
Subversion Repositories usb2uart

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1 to Rev 2
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Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,398
//// ////
//// Packet Disassembler ////
//// Disassembles Token and Data USB packets ////
//// ////
//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Downloaded from:
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.////
//// ////
//// ////
// CVS Log
// $Id: usb1_pd.v,v 1.2 2002-09-25 06:06:49 rudi Exp $
// $Date: 2002-09-25 06:06:49 $
// $Revision: 1.2 $
// $Author: rudi $
// $Locker: $
// $State: Exp $
// Change History:
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 2002/09/19 12:07:17 rudi
// Initial Checkin
`include "usb1_defines.v"
module usb1_pd( clk, rst,
rx_data, rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err,
// PID Information
pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP,
pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA,
pid_ACK, pid_NACK, pid_STALL, pid_NYET,
pid_PRE, pid_ERR, pid_SPLIT, pid_PING,
// Token Information
token_fadr, token_endp, token_valid, crc5_err,
// Receive Data Output
rx_data_st, rx_data_valid, rx_data_done, crc16_err,
// Misc.
seq_err, rx_busy
input clk, rst;
//UTMI RX Interface
input [7:0] rx_data;
input rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err;
// Decoded PIDs (used when token_valid is asserted)
output pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP;
output pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA;
output pid_ACK, pid_NACK, pid_STALL, pid_NYET;
output pid_PRE, pid_ERR, pid_SPLIT, pid_PING;
output pid_cks_err; // Indicates a PID checksum error
output [6:0] token_fadr; // Function address from token
output [3:0] token_endp; // Endpoint number from token
output token_valid; // Token is valid
output crc5_err; // Token crc5 error
output [10:0] frame_no; // Frame number for SOF tokens
output [7:0] rx_data_st; // Data to memory store unit
output rx_data_valid; // Data on rx_data_st is valid
output rx_data_done; // Indicates end of a transfer
output crc16_err; // Data packet CRC 16 error
output seq_err; // State Machine Sequence Error
output rx_busy; // Receivig Data Packet
// Local Wires and Registers
parameter [3:0] // synopsys enum state
IDLE = 4'b0001,
ACTIVE = 4'b0010,
TOKEN = 4'b0100,
DATA = 4'b1000;
reg [3:0] /* synopsys enum state */ state, next_state;
// synopsys state_vector state
reg [7:0] pid; // Packet PDI
reg pid_le_sm; // PID Load enable from State Machine
wire pid_ld_en; // Enable loading of PID (all conditions)
wire pid_cks_err; // Indicates a pid checksum err
// Decoded PID values
wire pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP;
wire pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA;
wire pid_ACK, pid_NACK, pid_STALL, pid_NYET;
wire pid_PRE, pid_ERR, pid_SPLIT, pid_PING, pid_RES;
wire pid_TOKEN; // All TOKEN packet that we recognize
wire pid_DATA; // All DATA packets that we recognize
reg [7:0] token0, token1; // Token Registers
reg token_le_1, token_le_2; // Latch enables for token storage registers
wire [4:0] token_crc5;
reg [7:0] d0, d1, d2; // Data path delay line (used to filter out crcs)
reg data_valid_d; // Data Valid output from State Machine
reg data_done; // Data cycle complete output from State Machine
reg data_valid0; // Data valid delay line
reg rxv1;
reg rxv2;
reg seq_err; // State machine sequence error
reg pid_ack;
reg token_valid_r1;
reg token_valid_str1, token_valid_str2;
reg rx_active_r;
wire [4:0] crc5_out;
wire [4:0] crc5_out2;
wire crc16_clr;
reg [15:0] crc16_sum;
wire [15:0] crc16_out;
// Misc Logic
reg rx_busy, rx_busy_d;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(!rst) rx_busy_d <= #1 1'b0;
if(rx_valid & (state == DATA)) rx_busy_d <= #1 1'b1;
if(state != DATA) rx_busy_d <= #1 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk)
rx_busy <= #1 rx_busy_d;
// PID Decoding Logic
assign pid_ld_en = pid_le_sm & rx_active & rx_valid;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(!rst) pid <= #1 8'hf0;
if(pid_ld_en) pid <= #1 rx_data;
assign pid_cks_err = (pid[3:0] != ~pid[7:4]);
assign pid_OUT = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_OUT;
assign pid_IN = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_IN;
assign pid_SOF = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_SOF;
assign pid_SETUP = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_SETUP;
assign pid_DATA0 = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_DATA0;
assign pid_DATA1 = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_DATA1;
assign pid_DATA2 = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_DATA2;
assign pid_MDATA = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_MDATA;
assign pid_ACK = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_ACK;
assign pid_NACK = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_NACK;
assign pid_STALL = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_STALL;
assign pid_NYET = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_NYET;
assign pid_PRE = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_PRE;
assign pid_ERR = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_ERR;
assign pid_SPLIT = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_SPLIT;
assign pid_PING = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_PING;
assign pid_RES = pid[3:0] == `USBF_T_PID_RES;
assign pid_TOKEN = pid_OUT | pid_IN | pid_SOF | pid_SETUP | pid_PING;
assign pid_DATA = pid_DATA0 | pid_DATA1 | pid_DATA2 | pid_MDATA;
// Token Decoding LOGIC
always @(posedge clk)
if(token_le_1) token0 <= #1 rx_data;
always @(posedge clk)
if(token_le_2) token1 <= #1 rx_data;
always @(posedge clk)
token_valid_r1 <= #1 token_le_2;
always @(posedge clk)
token_valid_str1 <= #1 token_valid_r1 | pid_ack;
always @(posedge clk)
token_valid_str2 <= #1 token_valid_str1;
assign token_valid = token_valid_str1;
// CRC 5 should perform the check in one cycle (flow through logic)
// 11 bits and crc5 input, 1 bit output
assign crc5_err = token_valid & (crc5_out2 != token_crc5);
usb1_crc5 u0(
.crc_in( 5'h1f ),
.din( { token_fadr[0],
token_endp[3] } ),
.crc_out( crc5_out ) );
// Invert and reverse result bits
assign crc5_out2 = ~{crc5_out[0], crc5_out[1], crc5_out[2], crc5_out[3],
assign frame_no = { token1[2:0], token0};
assign token_fadr = token0[6:0];
assign token_endp = {token1[2:0], token0[7]};
assign token_crc5 = token1[7:3];
// Data receiving logic
// build a delay line and stop when we are about to get crc
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(!rst) rxv1 <= #1 1'b0;
if(data_valid_d) rxv1 <= #1 1'b1;
if(data_done) rxv1 <= #1 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(!rst) rxv2 <= #1 1'b0;
if(rxv1 & data_valid_d) rxv2 <= #1 1'b1;
if(data_done) rxv2 <= #1 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk)
data_valid0 <= #1 rxv2 & data_valid_d;
always @(posedge clk)
if(data_valid_d) d0 <= #1 rx_data;
if(data_valid_d) d1 <= #1 d0;
if(data_valid_d) d2 <= #1 d1;
assign rx_data_st = d2;
assign rx_data_valid = data_valid0;
assign rx_data_done = data_done;
// crc16 accumulates rx_data as long as data_valid_d is asserted.
// when data_done is asserted, crc16 reports status, and resets itself
// next cycle.
always @(posedge clk)
rx_active_r <= #1 rx_active;
assign crc16_clr = rx_active & !rx_active_r;
always @(posedge clk)
if(crc16_clr) crc16_sum <= #1 16'hffff;
if(data_valid_d) crc16_sum <= #1 crc16_out;
usb1_crc16 u1(
.crc_in( crc16_sum ),
.din( {rx_data[0], rx_data[1], rx_data[2], rx_data[3],
rx_data[4], rx_data[5], rx_data[6], rx_data[7]} ),
.crc_out( crc16_out ) );
// Verify against polynomial
assign crc16_err = data_done & (crc16_sum != 16'h800d);
// Receive/Decode State machine
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(!rst) state <= #1 IDLE;
else state <= #1 next_state;
always @(state or rx_valid or rx_active or rx_err or pid_ACK or pid_TOKEN
or pid_DATA)
next_state = state; // Default don't change current state
pid_le_sm = 1'b0;
token_le_1 = 1'b0;
token_le_2 = 1'b0;
data_valid_d = 1'b0;
data_done = 1'b0;
seq_err = 1'b0;
pid_ack = 1'b0;
case(state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
pid_le_sm = 1'b1;
if(rx_valid & rx_active) next_state = ACTIVE;
// Received a ACK from Host
if(pid_ACK & !rx_err)
pid_ack = 1'b1;
if(!rx_active) next_state = IDLE;
// Receiving a TOKEN
if(pid_TOKEN & rx_valid & rx_active & !rx_err)
token_le_1 = 1'b1;
next_state = TOKEN;
// Receiving DATA
if(pid_DATA & rx_valid & rx_active & !rx_err)
data_valid_d = 1'b1;
next_state = DATA;
if( !rx_active | rx_err |
(rx_valid & !(pid_TOKEN | pid_DATA)) ) // ERROR
seq_err = !rx_err;
if(!rx_active) next_state = IDLE;
if(rx_valid & rx_active & !rx_err)
token_le_2 = 1'b1;
next_state = IDLE;
if(!rx_active | rx_err) // ERROR
seq_err = !rx_err;
if(!rx_active) next_state = IDLE;
if(rx_valid & rx_active & !rx_err) data_valid_d = 1'b1;
if(!rx_active | rx_err)
data_done = 1'b1;
if(!rx_active) next_state = IDLE;
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pd.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pe.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pe.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pe.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,836 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Protocol Engine //// +//// Performs automatic protocol functions //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_pe.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:24 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:24 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_pe( clk, rst, + + // UTMI Interfaces + tx_valid, rx_active, + + // PID Information + pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP, + pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA, + pid_ACK, pid_PING, + + // Token Information + token_valid, + + // Receive Data Output + rx_data_done, crc16_err, + + // Packet Assembler Interface + send_token, token_pid_sel, + data_pid_sel, + + // IDMA Interface + rx_dma_en, tx_dma_en, + abort, + idma_done, + + // Register File Interface + + fsel, + ep_sel, match, nse_err, + ep_full, ep_empty, + + int_upid_set, int_crc16_set, int_to_set, int_seqerr_set, + csr, + send_stall + + ); + +input clk, rst; +input tx_valid, rx_active; + +// Packet Disassembler Interface + // Decoded PIDs (used when token_valid is asserted) +input pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP; +input pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA; +input pid_ACK, pid_PING; + +input token_valid; // Token is valid + +input rx_data_done; // Indicates end of a transfer +input crc16_err; // Data packet CRC 16 error + +// Packet Assembler Interface +output send_token; +output [1:0] token_pid_sel; +output [1:0] data_pid_sel; + +// IDMA Interface +output rx_dma_en; // Allows the data to be stored +output tx_dma_en; // Allows for data to be retrieved +output abort; // Abort Transfer (time_out, crc_err or rx_error) +input idma_done; // DMA is done indicator + +input ep_full; // Indicates the endpoints fifo is full +input ep_empty; // Indicates the endpoints fifo is empty + +// Register File interface +input fsel; // This function is selected +input [3:0] ep_sel; // Endpoint Number Input +input match; // Endpoint Matched +output nse_err; // no such endpoint error + +output int_upid_set; // Set unsupported PID interrupt +output int_crc16_set; // Set CRC16 error interrupt +output int_to_set; // Set time out interrupt +output int_seqerr_set; // Set PID sequence error interrupt + +input [13:0] csr; // Internal CSR Output + +input send_stall; // Force sending a STALL during setup + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +// tx token decoding +parameter ACK = 0, + NACK = 1, + STALL = 2, + NYET = 3; + +// State decoding +parameter [9:0] // synopsys enum state + IDLE = 10'b000000_0001, + TOKEN = 10'b000000_0010, + IN = 10'b000000_0100, + IN2 = 10'b000000_1000, + OUT = 10'b000001_0000, + OUT2A = 10'b000010_0000, + OUT2B = 10'b000100_0000, + UPDATEW = 10'b001000_0000, + UPDATE = 10'b010000_0000, + UPDATE2 = 10'b100000_0000; + +reg [1:0] token_pid_sel; +reg [1:0] token_pid_sel_d; +reg send_token; +reg send_token_d; +reg rx_dma_en, tx_dma_en; +reg int_seqerr_set_d; +reg int_seqerr_set; +reg int_upid_set; + +reg match_r; + +// Endpoint Decoding +wire IN_ep, OUT_ep, CTRL_ep; // Endpoint Types +wire txfr_iso, txfr_bulk, txfr_int; // Transfer Types + +reg [1:0] uc_dpd; + +// Buffer checks +reg [9:0] /* synopsys enum state */ state, next_state; +// synopsys state_vector state + +// PID next and current decoders +reg [1:0] next_dpid; +reg [1:0] this_dpid; +reg pid_seq_err; +wire [1:0] tr_fr_d; + +wire [13:0] size_next; +wire buf_smaller; + +// After sending Data in response to an IN token from host, the +// host must reply with an ack. The host has XXXnS to reply. +// "rx_ack_to" indicates when this time has expired. +// rx_ack_to_clr, clears the timer +reg rx_ack_to_clr; +reg rx_ack_to_clr_d; +reg rx_ack_to; +reg [7:0] rx_ack_to_cnt; + +// After sending a OUT token the host must send a data packet. +// The host has XX nS to send the packet. "tx_data_to" indicates +// when this time has expired. +// tx_data_to_clr, clears the timer +wire tx_data_to_clr; +reg tx_data_to; +reg [7:0] tx_data_to_cnt; + +wire [7:0] rx_ack_to_val, tx_data_to_val; + + +wire [1:0] next_bsel; +reg uc_stat_set_d; +reg uc_dpd_set; + +reg in_token; +reg out_token; +reg setup_token; + +wire in_op, out_op; // Indicate a IN or OUT operation + +reg [1:0] allow_pid; + +reg nse_err; +reg abort; + +wire [1:0] ep_type, txfr_type; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +// Endpoint/CSR Decoding +assign IN_ep = csr[9]; +assign OUT_ep = csr[10]; +assign CTRL_ep = csr[11]; + +assign txfr_iso = csr[12]; +assign txfr_bulk = csr[13]; +assign txfr_int = !csr[12] & !csr[13]; + +assign ep_type = csr[10:9]; +assign txfr_type = csr[13:12]; + +always @(posedge clk) + match_r <= #1 match & fsel; + +// No Such Endpoint Indicator +always @(posedge clk) + nse_err <= #1 token_valid & (pid_OUT | pid_IN | pid_SETUP) & !match; + +always @(posedge clk) + send_token <= #1 send_token_d; + +always @(posedge clk) + token_pid_sel <= #1 token_pid_sel_d; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Data Pid Storage +// + +reg [1:0] ep0_dpid, ep1_dpid, ep2_dpid, ep3_dpid; +reg [1:0] ep4_dpid, ep5_dpid, ep6_dpid, ep7_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep0_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h0)) ep0_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep1_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h1)) ep1_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep2_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h2)) ep2_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep3_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h3)) ep3_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep4_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h4)) ep4_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep5_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h5)) ep5_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep6_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h6)) ep6_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep7_dpid <= 2'b00; + else + if(uc_dpd_set & (ep_sel == 4'h7)) ep7_dpid <= next_dpid; + +always @(posedge clk) + case(ep_sel) + 4'h0: uc_dpd <= ep0_dpid; + 4'h1: uc_dpd <= ep1_dpid; + 4'h2: uc_dpd <= ep2_dpid; + 4'h3: uc_dpd <= ep3_dpid; + 4'h4: uc_dpd <= ep4_dpid; + 4'h5: uc_dpd <= ep5_dpid; + 4'h6: uc_dpd <= ep6_dpid; + 4'h7: uc_dpd <= ep7_dpid; + endcase + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Data Pid Sequencer +// + +assign tr_fr_d = 2'h0; + +always @(posedge clk) // tr/mf:ep/type:tr/type:last dpd + casex({tr_fr_d,ep_type,txfr_type,uc_dpd}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 8'b0?_01_01_??: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 1 tr/mf + + 8'b10_01_01_?0: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // ISO txfr. IN, 2 tr/mf + 8'b10_01_01_?1: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 2 tr/mf + + 8'b11_01_01_00: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_01_01_01: next_dpid <= #1 2'b10; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_01_01_10: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + + 8'b0?_10_01_??: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. OUT, 1 tr/mf + + 8'b10_10_01_??: // ISO txfr. OUT, 2 tr/mf + begin // Resynchronize in case of PID error + case({pid_MDATA, pid_DATA1}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'b10: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; + 2'b01: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; + endcase + end + + 8'b11_10_01_00: // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + begin // Resynchronize in case of PID error + case({pid_MDATA, pid_DATA2}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'b10: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; + 2'b01: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; + endcase + end + 8'b11_10_01_01: // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + begin // Resynchronize in case of PID error + case({pid_MDATA, pid_DATA2}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'b10: next_dpid <= #1 2'b10; + 2'b01: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; + endcase + end + 8'b11_10_01_10: // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + begin // Resynchronize in case of PID error + case({pid_MDATA, pid_DATA2}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'b10: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; + 2'b01: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; + endcase + end + + 8'b??_01_00_?0, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_00_?0: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // INT transfers + + 8'b??_01_00_?1, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_00_?1: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // INT transfers + + 8'b??_01_10_?0, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_10_?0: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // BULK transfers + + 8'b??_01_10_?1, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_10_?1: next_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // BULK transfers + + 8'b??_00_??_??: // CTRL Endpoint + casex({setup_token, in_op, out_op, uc_dpd}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 5'b1_??_??: next_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // SETUP operation + 5'b0_10_0?: next_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // IN operation + 5'b0_10_1?: next_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // IN operation + 5'b0_01_?0: next_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // OUT operation + 5'b0_01_?1: next_dpid <= #1 2'b10; // OUT operation + endcase + + endcase + +// Current PID decoder + +// Allow any PID for ISO. transfers when mode full speed or tr_fr is zero +always @(pid_DATA0 or pid_DATA1 or pid_DATA2 or pid_MDATA) + case({pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA} ) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'b1000: allow_pid = 2'b00; + 4'b0100: allow_pid = 2'b01; + 4'b0010: allow_pid = 2'b10; + 4'b0001: allow_pid = 2'b11; + endcase + +always @(posedge clk) // tf/mf:ep/type:tr/type:last dpd + casex({tr_fr_d,ep_type,txfr_type,uc_dpd}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 8'b0?_01_01_??: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 1 tr/mf + + 8'b10_01_01_?0: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // ISO txfr. IN, 2 tr/mf + 8'b10_01_01_?1: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 2 tr/mf + + 8'b11_01_01_00: this_dpid <= #1 2'b10; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_01_01_01: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_01_01_10: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. IN, 3 tr/mf + + 8'b00_10_01_??: this_dpid <= #1 allow_pid; // ISO txfr. OUT, 0 tr/mf + 8'b01_10_01_??: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // ISO txfr. OUT, 1 tr/mf + + 8'b10_10_01_?0: this_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // ISO txfr. OUT, 2 tr/mf + 8'b10_10_01_?1: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // ISO txfr. OUT, 2 tr/mf + + 8'b11_10_01_00: this_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_10_01_01: this_dpid <= #1 2'b11; // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + 8'b11_10_01_10: this_dpid <= #1 2'b10; // ISO txfr. OUT, 3 tr/mf + + 8'b??_01_00_?0, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_00_?0: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // INT transfers + 8'b??_01_00_?1, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_00_?1: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // INT transfers + + 8'b??_01_10_?0, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_10_?0: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // BULK transfers + 8'b??_01_10_?1, // IN/OUT endpoint only + 8'b??_10_10_?1: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // BULK transfers + + 8'b??_00_??_??: // CTRL Endpoint + casex({setup_token,in_op, out_op, uc_dpd}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 5'b1_??_??: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // SETUP operation + 5'b0_10_0?: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // IN operation + 5'b0_10_1?: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // IN operation + 5'b0_01_?0: this_dpid <= #1 2'b00; // OUT operation + 5'b0_01_?1: this_dpid <= #1 2'b01; // OUT operation + endcase + endcase + +// Assign PID for outgoing packets +assign data_pid_sel = this_dpid; + +// Verify PID for incoming data packets +always @(posedge clk) + pid_seq_err <= #1 !( (this_dpid==2'b00 & pid_DATA0) | + (this_dpid==2'b01 & pid_DATA1) | + (this_dpid==2'b10 & pid_DATA2) | + (this_dpid==2'b11 & pid_MDATA) ); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// IDMA Setup & src/dst buffer select +// + +// For Control endpoints things are different: +// buffer0 is used for OUT (incoming) data packets +// buffer1 is used for IN (outgoing) data packets + +// Keep track of last token for control endpoints +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) in_token <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(pid_IN) in_token <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(pid_OUT | pid_SETUP) in_token <= #1 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) out_token <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(pid_OUT | pid_SETUP) out_token <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(pid_IN) out_token <= #1 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) setup_token <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(pid_SETUP) setup_token <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(pid_OUT | pid_IN) setup_token <= #1 1'b0; + +// Indicates if we are performing an IN operation +assign in_op = IN_ep | (CTRL_ep & in_token); + +// Indicates if we are performing an OUT operation +assign out_op = OUT_ep | (CTRL_ep & out_token); + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Determine if packet is to small or to large +// This is used to NACK and ignore packet for OUT endpoints +// + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Register File Update Logic +// + +always @(posedge clk) + uc_dpd_set <= #1 uc_stat_set_d; + +// Abort signal +always @(posedge clk) + abort <= #1 match & fsel & (state != IDLE); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// TIME OUT TIMERS +// + +// After sending Data in response to an IN token from host, the +// host must reply with an ack. The host has 622nS in Full Speed +// mode and 400nS in High Speed mode to reply. +// "rx_ack_to" indicates when this time has expired. +// rx_ack_to_clr, clears the timer + +always @(posedge clk) + rx_ack_to_clr <= #1 tx_valid | rx_ack_to_clr_d; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(rx_ack_to_clr) rx_ack_to_cnt <= #1 8'h0; + else rx_ack_to_cnt <= #1 rx_ack_to_cnt + 8'h1; + +always @(posedge clk) + rx_ack_to <= #1 (rx_ack_to_cnt == rx_ack_to_val); + +assign rx_ack_to_val = `USBF_RX_ACK_TO_VAL_FS; + +// After sending a OUT token the host must send a data packet. +// The host has 622nS in Full Speed mode and 400nS in High Speed +// mode to send the data packet. +// "tx_data_to" indicates when this time has expired. +// "tx_data_to_clr" clears the timer + +assign tx_data_to_clr = rx_active; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(tx_data_to_clr) tx_data_to_cnt <= #1 8'h0; + else tx_data_to_cnt <= #1 tx_data_to_cnt + 8'h1; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_data_to <= #1 (tx_data_to_cnt == tx_data_to_val); + +assign tx_data_to_val = `USBF_TX_DATA_TO_VAL_FS; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Interrupts +// +reg pid_OUT_r, pid_IN_r, pid_PING_r, pid_SETUP_r; + +always @(posedge clk) + pid_OUT_r <= #1 pid_OUT; + +always @(posedge clk) + pid_IN_r <= #1 pid_IN; + +always @(posedge clk) + pid_PING_r <= #1 pid_PING; + +always @(posedge clk) + pid_SETUP_r <= #1 pid_SETUP; + +always @(posedge clk) + int_upid_set <= #1 match_r & !pid_SOF & ( + ( OUT_ep & !(pid_OUT_r | pid_PING_r)) | + ( IN_ep & !pid_IN_r) | + (CTRL_ep & !(pid_IN_r | pid_OUT_r | pid_PING_r | pid_SETUP_r)) + ); + + +assign int_to_set = ((state == IN2) & rx_ack_to) | ((state == OUT) & tx_data_to); + +assign int_crc16_set = rx_data_done & crc16_err; + +always @(posedge clk) + int_seqerr_set <= #1 int_seqerr_set_d; + +reg send_stall_r; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) send_stall_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(send_stall) send_stall_r <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(send_token) send_stall_r <= #1 1'b0; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Main Protocol State Machine +// + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) state <= #1 IDLE; + else + if(match) state <= #1 IDLE; + else state <= #1 next_state; + +always @(state or + pid_seq_err or idma_done or ep_full or ep_empty or + token_valid or pid_ACK or rx_data_done or + tx_data_to or crc16_err or + rx_ack_to or pid_PING or txfr_iso or txfr_int or + CTRL_ep or pid_IN or pid_OUT or IN_ep or OUT_ep or pid_SETUP or pid_SOF + or match_r or abort or send_stall_r + ) + begin + next_state = state; + token_pid_sel_d = ACK; + send_token_d = 1'b0; + rx_dma_en = 1'b0; + tx_dma_en = 1'b0; + uc_stat_set_d = 1'b0; + rx_ack_to_clr_d = 1'b1; + int_seqerr_set_d = 1'b0; + + case(state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + IDLE: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state IDLE (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(rst & match_r & !pid_SOF) + begin + if(match_r === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: match_r is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_SOF === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: pid_SOF is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(CTRL_ep === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: CTRL_ep is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_IN === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: pid_IN is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_OUT === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: pid_OUT is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_SETUP === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: pid_SETUP is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_PING === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: pid_PING is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(IN_ep === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: IN_ep is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(OUT_ep === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IDLE: OUT_ep is unknown. (%t)", $time); + end +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + + if(match_r & !pid_SOF) + begin +/* + if(ep_stall) // Halt Forced send STALL + begin + token_pid_sel_d = STALL; + send_token_d = 1'b1; + next_state = TOKEN; + end + else +*/ + if(IN_ep | (CTRL_ep & pid_IN)) + begin + if(txfr_int & ep_empty) + begin + token_pid_sel_d = NACK; + send_token_d = 1'b1; + next_state = TOKEN; + end + else + begin + tx_dma_en = 1'b1; + next_state = IN; + end + end + else + if(OUT_ep | (CTRL_ep & (pid_OUT | pid_SETUP))) + begin + rx_dma_en = 1'b1; + next_state = OUT; + end + end + end + + TOKEN: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state TOKEN (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + next_state = IDLE; + end + + IN: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state IN (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(idma_done === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IN: idma_done is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(txfr_iso === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IN: txfr_iso is unknown. (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + rx_ack_to_clr_d = 1'b0; + if(idma_done) + begin + if(txfr_iso) next_state = UPDATE; + else next_state = IN2; + end + + end + IN2: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state IN2 (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(rx_ack_to === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IN2: rx_ack_to is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(token_valid === 1'bx)$display("ERROR: IN2: token_valid is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_ACK === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: IN2: pid_ACK is unknown. (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + rx_ack_to_clr_d = 1'b0; + // Wait for ACK from HOST or Timeout + if(rx_ack_to) next_state = IDLE; + else + if(token_valid & pid_ACK) + begin + next_state = UPDATE; + end + end + + OUT: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state OUT (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(tx_data_to === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT: tx_data_to is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(crc16_err === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT: crc16_err is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(abort === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT: abort is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(rx_data_done === 1'bx)$display("ERROR: OUT: rx_data_done is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(txfr_iso === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT: txfr_iso is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_seq_err === 1'bx)$display("ERROR: OUT: rx_data_done is unknown. (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + if(tx_data_to | crc16_err | abort ) + next_state = IDLE; + else + if(rx_data_done) + begin // Send Ack + if(txfr_iso) + begin + if(pid_seq_err) int_seqerr_set_d = 1'b1; + next_state = UPDATEW; + end + else next_state = OUT2A; + end + end + + OUT2B: + begin // This is a delay State to NACK to small or to + // large packets. this state could be skipped +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state OUT2B (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(abort === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT2A: abort is unknown. (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + if(abort) next_state = IDLE; + else next_state = OUT2B; + end + OUT2A: + begin // Send ACK/NACK/NYET +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state OUT2A (%t)", $time); +`endif +`ifdef USBF_DEBUG + if(abort === 1'bx) $display("ERROR: OUT2A: abort is unknown. (%t)", $time); + if(pid_seq_err === 1'bx)$display("ERROR: OUT2A: rx_data_done is unknown. (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + if(abort) next_state = IDLE; + else + + if(send_stall_r) + begin + token_pid_sel_d = STALL; + send_token_d = 1'b1; + next_state = IDLE; + end + else + if(ep_full) + begin + token_pid_sel_d = NACK; + send_token_d = 1'b1; + next_state = IDLE; + end + else + begin + token_pid_sel_d = ACK; + send_token_d = 1'b1; + if(pid_seq_err) next_state = IDLE; + else next_state = UPDATE; + end + end + + UPDATEW: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state UPDATEW (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + next_state = UPDATE; + end + + UPDATE: + begin +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + $display("PE: Entered state UPDATE (%t)", $time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + uc_stat_set_d = 1'b1; + next_state = IDLE; + end + endcase + end + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pe.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_ctrl.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_ctrl.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_ctrl.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,844 @@ +/********************************************************************** +* Ported to USB2UART project +* Author: Dinesh Annayya +* Email:- +* +* Date: 4th Feb 2013 +* Changes: +* A. Warning Clean Up +* +**********************************************************************/ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Internal Setup Engine //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_ctrl.v,v 1.2 2002-09-25 06:06:49 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-25 06:06:49 $ +// $Revision: 1.2 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 2002/09/19 12:07:09 rudi +// Initial Checkin +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_ctrl( clk, rst, + + rom_adr, rom_data, + + ctrl_setup, ctrl_in, ctrl_out, + + rx_ctrl_data, rx_ctrl_dvalid,rx_ctrl_ddone, + + ep0_din, ep0_dout, ep0_re, ep0_we, ep0_stat, + ep0_size, + + send_stall, frame_no, + funct_adr, configured, halt, + + v_set_int, v_set_feature, wValue, wIndex, vendor_data, + + // Register Interface + reg_addr, + reg_rdwrn, + reg_req, + reg_wdata, + reg_rdata, + reg_ack + + + ); + +input clk, rst; + +output [6:0] rom_adr; +input [7:0] rom_data; + +input ctrl_setup; +input ctrl_in; +input ctrl_out; + + +input [7:0] rx_ctrl_data; +input rx_ctrl_dvalid; +input rx_ctrl_ddone; + +input [7:0] ep0_din; +output [7:0] ep0_dout; +output ep0_re, ep0_we; +input [3:0] ep0_stat; +output [7:0] ep0_size; + +output send_stall; +input [10:0] frame_no; +output [6:0] funct_adr; +output configured, halt; + +output v_set_int; +output v_set_feature; +output [15:0] wValue; +output [15:0] wIndex; +input [15:0] vendor_data; + +//----------------------------------- +// Register Interface +// ---------------------------------- +output [31:0] reg_addr; // Register Address +output reg_rdwrn; // 0 -> write, 1-> read +output reg_req; // Register Req +output [31:0] reg_wdata; // Register write data +input [31:0] reg_rdata; // Register Read Data +input reg_ack; // Register Ack + + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +parameter IDLE = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0000_0001, + GET_HDR = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0000_0010, + GET_STATUS_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0000_0100, + CLEAR_FEATURE_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0000_1000, + SET_FEATURE_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0001_0000, + SET_ADDRESS_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0010_0000, + GET_DESCRIPTOR_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_0100_0000, + SET_DESCRIPTOR_S = 20'b0000_0000_0000_1000_0000, + GET_CONFIG_S = 20'b0000_0000_0001_0000_0000, + SET_CONFIG_S = 20'b0000_0000_0010_0000_0000, + GET_INTERFACE_S = 20'b0000_0000_0100_0000_0000, + SET_INTERFACE_S = 20'b0000_0000_1000_0000_0000, + SYNCH_FRAME_S = 20'b0000_0001_0000_0000_0000, + WAIT_IN_DATA = 20'b0000_0010_0000_0000_0000, + STATUS_IN = 20'b0000_0100_0000_0000_0000, + STATUS_OUT = 20'b0000_1000_0000_0000_0000, + V_SET_INT_S = 20'b0001_0000_0000_0000_0000, + V_GET_STATUS_S = 20'b0010_0000_0000_0000_0000, + V_GET_REG_RDATA_S = 20'b0100_0000_0000_0000_0000, + V_WAIT_RDATA_DONE_S = 20'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000; + + +wire [7:0] bmReqType, bRequest; +wire [15:0] wValue, wIndex, wLength; +wire bm_req_dir; +wire [1:0] bm_req_type; +wire [4:0] bm_req_recp; + +reg get_status, clear_feature, set_feature, set_address; +reg get_descriptor, set_descriptor, get_config, set_config; +reg get_interface, set_interface, synch_frame; +reg hdr_done_r, config_err; +reg v_set_int, v_set_feature, v_get_status; + +reg v_set_reg_waddr; // Set the Reg Bus Address +reg v_set_reg_raddr; // Set the Reg Bus Address + +wire fifo_re1, fifo_full, fifo_empty; +reg fifo_we_d; +reg [5:0] data_sel; +reg ep0_we; +reg [7:0] ep0_dout; +reg [7:0] ep0_size; +reg send_stall; +reg [19:0] state, next_state; +reg get_hdr; +reg [7:0] le; +wire hdr_done; +reg adv; +reg [7:0] hdr0, hdr1, hdr2, hdr3, hdr4, hdr5, hdr6, hdr7; +reg [6:0] funct_adr; +reg set_adr_pending; +reg [6:0] funct_adr_tmp; + +reg in_size_0; +reg in_size_1; +reg in_size_2; +reg in_size_4; +wire high_sel; +reg write_done; + +//---------------------------- +// Register Interface +// ---------------------------- +reg [31:0] reg_addr; +reg [31:0] reg_wdata; +reg [31:0] reg_rdata_r; +reg reg_req; +reg reg_rdwrn; // 0 - write, 1 -> read +reg reg_wphase; // register write phase +reg reg_rphase; // register read phase +reg [3:0] tx_bcnt; // transmit byte count +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// FIFO interface +// + +assign ep0_re = fifo_re1; +assign fifo_empty = ep0_stat[1]; +assign fifo_full = ep0_stat[2]; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Current States +// +reg addressed; +reg configured; +reg halt; +wire clr_halt; +wire set_halt=0; // FIX_ME + +// For this implementation we do not implement HALT for the +// device nor for any of the endpoints. This is useless for +// this device, but can be added here later ... +// FYI, we report device/endpoint errors via interrupts, +// instead of halting the entire or part of the device, much +// nicer for non-critical errors. + +assign clr_halt = ctrl_setup; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) addressed <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(set_address) addressed <= #1 1'b1; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) configured <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(set_config) configured <= #1 1'b1; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) halt <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(clr_halt) halt <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(set_halt) halt <= #1 1'b1; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Descriptor ROM +// +reg [6:0] rom_adr; +reg rom_sel, rom_sel_r; +wire rom_done; +reg [6:0] rom_size; +reg fifo_we_rom_r; +reg fifo_we_rom_r2; +wire fifo_we_rom; +reg [7:0] rom_start_d; +reg [6:0] rom_size_dd; +wire [6:0] rom_size_d; + +always @(wValue) + case(wValue[11:8]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h1: rom_start_d = `ROM_START0; + 4'h2: rom_start_d = `ROM_START1; + 4'h3: + case(wValue[3:0]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: rom_start_d = `ROM_START2A; + 4'h1: rom_start_d = `ROM_START2B; + 4'h2: rom_start_d = `ROM_START2C; + 4'h3: rom_start_d = `ROM_START2D; + default: rom_start_d = `ROM_START2A; + endcase + default: rom_start_d = 7'h00; + endcase + +always @(wValue) + case(wValue[11:8]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h1: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE0; + 4'h2: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE1; + 4'h3: + case(wValue[3:0]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE2A; + 4'h1: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE2B; + 4'h2: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE2C; + 4'h3: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE2D; + default: rom_size_dd = `ROM_SIZE2A; + endcase + default: rom_size_dd = 7'h01; + endcase + +assign rom_size_d = (rom_size_dd > wLength[6:0]) ? wLength[6:0] : rom_size_dd; + +always @(posedge clk) + rom_sel_r <= #1 rom_sel; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) rom_adr <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(rom_sel & !rom_sel_r) rom_adr <= #1 rom_start_d; + else + if(rom_sel & !fifo_full) rom_adr <= #1 rom_adr + 7'h1; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) rom_size <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(rom_sel & !rom_sel_r) rom_size <= #1 rom_size_d; + else + if(rom_sel & !fifo_full) rom_size <= #1 rom_size - 7'h01; + +always @(posedge clk) + fifo_we_rom_r <= #1 rom_sel; + +always @(posedge clk) + fifo_we_rom_r2 <= #1 fifo_we_rom_r; + +assign fifo_we_rom = rom_sel & fifo_we_rom_r2; + +assign rom_done = (rom_size == 7'h0) & !(rom_sel & !rom_sel_r); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Get Header +// + +assign fifo_re1 = (get_hdr | reg_wphase) & !fifo_empty; + +always @(posedge clk) + adv <= #1 get_hdr & !fifo_empty & !adv; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) le <= #1 8'h0; + else + if(!get_hdr) le <= #1 8'h0; + else + if(!(|le)) le <= #1 8'h1; + else + if(fifo_re1 && get_hdr) le <= #1 {le[6:0], 1'b0}; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[0]) hdr0 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[1]) hdr1 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[2]) hdr2 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[3]) hdr3 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[4]) hdr4 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[5]) hdr5 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[6]) hdr6 <= #1 ep0_din; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(le[7]) hdr7 <= #1 ep0_din; + +assign hdr_done = le[7] & fifo_re1 & get_hdr; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Send Data to Host +// +parameter ZERO_DATA = 6'b000001, + ZERO_ONE_DATA = 6'b000010, + CONFIG_DATA = 6'b000100, + SYNC_FRAME_DATA = 6'b001000, + VEND_DATA = 6'b010000, + REG_RDATA = 6'b100000; + +assign high_sel = write_done; + +always @(posedge clk) + case(data_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + ZERO_DATA: ep0_dout <= #1 rom_sel ? rom_data : 8'h0; + ZERO_ONE_DATA: ep0_dout <= #1 high_sel ? 8'h1 : 8'h0; + CONFIG_DATA: ep0_dout <= #1 {7'h0, configured}; // return configuration + SYNC_FRAME_DATA: ep0_dout <= #1 high_sel ? {5'h0, frame_no[10:8]} : frame_no[7:0]; + VEND_DATA: ep0_dout <= #1 high_sel ? vendor_data[15:8] : vendor_data[7:0]; + REG_RDATA: ep0_dout <= #1 (tx_bcnt==0) ? reg_rdata_r[31:24] : + (tx_bcnt==1) ? reg_rdata_r[23:16] : + (tx_bcnt==2) ? reg_rdata_r[15:8] : reg_rdata_r[7:0]; + endcase + +always @(posedge clk) + ep0_we <= #1 (fifo_we_d & !write_done) | fifo_we_rom; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(in_size_0) ep0_size <= #1 8'h0; + else if(in_size_1) ep0_size <= #1 8'h1; + else if(in_size_2) ep0_size <= #1 8'h2; + else if(in_size_4) ep0_size <= #1 8'h4; + else + if(rom_sel) ep0_size <= #1 {1'b0, rom_size_d}; + + +always @(posedge clk) begin + if(!rst) begin + tx_bcnt <= 0; + write_done <= 0; + end else begin + if(state == IDLE) begin + tx_bcnt <= 0; + write_done <= 0; + end else if((ep0_size == (tx_bcnt+1)) && (!fifo_full && fifo_we_d)) + write_done <= 1; + else if(!fifo_full && fifo_we_d ) + tx_bcnt <= tx_bcnt+1; + else + write_done <= 0; + end +end + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Decode Header +// + +// Valid bRequest Codes +parameter GET_STATUS = 8'h00, + CLEAR_FEATURE = 8'h01, + SET_FEATURE = 8'h03, + SET_ADDRESS = 8'h05, + GET_DESCRIPTOR = 8'h06, + SET_DESCRIPTOR = 8'h07, + GET_CONFIG = 8'h08, + SET_CONFIG = 8'h09, + GET_INTERFACE = 8'h0a, + SET_INTERFACE = 8'h0b, + SYNCH_FRAME = 8'h0c, + CUSTOM_REG_WADDR= 8'h10, // Added by Dinesh-A, 19th Feb 2013 + CUSTOM_REG_RADDR= 8'h11; // Added by Dinesh-A, 19th Feb 2013 + +parameter V_SET_INT = 8'h0f; + +/************************************************* +* Author: Dinesh-A: 18th Feb 2013 +* Setup Byte Details +Byte Field Description +0 bmRequest Type + Bit 7: Request direction (0=Host to device – Out, 1=Device to host – In). + Bits 5-6: Request type (0=standard, 1=class, 2=vendor, 3=reserved). + Bits 0-4: Recipient (0=device, 1=interface, 2=endpoint,3=other). +1 bRequest The actual request (see the Standard Device Request Codes table []. +2 wValueL A word-size value that varies according to the request. For example, + in the CLEAR_FEATURE request the value is used to select the feature, + in the GET_DESCRIPTOR request the value indicates the descriptor type and in the + SET_ADDRESS request the value contains the device address. +3 wValueH The upper byte of the Value word. +4 wIndexL A word-size value that varies according to the request. + The index is generally used to specify an endpoint or an interface. +5 wIndexH The upper byte of the Index word. +6 wLengthL A word-size value that indicates the number of bytes to be transferred if there is a data stage. +7 wLengthH The upper byte of the Length word. +**************************************************/ +/******* +bRequest Value +GET_STATUS 0 +CLEAR_FEATURE 1 +Reserved for future use 2 +SET_FEATURE 3 +Reserved for future use 4 +SET_ADDRESS 5 +GET_DESCRIPTOR 6 +SET_DESCRIPTOR 7 +GET_CONFIGURATION 8 +SET_CONFIGURATION 9 +GET_INTERFACE 10 +SET_INTERFACE 11 +SYNCH_FRAME 12 + +*******************************/ + +assign bmReqType = hdr0; +assign bm_req_dir = bmReqType[7]; // 0-Host to device; 1-device to host +assign bm_req_type = bmReqType[6:5]; // 0-standard; 1-class; 2-vendor; 3-RESERVED +assign bm_req_recp = bmReqType[4:0]; // 0-device; 1-interface; 2-endpoint; 3-other + // 4..31-reserved +assign bRequest = hdr1; +assign wValue = {hdr3, hdr2}; +assign wIndex = {hdr5, hdr4}; +assign wLength = {hdr7, hdr6}; + +always @(posedge clk) + hdr_done_r <= #1 hdr_done; + +// Standard commands that MUST support +always @(posedge clk) + get_status <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == GET_STATUS) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + clear_feature <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == CLEAR_FEATURE) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + set_feature <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_FEATURE) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + set_address <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_ADDRESS) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + get_descriptor <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == GET_DESCRIPTOR) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + set_descriptor <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_DESCRIPTOR) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + get_config <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == GET_CONFIG) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + set_config <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_CONFIG) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + get_interface <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == GET_INTERFACE) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + set_interface <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_INTERFACE) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + synch_frame <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SYNCH_FRAME) & (bm_req_type==2'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + v_set_int <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == V_SET_INT) & (bm_req_type==2'h2); + +always @(posedge clk) + v_set_feature <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == SET_FEATURE) & (bm_req_type==2'h2); + +always @(posedge clk) + v_get_status <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == GET_STATUS) & (bm_req_type==2'h2); +always @(posedge clk) + v_set_reg_waddr <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == CUSTOM_REG_WADDR) & (bm_req_type==2'h2); +always @(posedge clk) + v_set_reg_raddr <= #1 hdr_done & (bRequest == CUSTOM_REG_RADDR) & (bm_req_type==2'h2); + +always @(posedge clk) + if(v_set_reg_waddr || v_set_reg_raddr) reg_addr <= {hdr2,hdr3,hdr4,hdr5}; + +reg [1:0] reg_byte_cnt; +always @(posedge clk) begin + if(!rst) begin + reg_byte_cnt <= 2'b0; + end else begin + if(v_set_reg_waddr) begin + reg_wphase <= 1; + reg_byte_cnt <= 0; + end else if(reg_byte_cnt == 2'b11 && fifo_re1) begin + reg_wphase <= 0; + reg_byte_cnt <= 0; + end else if(reg_wphase && fifo_re1) begin + reg_byte_cnt <= reg_byte_cnt+1; + end + end +end + + +always @(posedge clk) + if(reg_wphase && fifo_re1) reg_wdata <= {reg_wdata[23:0],ep0_din[7:0]}; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(reg_rdwrn && reg_ack) reg_rdata_r <= {reg_rdata}; + +always @(posedge clk) begin + if(!rst) begin + reg_req <= 0; + end else begin + if(fifo_re1 && reg_wphase && reg_byte_cnt== 2'b11) reg_req <= 1; + else if(v_set_reg_raddr) reg_req <= 1; + else reg_req <= 0; + end +end + +always @(posedge clk) + if(v_set_reg_raddr) reg_rdwrn <= 1'b1 ; + else if(v_set_reg_waddr) reg_rdwrn <= 1'b0 ; + +// A config err must cause the device to send a STALL for an ACK +always @(posedge clk) + config_err <= #1 hdr_done_r & !(get_status | clear_feature | + set_feature | set_address | get_descriptor | + set_descriptor | get_config | set_config | + get_interface | set_interface | synch_frame | + v_set_int | v_set_feature | v_get_status | v_set_reg_waddr | v_set_reg_raddr); + +always @(posedge clk) + send_stall <= #1 config_err; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Set address +// + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) set_adr_pending <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(ctrl_in | ctrl_out | ctrl_setup) set_adr_pending <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(set_address) set_adr_pending <= #1 1'b1; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) funct_adr_tmp <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(set_address) funct_adr_tmp <= #1 wValue[6:0]; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) funct_adr <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(set_adr_pending & ctrl_in) funct_adr <= #1 funct_adr_tmp; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Main FSM +// + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) state <= #1 IDLE; + else state <= next_state; + +always @(state or ctrl_setup or ctrl_in or ctrl_out or hdr_done or + fifo_full or rom_done or write_done or wValue or bm_req_recp or + get_status or clear_feature or set_feature or set_address or + get_descriptor or set_descriptor or get_config or set_config or + get_interface or set_interface or synch_frame or v_set_int or + v_set_feature or v_get_status or v_set_reg_waddr or v_set_reg_raddr, reg_ack + ) + begin + next_state = state; + get_hdr = 1'b0; + data_sel = ZERO_DATA; + fifo_we_d = 1'b0; + in_size_0 = 1'b0; + in_size_1 = 1'b0; + in_size_2 = 1'b0; + in_size_4 = 1'b0; + rom_sel = 1'b0; + + case(state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + + // Wait for Setup token + IDLE: + begin + if(ctrl_setup) next_state = GET_HDR; + if(get_status) next_state = GET_STATUS_S; + if(clear_feature) next_state = CLEAR_FEATURE_S; + if(set_feature) next_state = SET_FEATURE_S; + if(set_address) next_state = SET_ADDRESS_S; + if(get_descriptor) next_state = GET_DESCRIPTOR_S; + if(set_descriptor) next_state = SET_DESCRIPTOR_S; + if(get_config) next_state = GET_CONFIG_S; + if(set_config) next_state = SET_CONFIG_S; + if(get_interface) next_state = GET_INTERFACE_S; + if(set_interface) next_state = SET_INTERFACE_S; + if(synch_frame) next_state = SYNCH_FRAME_S; + if(v_set_int) next_state = V_SET_INT_S; + if(v_set_feature) next_state = V_SET_INT_S; + if(v_get_status) next_state = V_GET_STATUS_S; + if(v_set_reg_waddr) next_state = STATUS_IN; + if(v_set_reg_raddr) next_state = V_WAIT_RDATA_DONE_S; + end + + // Retrieve Setup Header + GET_HDR: + begin + get_hdr = 1'b1; + if(hdr_done) next_state = IDLE; + end + + + // Actions for supported commands + GET_STATUS_S: + begin + // Returns to host + // 16'h0001 for device + // 16'h0000 for interface + // 16'h0000 for endpoint + if(bm_req_recp == 5'h00) data_sel = ZERO_ONE_DATA; + else data_sel = ZERO_DATA; + + in_size_2 = 1'b1; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + if(write_done) next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + + end + V_GET_STATUS_S: + begin + data_sel = VEND_DATA; + in_size_2 = 1'b1; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + if(write_done) next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + end + + V_WAIT_RDATA_DONE_S: begin // Wait for Register Read Access Completion + if(reg_ack) + next_state = V_GET_REG_RDATA_S; + end + + V_GET_REG_RDATA_S: // Register Access Read Data + begin + data_sel = REG_RDATA; + in_size_4 = 1'b1; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + if(write_done) next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + end + CLEAR_FEATURE_S: + begin + // just ignore this for now + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + SET_FEATURE_S: + begin + // just ignore this for now + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + SET_ADDRESS_S: + begin + // done elsewhere .... + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + GET_DESCRIPTOR_S: + begin + if( wValue[15:8] == 8'h01 | + wValue[15:8] == 8'h02 | + wValue[15:8] == 8'h03 ) + rom_sel = 1'b1; + else + next_state = IDLE; + + if(rom_done) + next_state = IDLE; + end + + SET_DESCRIPTOR_S: + begin + // This doesn't do anything since we do not support + // setting the descriptor + next_state = IDLE; + end + + GET_CONFIG_S: + begin + // Send one byte back that indicates current status + in_size_1 = 1'b1; + data_sel = CONFIG_DATA; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + end + + SET_CONFIG_S: + begin + // done elsewhere .... + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + GET_INTERFACE_S: + begin + // Return interface '0' + in_size_1 = 1'b1; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + end + + SET_INTERFACE_S: + begin + // just ignore this for now + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + SYNCH_FRAME_S: + begin + // Return Frame current frame number + data_sel = SYNC_FRAME_DATA; + in_size_2 = 1'b1; + if(!fifo_full) + begin + fifo_we_d = 1'b1; + if(write_done) next_state = WAIT_IN_DATA; + end + end + + V_SET_INT_S: + begin + // done elsewhere .... + next_state = STATUS_IN; + end + + WAIT_IN_DATA: + begin + if(ctrl_in) next_state = STATUS_OUT; + end + + STATUS_IN: + begin + in_size_0 = 1'b1; + if(ctrl_in) next_state = IDLE; + end + + STATUS_OUT: + begin + if(ctrl_out) next_state = IDLE; + end + endcase + end + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_ctrl.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_fifo2.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_fifo2.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_fifo2.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Fast FIFO 2 entries deep //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_fifo2.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:31 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:31 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "timescale.v" + +module usb1_fifo2(clk, rst, clr, din, we, dout, re); + +input clk, rst; +input clr; +input [7:0] din; +input we; +output [7:0] dout; +input re; + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires +// + +reg [7:0] mem[0:1]; +reg wp; +reg rp; + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) wp <= #1 1'h0; + else + if(clr) wp <= #1 1'h0; + else + if(we) wp <= #1 ~wp; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rp <= #1 1'h0; + else + if(clr) rp <= #1 1'h0; + else + if(re) rp <= #1 ~rp; + +// Fifo Output +assign dout = mem[ rp ]; + +// Fifo Input +always @(posedge clk) + if(we) mem[ wp ] <= #1 din; + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_fifo2.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_core.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_core.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_core.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ +/********************************************************************** +* Ported to USB2UART Project +* Author: Dinesh Annayya +* Email:- +* +* Date: 4th Feb 2013 +* Changes: +* A. Warning Clean Up +* B. USB1-phy is move to core level +* +**********************************************************************/ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB 1.1 function IP core //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_core.v,v 1.2 2002-10-11 05:48:20 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-10-11 05:48:20 $ +// $Revision: 1.2 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2002/09/25 06:06:49 rudi +// - Added New Top Level +// - Remove old top level and associated files +// - Moved FIFOs to "Generic FIFOs" project +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +/* + + // USB PHY Interface + tx_dp, tx_dn, tx_oe, + rx_d, rx_dp, rx_dn, +These pins are a semi-standard interface to USB 1.1 transceivers. +Just match up the signal names with the IOs of the transceiver. + + // USB Misc + phy_tx_mode, usb_rst, +The PHY supports single ended and differential output to the +transceiver Depending on which device you are using, you have +to tie the phy_tx_mode high or low. +usb_rst is asserted whenever the host signals reset on the USB +bus. The USB core will internally reset itself automatically. +This output is provided for external logic that needs to be +reset when the USB bus is reset. + + // Interrupts + dropped_frame, misaligned_frame, + crc16_err, +dropped_frame, misaligned_frame are interrupt to indicate error +conditions in Block Frame mode. +crc16_err, indicates when a crc 16 error was detected on the +payload of a USB packet. + + // Vendor Features + v_set_int, v_set_feature, wValue, + wIndex, vendor_data, +This signals allow to control vendor specific registers and logic +that can be manipulated and monitored via the control endpoint +through vendor defined commands. + + // USB Status + usb_busy, ep_sel, +usb_busy is asserted when the USB core is busy transferring +data ep_sel indicated the endpoint that is currently busy. +This information might be useful if one desires to reset/clear +the attached FIFOs and want to do this when the endpoint is idle. + + // Endpoint Interface +This implementation supports 8 endpoints. Endpoint 0 is the +control endpoint and used internally. Endpoints 1-7 are available +to the user. replace 'N' with the endpoint number. + + epN_cfg, +This is a constant input used to configure the endpoint by ORing +these defines together and adding the max packet size for this +endpoint: +`IN and `OUT select the transfer direction for this endpoint +`ISO, `BULK and `INT determine the endpoint type + +Example: "`BULK | `IN | 14'd064" defines a BULK IN endpoint with +max packet size of 64 bytes + + epN_din, epN_we, epN_full, +This is the OUT FIFO interface. If this is a IN endpoint, ground +all unused inputs and leave outputs unconnected. + + epN_dout, epN_re, epN_empty, +this is the IN FIFO interface. If this is a OUT endpoint ground +all unused inputs and leave outputs unconnected. + + epN_bf_en, epN_bf_size, +These two constant configure the Block Frame feature. + +*/ + + +module usb1_core(clk_i, rst_i, + + // UTMI Interface + DataOut, TxValid, TxReady, RxValid, + RxActive, RxError, DataIn, LineState, + // USB Misc + phy_tx_mode, usb_rst, + + // Interrupts + dropped_frame, misaligned_frame, + crc16_err, + + // Vendor Features + v_set_int, v_set_feature, wValue, + wIndex, vendor_data, + + // USB Status + usb_busy, ep_sel, + + // Endpoint Interface + ep1_cfg, + ep1_din, ep1_we, ep1_full, + ep1_dout, ep1_re, ep1_empty, + ep1_bf_en, ep1_bf_size, + + ep2_cfg, + ep2_din, ep2_we, ep2_full, + ep2_dout, ep2_re, ep2_empty, + ep2_bf_en, ep2_bf_size, + + ep3_cfg, + ep3_din, ep3_we, ep3_full, + ep3_dout, ep3_re, ep3_empty, + ep3_bf_en, ep3_bf_size, + + ep4_cfg, + ep4_din, ep4_we, ep4_full, + ep4_dout, ep4_re, ep4_empty, + ep4_bf_en, ep4_bf_size, + + ep5_cfg, + ep5_din, ep5_we, ep5_full, + ep5_dout, ep5_re, ep5_empty, + ep5_bf_en, ep5_bf_size, + + ep6_cfg, + ep6_din, ep6_we, ep6_full, + ep6_dout, ep6_re, ep6_empty, + ep6_bf_en, ep6_bf_size, + + ep7_cfg, + ep7_din, ep7_we, ep7_full, + ep7_dout, ep7_re, ep7_empty, + ep7_bf_en, ep7_bf_size, + + // Register Interface + reg_addr, + reg_rdwrn, + reg_req, + reg_wdata, + reg_rdata, + reg_ack + + ); + +input clk_i; +input rst_i; +//------------------------------------ +// UTMI Interface +// ----------------------------------- +output [7:0] DataOut; +output TxValid; +input TxReady; +input [7:0] DataIn; +input RxValid; +input RxActive; +input RxError; +input [1:0] LineState; + +input phy_tx_mode; +input usb_rst; +output dropped_frame, misaligned_frame; +output crc16_err; + +output v_set_int; +output v_set_feature; +output [15:0] wValue; +output [15:0] wIndex; +input [15:0] vendor_data; + +output usb_busy; +output [3:0] ep_sel; + +//----------------------------------- +// Register Interface +// ---------------------------------- +output [31:0] reg_addr; // Register Address +output reg_rdwrn; // 0 -> write, 1-> read +output reg_req; // Register Req +output [31:0] reg_wdata; // Register write data +input [31:0] reg_rdata; // Register Read Data +input reg_ack; // Register Ack + +// Endpoint Interfaces +input [13:0] ep1_cfg; +input [7:0] ep1_din; +output [7:0] ep1_dout; +output ep1_we, ep1_re; +input ep1_empty, ep1_full; +input ep1_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep1_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep2_cfg; +input [7:0] ep2_din; +output [7:0] ep2_dout; +output ep2_we, ep2_re; +input ep2_empty, ep2_full; +input ep2_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep2_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep3_cfg; +input [7:0] ep3_din; +output [7:0] ep3_dout; +output ep3_we, ep3_re; +input ep3_empty, ep3_full; +input ep3_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep3_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep4_cfg; +input [7:0] ep4_din; +output [7:0] ep4_dout; +output ep4_we, ep4_re; +input ep4_empty, ep4_full; +input ep4_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep4_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep5_cfg; +input [7:0] ep5_din; +output [7:0] ep5_dout; +output ep5_we, ep5_re; +input ep5_empty, ep5_full; +input ep5_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep5_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep6_cfg; +input [7:0] ep6_din; +output [7:0] ep6_dout; +output ep6_we, ep6_re; +input ep6_empty, ep6_full; +input ep6_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep6_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep7_cfg; +input [7:0] ep7_din; +output [7:0] ep7_dout; +output ep7_we, ep7_re; +input ep7_empty, ep7_full; +input ep7_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep7_bf_size; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +wire [7:0] rx_data; +wire rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err; +wire [7:0] tx_data; +wire tx_valid; +wire tx_ready; +wire tx_first; +wire tx_valid_last; + +// Internal Register File Interface +wire [6:0] funct_adr; // This functions address (set by controller) +wire [3:0] ep_sel; // Endpoint Number Input +wire crc16_err; // Set CRC16 error interrupt +wire int_to_set; // Set time out interrupt +wire int_seqerr_set; // Set PID sequence error interrupt +wire [31:0] frm_nat; // Frame Number and Time Register +wire nse_err; // No Such Endpoint Error +wire pid_cs_err; // PID CS error +wire crc5_err; // CRC5 Error + +reg [7:0] tx_data_st; +wire [7:0] rx_ctrl_data; +wire [7:0] rx_ctrl_data_d; +reg [13:0] cfg; +reg ep_empty; +reg ep_full; +wire [7:0] rx_size; +wire rx_done; + +wire [7:0] ep0_din; +wire [7:0] ep0_dout; +wire ep0_re, ep0_we; +wire [13:0] ep0_cfg; +wire [7:0] ep0_size; +wire [7:0] ep0_ctrl_dout, ep0_ctrl_din; +wire ep0_ctrl_re, ep0_ctrl_we; +wire [3:0] ep0_ctrl_stat; + +wire ctrl_setup, ctrl_in, ctrl_out; +wire send_stall; +wire token_valid; +reg rst_local; // internal reset +wire dropped_frame; +wire misaligned_frame; +wire v_set_int; +wire v_set_feature; +wire [15:0] wValue; +wire [15:0] wIndex; + +reg ep_bf_en; +reg [6:0] ep_bf_size; +wire [6:0] rom_adr; +wire [7:0] rom_data; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +// Endpoint type and Max transfer size +assign ep0_cfg = `CTRL | ep0_size; + +always @(posedge clk_i) + rst_local <= #1 rst_i & ~usb_rst; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Module Instantiations +// +/******* Move to phy logic is move to core level +usb_phy phy( + .clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_i ), // ONLY external reset + .phy_tx_mode( phy_tx_mode ), + .usb_rst( usb_rst ), + + // Transceiver Interface + .rxd( rx_d ), + .rxdp( rx_dp ), + .rxdn( rx_dn ), + .txdp( tx_dp ), + .txdn( tx_dn ), + .txoe( tx_oe ), + + // UTMI Interface + .DataIn_o( DataIn ), + .RxValid_o( RxValid ), + .RxActive_o( RxActive ), + .RxError_o( RxError ), + .DataOut_i( DataOut ), + .TxValid_i( TxValid ), + .TxReady_o( TxReady ), + .LineState_o( LineState ) + ); +*******************************/ +// UTMI Interface +usb1_utmi_if u0( + .phy_clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_local ), + // Interface towards Phy-Tx + .DataOut( DataOut ), + .TxValid( TxValid ), + .TxReady( TxReady ), + + // Interface towards Phy-rx + .RxValid( RxValid ), + .RxActive( RxActive ), + .RxError( RxError ), + .DataIn( DataIn ), + + // Interfcae towards protocol layer-rx + .rx_data( rx_data ), + .rx_valid( rx_valid ), + .rx_active( rx_active ), + .rx_err( rx_err ), + + // Interfcae towards protocol layer-tx + .tx_data( tx_data ), + .tx_valid( tx_valid ), + .tx_valid_last( tx_valid_last ), + .tx_ready( tx_ready ), + .tx_first( tx_first ) + ); + +// Protocol Layer +usb1_pl u1( .clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_local ), + // Interface towards utmi-rx + .rx_data( rx_data ), + .rx_valid( rx_valid ), + .rx_active( rx_active ), + .rx_err( rx_err ), + + // Interface towards utmi-tx + .tx_data( tx_data ), + .tx_valid( tx_valid ), + .tx_valid_last( tx_valid_last ), + .tx_ready( tx_ready ), + .tx_first( tx_first ), + + // Interface towards usb-phy-tx + .tx_valid_out( TxValid ), + + // unused outputs + .token_valid( token_valid ), + .int_to_set( int_to_set ), + .int_seqerr_set( int_seqerr_set ), + .pid_cs_err( pid_cs_err ), + .nse_err( nse_err ), + .crc5_err( crc5_err ), + .rx_size( rx_size ), + .rx_done( rx_done ), + + // Interface towards usb-ctrl + .fa( funct_adr ), + .frm_nat( frm_nat ), + .ctrl_setup( ctrl_setup ), + .ctrl_in( ctrl_in ), + .ctrl_out( ctrl_out ), + .send_stall( send_stall ), + + // usb-status + .ep_sel( ep_sel ), + .x_busy( usb_busy ), + .int_crc16_set( crc16_err ), + .dropped_frame( dropped_frame ), + .misaligned_frame( misaligned_frame ), + + .ep_bf_en( ep_bf_en ), + .ep_bf_size( ep_bf_size ), + .csr( cfg ), + .tx_data_st( tx_data_st ), + + .rx_ctrl_data (rx_ctrl_data ), + .rx_ctrl_data_d (rx_ctrl_data_d ), + .rx_ctrl_dvalid (rx_ctrl_dvalid ), + .rx_ctrl_ddone (rx_ctrl_ddone ), + + .idma_re( idma_re ), + .idma_we( idma_we ), + .ep_empty( ep_empty ), + .ep_full( ep_full ) + ); + +usb1_ctrl u4( .clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_local ), + + .rom_adr( rom_adr ), + .rom_data( rom_data ), + + .ctrl_setup( ctrl_setup ), + .ctrl_in( ctrl_in ), + .ctrl_out( ctrl_out ), + + .rx_ctrl_data (rx_ctrl_data ), + .rx_ctrl_dvalid (rx_ctrl_dvalid ), + .rx_ctrl_ddone (rx_ctrl_ddone ), + + + .ep0_din( ep0_ctrl_dout ), + .ep0_dout( ep0_ctrl_din ), + .ep0_re( ep0_ctrl_re ), + .ep0_we( ep0_ctrl_we ), + .ep0_stat( ep0_ctrl_stat ), + .ep0_size( ep0_size ), + + .send_stall( send_stall ), + .frame_no( frm_nat[26:16] ), + .funct_adr( funct_adr ), + .configured( ), + .halt( ), + + .v_set_int( v_set_int ), + .v_set_feature( v_set_feature ), + .wValue( wValue ), + .wIndex( wIndex ), + .vendor_data( vendor_data ), + + // Register Interface + .reg_addr (reg_addr), + .reg_rdwrn (reg_rdwrn), + .reg_req (reg_req), + .reg_wdata (reg_wdata), + .reg_rdata (reg_rdata), + .reg_ack (reg_ack) + + ); + + +usb1_rom1 rom1( .clk( clk_i ), + .adr( rom_adr ), + .dout( rom_data ) + ); + +// CTRL Endpoint FIFO +/************* +generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,6,0) u10( + .clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_i ), + .clr( usb_rst ), + .din( rx_ctrl_data_d ), + .we( ep0_we ), + .dout( ep0_ctrl_dout ), + .re( ep0_ctrl_re ), + .full_r( ), + .empty_r( ), + .full( ep0_full ), + .empty( ep0_ctrl_stat[1] ), + .full_n( ), + .empty_n( ), + .full_n_r( ), + .empty_n_r( ), + .level( ) + ); + +*************/ +// CTRL Endpoint FIFO +sync_fifo #(8,8) u10( + .clk (clk_i), + .reset_n (rst_i), + .clr (usb_rst), + .wr_en (ep0_we), + .wr_data (rx_ctrl_data_d), + .full (ep0_full), + .empty (ep0_ctrl_stat[1]), + .rd_en (ep0_ctrl_re), + .rd_data (ep0_ctrl_dout) + ); +generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,6,0) u11( + .clk( clk_i ), + .rst( rst_i ), + .clr( usb_rst ), + .din( ep0_ctrl_din ), + .we( ep0_ctrl_we ), + .dout( ep0_dout ), + .re( ep0_re ), + .full_r( ), + .empty_r( ), + .full( ep0_ctrl_stat[2] ), + .empty( ep0_empty ), + .full_n( ), + .empty_n( ), + .full_n_r( ), + .empty_n_r( ), + .level( ) + ); + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Endpoint FIFO Interfaces +// + +always @(ep_sel or ep0_cfg or ep1_cfg or ep2_cfg or ep3_cfg or + ep4_cfg or ep5_cfg or ep6_cfg or ep7_cfg) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: cfg = ep0_cfg; + 4'h1: cfg = ep1_cfg; + 4'h2: cfg = ep2_cfg; + 4'h3: cfg = ep3_cfg; + 4'h4: cfg = ep4_cfg; + 4'h5: cfg = ep5_cfg; + 4'h6: cfg = ep6_cfg; + 4'h7: cfg = ep7_cfg; + endcase + +// In endpoints only +always @(posedge clk_i) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: tx_data_st <= #1 ep0_dout; + 4'h1: tx_data_st <= #1 ep1_din; + 4'h2: tx_data_st <= #1 ep2_din; + 4'h3: tx_data_st <= #1 ep3_din; + 4'h4: tx_data_st <= #1 ep4_din; + 4'h5: tx_data_st <= #1 ep5_din; + 4'h6: tx_data_st <= #1 ep6_din; + 4'h7: tx_data_st <= #1 ep7_din; + endcase + +// In endpoints only +always @(posedge clk_i) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: ep_empty <= #1 ep0_empty; + 4'h1: ep_empty <= #1 ep1_empty; + 4'h2: ep_empty <= #1 ep2_empty; + 4'h3: ep_empty <= #1 ep3_empty; + 4'h4: ep_empty <= #1 ep4_empty; + 4'h5: ep_empty <= #1 ep5_empty; + 4'h6: ep_empty <= #1 ep6_empty; + 4'h7: ep_empty <= #1 ep7_empty; + endcase + +// OUT endpoints only +always @(ep_sel or ep0_full or ep1_full or ep2_full or ep3_full or + ep4_full or ep5_full or ep6_full or ep7_full) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: ep_full = ep0_full; + 4'h1: ep_full = ep1_full; + 4'h2: ep_full = ep2_full; + 4'h3: ep_full = ep3_full; + 4'h4: ep_full = ep4_full; + 4'h5: ep_full = ep5_full; + 4'h6: ep_full = ep6_full; + 4'h7: ep_full = ep7_full; + endcase + +always @(posedge clk_i) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h0: ep_bf_en = 1'b0; + 4'h1: ep_bf_en = ep1_bf_en; + 4'h2: ep_bf_en = ep2_bf_en; + 4'h3: ep_bf_en = ep3_bf_en; + 4'h4: ep_bf_en = ep4_bf_en; + 4'h5: ep_bf_en = ep5_bf_en; + 4'h6: ep_bf_en = ep6_bf_en; + 4'h7: ep_bf_en = ep7_bf_en; + endcase + +always @(posedge clk_i) + case(ep_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 4'h1: ep_bf_size = ep1_bf_size; + 4'h2: ep_bf_size = ep2_bf_size; + 4'h3: ep_bf_size = ep3_bf_size; + 4'h4: ep_bf_size = ep4_bf_size; + 4'h5: ep_bf_size = ep5_bf_size; + 4'h6: ep_bf_size = ep6_bf_size; + 4'h7: ep_bf_size = ep7_bf_size; + endcase + +assign ep1_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep2_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep3_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep4_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep5_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep6_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; +assign ep7_dout = rx_ctrl_data_d; + +assign ep0_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h0); +assign ep1_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h1) & !ep1_empty; +assign ep2_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h2) & !ep2_empty; +assign ep3_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h3) & !ep3_empty; +assign ep4_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h4) & !ep4_empty; +assign ep5_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h5) & !ep5_empty; +assign ep6_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h6) & !ep6_empty; +assign ep7_re = idma_re & (ep_sel == 4'h7) & !ep7_empty; + +assign ep0_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h0); +assign ep1_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h1) & !ep1_full; +assign ep2_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h2) & !ep2_full; +assign ep3_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h3) & !ep3_full; +assign ep4_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h4) & !ep4_full; +assign ep5_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h5) & !ep5_full; +assign ep6_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h6) & !ep6_full; +assign ep7_we = idma_we & (ep_sel == 4'h7) & !ep7_full; + +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_core.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_idma.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_idma.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_idma.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,387 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Internal DMA Engine //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_idma.v,v 1.2 2002-09-25 06:06:49 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-25 06:06:49 $ +// $Revision: 1.2 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 2002/09/19 12:07:38 rudi +// Initial Checkin +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_idma( clk, rst, + + // Packet Disassembler/Assembler interface + rx_data_valid, + rx_data_done, + send_data, + rd_next, + + tx_valid, + tx_data_st_i, + tx_data_st_o, + + // Protocol Engine + tx_dma_en, rx_dma_en, idma_done, + ep_sel, + + // Register File Manager Interface + size, + rx_cnt, rx_done, + tx_busy, + + // Block Frames + ep_bf_en, ep_bf_size, + dropped_frame, misaligned_frame, + + // Memory Arb interface + mwe, mre, ep_empty, ep_empty_int, ep_full + ); + + +// Packet Disassembler/Assembler interface +input clk, rst; +input rx_data_valid; +input rx_data_done; +output send_data; +input rd_next; + +input tx_valid; +input [7:0] tx_data_st_i; +output [7:0] tx_data_st_o; + +// Protocol Engine +input tx_dma_en; +input rx_dma_en; +output idma_done; // DMA is done +input [3:0] ep_sel; + +// Register File Manager Interface +input [8:0] size; // MAX PL Size in bytes +output [7:0] rx_cnt; +output rx_done; +output tx_busy; + +input ep_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep_bf_size; +output dropped_frame; +output misaligned_frame; + +// Memory Arb interface +output mwe; +output mre; +input ep_empty; +output ep_empty_int; +input ep_full; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +reg tx_dma_en_r; +reg [8:0] sizd_c; // Internal size counter +wire adr_incw; +wire adr_incb; +wire siz_dec; +wire mwe; // Memory Write enable +wire mre; // Memory Read enable +reg mwe_r; +reg sizd_is_zero; // Indicates when all bytes have been + // transferred +wire sizd_is_zero_d; +reg idma_done; // DMA transfer is done +wire send_data; // Enable UTMI Transmitter +reg rx_data_done_r; +reg rx_data_valid_r; +wire ff_re, ff_full, ff_empty; +reg ff_we, ff_we1; +reg tx_dma_en_r1; +reg tx_dma_en_r2; +reg tx_dma_en_r3; +reg send_data_r; +wire ff_clr; +reg [7:0] rx_cnt; +reg [7:0] rx_cnt_r; +reg ep_empty_r; +reg ep_empty_latched; +wire ep_empty_int; +reg [6:0] ec; +wire ec_clr; +reg dropped_frame; +reg [6:0] rc_cnt; +wire rc_clr; +reg ep_full_latched; +wire ep_full_int; +reg misaligned_frame; +reg tx_valid_r; +wire tx_valid_e; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// For IN Block Frames transmit frames in [ep_bf_size] byte quantities +// + +`ifdef USB1_BF_ENABLE + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) ec <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(!ep_bf_en | ec_clr) ec <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(mre) ec <= #1 ec + 7'h1; + +assign ec_clr = (ec == ep_bf_size) | tx_dma_en; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) ep_empty_latched <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(ec_clr) ep_empty_latched <= #1 ep_empty; + +assign ep_empty_int = ep_bf_en ? ep_empty_latched : ep_empty; +`else +assign ep_empty_int = ep_empty; +`endif +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// For OUT Block Frames always store in [ep_bf_size] byte chunks +// if fifo can't accept [ep_bf_size] bytes junk the entire [ep_bf_size] +// byte frame +// + +`ifdef USB1_BF_ENABLE +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) rc_cnt <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(!ep_bf_en | rc_clr) rc_cnt <= #1 7'h0; + else + if(mwe_r) rc_cnt <= #1 rc_cnt + 7'h1; + +assign rc_clr = ((rc_cnt == ep_bf_size) & mwe_r) | rx_dma_en; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!rst) ep_full_latched <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(rc_clr) ep_full_latched <= #1 ep_full; + +assign ep_full_int = ep_bf_en ? ep_full_latched : ep_full; + +always @(posedge clk) + dropped_frame <= #1 rc_clr & ep_full & ep_bf_en; + +always @(posedge clk) + misaligned_frame <= #1 rx_data_done_r & ep_bf_en & (rc_cnt!=7'd00); +`else +assign ep_full_int = ep_full; + +always @(posedge clk) + dropped_frame <= #1 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk) + misaligned_frame <= #1 1'b0; + +`endif + +// synopsys translate_off +`ifdef USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG +always @(posedge dropped_frame) + $display("WARNING: BF: Droped one OUT frame (no space in FIFO) (%t)",$time); + +always @(posedge misaligned_frame) + $display("WARNING: BF: Received misaligned frame (%t)",$time); +`endif +// synopsys translate_on + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// FIFO interface +// + +always @(posedge clk) + mwe_r <= #1 rx_data_valid; + +assign mwe = mwe_r & !ep_full_int; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +always @(posedge clk) + rx_data_valid_r <= #1 rx_data_valid; + +always @(posedge clk) + rx_data_done_r <= #1 rx_data_done; + +// Generate one cycle pulses for tx and rx dma enable +always @(posedge clk) + tx_dma_en_r <= #1 tx_dma_en; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_dma_en_r1 <= tx_dma_en_r; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_dma_en_r2 <= tx_dma_en_r1; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_dma_en_r3 <= tx_dma_en_r2; + +// DMA Done Indicator +always @(posedge clk) + idma_done <= #1 (rx_data_done_r | sizd_is_zero_d | ep_empty_int); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// RX Size Counter +// + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rx_cnt_r <= #1 8'h00; + else + if(rx_data_done_r) rx_cnt_r <= #1 8'h00; + else + if(rx_data_valid) rx_cnt_r <= #1 rx_cnt_r + 8'h01; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rx_cnt <= #1 8'h00; + else + if(rx_data_done_r) rx_cnt <= #1 rx_cnt_r; + +assign rx_done = rx_data_done_r; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Transmit Size Counter (counting backward from input size) +// For MAX packet size +// + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) sizd_c <= #1 9'h1ff; + else + if(tx_dma_en) sizd_c <= #1 size; + else + if(siz_dec) sizd_c <= #1 sizd_c - 9'h1; + +assign siz_dec = (tx_dma_en_r | tx_dma_en_r1 | rd_next) & !sizd_is_zero_d; + +assign sizd_is_zero_d = sizd_c == 9'h0; + +always @(posedge clk) + sizd_is_zero <= #1 sizd_is_zero_d; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// TX Logic +// + +assign tx_busy = send_data | tx_dma_en_r | tx_dma_en; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_valid_r <= #1 tx_valid; + +assign tx_valid_e = tx_valid_r & !tx_valid; + +// Since we are prefetching two entries in to our fast fifo, we +// need to know when exactly ep_empty was asserted, as we might +// only need 1 or 2 bytes. This is for ep_empty_r + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) ep_empty_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(!tx_valid) ep_empty_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(tx_dma_en_r2) ep_empty_r <= #1 ep_empty_int; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) send_data_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if((tx_dma_en_r & !ep_empty_int)) send_data_r <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(rd_next & (sizd_is_zero_d | (ep_empty_int & !sizd_is_zero_d)) ) + send_data_r <= #1 1'b0; + +assign send_data = (send_data_r & !ep_empty_r & + !(sizd_is_zero & size==9'h01)) | tx_dma_en_r1; + +assign mre = (tx_dma_en_r1 | tx_dma_en_r | rd_next) & + !sizd_is_zero_d & !ep_empty_int & (send_data | tx_dma_en_r1 | tx_dma_en_r); + +always @(posedge clk) + ff_we1 <= mre; + +always @(posedge clk) + ff_we <= ff_we1; + +assign ff_re = rd_next; + +assign ff_clr = !tx_valid; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// IDMA fast prefetch fifo +// + +// tx fifo +usb1_fifo2 ff( + .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + .clr( ff_clr ), + .din( tx_data_st_i ), + .we( ff_we ), + .dout( tx_data_st_o ), + .re( ff_re ) + ); + +endmodule + +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_idma.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pl.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pl.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pl.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Protocol Layer //// +//// This block is typically referred to as the SEI in USB //// +//// Specification. It encapsulates the Packet Assembler, //// +//// disassembler, protocol engine and internal DMA //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_pl.v,v 1.2 2002-09-25 06:06:49 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-25 06:06:49 $ +// $Revision: 1.2 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 2002/09/19 12:07:28 rudi +// Initial Checkin +// +// +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +module usb1_pl( clk, rst, + + // UTMI Interface + rx_data, rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err, + tx_data, tx_valid, tx_valid_last, tx_ready, + tx_first, tx_valid_out, + + token_valid, + + // Register File Interface + fa, + ep_sel, + x_busy, + int_crc16_set, int_to_set, int_seqerr_set, + + // Misc + frm_nat, + pid_cs_err, nse_err, + crc5_err, + rx_size, rx_done, + ctrl_setup, ctrl_in, ctrl_out, + + // Block Frames + ep_bf_en, ep_bf_size, + dropped_frame, misaligned_frame, + + // EP Interface + csr, + tx_data_st, + rx_ctrl_data, + rx_ctrl_data_d, + rx_ctrl_dvalid, + rx_ctrl_ddone, + idma_re, idma_we, + ep_empty, ep_full, send_stall + + ); + +// UTMI Interface +input clk, rst; +input [7:0] rx_data; +input rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err; +output [7:0] tx_data; +output tx_valid; +output tx_valid_last; +input tx_ready; +output tx_first; +input tx_valid_out; + +output token_valid; + +// Register File interface +input [6:0] fa; // Function Address (as set by the controller) +output [3:0] ep_sel; // Endpoint Number Input +output x_busy; // Indicates USB is busy + +output int_crc16_set; // Set CRC16 error interrupt +output int_to_set; // Set time out interrupt +output int_seqerr_set; // Set PID sequence error interrupt + +// Misc +output pid_cs_err; // pid checksum error +output crc5_err; // crc5 error +output [31:0] frm_nat; +output nse_err; // no such endpoint error +output [7:0] rx_size; +output rx_done; +output ctrl_setup; +output ctrl_in; +output ctrl_out; +input ep_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep_bf_size; +output dropped_frame, misaligned_frame; + +// Endpoint Interfaces +input [13:0] csr; +input [7:0] tx_data_st; +output [7:0] rx_ctrl_data; +output [7:0] rx_ctrl_data_d; +output rx_ctrl_dvalid; +output rx_ctrl_ddone; +output idma_re, idma_we; +input ep_empty; +input ep_full; + +input send_stall; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +// Packet Disassembler Interface +wire clk, rst; +wire [7:0] rx_data; +wire pid_OUT, pid_IN, pid_SOF, pid_SETUP; +wire pid_DATA0, pid_DATA1, pid_DATA2, pid_MDATA; +wire pid_ACK, pid_NACK, pid_STALL, pid_NYET; +wire pid_PRE, pid_ERR, pid_SPLIT, pid_PING; +wire [6:0] token_fadr; +wire token_valid; +wire crc5_err; +wire [10:0] frame_no; +wire [7:0] rx_ctrl_data; +reg [7:0] rx_ctrl_data_d; +wire rx_ctrl_dvalid; +wire rx_ctrl_ddone; +wire crc16_err; +wire rx_seq_err; + +// Packet Assembler Interface +wire send_token; +wire [1:0] token_pid_sel; +wire send_data; +wire [1:0] data_pid_sel; +wire [7:0] tx_data_st; +wire [7:0] tx_data_st_o; +wire rd_next; + +// IDMA Interface +wire rx_dma_en; // Allows the data to be stored +wire tx_dma_en; // Allows for data to be retrieved +wire abort; // Abort Transfer (time_out, crc_err or rx_error) +wire idma_done; // DMA is done + +// Memory Arbiter Interface +wire idma_we; +wire idma_re; + +// Local signals +wire pid_bad; + +reg hms_clk; // 0.5 Micro Second Clock +reg [4:0] hms_cnt; +reg [10:0] frame_no_r; // Current Frame Number register +wire frame_no_we; +reg [11:0] sof_time; // Time since last sof +reg clr_sof_time; +wire fsel; // This Function is selected +wire match_o; + +reg frame_no_we_r; +reg ctrl_setup; +reg ctrl_in; +reg ctrl_out; + +wire idma_we_d; +wire ep_empty_int; +wire rx_busy; +wire tx_busy; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +assign x_busy = tx_busy | rx_busy; + +// PIDs we should never receive +assign pid_bad = pid_ACK | pid_NACK | pid_STALL | pid_NYET | pid_PRE | + pid_ERR | pid_SPLIT | pid_PING; + +assign match_o = !pid_bad & token_valid & !crc5_err; + +// Receiving Setup +always @(posedge clk) + ctrl_setup <= #1 token_valid & pid_SETUP & (ep_sel==4'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + ctrl_in <= #1 token_valid & pid_IN & (ep_sel==4'h0); + +always @(posedge clk) + ctrl_out <= #1 token_valid & pid_OUT & (ep_sel==4'h0); + +// Frame Number (from SOF token) +assign frame_no_we = token_valid & !crc5_err & pid_SOF; + +always @(posedge clk) + frame_no_we_r <= #1 frame_no_we; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) frame_no_r <= #1 11'h0; + else + if(frame_no_we_r) frame_no_r <= #1 frame_no; + +//SOF delay counter +always @(posedge clk) + clr_sof_time <= #1 frame_no_we; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(clr_sof_time) sof_time <= #1 12'h0; + else + if(hms_clk) sof_time <= #1 sof_time + 12'h1; + +assign frm_nat = {4'h0, 1'b0, frame_no_r, 4'h0, sof_time}; + +// 0.5 Micro Seconds Clock Generator +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) hms_cnt <= #1 5'h0; + else + if(hms_clk | frame_no_we_r) hms_cnt <= #1 5'h0; + else hms_cnt <= #1 hms_cnt + 5'h1; + +always @(posedge clk) + hms_clk <= #1 (hms_cnt == `USBF_HMS_DEL); + +always @(posedge clk) + rx_ctrl_data_d <= rx_ctrl_data; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// This function is addressed +assign fsel = (token_fadr == fa); + +// Only write when we are addressed !!! +assign idma_we = idma_we_d & fsel; // moved full check to idma ... & !ep_full; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Module Instantiations +// + +//Packet Decoder +usb1_pd u0( .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + + .rx_data( rx_data ), + .rx_valid( rx_valid ), + .rx_active( rx_active ), + .rx_err( rx_err ), + .pid_OUT( pid_OUT ), + .pid_IN( pid_IN ), + .pid_SOF( pid_SOF ), + .pid_SETUP( pid_SETUP ), + .pid_DATA0( pid_DATA0 ), + .pid_DATA1( pid_DATA1 ), + .pid_DATA2( pid_DATA2 ), + .pid_MDATA( pid_MDATA ), + .pid_ACK( pid_ACK ), + .pid_NACK( pid_NACK ), + .pid_STALL( pid_STALL ), + .pid_NYET( pid_NYET ), + .pid_PRE( pid_PRE ), + .pid_ERR( pid_ERR ), + .pid_SPLIT( pid_SPLIT ), + .pid_PING( pid_PING ), + .pid_cks_err( pid_cs_err ), + .token_fadr( token_fadr ), + .token_endp( ep_sel ), + .token_valid( token_valid ), + .crc5_err( crc5_err ), + .frame_no( frame_no ), + .rx_data_st( rx_ctrl_data ), + .rx_data_valid( rx_ctrl_dvalid ), + .rx_data_done( rx_ctrl_ddone ), + .crc16_err( crc16_err ), + .seq_err( rx_seq_err ), + .rx_busy( rx_busy ) + ); + +// Packet Assembler +usb1_pa u1( .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + .tx_data( tx_data ), + .tx_valid( tx_valid ), + .tx_valid_last( tx_valid_last ), + .tx_ready( tx_ready ), + .tx_first( tx_first ), + .send_token( send_token ), + .token_pid_sel( token_pid_sel ), + .send_data( send_data ), + .data_pid_sel( data_pid_sel ), + .tx_data_st( tx_data_st_o ), + .rd_next( rd_next ), + .ep_empty( ep_empty_int) + ); + +// Internal DMA / Memory Arbiter Interface +usb1_idma + u2( .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + + .tx_valid( tx_valid ), + .rx_data_valid( rx_ctrl_dvalid ), + .rx_data_done( rx_ctrl_ddone ), + .send_data( send_data ), + .rd_next( rd_next ), + + .tx_data_st_i( tx_data_st ), + .tx_data_st_o( tx_data_st_o ), + .ep_sel( ep_sel ), + + .ep_bf_en( ep_bf_en ), + .ep_bf_size( ep_bf_size ), + .dropped_frame(dropped_frame ), + .misaligned_frame(misaligned_frame), + + .tx_busy( tx_busy ), + + .tx_dma_en( tx_dma_en ), + .rx_dma_en( rx_dma_en ), + .idma_done( idma_done ), + .size( csr[8:0] ), + .rx_cnt( rx_size ), + .rx_done( rx_done ), + .mwe( idma_we_d ), + .mre( idma_re ), + .ep_empty( ep_empty ), + .ep_empty_int( ep_empty_int ), + .ep_full( ep_full ) + ); + +// Protocol Engine +usb1_pe + u3( .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + + .tx_valid( tx_valid_out ), + .rx_active( rx_active ), + .pid_OUT( pid_OUT ), + .pid_IN( pid_IN ), + .pid_SOF( pid_SOF ), + .pid_SETUP( pid_SETUP ), + .pid_DATA0( pid_DATA0 ), + .pid_DATA1( pid_DATA1 ), + .pid_DATA2( pid_DATA2 ), + .pid_MDATA( pid_MDATA ), + .pid_ACK( pid_ACK ), + .pid_PING( pid_PING ), + .token_valid( token_valid ), + .rx_data_done( rx_ctrl_ddone ), + .crc16_err( crc16_err ), + .send_token( send_token ), + .token_pid_sel( token_pid_sel ), + .data_pid_sel( data_pid_sel ), + .rx_dma_en( rx_dma_en ), + .tx_dma_en( tx_dma_en ), + .abort( abort ), + .idma_done( idma_done ), + .fsel( fsel ), + .ep_sel( ep_sel ), + .ep_full( ep_full ), + .ep_empty( ep_empty ), + .match( match_o ), + .nse_err( nse_err ), + .int_upid_set( int_upid_set ), + .int_crc16_set( int_crc16_set ), + .int_to_set( int_to_set ), + .int_seqerr_set( int_seqerr_set ), + .csr( csr ), + .send_stall( send_stall ) + ); + +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pl.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_utmi_if.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_utmi_if.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_utmi_if.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// UTMI Interface //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_utmi_if.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:14 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:14 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_utmi_if( // UTMI Interface (EXTERNAL) + phy_clk, rst, + DataOut, TxValid, TxReady, + RxValid, RxActive, RxError, DataIn, + + // Internal Interface + rx_data, rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err, + tx_data, tx_valid, tx_valid_last, tx_ready, + tx_first + + ); + +input phy_clk; +input rst; + +output [7:0] DataOut; +output TxValid; +input TxReady; + +input [7:0] DataIn; +input RxValid; +input RxActive; +input RxError; + + +output [7:0] rx_data; +output rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err; +input [7:0] tx_data; +input tx_valid; +input tx_valid_last; +output tx_ready; +input tx_first; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// +reg [7:0] rx_data; +reg rx_valid, rx_active, rx_err; +reg [7:0] DataOut; +reg tx_ready; +reg TxValid; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// RX Interface Input registers +// + +always @(posedge phy_clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rx_valid <= #1 1'b0; + else rx_valid <= #1 RxValid; + +always @(posedge phy_clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rx_active <= #1 1'b0; + else rx_active <= #1 RxActive; + +always @(posedge phy_clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) rx_err <= #1 1'b0; + else rx_err <= #1 RxError; + +always @(posedge phy_clk) + rx_data <= #1 DataIn; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// TX Interface Output/Input registers +// + +always @(posedge phy_clk) + if(TxReady | tx_first) DataOut <= #1 tx_data; + +always @(posedge phy_clk) + tx_ready <= #1 TxReady; + +always @(posedge phy_clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) TxValid <= #1 1'b0; + else + TxValid <= #1 tx_valid | tx_valid_last | (TxValid & !TxReady); + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_utmi_if.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc5.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc5.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc5.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB CRC5 Modules //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_crc5.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:05 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:05 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CRC5 +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module usb1_crc5(crc_in, din, crc_out); +input [4:0] crc_in; +input [10:0] din; +output [4:0] crc_out; + +assign crc_out[0] = din[10] ^ din[9] ^ din[6] ^ din[5] ^ din[3] ^ + din[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[3] ^ crc_in[4]; + +assign crc_out[1] = din[10] ^ din[7] ^ din[6] ^ din[4] ^ din[1] ^ + crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[4]; + +assign crc_out[2] = din[10] ^ din[9] ^ din[8] ^ din[7] ^ din[6] ^ + din[3] ^ din[2] ^ din[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ crc_in[3] ^ crc_in[4]; + +assign crc_out[3] = din[10] ^ din[9] ^ din[8] ^ din[7] ^ din[4] ^ din[3] ^ + din[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[2] ^ crc_in[3] ^ crc_in[4]; + +assign crc_out[4] = din[10] ^ din[9] ^ din[8] ^ din[5] ^ din[4] ^ din[2] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ crc_in[3] ^ crc_in[4]; + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc5.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/timescale.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/timescale.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/timescale.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 10ps
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/timescale.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_defines.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_defines.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_defines.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB 1.1 function defines file //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_defines.v,v 1.3 2002-09-25 06:06:49 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-25 06:06:49 $ +// $Revision: 1.3 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.2 2002/09/20 11:46:54 rudi +// fixed a type 'define' was missing ... +// +// Revision 2002/09/19 12:07:40 rudi +// Initial Checkin +// +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "timescale.v" + +//`define USBF_DEBUG +//`define USBF_VERBOSE_DEBUG + +// Enable or disable Block Frames +//`define USB1_BF_ENABLE + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Items below this point should NOT be modified by the end user +// UNLESS you know exactly what you are doing ! +// Modify at you own risk !!! +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`define ROM_SIZE0 7'd018 // Device Descriptor Length +`define ROM_SIZE1 7'd053 // Configuration Descriptor Length +`define ROM_SIZE2A 7'd004 // Language ID Descriptor Start Length +`define ROM_SIZE2B 7'd010 // String Descriptor Length +`define ROM_SIZE2C 7'd010 // for future use +`define ROM_SIZE2D 7'd010 // for future use + +`define ROM_START0 7'h00 // Device Descriptor Start Address +`define ROM_START1 7'h12 // Configuration Descriptor Start Address +`define ROM_START2A 7'h47 // Language ID Descriptor Start Address +`define ROM_START2B 7'h50 // String Descriptor Start Address +`define ROM_START2C 7'h60 // for future use +`define ROM_START2D 7'h70 // for future use + +// Endpoint Configuration Constants +`define IN 14'b00_001_000000000 +`define OUT 14'b00_010_000000000 +`define CTRL 14'b10_100_000000000 +`define ISO 14'b01_000_000000000 +`define BULK 14'b10_000_000000000 +`define INT 14'b00_000_000000000 + +// PID Encodings +`define USBF_T_PID_OUT 4'b0001 +`define USBF_T_PID_IN 4'b1001 +`define USBF_T_PID_SOF 4'b0101 +`define USBF_T_PID_SETUP 4'b1101 +`define USBF_T_PID_DATA0 4'b0011 +`define USBF_T_PID_DATA1 4'b1011 +`define USBF_T_PID_DATA2 4'b0111 +`define USBF_T_PID_MDATA 4'b1111 +`define USBF_T_PID_ACK 4'b0010 +`define USBF_T_PID_NACK 4'b1010 +`define USBF_T_PID_STALL 4'b1110 +`define USBF_T_PID_NYET 4'b0110 +`define USBF_T_PID_PRE 4'b1100 +`define USBF_T_PID_ERR 4'b1100 +`define USBF_T_PID_SPLIT 4'b1000 +`define USBF_T_PID_PING 4'b0100 +`define USBF_T_PID_RES 4'b0000 + +// The HMS_DEL is a constant for the "Half Micro Second" +// Clock pulse generator. This constant specifies how many +// Phy clocks there are between two hms_clock pulses. This +// constant plus 2 represents the actual delay. +// Example: For a 60 Mhz (16.667 nS period) Phy Clock, the +// delay must be 30 phy clock: 500ns / 16.667nS = 30 clocks +`define USBF_HMS_DEL 5'h16 + +// After sending Data in response to an IN token from host, the +// host must reply with an ack. The host has 622nS in Full Speed +// mode and 400nS in High Speed mode to reply. RX_ACK_TO_VAL_FS +// and RX_ACK_TO_VAL_HS are the numbers of UTMI clock cycles +// minus 2 for Full and High Speed modes. +//`define USBF_RX_ACK_TO_VAL_FS 8'd36 +`define USBF_RX_ACK_TO_VAL_FS 8'd200 + +// After sending a OUT token the host must send a data packet. +// The host has 622nS in Full Speed mode and 400nS in High Speed +// mode to send the data packet. +// TX_DATA_TO_VAL_FS and TX_DATA_TO_VAL_HS are is the numbers of +// UTMI clock cycles minus 2. +//`define USBF_TX_DATA_TO_VAL_FS 8'd36 +`define USBF_TX_DATA_TO_VAL_FS 8'd200
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_defines.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_rom1.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_rom1.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_rom1.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Descriptor ROM //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_rom1.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:29 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:29 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_rom1(clk, adr, dout); +input clk; +input [6:0] adr; +output [7:0] dout; + +reg [7:0] dout; + +always @(posedge clk) + case(adr) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + + // ==================================== + // ===== DEVICE Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + + 7'h00: dout <= #1 8'd18; // this descriptor length + 7'h01: dout <= #1 8'h01; // descriptor type + 7'h02: dout <= #1 8'h00; // USB version low byte + 7'h03: dout <= #1 8'h01; // USB version high byte + 7'h04: dout <= #1 8'hff; // device class + 7'h05: dout <= #1 8'h00; // device sub class + 7'h06: dout <= #1 8'hff; // device protocol + 7'h07: dout <= #1 8'd64; // max packet size + 7'h08: dout <= #1 8'h34; // vendor ID low byte + 7'h09: dout <= #1 8'h12; // vendor ID high byte + 7'h0a: dout <= #1 8'h78; // product ID low byte + 7'h0b: dout <= #1 8'h56; // product ID high byte + 7'h0c: dout <= #1 8'h10; // device rel. number low byte + 7'h0d: dout <= #1 8'h00; // device rel. number high byte + 7'h0e: dout <= #1 8'h00; // Manufacturer String Index + 7'h0f: dout <= #1 8'h00; // Product Descr. String Index + 7'h10: dout <= #1 8'h00; // S/N String Index + 7'h11: dout <= #1 8'h01; // Number of possible config. + + // ==================================== + // ===== Configuration Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h12: dout <= #1 8'h09; // this descriptor length + 7'h13: dout <= #1 8'h02; // descriptor type + 7'h14: dout <= #1 8'd53; // total data length low byte + 7'h15: dout <= #1 8'd00; // total data length high byte + 7'h16: dout <= #1 8'h01; // number of interfaces + 7'h17: dout <= #1 8'h01; // number of configurations + 7'h18: dout <= #1 8'h00; // Conf. String Index + 7'h19: dout <= #1 8'h40; // Config. Characteristics + 7'h1a: dout <= #1 8'h00; // Max. Power Consumption + + // ==================================== + // ===== Interface Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h1b: dout <= #1 8'h09; // this descriptor length + 7'h1c: dout <= #1 8'h04; // descriptor type + 7'h1d: dout <= #1 8'h00; // interface number + 7'h1e: dout <= #1 8'h00; // alternate setting + 7'h1f: dout <= #1 8'h05; // number of endpoints + 7'h20: dout <= #1 8'hff; // interface class + 7'h21: dout <= #1 8'h01; // interface sub class + 7'h22: dout <= #1 8'hff; // interface protocol + 7'h23: dout <= #1 8'h00; // interface string index + + // ==================================== + // ===== Endpoint 1 Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h24: dout <= #1 8'h07; // this descriptor length + 7'h25: dout <= #1 8'h05; // descriptor type + 7'h26: dout <= #1 8'h81; // endpoint address + 7'h27: dout <= #1 8'h01; // endpoint attributes + 7'h28: dout <= #1 8'h00; // max packet size low byte + 7'h29: dout <= #1 8'h01; // max packet size high byte + 7'h2a: dout <= #1 8'h01; // polling interval + + // ==================================== + // ===== Endpoint 2 Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h2b: dout <= #1 8'h07; // this descriptor length + 7'h2c: dout <= #1 8'h05; // descriptor type + 7'h2d: dout <= #1 8'h02; // endpoint address + 7'h2e: dout <= #1 8'h01; // endpoint attributes + 7'h2f: dout <= #1 8'h00; // max packet size low byte + 7'h30: dout <= #1 8'h01; // max packet size high byte + 7'h31: dout <= #1 8'h01; // polling interval + + // ==================================== + // ===== Endpoint 3 Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h32: dout <= #1 8'h07; // this descriptor length + 7'h33: dout <= #1 8'h05; // descriptor type + 7'h34: dout <= #1 8'h83; // endpoint address + 7'h35: dout <= #1 8'h02; // endpoint attributes + 7'h36: dout <= #1 8'd64; // max packet size low byte + 7'h37: dout <= #1 8'd00; // max packet size high byte + 7'h38: dout <= #1 8'h01; // polling interval + + // ==================================== + // ===== Endpoint 4 Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h39: dout <= #1 8'h07; // this descriptor length + 7'h3a: dout <= #1 8'h05; // descriptor type + 7'h3b: dout <= #1 8'h04; // endpoint address + 7'h3c: dout <= #1 8'h02; // endpoint attributes + 7'h3d: dout <= #1 8'd64; // max packet size low byte + 7'h3e: dout <= #1 8'd00; // max packet size high byte + 7'h3f: dout <= #1 8'h01; // polling interval + + // ==================================== + // ===== Endpoint 5 Descriptor ===== + // ==================================== + 7'h40: dout <= #1 8'h07; // this descriptor length + 7'h41: dout <= #1 8'h05; // descriptor type + 7'h42: dout <= #1 8'h85; // endpoint address + 7'h43: dout <= #1 8'h03; // endpoint attributes + 7'h44: dout <= #1 8'd64; // max packet size low byte + 7'h45: dout <= #1 8'd00; // max packet size high byte + 7'h46: dout <= #1 8'h01; // polling interval + +/* + // ==================================== + // ===== String Descriptor Lang ID===== + // ==================================== + + 7'h47: dout <= #1 8'd06; // this descriptor length + 7'h48: dout <= #1 8'd03; // descriptor type + + 7'h49: dout <= #1 8'd09; // Language ID 0 low byte + 7'h4a: dout <= #1 8'd04; // Language ID 0 high byte + + 7'h4b: dout <= #1 8'd09; // Language ID 1 low byte + 7'h4c: dout <= #1 8'd04; // Language ID 1 high byte + + 7'h4d: dout <= #1 8'd09; // Language ID 2 low byte + 7'h4e: dout <= #1 8'd04; // Language ID 2 high byte + + // ==================================== + // ===== String Descriptor 0 ===== + // ==================================== + + 7'h50: dout <= #1 8'd010; // this descriptor length + 7'h51: dout <= #1 8'd03; // descriptor type + 7'h52: dout <= #1 "0"; + 7'h53: dout <= #1 " "; + 7'h54: dout <= #1 "g"; + 7'h55: dout <= #1 "n"; + 7'h56: dout <= #1 "i"; + 7'h57: dout <= #1 "r"; + 7'h58: dout <= #1 "t"; + 7'h59: dout <= #1 "S"; + + // ==================================== + // ===== String Descriptor 1 ===== + // ==================================== + + 7'h60: dout <= #1 8'd010; // this descriptor length + 7'h61: dout <= #1 8'd03; // descriptor type + 7'h62: dout <= #1 "1"; + 7'h63: dout <= #1 " "; + 7'h64: dout <= #1 "g"; + 7'h65: dout <= #1 "n"; + 7'h66: dout <= #1 "i"; + 7'h67: dout <= #1 "r"; + 7'h68: dout <= #1 "t"; + 7'h69: dout <= #1 "S"; + + // ==================================== + // ===== String Descriptor 2 ===== + // ==================================== + + 7'h70: dout <= #1 8'd010; // this descriptor length + 7'h71: dout <= #1 8'd03; // descriptor type + 7'h72: dout <= #1 "2"; + 7'h73: dout <= #1 " "; + 7'h74: dout <= #1 "g"; + 7'h75: dout <= #1 "n"; + 7'h76: dout <= #1 "i"; + 7'h77: dout <= #1 "r"; + 7'h78: dout <= #1 "t"; + 7'h79: dout <= #1 "S"; + +*/ + + // ==================================== + // ==================================== + + //default: dout <= #1 8'd00; + endcase + +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_rom1.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc16.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc16.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc16.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB CRC16 Modules //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_crc16.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:39 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:39 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CRC16 +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module usb1_crc16(crc_in, din, crc_out); +input [15:0] crc_in; +input [7:0] din; +output [15:0] crc_out; + +assign crc_out[0] = din[7] ^ din[6] ^ din[5] ^ din[4] ^ din[3] ^ + din[2] ^ din[1] ^ din[0] ^ crc_in[8] ^ crc_in[9] ^ + crc_in[10] ^ crc_in[11] ^ crc_in[12] ^ crc_in[13] ^ + crc_in[14] ^ crc_in[15]; +assign crc_out[1] = din[7] ^ din[6] ^ din[5] ^ din[4] ^ din[3] ^ din[2] ^ + din[1] ^ crc_in[9] ^ crc_in[10] ^ crc_in[11] ^ + crc_in[12] ^ crc_in[13] ^ crc_in[14] ^ crc_in[15]; +assign crc_out[2] = din[1] ^ din[0] ^ crc_in[8] ^ crc_in[9]; +assign crc_out[3] = din[2] ^ din[1] ^ crc_in[9] ^ crc_in[10]; +assign crc_out[4] = din[3] ^ din[2] ^ crc_in[10] ^ crc_in[11]; +assign crc_out[5] = din[4] ^ din[3] ^ crc_in[11] ^ crc_in[12]; +assign crc_out[6] = din[5] ^ din[4] ^ crc_in[12] ^ crc_in[13]; +assign crc_out[7] = din[6] ^ din[5] ^ crc_in[13] ^ crc_in[14]; +assign crc_out[8] = din[7] ^ din[6] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[14] ^ crc_in[15]; +assign crc_out[9] = din[7] ^ crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[15]; +assign crc_out[10] = crc_in[2]; +assign crc_out[11] = crc_in[3]; +assign crc_out[12] = crc_in[4]; +assign crc_out[13] = crc_in[5]; +assign crc_out[14] = crc_in[6]; +assign crc_out[15] = din[7] ^ din[6] ^ din[5] ^ din[4] ^ din[3] ^ din[2] ^ + din[1] ^ din[0] ^ crc_in[7] ^ crc_in[8] ^ crc_in[9] ^ + crc_in[10] ^ crc_in[11] ^ crc_in[12] ^ crc_in[13] ^ + crc_in[14] ^ crc_in[15]; + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc16.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pa.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pa.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pa.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Packet Assembler //// +//// Assembles Token and Data USB packets //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb1_pa.v,v 2002-09-19 12:07:13 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2002-09-19 12:07:13 $ +// $Revision: $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "usb1_defines.v" + +module usb1_pa( clk, rst, + + // UTMI TX I/F + tx_data, tx_valid, tx_valid_last, tx_ready, + tx_first, + + // Protocol Engine Interface + send_token, token_pid_sel, + send_data, data_pid_sel, + + // IDMA Interface + tx_data_st, rd_next, + + ep_empty + ); + +input clk, rst; + +// UTMI TX Interface +output [7:0] tx_data; +output tx_valid; +output tx_valid_last; +input tx_ready; +output tx_first; + +// Protocol Engine Interface +input send_token; +input [1:0] token_pid_sel; +input send_data; +input [1:0] data_pid_sel; + +// IDMA Interface +input [7:0] tx_data_st; +output rd_next; + +input ep_empty; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +parameter [3:0] // synopsys enum state + IDLE = 4'b0001, + DATA = 4'b0010, + CRC1 = 4'b0100, + CRC2 = 4'b1000; + +reg [3:0] /* synopsys enum state */ state, next_state; +// synopsys state_vector state + +reg last; +reg rd_next; + +reg [7:0] token_pid, data_pid; // PIDs from selectors +reg [7:0] tx_data_d; +reg [7:0] tx_data_data; +reg dsel; +reg tx_valid_d; +reg send_token_r; +reg [7:0] tx_spec_data; +reg crc_sel1, crc_sel2; +reg tx_first_r; +reg send_data_r; +wire crc16_clr; +reg [15:0] crc16; +wire [15:0] crc16_next; +wire [15:0] crc16_rev; +reg crc16_add; +reg send_data_r2; +reg tx_valid_r; +reg tx_valid_r1; + +wire zero_length; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// +reg zero_length_r; +assign zero_length = ep_empty; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) zero_length_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(last) zero_length_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(crc16_clr) zero_length_r <= #1 zero_length; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_valid_r1 <= #1 tx_valid; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_valid_r <= #1 tx_valid_r1; + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) send_token_r <= #1 1'b0; + else + if(send_token) send_token_r <= #1 1'b1; + else + if(tx_ready) send_token_r <= #1 1'b0; + +// PID Select +always @(token_pid_sel) + case(token_pid_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'd0: token_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_ACK, `USBF_T_PID_ACK}; + 2'd1: token_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_NACK, `USBF_T_PID_NACK}; + 2'd2: token_pid = {~`USBF_T_PID_STALL, `USBF_T_PID_STALL}; + 2'd3: token_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_NYET, `USBF_T_PID_NYET}; + endcase + +always @(data_pid_sel) + case(data_pid_sel) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'd0: data_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_DATA0, `USBF_T_PID_DATA0}; + 2'd1: data_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_DATA1, `USBF_T_PID_DATA1}; + 2'd2: data_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_DATA2, `USBF_T_PID_DATA2}; + 2'd3: data_pid = { ~`USBF_T_PID_MDATA, `USBF_T_PID_MDATA}; + endcase + +// Data path Muxes + +always @(send_token or send_token_r or token_pid or tx_data_data) + if(send_token | send_token_r) tx_data_d = token_pid; + else tx_data_d = tx_data_data; + +always @(dsel or tx_data_st or tx_spec_data) + if(dsel) tx_data_data = tx_spec_data; + else tx_data_data = tx_data_st; + +always @(crc_sel1 or crc_sel2 or data_pid or crc16_rev) + if(!crc_sel1 & !crc_sel2) tx_spec_data = data_pid; + else + if(crc_sel1) tx_spec_data = crc16_rev[15:8]; // CRC 1 + else tx_spec_data = crc16_rev[7:0]; // CRC 2 + +assign tx_data = tx_data_d; + +// TX Valid assignment +assign tx_valid_last = send_token | last; +assign tx_valid = tx_valid_d; + +always @(posedge clk) + tx_first_r <= #1 send_token | send_data; + +assign tx_first = (send_token | send_data) & ! tx_first_r; + +// CRC Logic +always @(posedge clk) + send_data_r <= #1 send_data; + +always @(posedge clk) + send_data_r2 <= #1 send_data_r; + +assign crc16_clr = send_data & !send_data_r; + +always @(posedge clk) + crc16_add <= #1 !zero_length_r & + ((send_data_r & !send_data_r2) | (rd_next & !crc_sel1)); + +always @(posedge clk) + if(crc16_clr) crc16 <= #1 16'hffff; + else + if(crc16_add) crc16 <= #1 crc16_next; + +usb1_crc16 u1( + .crc_in( crc16 ), + .din( {tx_data_st[0], tx_data_st[1], + tx_data_st[2], tx_data_st[3], + tx_data_st[4], tx_data_st[5], + tx_data_st[6], tx_data_st[7]} ), + .crc_out( crc16_next ) ); + +assign crc16_rev[15] = ~crc16[8]; +assign crc16_rev[14] = ~crc16[9]; +assign crc16_rev[13] = ~crc16[10]; +assign crc16_rev[12] = ~crc16[11]; +assign crc16_rev[11] = ~crc16[12]; +assign crc16_rev[10] = ~crc16[13]; +assign crc16_rev[9] = ~crc16[14]; +assign crc16_rev[8] = ~crc16[15]; +assign crc16_rev[7] = ~crc16[0]; +assign crc16_rev[6] = ~crc16[1]; +assign crc16_rev[5] = ~crc16[2]; +assign crc16_rev[4] = ~crc16[3]; +assign crc16_rev[3] = ~crc16[4]; +assign crc16_rev[2] = ~crc16[5]; +assign crc16_rev[1] = ~crc16[6]; +assign crc16_rev[0] = ~crc16[7]; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Transmit/Encode state machine +// + +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) + if(!rst) state <= #1 IDLE; + else state <= #1 next_state; + +always @(state or send_data or tx_ready or tx_valid_r or zero_length) + begin + next_state = state; // Default don't change current state + tx_valid_d = 1'b0; + dsel = 1'b0; + rd_next = 1'b0; + last = 1'b0; + crc_sel1 = 1'b0; + crc_sel2 = 1'b0; + case(state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + IDLE: + begin + if(zero_length & send_data) + begin + tx_valid_d = 1'b1; + dsel = 1'b1; + next_state = CRC1; + end + else + if(send_data) // Send DATA packet + begin + tx_valid_d = 1'b1; + dsel = 1'b1; + next_state = DATA; + end + end + DATA: + begin + if(tx_ready & tx_valid_r) + rd_next = 1'b1; + + tx_valid_d = 1'b1; + if(!send_data & tx_ready & tx_valid_r) + begin + dsel = 1'b1; + crc_sel1 = 1'b1; + next_state = CRC1; + end + end + CRC1: + begin + dsel = 1'b1; + tx_valid_d = 1'b1; + if(tx_ready) + begin + last = 1'b1; + crc_sel2 = 1'b1; + next_state = CRC2; + end + else + begin + tx_valid_d = 1'b1; + crc_sel1 = 1'b1; + end + + end + CRC2: + begin + dsel = 1'b1; + crc_sel2 = 1'b1; + if(tx_ready) + begin + next_state = IDLE; + end + else + begin + last = 1'b1; + end + + end + endcase + end + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pa.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/core/core.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/core/core.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/core/core.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB2UART core level Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the usb2uart cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// USB2UART core level integration. //// +//// Following modules are integrated //// +//// 1. usb1_phy //// +//// 2. usb1_core //// +//// 3. uart_core //// +//// Ver 0.1 : 01.Mar.2013 //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +module core( + clk_i, + rst_i, + + // Transciever Interface + usb_txdp, + usb_txdn, + usb_txoe, + usb_rxd, + usb_rxdp, + usb_rxdn, + + // USB Misc + phy_tx_mode , + usb_rst, + + // Interrupts + dropped_frame, + misaligned_frame, + crc16_err, + + // Vendor Features + v_set_int, + v_set_feature, + wValue, + wIndex, + vendor_data, + + // USB Status + usb_busy, + ep_sel, + + // Endpoint Interface + ep1_cfg, + ep1_din, + ep1_we, + ep1_full, + ep1_dout, + ep1_re, + ep1_empty, + ep1_bf_en, + ep1_bf_size, + + ep2_cfg, + ep2_din, + ep2_we, + ep2_full, + ep2_dout, + ep2_re, + ep2_empty, + ep2_bf_en, + ep2_bf_size, + + ep3_cfg, + ep3_din, + ep3_we, + ep3_full, + ep3_dout, + ep3_re, + ep3_empty, + ep3_bf_en, + ep3_bf_size, + + ep4_cfg, + ep4_din, + ep4_we, + ep4_full, + ep4_dout, + ep4_re, + ep4_empty, + ep4_bf_en, + ep4_bf_size, + + ep5_cfg, + ep5_din, + ep5_we, + ep5_full, + ep5_dout, + ep5_re, + ep5_empty, + ep5_bf_en, + ep5_bf_size, + + ep6_cfg, + ep6_din, + ep6_we, ep6_full, + ep6_dout, ep6_re, ep6_empty, + ep6_bf_en, ep6_bf_size, + + ep7_cfg, + ep7_din, ep7_we, ep7_full, + ep7_dout, ep7_re, ep7_empty, + ep7_bf_en, ep7_bf_size, + // Uart Line Interface + uart_txd, uart_rxd + + ); + +input clk_i; +input rst_i; + +// USB Traceiver interface +output usb_txdp; // USB TX + +output usb_txdn; // USB TX - +output usb_txoe; // USB TX OEN, Output driven at txoe=0 +input usb_rxd; +input usb_rxdp; // USB RX+ +input usb_rxdn; // USB RX- + +input phy_tx_mode; +output usb_rst; +output dropped_frame, misaligned_frame; +output crc16_err; + +output v_set_int; +output v_set_feature; +output [15:0] wValue; +output [15:0] wIndex; +input [15:0] vendor_data; + +output usb_busy; +output [3:0] ep_sel; + +// Endpoint Interfaces +input [13:0] ep1_cfg; +input [7:0] ep1_din; +output [7:0] ep1_dout; +output ep1_we, ep1_re; +input ep1_empty, ep1_full; +input ep1_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep1_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep2_cfg; +input [7:0] ep2_din; +output [7:0] ep2_dout; +output ep2_we, ep2_re; +input ep2_empty, ep2_full; +input ep2_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep2_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep3_cfg; +input [7:0] ep3_din; +output [7:0] ep3_dout; +output ep3_we, ep3_re; +input ep3_empty, ep3_full; +input ep3_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep3_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep4_cfg; +input [7:0] ep4_din; +output [7:0] ep4_dout; +output ep4_we, ep4_re; +input ep4_empty, ep4_full; +input ep4_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep4_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep5_cfg; +input [7:0] ep5_din; +output [7:0] ep5_dout; +output ep5_we, ep5_re; +input ep5_empty, ep5_full; +input ep5_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep5_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep6_cfg; +input [7:0] ep6_din; +output [7:0] ep6_dout; +output ep6_we, ep6_re; +input ep6_empty, ep6_full; +input ep6_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep6_bf_size; + +input [13:0] ep7_cfg; +input [7:0] ep7_din; +output [7:0] ep7_dout; +output ep7_we, ep7_re; +input ep7_empty, ep7_full; +input ep7_bf_en; +input [6:0] ep7_bf_size; + +//---------------------- +// Uart I/F +//----------------------- + +input uart_rxd; +output uart_txd; + +//----------------------------------- +// Register Interface +// ---------------------------------- +wire [31:0] reg_addr; // Register Address +wire reg_rdwrn; // 0 -> write, 1-> read +wire reg_req; // Register Req +wire [31:0] reg_wdata; // Register write data +wire [31:0] reg_rdata; // Register Read Data +wire reg_ack; // Register Ack +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Local Wires and Registers +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//------------------------------------ +// UTMI Interface +// ----------------------------------- +wire [7:0] DataOut; +wire TxValid; +wire TxReady; +wire [7:0] DataIn; +wire RxValid; +wire RxActive; +wire RxError; +wire [1:0] LineState; +wire clk; +wire rst; +wire phy_tx_mode; +wire usb_rst; + +usb_phy u_usb_phy( + .clk ( clk_i ), + .rst ( rst_i ), + .phy_tx_mode ( phy_tx_mode ), + .usb_rst ( usb_rst ), + + // Transceiver Interface + .rxd ( usb_rxd ), + .rxdp ( usb_rxdp ), + .rxdn ( usb_rxdn ), + .txdp ( usb_txdp ), + .txdn ( usb_txdn ), + .txoe ( usb_txoe ), + + // UTMI Interface + .DataIn_o ( DataIn ), + .RxValid_o ( RxValid ), + .RxActive_o ( RxActive ), + .RxError_o ( RxError ), + .DataOut_i ( DataOut ), + .TxValid_i ( TxValid ), + .TxReady_o ( TxReady ), + .LineState_o ( LineState ) + ); + + +usb1_core u_usb_core( + .clk_i ( clk_i ), + .rst_i ( rst_i ), + + + // USB Misc + .phy_tx_mode ( phy_tx_mode ), + .usb_rst ( usb_rst ), + + // UTMI Interface + .DataIn ( DataIn ), + .RxValid ( RxValid ), + .RxActive ( RxActive ), + .RxError ( RxError ), + .DataOut ( DataOut ), + .TxValid ( TxValid ), + .TxReady ( TxReady ), + .LineState ( LineState ), + + // Interrupts + .dropped_frame ( dropped_frame ), + .misaligned_frame ( misaligned_frame ), + .crc16_err ( crc16_err ), + + // Vendor Features + .v_set_int ( v_set_int ), + .v_set_feature ( v_set_feature ), + .wValue ( wValue ), + .wIndex ( wIndex ), + .vendor_data ( vendor_data ), + + // USB Status + .usb_busy ( usb_busy ), + .ep_sel ( ep_sel ), + + // Endpoint Interface + .ep1_cfg ( ep1_cfg ), + .ep1_din ( ep1_din ), + .ep1_we ( ep1_we ), + .ep1_full ( ep1_full ), + .ep1_dout ( ep1_dout ), + .ep1_re ( ep1_re ), + .ep1_empty ( ep1_empty ), + .ep1_bf_en ( ep1_bf_en ), + .ep1_bf_size ( ep1_bf_size ), + + .ep2_cfg ( ep2_cfg ), + .ep2_din ( ep2_din ), + .ep2_we ( ep2_we ), + .ep2_full ( ep2_full ), + .ep2_dout ( ep2_dout ), + .ep2_re ( ep2_re ), + .ep2_empty ( ep2_empty ), + .ep2_bf_en ( ep2_bf_en ), + .ep2_bf_size ( ep2_bf_size ), + + .ep3_cfg ( ep3_cfg ), + .ep3_din ( ep3_din ), + .ep3_we ( ep3_we ), + .ep3_full ( ep3_full ), + .ep3_dout ( ep3_dout ), + .ep3_re ( ep3_re ), + .ep3_empty ( ep3_empty ), + .ep3_bf_en ( ep3_bf_en ), + .ep3_bf_size ( ep3_bf_size ), + + .ep4_cfg ( ep4_cfg ), + .ep4_din ( ep4_din ), + .ep4_we ( ep4_we ), + .ep4_full ( ep4_full ), + .ep4_dout ( ep4_dout ), + .ep4_re ( ep4_re ), + .ep4_empty ( ep4_empty ), + .ep4_bf_en ( ep4_bf_en ), + .ep4_bf_size ( ep4_bf_size ), + + .ep5_cfg ( ep5_cfg ), + .ep5_din ( ep5_din ), + .ep5_we ( ep5_we ), + .ep5_full ( ep5_full ), + .ep5_dout ( ep5_dout ), + .ep5_re ( ep5_re ), + .ep5_empty ( ep5_empty ), + .ep5_bf_en ( ep5_bf_en ), + .ep5_bf_size ( ep5_bf_size ), + + .ep6_cfg ( ep6_cfg ), + .ep6_din ( ep6_din ), + .ep6_we ( ep6_we ), + .ep6_full ( ep6_full ), + .ep6_dout ( ep6_dout ), + .ep6_re ( ep6_re ), + .ep6_empty ( ep6_empty ), + .ep6_bf_en ( ep6_bf_en ), + .ep6_bf_size ( ep6_bf_size ), + + .ep7_cfg ( ep7_cfg ), + .ep7_din ( ep7_din ), + .ep7_we ( ep7_we ), + .ep7_full ( ep7_full ), + .ep7_dout ( ep7_dout ), + .ep7_re ( ep7_re ), + .ep7_empty ( ep7_empty ), + .ep7_bf_en ( ep7_bf_en ), + .ep7_bf_size ( ep7_bf_size ), + + // Register Interface + .reg_addr ( reg_addr ), + .reg_rdwrn ( reg_rdwrn ), + .reg_req ( reg_req ), + .reg_wdata ( reg_wdata ), + .reg_rdata ( reg_rdata ), + .reg_ack ( reg_ack ) + + + ); + +uart_core u_uart_core + + ( + .app_reset_n (rst_i), + .app_clk (clk_i), + + // Reg Bus Interface Signal + .reg_cs (reg_req), + .reg_wr (!reg_rdwrn), + .reg_addr (reg_addr[5:2]), + .reg_wdata (reg_wdata), + .reg_be (4'hF), + + // Outputs + .reg_rdata (reg_rdata), + .reg_ack (reg_ack), + + // Line Interface + .si (uart_rxd), + .so (uart_txd) + + ); + + +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/core/core.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_rx_phy.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_rx_phy.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_rx_phy.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB 1.1 PHY //// +//// RX & DPLL //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb_rx_phy.v,v 1.5 2004-10-19 09:29:07 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2004-10-19 09:29:07 $ +// $Revision: 1.5 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.4 2003/12/02 04:56:00 rudi +// Fixed a bug reported by Karl C. Posch from Graz University of Technology. Thanks Karl ! +// +// Revision 1.3 2003/10/19 18:07:45 rudi +// - Fixed Sync Error to be only checked/generated during the sync phase +// +// Revision 1.2 2003/10/19 17:40:13 rudi +// - Made core more robust against line noise +// - Added Error Checking and Reporting +// (See README.txt for more info) +// +// Revision 2002/09/16 14:27:01 rudi +// Created Directory Structure +// +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +//`include "timescale.v" + +module usb_rx_phy( clk, rst, fs_ce, + + // Transciever Interface + rxd, rxdp, rxdn, + + // UTMI Interface + RxValid_o, RxActive_o, RxError_o, DataIn_o, + RxEn_i, LineState); + +input clk; +input rst; +output fs_ce; +input rxd, rxdp, rxdn; +output [7:0] DataIn_o; +output RxValid_o; +output RxActive_o; +output RxError_o; +input RxEn_i; +output [1:0] LineState; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +reg rxd_s0, rxd_s1, rxd_s; +reg rxdp_s0, rxdp_s1, rxdp_s, rxdp_s_r; +reg rxdn_s0, rxdn_s1, rxdn_s, rxdn_s_r; +reg synced_d; +wire k, j, se0; +reg rxd_r; +reg rx_en; +reg rx_active; +reg [2:0] bit_cnt; +reg rx_valid1, rx_valid; +reg shift_en; +reg sd_r; +reg sd_nrzi; +reg [7:0] hold_reg; +wire drop_bit; // Indicates a stuffed bit +reg [2:0] one_cnt; + +reg [1:0] dpll_state, dpll_next_state; +reg fs_ce_d; +reg fs_ce; +wire change; +wire lock_en; +reg [2:0] fs_state, fs_next_state; +reg rx_valid_r; +reg sync_err_d, sync_err; +reg bit_stuff_err; +reg se0_r, byte_err; +reg se0_s; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +assign RxActive_o = rx_active; +assign RxValid_o = rx_valid; +assign RxError_o = sync_err | bit_stuff_err | byte_err; +assign DataIn_o = hold_reg; +assign LineState = {rxdn_s1, rxdp_s1}; + +always @(posedge clk) rx_en <= RxEn_i; +always @(posedge clk) sync_err <= !rx_active & sync_err_d; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Synchronize Inputs +// + +// First synchronize to the local system clock to +// avoid metastability outside the sync block (*_s0). +// Then make sure we see the signal for at least two +// clock cycles stable to avoid glitches and noise + +always @(posedge clk) rxd_s0 <= rxd; +always @(posedge clk) rxd_s1 <= rxd_s0; +always @(posedge clk) // Avoid detecting Line Glitches and noise + if(rxd_s0 && rxd_s1) rxd_s <= 1'b1; + else + if(!rxd_s0 && !rxd_s1) rxd_s <= 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk) rxdp_s0 <= rxdp; +always @(posedge clk) rxdp_s1 <= rxdp_s0; +always @(posedge clk) rxdp_s_r <= rxdp_s0 & rxdp_s1; +always @(posedge clk) rxdp_s <= (rxdp_s0 & rxdp_s1) | rxdp_s_r; // Avoid detecting Line Glitches and noise + +always @(posedge clk) rxdn_s0 <= rxdn; +always @(posedge clk) rxdn_s1 <= rxdn_s0; +always @(posedge clk) rxdn_s_r <= rxdn_s0 & rxdn_s1; +always @(posedge clk) rxdn_s <= (rxdn_s0 & rxdn_s1) | rxdn_s_r; // Avoid detecting Line Glitches and noise + +assign k = !rxdp_s & rxdn_s; +assign j = rxdp_s & !rxdn_s; +assign se0 = !rxdp_s & !rxdn_s; + +always @(posedge clk) if(fs_ce) se0_s <= se0; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// DPLL +// + +// This design uses a clock enable to do 12Mhz timing and not a +// real 12Mhz clock. Everything always runs at 48Mhz. We want to +// make sure however, that the clock enable is always exactly in +// the middle between two virtual 12Mhz rising edges. +// We monitor rxdp and rxdn for any changes and do the appropiate +// adjustments. +// In addition to the locking done in the dpll FSM, we adjust the +// final latch enable to compensate for various sync registers ... + +// Allow lockinf only when we are receiving +assign lock_en = rx_en; + +always @(posedge clk) rxd_r <= rxd_s; + +// Edge detector +assign change = rxd_r != rxd_s; + +// DPLL FSM +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) dpll_state <= 2'h1; + else dpll_state <= dpll_next_state; + +always @(dpll_state or lock_en or change) + begin + fs_ce_d = 1'b0; + case(dpll_state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 2'h0: + if(lock_en && change) dpll_next_state = 2'h0; + else dpll_next_state = 2'h1; + 2'h1:begin + fs_ce_d = 1'b1; + if(lock_en && change) dpll_next_state = 2'h3; + else dpll_next_state = 2'h2; + end + 2'h2: + if(lock_en && change) dpll_next_state = 2'h0; + else dpll_next_state = 2'h3; + 2'h3: + if(lock_en && change) dpll_next_state = 2'h0; + else dpll_next_state = 2'h0; + endcase + end + +// Compensate for sync registers at the input - allign full speed +// clock enable to be in the middle between two bit changes ... +reg fs_ce_r1, fs_ce_r2; + +always @(posedge clk) fs_ce_r1 <= fs_ce_d; +always @(posedge clk) fs_ce_r2 <= fs_ce_r1; +always @(posedge clk) fs_ce <= fs_ce_r2; + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Find Sync Pattern FSM +// + +parameter FS_IDLE = 3'h0, + K1 = 3'h1, + J1 = 3'h2, + K2 = 3'h3, + J2 = 3'h4, + K3 = 3'h5, + J3 = 3'h6, + K4 = 3'h7; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) fs_state <= FS_IDLE; + else fs_state <= fs_next_state; + +/*********************************************************** + Dinesh.A, 7th Feb 2013 + Sync Detection, when following pattern detected + k,j,k,j,k,j,k,k + Where k =1; if rxdp == 0 and rxdn == 1 + Where j =1; if rxdp == 1 and rxdn == 0 +************************************************************/ +always @(fs_state or fs_ce or k or j or rx_en or rx_active or se0 or se0_s) + begin + synced_d = 1'b0; + sync_err_d = 1'b0; + fs_next_state = fs_state; + if(fs_ce && !rx_active && !se0 && !se0_s) + case(fs_state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + FS_IDLE: + begin + if(k && rx_en) fs_next_state = K1; + end + K1: + begin + if(j && rx_en) fs_next_state = J1; + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + J1: + begin + if(k && rx_en) fs_next_state = K2; + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + K2: + begin + if(j && rx_en) fs_next_state = J2; + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + J2: + begin + if(k && rx_en) fs_next_state = K3; + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + K3: + begin + if(j && rx_en) fs_next_state = J3; + else + if(k && rx_en) + begin + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; // Allow missing first K-J + synced_d = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + J3: + begin + if(k && rx_en) fs_next_state = K4; + else + begin + sync_err_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + end + K4: + begin + if(k) synced_d = 1'b1; + fs_next_state = FS_IDLE; + end + endcase + end + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Generate RxActive +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) rx_active <= 1'b0; + else + if(synced_d && rx_en) rx_active <= 1'b1; + else + if(se0 && rx_valid_r) rx_active <= 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(rx_valid) rx_valid_r <= 1'b1; + else + if(fs_ce) rx_valid_r <= 1'b0; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// NRZI Decoder +// + +always @(posedge clk) + if(fs_ce) sd_r <= rxd_s; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) sd_nrzi <= 1'b0; + else + if(!rx_active) sd_nrzi <= 1'b1; + else + if(rx_active && fs_ce) sd_nrzi <= !(rxd_s ^ sd_r); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Bit Stuff Detect +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(!shift_en) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(fs_ce) + begin + if(!sd_nrzi || drop_bit) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else one_cnt <= one_cnt + 3'h1; + end + +assign drop_bit = (one_cnt==3'h6); + +always @(posedge clk) bit_stuff_err <= drop_bit & sd_nrzi & fs_ce & !se0 & rx_active; // Bit Stuff Error + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Serial => Parallel converter +// + +always @(posedge clk) + if(fs_ce) shift_en <= synced_d | rx_active; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(fs_ce && shift_en && !drop_bit) + hold_reg <= {sd_nrzi, hold_reg[7:1]}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Generate RxValid +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) bit_cnt <= 3'b0; + else + if(!shift_en) bit_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(fs_ce && !drop_bit) bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 3'h1; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) rx_valid1 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce && !drop_bit && (bit_cnt==3'h7)) rx_valid1 <= 1'b1; + else + if(rx_valid1 && fs_ce && !drop_bit) rx_valid1 <= 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk) rx_valid <= !drop_bit & rx_valid1 & fs_ce; + +always @(posedge clk) se0_r <= se0; + +always @(posedge clk) byte_err <= se0 & !se0_r & (|bit_cnt[2:1]) & rx_active; + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_rx_phy.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_tx_phy.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_tx_phy.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_tx_phy.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB 1.1 PHY //// +//// TX //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb_tx_phy.v,v 1.4 2004-10-19 09:29:07 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2004-10-19 09:29:07 $ +// $Revision: 1.4 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.3 2003/10/21 05:58:41 rudi +// usb_rst is no longer or'ed with the incomming reset internally. +// Now usb_rst is simply an output, the application can decide how +// to utilize it. +// +// Revision 1.2 2003/10/19 17:40:13 rudi +// - Made core more robust against line noise +// - Added Error Checking and Reporting +// (See README.txt for more info) +// +// Revision 2002/09/16 14:27:02 rudi +// Created Directory Structure +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "timescale.v" + +module usb_tx_phy( + clk, rst, fs_ce, phy_mode, + + // Transciever Interface + txdp, txdn, txoe, + + // UTMI Interface + DataOut_i, TxValid_i, TxReady_o + ); + +input clk; +input rst; +input fs_ce; +input phy_mode; +output txdp, txdn, txoe; +input [7:0] DataOut_i; +input TxValid_i; +output TxReady_o; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +parameter IDLE = 3'd0, + SOP = 3'h1, + DATA = 3'h2, + EOP1 = 3'h3, + EOP2 = 3'h4, + WAIT = 3'h5; + +reg TxReady_o; +reg [2:0] state, next_state; +reg tx_ready_d; +reg ld_sop_d; +reg ld_data_d; +reg ld_eop_d; +reg tx_ip; +reg tx_ip_sync; +reg [2:0] bit_cnt; +reg [7:0] hold_reg; +reg [7:0] hold_reg_d; + +reg sd_raw_o; +wire hold; +reg data_done; +reg sft_done; +reg sft_done_r; +wire sft_done_e; +reg ld_data; +wire eop_done; +reg [2:0] one_cnt; +wire stuff; +reg sd_bs_o; +reg sd_nrzi_o; +reg append_eop; +reg append_eop_sync1; +reg append_eop_sync2; +reg append_eop_sync3; +reg append_eop_sync4; +reg txdp, txdn; +reg txoe_r1, txoe_r2; +reg txoe; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) TxReady_o <= 1'b0; + else TxReady_o <= tx_ready_d & TxValid_i; + +always @(posedge clk) ld_data <= ld_data_d; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Transmit in progress indicator +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) tx_ip <= 1'b0; + else + if(ld_sop_d) tx_ip <= 1'b1; + else + if(eop_done) tx_ip <= 1'b0; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) tx_ip_sync <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) tx_ip_sync <= tx_ip; + +// data_done helps us to catch cases where TxValid drops due to +// packet end and then gets re-asserted as a new packet starts. +// We might not see this because we are still transmitting. +// data_done should solve those cases ... +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) data_done <= 1'b0; + else + if(TxValid_i && ! tx_ip) data_done <= 1'b1; + else + if(!TxValid_i) data_done <= 1'b0; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Shift Register +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) bit_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(!tx_ip_sync) bit_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(fs_ce && !hold) bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 3'h1; + +assign hold = stuff; + +always @(posedge clk) + if(!tx_ip_sync) sd_raw_o <= 1'b0; + else + case(bit_cnt) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + 3'h0: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[0]; + 3'h1: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[1]; + 3'h2: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[2]; + 3'h3: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[3]; + 3'h4: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[4]; + 3'h5: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[5]; + 3'h6: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[6]; + 3'h7: sd_raw_o <= hold_reg_d[7]; + endcase + +always @(posedge clk) + sft_done <= !hold & (bit_cnt == 3'h7); + +always @(posedge clk) + sft_done_r <= sft_done; + +assign sft_done_e = sft_done & !sft_done_r; + +// Out Data Hold Register +always @(posedge clk) + if(ld_sop_d) hold_reg <= 8'h80; + else + if(ld_data) hold_reg <= DataOut_i; + +always @(posedge clk) hold_reg_d <= hold_reg; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Bit Stuffer +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(!tx_ip_sync) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else + if(fs_ce) + begin + if(!sd_raw_o || stuff) one_cnt <= 3'h0; + else one_cnt <= one_cnt + 3'h1; + end + +assign stuff = (one_cnt==3'h6); + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) sd_bs_o <= 1'h0; + else + if(fs_ce) sd_bs_o <= !tx_ip_sync ? 1'b0 : (stuff ? 1'b0 : sd_raw_o); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// NRZI Encoder +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) sd_nrzi_o <= 1'b1; + else + if(!tx_ip_sync || !txoe_r1) sd_nrzi_o <= 1'b1; + else + if(fs_ce) sd_nrzi_o <= sd_bs_o ? sd_nrzi_o : ~sd_nrzi_o; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// EOP append logic +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) append_eop <= 1'b0; + else + if(ld_eop_d) append_eop <= 1'b1; + else + if(append_eop_sync2) append_eop <= 1'b0; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) append_eop_sync1 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) append_eop_sync1 <= append_eop; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) append_eop_sync2 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) append_eop_sync2 <= append_eop_sync1; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) append_eop_sync3 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) append_eop_sync3 <= append_eop_sync2 | + (append_eop_sync3 & !append_eop_sync4); // Make sure always 2 bit wide + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) append_eop_sync4 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) append_eop_sync4 <= append_eop_sync3; + +assign eop_done = append_eop_sync3; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Output Enable Logic +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) txoe_r1 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) txoe_r1 <= tx_ip_sync; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) txoe_r2 <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) txoe_r2 <= txoe_r1; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) txoe <= 1'b1; + else + if(fs_ce) txoe <= !(txoe_r1 | txoe_r2); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Output Registers +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) txdp <= 1'b1; + else + if(fs_ce) txdp <= phy_mode ? + (!append_eop_sync3 & sd_nrzi_o) : + sd_nrzi_o; + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) txdn <= 1'b0; + else + if(fs_ce) txdn <= phy_mode ? + (!append_eop_sync3 & ~sd_nrzi_o) : + append_eop_sync3; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Tx Statemashine +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) state <= IDLE; + else state <= next_state; + +always @(state or TxValid_i or data_done or sft_done_e or eop_done or fs_ce) + begin + next_state = state; + tx_ready_d = 1'b0; + + ld_sop_d = 1'b0; + ld_data_d = 1'b0; + ld_eop_d = 1'b0; + + case(state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case + IDLE: + if(TxValid_i) + begin + ld_sop_d = 1'b1; + next_state = SOP; + end + SOP: + if(sft_done_e) + begin + tx_ready_d = 1'b1; + ld_data_d = 1'b1; + next_state = DATA; + end + DATA: + begin + if(!data_done && sft_done_e) + begin + ld_eop_d = 1'b1; + next_state = EOP1; + end + + if(data_done && sft_done_e) + begin + tx_ready_d = 1'b1; + ld_data_d = 1'b1; + end + end + EOP1: + if(eop_done) next_state = EOP2; + EOP2: + if(!eop_done && fs_ce) next_state = WAIT; + WAIT: + if(fs_ce) next_state = IDLE; + endcase + end + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_tx_phy.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/timescale.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/timescale.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/timescale.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 10ps
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/timescale.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_phy.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_phy.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_phy.v (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// USB 1.1 PHY //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Downloaded from: //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// +//// //// +//// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// +//// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// +//// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// +//// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// +//// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// +//// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// +//// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// +//// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// +//// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// +//// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// +//// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// +//// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// +//// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// +//// //// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// CVS Log +// +// $Id: usb_phy.v,v 1.4 2003-10-21 05:58:40 rudi Exp $ +// +// $Date: 2003-10-21 05:58:40 $ +// $Revision: 1.4 $ +// $Author: rudi $ +// $Locker: $ +// $State: Exp $ +// +// Change History: +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.3 2003/10/19 17:40:13 rudi +// - Made core more robust against line noise +// - Added Error Checking and Reporting +// (See README.txt for more info) +// +// Revision 1.2 2002/09/16 16:06:37 rudi +// Changed top level name to be consistent ... +// +// Revision 2002/09/16 14:26:59 rudi +// Created Directory Structure +// +// +// +// +// +// +// +// + +`include "timescale.v" + +module usb_phy(clk, rst, phy_tx_mode, usb_rst, + + // Transciever Interface + txdp, txdn, txoe, + rxd, rxdp, rxdn, + + // UTMI Interface + DataOut_i, TxValid_i, TxReady_o, RxValid_o, + RxActive_o, RxError_o, DataIn_o, LineState_o + ); + + +/*************************************** +* Comman Signal +* *************************************/ +input clk ; // 48Mhz clock +input rst ; // Active low async reset + +input phy_tx_mode ; // Used in Tx Path, + // The PHY supports single ended and differential output to the + // transceiver Depending on which device you are using, you have + // to tie the phy_tx_mode high or low. +output usb_rst ; // usb_rst is asserted whenever the host signals reset on the USB bus. + // The USB core will internally reset itself automatically. + // This output is provided for external logic that needs to be + // reset when the USB bus is reset. + +output txdp, txdn, txoe; +input rxd, rxdp, rxdn; +input [7:0] DataOut_i; +input TxValid_i; +output TxReady_o; +output [7:0] DataIn_o; +output RxValid_o; +output RxActive_o; +output RxError_o; +output [1:0] LineState_o; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Local Wires and Registers +// + +reg [4:0] rst_cnt; +reg usb_rst; +wire fs_ce; +wire rst; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Misc Logic +// + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// TX Phy +// + +usb_tx_phy i_tx_phy( + .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + .fs_ce( fs_ce ), + .phy_mode( phy_tx_mode ), + + // Transciever Interface + .txdp( txdp ), + .txdn( txdn ), + .txoe( txoe ), + + // UTMI Interface + .DataOut_i( DataOut_i ), + .TxValid_i( TxValid_i ), + .TxReady_o( TxReady_o ) + ); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// RX Phy and DPLL +// + +usb_rx_phy i_rx_phy( + .clk( clk ), + .rst( rst ), + .fs_ce( fs_ce ), + + // Transciever Interface + .rxd( rxd ), + .rxdp( rxdp ), + .rxdn( rxdn ), + + // UTMI Interface + .DataIn_o( DataIn_o ), + .RxValid_o( RxValid_o ), + .RxActive_o( RxActive_o ), + .RxError_o( RxError_o ), + .RxEn_i( txoe ), + .LineState( LineState_o ) + ); + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Generate an USB Reset is we see SE0 for at least 2.5uS +// + +`ifdef USB_ASYNC_REST +always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) +`else +always @(posedge clk) +`endif + if(!rst) rst_cnt <= 5'h0; + else + if(LineState_o != 2'h0) rst_cnt <= 5'h0; + else + if(!usb_rst && fs_ce) rst_cnt <= rst_cnt + 5'h1; + +always @(posedge clk) + usb_rst <= (rst_cnt == 5'h1f); + +endmodule +
usb2uart/trunk/rtl/usb1_phy/usb_phy.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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