!) + ) -- ---- + else '0'; + + + start_plb_sec_stat_w <= '1' when( c_plb_wstate.state = plb_widle -- ---- + and c_plb_wstate.w_secondary = '1' -- This is the case, when there is a write + and AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect = '1' -- from a secondary request (we write to our status regs) + ) -- ---- + else '0'; + + + start_plb_sec_r <= '1' when( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle -- ---- + and c_plb_rstate.r_secondary = '1' -- This is the case, when there is a read + and AMU_bufFull = '0' -- from a secondary request directly after a read + and AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect = '0' -- (this transfer does not read from our status regs) + and TCU_wpipeRdEn_t /= '1' ) -- ---- + else '0'; + + + start_plb_sec_stat_r <= '1' when( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_ridle -- ---- + and c_plb_rstate.r_secondary = '1' -- This is the case, when there is a read + and AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect = '1' -- from a secondary request (we read from our status regs) + ) -- ---- + else '0'; + + + + c_plb_state_p : process( SPLB_Clk, plb2wb_rst ) begin + if plb2wb_rst='1' then + + c_plb_rstate <= ( state => plb_ridle, + r_master_id => ( others => '0' ), + transfer_count => ( others => '0' ), + transfer_size => ( others => '0' ), + status_transfer => '0', + r_secondary => '0' ); + c_plb_wstate <= ( state => plb_widle, + w_master_id => ( others => '0' ), + transfer_count => ( others => '0' ), + transfer_size => ( others => '0' ), + status_transfer => '0', + w_secondary => '0' ); + + + elsif SPLB_Clk'event and SPLB_Clk='1' then + c_plb_rstate <= n_plb_rstate; + c_plb_wstate <= n_plb_wstate; + end if; + end process; + + + + + + n_plb_wstate_p : process( c_plb_wstate, + PLB_PAValid, PLB_RNW, PLB_masterID, PLB_wrPrim, PLB_size, PLB_BE, + AMU_deviceSelect, AMU_statusSelect, AMU_bufFull, WBF_full, AMU_pipe_size, AMU_pipe_wmID, AMU_pipe_BE, + start_plb_sec_w, start_plb_sec_stat_w, start_plb_w, start_plb_stat_w, + TCU_rpipeRdEn_t ) + begin + + + Sl_MWrErr <= ( others => '0' ); + + -- default output logic + Sl_wrDAck <= '0'; + Sl_wrComp_t <= '0'; + Sl_wrBTerm <= '0'; + + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '0'; + TCU_adrBufWEn_w <= '0'; + TCU_wpipeRdEn_t <= '0'; + addrAck_w <= '0'; + + + TCU_stuLatchSA_w <= '0'; + TCU_stuLatchPA_w <= '0'; + + -- default state + n_plb_wstate <= c_plb_wstate; + mbusy_write_out <= ( others => '0' ); + + TCU_stuWritePA_t <= '0'; + TCU_stuWriteSA_t <= '0'; + + if PLB_wrPrim = '1' then + n_plb_wstate.w_secondary <= '1'; + end if; + + + + if start_plb_sec_w = '1' then + + -- read from pipe and add it to the buffer + TCU_wpipeRdEn_t <= '1'; + TCU_adrBufWEn_w <= '1'; + + n_plb_wstate.w_secondary <= '0'; + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '0'; + + -- we latch the masterID + n_plb_wstate.w_master_id <= AMU_pipe_wmID; + + -- buffer is not full, this is a implemented transfer and this is a normal/single transfer + if WBF_full = '0' and AMU_pipe_size = "0000" then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + + -- we stay in the idle state + + -- buffer is not full, this is a line transfer + elsif WBF_full = '0' and AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and AMU_pipe_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_size; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + -- buffer is full, we switch to the wait-state and wait until we can write to the buffer + elsif WBF_full = '1' and AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" then + + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_size; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + -- this is a burst transfer + -- and the buffer is not full + elsif WBF_full = '0' and AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_BE; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + -- this is a burst transfer + -- and the buffer is full + elsif WBF_full = '1' and AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" then + + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_BE; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + end if; + + + + -- + -- NOTE: it is not allowed to write with a burst or line transfer to the status + -- registers, so TCU_stuWriteSA_t is only '1' for a single transfer! + -- + elsif start_plb_sec_stat_w = '1' then + + TCU_wpipeRdEn_t <= '1'; + + -- we latch the masterID + n_plb_wstate.w_master_id <= AMU_pipe_wmID; + + n_plb_wstate.w_secondary <= '0'; + + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + + if AMU_pipe_size = "1010" and AMU_pipe_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" then + -- burst transfer + + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( AMU_pipe_wmID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + -- we switch to the burst_write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- we did no transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + + + elsif AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and AMU_pipe_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" then + -- line transfer + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( AMU_pipe_wmID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + -- we switch to the write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_size; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + + else + + -- single transfer + TCU_stuWriteSA_t <= '1'; + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + end if; + + + -- + -- start write transfer, initiated through PLB_PAValid + -- + elsif start_plb_w = '1' then + + -- we can accept the address + + -- add address and data to the fifos/buffers + -- this implicit acks the address (see plb2wb_amu.vhd) + TCU_adrBufWEn_w <= '1'; + + addrAck_w <= '1'; + + + -- we latch the masterID + n_plb_wstate.w_master_id <= PLB_masterID; + + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '0'; + + -- buffer is not full and this is a single/normal transfer + -- (we stay in the idle state) + if WBF_full = '0' and PLB_size = "0000" then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + + + -- this is a line transfer + elsif WBF_full = '0' and PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and PLB_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + -- we switch to the write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + + -- the buffer is full: + -- if this is a single or line transfer, we switch to the plb_write state + elsif WBF_full = '1' and PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" then + + + -- we switch to the write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + -- we did no transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + + -- this is a burst transfer + -- and the buffer is not full + elsif WBF_full = '0' and PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" then + + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + + -- we switch to the burst_write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- we did no transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + + -- this is a burst transfer + -- and the buffer is full + elsif WBF_full = '1' and PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" then + + + -- we switch to the burst_write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- we did no transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + end if; + + -- + -- start write transfer to state-register, initiated through PLB_PAValid + -- + -- + -- NOTE: it is not allowed to write with a burst or line transfer to the status + -- registers, so TCU_stuWritePA_t is only '1' for a single transfer! + -- + elsif start_plb_stat_w = '1' then + + addrAck_w <= '1'; + + -- we latch the masterID + n_plb_wstate.w_master_id <= PLB_masterID; + + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + + if PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" then + -- burst transfer + + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( PLB_masterID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + -- we switch to the burst_write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_burst_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- we did no transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + + + elsif PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and PLB_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" then + -- line transfer + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( PLB_masterID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + -- we switch to the write state: + -- we write until transfer_count = transfer_size + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_write; + n_plb_wstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + -- we did one transfer in this clock cycle + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= "0001"; + + n_plb_wstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + + else + + -- single transfer + TCU_stuWritePA_t <= '1'; + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + end if; + end if; + + + + + + -- + -- write transfer: we are here because + -- - the write buffer was full and the adress buffer not, or + -- - this is a line transfer + -- + if ( c_plb_wstate.state = plb_write and + ( c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '1' or ( WBF_full = '0' and c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '0' ) ) ) then -- we can accept data + + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + + if ( ( c_plb_wstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0001" and c_plb_wstate.transfer_count = "0011" ) or + ( c_plb_wstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0010" and c_plb_wstate.transfer_count = "0111" ) or + ( c_plb_wstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0011" and c_plb_wstate.transfer_count = "1111" ) or + ( c_plb_wstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0000" ) -- single transfer + ) then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_widle; + + + else + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_plb_wstate.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + + if c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '1' then + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( c_plb_wstate.w_master_id ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + elsif WBF_full = '0' then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + + end if; + + + + end if; + + + -- + -- burst write transfer: we are here because + -- - this is a burst transfer + if( c_plb_wstate.state = plb_burst_write and + ( ( WBF_full = '0' and c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '0' ) or c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '1' ) )then -- we can accept data + + + if c_plb_wstate.status_transfer = '1' then + + Sl_MWrErr( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( c_plb_wstate.w_master_id ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + + elsif WBF_full = '0' then + + -- add data to the buffer + TCU_wbufWEn_t <= '1'; + + end if; + + + + -- ack transfer to PLB + Sl_wrDAck <= '1'; + + + -- we show that the burst-transfer ends after the next cycle + if c_plb_wstate.transfer_count = std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned( c_plb_wstate.transfer_size ) -1 ) ) then + Sl_wrBTerm <= '1'; + end if; + + + if c_plb_wstate.transfer_size = c_plb_wstate.transfer_count then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + Sl_wrComp_t <= '1'; + n_plb_wstate.state <= plb_widle; + else + n_plb_wstate.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_plb_wstate.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + + + + end if; + + + + + if c_plb_wstate.state = plb_write + or c_plb_wstate.state = plb_burst_write then + mbusy_write_out( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( c_plb_wstate.w_master_id ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + elsif c_plb_wstate.w_secondary = '1' then + mbusy_write_out( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( AMU_pipe_wmID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + end if; + + end process; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + n_plb_rstate_p : process( c_plb_rstate, + PLB_PAValid, PLB_RNW, PLB_masterID, PLB_rdPrim, PLB_size, PLB_BE, + AMU_deviceSelect, AMU_bufFull, AMU_pipe_size, AMU_pipe_rmID, AMU_pipe_BE, AMU_statusSelect, + RBF_empty, RBF_almostEmpty, + start_plb_sec_r, start_plb_sec_stat_r, start_plb_r, start_plb_stat_r, + TCU_wpipeRdEn_t ) + begin + + + Sl_rdDAck_t <= '0'; + Sl_rdComp_t <= '0'; + Sl_rdBTerm <= '0'; + + TCU_rbufREn_t <= '0'; + TCU_adrBufWEn_r <= '0'; + + TCU_enRdDBus <= '0'; + TCU_rpipeRdEn_t <= '0'; + +-- TCU_rbufPreLoad <= '0'; -- TODO +-- TCU_rbufPreEn <= '0'; -- TODO + + addrAck_r <= '0'; + + + TCU_stuLatchSA_r <= '0'; + TCU_stuLatchPA_r <= '0'; + + TCU_enStuRdDBus <= '0'; + Sl_rdWdAddr <= ( others => '0' ); + + mbusy_read_out <= ( others => '0' ); + + n_plb_rstate <= c_plb_rstate; + + if PLB_rdPrim = '1' then + n_plb_rstate.r_secondary <= '1'; + end if; + + + if start_plb_sec_r = '1' then + + TCU_adrBufWEn_r <= '1'; + TCU_rpipeRdEn_t <= '1'; + n_plb_rstate.r_secondary <= '0'; + + -- latch the master-id from AMU + n_plb_rstate.r_master_id <= AMU_pipe_rmID; + + n_plb_rstate.status_transfer <= '0'; + + -- this is a line transfer + if AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and AMU_pipe_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_line_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_size; + + + -- this is a burst transfer + elsif AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_burst_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_BE( 0 to 3 ); + + -- this is a single transfer + else + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_read; + end if; + + + + -- + -- start read transfer from state-register, initiated through secondary request + -- + elsif start_plb_sec_stat_r = '1' then + + + TCU_rpipeRdEn_t <= '1'; + n_plb_rstate.r_secondary <= '0'; + + -- latch the master-id from AMU + n_plb_rstate.r_master_id <= AMU_pipe_rmID; + + -- tell the stu, that it should latch the secondary address + TCU_stuLatchSA_r <= '1'; + + n_plb_rstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + -- this is a line transfer + if AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and AMU_pipe_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_line_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_size; + + + -- this is a burst transfer + elsif AMU_pipe_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_burst_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= AMU_pipe_BE( 0 to 3 ); + + -- this is a single transfer + else + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_read; + end if; + + + + -- + -- start read transfer, initiated through PLB_PAValid + -- + elsif start_plb_r = '1' then + + + -- add address to the buffer/fifo + TCU_adrBufWEn_r <= '1'; + + addrAck_r <= '1'; + + -- latch the master-id from plb-bus + n_plb_rstate.r_master_id <= PLB_masterID; + + + n_plb_rstate.status_transfer <= '0'; + + + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + -- this is a line transfer + if PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and PLB_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_wait_line_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + + -- this is a burst transfer + elsif PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_wait_burst_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- this is a single transfer + else + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_read; + end if; + + + -- + -- start read transfer from state-register, initiated through PLB_PAValid + -- + elsif start_plb_stat_r = '1' then + + + -- single transfer + addrAck_r <= '1'; + + -- tell the stu, that it should latch the primary address + TCU_stuLatchPA_r <= '1'; + + -- latch the master-id from plb-bus + n_plb_rstate.r_master_id <= PLB_masterID; + + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= "0000"; + + + n_plb_rstate.status_transfer <= '1'; + + -- this is a line transfer + if PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" and PLB_size( 2 to 3 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_wait_line_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + + -- this is a burst transfer + elsif PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) /= "00" and C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 then + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_wait_burst_read; + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + -- this is a single transfer + else + n_plb_rstate.transfer_size <= PLB_size; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_read; + + end if; + + + + end if; + + + + -- the wb-side read the data and added it to the fifo + -- -> fifo is not empty any more + if ( ( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read and c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' and RBF_empty = '0' ) + -- this transfer reads from status register + or ( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read and c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '1' ) ) + then + + -- complete read transfer + Sl_rdComp_t <= '1'; + + -- switch to the ack state + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_read_ack; + + end if; + + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read_ack then + + -- switch to idle state + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_ridle; + + -- ack. the read transfer + Sl_rdDAck_t <= '1'; + + + if c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' then + + -- read from the buffer + TCU_rbufREn_t <= '1'; + + end if; + + end if; + + + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read then + -- /----- We know, that the fifo contains min. 2 elements + if ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '1' or -- \/ + ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' and RBF_almostEmpty = '0' ) ) then + + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_plb_rstate.transfer_count) + 1 ) ); + + Sl_rdDAck_t <= '1'; + + if ( ( c_plb_rstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0001" and c_plb_rstate.transfer_count = "0010" ) or + ( c_plb_rstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0010" and c_plb_rstate.transfer_count = "0110" ) or + ( c_plb_rstate.transfer_size( 0 to 3 ) = "0011" and c_plb_rstate.transfer_count = "1110" ) ) then + -- we are finished after the next clock cycle + Sl_rdComp_t <= '1'; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_line_read_ack; + end if; + end if; + + if ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' and RBF_almostEmpty = '0' ) then + TCU_rbufREn_t <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + + + + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read then + + + -- /----- We know, that the fifo contains min. 2 elements + if ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '1' or -- \/ + ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' and RBF_almostEmpty = '0' ) ) then + + n_plb_rstate.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_plb_rstate.transfer_count) + 1 ) ); + + Sl_rdDAck_t <= '1'; + + if c_plb_rstate.transfer_count = std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned ( c_plb_rstate.transfer_size ) -1 ) ) then + + -- we are finished after the next clock cycle + Sl_rdComp_t <= '1'; + Sl_rdBTerm <= '1'; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_burst_read_ack; + end if; + + + end if; + + if ( c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' and RBF_almostEmpty = '0' ) then + TCU_rbufREn_t <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + + -- the wait cycles + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_wait_burst_read then + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_burst_read; + end if; + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_wait_line_read then + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_line_read; + end if; + + + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read_ack or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read_ack then + + Sl_rdDAck_t <= '1'; + n_plb_rstate.state <= plb_ridle; + + if c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' then + TCU_rbufREn_t <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + + if ( ( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read_ack + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read_ack + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read_ack) + and c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '0' ) + then + -- we enable the read bus on plb side + TCU_enRdDBus <= '1'; + + elsif ( ( c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read_ack + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read_ack + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read + or c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read_ack) + and c_plb_rstate.status_transfer = '1' ) + then + + TCU_enStuRdDBus <= '1'; + end if; + + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_read_ack or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read_ack or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read_ack or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_wait_line_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_wait_burst_read + then + mbusy_read_out( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( c_plb_rstate.r_master_id ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + end if; + + + if c_plb_rstate.r_secondary = '1' then + mbusy_read_out( to_integer( unsigned'( unsigned( AMU_pipe_rmID ) ) ) ) <= '1'; + end if; + + + if c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_line_read_ack or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read or + c_plb_rstate.state = plb_burst_read_ack + then + Sl_rdWdAddr <= c_plb_rstate.transfer_count; + end if; + + + + end process; + + TCU_MRBusy <= mbusy_read_out or mbusy_write_out; + + Sl_MRdErr <= mbusy_read_out when Sl_rdDAck_t = '1' and RBF_rdErrOut = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + + + + + + -- ====================================================================================================| + -- | + -- ========================= W I S H B O N E -- S I D E =========================================| + -- | + -- ====================================================================================================| + + + + + + + ------- + -- WB-timeout counter + -- -> counts from WB_TOUT_MIN_VALUE to WB_TOUT_MAX_VALUE + -- -> is reseted by driving wb_tout_reset high + -- -> if counter reaches WB_TOUT_MAX_VALUE, wb_tout_alarm becomes '1' + -- + wb_tout_process : process( wb_clk_i, plb2wb_rst, wb_tout_counter, wb_tout_reset ) + begin + wb_tout_alarm <= '0'; + + if plb2wb_rst = '1' or wb_tout_reset = '1' then + wb_tout_counter <= WB_TOUT_MIN_VALUE; + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i = '1' then + if ( wb_tout_count = '1' and wb_tout_counter /= WB_TOUT_MAX_VALUE ) then + wb_tout_counter <= wb_tout_counter + 1; + end if; + end if; + if wb_tout_counter = WB_TOUT_MAX_VALUE then + wb_tout_alarm <= '1'; + end if; + end process; + -- + ----- + + + + + + + + + c_wb_state_p : process( wb_clk_i, plb2wb_rst ) begin + if plb2wb_rst='1' then + c_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + c_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + elsif wb_clk_i'event and wb_clk_i='1' then + c_wb_state <= n_wb_state; + + end if; + end process; + + + + -- + -- Note: we have fall-through fifo's, so the address is assigned when AMU_bufEmpty becomes '0' + -- + start_wb_w <= '1' when ( c_wb_state.state = wb_idle and AMU_buf_RNW = '0' and AMU_bufEmpty = '0' and WBF_empty = '0' ) else + '0'; + start_wb_r <= '1' when ( c_wb_state.state = wb_idle and AMU_buf_RNW = '1' and RBF_full = '0' and AMU_bufEmpty = '0' ) else + '0'; + + + wb_ack <= wb_ack_i and not wb_err_i and not wb_rty_i; + wb_rty <= wb_rty_i and not wb_err_i; + wb_err <= wb_err_i; + + + + n_wb_state_p : process( c_wb_state, AMU_buf_size, + AMU_buf_BE, WBF_empty, + start_wb_w, start_wb_r, wb_ack, wb_rty, wb_err, wb_tout_alarm, + STU_continue, STU_abort, wb_rst_short,pic_int_ahigh_short ) begin + + wb_we_o <= '0'; + wb_stb_o <= '0'; + wb_cyc_o <= '0'; + wb_lock_o <= '0'; + + TCU_wbufREn_t <= '0'; + TCU_rbufWEn_t <= '0'; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '0'; + TCU_wb_status_info <= ( others => '0' ); + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '0'; + + + wb_tout_count <= '0'; + wb_tout_reset <= '0'; + + n_wb_state <= c_wb_state; + + if start_wb_w = '1' then + + wb_stb_o <= '1'; + wb_cyc_o <= '1'; + wb_we_o <= '1'; + n_wb_state.abort <= '0'; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + + if wb_ack = '1' then + TCU_wbufREn_t <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size /= "0000" then + -- this is a line or burst transfer + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write; + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= "0001"; + else + -- this is a single transfer: + -- we read from the address buffer, + -- because this transfer is complete + + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + end if; + + elsif wb_err = '1' then + -- add error info to the status pipe + -- and switch to the stall state + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write_stall; + TCU_wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_W_ERR ) <= '1'; + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '1'; + elsif wb_rty = '1' then + -- retry this transfer + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write_rty; + else + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write; + end if; + + end if; + + + + + + if start_wb_r = '1' then + + + wb_stb_o <= '1'; + wb_cyc_o <= '1'; + wb_we_o <= '0'; + n_wb_state.abort <= '0'; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + + + if wb_ack = '1' or wb_err = '1' then + TCU_rbufWEn_t <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size /= "0000" then + -- this is a line or burst transfer + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read; + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= "0001"; + else + -- this is a single transfer: + -- we read from the address buffer, + -- because this transfer is complete + + + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + end if; + + elsif wb_rty = '1' then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read_rty; + else + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read; + end if; + + end if; + + + + -- + -- write-transfer without writing + -- -->> we have to empty the write-pipe + if c_wb_state.state = wb_write and WBF_empty ='0' and c_wb_state.abort = '1' then + + TCU_wbufREn_t <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size = "0000" then + -- single write transfer + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + elsif AMU_buf_size( 3 downto 2 ) = "00" then + -- write line transfer + + if ( ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "01" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0011" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "10" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0111" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "11" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "1111" ) ) then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + else + -- write burst transfer + + if c_wb_state.transfer_count = AMU_buf_BE then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + end if; + + + + elsif c_wb_state.state = wb_write and WBF_empty ='0' and c_wb_state.abort = '0' then + + wb_stb_o <= '1'; + wb_cyc_o <= '1'; + wb_we_o <= '1'; + wb_tout_count <= '1'; + + + if wb_ack = '1' then + + TCU_wbufREn_t <= '1'; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size = "0000" then + -- single write transfer + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + elsif AMU_buf_size( 3 downto 2 ) = "00" then + -- write line transfer + + if ( ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "01" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0011" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "10" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0111" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "11" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "1111" ) ) then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + else + -- write burst transfer + + if c_wb_state.transfer_count = AMU_buf_BE then + -- we are at the end of this transfer + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + end if; + + elsif wb_err = '1' then + -- add error info to the status pipe + -- and switch to the stall state + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write_stall; + TCU_wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_W_ERR ) <= '1'; + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '1'; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + elsif wb_rty = '1' then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write_rty; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + elsif wb_tout_alarm = '1' then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write_stall; + TCU_wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_W_ERR ) <= '1'; + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '1'; + end if; + + end if; + + -- + -- The WB-spec says, that wb_rty_i terminates a cycle, so wb_stb_o and wb_cyc_o is '0' + -- + if c_wb_state.state = wb_write_rty then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write; + end if; + + + + + if c_wb_state.state = wb_read then + + wb_stb_o <= '1'; + wb_cyc_o <= '1'; + wb_we_o <= '0'; + wb_tout_count <= '1'; + + + if wb_ack = '1' or wb_err = '1' then + + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + + TCU_rbufWEn_t <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size = "0000" then + -- single read transfer + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + elsif AMU_buf_size( 3 downto 2 ) = "00" then + -- read line transfer + + if ( ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "01" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0011" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "10" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0111" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "11" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "1111" ) ) then + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + + end if; + + + else + -- burst read transfer + + if c_wb_state.transfer_count = AMU_buf_BE then + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + -- add info to the status fifo + else + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + end if; + + elsif wb_rty = '1' then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read_rty; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + + + ----- + -- NOTE: This must be done after all other if-cases (ack, err, rty) + -- doing this together with ack and err, it results into a wrong behavior, + -- because the slave gives us a retry in the last timeout cycle + -- + -- we are still waiting for an reaction of the slave ... + -- we abort this cycle (we need to drive cyc and stb low) + -- and continue with the next datum (if its a burst or line transfer) + -- + elsif wb_tout_alarm = '1' then + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read_rty; + TCU_rbufWEn_t <= '1'; + + if AMU_buf_size = "0000" then + -- single read transfer + + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + elsif AMU_buf_size( 3 downto 2 ) = "00" then + -- read line transfer + + if ( ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "01" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0011" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "10" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "0111" ) or + ( AMU_buf_size( 1 downto 0 ) = "11" and c_wb_state.transfer_count = "1111" ) ) then + + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + + else + -- we use the retry state to drive stb and cyc low + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read_rty; + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + else + -- burst read transfer + + if c_wb_state.transfer_count = AMU_buf_BE then + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= ( others => '0' ); + n_wb_state.state <= wb_idle; + TCU_adrBufREn <= '1'; + -- add info to the status fifo + else + -- we use the retry state to drive stb and cyc low + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read_rty; + n_wb_state.transfer_count <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'( unsigned(c_wb_state.transfer_count) +1 ) ); + end if; + + end if; + + end if; + + end if; + + + + + -- + -- The generation of the lock-signal. If we are in a transfer (or starting a transfer), which is on + -- the plb-size a line or burst transfer and if block transfers are supported, we lock the bus (block transfer) + -- + -- + if ( ( c_wb_state.state = wb_read or + c_wb_state.state = wb_write or + c_wb_state.state = wb_read_rty or + c_wb_state.state = wb_write_rty or + start_wb_w = '1' or + start_wb_r = '1' ) and AMU_buf_size /= "0000" and WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK > 0 ) then + wb_lock_o <= '1'; + end if; + + + + -- + -- The WB-spec says, that wb_rty_i terminates a cycle, so wb_stb_o and wb_cyc_o is '0' + -- + if c_wb_state.state = wb_read_rty then + n_wb_state.state <= wb_read; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + end if; + + + + if ( c_wb_state.state = wb_write_stall and ( STU_continue = '1' or STU_abort = '1' ) )then + if STU_abort = '1' then + n_wb_state.abort <= '1'; + end if; + n_wb_state.state <= wb_write; + wb_tout_reset <= '1'; + end if; + + + + if wb_rst_short = '1' then + TCU_wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_RST ) <= '1'; + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '1'; + end if; + + + + for i in 0 to WB_PIC_INTS-1 loop + + if pic_int_ahigh_short( i ) = '1' then + TCU_stat2plb_en <= '1'; + TCU_wb_status_info( STATUS2PLB_IRQ ) <= '1'; + end if; + + end loop; + + TCU_wb_irq_info <= ( others => '0' ); + TCU_wb_irq_info( IRQ_INFO_SIZE-1 downto IRQ_INFO_SIZE-WB_PIC_INTS ) <= pic_int_ahigh_short; + + + end process; + + + TCU_adr_offset <= c_wb_state.transfer_count; + + -- We drive this signal high, if + -- -> there is a wb-error + -- -> there is a timeout and if we are not getting any response in this clock cycle + RBF_rdErrIn <= '1' when ( wb_err_i = '1' + or ( wb_tout_alarm = '1' and wb_rty_i = '0' and wb_ack_i = '0' ) ) + else '0'; + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_bridge.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_bridge.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_bridge.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,712 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.all; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.ALL; + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Definition of Generics: +-- +-- SYNCHRONY -- The PLB and WB clocks are synchron +-- WB_ADR_OFFSET -- Address offset: is added to every address on WB side +-- WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG -- Defines if WB_ADR_OFFSET is added or subtracted +-- WB_PIC_INTS -- Number of Wishbone interrupt lines +-- WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL -- Interrupts are active high or acrive low +-- WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK -- Wishbone block transfers are supported +-- WB_DAT_W -- Wishbone data bus width +-- WB_ADR_W -- Wishbone address bus width +-- WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES -- Watchdog timer cycles +-- +-- +-- C_BASEADDR -- PLBv46 slave: base address +-- C_HIGHADDR -- PLBv46 slave: high address +-- C_SPLB_AWIDTH -- PLBv46 slave: address bus width +-- C_STATUS_BASEADDR -- PLBv46 slave: base address of status registers +-- C_STATUS_HIGHADDR -- PLBv46 slave: base address of status registers +-- C_SPLB_DWIDTH -- PLBv46 slave: data bus width +-- C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS -- PLBv46 slave: Number of masters +-- C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -- PLBv46 slave: master ID bus width +-- C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH -- PLBv46 slave: internal native data bus width +-- C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE -- PLBv46 slave: support burst and line transfers +-- C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE -- PLBv46 slave: support address pipelining +-- +-- Definition of Ports: +-- SPLB_Clk -- PLB main bus clock +-- SPLB_Rst -- PLB main bus reset +-- PLB_ABus -- PLB address bus +-- PLB_UABus -- PLB upper address bus +-- PLB_PAValid -- PLB primary address valid indicator +-- PLB_SAValid -- PLB secondary address valid indicator +-- PLB_rdPrim -- PLB secondary to primary read request indicator +-- PLB_wrPrim -- PLB secondary to primary write request indicator +-- PLB_masterID -- PLB current master identifier +-- PLB_abort -- PLB abort request indicator +-- PLB_busLock -- PLB bus lock +-- PLB_RNW -- PLB read/not write +-- PLB_BE -- PLB byte enables +-- PLB_MSize -- PLB master data bus size +-- PLB_size -- PLB transfer size +-- PLB_type -- PLB transfer type +-- PLB_lockErr -- PLB lock error indicator +-- PLB_wrDBus -- PLB write data bus +-- PLB_wrBurst -- PLB burst write transfer indicator +-- PLB_rdBurst -- PLB burst read transfer indicator +-- PLB_wrPendReq -- PLB write pending bus request indicator +-- PLB_rdPendReq -- PLB read pending bus request indicator +-- PLB_wrPendPri -- PLB write pending request priority +-- PLB_rdPendPri -- PLB read pending request priority +-- PLB_reqPri -- PLB current request priority +-- PLB_TAttribute -- PLB transfer attribute +-- Sl_addrAck -- PLB slave address acknowledge +-- Sl_SSize -- PLB slave data bus size +-- Sl_wait -- PLB slave wait indicator +-- Sl_rearbitrate -- PLB slave re-arbitrate bus indicator +-- Sl_wrDAck -- PLB slave write data acknowledge +-- Sl_wrComp -- PLB slave write transfer complete indicator +-- Sl_wrBTerm -- PLB slave terminate write burst transfer +-- Sl_rdDBus -- PLB slave read data bus +-- Sl_rdWdAddr -- PLB slave read word address +-- Sl_rdDAck -- PLB slave read data acknowledge +-- Sl_rdComp -- PLB slave read transfer complete indicator +-- Sl_rdBTerm -- PLB slave terminate read burst transfer +-- Sl_MBusy -- PLB slave busy indicator +-- Sl_MWrErr -- PLB slave write error indicator +-- Sl_MRdErr -- PLB slave read error indicator +-- Sl_MIRQ -- PLB slave bus interrupt indicator (not used by xilinx) +-- PLB2WB_IRQ -- PLB slave interrupt out + +-- WB Signals --------------------------------------- +-- wb_clk_i -- WB bus clock +-- wb_rst_i -- WB bus reset +-- wb_dat_i -- WB master read data bus +-- wb_dat_o -- WB master write data bus +-- wb_adr_o -- WB master address bus +-- wb_sel_o -- WB master byte enables +-- wb_we_o -- WB master write enable ('0' when read) +-- wb_cyc_o -- WB master bus cycle indicator +-- wb_stb_o -- WB master strobe output +-- wb_ack_i -- WB master acknowledge input +-- wb_err_i -- WB master error input +-- wb_rty_i -- WB master retry input +-- wb_lock_o -- WB master bus lock +-- wb_pic_int_i -- WB master interrupt input + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +entity plb2wb_bridge is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; -- true = synchron, false = asynchron! + + -- PLB Parameters ----------------------------------- + C_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_STATUS_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_STATUS_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_SPLB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_DWIDTH : integer := 128; + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS : integer := 8; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE : integer := 1; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE : integer := 1; + + -- WB Parameters ----------------------------------- + WB_DAT_W : integer := 32; + WB_ADR_W : integer := 32; + WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES : integer := 10; + WB_ADR_OFFSET : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG : std_logic := '0'; + WB_PIC_INTS : integer := 0; + WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL : std_logic := '1'; + WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK : integer := 1 + ); + port + ( + + PLB2WB_IRQ : out std_logic; + + -- WB Signals --------------------------------------- + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + wb_rst_i : in std_logic; + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W/8-1 downto 0 ); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_rty_i : in std_logic; + wb_lock_o : out std_logic; + + wb_pic_int_i : in std_logic_vector( WB_PIC_INTS-1 downto 0 ); + + -- PLB Signals -------------------------------------- + SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; + SPLB_Rst : in std_logic; + PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + PLB_UABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 31 ); + PLB_PAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_SAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_rdPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPrim : in std_logic; + PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_abort : in std_logic; + PLB_busLock : in std_logic; + PLB_RNW : in std_logic; + PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8-1 ); + PLB_MSize : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + PLB_type : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 2 ); + PLB_lockErr : in std_logic; + PLB_wrDBus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + PLB_wrBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_rdBurst : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPendReq : in std_logic; + PLB_rdPendReq : in std_logic; + PLB_wrPendPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_rdPendPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_reqPri : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + PLB_TAttribute : in std_logic_vector( 0 to 15 ); + Sl_addrAck : out std_logic; + Sl_SSize : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + Sl_wait : out std_logic; + Sl_rearbitrate : out std_logic; + Sl_wrDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_wrComp : out std_logic; + Sl_wrBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_rdDBus : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + Sl_rdWdAddr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + Sl_rdDAck : out std_logic; + Sl_rdComp : out std_logic; + Sl_rdBTerm : out std_logic; + Sl_MBusy : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MWrErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MRdErr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + Sl_MIRQ : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ) + ); + + + constant WB_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + constant WB_AWIDTH : integer := WB_ADR_W; + constant C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + constant C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH : integer := 3; + constant C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH : integer := C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8; + constant C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH : integer := C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH/8; + + +end entity plb2wb_bridge; + + + + + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_bridge is + + + signal wb_dat_o_t : std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W-1 downto 0 ); + signal wb_adr_o_t : std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + signal wb_sel_o_t : std_logic_vector( WB_DAT_W/8-1 downto 0 ); + signal wb_we_o_t : std_logic; + signal wb_cyc_o_t : std_logic; + signal wb_stb_o_t : std_logic; + + signal Sl_addrAck_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_SSize_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to 1 ); + signal Sl_wait_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_rearbitrate_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_wrDAck_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_wrComp_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_wrBTerm_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_rdDBus_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + signal Sl_rdWdAddr_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ); + signal Sl_rdDAck_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_rdComp_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_rdBTerm_t : std_logic; + signal Sl_MBusy_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + signal Sl_MWrErr_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + signal Sl_MRdErr_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + signal Sl_MIRQ_t : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + + signal AMU_buf_RNW : std_logic; + + signal AMU_bufEmpty : std_logic; + signal AMU_bufFull : std_logic; + signal AMU_deviceSelect : std_logic; + signal AMU_statusSelect : std_logic; + signal AMU_addrAck : std_logic; + signal AMU_pipe_wmID : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + signal AMU_pipe_rmID : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + signal AMU_buf_size : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + signal AMU_buf_BE : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + signal AMU_buf_adr : std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + signal AMU_buf_adr_wo : std_logic_vector( WB_ADR_W-1 downto 0 ); + signal AMU_pipe_size : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + signal AMU_pipe_BE : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + signal AMU_pipe_adr : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH-1 ); + signal AMU_buf_masterID : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ); + signal AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect : std_logic; + signal AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect : std_logic; + + + signal RBF_rBus : std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + signal RBF_empty : std_logic; + signal RBF_almostEmpty : std_logic; + signal RBF_full : std_logic; + signal RBF_rdErrOut : std_logic; + signal RBF_rdErrIn : std_logic; + + signal WBF_empty : std_logic; + signal WBF_full : std_logic; + signal WBF_wBus : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH-1 ); + + + signal TCU_wbufWEn : std_logic; + signal TCU_wbufREn : std_logic; + signal TCU_rbufWEn : std_logic; + signal TCU_rbufREn : std_logic; + signal TCU_adrBufREn : std_logic; + signal TCU_adrBufWEn : std_logic; + signal TCU_enRdDBus : std_logic; + signal TCU_enStuRdDBus : std_logic; + signal TCU_MRBusy : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1 ); + signal TCU_addrAck : std_logic; + signal TCU_rpipeRdEn : std_logic; + signal TCU_wpipeRdEn : std_logic; + signal TCU_adr_offset : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); + signal TCU_stuLatchPA : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuLatchSA : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuWritePA : std_logic; + signal TCU_stuWriteSA : std_logic; + + signal TCU_wb_status_info : std_logic_vector( STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal TCU_stat2plb_en : std_logic; + + signal STU_rdDBus : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + + signal STU_full : std_logic; + signal STU_continue : std_logic; + signal STU_abort : std_logic; + signal STU_softReset : std_logic; + + + signal plb2wb_rst : std_logic; + signal TCU_wb_irq_info : std_logic_vector( IRQ_INFO_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + +begin + + + wb_dat_o <= wb_dat_o_t ; + wb_adr_o <= wb_adr_o_t ; + wb_sel_o <= wb_sel_o_t ; + wb_we_o <= wb_we_o_t ; + wb_cyc_o <= wb_cyc_o_t ; + wb_stb_o <= wb_stb_o_t ; + + Sl_addrAck <= Sl_addrAck_t ; + Sl_SSize <= Sl_SSize_t ; + Sl_wait <= Sl_wait_t ; + Sl_rearbitrate <= Sl_rearbitrate_t ; + Sl_wrDAck <= Sl_wrDAck_t ; + Sl_wrComp <= Sl_wrComp_t ; + Sl_wrBTerm <= Sl_wrBTerm_t ; + Sl_rdDBus <= Sl_rdDBus_t or STU_rdDBus; + Sl_rdWdAddr <= Sl_rdWdAddr_t ; + Sl_rdDAck <= Sl_rdDAck_t ; + Sl_rdComp <= Sl_rdComp_t ; + Sl_rdBTerm <= Sl_rdBTerm_t ; + Sl_MBusy <= Sl_MBusy_t ; + Sl_MWrErr <= Sl_MWrErr_t ; + Sl_MRdErr <= Sl_MRdErr_t ; + Sl_MIRQ <= Sl_MIRQ_t ; + + + + Sl_MBusy_t <= TCU_MRBusy; + Sl_addrAck_t <= TCU_addrAck or AMU_addrAck; + + ----- + -- + -- Set the slave-size, depending on SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + -- + Sl_SSize_t <= "01" when C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 64 else + "10" when C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 128 else + "00"; + + + + plb2wb_rst <= SPLB_Rst or STU_softReset; + + + stu : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_stu( IMP ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + WB_DWIDTH => WB_DWIDTH, + WB_AWIDTH => WB_AWIDTH, + C_SPLB_AWIDTH => C_SPLB_AWIDTH, + C_SPLB_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_DWIDTH, + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS => C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS, + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + ) + port map( + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i, + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk, + SPLB_Rst => SPLB_Rst, + + AMU_masterID => AMU_pipe_wmID, + AMU_pipe_adr => AMU_pipe_adr, + AMU_buf_adr_wo => AMU_buf_adr_wo, + AMU_buf_masterID => AMU_buf_masterID, + + PLB_masterID => PLB_masterID, + PLB_size => PLB_size, + PLB_wrDBus => PLB_wrDBus, + PLB_ABus => PLB_ABus, + PLB_BE => PLB_BE , + Sl_rdWdAddr => Sl_rdWdAddr_t, + Sl_MIRQ => Sl_MIRQ_t, + + STU_rdDBus => STU_rdDBus, + STU_full => STU_full, + STU_continue => STU_continue, + STU_abort => STU_abort, + STU_softReset => STU_softReset, + WBF_wBus => WBF_wBus, + + TCU_wb_irq_info => TCU_wb_irq_info, + TCU_enStuRdDBus => TCU_enStuRdDBus, + TCU_wb_status_info => TCU_wb_status_info, + TCU_stuLatchPA => TCU_stuLatchPA, + TCU_stuLatchSA => TCU_stuLatchSA, + TCU_stuWritePA => TCU_stuWritePA, + TCU_stuWriteSA => TCU_stuWriteSA, + TCU_stat2plb_en => TCU_stat2plb_en, + PLB2WB_IRQ => PLB2WB_IRQ + ); + + + + + + + amu : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_amu( IMP ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + + WB_DWIDTH => WB_DWIDTH, + WB_AWIDTH => WB_AWIDTH, + WB_ADR_OFFSET => WB_ADR_OFFSET, + WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG => WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG, + + C_BASEADDR => C_BASEADDR, + C_HIGHADDR => C_HIGHADDR, + C_STATUS_BASEADDR => C_STATUS_BASEADDR, + C_STATUS_HIGHADDR => C_STATUS_HIGHADDR, + C_SPLB_AWIDTH => C_SPLB_AWIDTH, + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE => C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE, + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE => C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE + ) + port map( + + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i , + wb_sel_o => wb_sel_o_t , + + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk , + plb2wb_rst => plb2wb_rst , + + PLB_ABus => PLB_ABus , + PLB_UABus => PLB_UABus , + PLB_SAValid => PLB_SAValid , + PLB_size => PLB_size , + PLB_type => PLB_type , + PLB_BE => PLB_BE , + PLB_RNW => PLB_RNW , + PLB_masterID => PLB_masterID , + + TCU_adrBufREn => TCU_adrBufREn, + TCU_adrBufWEn => TCU_adrBufWEn, + TCU_rpipeRdEn => TCU_rpipeRdEn, + TCU_wpipeRdEn => TCU_wpipeRdEn , + TCU_stuWriteSA => TCU_stuWriteSA, + + AMU_deviceSelect => AMU_deviceSelect, + AMU_statusSelect => AMU_statusSelect, + AMU_bufEmpty => AMU_bufEmpty , + AMU_bufFull => AMU_bufFull, + AMU_addrAck => AMU_addrAck, + AMU_buf_RNW => AMU_buf_RNW, + AMU_pipe_wmID => AMU_pipe_wmID, + AMU_pipe_rmID => AMU_pipe_rmID, + AMU_buf_size => AMU_buf_size, + AMU_buf_masterID => AMU_buf_masterID, + AMU_buf_adr => AMU_buf_adr, + AMU_buf_adr_wo => AMU_buf_adr_wo, + AMU_pipe_size => AMU_pipe_size, + AMU_pipe_BE => AMU_pipe_BE, + AMU_buf_BE => AMU_buf_BE, + AMU_pipe_adr => AMU_pipe_adr, + AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect =>AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect, + AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect =>AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect + ); + + + wb_adr_o_t <= std_logic_vector( unsigned( AMU_buf_adr ) + unsigned( TCU_adr_offset & "00" ) ); + + + + + + + + + tcu : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_tcu( IMP ) + generic map( + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_DWIDTH, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS => C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS, + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH, + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE => C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE, + WB_PIC_INTS => WB_PIC_INTS, + WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL => WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL, + WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK => WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK + ) + port map( + + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i, + wb_stb_o => wb_stb_o_t, + wb_we_o => wb_we_o_t, + wb_cyc_o => wb_cyc_o_t, + wb_ack_i => wb_ack_i, + wb_err_i => wb_err_i, + wb_rty_i => wb_rty_i, + wb_lock_o => wb_lock_o, + wb_rst_i => wb_rst_i, + wb_pic_int_i => wb_pic_int_i, + + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk, + plb2wb_rst => plb2wb_rst, + PLB_MSize => PLB_MSize, + PLB_TAttribute => PLB_TAttribute, + PLB_lockErr => PLB_lockErr, + PLB_abort => PLB_abort, + PLB_rdBurst => PLB_rdBurst, + PLB_wrBurst => PLB_wrBurst, + PLB_RNW => PLB_RNW, + PLB_PAValid => PLB_PAValid, + PLB_masterID => PLB_masterID, + PLB_rdPrim => PLB_rdPrim, + PLB_wrPrim => PLB_wrPrim, + PLB_size => PLB_size, + PLB_BE => PLB_BE, + PLB_type => PLB_type, + + STU_continue => STU_continue, + STU_abort => STU_abort, + + Sl_MWrErr => Sl_MWrErr_t, + Sl_wrDAck => Sl_wrDAck_t, + Sl_wrComp => Sl_wrComp_t, + Sl_wrBTerm => Sl_wrBTerm_t, + Sl_rdDAck => Sl_rdDAck_t, + Sl_rdComp => Sl_rdComp_t, + Sl_rdBTerm => Sl_rdBTerm_t, + Sl_rdWdAddr => Sl_rdWdAddr_t, + Sl_wait => Sl_wait_t, + Sl_rearbitrate => Sl_rearbitrate_t, + Sl_MRdErr => Sl_MRdErr_t, + + AMU_deviceSelect => AMU_deviceSelect, + AMU_bufEmpty => AMU_bufEmpty, + AMU_bufFull => AMU_bufFull, + AMU_buf_RNW => AMU_buf_RNW, + AMU_buf_BE => AMU_buf_BE, + AMU_buf_size => AMU_buf_size, + AMU_pipe_rmID => AMU_pipe_rmID, + AMU_pipe_wmID => AMU_pipe_wmID, + AMU_pipe_size => AMU_pipe_size, + AMU_pipe_BE => AMU_pipe_BE, + AMU_statusSelect => AMU_statusSelect, + AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect =>AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect, + AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect =>AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect, + + TCU_wbufWEn => TCU_wbufWEn, + TCU_wbufREn => TCU_wbufREn, + TCU_rbufWEn => TCU_rbufWEn, + TCU_rbufREn => TCU_rbufREn, + TCU_adrBufREn => TCU_adrBufREn, + TCU_adrBufWEn => TCU_adrBufWEn, + TCU_enStuRdDBus => TCU_enStuRdDBus, + TCU_enRdDBus => TCU_enRdDBus, + TCU_MRBusy => TCU_MRBusy, + TCU_addrAck => TCU_addrAck, + TCU_rpipeRdEn => TCU_rpipeRdEn, + TCU_wpipeRdEn => TCU_wpipeRdEn , + TCU_adr_offset => TCU_adr_offset, + TCU_stuLatchPA => TCU_stuLatchPA, + TCU_stuLatchSA => TCU_stuLatchSA, + TCU_stuWritePA => TCU_stuWritePA, + TCU_stuWriteSA => TCU_stuWriteSA, + TCU_stat2plb_en => TCU_stat2plb_en, + TCU_wb_status_info => TCU_wb_status_info, + TCU_wb_irq_info => TCU_wb_irq_info, + + WBF_empty => WBF_empty, + WBF_full => WBF_full, + + RBF_rdErrOut => RBF_rdErrOut, + RBF_rdErrIn => RBF_rdErrIn, + RBF_empty => RBF_empty, + RBF_almostEmpty => RBF_almostEmpty, + RBF_full => RBF_full + ); + + + + + + + + + + + + --------------------------------- + -- + -- + -- + -- Read and Write Buffer + -- + -- + wb_dat_o_t <= WBF_wBus; + + gen_128 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 128 generate + Sl_rdDBus_t <= RBF_rBus & RBF_rBus & RBF_rBus & RBF_rBus when TCU_enRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate gen_128; + + gen_64 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 64 generate + Sl_rdDBus_t <= RBF_rBus & RBF_rBus when TCU_enRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate gen_64; + + gen_32 : if C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 32 generate + Sl_rdDBus_t <= RBF_rBus when TCU_enRdDBus = '1' else + ( others => '0' ); + end generate gen_32; + + + + + wbuf : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_wbuf( IMP_32 ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + C_SPLB_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_DWIDTH, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH, + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH => C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + ) + port map( + + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i, + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk, + plb2wb_rst => plb2wb_rst, + PLB_size => PLB_size, + PLB_wrDBus => PLB_wrDBus, + TCU_wbufWEn => TCU_wbufWEn, + TCU_wbufREn => TCU_wbufREn, + + WBF_empty => WBF_empty, + WBF_full => WBF_full, + WBF_wBus => WBF_wBus + ); + + rbuf : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_rbuf( IMP_32 ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + WB_DWIDTH => WB_DWIDTH + ) + port map( + wb_clk_i => wb_clk_i, + SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk, + plb2wb_rst => plb2wb_rst, + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i, + RBF_rBus => RBF_rBus, + RBF_empty => RBF_empty, + RBF_almostEmpty => RBF_almostEmpty, + RBF_full => RBF_full, + RBF_rdErrOut => RBF_rdErrOut, + RBF_rdErrIn => RBF_rdErrIn, + TCU_rbufWEn => TCU_rbufWEn, + TCU_rbufREn => TCU_rbufREn + ); + -- + ------------------------------------------- + + + + + + +end IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_short_impulse.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_short_impulse.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_short_impulse.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + + +entity plb2wb_short_impulse is + Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC; + RESET : in STD_LOGIC; + IMPULSE : in STD_LOGIC; + SHORT_IMPULSE : out STD_LOGIC); +end plb2wb_short_impulse; + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_short_impulse is + + +type state is record + was_down : std_logic; + start_of_high : std_logic; +end record; + +signal current_state, next_state : state; + +begin + +states_state : process( CLK, RESET ) + + begin + if CLK'event and CLK='1' then + + if RESET = '1' then + + current_state <= ( was_down => '0', + start_of_high => '0' ); + + else + current_state <= next_state; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + + +detection : process( current_state, IMPULSE ) + begin + + next_state <= current_state; + next_state.start_of_high <= '0'; + SHORT_IMPULSE <= '0'; + + if current_state.was_down = '1' and IMPULSE = '1' then + next_state.was_down <= '0'; + next_State.start_of_high <= '1'; + SHORT_IMPULSE <= '1'; + end if; + + if current_state.was_down = '0' and IMPULSE = '0' then + next_state.was_down <= '1'; + end if; + + end process; + + + +end IMP; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_rbuf.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_rbuf.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_rbuf.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + + + + +entity plb2wb_rbuf is + generic( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; + WB_DWIDTH : integer := 32 + ); + port( + + wb_clk_i : IN std_logic; + SPLB_Clk : IN std_logic; + plb2wb_rst : IN std_logic; + + wb_dat_i : IN std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + + RBF_rBus : out std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + RBF_empty : out std_logic; + RBF_almostEmpty : out std_logic; + RBF_full : out std_logic; + + RBF_rdErrOut : out std_logic; + RBF_rdErrIn : in std_logic; + + TCU_rbufWEn : in std_logic; + TCU_rbufREn : in std_logic + ); +end entity plb2wb_rbuf; + + + +architecture IMP_32 of plb2wb_rbuf is + + + signal rbuf_dout : std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH+1-1 downto 0 ); + signal rbuf_din : std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH+1-1 downto 0 ); + signal pre_load_reg : std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH+1-1 downto 0 ); + signal rd_en : std_logic; +begin + + + rbuf_din <= RBF_rdErrIn & wb_dat_i; + + rd_en <= TCU_rbufREn; + RBF_rBus <= rbuf_dout( WB_DWIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + + RBF_rdErrOut <= rbuf_dout(32); + + + + rbuf : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.fifo_rdat( IMP ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + WB_DWIDTH => WB_DWIDTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => TCU_rbufWEn, + full => RBF_full, + empty => RBF_empty, + almost_empty => RBF_almostEmpty, + wr_clk => wb_clk_i, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + rd_clk => SPLB_Clk, + dout => rbuf_dout, + din => rbuf_din + ); + + + + +end architecture IMP_32; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_adr.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + +entity fifo_adr is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; -- true = synchron, false = asynchron + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3 + + ); + port( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 41+C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 41+C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1 ) + + ); +end entity fifo_adr; + + + + +architecture IMP of fifo_adr is + + + + component fifo_adr_cc_1 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 42-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 42-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_cc_1; + + component fifo_adr_ic_1 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 42-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 42-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_ic_1; + + component fifo_adr_cc_2 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 43-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 43-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_cc_2; + + component fifo_adr_ic_2 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 43-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 43-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_ic_2; + + component fifo_adr_cc_3 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 44-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 44-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_cc_3; + + component fifo_adr_ic_3 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 44-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 44-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_ic_3; + + component fifo_adr_cc_4 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 45-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 45-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_cc_4; + + component fifo_adr_ic_4 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 45-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 45-1 downto 0 ) + ); + end component fifo_adr_ic_4; + + +begin + + + + +fifo_cc_1: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 1 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_adr_cc_1 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk! + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_1; + + + +fifo_cc_2: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 2 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_adr_cc_2 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk! + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_2; + + + +fifo_cc_3: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 3 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_adr_cc_3 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk! + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_3; + + + +fifo_cc_4: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 4 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_adr_cc_4 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk! + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_4; + + + +fifo_ic_1: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 1 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_adr_ic_1 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_1; + + +fifo_ic_2: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 2 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_adr_ic_2 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_2; + + +fifo_ic_3: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 3 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_adr_ic_3 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_3; + + +fifo_ic_4: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 4 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_adr_ic_4 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_4; + + + + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_pkg.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_pkg.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_pkg.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +package plb2wb_pkg is + + -- + -- The range of the address pipeline depth + constant PIPE_D_MIN : integer := 2; + constant PIPE_D_MAX : integer := 512; + + + -- The range of the wishbone-data-bus width + constant WB_DWIDTH_MIN : integer := 32; + constant WB_DWIDTH_MAX : integer := 64; + + -- The range of the wishbone-address-bus width + constant WB_AWIDTH_MIN : integer := 32; + constant WB_AWIDTH_MAX : integer := 64; + + constant PLB_DWIDTH_MIN : integer := 32; + constant PLB_DWIDTH_MAX : integer := 128; + + + + + -- + -- error and reset info types and functions + -- + constant STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE : integer := 3; + + constant STATUS2PLB_W_ERR : integer := 0 ; + constant STATUS2PLB_RST : integer := 1 ; + constant STATUS2PLB_IRQ : integer := 2 ; + + -- The size data-size of the read/write buffer + constant RBUF_DWIDTH32 : integer := 33; + constant WBUF_DWIDTH32 : integer := 32; + + + + constant STATUS_CONTINUE : std_logic_vector := "0"; + constant STATUS_ABORT : std_logic_vector := "1"; + + + + constant IRQ_INFO_SIZE : integer := 32; + + + function log2( steps : natural ) return natural; + +end package plb2wb_pkg; + + + +package body plb2wb_pkg is + + + function log2( steps : natural ) return natural is + variable size : natural := 1; + begin + while( 2**size < steps ) loop + size := size + 1; + end loop; + return size; + end log2; + +end package body plb2wb_pkg; + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2wb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + + +entity fifo_stat2wb is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true -- true = synchron + ); + port( + rd_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + full : out std_logic; + empty : out std_logic; + wr_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + rst : in std_logic := 'X'; + rd_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + dout : out std_logic_vector ( 1 -1 downto 0 ); + din : in std_logic_vector ( 1 -1 downto 0 ) + ); +end entity fifo_stat2wb; + + + +architecture IMP of fifo_stat2wb is + +component fifo_stat2wb_cc is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2wb_cc; + + +component fifo_stat2wb_ic is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2wb_ic; + + + +begin + +fifo1: if ( SYNCHRONY = true ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_stat2wb_cc + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo1; + +fifo2: if ( SYNCHRONY = false ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_stat2wb_ic + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo2; + + + + + +end architecture IMP; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_amu.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_amu.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_amu.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + +entity plb2wb_amu is + generic( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; + PIPELINE_DEPTH : integer := 2; + + WB_DWIDTH : integer := 4; + WB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + WB_ADR_OFFSET : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG : std_logic := '0'; + + C_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_STATUS_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFFFFF"; + C_STATUS_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"00000000"; + C_SPLB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH : integer := 4; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 0; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE : integer := 1; + C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE : integer := 1 + + ); + port( + wb_clk_i : in std_logic; + + + -- PLB Signals -- + SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; + plb2wb_rst : in std_logic; + PLB_SAValid : in std_logic; + PLB_RNW : in std_logic; + PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + PLB_UABus : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_type : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_TYPE_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + + + TCU_adrBufWEn : in std_logic; + TCU_adrBufREn : in std_logic; + TCU_rpipeRdEn : in std_logic; + TCU_wpipeRdEn : in std_logic; + TCU_stuWriteSA : in std_logic; + + -- Internal signals + AMU_deviceSelect : out std_logic; + AMU_statusSelect : out std_logic; + AMU_addrAck : OUT std_logic; + + AMU_bufEmpty : out std_logic; + AMU_bufFull : out std_logic; + AMU_buf_RNW : out std_logic; + AMU_buf_size : out std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 downto 0 ); + AMU_buf_BE : out std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH -1 downto 0 ); + AMU_buf_adr : out std_logic_vector( WB_AWIDTH -1 downto 0 ); + AMU_buf_adr_wo : out std_logic_vector( WB_AWIDTH -1 downto 0 ); -- address without offset + AMU_buf_masterID : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + + + AMU_pipe_rmID : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_wmID : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_size : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_BE : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_adr : out std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect : out std_logic; + AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect : out std_logic; + + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector( WB_DWIDTH/8-1 downto 0 ) + + ); +end plb2wb_amu; + + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_amu is + + -- TODO: muss master ID durch pipe und buffer?? + -- TODO: remove PLB_type und chkecke PLB_type auf "000" und "110" + -- TODO: nur ein comperator fuer status_select -->> info durch pipe! + + + ------------------------------------------------------| + -- | + -- + -- Pipelined data types and convertion functions + -- + type pipeline_data_type is record + PLB_Abus : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ); + PLB_size : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ); + PLB_BE : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_masterID : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + statusSelect : std_logic; -- we transfer the statusSelect through the pipe, + end record; -- so we don't need an additional comperator after the pipe + constant PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + 1; + + -- + -- pipeline_data_type to std_logic_vector + function pdt_to_vector( data : pipeline_data_type ) return std_logic_vector is + begin + return data.PLB_Abus & data.PLB_size & data.PLB_BE & data.PLB_masterID & data.statusSelect; + end function pdt_to_vector; + + + + + constant PIPE_ABUS_START : integer := 0 ; + constant PIPE_SIZE_START : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH ; + constant PIPE_TYPE_START : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH ; + constant PIPE_BE_START : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH ; + constant PIPE_MASTERID_START : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH ; + + constant PIPE_ABUS_END : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH -1 ; + constant PIPE_SIZE_END : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ; + constant PIPE_TYPE_END : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH -1 ; + constant PIPE_BE_END : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH -1 ; + constant PIPE_MASTERID_END : integer := PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH-2 ; + + constant PIPE_STATUS_SELECT : integer := PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH-1; + + procedure vector_to_pdt( signal vector : in std_logic_vector; + signal pdt : out pipeline_data_type ) is + begin + pdt.PLB_Abus <= vector( PIPE_ABUS_START to PIPE_ABUS_END ); + pdt.PLB_size <= vector( PIPE_SIZE_START to PIPE_SIZE_END ); + pdt.PLB_BE <= vector( PIPE_BE_START to PIPE_BE_END ); + pdt.PLB_masterID <= vector( PIPE_MASTERID_START to PIPE_MASTERID_END ); + pdt.statusSelect <= vector( PIPE_STATUS_SELECT ); + end procedure vector_to_pdt; + + + -- + -- clear pipeline_data_type + procedure pdt_clear( signal data : out pipeline_data_type ) is + begin + data.PLB_ABus <= ( others => '0' ); + data.PLB_size <= ( others => '0' ); + data.PLB_BE <= ( others => '0' ); + data.PLB_masterID <= ( others => '0' ); + data.statusSelect <= '0'; + end procedure pdt_clear; + -- | + ------------------------------------------------------| + + + + constant ABUF_WIDTH : integer := C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + 1; + + + ------------------------------------------------------| + -- | + -- Pipeline-FIFO signals + -- + signal pipeline_in : pipeline_data_type; + signal pipe_data_in : std_logic_vector( 0 to PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH-1 ); + + signal rpipe_rd : std_logic; + signal rpipe_wr : std_logic; + signal rpipe_data_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH-1 ); + signal rpipe_out : pipeline_data_type; + signal rpipe_empty : std_logic; + signal rpipe_full : std_logic; + -- + signal wpipe_rd : std_logic; + signal wpipe_wr : std_logic; + signal wpipe_data_out : std_logic_vector( 0 to PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH-1 ); + signal wpipe_out : pipeline_data_type; + signal wpipe_empty : std_logic; + signal wpipe_full : std_logic; + + signal en_rpipe_outputs : std_logic; + -- | + ------------------------------------------------------| + + + + + ------------------------------------------------------| + -- | + -- Buffer-FIFO signals + -- + + signal abuf_dout : std_logic_vector( 0 to ABUF_WIDTH -1 ); + signal abuf_din : std_logic_vector( 0 to ABUF_WIDTH -1 ); + signal abuf_wr_en : std_logic; + -- | + ------------------------------------------------------| + + + signal BE_selected : std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + + + signal AMU_deviceSelect_t : std_logic; + signal AMU_statusSelect_t : std_logic; + + signal AMU_buf_size_t : std_logic_vector( C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 downto 0 ); + + +begin + + + + -- We ack. the secondary address, if we write to the write-address-pipe or read-address-pipe + AMU_addrAck <= rpipe_wr or wpipe_wr; + + + ------------- + -- + -- Comperator: device_select is '1' if PLB_ABus selects this IP + -- + AMU_deviceSelect_t <= '1' when ( PLB_ABus >= C_BASEADDR and PLB_ABus <= C_HIGHADDR ) else + '0'; + + AMU_statusSelect_t <= '1' when ( PLB_ABus >= C_STATUS_BASEADDR and PLB_ABus <= C_STATUS_HIGHADDR ) else + '0'; + + + + + + AMU_deviceSelect <= AMU_deviceSelect_t; + AMU_statusSelect <= AMU_statusSelect_t; + + AMU_buf_size <= AMU_buf_size_t; + + + ----- + -- The selection of the Byte-Enable signals, according to spec:5.6.x + -- + besel_p : process( PLB_BE, PLB_ABus(28 to 29) ) begin + + + -- 128-bit bridge on 128-bit PLB (default) + BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + + -- 32-bit bridge on 128-bit PLB + if C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH = 4 and C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH = 16 then + case PLB_ABus(28 to 29) is + when "00" => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ); + when "01" => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 4 to 7 ); + when "10" => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 8 to 11 ); + when others => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 12 to 15 ); + end case; + end if; + + + -- 64-bit bridge on 128-bit PLB + if C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH = 8 and C_SPLB_BE_WIDTH = 16 then + case PLB_ABus(28) is + when '0' => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 0 to 7 ); + when others => BE_selected <= PLB_BE( 8 to 15 ); + end case; + end if; + + + end process; + + + + + with_adr_pipelinig : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE > 0 generate + + + ------------------------------- + -- + -- read and write pipe control signals + -- + -- -> we only write to a pipeline, if the transfer is supported. + -- + -- + with_plb_bursts : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE > 0 generate + + rpipe_wr <= '1' when PLB_SAValid = '1' + and PLB_RNW = '1' + and rpipe_full = '0' + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" ) ) + and ( AMU_deviceSelect_t = '1' or AMU_statusSelect_t = '1' ) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) + else '0'; + + wpipe_wr <= '1' when PLB_SAValid = '1' + and PLB_RNW = '0' + and wpipe_full = '0' + and ( PLB_size( 0 to 1 ) = "00" or ( PLB_size = "1010" and PLB_BE( 0 to 3 ) /= "0000" ) ) + and ( AMU_deviceSelect_t = '1' or AMU_statusSelect_t = '1' ) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) + else '0'; + + end generate with_plb_bursts; + + without_plb_bursts : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE = 0 generate + + rpipe_wr <= '1' when PLB_SAValid = '1' + and PLB_RNW = '1' + and rpipe_full = '0' + and PLB_size = "0000" + and ( AMU_deviceSelect_t = '1' or AMU_statusSelect_t = '1' ) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) + else '0'; + + wpipe_wr <= '1' when PLB_SAValid = '1' + and PLB_RNW = '0' + and wpipe_full = '0' + and PLB_size = "0000" + and ( AMU_deviceSelect_t = '1' or AMU_statusSelect_t = '1' ) + and ( PLB_type = "000" or PLB_type = "110" ) + else '0'; + + end generate without_plb_bursts; + + + + + rpipe_rd <= TCU_rpipeRdEn; + wpipe_rd <= TCU_wpipeRdEn; + en_rpipe_outputs <= TCU_rpipeRdEn or TCU_stuWriteSA; + + + ------ + -- + -- read and write pipe inputs + -- + vector_to_pdt( rpipe_data_out, rpipe_out ); + vector_to_pdt( wpipe_data_out, wpipe_out ); + pipeline_in.PLB_ABus <= PLB_ABus; + pipeline_in.PLB_size <= PLB_size; + pipeline_in.PLB_BE <= BE_selected; + pipeline_in.PLB_masterID <= PLB_masterID; + pipeline_in.statusSelect <= AMU_statusSelect_t; + pipe_data_in <= pdt_to_vector( pipeline_in ); + + + ----- + -- read and write pipe outputs + -- + AMU_pipe_adr <= rpipe_out.PLB_Abus when en_rpipe_outputs = '1' else + wpipe_out.PLB_Abus; + + AMU_pipe_BE <= rpipe_out.PLB_BE when en_rpipe_outputs = '1' else + wpipe_out.PLB_BE; + + AMU_pipe_rmID <= rpipe_out.PLB_masterID; + AMU_pipe_wmID <= wpipe_out.PLB_masterID; + + AMU_pipe_size <= rpipe_out.PLB_size when en_rpipe_outputs = '1' else + wpipe_out.PLB_size; + + AMU_pipe_rStatusSelect <= rpipe_out.statusSelect; + AMU_pipe_wStatusSelect <= wpipe_out.statusSelect; + + -- + -- read pipe + -- + read_pipeline : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_fifo( IMP ) + generic map( + DATA_W => PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH, + ADDR_W => PIPELINE_DEPTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => rpipe_rd, + wr_en => rpipe_wr, + full => rpipe_full, + empty => rpipe_empty, + clk => SPLB_Clk, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + dout => rpipe_data_out, + din => pipe_data_in + ); + + -- + -- write pipe + -- + write_pipeline : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_fifo( IMP ) + generic map( + DATA_W => PIPELINE_DATA_WIDTH, + ADDR_W => PIPELINE_DEPTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => wpipe_rd, + wr_en => wpipe_wr, + full => wpipe_full, + empty => wpipe_empty, + clk => SPLB_Clk, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + dout => wpipe_data_out, + din => pipe_data_in + ); + + -- + -- + -------------------------- + + + end generate with_adr_pipelinig; + + + without_adr_pipelining : if C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE = 0 generate + + pdt_clear( rpipe_out ); + pdt_clear( wpipe_out ); + + wpipe_full <= '1'; + rpipe_full <= '1'; + wpipe_empty <= '1'; + rpipe_empty <= '1'; + + end generate without_adr_pipelining; + + + + + -------------------------- + -- + -- address-buffer input + -- + -- address byte enable size master-id rnw + abuf_din <= rpipe_out.PLB_ABus & rpipe_out.PLB_BE & rpipe_out.PLB_size & rpipe_out.PLB_masterID & "1" when TCU_rpipeRdEn = '1' else + wpipe_out.PLB_ABus & wpipe_out.PLB_BE & wpipe_out.PLB_size & rpipe_out.PLB_masterID & "0" when TCU_wpipeRdEn = '1' else + PLB_ABus & BE_selected & PLB_size & PLB_masterID & PLB_RNW; + + ---------------- + -- + -- address-buffer outputs + -- + + -- address-output without offset + AMU_buf_adr_wo <= abuf_dout( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH-1 ); + + -- address-output with offset (but offset is 0) + adr_offset_g1 : if WB_ADR_OFFSET = X"00000000" generate + AMU_buf_adr <= abuf_dout( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH-1 ); + end generate; + + -- address-output with offset + adr_offset_g2 : if WB_ADR_OFFSET /= X"00000000" generate + + -- negative offset + adr_offset_g3 : if WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = '1' generate + AMU_buf_adr <= std_logic_vector ( unsigned'(unsigned( abuf_dout( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH-1 )) ) - unsigned'(unsigned( WB_ADR_OFFSET )) ); + end generate; + -- positive offset + adr_offset_g4 : if WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = '0' generate + AMU_buf_adr <= std_logic_vector ( unsigned'(unsigned( abuf_dout( 0 to C_SPLB_AWIDTH-1 ) )) + unsigned'(unsigned( WB_ADR_OFFSET )) ); + end generate; + + end generate; + + + -- note: AMU_buf_BE and wb_sel_o is almoust the same, except the case that we have a burst transfer + -- + AMU_buf_BE <= abuf_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH to C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ); + -- note: wb_sel_o is "1111" if we have a burst transfer + wb_sel_o <= abuf_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH to C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH-1 ) + when AMU_buf_size_t( 3 downto 2 ) = "00" else + ( others => '1' ); + + AMU_buf_size_t <= abuf_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH to C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + AMU_buf_masterID <= abuf_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH to C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH -1 ); + AMU_buf_RNW <= abuf_dout( C_SPLB_AWIDTH + C_SPLB_NATIVE_BE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + 1 - 1 ); + + + ----- + -- + -- address-buffer control signals + -- + abuf_wr_en <= TCU_adrBufWEn; + + -- + -- address buffer + -- + addr_buffer_e : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.fifo_adr( IMP ) + generic map + ( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => TCU_adrBufREn, + wr_en => abuf_wr_en, + full => AMU_bufFull, + empty => AMU_bufEmpty, + wr_clk => SPLB_Clk, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + rd_clk => wb_clk_i, + dout => abuf_dout, + din => abuf_din + + ); + + -- + -- + -------------------------- + + +end IMP; + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_fifo.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_fifo.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_fifo.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; + + + +entity plb2wb_fifo is + generic( + DATA_W : natural := 32; + ADDR_W : natural := 4 + ); + port( + clk : IN std_logic; + rst : IN std_logic; + rd_en : IN std_logic; + wr_en : IN std_logic; + din : IN std_logic_vector( DATA_W-1 downto 0 ); + dout : OUT std_logic_vector( DATA_W-1 downto 0 ); + empty : OUT std_logic; + full : OUT std_logic + ); +end entity plb2wb_fifo; + + +architecture IMP of plb2wb_fifo is + + + type fifo_array_type is array( 2**ADDR_W-1 downto 0 ) + of std_logic_vector( DATA_W-1 downto 0 ); + + type state_type is record + read_pointer : std_logic_vector( ADDR_W-1 downto 0 ); + write_pointer : std_logic_vector( ADDR_W-1 downto 0 ); + full : std_logic; + empty : std_logic; + end record; + + signal current_state, next_state : state_type := -- to avoid modelsim warning at time: 0ps, iteration 0 + ( read_pointer => ( others => '0' ), write_pointer => ( others => '0' ), full => '0', empty => '0' ); + signal fifo_array : fifo_array_type; + signal read_write_select : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 ); + signal rp_plus_1 : std_logic_vector( ADDR_W-1 downto 0 ); + signal wp_plus_1 : std_logic_vector( ADDR_W-1 downto 0 ); + +begin + + n_state : process( clk, rst ) begin + + if rst = '1' then + current_state.read_pointer <= ( others => '0' ); + current_state.write_pointer <= ( others => '0' ); + current_state.full <= '0'; + current_state.empty <= '1'; + elsif clk'event and clk='1' then + current_state <= next_state; + end if; + + end process; + + + wp_plus_1 <= std_logic_vector( unsigned (current_state.write_pointer) +1 ); + rp_plus_1 <= std_logic_vector( unsigned (current_state.read_pointer) +1 ); + read_write_select <= wr_en & rd_en ; + + states : process( current_state, read_write_select, wp_plus_1, rp_plus_1 ) begin + + next_state <= current_state; + + case read_write_select is + when "00" => -- nothing to do + when "01" => -- read + + if current_state.empty /= '1' then + next_state.read_pointer <= rp_plus_1; + next_state.full <= '0'; + if rp_plus_1 = current_state.write_pointer then + next_state.empty <= '1'; + end if; + end if; + + when "10" => -- write + + if current_state.full /= '1' then + next_state.write_pointer <= wp_plus_1; + next_state.empty <= '0'; + if wp_plus_1 = current_state.read_pointer then + next_state.full <= '1'; + end if; + end if; + + when others => -- read and write + next_state.write_pointer <= wp_plus_1; + next_state.read_pointer <= rp_plus_1; + end case; + + + end process; + + + write_fifo : process( clk, rst ) begin + if rst = '1' then + fifo_array <= ( others => ( others => '0' ) ); + elsif clk'event and clk='1' then + if wr_en = '1' and current_state.full = '0' then + fifo_array( to_integer( unsigned( current_state.write_pointer ))) <= din; + end if; + end if; + + end process; + + dout <= fifo_array( to_integer( unsigned( current_state.read_pointer ) ) ); + full <= current_state.full; + empty <= current_state.empty; + + +end architecture IMP; + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_wbuf.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_wbuf.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/plb2wb_wbuf.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; + + + +entity plb2wb_wbuf is + + generic( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; + C_SPLB_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH : integer := 32; + C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH : integer := 4 + ); + port( + wb_clk_i : IN std_logic; + SPLB_Clk : IN std_logic; + plb2wb_rst : IN std_logic; + + + PLB_size : in std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_SIZE_WIDTH-1 ); + PLB_wrDBus : IN std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1 ); + + + TCU_wbufWEn : in std_logic; + TCU_wbufREn : in std_logic; + + WBF_empty : OUT std_logic; + WBF_full : OUT std_logic; + WBF_wBus : OUT std_logic_vector( 0 to C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH-1 ) + + + + ); +end entity plb2wb_wbuf; + + +architecture IMP_32 of plb2wb_wbuf is + + constant FIFO_IN_OUT_SIZE : integer := C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH ; + + signal wbuf_dout : std_logic_vector( FIFO_IN_OUT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal wbuf_din : std_logic_vector( FIFO_IN_OUT_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + signal wbuf_wen : std_logic; + +begin + + --TODO: WBF_full must be or'ed with mid-buffer-full + -- and it must not be written to mid-buffer if it is full! + + + wbuf_wen <= TCU_wbufWEn; + wbuf_din <= PLB_wrDBus( 0 to 31 ); + WBF_wBus <= wbuf_dout( 31 downto 0 ); + + wbuf : entity plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.fifo_wdat( IMP ) + generic map( + SYNCHRONY => SYNCHRONY, + C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH => C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH + ) + port map( + rd_en => TCU_wbufREn, + wr_en => wbuf_wen, + full => WBF_full, + empty => WBF_empty, + wr_clk => SPLB_Clk, + rst => plb2wb_rst, + rd_clk => wb_clk_i, + dout => wbuf_dout, + din => wbuf_din + ); + +end architecture IMP_32; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_rdat.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + + + + + +entity fifo_rdat is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; -- true = synchron + -- false = asynchron + WB_DWIDTH : integer range WB_DWIDTH_MIN to WB_DWIDTH_MAX := 32 + ); + port( + rd_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + rst : in std_logic := 'X'; + rd_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + din : in std_logic_vector ( WB_DWIDTH+1-1 downto 0 ); + dout : out std_logic_vector ( WB_DWIDTH+1-1 downto 0 ); + full : out std_logic; + empty : out std_logic; + almost_empty : out std_logic + ); +end entity fifo_rdat; + + + + +architecture IMP of fifo_rdat is + + + +component fifo_rdat_cc_32 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + almost_empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_rdat_cc_32; + + +component fifo_rdat_ic_32 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + almost_empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_rdat_ic_32; + + +begin + + + + +fifo1: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and WB_DWIDTH = RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_rdat_cc_32 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + almost_empty => almost_empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo1; + +fifo2: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and WB_DWIDTH = RBUF_DWIDTH32-1 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_rdat_ic_32 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + almost_empty => almost_empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo2; + + + + +end architecture IMP; + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb.vhd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb.vhd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/fifo_stat2plb.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- PLB2WB-Bridge ---- +---- ---- +---- This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project ---- +----,plb2wbbridge ---- +---- ---- +---- Description ---- +---- Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to ---- +---- PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- Nothing ---- +---- ---- +---- Author(s): ---- +---- - Christian Haettich ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +---- ---- +---- Copyright (C) 2010 Authors ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- +---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- +---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- +---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- +---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- +---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- +---- later version. ---- +---- ---- +---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- +---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- +---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- +---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- +---- details. ---- +---- ---- +---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- +---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- +---- from ---- +---- ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +library plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a; +use plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a.plb2wb_pkg.all; + + +entity fifo_stat2plb is + generic + ( + SYNCHRONY : boolean := true; -- true = synchron + WB_DWIDTH : integer range WB_DWIDTH_MIN to WB_DWIDTH_MAX := 32; + WB_AWIDTH : integer range WB_AWIDTH_MIN to WB_AWIDTH_MAX := 32; + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : integer := 3 + + ); + port( + rd_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + wr_en : in std_logic := 'X'; + full : out std_logic; + empty : out std_logic; + wr_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + rst : in std_logic := 'X'; + rd_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; + dout : out std_logic_vector ( IRQ_INFO_SIZE + WB_AWIDTH + WB_DWIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE -1 downto 0 ); + din : in std_logic_vector ( IRQ_INFO_SIZE + WB_AWIDTH + WB_DWIDTH + C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE -1 downto 0 ) + ); +end entity fifo_stat2plb; + + + +architecture IMP of fifo_stat2plb is + +constant VEC_MIN_SIZE : integer := IRQ_INFO_SIZE + WB_AWIDTH + WB_DWIDTH + 1 + STATUS2PLB_INFO_SIZE; + + +component fifo_stat2plb_cc_1 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_cc_1; + + +component fifo_stat2plb_ic_1 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_ic_1; + +component fifo_stat2plb_cc_2 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+1-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+1-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_cc_2; + + +component fifo_stat2plb_ic_2 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+1-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+1-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_ic_2; + +component fifo_stat2plb_cc_3 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+2-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+2-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_cc_3; + + +component fifo_stat2plb_ic_3 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+2-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+2-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_ic_3; + +component fifo_stat2plb_cc_4 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+3-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+3-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_cc_4; + + +component fifo_stat2plb_ic_4 is + port ( + rd_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + wr_en : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + full : out STD_LOGIC; + empty : out STD_LOGIC; + wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rst : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; + dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+3-1 downto 0 ); + din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( VEC_MIN_SIZE+3-1 downto 0 ) + ); +end component fifo_stat2plb_ic_4; + + + +begin + +fifo_cc_1: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 1 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_stat2plb_cc_1 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_1; + + +fifo_cc_2: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 2 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_stat2plb_cc_2 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_2; + + +fifo_cc_3: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 3 ) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_stat2plb_cc_3 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_3; + + +fifo_cc_4: if ( SYNCHRONY = true and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 4) generate +U_fifo_cc : fifo_stat2plb_cc_4 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + clk => rd_clk, -- rd_clk must be the same than wr_clk + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_cc_4; + + + + +fifo_ic_1: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 1 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_stat2plb_ic_1 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_1; + + +fifo_ic_2: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 2 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_stat2plb_ic_2 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_2; + + +fifo_ic_3: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 3 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_stat2plb_ic_3 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_3; + + +fifo_ic_4: if ( SYNCHRONY = false and WB_DWIDTH = 32 and C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 4 ) generate +U_fifo_ic : fifo_stat2plb_ic_4 + port map( + rd_en => rd_en, + wr_en => wr_en, + full => full, + empty => empty, + rd_clk => rd_clk, + wr_clk => wr_clk, + rst => rst, + dout => dout, + din => din + ); +end generate fifo_ic_4; + + + + + +end architecture IMP; Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.pao =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.pao (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.pao (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_pkg vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_short_impulse vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_cc_4 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_ic_4 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_cc_3 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_ic_3 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_cc_2 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_ic_2 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_cc_1 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr_ic_1 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_adr vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_rdat_cc_32 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_rdat_ic_32 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_rdat vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_wdat_cc_32 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_wdat_ic_32 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_wdat vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_ic_4 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_cc_4 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_ic_3 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_cc_3 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_ic_2 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_cc_2 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_ic_1 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2plb_cc_1 vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2wb vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2wb_ic vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a fifo_stat2wb_cc vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_fifo vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_stu vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_tcu vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_amu vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_rbuf vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_wbuf vhdl +lib plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a plb2wb_bridge vhdl Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mpd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mpd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/pcores/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mpd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +BEGIN plb2wb_bridge + +## Peripheral Options +OPTION IPTYPE = PERIPHERAL +OPTION IMP_NETLIST = TRUE +OPTION HDL = VHDL +OPTION IP_GROUP = Bus and Bridge:MICROBLAZE +OPTION DESC = Plb-to-wishbone bridge + + +## Bus Interfaces +BUS_INTERFACE BUS = SPLB, BUS_STD = PLBV46, BUS_TYPE = SLAVE + +BUS_INTERFACE BUS = MWB, BUS_STD = WB, BUS_TYPE = MASTER + + +PARAMETER SYNCHRONY = true, DT = boolean, VALUES = ( true = synchron, false = asynchron ) + + +## Parameters for WB +PARAMETER WB_DAT_W = 32, DT = INTEGER, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER WB_ADR_W = 32, DT = INTEGER, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET = 0x00000000, DT = std_logic_vector +PARAMETER WB_ADR_OFFSET_NEG = 0, DT = std_logic, VALUES = ( 0 = false, 1 = true ) +PARAMETER WB_PIC_INTS = 1, DT = INTEGER, RANGE = (1 : 32), +PARAMETER WB_PIC_INT_LEVEL = 1, DT = std_logic, VALUES = ( 0 = active_low, 1 = active_high ) +PARAMETER WB_TIMEOUT_CYCLES = 10, DT = integer, RANGE = (2 : 256 ) +PARAMETER WB_SUPPORT_BLOCK = 1, DT = integer, VALUES = ( 1 = supported, 0 = not supported ) + + +## Parameters for PLB +PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xffffffff, DT = std_logic_vector, MIN_SIZE = 0x100, PAIR = C_HIGHADDR, ADDRESS = BASE, BUS = SPLB +PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0x00000000, DT = std_logic_vector, PAIR = C_BASEADDR, ADDRESS = HIGH, BUS = SPLB + +PARAMETER C_STATUS_BASEADDR = 0xffffffff, DT = std_logic_vector, MIN_SIZE = 0x100, PAIR = C_STATUS_HIGHADDR, ADDRESS = BASE, BUS = SPLB +PARAMETER C_STATUS_HIGHADDR = 0x00000000, DT = std_logic_vector, PAIR = C_STATUS_BASEADDR, ADDRESS = HIGH, BUS = SPLB + + +PARAMETER C_SPLB_AWIDTH = 32, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER C_SPLB_DWIDTH = 128, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, RANGE = (32, 64, 128) +PARAMETER C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS = 8, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, RANGE = (1:16) +PARAMETER C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH = 3, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, RANGE = (1:4) +PARAMETER C_SPLB_NATIVE_DWIDTH = 32, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, RANGE = (32, 64, 128), ASSIGNMENT = CONSTANT +PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_BUR_LINE= 1, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, VALUES = ( 1 = supported, 0 = not supported ) +PARAMETER C_SPLB_SUPPORT_ADR_PIPE= 1, DT = INTEGER, BUS = SPLB, VALUES = ( 1 = supported, 0 = not supported ) + +## Ports PLB +PORT SPLB_Clk = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK, BUS = SPLB +PORT SPLB_Rst = SPLB_Rst, DIR = I, SIGIS = RST, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_ABus = PLB_ABus, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_UABus = PLB_UABus, DIR = I, VEC = [0:31], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_PAValid = PLB_PAValid, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_SAValid = PLB_SAValid, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_rdPrim = PLB_rdPrim, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_wrPrim = PLB_wrPrim, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_masterID = PLB_masterID, DIR = I, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_abort = PLB_abort, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_busLock = PLB_busLock, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_RNW = PLB_RNW, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_BE = PLB_BE, DIR = I, VEC = [0:((C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8)-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_MSize = PLB_MSize, DIR = I, VEC = [0:1], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_size = PLB_size, DIR = I, VEC = [0:3], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_type = PLB_type, DIR = I, VEC = [0:2], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_lockErr = PLB_lockErr, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_wrDBus = PLB_wrDBus, DIR = I, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_wrBurst = PLB_wrBurst, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_rdBurst = PLB_rdBurst, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_wrPendReq = PLB_wrPendReq, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_rdPendReq = PLB_rdPendReq, DIR = I, BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_wrPendPri = PLB_wrPendPri, DIR = I, VEC = [0:1], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_rdPendPri = PLB_rdPendPri, DIR = I, VEC = [0:1], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_reqPri = PLB_reqPri, DIR = I, VEC = [0:1], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB_TAttribute = PLB_TAttribute, DIR = I, VEC = [0:15], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_addrAck = Sl_addrAck, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_SSize = Sl_SSize, DIR = O, VEC = [0:1], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_wait = Sl_wait, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rearbitrate = Sl_rearbitrate, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_wrDAck = Sl_wrDAck, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_wrComp = Sl_wrComp, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_wrBTerm = Sl_wrBTerm, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rdDBus = Sl_rdDBus, DIR = O, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rdWdAddr = Sl_rdWdAddr, DIR = O, VEC = [0:3], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rdDAck = Sl_rdDAck, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rdComp = Sl_rdComp, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_rdBTerm = Sl_rdBTerm, DIR = O, BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_MBusy = Sl_MBusy, DIR = O, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_MWrErr = Sl_MWrErr, DIR = O, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_MRdErr = Sl_MRdErr, DIR = O, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT Sl_MIRQ = Sl_MIRQ, DIR = O, VEC = [0:(C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)], BUS = SPLB +PORT PLB2WB_IRQ = "", DIR = O, SIGIS = INTERRUPT, SENSITIVITY = LEVEL_HIGH, INTERRUPT_PRIORITY = MEDIUM +## Ports WB + + +PORT wb_clk_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK +PORT wb_rst_i = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = RST +PORT wb_pic_int_i= "", DIR = I, VEC = [ WB_PIC_INTS-1: 0 ], SIGIS = INTERRUPT +PORT wb_dat_i = wb_m_dat_o, DIR = IN , VEC = [ WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = MWB +PORT wb_dat_o = wb_m_dat_i, DIR = OUT, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = MWB +PORT wb_adr_o = wb_m_adr_i, DIR = OUT, VEC = [ WB_ADR_W-1 : 0 ], BUS = MWB +PORT wb_sel_o = wb_m_sel_i, DIR = OUT, VEC = [ WB_DAT_W/8-1 : 0 ], BUS = MWB +PORT wb_we_o = wb_m_we_i , DIR = OUT, BUS = MWB +PORT wb_cyc_o = wb_m_cyc_i, DIR = OUT, BUS = MWB +PORT wb_stb_o = wb_m_stb_i, DIR = OUT, BUS = MWB +PORT wb_ack_i = wb_m_ack_o, DIR = IN , BUS = MWB +PORT wb_err_i = wb_m_err_o, DIR = IN , BUS = MWB +PORT wb_rty_i = wb_m_rty_o, DIR = IN , BUS = MWB + +# note: wb_lock_o is not used, because the arbiter doesn't support it. +# if u want to use a WB with wb_lock, use the following line --, +#PORT wb_lock_o = "wb_m_lock_i", DIR = OUT, BUS = MWB <---' +PORT wb_lock_o = "", DIR = OUT, + + +END Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.c =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.c (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.c (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// PLB2WB-Bridge //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project //// +////,plb2wbbridge //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to //// +//// PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// Nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Christian Haettich //// +//// //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include "plb2wb_bridge.h" +#include "xstatus.h" +#include "xparameters.h" +#include "xio.h" + + + +static void WBResetStubHandler( void *CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID( FALSE ); +} + + +static void StubHandler( void *CallBackRef ) +{ + + XASSERT_VOID(CallBackRef != NULL); + + ( (PLB2WB_Bridge *) CallBackRef )->UnhandledInterrupts++; +} + + + +// +// Note, this handlers MUST be implemented. +// If no handler is implemented and interrupt is rised, +// this stubs never return!! +// +// +static void StubWBRstHandler( void *CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID( FALSE ); + +} + +static void StubWBWrHandler( void *CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID( FALSE ); +} + + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_DeviceInterruptHandler( void* ptr ) +{ + + u32 status_reg; + u32 irq_reg; + u32 addr_reg; + u32 datum_reg; + u8 i; + PLB2WB_Bridge_VectorTableEntry *entry; + + PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr = (PLB2WB_Bridge*) ptr; + + + status_reg = XIo_In32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS ); + + + + // call write-error handler + if ( status_reg & PLB2WB_STATUS_WERR ) + { + entry = &InstancePtr->WBWrErrorHandler; + entry->Handler( entry->CallBackRef ); + } + + + // call irq-handler + if ( status_reg & PLB2WB_STATUS_WBIRQ ) + { + irq_reg = XIo_In32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS_IRQ ); + for( i=0; i<32; i++ ) + { + if( irq_reg & ( 1 << ( 31 - i ) ) ) + { + entry = &InstancePtr->HandlerTable[i]; + entry->Handler( entry->CallBackRef ); + } + } + } + + + // call reset handler + if ( status_reg & PLB2WB_STATUS_WBRST ) + { + entry = &InstancePtr->WBRstHandler; + entry->Handler( entry->CallBackRef ); + } + + // clear bridge-irq + XIo_Out32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS, 0 ); + + // clear mb-irq + XIntc_Acknowledge( InstancePtr->xintcInstancePtr, InstancePtr->irqID ); +} + + + + + +PLB2WB_Bridge_Config *PLB2WB_Bridge_LookupConfig( u16 DeviceId ) +{ + PLB2WB_Bridge_Config *CfgPtr = NULL; + + int i; + for ( i = 0; i < XPAR_PLB2WB_BRIDGE_NUM_INSTANCES; i++ ) + { + if ( PLB2WB_Bridge_ConfigTable[i].DeviceId == DeviceId ) + { + CfgPtr = &PLB2WB_Bridge_ConfigTable[i]; + break; + } + } + + return CfgPtr; +} + + + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Initialize( PLB2WB_Bridge * InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId, XIntc* xintcInstancePtr, u8 irqID ) +{ + u8 i; + + PLB2WB_Bridge_Config *ConfigPtr; + + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr != NULL ); + + ConfigPtr = PLB2WB_Bridge_LookupConfig( DeviceId ); + + if ( ConfigPtr == ( PLB2WB_Bridge_Config * ) NULL ) + { + InstancePtr->IsReady = 0; + return ( XST_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND ); + } + + + InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress = ConfigPtr->StatusBaseAddress; + InstancePtr->BaseAddress = ConfigPtr->BaseAddress; + InstancePtr->CfgPtr = ConfigPtr; + + for( i=0; i < XPAR_PLB2WB_BRIDGE_0_WB_PIC_INTS; i++ ) + { + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[i].Handler = StubHandler; + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[i].CallBackRef = InstancePtr; + } + + InstancePtr->WBWrErrorHandler.Handler = StubWBWrHandler; + InstancePtr->WBWrErrorHandler.CallBackRef = StubWBWrHandler; + + InstancePtr->WBRstHandler.Handler = StubWBRstHandler; + InstancePtr->WBRstHandler.CallBackRef = InstancePtr; + + + + InstancePtr->xintcInstancePtr = xintcInstancePtr; + InstancePtr->irqID = irqID; + InstancePtr->IsReady = XCOMPONENT_IS_READY; + + return XST_SUCCESS; +} + + + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect_WBRstHandler( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, + XInterruptHandler Handler, void* CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( Handler != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr->IsReady == XCOMPONENT_IS_READY ); + + InstancePtr->WBRstHandler.Handler = Handler; + InstancePtr->WBRstHandler.CallBackRef = CallBackRef; + + return XST_SUCCESS; +} + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect_WBWrErrHandler( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, XInterruptHandler Handler, void* CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( Handler != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr->IsReady == XCOMPONENT_IS_READY ); + + InstancePtr->WBWrErrorHandler.Handler = Handler; + InstancePtr->WBWrErrorHandler.CallBackRef = CallBackRef; + + return XST_SUCCESS; +} + + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, u8 Id, + XInterruptHandler Handler, void* CallBackRef ) +{ + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( Id < XPAR_PLB2WB_BRIDGE_0_WB_PIC_INTS ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( Handler != NULL ); + XASSERT_NONVOID( InstancePtr->IsReady == XCOMPONENT_IS_READY ); + + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = Handler; + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = CallBackRef; + + return XST_SUCCESS; +} + + + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_Disconnect( PLB2WB_Bridge * InstancePtr, u8 Id ) +{ + u32 CurrentIER; + u32 Mask; + + XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL); + XASSERT_VOID(Id < XPAR_PLB2WB_BRIDGE_0_WB_PIC_INTS ); + XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr->IsReady == XCOMPONENT_IS_READY); + + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = StubHandler; + InstancePtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr; +} + + + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_WBContinue ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL); + + XIo_Out32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS_CON, 0 ); +} + + + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_WBAbort ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL); + + XIo_Out32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS_ABO, 0 ); +} + + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_SoftReset ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ) +{ + XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL); + + XIo_Out32( InstancePtr->StatusBaseAddress + PLB2WB_STATUS_RST, 0 ); +} + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.h =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.h (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/plb2wb_bridge.h (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// PLB2WB-Bridge //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the PLB-to-WB-Bridge project //// +////,plb2wbbridge //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Implementation of a PLB-to-WB-Bridge according to //// +//// PLB-to-WB Bridge specification document. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// Nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Christian Haettich //// +//// //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +#ifndef PLB2WB_BRIDGE_H +#define PLB2WB_BRIDGE_H + +#include "xparameters.h" +#include "xbasic_types.h" +#include "xintc.h" + + +// +// PLB2WB-Bridge registers and irq-id +// +#define PLB2WB_STATUS 0x00 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_DAT 0x04 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_ADR 0x08 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_IRQ 0x0c +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_CON 0x04 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_ABO 0x08 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_RST 0x0c + +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_WERR 0x20000000 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_WBRST 0x40000000 +#define PLB2WB_STATUS_WBIRQ 0x80000000 + + + +typedef struct { + XInterruptHandler Handler; + void *CallBackRef; +} PLB2WB_Bridge_VectorTableEntry; + + +typedef struct{ + + u32 BaseAddress; + u32 StatusBaseAddress; + u16 DeviceId; + + + +} PLB2WB_Bridge_Config; + + +typedef struct{ + + u32 BaseAddress; + u32 StatusBaseAddress; + u32 IsReady; + u32 UnhandledInterrupts; + PLB2WB_Bridge_Config *CfgPtr; + u8 irqID; + XIntc* xintcInstancePtr; + + PLB2WB_Bridge_VectorTableEntry HandlerTable[ XPAR_PLB2WB_BRIDGE_0_WB_PIC_INTS ]; // wishbone peripheral irqs + PLB2WB_Bridge_VectorTableEntry WBWrErrorHandler; // wishbone write error handler + PLB2WB_Bridge_VectorTableEntry WBRstHandler; // wishbone reset handler + +}PLB2WB_Bridge; + +extern PLB2WB_Bridge_Config PLB2WB_Bridge_ConfigTable[]; + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Initialize ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId, + XIntc* xintcInstancePtr, u8 irqID ); +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect ( PLB2WB_Bridge*, u8, XInterruptHandler, void* ); +void PLB2WB_Bridge_Disconnect ( PLB2WB_Bridge * InstancePtr, u8 Id ); +void PLB2WB_Bridge_DeviceInterruptHandler( void* ptr ); + +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect_WBWrErrHandler( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, XInterruptHandler Handler, void* CallBackRef ); +int PLB2WB_Bridge_Connect_WBRstHandler ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr, XInterruptHandler Handler, void* CallBackRef ); + +void PLB2WB_Bridge_WBContinue ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ); +void PLB2WB_Bridge_WBAbort ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ); +void PLB2WB_Bridge_SoftReset ( PLB2WB_Bridge* InstancePtr ); + + + + +#endif Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/Makefile =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/src/Makefile (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +COMPILER= +ARCHIVER= +CP=cp +COMPILER_FLAGS= -O0 -ggdb +EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS= +LIB=libxil.a + +RELEASEDIR=../../../lib +INCLUDEDIR=../../../include +INCLUDES=-I./. -I${INCLUDEDIR} + +INCLUDEFILES=*.h +LIBSOURCES=*.c +OUTS = *.o + +libs: + echo "Compiling or1200 cpu" + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(LIBSOURCES) + $(ARCHIVER) -r ${RELEASEDIR}/${LIB} ${OUTS} + make clean + +include: + ${CP} $(INCLUDEFILES) $(INCLUDEDIR) + +clean: + rm -rf ${OUTS} Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.tcl =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.tcl (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.tcl (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + + + +proc generate {drv_handle} { + xdefine_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "plb2wb_bridge" "NUM_INSTANCES" "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_HIGHADDR" "C_STATUS_BASEADDR" "C_STATUS_HIGHADDR" "WB_PIC_INTS" + xdefine_config_file $drv_handle "plb2wb_bridge_g.c" "PLB2WB_Bridge" "C_BASEADDR" "C_STATUS_BASEADDR" "DEVICE_ID" + + +} + + + + Index: plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mdd =================================================================== --- plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mdd (nonexistent) +++ plb2wbbridge/trunk/systems/EDK_Libs/WishboneIPLib/drivers/plb2wb_bridge_v1_00_a/data/plb2wb_bridge_v2_1_0.mdd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + +OPTION psf_version = 2.1.0; + +BEGIN DRIVER aclink + + OPTION supported_peripherals = (plb2wb_bridge); + OPTION copyfiles = all; + +END DRIVER

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